Straits Times Weekly Issue, 9 July 1890

Total Pages: 18
1 2 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times. WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series Publish^ kok Tr.vnsmiss.on by Every Homeward h Sr____ir. [Price 40 Cent-. VOL XLVI. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9. 1800. NO. 8,580
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  • 16 1 At Singapore, on the Bth July, the wife of J. A. BSAnDON, of a Daughter.
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  • 103 1 THE STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1890. CONTENTS. Mark't Quotations. Bammary of the Week. Boater's Telegts Local ;m d General News. with England. The "Troubles in Newfo mdland. The Acting Q nrernor in the Native Star Thi* Sing -uranee Bsngeroui a Su] pr< -sion. Tln> tfatr }< litan Police The
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  • 199 1 Sin B JVLYi 18 Prodi Gainhit*-. $7.50 to Cube No. 1 LO.724. d» do No. 2 9.25. Copra Bali. 4.55. do Poutiavik. 4.10. Pepper Black. 13.75. oa£o Flour, l$b. Pearl Sago 2 Cmfee Bali '27. << Coffee Liberiau, :> LOO. Tapioca sin^ill FIhx" 4.70. do do Ut
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  • 173 1 The Acting Governor has returned to Singapore after a trip to the Negri Sernbilan. By GaseUe notification on Friday ten Chinese Secret have been sup. pressed here. The Municipality un Mouday decided upon amending tiie bye laws so as to admit of the cattle ifaed
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  • 309 1 iF>>,' Straits Tunes.) P-_n_ju__narT. Lo I July.—The Cabinet his abandoned the Tithes Bill. Tin: SiLvn Bill. Tho i' o-day. .1 mwn*. Prince K >matori of Japan has been Granted Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. [Prinze __om v; i. who is probably the prince referred to
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  • 49 1 London, 7th July. The London police have issued a notice warning shopkeepers aud others to (dose early to-day and to make tbeir own arrangements to guard their premises, as tbe force go on strike I to-night for certain. M.iuy Constables' were suspended vesterday for refusing dutv.
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  • 78 1 London, 2nd July. The following are to-day's closing prices Pahang Corporation^ Ltd.)...60/ to 65/ Benton- Straits Tin Ltd.). ..11 A 13 9 Siam Gol 1 Fields Ltd.! ..22/6 27 6 London. Ath July. -The following are to-day's closing prices Pahatlg Corporation ("Ltd."} ...VJ ti to
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  • 359 1 Ma. Arnot Rkid is al pr uttering from an attack of und is in hospital. In*ron__ATion bna been 1 that negotiations have been reopened betwe the Netherlands and English Governments regarding the frontier in Eastern Born Col. F. Cardew, half-pay, late South Lancashire Regiment, will now succeed
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  • 154 1 A cam: of considerable I to the financial world will shorty occupy the attention of tbe courts. Mr. Psntnure Gordon is tbe plaintiff, and the defendant if Baron de Beater. Mr. Panmusi Gordon claims a commission for bavins iutro<lue.'.l Baron de Renter to the Messrs. Basso >n in
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  • 156 1 Calcutta, 22nd June.— The scientific observations of the eclipse at Bhagalpnr were most successful. The Englishman's report says when the signal that the moon sras on was given, s party went promptly to woik; then ami at every subsequent tenth of a minute ofthe lil tint the
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  • 82 1 Mr. Sutherland in the House of Commons on the 12th June, asked the UnderSecretary of State for the Colonies whether it would be convenient to lav upon the table of the House at an early date the papers and correspondence iugreference to the additional military
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  • 138 1 com led on ''race, r ix I morta IU rs the ii.:rt'rora Mr. Mr. ij I i netti, rm. li.'idrich, ai d oft, Mr. M. I rah:* a. Capt. Mil Huston. M o\gkok, Mr. Jackson, and UrS. Tajlor. B. W. Soon from Pontiantk, Mr. B -"fye Leong from
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  • 158 2 LOCAL AND GENERAL. WEDNESDAY, 2nd JULY. Chief Justice O'Malley left this evening in tho Clyde for Penang, Police >ews. Court of two Magistrates Messrs. Thornton and Anthonisz.) The much postponed case against Mohained, one of the witnesses in conuection with the recent trial of Moey Ah Sam, was again brought
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  • 263 2 In connection with the proposed traingular cricket matches Ceylon v Singapore v Hongkong, a letter has been received from the representatives of the former colony, statiug that they are unable to come dowu here in August, and suggestiug Christmas time as the most promising time for such au important
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  • 195 2 DuniNG the thunderstorm which raged over Singapore Inni night, a Chinaman, liviug in a shop at Cam pong Boyan, was struck by lightning, and died about I srenty minuses afterwards. The lightning also tore a portion of his shop to pieces nnd scattered the goods all over
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  • 144 2 {From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Pilah, 30th June.— The Acting Governor accompanied by his Private Secretary arrived at Tampin ou Friday, the 27th. aud was received by the British Resident and the Native Chiefs. After a short stay at the Magistrate's, and after having taken breakfast the
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  • 1076 2 ITS FLUCTUATIONS IN FIVE YEARS. (From our London Correspondent.) Fleet Street, Friday, Jun, Oth. I have received from the Custom House authorities here an exact statement, which is appended, of the trade of the Strain Settlements with the United Kingdom during the
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  • 2006 3 The Proposed Hongkong Ordinance AND CHINAMEN'BMARRIAOEB. There has been before the Hongkong Legislative Council a Bill on the subject of the protection of women aud girls (similar iu the maiu to the Ordinance we have in Singapore,) aud incidentally there has been raised the
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  • 1256 3 The Trustees of the Raffles Institution in their Annual Report for 1889, call attention to the average attendance in the Boys' School during that period being 401 against 398 in 1888. The number mustered at the annual Government examination came to 256 agaiust 283, the decease being
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  • 210 3 (From our MSS Correspond, Kwala Lumpor, 30th June. The Laju was raised ou Thursday morning last, but not, as I anticipated, by the eveuiug attempt of the previous day. She was full of sait aud mud, and being a wooden vessel was somewhat damaged by the lifting process.
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  • 114 3 Wor ld versus Government Subordinates. Bellamy b. Nenbronnse 17 .1 c.t. Neubronner b. Pc O Trotter b. Neubronner 3 Disbrowe b. Pereira 3 Wolman it. Neubronner 1 Gumming b. do. 2 Norman b. TkoBUMH 11 Tisbury I>. do. 12 Neubronner b. Thomas/ 5 -b. do. 0 Yanguv/.el not out 2
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  • 92 3 In Major Wissmann's East African troop salaries are paid as follows The Imperial Commissary receives 1,650; the chiefs of divisions, £480 to itfOO j officers, .£3OO to J2360 non-commissioned officers, £90 to .£lBO. The black troops receive Officers, ,£150 non-commissioned officers, £38; privates, <£33 yearly. The whole
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  • 255 4 For some time past tbe men forming the last addition to the Shanghai Municipal Police Force had been agitating to remit half their pay home on the same terms as previously-arrived members of the force. The Council allowed some of the latter men to
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  • 84 4 Yesterday in the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Pellereau, the public examination of Seah Chong Guan who, with his partner Teo Hong Lim, carried on business under Chop Bun Hop at 41, Kling Street, came on, and after taking the depositions, His Honour ordered Seah Chong
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  • 95 4 Mr. Swettenham, Resident of Perak, has returned from leave of absence in Europe, aud is now at his post. The Penang Chamber of Commerce has received a letter from the Resident Councillor handiug copy of the reply of the Dutch Consul-General to tbe petition recently addressed by
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  • 270 4 -Kev. Mr. Reith's lecture last night was largely attended. The proceedings were opened with a hymn aud a short prayer, I followed by an anthem from the choir (Stainer's u\ ar- white robes which fully rendered. Mr. Balzmaun pretided at the organ. Rev,
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  • 320 4 {Before Mr. Justice Pellereau.) In the Goods of Ong Cheng Neo. This motion involved a point on the law of administration in the case of husband and wife. It was an application by Mr. Khory on the part of the widow of the husband of Ong
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  • 261 4 Court of Two Magistrates. (Before Messrs. Thornton and Hare.) Another Perjury Case. Lim Kim Liang. Pook A Look, aud Lew Siu Chek were tried yesterday separately on a common charge of perjury. Mr. Newlaud prosecuted for the Crown, aud Mr. Shearwood appeared for the three prisoners. Thc facts
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  • 269 4 (Perak Government Gazette. 2?ih June.) A hand-power diamoud core drill has ■utiv been received by the Govern ment from Eugiaud. This instrument will bore to a depth of about 284 feet iu the solid rock, and it will briug up a core of a
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  • 350 4 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Exchange was held in the Exchange Room this afternoon for the purpose of receiving the accounts of the past year, and electing a chairman and committee. Mr. C. Stringer occupied the chair, aud uiue members were present. The notice convening the
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  • 334 4 The Chinese in Ecu ador. Guayaquil is ths commercial centre of the Repnl M I Benador in fact the only > within its borders worth mentioning in connection srith truds -its nserehants asrry eonsid arable »me clai I h er m .in annual trade of double that -mount. Few ofthess,
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  • 105 4 (From our own Correspondent.) Malacca, 2nd July.— l learn that the Sea Belle is expected from Singapore today, and will proceed direct to" Tanjong Kling to convey His Excellency Sir Prederick Dickson on a visit to Muar. His Excellency will probably leave that territory to-morrow, and returning again
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  • 609 4 The annual athletic sports in connection with the Rafttes Institution were commenced on the ground attached to the institution yesterday afternoon. The weather was unfavourable; for fully an hour after the first event, the rain was pouriug down rather heavily, but owing to the vacation
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  • 179 4 The annual i of this company was held iu The Hague on Saturday, 31st May Mr. David Cornfoot (chairman of the company) presided. The report accounts having been taken as read, the Chairuiau addressed the meeting and explained further the positiou of the company, stating
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  • 3597 5 (Written for the Straits Times.) London, 4th June.-~The House of Commons was in quite a jocular mood on Tuesday and merriment and good temper as long as the discussion about the adjournment of the House over the Derby day lasted— -reigned supreme. The days of the
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  • 104 6 The ordinary meeting of the Photogra-phic-Society was held in ther rooms, Hill Street, last night; including the Chairman there *as an attendance of four members, aud pending a larger gathering Dr. Robertson's paper was postponed. Some discussion ensued as to the desirability of admitting ladies as members,
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  • 196 6 GEORGE AUGUSTUS SALA. FRIDAY 4th JULY. \o our aoconnt of the fire inquest dii the China Mai! says the ...ive been held at Hongkong hai ys been open to the public, to the ad van tag we think, of everybody." The following gentlemen, who were elected at the meeting yesterday,
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  • 110 6 Break down of Engines of H.M.S. "Redpole." A private gram has been r lin Singapore, reporting the breakdown of H.M.S. Bedpole on the coast of Java The Redpole, which has been on this station for some little time, aad on board Mr. il. N. Ridley, who was proceeding on the
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  • 292 6 (In Bankruptcy.) Before Mb. Justice Pellereau. In the case in which a receiving order was made agaiust R. M. M. A. Alagappa Chitty, Mr. Joaquim applied to the Court on Wednesday afternoon for the debtor to be admitted to bail, and stated that his client had been absent
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  • 150 6 (from our own Correspond' nt.) Malacca, Brd July. A China boy, w T hen out bathing iu the Malacca river yesterday, would have been drowned, had uot a Portuguese fisherman rescued him. Almost every year some such accident happens in the river, and the natives attribute these fatalities
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  • 207 6 /'/•<•/// „ur own eorrespondent.) Johore, •And July. CTngko Hajee, D. P. Gk, first cousi he Sultan of Johore, died at Ins residence here at *2 p. m. yesterday, and x buried this afternoon. Cngko Hajee is one of the wealthiest of the Johore Ongkos, the cash found in
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  • 1276 6 (Pinang Gazette, Ist July) The United States man-of-war Alliance Commander H. C. Taylor, arrived from Colombo ou Sunday morning. The Alliance is a gunboat of 1,375 tons and 800 horse-power, and carries 177 men and 6 guns We understand she will remain here for a few days, and
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  • 138 6 We i 1 Ue) hear from Edie that the Governor of Acheen has scut for the Rajahs of I'.-rlak and Jeuki. but as they have nol corneal his bidding going to send troops to fetch them, and has infornx 1 the Chinese in Edie that he will require tbeir
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  • 357 6 Shooting a Co nst able. a will be r memb< red tl month ago i Hal ij constable was ibc4 by a Chinaman whom be nas arresting, au_ thai son r three days afterws shooter. wh«> ma l< good his escape .1. having 6 ed tn fcs, each of which
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  • 1182 7 Quarter ending 31st March 1890. [Concluded.) Coals. To Singapore, the United Kingdom sent 140,581 tons of CO al valued at nearly 1,409,000 dollars, against 97,000 toon during the Ist quarter of last year. AustraHa accounts for 16,270, Labnan 344, India 1,500, and Sarawak 1,200 tons. Japan
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  • 798 7  -  Neptune By The weather during the last three or four days has been unfavourable for rowing and sculling, for wheu the rain was not falling, the sea was so tumultuous as to prevent any practice one or two adventurous crews went outside on Wednesday and on their return
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  • 280 7 I Tin: return of visitors to the Raffioi Library and Museum during the ireek was 1,014 Hmht News* (From our own Correspondent.) Mtnir, Hit July. After being for a whole mouth with only one steamer to communicate with the outside world, aud getting a mail onlj once
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  • 848 7 Second Final) Day Friday, 4th July The second day's sports, held yesterday in the recreation ground attached to the RafHes Institution were, when compared to Wednesday, a great success in every respect. The weather was hue, but the sun's rays were occasionally very tierce, vet the
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  • 1047 8 A Comedy by Mr. Henry J. Byron. (Played by Amateurs at the Town Hall, Singapore, on ith July.) Sir Geoffry Ohampm (A County Magnate*). Cmpt. \V. <»'• Atomy, R.A. TalbotChainpneys (His Son) Mr* A. Y. Qahagan. Perkvn Mimli.wiok (A -retired ButterrnanJ. Mr. J. AI. Fabris. Charles Middlewick (His
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  • 526 8 The following appointments, took effect from the Ist Juue, 1890 Class IL—Mr. C. W. Sueyd Kynnersley, First Magistrate, Peuaug, (on leave), to be First Magistrate, Singapore, vies Air. R. S. O'Connor, retired. All*. J. K. Birch, Senior District Officer, Province Wellesley, (Acting First Magistrate, Penang), to
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  • 975 8 1 V \TVKKS OF THE ENGLISH SYSTEM OF IIANDLINO MONEY. A London bank-teller always experiences a feeling of relief when he finds his money correct at the close of Friday's work, and this feeling Jllnuilly shared iu by the rest of the staff, who cannot leave the
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  • 574 8 The China Mail in a long article oa Punjom says Tho Punjom and Sunghie Dua Samantau -lining Company has been five years in existence, end at this time of day a shareholder naively asks the question if tho Company is in a better position now than when it started"
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  • 598 8 La te Telegrams. tte. iiiaa charter, granting tj stem of gssenaat, has i proclaimed. The I itive papers, in discussing tin f ths Govern* ment condemn the withdrawal of tho license purchasing elat vation Bill which they assert is an umc eessary concessiaa. The proposal toh tlie sums voted for
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  • 1145 9 (From a Formosa Correspondent.) Although of course we knew that the Governor was by no means satisfied with the termiuation to tho late difficultv about foreign trade in camphor, we thought this was perhaps only natural chagrin, consequent on failure, which would soon pass off,
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  • 1001 9 In LA.: the troops in Ihe field bave dislodged ihe Achinese from tbeir strongholds with a gbt loss, and pursued them until u outbreak of cholera cheeked the advance a while. By last advices, the field force had moved further iuto the enemy's territory carrying all before them.
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  • 232 9 The European Police at Penang have, so it is said, started a .hooting club. Both "Pahanga and Bentonga" have taken a downward tendency in London. H. N. M.'s guuboat Sambas, Captaiu de Vriese, arrived here yesterday from Acheen. This morning H. M. S. Porpoise went outside the
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  • 100 9 If, as our London correspondent informs us, on the authority of Sir William Gregory, the Home authorities intend to make Ceylon pay not oulv for the cost, oi Der defences iu other parts but also that ot the Naval Station at Trim omalie it ie qmte
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  • 119 9 Speculation on the Calcutta Exc hange. Extraordinary exchange iluctnations occurred in Calcutta ou 20th June. When business opened Is ofd was the banks* buying rate for six mouths sight bills. At noon transactions took place at ls 6d, and something apprcic'iinga panic seemed imnnnen.. The excitement, however, passed away, the
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  • 139 9 The visit of a team from the Colombo Cricket Club to Siugapore, there to inee* the local club aud also a team from Honrkoug, has been from some time on tapis. It trauspires now that the suggestion an early visit made bv the C. C. C.
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  • 301 9 Garrison E and Garrison km TANOI. IN V. E. Co Ml 'Asy _\J, Xokth an proa i hire Etnoi i nt. The above match was plaved al Xanctia on Saturday afternoon, and resulted in victory by E Company by one run. The Garrison weie the first 'and made ap
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  • 44 9 Our Boys was repeated on Saturday night to a fair house, although a falling off on Friday's attendance was noticeable. Of the performance itself not much need be said except tbat a little more familiarity with their parts was shown by the amateur actors.
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  • 245 10 Singapore nersns BanoKOK. Victory for the Sovthkkn' This important match, which was simnltaneously shot or in the respective ports on the afternoon of Saturday, the :JBih June, has, according to information received fron, Bangkok this morning, resulted in a victory Cor Singapore bj points. Strange to say, both
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  • 392 10  -  Neptune By Practice in the light fours goes on steadily, aud having eutered into the race week, the crews are manifesting greater interest iu the work. Since Thursday, nothing of importance has been done; .louie of the crews have been out, but easy going was the order. As
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  • 169 10 The Penang Municipality happens to have so lar^e a surplus reveuue lying idle that suudry earf>enters, contractors, timber merchants &c. in that town have petitioned the Board to lay out the accumulated fuuds on public works. They urge that expenditure of this kind would put money in circulation
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  • 234 10 Thc statutory meeting of the Pahang Semiliang Company. Limited, was held at Cannou-atreef Hotel, on the 9th nit., the Hon. A. Ci. Pound presiding. The Chairman stated tbat the property of the company was a long wav off, and they had hs the same opportunities in the
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  • 347 10 (Siam Mi Qauette, T» K Kin( kched Bangkok on the *_':2nd ultim >. The hearing of the S Government libel case is expected to come off in the German Consular Comt Bangkok ou tbe Sth July. The s. s. J. li. Say bad a narrow escape from the
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  • 28 10 Tun Namchew which arrived to-dav th7watl%n^ TU«S "f edUBQ L arrivin g on Saturday from Bangkok reports moderate wind from tb^ Southward aud fine weather throughout
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  • 1272 10 Another prospecting syndicate has just been started in London under the title of the Sumatra Exploration Company, Limited, with a capital of £250,000, in X'l shares. The Directors comprise Lieut.-General Sir AV. F. Druuimond Jervois, g.c.m.g., cb., r.n.s. formerly Grovernorof tbe Straits Settlements, South Australia, New Zealaud),
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  • 443 10 j sn or i nr Cnnw Etuut, _ne steamer Hok Canton, whir" from Edie dn Sunday, brought eleven ol fourteen of the n er which bad been driven to tak< on the count of Acheen, and had I looted by the Achinese. According to ths
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  • 230 11 (From our own Correspondent.) Kwala Lumpor, ,'hdJvly. The Resident left on Tuesday last for Sungei Ujong where he will stay a few days, and then return here. Mr. Spence Moss took his departure also on board the Esmeralda, for a somewhat prolonged stay at Seremban. The Laju rests
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  • 532 11 straits Trade with Bnglnnd. I Jetty I Thk very clearly compiled tables of Straits and English trade published iu our issue of yesterday ought to be of Considerable interest, .'specially as the igures are compiled with an accuracy which is not to be ha 1 in the returns which
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  • 504 11 (Straiis Ttmss July 3.) The Newfoundland question affords a striking iustance of the old saw that delays breed danger. The fishery difficulties there have continually given rise to trouble, always tided over but never boldly faced. The island had long been a Pritish Colony wheu, under
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  • 414 11 (Straits Times July 4.) In another column we give some account of the visit of His Excellency the ActingGovernor to the Negri Sernbilan and to some other places, iucludiug Muar which, of course, is beyond the territory over which Sir Frederick Dickson rules. Perhaps
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  • 735 11 I Straits 7 Withim the last few mouths the 1 paid shares of the Singapore Inanram Oompany have fallen from $14 to $8, which latter price these are sellers; whi persons who might conceivably be buyers are deterred by the rumour that the directors are likely soon
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  • 320 11 British Enterprise in Born eo. (Btr llts 'Fin os July 5. 1 As will be seen from our Netherlands ludia News, British enterprise has gained iu the opinion of the Dutch a firm foothold in Netherlands B cue,., especially on the West Coast, throughout Sambas. The native rulers of the
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  • 451 11 (Straits Times July 7.) The Societies Ordinance has come iuto operation after due notice had been given to the Associations specially aimed at, to wind up their affairs and prepare for the new order of things Last week's (Joverumeut Gazette enumerates no les* than ten Chinese Secret
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  • 302 12 (Supplementary to Straits 'Finos Telegrams (Ceylon Osssrssr.) Constantinople, 2iith Jnne. News has reached here of a serious revolt in Armenia. Several engagements have taken place between Kurds and Armenians, -May being killed. London. 17th June Lord Hartington has written a letter in support of Mr Wainwright, tho Cousetrvaiivs
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  • 396 12 July S The news that the in Loudon intended to go on strik unwonted in e mail ad i received to-day, s resignation which on the Pith ultimo. Mr. 1 tion addressed to the 1 1 M on two nm':; p cuts which p the step. One
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  • 231 12 to whieh currency time ago that Admii .1 Lang intendin the I Navy j proves to be correct. The X C. Daily -V< Admiral Lai handi d in his resignal ion 1 but as Ear as we are aware, it i ■a accepted. The it
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  • 46 12 The directors of the Punjom Co. notified by circular at, Hongkong on the Ist instant, that a telegram had been received from Mr. Brodie stating that the trausfer of the property has been made and that he would leave ior Hcudcon<', on the following day.
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  • 77 12 Prospecting finds no favour with the Chinese judging from the Shanghai Mercury's account of how a foreign mining engineer, sent recently by the Viceroy Chang Chih-tung to examine the iron mines at a place called Sin-kok, met with a sorry reception from the inhabitants of the district, who
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  • 1463 12 Monday, July 7th, 1890. The Municipal Commissioners held their usual fortnightly meeting in the Board Room, Town Hafl on Monday afternoon at the appointed hour; thete were present Messrs. Gentle (President); Sohst, Maxwell, Lim Eng Keng, Tan Beng Wan, Cuthbertson, and Captain Camerou. The President annouuced the receipt
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  • 602 13 Opium again to the Front. At the monthly missionary meeting on Monday night, iu the Priusep Street Chapel, the Rev. W. N. Brewster took the chair, and gave particulars of his experiences at the recent Protestant Missionary Conference at Shanghai. It was attended by 4:1" missionaries, about
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  • 1220 13 Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, 4th July 1890. Sia,— ln reply to your letter of the 30th ultimo, addressed to tho Acting Governor, regarding the signatures of Petitions by Government Officials, I am directed to inform you that Public Servants are at liberty to sign all properly worded memorials on
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  • 944 13 This morning Kow Cho alias Tian Hah was (barged with the attempted murder of Auu Bee on the 9th June. Ann Bee's evidence was similar to the report of the occurrence which appeared in the Straits Times. Lee Peck Com, chin chew of the S.
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  • 912 13 The last homeward voyage of the Messageries Maritimes steamer 1 wms marked hy an extraordinary SCeurrsuci iti Sea. For twenty-four hours the slip was navigated through a swarm of locusts. The sea was covered with these orthoptsrs for a distunes af something like 350 miles, snd if ther
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  • 786 14 Y_m i afternoon s meeting of the Police Commit;.' wss held .-it Regency-place, Lower Kenninjrton lane, S. E.. for "the parness of taking iuto consideration the grievan- the Metropolitan Police, and to take action thereon." The BtSOtiog frSS convened bv the Metropolitan Polios Protection Association, which
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  • 266 14 In his report on the Mauritius Blue Book for 1888, just issued, Sir J. Pope Hennessy remarks that Mauritius is, as far as he can judge, the most flourishing sugar-produc-ing colony of the British Empire. The total value of the exports of the produce ot" the Colony in
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  • 548 14 El)i I -TIO3I IN RILATIOS IO MISS-OHS, *6ik. With your kind permission, I shall bere give a brief reply to ceitaio remarka on the missionary question expressed in the lecture ot tbe Rev. Mr. Keith on Wednesday iu.>:. and accurately summarised m your issue ot the
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1124 14 ARRIVALS r i Flao %do Vksskl's Name. A Tons.' Captain. From. sailki; sionkks. a*- 1 1 Rio 30 Siak I Dut str. 240 'Outhuys Rbio Jun.- 80 Boastsad 4k Co. •10 'Glenartney Brit. str. 1943 .Bm- Mozi Juu-- 20 Boastsad Co. July 1 iSutlej P.O.str. 8103 Browne Bombny Juue I
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 220 15 POWELL CO. AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITURE, Ac, For Rale. ___*irehg loe Chest Badfte-d (iron) j ewe l s&ft>H Bed-room Stutea Japanese Screens Book Ca^ea Lamps Book Blands Linolourn BiUiard Tabi Matting Card Tables Marble Slabe Carpet Rnjrs Meat Safes n Offloe Deeks C_arober Cupboards o_ CA Chairn Cabinet* Punkshs Cbssta of
      220 words
    • 748 15 1,000.000 BRIEPMARKEN Converts, lWkarten etc. kaufi i laiju, Nanmburu S.iale Doutsrliland. I DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE The Original and only Genuine nutl Vlco 11^ 11 you wish to obtain quiet refreshing sleep, free from headache, eiiot trom pain and anguish, to calm and as- Map the weary aeUaga of
      748 words
    • 285 15 ASIK FOB And see that each Jar bears Baron Liebig'g ,i«!I^!THM *9SFP E*m in Blue Ink across the Label. lS>.^ _f_jj_____| il >T Jl^*^\jt F,NEST AMD CHEAPEST I m^m^^Ly^^ MEAT-FLAVOURING -V--% STOCK FOR s o*J ps 1\ MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. I I Invaluable for India aa V/ an Efficient
      285 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 649 15 SHIPPING. PORT. Petrel, 17_. Fen Hin *f Co fo. v s P da. Pari Fie-ter, 1328, Pateraoa I__mm A Co. for 1.770.: Marseilles London, -Roads. Station B-aJ-v, 146, Woe Baa A Co. for Muntok and 2,170, '-ns Herbing, Palrmbarj Boada. V* 277, Soon ii,e a Co. tor Rhio Le •<
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 337 16 HHH S^^SBBbbb-HK-ISP-BBHI the safest _yriLD Ha FW |n| aW_a\eli] B&M-^i aperient fob I 1 1 kl I >' B_M V M _ll WWIb H DELICATE CONSTI-ji-'J S, k I v H________J____l TUTIONS, LADIES. ___BbH__l B_______K _a____H___a_______a__l CHILDREN AND k EMEDY FOR ACIDITY OF THE INFANTS AND FOR OTOkJ-OT. HEARTBURN, HEADACHE,
      337 words
    • 501 16 THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO r==MHJS===S_-________Mnl Crab-Apple BloMOmt tS _r f *a\ ,rm I l^^^___S^^_H __>_wß_— n __r<«_K__i I- ■P^ay__^^BßaßßßßjaWW^Bß^Bß^^^B__r_L^^^| R i The fragrant, delicious, i le7_l II ilSrSr lel tAwAsSAII _i__ _l _n a_r> Af ]t jj e^S\Bl Ml "I" 1174 _Lelffj j* Iffti— Jl Jf—-—* I and universally popular
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    • 265 16 thk "arairr r r i bazaAb BOOK. AN I A Conyenies A book in whick r naily sll housebohi with a separate column for each day in t ■operate page for i weak in md separata lim nary parebi PKK IB: ONE DOLLAR. Fo be had of ftratta T'. men
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    • 17 1 tn consequence of ihe mail d*raiig,mehtt {As newA of this dai, (Wednesday) is given in A supplement.
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    • 97 1 WEDNESDAY, 9th JULY, 1890. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Straits Times. London. tondm, Bth July.— The Police strike was a failure. The second battalion Orenadier Guards refused to answer the bugle call for kit inspection and locked themselves in their rooms. On the inspection being abandoned, the men fell in and hooted
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    • 458 1 Tai Perak Government has just issued in pamphlet form a collection of all the regulations on the subject of Chinese labour believed to be iu use in the State. Strict legislation had to be put in force there wheu mature came to such a pass that
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    • 65 1 Chinbse male child, about tweuty 7J*.Vs old, alive aud well, was found by a Malay syce in a vacant piece of ground off turia Street. The finder commuuiPf l with the police, aud being a married Ul *n. he intiraaUu that he would like to pt the child the police
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    • 1272 1 PrdnptHn* For the last h'lfiK of itjn ,j a- 8 the t pects of the Raub Aurf^'fl^ntt have probably received more attention 1 trom the speculative public of Singapore than anv other in the comparatively large ist of ffittftg prospecting concerns u the Straits Settk&tofe .During
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    • 89 1 h will he news to hear that a German firm is a f present trying an experiment iu exportiug coolies from Shanghai to .lava, or Sumatra. This, v. >- believe, is the tirst attempt to obtain coolie labour from Shanghai, most operations in th'it line haviug
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    • 337 1 BC-*Oni __EBsni Thornton and Hawk A Japan fse woman named Oh Tonoh was charged to-day with n 'moving- pi operty under seizure. The prosecutor was a Chitty. Mr. Sisson prosecuted. Mr. Vaugnau appeared for the defence. Mr. Vaughun argued thai as there was some technical mistake
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    • 1154 1 The Irish hi EST-OU. The C. D. Bui.. A meetino of the Singapore ParliH. ment" was held last night in the BAaeoni. Hall. There were more then 'in members and others present. Mr. A. Knight acted as speaker. The llrimh'Question. In reply to Mr. Tregarthen (1.) the
      1,154 words
    • 826 2 The (Sixth) Annual Report of the Board of Directors to be presented to the Shareholders at London, on Thursday, 3rd of j July, ruus as follows i In subinHtlng to the Shareholders the Sixth i Annunl Balance Sheet, and Statement of Profit and Loss for
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    • 128 2 An adjourned fifth annual general meeting oi the Perak Sugar Cultivation Company, Limited, hold in the Shanghai Club, Shanghai, <>n the 25th ,luu.-. passed the report and account! ated after bearing a statement from the Chairman that with regard to the coming crop, the account* wen
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    • 158 2 Masters of steamers plying tf. tiongkong will do well to note a reminder just issued by Commander Bumsey, tbe Har. l)ourMas (1 rtber.'.a >ver-)oading. Ordinance 8 of 1879 of that colon? in sub. section 2, states that "the owner, a gen., or master of every British ship
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    • 72 2 The Perak Tin Mining and Sme lti ng Company, Limited. A general meeting of shareholders in the Perak Tin Mining aud Bmelting Company, Limited, in liquidation, was held at the Shanghai Club, Shanghai, on the 23rd June. After seeing how matters stood they soon resolved that the liquidation of the
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    • 26 2 Auiu\ w.«.. rom London, M _nd Australind from Fremantle, Messrs. Delay, Miller, Collins, Loreridj leay, and Stephen. Svupnumd from Hamburg, M»Kbrn. Vogt, aud Heinemer*t.
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    • 1724 2 Thk foaith ordinary general meeting of t];p British Borneo Trading atui Planting (Vm'pany 'Limited; wn* hnd OB the 'if 1 Nil vJaiinoM-strpnt [totel fttf. A if. S^ttitl chairman) p'v^Minp. T)'o Chairman said that h». had m recently *>p>n appointed ehairm;u> of the < >
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