Straits Times Weekly Issue, 18 June 1890

Total Pages: 18
1 2 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Sbbie3 Published ro« Transmission by Every Homewahu Mail Steamek. [Pkice 40 Cents. VOL XLVI. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 18, 1890. NO. 8,577
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  • 19 1 On the 13th .Tuno. at Orange Road, tho wife of 0. D. H i RTST, of a daughter.
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  • 63 1 At St. Peter'a Church, Colombo, on the 27th H%y, by the R.«v. Ohas. Boyd, M.A.. J. Lawson WSLCH, M.A. M.8., "C.M., Edin. District Sarffeoa, SoUn^or, to Charlottk Ada. fifth (Laughter of C. W. .Tohps, Esq.. Warwick.-! 1 re. On the 1-ti Jane, at St. Andrew'* Cathedral, by ih>* Rev.
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  • 25 1 On th> 15th Jane, drowned at Malacca, Ja.mks Woodfoed BftsrcsT, eldest son of E. W. Birch, air •> I soren years. Dbeply r>grottivl. |By tel^ntm
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  • Article, Illustration
    100 1 Market Qnotatioas. Snmm^rv nt the Week« Router's Toleffrai Local and General N«n The G ►vammemt ;v:ul the Ex. Sheriff of Sin>re. Chin TV* London PoV Tho Police in iBB9. A MtnifliorM Cbanjr>. BTativa Statos' Law. The R*cm. Paris Letter. Court of Appeal Supremo Court. Pastonger Li-^t. Police Mews. Shipping
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  • 327 1 Singapore, I*th June, 1890. P»''l>U. Ga-nbinr S 7 do. Cuba No. 1 10.60. do. Bali A I Popj Sago Fbur 2.00. P°»r] 250. Coffee Bali 28 Ooffeo, Li!- mu 30 Tlttioeß, ainall Flak« s.<>>. M 5.65. to. med. Oal 5.&>. do. sir, 4.65. do 5.15. Btick]ftr. 2<>.
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  • 245 1 The Police Report tor hist year recommenfc ft larger infusion of the Sikh ekmeat in the Force. Arrangements hare been made for holding Government Clasaes shortly in the Baffles' Eue a. Aji exi i R-v, y anje oil with lit tic taoeess* The inquiry into the
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  • 359 1 (f\>r Shmfe rime*.) FitAjrci am» K..vii. L'i,idf)n, t lth Jud'-. The French note to Egypt adhering to fch€ conversion ■cheme insists on the prooeedi of the conversion being applied to the increase of tbe Egyptian Army with the object of battening the British Evacuation. M. Ribot ipeaking in
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  • 245 1 In the appeal against tbte decision of Mr. Justice Wood win- gave judgment for the plaintiff, S. R. Carr. upon a claim of breach of contract in respect to tbe sale toTeo Guun T\v of certain KivraiiLj inares, eouusel courlmL'J their ar^mnetits yesterdav afternoon, and their Lordships
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  • 377 1 The Hongkong Telegraph extends its support to Sir Frederick Dioksoa in the matter of the foreign w^j-ship regulations, and it remains that the Singapore 00ft] merchants are selfish and proceeds to say As far as we can see, the precaution taken by the Government id a vety
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  • 190 1 The Mutual improvement Society. A MMvmta bo debate the questiea: That native inns'*- in street pnxossions thould be prohibited M was held at the retidenoe of Mr. J. C. Pestana, the President of the MqtaaJ [mprovenu nt Society on Saturday ui^lit. There «u a #ood attendam of members ami visitors.
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  • 361 1 The Moijul arrived from Haukow kit night with i cargo of tea for Odfltta and left at 7.80 this morning. The British banjos John GUI has reoehred orders at Aojer to \>\ ed to Yokohama. The Commander of H. I. Gorman M.,6. Sophie, report! that be met (14th
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  • 1009 2 WEDNESDAY, 11th JUNE. Court of Appesl. Before Justice* Pellerean and Wood. Rawang Tin Minino Company (in Liquidation) ex parte Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Continued ft oni our l*a-<t imtttn,) Mr. Nanson appeared for the appellant, Messrs. Bonser and Napier for the respondents (and the
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  • 85 2 Yestekdav morning a small iron safe, believed to be oue of the many carried off by the Burgliug Syndicate, was found on the bauks of a eieek at Pulo Brani. by an officer stationed at the fort there. The police have now got the safe, and are
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  • 52 2 The report of the Labuk Planting Company, Limited, to be laid before the first ordinary general meeting of its shareholders at Hongkong on the sth, states that 250 fields were under cultivation for this year's crop, which \m expected to be large and good, provided the weather
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  • 75 2 The China MttH rinds the report of the French— Tonquin coal mining company, alluded to in our issue of yesterday, too coloured. The concession, valuable as it is, requires (our contemporary says) larger capital than the company has aJ command to render the mines a profitable venture. The
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  • 479 2 A Successful Tiger Hunt in the Suburbs of Singapore. Poi montbi past complaint! have been frequent ol the visits of tigers in the Bukit rimah aud Thompson Boad districts, more especially tht- latter, where, about a mouth ago, on one plantation aloue, no Uss thau fourteen pigs were carried off
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  • 659 2 The New Municipal President and the Fire Inquests. This morning as Mr. A. Gentle, President of till Fire Commissioners, was about to commence au iuquiry iuto the circumstances atteudiug the origin of the fire which occurred in Arab Street on the morning of the 28th May, Mr.
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  • 662 2 WKDNRBDAV. IITH JUNE. Ths ordinary monthly meeting of the Engineers' Association was held in their rooms, High Street, last night there was a fair attendance. In the absence of Mr Crawl, who was prevented from attending by business engagements, Mr. Park was voted to the chair. Minutes. In
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  • 208 2 LABU AN AND BORNEO COAL. We are asked to say that at the lait meeting of the association during the discussion on M Fires at Sea," the coal spoken of by \lt. McLure as used on board the s. s. Btnmore (and as being highly inflammable) was intended to be
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  • 294 3 Tuk Chin, am PttOTl Tan Hkn.. V. Tins was a eas« which came before the Pall Court of Appeal yesterday, in which it was Bought t<> reverse the decision of the court below. Tun Hon.; Woo was charged before the magistrate with inducing elghteeu Chinese immigrants, whos i
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  • 194 3 A Rewang share Case This was an a)-]-. the d of Mr. Justin Wood, who gave judgment for the plaintiff S. I*. Can upon a claim of breach of I in respect to the sale to Teo GuanTye of certain I ares. Mr. \V. Nanson af>p for the appellant,
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  • 366 3 (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Pilah, 3rd June. The weather here during the last fortnight has been everything that could be desired, and the place is looking cheerful and pleasant. The health of the people this season is simply excellent in comparison with last year fever having
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  • 3088 3 (Written for the StrkiU Time*.) London, 17th May. Does it matter much, at this time of day, whether King Charles the Martyr Bowed his comely Down as nj.on a bod." as Andrew well has it —on a block two or three feet high, or on a
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  • 131 4 Yesterday morning while Sergeant Strachan of the Marine Police was going his customary rounds in the harbour, he arrested two Chinese sampan meu who, in addition to their legitimate cargo of fruit, &c, for ships' consumption, had on board their craft a considerable amount of gin,
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  • 89 4 The Straits Law Journal dwells upon the need for police constables to be warned against handcuffing persons under arrest, unless to prevent escape. It also calls attention to an undue straining of the law at Malacca where, recently, a chit from a Justice of the Peace to
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  • 84 4 Messrs. Brown Co. have received telegraphic advice of the following sales of Sumatra tobacco in Amsterdam on the 3rd instant United Lankat Plantations Co., L. P. C., (Padang Brahrang) 325 bales at 158c. 600 bales (all broken) at 85., An-glo-Dutch Tobacco Co., G. T. C. (Lobo Pakan) 510
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  • 87 4 The Samtor Disaster. (From our Corretpoiuhmt.) Mnar, Widmmduy, 11th Junt The S.S. Samtor has been lifted up to some extent from the place where she lay submerged, aud towed down the river lot the purpose of being beached. It is hoped that in a tew more tides she will Km
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  • 410 4 The "Morning Post" on the Prospects at Raub. Thi Morning Poti of 1 kb Mat contains the following under datejof April loth The chief interest of Singapore eentree just now oa the dktriet of Raul>, in the State of Pahang. For a long time certaiu experienced Australian gold miuers have
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  • 1119 4 ronrersarione in the Museum. Straits Branch op the Royal Asatioi Socibty. Yesterday evening, the President and Council of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society gave a conversazione in the Raffles' Library and Museum. The Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society has long been in
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  • 193 4 At half-past I o'clock this afternoon when the Court reassembled to enquire into the rireamteaeei attending the origin Oj thi tire in Arab Street on the 28th May, Mr. Gkotk, President of the Municipahty, informed Mr. Joaqaiu that he had lubmitted the
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  • 181 4 BSTUfclftAi afternoon, a small circle of friends and acquaintances were present 3t Andrew 9 Cattodml t > witness the nmrruup of PoKct Inspector Alexander Ronald McGregor to Jeaunie^aretta Kilgour of Banff. Amongst those present wen Acting lusp.vtor-Gencral Maxwell, Acting Superintendents Cuscaden and Newlands, and nearly all
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  • 93 4 It is reported to us that burglars favour No 35, Waterloo Street, with visits. O* the night before last, they walked off with the beat of the poultry belonging to th§ occupier. Laat night, one fellow oaat early, and locked the servant up befow breaking in, but
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  • 1948 5 The trial of Moey Ah Sam, charged on remand with the murder of one Hadji Ahnoat Merican, otherwise known as Hadji Puteb, on the 24th ult., was continued before Mr. Anthonisz, in the Second Magistrate's Court, at noon to-day. Mr. Newland prosecuted for the
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  • 146 5 The following telegram dated Kuala Kubu, 5.20 p. m.,lHh June, has been received by the Company's Secretary Good progress witj| mine and machinery struck cap of apparently a new lode, west of present workings j pfltepects good and consider this important. The telegram ought to have arrive
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  • 311 5 Tko Or an Ttb Appellant) vtrsus S. R. Oarr. In this ease which is an appeal against the decision of Mr. Justice Wood, who gave judgment for the plaintiff S. R. Carr upon a claim of breach of contract in respect to the sale to Teo
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  • 243 5 i China MaU.) Information has been received by the Government that the Estimates for 18lK) have been approved by the Colonial Office. The salaries of officials are there fixed on the old basis, with the exception of one department, the Surveyor General's. The advance given in
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  • 643 5 To counteract the harassing tactics of the Achinese and baulk their attacks, a picked body of soldiers, I*o stroug, has been organised in Acheen Pi oj>er as scouts and irregulars to reconnoitre and beat up the quarters of the enemy. The latter show no signs of giving in,
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  • 131 5 At the ordinary general .shareholders' meeting of the Lahuk Planting Company at Hongkong on the sth instant, the report presented was passed after the Chairman had said that he could add very little to it, except that the latest accounts from the manager were very encouraging,
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  • 1053 6 [From a Coi respondent oj tne maian Planter*' Gazette.) Having travelled through the island of Borneo, and observed in the course of iny peregriuatious what was heing done in the way of planting, a short accouut may probably be of interest to planters. Borneo lies
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  • 813 6 (From oar own Correspondent.) Women's Rights. Paris, 17th May.— The revision of the Constitution is the apple of discord between politicians, each wantiug to draw all the bed clothes to himself. M. Gaste, deputy of Fmistere, pioposes a solution, that gallantry which the Revolution did not extirpate from
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  • 145 6 French legislators are in the throes of good intentions for the working classes. It i? to be hoped they will keep steam up the yearly May holiday will henceforth be devoted by the' industrial classes for taking stock of what their parliaments, not politicians, have done
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  • 216 6 The number of visitors to the Raffl >' Library and Museum during the Thk 1 Kussian steamer Orel arrived this inoni^4 with the tiist shipment ol from Hankow for Odessa. Db. PA! LB, 't »>!ie time Colonial S g.'on at Malacca, died iu the General Hospital this
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  • 104 6 A Province Wellesley planter writes to the Pinang Qawttte to remove misapprehensions arising from the n of alleged ill-treated coolies on Chin estate there. He accounts Cor the neglect of sick labourers by the fa. t of Ch being callous in kses of illneas and patting no
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  • 136 6 (Shkmgo tmetti QaaetU,l3tA June.) His Highness the Sultan iu Council has ordered tint uo person or corporation carrying on the business of banking shall. without the previous consent of the Governor of the Straits Settlement at any plao| within the State auv bank-note whereby the payment of ally
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  • 218 6 Murders at Penungah. The mail from Borneo this morning brings the au noun cement of the murder of four of the Government Police and three traders (presumably Chinese) at PenungaJ; the most outlyiug station of the North Borneo Government. The information to hand up to the present is
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  • 61 6 The Resident Councillor ut j^ beeu ou tour in H.M.S Bedpole, iu his i-apuritv oi British Consul-General totbe Siamese Western States. His reception l>r the native headmen pi f^_ tun calling for uoti< i where thr I I icl bin, bulUfight and .1 I' :UJU iis
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  • 148 6 Mk. Will 1 IMS Of Hl< Kink Made bark, niav i led a* ha* ifnl. That drawback j self iii the d of the regimental lan i. vi t ii whom ii(itifi"d in the ;ul\ menti had mad*.-. Whv the band was Dot tiier-- did
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  • 95 6 The Qdmiuil Wmpin of Mty 30th Ci it m-is.-s ad t* of the Biberian Byndicat*? as these v, at a meeting i<';> »rti I in the Straii I ial Em the Chairman pointed out thai the sch illative one, and it that gold 'list i< thy, bat
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  • 132 6 MaX >. II iji Mohauiat Tahir and hit i uqged with the Bolder of an old nbm mm-1 Mali Bungah at Trui! before 1 1 Mr. Birch, afternoon. Purl I row was token, after which the fetsafc pridiachai m want of ividenoe agaii Other wituesses for the prosecution
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  • 657 6 In the last numl-er of the Chmt R> < a paper ou BducatHJD iu Chiua which heads the table of contents, conveys a deal of interest ing information. Public instruction in that ancient empire t after old models like almost evelse there. The march of progress has
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  • 303 7 The Hongkong Daily Prew pablit tlie following Singapore, 21st May, IS9U. To the Hon. Secretary, Hongkong Cricket Club. Dear Sir. -We were of course much disappointed to learn your detinito decision that your Eleven would not bo able to pay us a return visit this year. Within the
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  • 2554 7 THE KACES. Thb Singapore Sporting Club Spßixa Mmtino. Extra Day, Saturday, 14th June, 1890. The course was in excellent condition, and everything seemed to incline very favourably towards a good day's sport. There was, however, a perceptible falling oft' iu the attendance, when compared with the ttrong
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  • 101 7 An optician lias invented an iu_j uioiu contrivance for making liver hearted liorses try to win races. Many horses— ot which old Despair was a notable instance can gallop splendidly, but directly they get in front of their competitors they refuse to try any turther. The invention
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  • 1796 8 Th» Accubid Committed to the Assizes Bail in $20,000. To-day at 2 p. m. before Mr. Antboaisz, Syed Mohamed Alsagoff appeared on a charge, alleging That, on or about the 11th and 24th May, 1890 at Singapore, the said Sved Mohamed Alsagoff
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  • 273 8 tlon Observer.) Paris, i'h Ji'v.— A\ H meeting of the Buei Canal Company m-t dividend of 85 frmßCfl has been annmnefd. Bou<i. 4th June.— The Bulgarian Government will very shortly despatch a note to Englaud, Italj.and Austria urging therecognit on of Prince Ferdinand. {Central Ne%Ci Telegrams in Indian
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  • 19 8 In re Thh Rawang Tin Mining Co. Limitbd ex parte The Chartered Bank of India. (A.ppblla*t3.)
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  • 2540 8 The Court op Sblangor and its Proceedings REGARDED A8 OF Little Account. In this case their Lordships gave judgment this morning. Mr. Justice Wood said In this case I am of opinion that the Judgment of His Honor the Chief Justice should be 1 upheld subject
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  • 188 9 At a meetiug of the Manila Kail way Company held at London on the 19th ultimo, the report and accounts for last year were passed, after the Chairman had stated that satisfactory progress continued to be made on the line. In the course of his remarks
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  • 262 9 Saturday, the *28th instant, will be observed as a Public Holiday throughout the Colony in honour of the Anniversary of the Cornation of Her Majesty the Queen. Mr. ,T. aeph Smith has been granted license to conduct sal a at Penang under M Tbe Bilk of
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  • 458 9 Thb Canton mint, we hear, commenced toe striking of silver coins on the 20th May, fcud the work is now actively proceeding. The coins struck are the dollar, half-dollar, twenty, ten, and five cent pieces. The date of issue, so far as we can learn, has not been
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  • 484 9 The Municipality of Manila have called the bakers there to account On the 28th May, th.' President of the Board notified a deputation of bakers who met him for the pur] appointment, that regulations affecting their trad.- were about to come into force. These enactments make provision to
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  • 898 9 B. X. B. HtroU lstJtun. The toUeoo estates at Segannnn and L,ahadatu are in vigorous preparation for the operat:ous of 1890. The fields hare beeu cleared for the reception of the plants. The advent of wildgMgi iu great numbers in the vicinity of the town lias
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  • 521 9 The Java Trade. (Straits Times Jmmt 11.) The productive island of Java takes a considerable place in tile commerce of the East, and her export staple articles bulk largely in the markets of the world. The general depression of tiadfl has made id mark there m in other producing
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  • 785 9 v UU TUm i Jnm /'J. Is our issue of yesterday then w:ui published a tetter touching t li t manner in which the GorerniMßt of th.* Straits Settlemesti is dealing with the persons who have been defnraded by Um lat«* Sheriff of
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  • 343 10 (Straits Times June IH.) Thk discovery of Chinese coolies iu Province Welletlej who had been kept working on a Chinese owned estate for long periods after their term of service had expired because of indebtedness to their employer i>oiuis to the existence of debt slavery in the
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  • 447 10 (<s//- lu r .1 1 1 Tin: tenure of office of the Chief t£iumissioner of Police in Londou seenijK? s to tend to become verv short. Id April j»^'» Sir Eimund Henderson resigned hisfifire and Sir Charles Wanvn \va- • iu his stead, that resignation ami /^|;it
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  • 400 10 (Strait* Times June 16.) Thb Straits Settlements Police Report forest year goes iuto fewer details than previous ones, because the Acting Inspec-tor-General awaits the outcome of the Co m mission then inquiring into the condition of the Force. The absence of serious disturbances during the year,
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  • 1188 10 v tuts Tim* Jnn> IT.) In on; issue of yesterday we published the full text of a very important jodgBMBI -a ji, lament important not only for the points directly at issue, but becani the possible political changes to which it nay lead. The rase wai one
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  • 681 11 The rumours of an impendii imn >n which were cu a Ismail *dvi< m no* more than at truth, and it appean that if tbo autumu session 1 Mr. W. 11. Smil b >nhip of i position uuu tiieir a bar the have bo hindei busi tl
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  • 136 11 11! I m norial to the Govern meni ing A some ussion, adjourned till i date to be 11 treafter by the Chain;, V if the Prye River >«.!: Co., held in th<* Chamber of Commerce, V on the 12th instant, c i lanim f<.)lli- >lutioD passed ai
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  • 74 11 A.BSTKACT O» TrAFPIC EARNINOfc FOR THE month of May IH<>O. A. J. W. Watkins, Assistant Resident Engineer. Resident Engineer's Office, Kuala Lumpur, 17th June 1890. Hea Ik of Receipt*. Amount. Passengers 3.57 L9l Horses, Carriages, and Dogs... 4MJ3Q Excess Fares... 21.3!> J Parcels 40.02 Extra Luggage 172.18
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  • 984 11 JjHiPUTE ON THE RacE-CoUBSK. jB» a y a^ ternoon in the Senior Ma^is- trate ourt before Mr S. L. Thornton, Willitgjß Dallau, horse trainer and jockey j appeagH in answer to a summons issued i at theSfcstanco of James E. Elphick who allegesjgj -That, on the 24th
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  • 375 11 Ma-. iR] post night Bhu R 7;:{ J I hare the honour to report tbe work during tbe last fortnight, viz: Driven, li la further distance of 25 «mce fro™ et; ground driren through I nuineroni amall 0 o f u gold) no quarti leaden hare met wi daring
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  • 189 11 Thh following Letter appears iu tht Financial New* Will you allow mo to draw the at;ontion of your readers to an anomaly which I believe to be without precedent in the Pahang market. While Pahang Corporation shares are over £4, the shares of
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  • 1458 12 With reference to the telegram about I the threatened Police strike in London the following particulars regarding the Metropolitan police will b<; found of interest. Organization. It was established by Act of Parliament (1829) and the protection of the district by watchmen was discontinued by that statute
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  • 209 12 Foot and Mouth Disease. Foot and mouth disease broke out duriSfcr the early part of the month, more than 3k) cattle have been attacked, fortunately e£Rr the working bullocks, and up to the pree&t all milch cows have entirely escaped. The epidemic has now ceased. The
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  • 341 12 Is it a Joke The following letter appears in the r mcmeial Nine* of 23rd May Sir, Your readors in bo doubt aware thai a seheoM is on foot to float a company, under the title of the Union Sardinian', to aeqaire ami work l<>o or more of the sardine-earing
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  • 84 12 Jacob, the coi for the Wattao rday by the s. s. B in We are informed thai Mr. .1 will be out fa in for the di accoi i by a oi i ning enrill(it Jb In I bis mining concession*, the local business men agreed
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  • 205 12 It is a fair and own a tempting offet which Sir John Fender, the chairman ol the Eastern Extension Telegraph Compaay, makes to the Colonial Governments, The tarift p<t word to tho Australian eolooiee wiii l>o redae*d linearly oVe-half all round, if the Colonial Co'vernments will
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  • 382 12 The Government's Answer to a Judgment Creditor Whose Monet m DISAPPIABSD IN THK HANDB <>k the Sheriff. Sir, The following f ilr(g are worth making public, as shewing the way which our (Joverunieut deal with t h Asiatic subjects. Ir On »'.th AogUSt last one Tau
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  • 504 12 itMJ tseil phtiVd than in im a uvw country, i iioue toe of t] Sti along the bum old lin< g r to be awakening ict thi 'm< ithiiif Then sun first undertaken >lony ti. i» i in a ha) .tk'u Lualified, and 11 Li only
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  • 500 13 g g raa» I if i: this and thor number are ]>r mealJ or imp autL July ivibaig, fluctuati ild Lave little or do influence on the position .pauy by r, bids fair I pretty strong tioßf are Eai bed. Personally 1 have fouLi BLusaiao i ffi
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  • 21 13 f T^» J adI i-ff- artilet, 12 I •ional 1<» w :e third of who have s with 1
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  • 477 13 THE TAN' JONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LTD. The premises of the Corcpany are situated at Tanjong Pagar adjoining the "town Singapore. Steam tram -cars run at short intervale carryine passengers and good? from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The "Wharf extends to one mile and quarter and is divided
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 177 13 THE BTBAITB TIMES' 1 BAZAAR BOOK. H I maai> Im pko i n A Con in which luinn for for k in the line PRICE: ONE DOLLAR. be had of the wtet office or I [Cnto Testimoxia Fl. Y. Before we pjM the Householders' Ba/Aar Bo(»k we all I a
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    • 330 13 NOTICE. Infill price of the 4 Strait* Timei m is LrL For the daily issue $24 yearly For the weetly issue .*l^ Tflfcsubscriptio(% which is piyable quarterl|Hß advance, includes free delivery each aftejßpon in Singapore and free delivery by posfcv^ithin the Straits Settlement* and thrdlpfcout the Protected States of the
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    • 72 13 ~pv EXTAL NOTICE. Ma. M. F. Simon, l. t ei Surgeon Dentist, may be consulted da e General Ilospital, Sepoy Lines. Hours from 11 to 12.30 or appointments may be arranged far other hours by letter. APOLLINARIS. "The Queen of Table Waiers." THE filling at the Apollinaris Spbino tRhenish Prussia
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 625 14 ABKIVAI/S **<r y v c A Tons.' Captain. From. Sail^ kks. rNTpORT Teresa, 73* Wee Bin ACo for /»v£--»ads. «g BBBICL 8 Rio lls POBI. Tamfcora, 836. Boustead Co. for BaWia- Men-of-War. Tanjong Pagar. ~L jOne 11Q7 p nr i lin ,i teriboo June l Boustead&Co. Por <„> UM '3
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  • 516 15 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE The < li and only Genuine Advice U [nvalids, If you wish to obtain quiet, rafrtw p, iY.V Proa hoadaofca. relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assua_ weary aehingg of protracted disease. inngorate the nervous media, and regulate the inoculating systems ol the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 251 15 POWELL CO. AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITURE, Ac, For Sale. Xlt:«:rab* Toe Chest* B«dst««d (iron) j pwel 8&fe8 Bed-room OHM* Jnpanesie Sor«»fluii Book Canes Lamps Book Stand* Linoleum Billiard Tabl Matting Card TaM»s Marhlo Sktbm Carpet Kujf» g^gg Chair* Offioo Desk? Chamber Cupboards Offl( e chairs Cabinet* Punkah* Chests of Drawers Phuw
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    • 17 15 1,OOO,(MNI BRIEFMABKEN. fcouverts, Postkarten etc. knuji Haijn, Nanmbur« (Saale) Deutschlaud. N^^^i y 3 n s I TTTs3
      17 words
    • 661 15 ask: for tad that ea^ Jar b«ri Baron Liebig'. Signnurfc iSSHSfv in Blue Ink across the Label. ILaMI •'•AS f MEAT-FLAVOURING W \J I J STOCK FOR SOUPS. S v MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. •fly I Invaluable for India as >£j *S *n Efficient Tonic in all ft be Ua
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 392 16 ■b bbd HQBKBIBSHBHHHVHPHSBV^^m the safest mi^d P Il^' I kl iBl *ZM WKV DELICATE CONSXtk 1 VI ■fl BhH MP ilfc" W J TUTIONS, LADIEJ^ Jr ■SnBBDHHBBfefIi children and,' STOMACH, SEAKTBXIBN^^E^ACHE, QOTTT WABM CL IMATe| /\di nm eford FLUID S&wivAmfii^l S2ffl^^« Of Druffßists and Storekeepers throughout the World. B ASK
      392 words
    • 649 16 Tthe crown perfumery co. i^^^^^^^^ifSl Crab-Apple Blo««om« ■ttfift^m^ r^fItf^BHHBTHIVHVPVIIfaVM (Rr«;n.»-The fragrant, delicious. ll^lf!7lV7T#Jat>?3filf//^A T A^>W and universally popular new per- < > Af D Ij^^^jj^^f^j^yfy^gj^iaini^l fume of smS i b WK^^^jlff lf|l *■¥> B^V^J C.-ab-Apple BlOMomi. f K^^ {^■fcllZir— »^Bl*Taii\^^a^W A■ OA^V "A „rnt of siirpxs>ins delicacy. A IK m
      649 words

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    • 18 1 In consequence of the mail arrangements the news of this da\ t Wednesday) is given in a supplement.
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    • 28 1 WEDNESDAY, 18th JUNE, 1890. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Straits Times. Thb Silver Bill. Mem York, 17th June.— The Senate has voted the Silver Bill by forty-two against twenty-five votes.
      28 words
    • 1671 1 The evidence for the prosecution and the decision in this case were given iu our issue of yesterday bnt time did not permit us to print the evidence for the defence. After the case for the complainant had been closed, Mr. Nanson, who appeared for the defence,
      1,671 words
    • 36 1 Lieut. A. H. C. Kenney-Uerbert baa been seconded for service on tht Staff Lieut. Edward Osborne Smith to be adj., vice Capt. W. F. Fawcett, whose period of service in that appointment expires.
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    • 37 1 The Hongkong Daily Press hoars that the Government at Peking has given permission for the construction of a railway from Canton to Kowloon, and arrangements for carrying the scheme through are already in progress.
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    • 1119 1 Ttomdiay, 17th June. A meeting of the Singapore Parliament was held last night iu the Masonic Hall, whou about 40 members were present. Mr. A. Knight (the speaker) was in his place. Two new members, Messrs. J. Ferguson and W. R. Smith, were admitted. Notice of Motions
      1,119 words
    • 524 1 Ural Nem Ttl§§nmt in Tniimm Aywi.) BuehoHgt, -JUtlt M,t>,.~ The court -martial which assembled to try the Roumanian soldiers ehanrad with the murder of the seaman Pa<je, of H. M. S. Cockatrirr, at Kustendje, have acquitted the accused. The British residents in that city and here are indignant
      524 words
    • 1474 2 Punjom and Sunghie Dua Samantau Mining Company, Limited. The re}K>rt for presentation to the shareholders at the fourth ordinary half-yearly meeting, to bo held at the office of the Company, Victoria, Hongkong on Monday next, is as follows The Directors havo now the pleasure to place before you the Accounts
      1,474 words
    • 678 2 (By Neptune.) At present very little interest is evinced in the'forthcomiug regatta, and the members of the Bowing Club are not takiug so kindly to their work as was exacted. Possibly the two most truest strokes of the light fours are Robertson and Bramwell, for they keep their
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    • 52 2 This Company executes ships' repairs of at descriptions in the «oet efficient, JutnW xmt^^sssssr of European 8hi No 1 Graving Dock. Length 116 feet. wftu of ater fr om 14 feet to 1W feet Width at Entrance 42 feet BiLt^:? 6 tL^as? *&*?*>»■ sssssssss
      52 words