Straits Times Weekly Issue, 10 December 1889

Total Pages: 17
1 1 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 30 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series Published *e vnaemW jU or a KA.NBMISSION BY EVERY HoMF \T Q [Price 40 Cents VOL XLV. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 NO. 3,550
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  • 18 1 the Master Attendant's Bwding Officers th~ infant son of AS. Pestaka Ve^ ana Madras papers please copy.
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  • 382 1 TUESDAY, 10th DECEMBER, 1889. CONTENTS. M&i-K-u v^uotatious. Summary of the Week. Reuter's Telegrams Local and General News. A Prose ant ion uader the Indian Immigration Ordinance. A Trust Company in the Bast. The Legislative Council. The Netherlands India Finances. The Nine States. Mr. Honniker Heaton's Postal Crusade. Exchange Meeting. Rawang
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  • 214 1 ggMMAtftjloi;'itfjg^ ak.lL <_yClBBlH!f ißW'a*»Brß*r «bbbral of' ;'W »PP?«f a Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements. The Singapore Tramway was sold by r™ vu for $186,000 to Gan Seng, who bought it for the New Harbour and Tanjong Pagar Dock Companies. At a public meeting on Wednesday,
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  • 267 1 (For Straits Timee.) Mr. Gladstone on Turkey. London, 3rd Dec. Speaking at an assembly of the National Liberal Federation at Manchester, Mr. Gladstone recalled the overthrow of the Conservative Government in 1880 consequent on the want of sympathy with tbe sufferings of the Bulgarian people. He said that
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  • 449 1 j Mb. J. R. Watson has left Johore for Pahang where he is to take charge of a tin-mining adventure. —-i On iTriday last Mr. J. E. Westerhont' was elected Municipal Oommissioner at Malacca by 26 votes against one for the opposition eondidate, a Chinaman. The dead
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  • 299 1 We believe a communication has been received by a prominent member of the S. C. C. stating that Penang and Perak are anxious to have a foot-ball match under Rugby Rules during their Christmastide stay in Singapore. Unfortunately the time is so occupied that at present no day
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  • 458 1 as me outcome ot oertaiu correspondence between ourselves and the Resident of Selangor and the Colonial Governuieut the following notification is issued under date of the 4th inst On and after the 1st day of January, 1890, all properly authenticated press messages not in
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  • 156 1 Shanoh-i Score. The Shanghai team on the 26th N vein her and made a total of 819* point.-, the weather was bitterly cold, and there was a strong N.W. wind blowing during the firing. At the 600 yards the wind hart increased in force, and the
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  • 71 2 TUESDAY, 3rd DECEMBEB. Supreme Court* Bmroaa Mr. Justice Ooldnby, 2nd Dec. Shaik Pareeltoo and Ebrameah. This was a motion by the Attorney General to discbarge the order of arrest made some days ago against the defendant. ■W. Mr. S. Carr's affidavit having been read, the witness Rana
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  • 123 2 Y esterday afternoon, at a meeting oi the Trustees of Inn Tock Seng's Hospital, better known as the Pauper Hospital, it was elicited that the application for beda were far in excess of the supply, and notwithstanding the fact of extra beds being placed in
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  • 371 2 {London and Unina Express.) It is satisfactory to find that capitalists in the Straits Settlements have been steadily turning their attention to other matters than metal booms," and the returns published in the Perak Government Gazette of the crops raised on four Liberian Coffee Estates are so very
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  • 250 2 Important Spirit Farm Cas«. The Magistrate's decision in the case of the Spirit Farmer ve. Tok Kim Tong was this morning appealed against before Mr. Justice Wood. The Attorney General and Mr. Drew appeared for the and Mr. Sisson for the Respondent. Kim Tong was charged witbabettingone Low
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  • 273 2 This morning a telegram was received from Hongkong to the following effect "a typhoon S.E. of Luzon slowly approaching the China Sea." The Hedpole was to be commissioned on the 20th ult. with a crew of seventylive officers and men for service on the China station. The
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  • 120 2 A Chinamau named Koh Ah Toug was arrested the other night in Merchant Road for tbe theft of an engine valve valued at $45 belougiug to Messrs. Riley Hargreaves Co. He was brought before Mr. Anthonisz yesterday and remanded, to enquire into previous 'convictions which he denied. Bok Chak,
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  • 411 2 The first issue cf two and a-half per cents, by tho London County Council has been a great success. Already the Stock Exchange tf An 7 h nT Mj hrB -*«»ed the stock "Rose- oerys. The minimum price at which the Conned resolved to receive tendon
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  • 268 2 Magistrates' Appeals After the adjournment yesterday, Mr. Sisson, on behalf of Toh Kiin Toug, in his prosecution by the Spirit Farmer, said that j the Legislature never meaut to specify the exact time of the delivery of spirits, or else, P sVs in the Opium Farm regulations, words
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  • 488 2 Ihrouuh Mr. G. A. Den iik by chant* returniug to his home earlier than usual yesterday afternoon, he was fortunately able to save about $1,600 worth of his mother's and sister's jewellery, and some $44.> in cash, along with other valuables which were being carried off by
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  • 312 2 By Nkptukb. The Committee of the Siugapore Eow mi* Club have at last commenced thei^ preparations to compete with the IVnai* ites at Christmas. Very little time is left for actual tramiug. but traiuing is scarce.? necessary, as t lie Penang Club have act yet chosen the crew
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  • 395 2 f rrom onr oirn Vorrespondent Ktcala Luuijor, 2nd Dec. Although the tar tau does uot muster here so strongly as in the neighbouring capital of the Straits Settlements, yet the sons of "Caledon i stern and wild" did not allow the an nvl festive commemoration of their Sain
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 121 2 Passkngkbs List. Per ghdavery from jßatavia, Messrs. Irvind^nrkemasch, Rival, De Van, De Vogj^e Vries, Dias, Pernor, De Yieconte, Render, Mr. and Mrs. Haes, and Miss De Vries. Melbourne from Hongkong, Miss Hornheim, Colonel Craster, Captain Flet- cber, and Mr. Ford bam from Saigou, Mrs. Snook. Gangee from London, Messrs. Wolferstan,
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  • 607 3 (Juititiafiat etei Ccelum mat The recent reported appointment to th Headmastership of the Malacca Hurh School has created considerable discontent among a most deserving class of Govern ment servants-the teachers. These men who have undergone their normal school training, and many of whom have had
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  • 2956 3 Mb. Tom Brown Interviewed. Visit to thi Malay Pbniwsula. CFVoto the Brisbane Telegraph of 7th Oct). A representative from the Telegraph on Friday waited npon Mr. T. W. Brown, who has just returned to Queensland after a nine months' sojourn in the Malay Peninsula. The climate of
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  • 43 3 The Lord Charlmont arrived yeater.lav from Cardiff with 4,300 tons of coal. AnnrvAie. Per BiUiton from Klaus, R ev> Mr. Powell. Dbfabtubes. Per Melbourne for Colombo, Mr. Coolidge; for Marseilles, Messrs. Fagel, Raat, Stuhlenheim, Hnmme, Sbewler and Kirkpatrick, and Mrs. Naval.
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  • 89 3 Our Malacca correspondent writes that, Up to the 4th inst., a fsry small number of eases stood on the calendar for thai at the forthcoming A seises which will re-open there on the 17th inst: Two of the cases are for voluntarily causing hurt and one for
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  • 92 4 (From the -Java Bode," of SOth Nov.). The following is taken from the brief report regarding tbe state of affairsin the Residency Western Division ot Borneo ever the period from 19th October to 21st November last. In the district of Sambas planting ot sugar cane on a large
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  • 328 4 A public meetiug was held in the Exchange Room yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of appointing Committees to consider the arrangements the New lears Sports. Amongst those present were Messrs. J. P. Joaquim, C. G. Garrard, W. Makepeace, F. W. Barker, H. O. Newland, A. W. Stiven,H.
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  • 397 4 $186,000 Bid. There was a large attendance of capitalists and others at Messrs. Crane Brothers saleroom this afternoon, when the rights, rolling stock, and plant of the Singapore Tramways was put for sale by public auction. The auctioneer after reading the particulars of sale set
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  • 261 4 The following are the directors allocated, so far as possible, to the firms with which they are respectively connected Was Keswick, Messrs. Jardine Matheson I Co. Adolf von Andre, Messrs. Andre Keniers A Co. J. Ivson, Messrs. J. lvson Co. David McLean, Hongkong and Shanghai
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  • 2039 4 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the Board Room of the Town Hall yesterday aftetUOOO uuder the presidency of Colonel Dunlop; there wen also present Messrs. Cothberteon, llaxweU, Sohst, Ciaue. Tan Jiak Kim, Tan Bong Wan. and Lim Eng EsSag. The minutes of
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  • 904 5 Yesterday evfr.irg Bishop Hose preached iu the Cathedral, the occasion being the day of intercession ou behalf of missions. There was a good attendance and a special service was held. The Bishop said that he only intended to draw their at teution to one point of
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  • 672 5 The Courrier a* Haiphong gives particulars of the execution of Doi Van a notorious pirate chieftain, at Hauoi. On arrival there, after he hail surrendered unconditionally, the captive was paraded on the 6th November through the streets of the towu, as a gazing stock before undergoing? the
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  • 366 5 MAGISTRATE'S APPEAL. ImpObtand Decision Regarding THr Sale of Opium Pills. The appeal in the case of the Opium Farmer vs. Lee Ho Nan was this morning decided before Mr. Justice Wood. The grounds of appeal were. 1. That no chandu was found iu the prisoner's possession, custody, or
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  • 367 5 Otto Ovid Donon, a Swiss, was. yesterday charged before Messrs. Thornton aud 1 Authouisz with cheating, whereby he received from a Tamil dealer uamed Mahomed Kassim, four pearls and one sapphire I valued at §125. It is alleged he stated he would take them to the French Consul 1
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  • 88 5 The Penang on the 3rd instant passed an American vessel in Gaspar Straits bound South. It was reported yesterday that as the P. A, O. steamer Ancona was leaving Hongkong for Japan she collided with another vessel, and sustained so much damage that she had to be beaohed.
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  • 713 5 A Klino woman who recently brought a charge of rape against Police'lospector Patterson was brought up on warraut this i morning before Mr. Authouisz for defa- mation of character and after the evidence was takeu the case was adjourned. The Shareholders of the East Borneo Planting Company
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  • 63 6 Rb-Elkction oa ths Chinssk Mbmbiks. At half past 2 o'clock this afternoon a number of votes in excess of the minimum number required (twenty) had been recorded for Tan Beng Wan and for Lim Eng Keng who are counsequently elected for respectively the Central Rochore Divisions on the
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  • 110 6 The Maharajah of Singapore, who is in Paris, is astonishing even that blase city. His coaches, attendants, costumes and expenditure are based on such a scale of elegance that he seems to have the wealth of the East at his disposal. He far outshines the Shah of
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  • 1949 6 Thursday, sth December, lss;». A meeting of the Legislative Council was held in the Council Chamber yesterday afternoon. The following members were present His Excellency the Governor (Sir Cecil C. Smith, k.c.m.0.) The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary Sir Frederick Dickson, k.c.m.0.) the Attorney- General (J.
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  • 211 6 Regulation made under "The Pensions Ordinance 1887." His Excellency the Governor in Council, with the sanction of the Secretary of State for the Colenies, has been p'eased to revoke subsection (3) of ssstteu 3 of the Regulations for the Grauting of Pensions, Gratuities and other Allowances to Persons wh> have
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  • 123 6 {Ba.iykok Times 80th November The out-port of Koh-si-Clmug i, to be established almost immediately. Messrs' Andcr son and Bush, with Phya Samud left Bang-* kok for Koh-ai-Chang on Thursday Us? to arrange the detail of the work which is to make the harbour a sheltered one during both
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  • 183 6 Bsroa. Mb. J UBtice g^ Manamah v.. P achak Champada and othtr, J This was an action to recover 8, M of \Jr" No 88 Paie »C &r Mr Khorjr a P( *ared for the H__S. Mr. Donaldson for the Defendant A In 1877 the plaintiff who i»
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  • 817 6 ~ee QuehSeng appellant and The Mnnieu }>al Commissioners Respondent This appeal was heard before the Acting Chief Justice on the 4th instant, and was reported by us that same day. We now give th,. appellant's case, owing to the im portant points raised. Mr. Bailey appeared for the
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  • 1165 7 A joiut meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce aud Exchange was held iu the Exchange Room, at uoou today, for the purpose of receiving the accounts for the year ending September j 80th last, and to transact auv other business that might be brought forward,
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  • 651 7 Adopted at a General Meeting of Merchants, on the 19lh February. 18'iO, and Revised by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on the Bth May 1555, 89t* April 187:*, and on Diember 6th, 188'*. I—On1 On all SSies or purchases, cxc «pt as otherwise provided for 5 percent.
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  • 434 7 The Deli Courant of the 27th November j hears ou goodaut hority that cholera has bro- < ken out at Laugkat, and, that so far, it has not spread alarmingly. The lower classes show the most cases, but the disease has not assumed an epidemic form. The local
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  • 159 7 (Saraic ik Gazette, 2nd __cc/»W Admiral Salsao has notified to tho Rajth of Sarawak, that H. H. is entitled to a salute of 21 guns from British men of war. M~«sry. Lyo i Co. of Singapore have applied for a concession of S.OtK) acres <if sa/o land here
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  • 390 7 The number of visitors to the Raffles Librarv and Museum during the week was 1328. Mr. Lavino, the Netherlands* Consul General goes to Penang this evening for a week per Wingsany, leaving Mr. J. J. Fleurv to act for him. At the Municipal Election yesterday afternoon, wheu
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 49 7 Passonffor List. Per Hebe from Deli, Messrs. De Xivier, Kiudenn, Fraser, and Milm\ Knkhinis from Liverpool, Mr. Allen. 8*mhtwi from BiUvia, Mr. S'beltottiA aul Miss Roelwyk. Suik from D^li t Messrs. R >hri^ Rymer, Sohmilz, au<l Muhry. Oietuhiel from Lindou, Lieut. T,Ubot, Messrs Stamford. Lloyd, audlhe. R?v. Mr. Bjaucliamp.
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  • 61 8 The Duburg." A telegram was received on Sunday evening from the Captain of the Ashington from Cape St. James, stating that the wreckage on the Bombay reef which, it was supposed, might be that of the Z>uburg, was that of a sailing ship. Nothing was seen of the Duburg. The
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  • 81 8 The British ship Nyl Ghau which left Singapore for Hongkong on the Ist November, with a cargo of timber, has become a total wreck on the Pratas Shoal. The Master left her thene in a boat with several of the crew, and safely reached Hongkong on the 29th
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  • 230 8 Kwala Lumpor, 4th December. A Special train with a Saloon attached which was despatched from Kwala Lumpor to Bukit Kuda at 4 p. m., last evening returned, arriving at Kwala Lumpor at 6.30 p. m. with Tunku Dia Udin and his party consisting of 10 ladies and about
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  • 143 8 The annual geneial meeting of the shareholders in the above fund was held yesterday evening under the presidency of Colonel Dunlop D. G. M there were also about twelve shareholders present. The annual report aud accounts were laid before the meeting and passed. It was resolved
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  • 279 8 .uiin i^noon was charged before Mr. Thornton this morning with cruelty to bullocks in South Bridge Road on the sth December and was fined $3 and costs. Kandoh Singh was fined $3 and costs for the same offence in North Bridge Road at 7.30 p.m. on the 6th inst.
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  • 1371 8 Proceedings To-day. The continuation of the hearing of Mr. Glass's claim for $4,506 against the Rawang Tin Mining Coy., (arising out of stores supplied by Messrs. MacAlister «fe Co. to Mr. John Muir) went on this morning before the Registrar. Mr. Napier appeared for the Official Liquidator
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  • 215 8 No. Married Man can livk in a good position V NDER $7,000 A YSAa. Various rumours are afloat as to the effect of the recommendation of the Committee which has been inquiring iuto the question of official salaries as affected bv the fall in exchange,
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  • 193 8 AITOINTICKNT OF Mi. OMaU__ T Mr. Justice Wood stated in Court thi morning that be bad received a eom, nr >_i^ tion from H. E. the Governor to the eft** that^Mr. O', Attorney^ of Hongkong, had bee,, appointed to hi C hl *L mS? 8 tbe St,UiU
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  • 200 8 (From the Rangoon Times.) Loudon, jr>th Xor The m tfistraie has allowed Mr. Parke, editor of tho North London Press to lie hailed out The case has been adjourned until to-morrow. The Sultau of Vitn has placed a Custom House of Vitn on the seaboard and ia l*vyiir
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  • 377 8 v Pinang Gazette, 3rd Dec.) On Friday night the i>c tsnien of Peuanf successfully gave Their annual bail in honor of their patron saint. The Penang Club, whieh was kindly lent for the occasion, never K oked hetter. On previous occasions, supper hss always been served in the
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  • 355 8 Ths Secretary of State for the Colonies has issued a circular letter ou tbe subject of the Colonial Audit system. In hit opinion, the local auditing of Government accouats lies open to objections on the ground that professional accountants cannot be obtained, improved systems of accounts cannot be
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  • 1254 9 By Tuesday's Mail.) The Paris Exbibiiton has, in the matter of attendauce, topped all previous records, and the Parisians have had a goldeu harvest. They wanted it. aud, I believe, are grateful. They have celebrated the anniversary of the destruction of the Bastille, and. in tbe act, brought
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  • 1138 9 A Prosecution Under the Indian Immigration Act. (Straite Times December 4.) Recently there was some slight reference in our columns to a prosecution then taking place in Johore in connection with the Indian Immigration Act and since then a visit to the spot and further information induce us to
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  • 1180 9 (Straits Times Dt« inber 5.) 0 Fkom our advertising columns it will be seen that the long discussed and much wanted company, to, supplement the existing financial facilities afforded bv the Eastern banks, is now offered to the public in such circumstances that its
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 39 9 Pa**>kkger List. Arrivals. Per Palitana from Moulmeiu via Penang, Messrs. Tate, Wickivar, Moll, Veen, and Mr. aujl Mrs. Hoch. DEPARTURES. Per Wingsany tor Penang, Lieut. H. S. Talbct, Captaiu Gamble, Messrs. Lavino, Miles, and Lawe for Calcutta, Mr. Jamieson.
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  • 789 10 (Straits limes December 6.) From our report pf yesterday's Legislaj tive Council meetinguit will be seen that the franchise amendments are now agreed upon, so that joiut tenancy or occupation of a part of a house is now accepted as conferring a voting qualification. By this meaus
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  • 327 10 [Straits Times December 7.) A telegram of yesterday briugs word that the Secoud Chamber of the States General of Hoi la nd lias passed the East India Budget with the except iou of the credits for a gymnasium at Batavia, and for the cable betweeu Macassar
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  • 467 10 The Nine States." (Straits Timee December 7.) The Negri Sembilan the formation of which into a confederation under British protection has just become an accomplished fact, point a striking moral iu showing what tact and patience can do in overcoming Asiatic mistrust. The name, signifying as it does Nine States
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  • 361 10 (Strait* Times December 9.) Mr. Henniker Huatok, after a somewhat hurried stay iu the further East, halts for a couple of days in Singapore, and is trying to obtain such information J as is available about tbe particular postal j wants of Singapore. Putting pride
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  • 1873 10 From Fbain to Calais ar l_um- H. Dl WINDT uONDOJT, CnAff— W* awn Hall 18UU, This interesting' but over B*Apfw J** 0 is dedicated by the author tmVthe m* Sarawak, G.C.M.Gk, -in tm^Mmte w many pleasant hours ef traf4^___| n doimnfoMintheuduudof BoSun?' The author has but little to say
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  • 312 11 In anticipation of the approaching competition for the challenge Cup, several &r U r? mg tbe present holder of the cup, Mr. Dunman) turned up at the BaThe bght was dull, but the conditions were not unfavourable for goo* shooting. au d some fair scores were made. A
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  • 1163 11 The match between an eleven under the captaiucy of Mr. Hornby and a fifteen under Dr. Smith ended on the Recreation Ground on Saturday in the defeat of the i former by 16 ruus. The ground was not iu good condition, and the bails rose very
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  • 441 11 Thb leave of absence grauted to the Hon'ble E. E. Isemonger, Colonial Treasurer, Straits Settlements has been extended with half salary for eight davs from the 7th of January, 1890. Mr. H. T. Haughton, Second Magistrate Singapore has been granted leaw of absence, with half-salary, for
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  • 546 12 liangoon urzette. Ch ic ujo. 2'ith Oct. The case for the defence in the Oonin murder trial was closed to-day. Alibis were circumstantially sworu, and several witnesses for the prosecution were recallo'l and shaken in cross- examination. The ease for the prosecution commenced to-day with rebutting evideiic St.
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  • 219 12 (From a Correspondent.) A Selangor correspondent states that the St. Andrew's celebration there took in eight toasts and a comprehensive bill of fare. He says that Mrs. A. W. Sinclair prepared the" Haggis and Sheeps Kail Broth which all partook of with gusto. I The table laid out
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    • 77 12 A Chinese View of the need for Science Teaching. Sir. —Your contributor in his vindieution to the public of the prevalence of dissatisfaction among tho Government preceptors, is I presume in a state of somnolence in his allegation that, tbe time is uot rip** for the introduction of sciences into
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 223 12 PREPAID ADVERSTISMENTS. TO meet the convenience of occasional advertisers the Strait* Time* offers a cheap prepaid scale applicable to the following advertisements: Situations wanted servants wonted j articles lost or found beasee wonted or to let, specific articles for s*de For 20 words, small type cloee set. 3 insertions §1.00.
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    • 309 12 LAMBERT BROTHBRS. SINGAPORE CARttUGE WORKS AND HARNESS MANTJFACTORT. Orchard Road, Singapore. Established 1862. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF CARfUAGES, HARNESS, &c. LAMBERT BROTHERS beg to announce that on and after this date, and until further notice, they will offer for sale, at greatly reduced prices, their large nnd valuable stock of
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    • 677 12 JNUTICJE. THE price of the "Strait* Times For tbe daily i^ne yearly For the weekly issue $16 The subscription, which ia payable «n_, terly in advance, includes free deJivery afternoon in Singapore and free deli^y h post within the Strafe Settlements Sin gle oopies may be had for 15 cents
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 398 13 KATZ BROTHERS have nlwrnT. i« .^i. well een^ned ft. fi^^S SINGAPORE DISPBOTabt^ (Adjoining Mssslts. Johh Littlb A On 40, Raffles PL** Established 1825, Tblbphohb No 66 w.^Dirio^^r a^^ Bloom of Roses Fellow's Syrup Seigel'e Svrup Benediethi's i hxir Den- Lamplough's Sslme r*:* I Chemical Food Toot]l Cod Liver Od p
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    • 48 13 HISSIS3IPI INK. ~~X no prosa or -iEg Q«-Z3 LAGAVULIN DISTILLERY i ISLAND OF ISLAY i ScOTI_KD. j It contains no jrrain spirit, or other Whia i A Wl^? r ,fc i {T TJ OXXT Wine Merchant. j W holesalo of Messrs. GUTHRIE Co. Siiujspor^. 20th May, 1889. afjl/So™
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1077 13 5—- ARBJVALB S a... *g° r OK >, 0a _.~7 "T-^ covnm^ Nov i P Hydra P** ura S""*^ Bun Hin A Co. glg gfc, S23tt&f^ Z prenry fi gr^ketown Nov 1 lAcffis SR Z\ lit iJaSL. Mansfield A Co. 1 jGlenearn t409 M?,^_? p^peel Oct. 26 W. Mansfield A
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 547 14 SHIPPING? IN PORT. Schwalbe. 728, Behn Meyer ft Co. for Cotie,— M»n-of-Wab. Tanjong Pagar Suma tra, 407, Behn Meyer ft Co. for Deli, Miner No. 10 Colonial torpedo-boat, 17 tons, Tanjong Pagar. Captain Branch, Roads. Volga, 728, Messageries Maritimes for Saigon, Orion, H. M's. steamer, 4,870 tons, Captain Borneo Wharf.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 352 15 POWELL CO AUCTTOIiItSRfI. A_»*^^ 11,, I«* Ch-*tß Book LetnpM k S^2?'w Liuol»»n_> BUliard TVbiee MArtin* Cak» T^bh* I MerMe «l»l* C*n*tß-ia* MeetAsfen Cb-ir- OffloH DeAkB Ofr"*"* Punkeh* Cho-w of 1>« «»*r* Pt„„ 0 S <H^, Commodes Sidebo* Ms. Dißitig T_Nt»- Tmblee Drtesinr T\ble« Tow^ H< pr^-8-eiMl^ TollwGUw* G rd *s_^
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    • 532 15 T-fi__-_-asffi__Ua Singapore, let March, 1888. MACFARLANE'S CASTINGS. TZ7~ See Illustrated Catalogue, containing W4KI Illusi .rations, j jg?% <> Y\H I I I_l»_!_?aWs^* Z*****- Ornamental. 1 6 Mij MICP Wv S R AI -I>'«. CMBTINO, BALCOK l.s. Frif.ZK. ALT P. K Sta?rB Front ni 1 Kails, Spiral 111 k avva^**'* i^**%^
      532 words
    • 526 15 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S j CHLOK' >DTNE The Original and only Genuine Advice to Invalids,— lf you wis]) to obtain j qmet. refilling sleep, free fr -lnlheadachs, j relief from pain and anguish, to calm and s*l suage the weary achings of protracted disease, i invigorate the nervous media, and
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 592 16 SCHWEITZjEE'S O 000-A-Tl^^ -A-Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder. GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA, WITHOUT ADMIXTURE "Society sajs "THE QUEEN invariably baa a cop of SCHWEITZEB'S COCOATINA brought to her bedside at 7-80 and two houra later ahe quaffe the aame beyerage at the breakfast-table." Retailed in t, and 1 lb. tins
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    • 20 1 In consequence of the mii! arrangement* I part of the now* of th!* day {Tneeday) ia five* in a supplement.
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    • 112 1 ■ftEUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Straita Tine*. Further Strikks. j London, 9th Dec.— The coal porters and gasmen of London go on strike next week Manchester is at present in darkuess owing to a similar strike, aud the local stocks of oil and candles are almost exhausted. The churches
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    • 445 1 PTkk Benchers of the luusof Court have I just decided on calling solicitors to the English Bar without cessation from business, ou giving a year's notice of the j change. BLiShefio, the rule has beeu that a solicitor, wishing to chauge his branch of the profession, must
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    • 1128 1 Reduction of Postal Charges to China and the East. THI s -a««* 'Jet as many of the membe Shared together on merce as "-J**^ the postal, and ad dressing to tion with them. He 18 aUK> the Chamber the follow^etur^ To ike OMrmm %™Tr' 2 0m"*~I rejoice to find
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    • 445 1 Bkkork >Ir. Justice Uoldnkt, Vtth Use. j Shaik Pareethoo v. Ebramsah. I Judgments Yesterday. The defendant has objected to the Registrar's Report. First, as to the amouut, $1,103.31, which the Registrar has found to be the deceased's share in the capital. Secondly, as to the amount, SI 7,530,65,
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    • 374 1 If the executors cannot retain, how is this money to be recovered r Thev cannot sue themselves r I can come to no other conclusion than that such expenses form a first charge upon the estate, and that the right of
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    • 739 1 A vert pleasant and enjoyable time was spent on board H.M.S. Orion last evening on a few of our amateurs entertaining the officers and ship's company to an exhibition of their musical and vocal talents. The Orion is at present undergoing repairs at Tanjong Pagar Wharf,
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