Straits Times Weekly Issue, 15 July 1891

Total Pages: 18
1 18 Straits Times Weekly Issue
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  • 4 1 lhe 12th instant.
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  • 25 1 P ilerab ig, .u "i in a David if the i ira J ily, Aknmm I• 26 the 7ih instant. W1 1 Hv tel
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  • 17 1 At S< Amir in, < I I mr? r- -yrm4P.**mn m^A— mm i i m\imr*m**m*mm, i rr
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  • 102 1 STRAITS TIMES WEDNSDAY, 15th JULY, 1891. CONTENTS Mar' »ns. Summary of the Week, .ms. ral N'ews Tl.e Del f the Cape. mdary Tho Influei Free L iueation. to the Xal i The .lutiou. The H inisb The n Colon A B .'dilay a. The Municipal C mnnission. The M day
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  • 260 1  -  H. Latham. Binoapobb, 15th Jul V. 1 SV* 1 Produce. Sambier, I ;l do 10. 1 8.62A. do do No. 2 7.50. i lopra Bali do Pontianak, 3,70. Pepper Black 10.32* Sago Flour „2.30. Pearl Sac Coffee Bali, 2625. Coffee Liherian. 30.25. Tapioca small Flake 3.60. do
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  • 308 1 from 1 to on s H. while th. d tin' chi. and paM a visit bu. Justice reied judgment in l, v .-tdi.-iu. the legality of the d i order. I notice il has A leading article on pa. Banishment I b hou Id i in
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  • 709 1 For Straita Time*. s<[> Ae.iDEM on Board H. M.S. "Cordelia." London*. 7th July. -During firing practice on board Her Majesty's cruiser Cordelia of the Pacific squadron, one of the breach-loader guns burst, killing two officers and four of the crew, and wounding three midshipmen and ten of the
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  • 35 1 THE STRAITS TIMES" FINANCIAL TELEGRAMS. RAUB SHARI lb lay, .July, 1 p. in. till I in or .amine •a liat app <ai error in tha ..m The ara lie, 1/7. Tht he H, S vge.
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  • 395 1 The Guiou Eren. h Opeia Co. arrived from Deli ou Friday last, but cannot *p\.-. owing to the previous eu it the Town Hall. The Coiupai d I Saigon but hope to perform Uore for a sh. d ou their return. The tirst of the new ruisers
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  • 757 2 LOCAL AND GENERAL. TUESDAY, 7th JULY. IThk Straits Laic Journal, now in its fourth year of publication; begins a new series, this month, with a change of form which admits of the Journal being separate from the accompanying i< this is for convenience iu binding. From correspondence by to-day's mail
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  • 940 2 To-day's mail briugs the memorandum prepared by Mr. Read to accompany the strategical map to whieli reference was made a week ago. The memorandum, after preliminary explanations, showing that Singapore is necessary to England's place in Eastern Seas, continues Thc trade
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  • 262 2 Application has been made to the Committee of the Stock Exchange to appoint a special settling day in the Pahang Central Tiu and Kxploration Limited Vendors' Shires. The Manager of the Malay States Tin Mines (Limited), on May 1. advises that washing of the karang tin
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  • 381 2 Via Ceylon. London, joth .1 M —The Timet states that a liberal constitutional reform movement has commenced in I'. rsia, and that the Shah his a petitioned t ivour thereof Fortv arrests bave been made with the object .-"t -titling the movement. Bt. Petertburg, '/7th J A,, order
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  • 513 2 It must not be supposed that in publish ing the following we assume .t to be i curately stated. Truth, of June llth says A reference which appeared io Truth a few months ago to a ferocious tnassacn that had taken place in 80rn. und auspices
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  • 498 2 THI small movement in Raub •>n the Brisbane mar! 1 be into Ore kt Britain has been submitted to the I oment ilyst at the Custom H ite, and i titled by him to !>•• whot 1 H BUI hai shown to us t letter from the
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  • 74 3 New Steamers for the P. O. Company. The P. O C > mpany b for the following seven new steamers From M d A < i nock.--id ll un al.iva." about tons larger aud 2 knots faster than earners v.:' t he Victoria The eu au I Java, the sam.
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  • 217 3 H. M. S Hyacinth, which is at prei stationed at Singapore, will be relieved, either during the latter > art of this year or earl\ next year by one of the ih [cruisers, in accordance with the new regu* lations. The Hyacinth will go to Hongkong for a
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  • 119 3 Teutohj i vertu* Tanolix Club. Tui 6 a bowling match between two teams repn senting the above clubs was bowled off at tbe Tanglin Club alley last evening. There was a good attendance of members, and great u evinced in the performance lhe ond stage {*> rolls) will take
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  • 624 3 Kohombd Ghousi Mebicah r. BOKV Ah Sam. B* hi,-,- the Chief Jutti This was a claim for f Uiaimenl of contract which wai heard before thoCourt on Luesday and Wednesday the I','tb and btli ultimo. Mr. Braddeli with Mr. Kbory were for the plaintiff, the Attorney-General with mr.
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  • 468 3 Thb Boundaries or Dutch and British Bobneo. H.M.S. Rattler, Captain Hough, came iuto Singapore ou Monday, after making a very important survey iu parallel LO N in which territory, the limits and borders ->i the Dutch and British North Borneo Company 1 unions have hitherto
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  • 74 3 The hearing oi the charge against the sixteen Chinese connected with the TongBeng case was continued at noon t before M r. Ant bonis/. Mr. Joaquim continued his ct initiation ot Teo fong Seng, the witness contradictiug himself several times. He was not a headman of
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  • 212 3 At s meeting of ths Piris Geographical Society n letter was read from M. (Ji.iuc, in which he g is information concerning two journeys which he has undertaken in Sumatra. Ths first was undertaken duriog tbe :.ths of Angus* snd September, I s K), in ths province
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  • 415 3 A' a recent meeting of the Paris Geographical Society an interesting account was given by Dr. sfeyners d'Estrey Maude, i> J.Jacobs, and H. J.G.Meyers, eouc rning the Badoo js" of the west of Java. These people, who live in the noan tai os near Bantam, are
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  • 317 3 Thk late Mr. William Mactaggart, whose death, in the sixty-fourth year of his b we announce to-day, came to Singap about forty-five years ago to jom Mem BpOttiswoode and Connolly, a tirm Straits merchants. Afterwards he joined tiie otlice vd' Messrs. Pitcairu, Synu in Batavia; and in
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  • 982 3 The half-yearly general meeting of the proprietors intl. »u lar and Orient gation Coin pany was held on the June at their offices, Sir Thomas Sutherln M.P., presiding. In moving the adoption of the report. Chairman remarked that it a.m >st s^ Por
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  • 421 4 Mk. Collinge, inspector of schools iu Perak, iu his report for last year gives the following reasons why Government should encourage ouly vernacular schools there Attention was called in last year's re{>ort to the mode of teaching English in our schools. Mr. Thorold's
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  • 650 4 {Selangor Government Oaeette, 26th June.) Seventy-seven applications for agricultural laud were forwarded to Head-quar-ters during the year. 53 were entertained, but only 43 of the applicants took out titles of Agreements for Leases 102 were issued, against 78 last year. Theareaof land taken up represents 400 acres,
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  • 379 4 r 8. t >1-INI<>N. Mb Alexander Penrose Gordon-Gumming, younger brother of iir William Gordon-Ctini-minkf. has made a statement says a Baltimore telegram to tx newspaper representative regarding the baccarat ease, assays: Sir William inherited in USColar nervousness, whieli affected his hands, and he was always fidgeting, ibis
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  • 55 4 The Captain of the French mail steamer Melbourne reports having seen on the sth iustaut, about 5 miles from the light house of Pulo Bras, Acheen Head, a three masted Norwegian ship which signalled W. M. B. V. witbm request to report that all was going well on
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  • 547 4 TH« Ceylon Times states a year to be the salary of the Sydney branch of the Chartered Mercantile Bank, to which Mr. Stnellie goes from Peuaug. Thk Municipality advertise for a duly qualified medical man to till the i>ost of Health Officer at Singapore, the salary being
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  • 197 4 The docking resources of tbe port have of late been somewhat severely, no fewer than five ocean-going steamers haviug bad to undergo repairs iu dr\ dock withiu the past month. (Jf these the Argua is at present in the New Harbour Dock, while tbe LyJia,
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  • 1653 4 Wednesday, Bth July. 18^1. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of th Muuicipal Commissioners was held in th Boird Room, Towu Hall, at 2.30 p m yesterday. There were present, Messrs. Alex. Gentle, (President), Sohst, Crane Hooper. Tan Beng Wan. Lim Eng Keetu and Major McCallum. The minutes of the
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  • 1717 5 The PUmn announced the receipt of mlonuafou tl lal the „tea X "at m"" z/l r boJ,d is «l«-»«l iu inilay lliursdav;. Mr. Hoon. It is time thev eame Vo,.l <; come aod are refold t..!Vrc. rc nc saud,,,r a, nsto New Roads. U wns agreed on
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  • 1093 5 The Rev. G. M. Reith delivered his nsua? monthly lecture last uight in the Presbyterian Church, taking as bis subject the Church of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. There was a large attendance. The proceediugs opened with devotional exercises, followed
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  • 266 6 The story of the Bombay ice Com- ani I." as told in the local Court nail < oi*, s. i ile application. In Oct... ber 1889 the various local Companies entered iuto an aiiaiig.nient wherere.d that no i< e should be at 1. ss han hall'
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  • 223 6 Mb. H. A. Cu wi sold at au. lio a 2,631 sqr. feet of land in Telok Ay.r St. with houses 131 and 132 to Uwec bin Ahmat bin Agil Alsagoff foi S9,< The Municipal Commissioners notify the receipt of a further SUpplj Muzzles ami the resumption
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  • 1265 6 A Singapore Queen's Scholar on the Anti-Opium Platform. Hk Informs Ps ok thk Only Conclusion POSSI UKK." Thk Oveewhelmimo Testimoht ok Missionaries. an Anti- Opium meeting at Oxford on the 7th May. Song Ong Siang, a Bingapore Queen's Scholar, delivered tlu following sj eecb Even those who dreaded the idea
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  • 46 6 I the auspices if the Chines. Clo ist ian Association Mr. 11. H Nonis will road Mr. Song a_:*s lectur The 0 igin and P the Li I (Jufversal Peace" at the Prinsep > Chapel ight I 10th Juh at 8 o'clock.
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  • 629 6 Mk Coi i faoE in his report ou education iu Perak baf 1 deal to 1} on that subject, apart from the £nglish teaching which he objects to. The following show tii.- working ment ing the year a Government English S. hool iov boys was
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  • 474 6 Ihe Colony of the Straits Settlements and the Native States of the Malay Peninsula. (Exi L* The pro] to Pahang M ut i e preps bj the hon. i md in reply that f priuciple in fu- e*re »r ited, the principle .hit people or a State couid u t
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  • 162 7 Elie Defences of the tape. Straits Time* July s.) ANooi.fn Chi kcuili, iu calling 0 shortcomings in the defe Cepe Town may reckon upon further aroiis- u^r publi. attention to that portion of the Emp"'* 1 The Cape, i u former times, occupied au inij.ortant position as halfway house
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  • 289 7 i July t ir telegrams, published on th it month, there was gi\ the iWS that the British and Netherlands Uts bad define th. boi I their respective posses ain North Bo Judg trom particui which a] lay, th.- boundary line K.i>' Coast stai along the
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  • 953 7 (BtraiU Timet JWf A Qtmtrrm," m our rendere arc aware. ba. again been dMMteOMlj abroad iu Kurope aud America, aud oecaus of iuk bave beeu shed by all sort* of pens 1U connection with tbe dreaded aud .till somewhat mysten,..* invader W authoritative utterame* ou tbe subject,
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  • 303 7 S r t July 1" I Tin. bree Education Scheme which, embodied in a Bill, has just been passed I bv the Souse of Commons, arose fiom the Governmebt determining upon the relief of parents from the payment of fees ia elementary schools, without interfering more than might
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  • 402 7 (St rail* Timet July tO.) Thi relations ofthe Protected Native States to the Colony will come before the Legislative Council some few mouths hence, when, probably the States of Pahang, Sungei Ujottg, and the Negri Sembilan, will desire to bo borrowers for tbe needs
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  • 876 7 nts I July 11.) Inoi.k the above titi. Sir James Pitsjames Stephen has written a sh ie which occuj ies the place of honour in tl current number of the Nineteenth and the .list inguished jui is sufficiently pithy, practical, ami to make i; quite clear that
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  • 665 8 Write Tim* July is.) Th Justice has decided thai the Gol a Council may banish an alien without calling on bim for explanation or defence; aud that even if tbe Governor's act be contrary i natural justice the alien has uo rem dy at law. The decision
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  • 419 8 (Straita Timet July 1 Mn.Tso Ping Li wo/the Chinese Consul al Singapore, is appointed to be Consul al Hongkong "for one year, on the understanding that he abould be withdrawn at theend of that tame if the appointor should be found not to work well."
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  • 292 8 The number of visitors to the Raffles Li bra. v and Museum during the week Imi s A. corpe orders sav that •nd Lieutenant M. K, itfa is attached fco the Right half Battery and Second Lieutenant C. J. D ito the Left half Battery. Gunner Bradbury
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  • 34 8 Thb average amount of Bank Notes in Circulation for the month oi Mav, 1891 at Singapore, stood af r !;i:j^™ ,il, fi; ik 6*5,280 i.:i tered Bank I hongkong and bfaanghai Bai*
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  • 111 8 Da. Hi. ms has taken four months leave. Assistant Superintendent Falkner of lhe Police Poree has been allowed three months leave. The rate of exchange for the adjustment of accounts with the Crown Agents for the will be three shillings and one PeD 7 \L\°
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  • 363 8 Thk sixteen Chinamen whose trial on j charge of being connected with the M Beng Society has been (bagging some weeks were again arraigned before Mr. Anthonisz this morning. |T~ the cas.- for the prosecution Mr. Drew :<■<! clerk from the legist s to prove that
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  • 270 8 1 UK UFFII Ib. the iih ,l t night, in th. lin Ba. ndi in lucl il,;u,u k a promi. u1 I l regimental theatre had •en tastefully di |ion 'tli bunting and, at th. hr nMet-pii ,d.rci.t inrction o d| ngft<irui :itrom itun aud tl
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  • 1226 9 M'll impauied I h and Miss Smith, ou the morning <.[ > i instant. The vessel arr, i I 7 o'clock iu the ott tO eiVe H I- o'clock t Hfc u, < Monday i K tui* l'ori Ib.nsMi, and. after Etsan'. j A.l
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  • 770 9 Opera f the Malay Peninsula Proept ding Co.) M.. J. 11. EdolS of th- M. P. P. Co. Ltd., writing from his workings ou that Co.'s property at Raub, under date llth .iune to the Secretary of the Coy. in Singapore, reports as follows. The progress of
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  • 203 9 Thi D* r < in tbe planting erj dry during tbe first ban dune, but abundant rain fell in the local ire rain i s in thai qua ter that while ed by h s others did not get a drop. During I h many no rain fell
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  • 347 9 The adjourned examination of C. H. I Owen, late Financial Clerk in the Colonial Secretariat, (.'barged with criminal misappropriation of public money under thi counts was commenced before Mr. Anthonisz yesterday afternoon, Mr. Joaquim appearing as Crown Prosecutor, and Mr. (iroom as counsel for the defence.
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  • 571 9 In the lslaud of Mindanao, the Spanish authorities tind themselves now bard put to it by the Mohainedan natives who pass by the name of Moros. Latterly, thev grew so troublesome that a large field f orce from Manilahad to march against them. Terrified at the array they
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  • 500 10 I From our < n apondt nt. tx RNAL COMMI KK tTIOH IV PaHAHG CARRIED OH I'.V WAV ol- Sl.\.;\tO 9QQ9 pkd' Visit of thb Goi canon. Pekan, '-'ih Jul.: The Acting Resident left f.< the Ulu District bv the (10.. ment launch Ethel on Fhursday last, and
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  • 445 10 The Sourabaya Courant takes note that the demand for waste laud iu the S. E. portiou of Netherlands Borneo has taken the form of mania. It finds that the concessions of large tracts of laud there, without adequate security that the applicant can icadily turn them t<> account
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  • 230 10 The Growth of Liverpool Shipping Enterprise. a im idi bably i annals of shipping, and at t m.v illustrating in a remarkable manner the wouderful development ofthe Liven merchant fleet, was wituessi i at the fth i I ES rev <-nt ly when four la: tiling under the hit. Star
    Daily Telegraph  -  230 words
  • 341 10 1m: m tenth annual rep irt of the >. Oriental Bauk Corporation (Limited), of which we have havt the substance by tele. gram, states After deducting income-tax. rel, it... and exehange ou fore,-., assets, th. earnings for the Near ended March :>'t amounted to
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  • 220 10 What thi QOTBUKMI Said. What thb IH.vkknoh Im> er*»e»*tdin§» */Legid*Htn Ajß<lnc*t mm h KtrdJu** t99i •mc \fut tsss. ii-ikix which -i i' .a nf li. -*7. ic-iiiiti- int* ■■i-iinffl The written information I, !.•>.» Tl.ien Mm of Sinof th.' Inspeetor-GeNßal capote, make oath an.l say
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  • 89 10 lr was noted in Sal irdav's display oi 1 ks af that the A a flag a ibove the English bul no demonstration was riv in il sgaii ho is pn > at. ungetnent u*« kils in ,1 it' the t accurate we in,. all changed
    Japan Mail  -  89 words
  • 446 10 I pura! cms on a magnitude for the St the l ogisnd s I ich include imj remonials extending over nine days arranged and, at His Uaj Of twenty tin', Volu rk, 'ii June. It is reported tnerican financiers have arrai for the immediate importation from p. .•I
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  • 53 10 < Pine Q ttr, I If/, Jul^) I'm: three C idets, M ip,;, son aid Ifei si hi, w 1,., selves for v hum. .l'l. mi in (aw on I 1 t<> \i.t\f passed v torilj. i 1 h.- IV „j Jt the Superinl md i I Police
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  • 412 10 th.-vjfl make il i in islation. iu an opi: ion of it. Hi I i ihe par given iu fh. |'l H>£ t IC.-. lilt. IIS-lil',' I. tbe Sp lieut w ■•< ul ci ;c u ith irtam jfl mind t r to th.)s,.
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  • 318 11 It is represented tons that a leading article in Monday's issue may be read bo I. A charge of bad faith against the ior. hal aliens are, or have I n, banished from Smgapor" without haviug the opportunity to explain themselves before the utive Council. The article
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  • 278 11 I da Pilalt. nh July. evening while Messrs. Van Geysei and Ererett in the Muar stream, the vaut boy tf ho was also int r happened to be suddenly seized by an alligator and dragged underneath. Ti. being al the time near the shore, nt once rus
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  • 4972 11 The 11axi.shmk.nt Cask. Thk Pm .MAIN'S IN CrsTODV Monday, July tStk 1891. Loo Thian Hin, otherwise J)O Thien WM by order made by the Governor in Council ordered to be banished af.erthe 4th duly. Se filed an affidavit iu which he s.t forth that be was innocent oi
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  • 148 12 This afternoon iu the Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice, Mr. Nanson asked leave to make an application on behalf of Lu Thitm whose application to the Court was decided by the Chief Justice yesterday. Mr. Nanson said that the pri- soner had entered an appeal to
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  • 1243 12 S\m i:dav, 11th July, 1801. Thi Annual Gymkhana .Meting took place on the Kace Course on Saturday, ami a pretty lengthy programme was carried through in such au energetic aud entertaining style as to afford a really good afternoon's amusement both to the host of competitors, and
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  • 289 12 Two Germans have bro ight from Hamburg a merry-go-round, w ith electric lights and a petroleum motor, which thev will t in the Peoples Park als. a pan... rama to be shown iu a buildin- mar the 'cl de la Paix. irday afternoon C. H. Owen, a
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  • 265 13 The Assises I fourth criminal f or s <.»] l before His Honour the Chief ai 1 a common jury at lla.m. to-day. .fhe case against the fourteen Hokkiens ed witb being members and Q the Luagemeut of the Tony-l ty was fix.,! f or heanug on
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  • 1808 13 OF late years there has beeu in the Btran. uo production *>i modem comedy sothor.mgblyanddoervedhsucces.fulas Paction of "Tbe Private Secretary" tost night by Singapore amateurs. Prom rst to last the audience was amused aud delighted; as well as surprised that *mateurwork.houldhe so fairly rehearsed, ■o well-played, and
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  • 622 13 II rej ort of the 1 mpany itish North Boi ir directors have been compelled to come isn.n, that, owing to various will be fully explained at tii" meeting, Id be unwise for them to risk anv more ■in this venture, at present. They hav i fMi themselves
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  • 752 13 The report read at tho annual meeting of tlio shareholders of tbis company stated thai the H.»ot at the end of 1890 consisted of 6] vessels, forming 189,455 tons gross, or 296,423 tons displacement and 142£50-boroe power. Compared with the end of the previous year. there was
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  • 479 13 Thk Selangor Gazette oi the loth July contains the Land Code of the State. Un•r it. gambier aud pepper planters may select blocks of from 250 to 2000 acres at I annual rent of ten cents an acre on condition of cultivating one fourth of
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  • 220 14 Tm: following is extracted from a tetter •dour Negri Sembilan correspondent, dated the 7th instant the remainder of the letter held over for hick of space: The long sought f.r gold reef at Batu Be,sawah the M UAV r i ver
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  • 195 14 Tanglin Club ver tua Teutonic Cluh. The match between two teams rej.resent- ing tbe above clubs was brought to a conclusion in the Teutonia Club on Saturday, and the result of the two days bowling was in favour of the Tanglin Club by 74 points. The Teutons on Saturday
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  • 457 14 The difl tombs) Munieipal snd stored af their s serious water fa oi the OUt. P s\ the ue thr. from I l_ sm. ihout 2.1 ire pi'< > onter wa it i- difficult to rough thia t eonrj -a ficie.d to witi hardment of artillery
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  • Correspondence.
    • 551 14 TO THI EDITOB 01 1 Bl St RAITS TIMIS. Sir, En your footnote to the publication of my letter regarding Capt. Creighton's appointment in Johore and that gentleman's reply you stale that the writers contradict each other flatly; 1 therefore forward herewith
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    • 612 14 To THE Editos oi rHE "Straus Ti Sir, It is doilbfles luuovm the Director and officials „f the Bo^H urdens when thev find that choice Id, and [.hints have been stolen, and ail r I minded citizens will sympathise with 12! oll'oits fo put a
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 84 14 Passenger List. .1 trom LiverpooJ via ll 4^| aud Penang L.-iph. ll.nair.fl^H Daunt r l >,,r s "-A I from Hongkong:— JiM pit. ,>, 'l* S. s M ol l| Mr. Perham. I,'evd Dam. *<I™B Neubronner, and George. Per M M --Messrs. I Douglas, E. J. Smith. HatniMM L. an
      84 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 583 15 ESTABLISHED 1865. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. Engineers, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakkrs, BaiDOl BuiLDBSS, ShipUCILDERS. GENERAL (!ONTHA<TOKS. SINGAPORE KWALA LUMPUR. Ship Building Yard. HIGH class BTBAM VESSELS always nnder construction, from 'AS ft. to 160 t't. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms with Board of
      583 words
    • 615 15 ENGINEERS' STORES, Ac. Asbestos packed cocks and mountings. Manchester and M Favorite steam donkey engines, Sight feed Lubricators, Engine room, bunker and un s Phosphor hronze for valves. Indiarubher, and other packings. Cylinder and engine oils of all kinds; Boiler fluids; Patent Rolled Zinc; Fossil mesl covering; Fireclay and bricks.
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 492 15 SHIPPING 111 POKT. Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: str. steamer; sh. ship; bq. Ibar.pie; Brit. British; l\ S. United States Fr. Frencli Ger. German; Dut. Dutch; &c. G. c. General cargo d. p. deck passengers U. Uncertain; T. P. W. Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D— Tan
      492 words
    • 718 15 d. p. Roustead k C* Madras 15th Fr^n PV"« r!lV tr t "i- 1 °H*. IOSSIIa dp 7th <*«**> »nd 77 hum Brif L lHkan U— N.H.D. Unvy Hnt, schr. :,1 t^>ns. Cam Strachan Jromgueen Bland.2Hth8 land.2Hth Mand,. G c M a ,?"r *or Queensland, it._ udn frrr From'^l 1
      718 words

  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1207 16 ARRIVALS -A| Klau <X Vkssel's Xamk. A Tons. Captain. From. Sailed Comsionms. li' Riu July (Jmberto I Ital. h,-. 7t't6 Traverso Bangkok Juue Stireti 8 Lucy W. bq. «.>_' Ferretta Bangkok Juae 10, Boostaad A Co. Cale.lonie Fah. tra. 1890 Dans Noumea June 1) Isla de Pauav Spa. str. 2231
      1,207 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 787 17 ITie (Kins ..j and Genuine WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Sign* k r LEA F>E Ft Ft lIM S' SAUCE. rt»*mkand rtby thr Proprietor,. Worcrstrr Grmtt.*s MMhrvtt, London* kc.iit. Grorert at,H Oilmtn thrmtflkmi thr World. m Singapoie Agents, JOHN LITTLE A CO. I DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE The Original and only Genuine
      787 words
    • 862 17 "AVOID EPIDEMICS" BY USING CARBOLIC DISINFECTANTS, The Original and Only reliable Brand, 57GOLD&SILVER MEDALS DIPLOMAS IN EACH CASE THE HIGHEST AWARD WHEN TESTED AGAINST OTHER DISINFECTANTS. 411 Original PaeLaje* w^W on f, e shooter Ihe have th«* K-^lß^^-^1 Cork of TRiDK tI\ICK V J \o. li FLIID. Bn>er»» »houl<l be
      862 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 223 18 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. -9HB9HKHHH9 *eS9KKSKmmm^^^LUmmmmmmmaF^ 5v 1 "'V r UA^H I aa ■'^i9tSSr^ -m i i ii -i m i ll i n~«»»iiin»r ll ad M mm. 1 -i,i_ little Si* otrtly an.l difficult prooct* of rii dan spplj YARKO\Y f.V. Shiptmfl I. POFLAB, i POWELLS CO. AUCTIONEERS. -AI'O
      223 words
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    • 122 18 1 HOLLOW I Y'S PILLS, V rpms J ]9 1° H Lt\ and 1 1 LJI a ui .'re im]> B i HOLLOWAY'S I i I chil j ir I M.'.li,Labels lie 'irwJTSH sa. TOBi RICHMOND! CAVENDISH CO., I LIVERPOOIB SPECIAL BRANDS "Pioneer" Golden Flake Cut 1 "RL'hmond '.xtm**' S
      122 words