Straits Times Weekly Issue, 14 April 1891

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. N'kw Series g 8L.»,,K.,, po, T^xsMISStOX BY EVKRV HOMEWARD MAIL StEAMHR. [Price 40 Cents VOL XXVII. SINGAPORE, TUESD IyTa PRItTi4~LBOI NO. :.$,020.
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  • 37 1 At Church, I A on t 1( t;i]l h the Revd. Donald MacLeod, D n and Kevd H Button, W TO! I third t0 Jolm lfscGregor, bUlinenach, Iforayshire N. 8.. f Tin oi Bnrwood, NTew Zeahind.
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  • 73 1 THE STRAITS TIMES CONTENTS. M^i—^^■^^■_— X I IHI TUESDAY, 1 Vm. APRIL 1891, M^irkot Q'i >t.ations. Summary of th« W»»ok. Reu»> (grams. A Littl« WTh^ Botani<" CKrviena m I Onium m Parliara^nt. Tli > Surrey D*p»rtin%ii4 m 18 Th»^ 1 'onneil. Th<> Ifanicipal k>mmiMk>iL I7*wn front Penan* P*r*k, B*l«agor, P»b\'ir.
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  • 341 1 Ith April, ISj>l. Produce. GamMor, |g do Cube No. 1 do do No. 9 a Copra Bali, 4»;->. do Pontianak, 1 Pepnor Black. IJ.VV Sago Flour. 2.50. Pearl Sn^o, Coff^o Bali, 50 Coffof* Liberian SMM). Tapioca small Flake 4.10. do do Ist quality 4.50. do mcd. flake
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  • 180 1 The Legislative Qouocil met on Thursday. ..m,l adjourned sum cfo after trail m- a little busidess. the Municipal Commissioner! on Wed- topk up the question of their office mmodation, bat postponed U for further consideration. Appeal bfli affirmed the judgment rf the L »wer Court iv
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  • 597 1 For Strait* &MEBICA AM. THE TKA TkADE. London, Sth April. The American Tim•ury has decided that tea arriving from Euiopeau countriei must be marked with the name of the country where it was grown. The Newfoundland Difficulty. The del from Newfoundland have started for BogUod taking with them
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  • 38 1 THE "STRAITS TIMES FINANCIAL TELEGRAMS. UVIH SHARES. Brisbane, Tuesday, Bth April, 2-30 p. m. The price of Baub Shares is Sellers uone B«}™ 1/7 bales nono Ihe above is the official price d, dared on the BrMan^lStock Exchange,
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  • 368 1 II Piquet, Governor-General of French Indo China is a passenger by the BaUmie from Saigon to Marseilles. esterday m houour of the titular tV,i>t of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Bishop Bourdon gang pontifical high nun aud vespers. Bishop Gasuier was present at both services. The
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  • 522 1 Bi the M. Iff. steamer StlawU, which it expected to sail UmUt. th-i,- Leave the Colony, temporarily, the Bon. T. Shelford Mr. Laviuo, Consi ,1 for the Netherlands and If r. Maxwell, British Resident M Seta Mr. Sbelford and Mr. Wax well are expected within <5 monthi Mr.
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  • 100 2 LOCAL AND GENERAL. WEDNESDAY, 8th APRIL. At the rate of ten rupees to a p<»und sterling the [ndian Budget figures for -the financial year U&1-92 show an estimated revenue of £86,025,300 against an expenditure put down at €85,909,700. AJkssi.'s. \m» Walsh, bookagents m Singapore, have jn-t receireda consignment <>t"
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  • 212 2 A persistent effort is now being made by the Geological Department of the Government of India m association with the Burmah Government to explore and exploit the tin resources of Tenasserim. The flourishing condition of the almost adjacent Malay States of Perak and Selaugor, which are under
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  • 608 2 I The i:\-SlurifTs Defalcations. Hudson verm* S:^- -Chyk. This morning m the Supreme Court, I Mr. v, Mr. If. 11. Hudson, Depui m the action, to recover from the I dant See Ngo Chye, the balanc a judgment* J' 1 iuvolvcl, Mr. D ith Mr. Napier apQ ami
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  • 180 2 [From a CorretpandetU.) Kwala Pi!<ifi,2nd April. We a. re liavin^ a mimber of visitors at ntwala Pilah on their way to the nei^hbourini: mining districts. Mr. Mn<Tavisli who arrived here a tew Uuvh ago left yesterday for Langkap, and Vlx. Mall who arrived about the same tiuie
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  • 99 2 An A ion football match i on the Esplanade la-- u n .r between a team of the S. C. C. and aa XI from the Recreation Club. Th*' ■:.i\nc resulted m favour of the 8. C. C. lv^ I -1. when the S. C. 0. has ton am which
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  • 296 2 Hongkong Daily P,< [r the agitation now being conducted abould result m the appointment of a I arliamentarj Committee to inquire into the whole subject of the military contrih. utu>] Crown Coloniei and to fix the amounts pajable on an equitable basis it is open to
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  • 3943 2 The Marine Board constituted \o en- (|uif«- into the circumstances attending the collision of the strs. Strathendriek and Dfj mi/hurst, >;it again after the tiffin adjournment at 8 p. m. oa Tuesday. After wine discussion it was decided follow the precedent laid down m the < Hebe
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  • 359 3 Thb Hongkong i><i</>/ JPrets favours the establishmeni of Chinese Advisory Board there on the model of the one at Singapore. The Clii/m Mail says that the Secretary of State does not intend to appoint ;i successor to t!.'- Rev. Mr. Jennings, the Colonial Chaplain at Hongkong, the
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  • 405 3 An inquest was beld yesttrdav ai 5 p.m. at the General Hospital on the bod John H t:.i> who bad been found dead iv iii> bed at the Sailoit' K< st on tl..- me a ivy of that da} Robert Chapman, Manager of the
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  • 219 3 The trial of tliis long pendii was commenced at the A--/-.S ou Friday morning, ami brought to late od the followin umgthe Court being crowded on both days The charge against Mr Mitchell' was criminal breach «»t" trust m G >r era meal servant m respect of
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  • 2123 4 Wednksdvy, Stu Ap&IL, 1891. Thk ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Coinmiaiiouers was held m the Board Boom, Towq Hall, yesterday afternoon, at '■'>, M<\ Gentle presiding. There wen- .ilmi p eseut Messm. bbelford, Sohst, Tan Jiak Kirn, Tan Beng Wan aud Liin Eag Keng. MINUTSS. The niiu\it<'.s
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  • 19 4 1m tbe House of Commons „n the 1.;,], bl^;. c;^ f/ 1 at hia attention w-^
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  • 28 4 Mk. Kvkk.mim of Messrs. Jotqaitj^ ESverard leaves t<»r Enrol-' n.-xt week. A <;<>! Cm bis being formed and s^g I- i the Sporting Club areinvitedij join.
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  • 182 4 Tm; daily evidences of rabie and country are so numerous tliatauiso. Lated cane baa now if Lost intere* as a newi item l»ut a <I<>lt which a lively time around Kandaug KerbautjJ the neigbb nirhood early I worthy <>t' mentiou, it" only on accounts] ►r Sun.-;!, <li<l i:i
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  • 90 4 .Mi.-, n 'i. .Ms asked tin* Under >- >r Foreign All'airs on th M.uvh ii li<- oould giTe aav informational to tli.' posh iiilurs betweei the baa "i B mci au-1 Brooke the Saltao bad addressed any farther protest i-> tbe Kirenmeni. 9r Her Ifajet 4 itiag
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  • 72 4 April.— j cm- ■•>!. aud th« following -t. Th rriroryu OIOM upon twei ty-i n i The F m incomi and popn 61,41 U of India f J v i ></ B^ainAl iff at 250/ I hable thai tha feu latory total i millioM thus inillio
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  • 210 4 Netherlands India Snmatra Tobacco Company. Thk directo erltodi [ndia Sumatra Tob -Thf profit aii. tober 31, tit of i'lo.i'n:} Us. lid. (after deducting iu< 62 I i_ :m., 1 croD, the first ha I b? the P ;ltl v Nil of t san im .iivi-l rbiug £6,150, baa v ill
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  • 520 5 Thi MDAT, !'th April 1891. meeting of the Legislative Council a n held at half-past 2 o'clock this afterooon. Th'.'ir were present: jfceHoo'bl« (he Colonial Secretary', Sir J. ederiek Dicksou, k.c H.a. the Atturnoy-GoiuTal, Bonser, the Colonial Treasurer 1., Isemong (he Auditor-General H. Trc t,. r J.
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  • 225 5 An application m the winding up of this company to practically put an end to the liquidation was made m London on the 13th March, to Justice Chitty, ou behalf of the Assets Realisation, Limited. Mr. Rigby, Q.C., said they had now come to a stage when-
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  • 340 5 Sir r. Esmonde asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies on the 1 3th March if he would state what were the relations between the Colonial Office and the Crown Agents for the Colonies; whether the control exercised bj the Colonial Office
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  • 884 5 uu ntni'i t<> Strttit.< Times Telegram*. /'on. York, '.'''iii March.- [nflnenzs In an epidemic form i* raging at Chicago, where ten thousand <*a-rs have already occurred. Tlio hospitals at Pittsbarg .ue crowded with intln< i .1 eases and the mortality has assumed serious proportions. S"iin, ::7tli Morch. A
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  • 606 5 The return of risiton to the Etafflea L iiy and Sfus< am da ring the was 983. Tube vu a sale i»t' nor* at A.bram*i yard iy, but awing to th ity of buyen very lit busioesa wu recorded. Wa are informed thai already between thirty and
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  • 279 5 Foot ball. B BKEB* A A s \i ■•< iation match bd n een the 8 ad an I liom Asit.ion 1 on nade 1 iunu p and tory for the Club by tbn to i condition, and the only dray exhibitiou ol ich blew made the work hard for
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  • 181 6 Mk. A. di \V r Yv.)D/->w has reported liis return to Singapore nod resumed nbarge of the Bussiau < lonsalate. Mr. Frederieo Antonio Pereira assumed charge at Singapore of the Portuguese tulate m the Straits Settlements, on the 7th instant. Mr. T. Sohtt is m chartge
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  • 1290 6 Thi Pootianak copra which forms Buch an important article of Straits produce, comes h«>:n the delta <>t" 1 1 1 Kapuas river m Netherlands Borneo where the coconut palm is extensively cultivated by Bugis settlers from Celebes who number about ten thousand. The delta lends itself admirably to
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  • 335 6 The I),!, Oourant of the 4th April states that the weather there bust month proved rery dry and highly favourable for barning operations, so that the clearing of the tieids went on briskly. It was however too dry for hoeing and the latter turned out difficult on clayey
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  • 412 6 Thi Courrier a Haiphong points out that Annum and Tonquin present striking peculiaritiei us to peace and order wit 1 1 i1 1 their boundaries. En Aonain, Europeans may go about unarmed among the Natives who bare an interest m do ill befalling them. Pirates are only b<
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  • 316 6 The production of gold and lilver m Australia, from statistics now at hand, was considerably increased during 1 According to the Australian Mining Standard, the output of gold amount* a to £5,221,860. As the ftYerage for the decade between LB7S and 1888
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  • 1588 6 The Of 01 the team \s ABNOKMAX Vl Ud.S T II 01 BrokAii Lbaj Tbe second toon*] general bm i the United Lank at Plantations Company, Limited held <>v 1<; March ai Tokftnhou9*-buildinga, Loth bury, L >i»don hi. C uud<tr the pr< <>f Mr. D*i\ (the chairman
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  • 49 7 1891. Destroyed. Registered. Week ending %oa n 11th April j 182 U Tel ojf ram from Ranb. Kwala Kubu, 11th April. Rough cleaning up of Battery yielded 910 oz. Amalgam, probable yield 400 oz. of gold. Estimated quantity of stone crushed for above, 400 Tons. Still crushing.
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  • 282 7 Australian Federal ion. (StrtnU Rates April Thi Australian Federal Conveatioa after sittin- for a month has seen its way to draft a constitution for the seveu colJnwi represented. It provides for their federation under the title of the"Commonwealth of the Australian Crown" with a Governor-General ;l t the bead.
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  • 927 7 ril > To-day's telegram about the murder »>t Mr. Commissioner Quinton nud party a' Manipur and th*' despatch oi. a punitive lition thither, points to the waging of another little war. which h;is v. this time out «>t" peculiar circumstances. Manipur is a feudatory native state m
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  • 411 7 (Straits Times April 13.) Thk Anti-opium agitators have at last succeeded m gaining the ear of the House of Commons, and m persuading it, as today's telegram shows, to pass a resolution favouring their views. They have long attacked the opium system iv India and have by
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  • 345 7 Be An i.Mivi:;.v.N i BlLl OF Sai >iox s I- M. M. Ma ppa< ifcy r 11. Bi. Padiach; fan/, S. V iiamallv Chittj f. This morning Mr. Jui judgment m this c&i This a interpleader m which the claiu ander a dulj re I Bill of the
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  • 36 7 It is suggested that a most convenient riding track might be made beside the Bukit Tiniah Road on the land reßerved for the railway to Kranjie which railway, does not seem likely to be built soon.
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  • 3153 8 Beforr ChUf Justice (Sir E. OWlallr,,) President, and Justice* Wood and The Full Court of Appeal commenced its fitting! m the Sapieme Court ou Thursday. Ob the application of Mr. Braddell the case Chna Übao Hay Appellant and Chea Hoou lioii^ ami others Respondent* was allowed
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  • 517 9 y.'Hiir 3I;n»:»~ l s Koport for ForUljrht MIIWIU tail** iml April Is;m. ftALIAW SYNI>I( PO] (if ive the honour to redlowing ns th.* progress made Jiththe various works at the mine. x i. .vi has feeacut this Irvel ia now id v mi the Btop< m life part of
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  • 48 9 Ob Saturday afternoou on the a cricket match was played between the S. C. G. XI and an' XVIII Jncu the latter got a very bad beating. Jt is only to be added however that the dee{*ted team did not possess a single bowler of any pretensions.
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  • 861 9 The Survey Department Report for the Year 1890. GemtraL During thevMur, ths Pmuir Bsvssra i Staff and placed under H control of the '-^•^^tti, li:^tSurv,v.Mr FW l*4« <»t Urn Indian Survvy, who t,,ok W tis sppointmwn o. kh September! Mr 1 v L itisfactorily held the .cUng Bret Sttporintendent M
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  • 461 9 The taiuthe following partieaUn l>y Mr. Ridley of the workiug of the Coconut Trees Pres.'rvatiou Ordinance In tho early part t.i! the year an < hrdinance was pasted, the object cf whih w.»v to prevent owners of eoeonat trees and others from permitting the beetle*, to destructive t»»
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  • 505 9 i From <i cornsj'oi/ilent.) Pekan, 9U April The Acting B left this for the Tin m his large poling boat on the night of the Brd Instant, having stayed m Pekan for Dearly weeks, the date ot his last arrival 'here from Li pis having been <>n the
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  • 82 9 S. V. A. th «v \i, 1 1 i The i"uliowiu<,' aiv tbe icotei DM •<• match between the a!) »v, tbe EUfcleitier ßfltd Etaose: Singapore VOLUffTUB AmuilT. 800 #00 500 Li. -it. St. Clair ;U 23 «j Gr. T. G. Btotl -21 -21 ii:> Gr. GnUuun 25
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  • 68 10 200 4(X> 500 Tot. Lieut. Carlyln 29 27 16 72 Oorp. Creightoo 21 25 17 M Corp. Gordon 28 19 16 58 Corp Biggi" J J 17 57 Sur^t. Grannon 21 1!> IS .'>: i Gr. Aluir IU 16 15 50 (,r Burton 2] 12 )2 45 Gr
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 370 10 rassctiirrr Li>t. AUK! VALS. Pet s BUliion from Slang —Rovd. Mr. Powell Per s. p. Sappho from nTlan^ Messrs. Koch, Knight, .-uni Nicolas. Pet c Petrel from Sourabaya Mrs Proem Pec T ngsh tn from Bwatow: Mr. I).ivi>. Pof i. from Pekan Messrs. dot, ;> .'i<l LTeTsFish Per s. m.
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    • 427 10 130 pigs. Kian Hon<< Co. Uncertain. Roads. <hin Brit. bq. 48) ton?, C;«]»t Brown. From Muni >u^ hvb. 1. Pallast. Me A lister Co F- r Hongkong Rouls. Hock Soon Ho, y.n. schr. 1S2 t<>ns, Captain Hadji Miihuiat Kor. From Situ 1st instant. Genera] cargo. LimTye& Co. Uncertain Ko.'t la,
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    • 512 10 Lumen, (ship) Shield's, Feb 17: Euphrates, Middlesboro, Mar. 20 Thorndalo, Middlesboro, Mar. 20 Boruingtm, Middlesboro, Mar. 20 Rubens, Middlesboro; From New York. Aurelia, (ship) Nov. 24 Glenorchy, Dec. 7 Loon Barcaldo, (ship) Deo. 89 Minister of Marine, Jan. '21 Obed Baxter, Jan. lM Colbur^fa, Jhh 23 Morning Star, Jan. :N!
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    • 77 10 I Joseph S. Spinney (ship) Feb. J From OownmwmtAL P<w Pol yhyinnia, Hamburg. Jan, 18 Alplious Marshall, ship Marseilles, Jan j; Brorao. Marseilles. Feb. 19; Derwout, OdlMl, P«b, PriOMi Siip'h': < iciio.i. F<»!». 20 Elsa, Amsterdam. Foil. 21 Lawanjj, OmuM, April I Priok, Genoa. May l<i Fi.' m \<ww< i
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 643 11 REMOVAL Jtfp I fe^ ORIZA PERFUMERY HHI L. LEGRAND, 1 1 piace de la Madeleine, 1 1, PARIS tip 'f\ i (Formerly 207, Rue Saint-Honore) SOVEREIGN ORIZA soa^ VIOLETS of the CZAR f[ NS ORIZA RICE POWDER VIOLETS of the CZAR R 3 ORIZA ESSETCC7- VIOLETS tf the CZAR ORIZA
      643 words
    • 387 11 POWDER AND LSZOttl Approved by th* Imperial Aoademy .'idicina of Pari* iiv to iis c liiuttutiy lit, antiseptic a: i anti|h 1 1 ride iii.-.l tt<"lloc'n < 7* ti rvif. I iwc? its k real cfQcacy. II fs s cotuuiouded for the Foil ciloim. t^STilAlG^ nOKSTJPATIOM Ulufil «!M j r,..
      387 words
    • 154 11 POWELL CO. AUCTIONEERS, SINOAPOR E FURNITURE, Ac, Foi r-lmoinths Ice Chests I tht«ad (iron) Jowoi Sufofl Bedroom Suiv>B JnpaawM Bmm Book Standx LinoMmaa Billuurd Tahl l Taolon r bk SKb« Carr-ek ftujcs Mm) iJklm »»M I "Vice Chaml»er CupboarUe t>flio« Cl»»irt» Cabinets i'unKabn ih"6t« of !V-;iwi"h Pi\nu Stools Clothes Staadfl
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 446 12 DR. ULOR'S PHOSPHODYNE. J > "^TSfe^"*^. Vital For XT CURES Dyspepsia, Nerve, and Heart Disease. v* "A* CURES X.ldnt«y and liver Complaints. 1^» CURES all Blood Disorders. £C~ **4ffi' -v M 4^\ CURES Coniiuraption iind General Debility. Jf>4*,^ CHECK 3 all V/astinj ofthe Vital PorcsSi ■fc^^^ l^ .^jj^j^ tf N^r
      446 words
    • 700 12 consequence of Imitations of IHE WORCESTERSHIRI SAUCE -which ate calculated to deceive Ike Public* Lea and have to request that Purchas n tee that the f.a/-l on every bottle '^AUt^ ban thrir Signature thus g without which tin bottle of the original WORCESTERSHIRE I A is Ask for LEA PERRINS*
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