Straits Times Weekly Issue, 30 September 1889

Total Pages: 16
1 2 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 29 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. Kbw Series Published for Transmission V tt h riVERY Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 40 Cents YOL XLT. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1889. NO. 3,540
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  • 19 1 At P*rit Banter, Krisn. Perak, the wife of C. H. Wheel-*. Esq., m.d., of s daughter. I i
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  • 94 1 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 30th SEPT., 1889. CONTENTS. Market Quotations. Weekly Summary. Reuter's Telegrams Local and General News. The Singapore Shipping Trade. Prevention of Hydrophobia. The French Elections. Persis. Police Bribery. Unlighted Carriage Lamps. Singapore Receration Club. News from Netherlands In lU, British North, Borneo, French Indo China, Penang, Ac. Shipping
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  • 314 1 Singapore. 30th September, 1889. Produce. Gsmbier 8.774. de. Cube No. 1 13.15. do. do. No. 2 11.50. Copra, Bali &8». do. Pontianak 3.624. Pepper, Black 20.624. Sago Flour, 2.70. P*-rl Sago 3.80. Oaffee, Bali 27.50. Tapioca, small Flake 5.174. do. do. Ist quality „565. do. mcd. flake
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  • 188 1 A fire m Market Street on Friday night 1 consumed a Chinese ehipchandler's store. Tfre premises and its contents bad been *»*red for 926,000. Ihe Municipal Commiaaioners on Wed■•adaj decided upon appointing acornS to inquire into the reaulta of the rathe Contagious Diaeaaea Ordinance. also passed
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  • 494 1 (For Straits Timea,) The French Elections. Paris, 2Srd Sept.— General Boulanger has been elected for Moutmartre, defeating M. Jaffien, tbe Socialist, by a slight majority, but a second ballot is necessary. Four Boulangists won seats m Paris. Tbe Clergy is supporting Boulaugism. The French Elections. Paris, 24th Sept.
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  • 537 1 When the mail left London (3rd September) the price of Pahang Corporation shares was 62 6 to 67 6. The Russian transport St. Petersburg is due here on the 4th proximo with 561 convicts, (451 men, and 110 women) from Odessa for Siberia. The chartered French transport
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  • 62 1 W» find that while them are no Municipal regulations on the above subject there is a police clause bearing on it. By Section 21 of the Summary Criminal Jurisdiction Ordinance (1872) it is provided that all persons driving carriages after three-quarters of au hour after sunset must provide lights.
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  • 103 1 The English Illustrated Magazine prospectus for the year 1889-90 contains the following announcement It will also be the Editor's oudeavour to show the prpgeess that lias taken plac<* m the Indian Empire and the far East during the last fifty years, and Articles
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  • 619 1 Just after 10 o'clock last night native constable No. 665, who was on duty m Market Street, discovered an outbreak of fire m the centre of a block of buildings at the intersection of Kling and Market Streets. He at once ran to the Central Station
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  • 838 2 Hi MONDAY, 28rd SEPTEMBER. The Bazilian corvette Almiranie Barrosa is exacted to arrive here at the end of this or the beginning of next month. Atongkang laden with planks, and bound from Siak to Singapore, was sunk on the 18th instant near the Cyrene Sboal. me planks
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  • 248 2 The Rawang Company. Mr. HOenbt Appointed Liquidator. Bkfori Mr. Justice Wood, m the Supreme Court, this afternoon, iv the matter 5 the Rawang Tin Mining Company (Limited), Mr. J. G. Davidson moved that the winding up petition be granted, ihe i winding up petition set forth the name of the°Corapauy,
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  • 357 2 (Bskoue Mu. Justice Wood.) (Maev T-MM-Fsosr vs. aT_u>fr»aSiai_ngir Co.) This was sn application fer a summons (which had been adjourned m Chambers) on a third party, f r bringing m a third party, so that the third party is bound by the result of tho trial. Under Sub-Sec.
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  • 377 2 {From a Correspondent.) We met in Btroug force opposite the classic piecincta of the Tauglin Club, aud bar an army of bullock-carts and a few late arrivals, one of whom made up for lost time by scattering the crowd as he r<ide'up, everything went quietly till Hollev'b
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  • 169 2 The steamer Bancoora passed through the port yesterday steering West to East. Captain O. Mets, of the Dutch s. s. Noord Braband, has reported to Lloyds* Ageuts at Colombo, ou the 7th Aug., tbat he discovered a reef m latitude 8° 48' N. and longitude 73° 40' E.,
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  • 1227 2 {From a Correspondent.) I should like to make some remarks on two articWs iu tLe btratts T««_ea%oucerDing Native States administration. Iknow of uo dissipations of governing energy, aud if there be local jealousies I don't think they make themselves greatly felt. The main point
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  • 637 2 The following were the prices of certaia mining stocks when the mail left Loudon: Pa ham* Corporation 62 6 to 72 ♦>; Pahang Kabang 15/ to 17/6; Siam aoldn\dds_o/ to 30 Bel I 15 to 17 6. SIOO was the highest offer at the auction sal..' yesterday
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  • 177 3 Ministers are making their preparations for their holidays. Lord Salisbury crosses the Chauuel to the Chateau Cecil, near Dieppe, where his family have already arrived. Lord Knutsford will be Minister m Attendance on tbe Queen at Balmoral. Mr. A. J. Balfour goes to Irelaud first, where he
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  • 282 3 The Hongkong papers report at great length an action m which Mr. Fraser Bmith, proprietor-editor of the Hongkong Telegraph, sued Mr. Murray Bain, pro-prietor-editor of the China Mail. The action was for libel, and the damages were hid. at $10,000. The plaintiff conducted his own case,
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  • 203 3 a„_7« E 01 lo *i Q g account is sent to us by one Captain Marsh. From it our readers will see how injudicious it is to be abroad at two o clock m t^e morning -l«_t £or a walk m tbe country, and I mtrn^T
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  • 173 3 Thk Patani Concessions (Limited) has been registered by Williamson, Hill and Co., London, with a capital of .£lO,OOO, m ***** shares. The object of the undertaking is to acquire by original grant, purchase or otherwise, concessions aod grauts of rights and privileges m respect of mining and mineral
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  • 93 3 (Straits Independent, 21st Sept.) Onk of our correspondents writes to inform us that Mr. J. K. Birch, Senior District > Officer and Magistrate of Province Wellesley, is shortly to proceed to England owing to illhealth. Mr. Birch has beeu m tbe Province f>r a very long time, during
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  • 124 3 Telegraphic information has been received from London to the effect that the Darvel Bay Co.'s first crop of tobacco has beeu sold at Amsterdam at the exceptionally high rate of 2/sd. Although it was well known that the quality of the produce was really first
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  • 69 3 Arrivals. Per Shanghai from Shanghai, Mrs. Jennings and Mr. Johnson. Sumatra from Deli, Messrs. Holm aud Kolff. Peshawar from Bombay, Messrs. Dunlop aud Q-rif-for; from London, Dr. Carpenter from Brindisi, Messrs. Owen and Grant from Penang, Major Oen. Sir C. Warren, Major Hammond, Messrs. Hornby, E. Duulop, Richeimann,
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  • 416 3 Snpplementary to Straits Tianea Telegrams. (Ceylon Observer.) Berlin, 12th Sept.— The Tsarevitch arrived at Kiol to-day, and thence proceeded to Hanover, where he was met by the Bmperor William, who gave him a most cordial reception. Za***M*rJ2t*B*pt.-- News from the Congo State received here states that Stanley is
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  • 891 3 Mr. Thomas Sutherland, M. P., the Chairman of the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company, referred to the project entertained by shipowners of constructing a cooperative dock on the Thames. Wo have obtained some trustworthy information regarding this scheme, which is so far from being a
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  • 681 3 (Friday. .UUh August.) My Lord* and Gsntlemen, It is with much satisfaction that I release you from the labours of a protracted Session. My relations with other Powers continue to be of the most cordial character. Since the commencement of this Session nothing has happened to diminish
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  • 1023 4 Mb. W. V. Drummond writes as follows to the K. C. Daily Neva The collapse of the Rawsng Mine m Selangor affords an opportunity of men*henlaf| a fact which is apparently only known to a very few of the investors m tbe mining ventures m
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  • 666 4 yesterday morning, reports a depression m the China Bea moving westward. Me. S. B. Zav_»irK, Director of the Netherlands Bank, has been appointed President of the Java Bank. Sister St. Claude has recently bad a relapse of fever, and she was removed on Monday from the Convent
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  • 690 4 _> > Captusk or ths Alleged Culpmt. It is very aatisfactory to learn that the police now consider they have laid hold of the person who waa driving m the dogcart which ran over and fatally; injured a Chinese boy on Friday morning ket. It will
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  • 173 4 Just after 10 o'clock this morning a serious faction fight occurred between some Chinese boatmen on Boat Quay. It appears that two tongkaugs were lying alongside the quay uuloading their cargoes, one tougkang was worked by a gang of Teo Chow nicu and tbe other by
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  • 111 4 The Penobscot arrived here on Monday from New York with 3,700 cases of petroleum. The Altonower, which arrived here from Hongkong this morning, reports that as she was steaming into the harbour just outside the limits, a European sailor fell from the rigging overboard and was lost m
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  • 619 4 Tnn following is the Report of Committee for* the year ended 30th J 1889 ,J *aa > The Committee have the pleasure to on the satisfactory financial position of t_ Club. The balance on 30th June 18*, a cash credit of $330.15. B,lew The Committee however consider
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  • 1159 4 For the Q uabter Ending 30th Jmra.) (Concluded.) 6 PICES. The spices dealt with m the returntj*elude the following areca-nute, <*_**■ mums, cassia, cinnamon, cloves, C _T?* mace, ginger, nutmegs, black pepper, ™r pepper, and long pepper. The;^£ *9"™ for the last quarter reached wmW
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  • 1261 5 By Tuesday 8 Mail.) Some anxiety is expressed, and I believe genuinely felt, about the Prince of Wales, who is ou the Continent. His Royal Highness, for a considerable time before his departure, suffered great inconvenience from varicose veins, and left rather hur- riedly for the baths from
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  • 158 5 The latest statistics show the estimated number of Chinese residing m Australasia to be 57,300, Of the various colonies, New South Wales has the largest number, I viz., 16,800, Victoria comiug next with i 12,564. The Chinese Restriction Act has practically stopped Chinese immigration to this
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  • 553 5 Thb coasting steamer fleet m the Philippines continues to rto w in number. The latest addition turns out to be that of the steamer Uranus, which was launched m Britain on the 21st July. The particulars available show tbat the Uranus will distance the other coasters m keeping
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  • 171 5 Wis believe that the Municipal suggestion of a committee to enquire what legislation may be best enacted for the prevention of hydrophobia is likely to be adopted by the Governor. <s> In Holland, shares m Sutnatni tobacco growing companies continue m steady demand. Those m the Langkat
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  • 83 5 Paris telegrams m Saigon papers received this morning down to the 19th September, state that Signor Crispi, the Italian Prime Minister, when out driving 1 m his carriage at Naples, has had his life attempted by a young Italian, who however had only slightly wounded the Minister
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  • 112 5 S. C. C. Single Wickbt Toubwammw*. Tbams. Army. Lient Johnson, Lieut. Smith, Lieut. Higinbotham, Dr. Smith. Commercial— A. J. Ross, C. Stringer, O. Miller, W. Cook. Telegraph.— A. Y. Gahagan, C.D.H. Darby F. George, J. C. D. Jones. Banks.— A. P. Gallwey, F. C. Jackson, H. Lightfoot, A. M. Reith.
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  • 442 6 The Tanjong Pagar Land Company. Limited. Thb eleventh ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Tanjong Pagar Land Company, Limited, was held at the office of Messrs. Rodyk aud Davidson at noon to-day, Mr. J. G. Davidson occupied the chair there were also present Messrs. T. S. Thompson, J.
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  • 339 6 This morniug we hear of another bluuder on the part of the police, with a result 1 somewhat similar to that of the Taylor case which caused so much consternation iv official circles about two or three mouths ago. This time the individual happens to be a
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  • 281 6 Ma. Sbfton, of Raub fame, who went back to Raub lately with Messrs. Bibbey Sr., Bibbey Jr., Kinlock, White (miners). Laurie (blacksmith and engineer) and Walker (carpenter), returned to Singapore yesterday. Mr. Sefton is at present suffering from a slight attack of fever, but expects to be
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  • 234 6 Hongkong Telegraph.) On dit that the Hongkong aud Shanghai Bank may well plume its feathers at being the first European bank iv China to whicu has entrusted the "sacred" money of members of the Dragon Throne. Her Majesty the Dowager Empress, famous
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  • 2947 6 The ordinary fortnightly meeting of tbe Municipal Commissioners was held m the Board Room of the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, uuder the presidency of Colouel Dunlop there were also present Major McCallum, Messrs. Davidson, Sohst, Crave, Maxwell, Tau Jiak Kirn, Lim Eng Keug, and Tan Beng Wan. Contagious
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  • 1233 7 Karriag of Mr. El win De Lisle, M.P. Thb marriage of Mr. Edwin J. Lisle MarchPhillipps De Lisle, MP. for Mid-Leicester-■kire, of Garendon Park and Grace Dieu Mast**, Leicestershire, and Miss Agnes Hope, eldest daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Adrian Elias Hope, of Bradgate Park, near Leicester, and 8> Chesterfield-gardeus,
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  • 327 7 Thb DaU Courant ofthe 18th September states that further search for petroleum along thehauka of the Lepan river, m Langkathaa resulted m the discovery of large deposits of that oil Raw petroleum oozes out of the ground at many places where the natives have consequently dug
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  • 413 7 His Excellency's gardeu reception yesterday was numerously attended. The dead body of a Chinainau was found floating m the water at Tanjong Rhoo this morning. H.M.S. Rittler left on Tuesday for a cruise iv the Straits of Malacca, and H.M S. Orion will leave for the sam
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  • 211 7 Tn honorific tablets, twenty-three m number, which the Viceroy of Nanking J has bestowed on the King of Siam, the Sultan of Selangor, the Governor of the j Straits Settlements, Sir Thomas Wade, the Lord Mayor of London, Mr. W. V. DrumI mond, &c, and the various foreign
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  • 183 7 Mr. G. S. Murray, of the Chartered Mercantile Bank, asked some few of the Scotsmen resident io Siugaporc to meet him to-day m the oihYe of Messrs. Fraeev Co., brokers, to discuss the subject of a gathering on St. Andrew's Day. Ouly half-a-dozen people attended, and accordingly
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  • 470 7 Report of the Committee for the Year 188S-s9. 1. The Committee have pleasure m presenting the 9th Auunal Report and Statement of Accounts. The latter show a debit balance (due to the Bank) of 133X38 as agaiust $340.20 at credit of last year's accouut, but taking into
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  • 210 7 The s.s. Glamorganshire, with a general cargo from Middlesborougb, Antwerp, and London, arrived m Singapore this morning, three days behind her time. She re- ports having left London on the 18th August, and enjoyed a fairly good run j down to Port Said. Suez was reached on September
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  • 1185 8 Jottings from the Diary of a Globe-trotter in Singapore. (Concluded.) Q m T. comes home from office and proposes tennis. We go to lawn. Tread very cautiously, lest there should be snakes on grass. T. and the rest go recklessly on, without locking at their feet. Wonder how they can
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  • 596 8 The Java B<xle points out that the Netherlands India Navy has been a profitable milch cow to the Tanjoug Pagar Dock Company. The Van Speyk, Padsma, and Samarang have, for instamo, successively underwent overhauling aud repair at their docks within the last few weeks. The expensive Government
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  • 1623 8 {B. N. B. Herald, Ist September It will be within the memory of onr readers that some, short time ago Mr. J. H. Allard, of the Oiina Borneo Company, went, to make a survey of the Goinantou Kirds' Nest Caves, and to make an approximate estimate of
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  • 384 8 The Pet roleum Supply. (Straits Times Septenibcr 23.) Appearances do not favour the idea that Russian oilcan long boirst of that cheapness and abundance which have given it such an advantage m competing with the American a-tiele m eastern markets. The oil wells of Baku show evident signs of
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  • 308 9 (Straits Times September 24.) Our correspondent Pariah Dog," m yesterday's issue, pleads strongly for that branch of the canine lace, and calls for a lenient view of their shortcomings. Now blame for the introduction of hydrophobia cannot be laid ou paiiah de>gs, but their proven tendeucy to
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  • 674 9 {Strait* Times September 25.) It will be observed with gratification that the Dutch Government proposes to abolish those navigation laws which prevent foreign-owned vessels from carrying goods between Netherlands India ports. These laws at present press hardly both on English shipowners t and ou Dutch colonists.
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  • 365 9 {Straits Times September 25.) The result of the general elections m France does not come by surprise upon those who had taken note of the signs of I the times. The outcome of the elections I for' the councils general a few weeks ago showed sufficiently that
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  • 262 9 (Straits Times September 25.) In another column it will be seen that the necessity for checkiug the spread of hydrophobia was to-day brought beSaie the Municipal Commissioners by Major McCallum, and that his -proposals were unanimously carried. In this matter the Municipality carefully refrains from appearing
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  • 362 9 (Straits Times September 26.) Reuter's telegram to-day, aunouuciug the establishment of an Imperial Bank of Persia with a capital of one miilion sterling, shows that the Shah's visit to Europe begins already to bear financial fruit. During his stay m Britaiu, tbe Persian monarch had been profuse m promising
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  • 245 9 (Straits Times September 27.) Recently two native constables were seutenced to nine mouths' imprisonment for extorting bribes, an evil which calls for stern measures and radical treatment. This time-honoured malpractice has struck deep roots among the native police; but no wonder need be felt at this unsatisfactory state
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  • 271 9 The subject raised yesteiday by our correapondenft M A Careful D:iver is e>f some couseeiuence. That dog-carts, buggies, aud other light carnages should go careering through our streets m the darkness and without lamps is unreasonable, aud fortunately the police ordinance ol 1872 provides for this reeblresiK
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  • 1761 9 Mr. C. F. De Morn ay, of Malakoff Estate, Province Wellesley, writes as follows to the Pinang Gazette The propo-jed Ordinance for the protecrion of Coconut trees from the ravages of certain Beetles may seem to persons unacquainted with the causes of the great increase m
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  • 338 10 (From our own Correspondent.; 27th Sept. The weather here is very changeable, it has been raining ever since 5 a. m. this morniug with heavy squalls it is now 12 noon, and it looks as if it is going to last. H.M.S. Rattler is iv port, and
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  • 891 10 ineeting of subscribers aud others interin the formation of the new Company lias been started to take over from the tsionaires the Bangkok-Paknam-Patriew *sion granted by His Majesty the King ammodoro de Richelieu and Captain s, was held at Messrs. Jucker, Si*rg Si office on the
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  • 165 10 A Penano Municipal By-Law enacts that every person causing a corpse to be buried m any Burial Ground, shall give to the owner, trustee or person m charge of such Burial Ground the particulars T^S^ ■£2 rdin Bection ni of Indian Act No. XIV of 1856.
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  • 526 10 is Elshionkr ox the wiv Ej or j ßt MIDDLE CLABS. ii,— Your fair correspondent Q; n .eLady "displays precisely the sp£i h makes some of us ask if it is worth 'tor a ,„_n to marry m the East or would uot be better for
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  • 599 10 Sir, I have followed with some interest the correspondence and discussion m your paper as to the prevalence of hydrophobia and the different means advocated for its suppression. But is the case so thoroughly proved against the Singapore pariah after all P Has not much of
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  • 1013 11 Sir, No doubt both you and the pubhe are becoming weary of this subject. But when the safety of hens, plants, and door mats is put m the balance agaiustthe safety of our lives, and of our child i ens', it is impossible to quietly submit.
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  • 305 11 Dite Elshioner" and the wives of the middle class. Sir, Being a woman, I like to have the last word. Your correspondent Dite Elshioner" seems a very pleasant person, with a high opinion of our sex and we are indeed iv the midst of a censorious community when we possess
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  • 267 11 Sir,— Let me draw attention to the great danger caused by the non-lighting of carriage lamps m the earlier period of darkness. The time of danger is between about 6.15 and 7 p.m. and no doubt the default is caused by the negligence of syces aud others who
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  • 628 11 Supplementary to Straits Times Telegram*. (Ceylon Observer.) lehcran, 16th iSepi.—'llho bhah has postpoucd. nis entry into Teheran ior six weeks. L'clicran. I'itk Sept. uholeiw from Uagdad lute appeared near iveriad, where iive deaths are occurring daily. London, litk Sept. Great hostility is beiug displayed by the clock labourers
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 479 11 notwithstanding the low rate rnpe c*e His lordship then el welt upon prosperity* equality of justice and progren ition m India under British m »-_air- ■»_t,-.-/»r»i i i 1,,, mmL L LAMB EplßßOi VIS. SINGAPORE CARRIAGE VORKS AND HARNE UFACTORY. Orchard Road, Singaporm. Established 1862. idannfaeturer* of all Hnds of
      479 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 171 12 YARROW'S. SMALL STEAMERS AND STEAM LAUNCHES. sew m~« ss.vs_» G™,n*. R w» WITH DBAFT RANGING DOWN TO 6 INCHBS OF WAT-K. PA _^T stelmbrs with vert shallow draft especiallt STERN WHEEL SfflW»*g»_T_ NAVIGATION. MACHINBRTICONSTRUCTED FOR BOATS I BOTW ABROAD. YARROW CO., POPLAR, LONDON, E B«ild.« of the Sfcm Wheel _-^f
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 635 12 SHIPPING. IN PORT. Sailing Vbssbls. M_n-0»-War. Austria 1,105, Gilfillan Wood <f* Co. for LiverMiner No. 1£ OsJSSiri torpedo-boat, 17 tons, 1,178. Booties* Co. for Liver!_5jLJT 8team;r 4 87 t n8 aPtain 1.637. Gilfillan Wood A Co. Br R^lerfH. M. S. gunboat 755 tons, Captain for Pa«ar a BUtern, 308, Uehn
      635 words
    • 1036 12 ARRIVALS I ST_Ti j F_ae 5gg VssSsl's Nam». A Tons.! Captain. FHOM. SAitib.j Ctttsioim! I Q *n RlO. 21 ITatilee Brit. si*. 98 Smale Malacca Sept 20 Tan K ions Sail I 81 M*rc_ry »tr. 188 jSutherland |DeU Sept 19>W. Mansfield A ftt I 8t 'Balvadora Spa. str. 688 Conte
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 356 13 H Aiyrnojs'EE&s. pINOA P 0 X E L* OhMsf* l' i-i(ll Jew«l S»f«v y****_Ki*iM« Jpo FM Letups |o**i K| l-iii'imm I Bo<**2 Rblea M*'tn lk r lltfHßi^ M«rl>)<* o»T**^ Offlw* Ih»«Hs ir !_r Cupboards IMS'-* C h»i ra C^-JT Pn.irHl,. £'W_i S f r a flw -P'«'^ moSm* .^idebon rd«
      356 words
    • 674 13 i•; ■■ti^^i?ssMM&ss ii .3 ASl*;;"iSi'.i .':-VUlsJ ""P*" l^ SSi, £12. 12.. j :^fv:''?f'a!a;-»^«--:3 1 -1%;.: Sf^^SS^iaSß ,rChm«.etoor_r L^.. >■ A a Vi !!.>.... .%^'l?a?^f^^n I ?J*T-'- a *t«k ..f »11 l«,ain(r li.» 9 m W*te_» l~ 1 MACFARLANE'S CASTINGS. r~ r -xwn See Illustrated Catalogue, containing 6500 Illustrations. j^t\ |■j
      674 words
    • 528 13 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE Tv:: original and only Genuine Advii m Invalida, If you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing free frcm I eodache relid from paia aud anguish, to calm and asge the wenrj aehings of protracted disease, Invigi ato tha nervous media, and regulate the inoeula ing systems
      528 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 572 14 SC H W E I T Z.E P' 8 GUARANTEED PUBE SOLUBLE .COCOA. W™™" l Boc.«TT _y> THE QUEEN inT.n»My l»» <*P COCOATINA brought to her beddde «t 7^o _d t^CX .he ao^. the bever.** the hrertfe.t.Uhle. ari O G O -A. T I 3NT -A. Retailed i. i. I
      572 words
      409 words
    • 321 14 THE MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH COMPANY, OF VYoE STREET, BIRMINGHAM Catalogues [f Catalog-oat Fre* II 11 Free to any part of VV JM any part o( the World. ymWdf tbsTWorit ammm _m_ nQ I I rH^hmq Mil Let every reader of this send for oar beautiful near Ua> tratec. Catalogue, containing
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      9 words
    • 40 1 fkia issue has been prepared /or the home. tard h V tke _?__-0- I>- Battern" i yd m eoneeqnence of ihe hour at which ihe mad eUsea tt w necessary to give the neivs of to-day (Monday) m a tupplement.
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    • 68 1 MONDAY, 30th SEPTEMBER. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS, (For Straits Times.) _H1 STBIKB IK ROTTIRDAM. I fafa 98th September.— There are 5,000 dock labourers on strike and several conflieta have taken place with the police. -to latter had to charge with sabres to prefect the mob terrorising English laboureri loading British vessels. The
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    • 1256 1 The publication m the Gazette of H. M.'a Order m Council regarding extradition from the Protected States deserves special notice. The schedule attached to that order gives recognition m the most authoritative way to the fact that the whole of the Negri Sembilan may be now considersd
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    • 168 1 I Corpa Orders by Hon. Major H.E. MeCaUum U.S., C.M.G., Commandant, S.V.A. Singapore, 30th Sept., 1889. „J_. ble A P- Talbot having been appointed Lieutenant, vice J. P. Wade Gardner, who has left ths Colony, he will take charge j of the Left Half Battery from this
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    • 90 1 The Hon'ble A. P. Talbot has been appointed Lieutenant, Suigapore Volunteer Artillery corps, vice Lieut J. P. Wade Gardner who has left the Colony. An order by tbe Queeu defining the Governor's powers under the Extradition Act 1870 is published. Two schedules are attached thereto. The
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    • 200 1 In comparing the production of tiu m 187S» with that m 1888, we find that out of a total of 88,182 tons iv IB7tf, the Straits produced 11,214, and Australia 8,4*58, whereas out of a total of 56,470 tons m 1888, the Straits produced 23.855, Australia
      Pinang Gazette  -  200 words
    • 228 1 {Pinang Gazette.) Under tbe heading of The working of the N»nv Baukruptcy Ordinance," the Straits Independent has an article directed against the action of the Government m its appointment of an official assignee for Penang. The article is strong, but not a bit too strong. The whole
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    • 429 1 {From owe Pekan correspondent.) Pekan, 2Bth Sept. Tlie" 'Resident arrived on Thursday night, the 19th inst. It is a hindrance to some Depa-tments wheu the Resident is away from town, as m his absence nothing oi importance cau be transacted. The Dyak who was suffeaiog from smallpox expired
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    • 1437 1 {From a Special Correspondent.) The four- foot tentative hill path twin Kualla Kubu, Selangor, to Tras is un fait accompli, and it is possible now for one to ride across tbe range to Tras the path to Raub is well m hand, and will shortly be
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    • 909 2 (From ins Baa^a OaseHs.J London. lM -g^-Th,* *P^* tiT< "JS i all the doe> labourers, firemen* stokers, yd i sea-ken. bars signed a «#nr.promi*a, under j which the increase Is to eOtemence m November, and work will be resninsd t«>Bto«»^. The Hghtermen, howevs*. stlH stand out. Thetailora have
      909 words
    • 481 2 Th« following letter to the shareholders of the Malay Peninsula sjt idicate is now being circulated Gentlemen. Ths result of the assays of stone taken homo by Mr. Rice is of sufficient importance as indicating the extraordinary character of the Raub mine* to induce the Committee of
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    • 251 2 The American barque G. S. Homer bound for Hongkong with a cargo of petroleum from New York arrived at Anjer ou the 14th nistaut leakiug badly. She had sprung the leok duiug a stroug gale before passing St. Paul's ialaud. On the 9th instant, the leakiug grow worse
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    • 509 2 {Pinang Gazette.) is bnt a modification of what we have already* advocated m theae columns. We advocated the exWrmmation of all tbe dog* iv tho island. l\+\!?\ ra *f IWi whi, «doptlug the principle that Singapore must lie c.eared of dogs, suggests that all those who
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    • 459 2 The Courrier d y Haiphong deplores the' iudiffereuee oi tbe Home Government to the commercial interests of Tonquin. The authorities iv the mother country, engrossed by party politics and pariiameuU ary scheming, neglect to look after the mercantile and industrial development of the Protectorate. The subjugation of tbe
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