Straits Times Weekly Issue, 31 March 1891

Total Pages: 11
1 1 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Strai ts Times WEEKLY ISSUE. Sew S. P B iIVxs MISSION BY EVEBT HOMEWARD V S'l'E [L'k; VOL KLVTT. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, ;mABCH 31, 1891. NO. 3,018.
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  • 22 1 -On tii- »;:h instnut. a* Lahat RTHUR 0. i a te of th Tin Mviii: >ars |taghai BABLKt Kay, seura. i
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  • 195 1 do Pearl Cofi Cof 1 do <; do m -I. do do mod. ao E. Pr 97. l'riv.V Pri 27. o,i 11 r Bank- T. T. j dR Pri vat —Bank T. T Priv iy tg "Ktraite Tiu" Biam<: ll] $1 '«r.-. J Ketchau P.i.i m: (L\
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  • 101 1 l: Governor i> stiU at Epnsmg, whore he has beep map ;th > jails and hospitals, On Wednesday, a ratten tn fed tors m Xovf: d fire. Tht tpore garrison ha mobilised and gone under canvass at Tll< CJub L.uvu Tea; ;:Lia ment came toacl i
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  • 222 1 The NIWTOUNDLAjfB Difficulty. I' < rek. -L>d li-mtsford ig forward the New--1 Bill until the :h proximo, m order togive time to receive aud exauiint by the Colony. Mi;. Si \nd Goli» Bullion. L": V tO the American TV it ]u> will continue th "'"g t<> furnish gold
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  • 130 1 ECerMajestj the Queen on her arriral at Srasae was receive^ with most extraordinary entl^u [Qratse is a town m Pr fcce m t c Marl Alps, 2o mi, a i,, the m population a little over 12,000 m num Ihe town itarif is not particu
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  • 277 1 from Mr. Justic <■• M. s. Areker arrh I to-day Colombo P B irtou Brown returned m Id on w p. m. by auction, at what fan's Vanl. [t will 1 t people ii iVe notion 1 >f the increased military contribution out of the proposed salaries
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  • 17 1 quickly rec i proposed ii. from i m. p pose I ay.
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  • 15 1 X arriv ill 1 true end of tin- sun bau to 1\
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  • 101 1 March 26th. I the Sul:., visitor.-, ntie on th. eight of the 23rd and landed officially I morning, bei guard oi honour. WM alao brought here and help* i q the gatherings. Thia morning (26th) the caitou v reliffioui ierrice wai held, and saint, fin honour of the
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  • 233 2 LOCAL AND GENERAL. WEDNESDAY, 25th MARCH. Vi noon m the final for th<- doable handicap Braddell and Cumming beat Owen and Peai f i <• 2. This concluded the Tournament. Thx Qu< d baa given directions for the appointment of Mr. James Montague i mool and Mr. John tturki be
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  • 22 2 A on fi an a on as furnitur kQt Bug the 1 Kiwi I for 8 !o.
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  • 170 2 nber last b v. The I) tlio imongst the The isaccompai ord thai, inyil <l to meet him i' 1 4 llr M«a^ ,n,i Mr. Berkeley lf w st i'n:. *ysth« h v ChrowhokaiH the Imok on the first ,ii.r. Uu nne occwion Urn
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  • 31 2 The Qattdrui a bo >1 attempt the 1 be eusto a iry w i within lilies Act, L 867 ay, it dd i 1 Financial News
    Financial News  -  31 words
  • 207 2 This morning from a very early hour onwards, all the troops of th,.' garrison (except a very few required to remain m occupation of the various barracks) were marched m detachments to Johnston's Pier aud tbe Borneo Wharf and shipped by steam launch to the
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  • 156 2 It appears that tl isian press cen- I phic iuing nothing more harmful than a Czarevitch and his dead tiger m India. The out pa.£j i Dining the Twur for his tOf t No, Ha.l w.^ ipon tho pmelieaJ oaptivit v ■•:t ond»miia liim- ar
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  • 177 2 Th e Sultan of Johore. (From our London Correspondent.) :Ut February.- Last Saturultan of Johore presented to the Queen at Windiretary of State i. The Sultan was a< •i by his two nephews Prince Tunku Tuoku M atly m his comp i m London, and was attame a. red a
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  • 301 2 A largo audience assembled at the Society of Arts, London, on the 26th alt. to hear a paper read m the Indian Section by Mr. ft. Qordon on "The Economic Development of I SiaiM." Mr. Gordon mentioned some interesting fact* abi ut the slarery that still exists m the
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  • 706 2 > tiary to Strait* Titnea 1 m». Via Ceyh i D n I2ih March News i,-. eedthat the Portuguese at irahaveseized tw< its with su] r hunting party bound to Mashonaland. Two of ti.o^o m charge of the i here and declare the; ited l>y tlie PortuI guese.
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  • 508 2 the following are included all the items for China and the 8 menti b] d m th« ration H nn Twd 1 Artilh ry, 256 of all :ili ,l a-luilf of Engineers, 5 i ffi< era md 61 men battalu n i ry, 1,012
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  • 1644 3 Th e Central Borneo Company. A. \Y. V haying iT. I gubmi It U of In t I tion. i point itted. I v the down or<lt r comour pi In the h a g\ trouii t f i »üb- m t ha' i a portai it c non which
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  • 105 3 York, 24th Feb.—} the Free < 'outage Bill, Hi m WalUstreel haa ended, blilli In the M deaL" Bu it .Mt that the Bill providio purchase v the Government of i of silver m.nitii vrouid p made ap to buy ttion oi' a greai
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  • 188 3 TH URSDAY, 26th MARCH. A I. O. tliii.i Th Gerald j»ri\ lac Thi I L -I i t to Wii m < Hen ver; The Wo\ Oi oeived of dastard] :l m i>\ a i»;iri v of Acbinese at E lie on i which irere ;i Barop m and oal
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  • 70 4 Bashings fob phi (TH Of J ÜBY, 1891. Hi It of Receipts. Amount. Pai S 1,571.90 Horses, Uan I Dogs 11 Parcels 3441 119.40 rial Trains Total Coaching 4,797 M < too In $20,6*9.67 Live Stock 946. Total Goods 921,635.67 Miscellaneous 8 i27:>.!'i Grand Total $26,707.12 Corresponding
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  • 174 4 A Con stitution for the Colony. 'I'm; tang I a new titution lor the Colon} on the basis of no taxation without representation as er the Military Exaction squeeze i\ would like, to see an electorate put within certain limits. The due <j i for the exercise of franchise s
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  • 174 4 H. I. it. the Tzarevitch arrived m Ba kok i 19th iv the I' 1 by theotberw; bere. The i vess< Is at uncls u ted the 1 j bia hips Ul an I H. \l. H. the d Bouaehold and "ii board. H. I. ii.
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  • 123 4 A 1 j».n) a partj soldit red tl Pan Ho on the Alexandra Road, and commenced i ittiug pine-apples. That woi h ..1 them to lly fell on the whole p with I utnmarj i thoi tion the l»c-tter part of va- to to flight, 1-m\
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  • 323 4 A telegram has reached the Comercio to the effect that th< protest of the Chamber <>f Commerce at Manila against the new customs tariff iv the Philippinet, has taken no effed <>n the Home Government The duties will be enforced as they stand. The manufacturers m Catalonia are
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  • 566 4 1m v Mercantile Gazette, discussing the vigil of H. 1. 11. \\w Tzarevitch, i\ That no expense has been ■pared to make his visit enc to be remembered we have not that have already been given to the tradesmen ami shopkeepei the city Bhow dearly thai Siam has
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  • 82 4 <>n Monday week, twenty one sports-Mi.-n in.-t at Medanaod decided to §et up a new Race Club there, i managing committee being chosen for the purpose. Their first business is to draw up Rules which ana at farthering the interests of horse owners m Deli,
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  • 631 4 The Governor has issued an order that, until further notice, no dogs shall be allowed to I>< taken into or removed out of or l>e moved about within the Limits of Peiiang and Province Wellesley. \t the Ordinary Municipal meeting on Friday lust, the President introduced for
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  • 139 4 Tonquin Co al My< b English capital has been inverted iv the Tonquin coal mines at Bongay, to the disgust of prominent politicians m France, who would rather tee French capital turned to account there. M. Bouvier chauffour who manages the mining company complained of, says, iv reply, that the
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  • 1194 4 Wflmmw HaJLCB 2&TH, 1891. The Ordinary Meeting <>t' the Muni, eipal Commission n was held m the Board I .1. Town Hall, at o. 'I I nt, Mr < ntl.« ident,) Messrs. Lira Eng X mm, Shelford, and Soh The Secretary, notified thai Mr. Tan IVd^ Wan would
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  • 283 5 [am M< Mi>. Barstow, at present Btaying m tin tal Hotel, Bangk I from Moulmein on Feb. 21st, a "id crossing th« mountains on elephants, arrived at Baheng on March Ist. The journey bo far wa« very int g, 1 c >nntry prew nting a well wooded
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  • 966 5 I J he Straits Fire Insurance DohmiTi (Limited.) Fhk sixth ordinary general meeting of the above a mpauj was held to the offia of the compauy ai noon to-day. There were resent Directors. Messrs. Theo. Sohat (Chairman) T. S. Thomson, W. E. II >per, Jos. Heim, D.
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  • 295 5 S. C. C vertui Telegraph ompant. An all day match was played on the Explanade on Saturday between a team from the 8. C. C. (facetiously called the 2nd Xli and a team from the office of the E. E. a. A Telegraph Company. The game was interesting, but
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  • 385 5 correspondent. Pekan, 26th March. Action has been ken by the Pahaog Governmenl m the .matter of foreign copper coiu, and a notification m English, Chin< M.' d Tamil is p »sl d the town, stating that any person who shall import or attempt to import any copper coin
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  • 708 5 The Tanjong Pagar Land Comp any Limited. Tin: adjourned fourteenth ordinal} general meeting of tin* above company was held m MeM B Ivkaud l>avid-< office at noon this day. Mr. John Ai derson occupied the chair; and th< present Messrs. C. E. Urane, C. 1» BuckLey, and A. \V. L.'imit.
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  • 61 5 In aquatics, matters have be i. quiet m Singapore lately, but there is Li to be a revival shortly as there is to I r Monday the 6th prox. another race m t ueetion with the Davidson Challenge Cups a for fours. Tregarthen with the tame c has again challenged
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  • 156 6 Maso nic. de- til. ill.- Quna ».j who i i who Toprietor of i IJ ioai icellent loyal opened the Bro. Robin ■1. referred m eloquent 1|!1! rvicea i I to the Crafi by Wor. \',i<>. Motion, whose connection with 1' eemasonry .1 ii back a great number «»t yean.
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  • 236 6 Tuk Singapore Cycling Club held its lirst wee meeting on Friday afternoon, when a fairly large field turned out for ;i five milet road handicap. Although this dub ba 1 now tor Borne iiderable time, th*- management hardly thought that the membership roll would warrant any meeting
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  • 891 6 'r<>i,i the 1'i/t'i, i ().v Tuesday last, a public meeting was held in the Towu Hall, Penani?, to protest against the Military Exaction. Ii ie that i v»r never has a more unanimou r, and more en ing of the l<ii!<i been known
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  • 3 6 1
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  • 83 6 Gover nment Gazette, 26th March. doila with I published. Forbids dogs into or about m p r m Lesley till further notice. notification o! Governm >n1 land m relok A\vr on L':sr(l April is publisl The Hon. J. Finlajson is recognised charge of the Swedish and Norw< ousu wte at
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  • 438 7 EDITORIALS. Slam. (Straits Times March 25.) Towards tut> en^ ot 1:lst month, Mr. jiobert Gordon m. I. O. k. lectured i v the Society oi Arts at London ou the economic development of Siam and. as matter oi course, touched on railway protpectt then-. rffo lecturer doet not think much
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  • 173 7 (Straits Times March To-day's telegram, concerning the attitude of the United States Secretary of the Treasury towards gold bullion export from the indicates adherence to a fixed line of conduct, against which of late there has Uen some remonstrance. He annouuees a continuance of
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  • 44 7 The eleventh of the series ot lectures °n Church History will be pven by the tkv. Geo. M. Beitn, M. A., m the Presby. terian Church «>u Wednesday evening first, JJ8.15 p.m., subject Christianity and Mahominedamsm m the seventh century.
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  • 1047 7 MlNIN«; Ma -ORTFOR Six WKKhs ENDING !H 1891. r 1 tt Kuil> Ibv the Ho- mi a)! K r Liv Com of the £1 w-' ore on tbe i l l xlltun X V> Pekan on the Bth where we lMlt il the 19th aitm :ke us to bingapore.
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  • 1020 7 Th e Kulim Railway. 11l villilll menta > bo Peoai bad air «d t at i StraUs T .-<■•/ g Lei v- -tu'l ii> Penang mi yel trade P( oihv bee< 'tli still larger mUitary cnutributioi of asa the titroil fer^a our aettlen f the trial th" I I with
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  • Correspondence.
    • 205 8 To thf: BD 01 m; ihaits Tim: >II; D with lurprise md regret iv your issue of the 26th instant, a paragiapfi headed v An unqualified Officer." L h&TO been upwards of LSsiiUm engineer m the l>ulll i and have hitherto car--111 m v w tisfaction of
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 524 8 Messrs. Simpson, Kubrineyer, Thomaz, G reve. Per M rom Penan^ n'a coast port«.^ Messrs. Grant Mackie, Dos Dobru, A. Keyg^ aud Liout. Burdor, X A. Per Gyinj'- from PeiMßg via OOtat ports Mrs. McDouaKi. nihu. a^ .Monte. Per Ooryia from Malax Ir, and Mrs Nathan, llr. ami Mn, liobertson
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 NUBIAN^ ■1 BLACKING Hf SELF-SHINING. NO BRUSHES REQUIRED II Givea an instantaneous brilliant polish which lasts ft weeHr wet or dry A] rfaHKLv weather. Mud can be washed off and polish remains. Does not injure M imIFM leather nor soil clothing. For all kinds of Boots, Shoes and Leather JM
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    • 589 9 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Tiif. original and only Genuine Advice i<i Invalids, It' you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing Bleep, free from hca relief from pain and an^ui&h, to calm snd sssuage the I ise, ÜBTigorate the norvoua media, and regulate the inoculating Bystema of the yon will proTide
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 517 9 SHIPPING. SHirriX; l> POET. ThetK (ship) Doc. 28; Mkn-of-War. Johannes Pott, (shipj Jan. r, r il.M's. endear, 1,490 t0ns. ere* 170, Etonmelia, Feb. 2; 1f 360 borse-power, Captain w. K.oiut- Albany, Peb 19; :i;-V...N« VKSMXS. 8,,,!,:,, X,.., krestee, Mar. 4 mprs Alderlsy, S<i) r )> ,5 AI r X
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 426 10 DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE. Jiji nr TWENTY *JTVE YEARS has maintained us world-wide I repuiauonlth,(»:si,YSAKKW;LlAßLE PHOSPHORIC KEMKI)Yer«r I diJcorered for the Permanent Cure of Bnin Wreckage, Phthl.vs.h «leepl°sil ness, Harassing Dreamß, Premature Decay of Vital Power and all unetional I onditiona Of the System, dependent upon the Deficiency ol tts BTr^y
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    • 298 10 A/ emuefruuee of Imitations of THE WORtESTEk&HIRE SAUCE which ate calculated lo deceive the Public, At a and Perrmt 8 B hare to request that Purchasers see that tJU Label on every bottle /clii^^ bean their Signature thus without which no hot tic of the original- WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE is genuine.
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    • 29 1 In ron^t'ijic-'ticr i>f (fir m ill. <irr tN at s Hit U<U<llll! //('•■>>•'//•// to 1 >r- tl t fafatJ H ib m -r ,f// /',>/• 'jil'' paper supplement I m //>• /y/-
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    • 144 1 I'm: T ropu Disastkk. London. BOth March.— The Coari appoint u> l r t"}>i'i <I collition fouud that the Captain of committed a grave erroj Igmeot. Thk Irish DkLBOAI BS lv America, the Erish Delegate* of both ure meeting with small success Panrci Biskaboi It ia reported that
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    • 518 1 Of lato rumour has beet luisy with c BiftD&rck who. nnoe lii^ tmtw meat, has beCNB a thorn m tho sidr c monarch who bad ditpenaad with 1 I that the Piinoe rtaioed th»« idti of ratonung into ,i! Life l»y taking a seat iv the id Parliament,
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    • 187 1 B. c 0. r. Rbcbkatioii Club Thi followiu^ are tln> KOret made iv the above match jeitordaji S. C. C. M Innmf. -j^d Tnnin§§ H kTciuUnham c A b. McKenzie. 9 b Woodford 17 urter b. M« ■Kcn/ic 10 not out 19 LogmaV. *0 3 b. McKru/.ir 2 ->„k.
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    • 169 1 A\ outbreak ot tire under somewhat odd cireuQ) ooeorred iv Phillip Sireel on Sunday morning. A Chinaman named Aii£ Beoh, who OOCOpiei a room only separated by a thin partition from house No. '26 Phillip JSt reel felt about 1 a. no. his room unusually hot an
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    • 408 1 The Fighting in Ach een. When the troops cap tared the old |».)>, X r.i i.i_ i was occupied by an Aehin .1, and was taker. l«v assault after sharp li^litiu^. The enemy's loss waa 4 aien killed, and a auantity of rifled and ammunition. The Dutch troops also faun
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    • 295 1 Thk sale of a |»ou nil of Ceylon tea. iv Muring Line Cor Jslo-12-6 beats even the highest ol the recent bigh records. The Gartruore Estati has achieved the eostlv honour of obtaining for i small lot of tea this extravagant price. A plantation which should be
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    • 460 1 Government Gazet irch. Thk Kintu Monthly Be] rt for Februan d i he Ist h of tli it mootfa seven deaths from hydrophobia were ivj. from Gopeng. Oi thes< 1 s] put under treatu.-iit. The others die I m their houses, tht ir deaths wore no reported till
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    • 515 1 The former Race Club at proved a failure and had bone t<» bfl dissolved, from its rules not looking sharply towards farthering local racing taleut. A new Race Club has sine, i.. n formed iv its place which aims at better encouraging the local •porting interest, ;tn<l a!
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