Straits Times Weekly Issue, 4 July 1889

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 24 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. H*W* S3RIES Published fob Transmission by Evert [Price 40 Cents VOL XLT. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1889 NO. W>2l
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  • 48 1 AT Little Heath, Pott»rs'-bar, on the 16th JUj, the wife of Henry Elli s, of a daughter. AT Wiesbaden, (Germany), on the 25th B»J. the Wifo Of JOHINNES LUTJENB •f a son. At Hamburg, on the 3rd J»ne, the wifo of Id. Lor. Meyer, of a daughter.
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  • 91 1 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 4th JULY, 1889. CONTENTS. Market Quotations. Weekly bnmmary. Banter's Telegrams Local and General News. The Nine Spates m 1888. The State of Europe. Fahansr Armenia. The Bangkok Riots. The Apotheosis of the Player. Annual Report on Pahang. The prosposed new theatre. The Riots at Bangkok. Return of
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  • 316 1 Singapore sth July, 1889. Produce. Q T hxw 8.55. do. Onbe No. 1 12.55. do. do. No. 2 11.00. Oopra, Macassar 3.52*. do. Pontianak „310 Bi 18.00. $X o r „2.70. SSL^r .3.60. 2™» Bah 26.50. *»P»oc», small Flake 5.50. <jo. do. Ist quality 5.75. do. mcd.
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  • 238 1 At Wednesday's Municipal meeting, it was announced that the Government had taken upthe unallotted balance of the Loan floated by thp Board. The Commissioners also decided to take possession of the whole of the Town Hall, audaid instead m building a theatre and assembly rooms. The
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  • 488 1 (For Straits Times,) The Balkans. London, 26th June. Serious disorders have broken out at Novi Bazar. Four Begs organized insurgent bands and expelled the Turkish Governor. Turkish troops are now attacking the insurgents. France and Egypt. The French Government refuses to agree to the conversion of the Egyptian
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  • 648 1 The French transport Comorin, bound from Haiphong to Toulon with 800 passengers, arrived here to-day. A British steamer flyiug the signal H.M.L.S. passed through the port to-day from West to East at 1 p.m. The Pakan reports having weathered a regular Sumatra squall early yesterday morning off
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  • 115 1 (Late Telttjrams.) Saigon exchanges received t his morning give Havas telegrams from Paris to the 28th June, contaiuiug the following items of interest At the Longchamps Racecourse, the great Paris Cup was won by a French horse. The preliminary works for the monument to commemorate this year's Paris
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  • 177 1 The Presbyterian Church A large gathering welcomed the Rev. G. W. Reith M.A., at the Presbyteriau Church prayer meeting last night. Colonel Dunlop, on behalf of the Session, introduced the newly-arrived Pastor to the congregation, and, m a few words, expressed the hope that Mr. Keith's ministry would prove a
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  • 623 2 LOCAL AND GENERAL. THURSDAY, 27th JUNE. We believe that the Municipality nave appointed Mr. Robertson to the P° s Overseer of Roads, lately held by Mr. McOaekett. The French Senate has approved the Convention for the etcbatige of pott ra ders l>etwe»-u France and the B»iti»b Colonies through the- L
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  • 168 2 Captain Burkttt of the Jumna is DiK>iiBBT;r>. The following telegram appears m the Sydney Maii dated London. May 18th The Directors of 0 a British India Steam Navigation Company have removal Captain W. A. Burkitt from the command of the R. M. S. Jumna oviug to
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  • 300 2 The North-China Herald has the following sum collected by the Shanghai Committee, amounting iv allto Tie 30i,jMW.t»8 and tl 7.087. 19— f0r it will be observed that Tls. 079.01, dollars realised, is a cross entry, baneed by the $6,869.29 m the disbursements -U >\ v«rycredltaM«
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  • 155 2 [Gazette, Xl*t June.) Sapphires and topazes have been found m Batang Pudang, where Mr. Wing Easton, an engineer from Java, has been trying to sink artesian wells for the Perak Government. Iv Selama, floods have proved very destructive. Abuuilance of gntta is said to be found m the
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  • 85 2 (Pinaiig Gazette, 25$k June.) A new steam launch named tl»e Tarn Lor, which belongs to Messrs. Chong Moh Co., a riveel from Singapore a few days ago, and commenced running yesterday between tere and Butter worth. We are glad to learn that the Secretary of State has reconsidered
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  • 451 2 The Glenshiel pasted through the port yesterday on her way to New York with tea. She left Amoy on the 23rd inst. Ihe total .Return of visitors to the les Library and Museum during the i bout 6 o'clock this morning a China1, an inmate of the
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  • 73 2 The Singapore Weekly Herald this week iutimates to its readers that it has completed the tirst year of its existeuce, and anuounces that owing to the majority of its subscribers not paying up, the proprietor is compelled to stop any further issue. The writer states
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  • 112 2 Tradk at a Standstill. Fkom private information to hand, we learn that a serious riot has broken out m Bangkok, amongst the Chinese populace, and that it has assumed such dimensions It all tiade is suspended, and the tbips detained m the harbour. The Siamese isul
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  • 191 2 Mr. A. W. S. O'Sullivan has been appointed to act as Collector of Land Revenue, Singapore. Dr. J. H. Rhodes has been appointed to be Justice of the Peace for the SettleInt of Peuang. ICohamed Hashim, late Visiting Tca'r, Province Wellesley, has been disssed the Government
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  • 1231 2 Quarter bnoino 31st March. (Concluded) Coal. In coal the United Kingdom tops the list by sending 97,000 tons valued at $1,125,000; Australia N),000 toss yaWs at $81,000; Japan 7,000 tons; and U. buan only returns 160 tens, «f a v i) 0. Siam, So.iatra and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 55 2 Passe n s<ts List. Per Hebe from Deli, Captain Benedeksou, Messrs. Bledestein, ami Haderup. Jason from Loudou, Mr. Bucb. JShwtkerm from Calcutta, Mr. and Mrs. Apear, Mr. and Mrs. Marcini, Messrs. In^lis, Pastjual, Bacheu and Nicholas, and Mrs. Goldenberg. G. G. Meyer from Batavia, Mrs. Mackenzie, Messrs. Waardt, Holler, aud
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  • 1033 3 Annual Sports. Under the care and administration of the instructors ot the Raffles School, the Annual Sports m connection with the Cricket Club of that admirable institution turned out to be eminently successful, everything passing off without the slightest hitch or mishap. For months before the time
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  • 854 3 Lisut. Johnstone's XI v. Mr. A. P. Talbot's XI. These two teams, the former eleven coming from the Regiment, the latter from the S.C.C, under the leadership of the above two gentlemen respectively, met on the Esplanade shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Regiment having the
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  • 1478 3 The Strathmore brought from Cardiff to-day 2,493 tons of coal. The Patroclus passed the sshooner Iris off Pulo Sapatu, bound to Shanghai, which reported all well on board. During this month the rate of exchange for Postal Notes on the United Kingdom will be 3s. o|d. per
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  • 257 4 A marriage was solemnized this mornJ? g a Qi? clo S k in th Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, between Monsieur Marie Joseph Rem Brasier de Thuy, son of the late Monsieur Charles Leon Paul Brasier de Thuy and Mademoiselle Marcelle Laure Charles Alfred de Bure, formerly
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  • 88 4 A large attendance witnessed the Deli Sky Meeting on the 23rd Jnue. The results of the races were as follows l Maiden Baf rak ponies. Prize $50. Mr. F. Wanders' Hans. 2. Handicap for first class horses. £100. Data Rostera's Moonshine. 3. Galloways. £75. Mr. Van Hagon's
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  • 423 4 {Gazette, 28th Jttne) There seems to be a great deal of dissatisfaction among the European contingent of the Police Force. We hear that Inspector Hope, of Pitt Street Station, whose agreement has expired, has declined to make a fresh one, and has given notice of his intention to
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  • 1382 4 {Chronicle, 29th June K?ri£r**\ ihe 'iP&'* m the diB trict of f«? D UY t been h in bi n festival. Buffalces have been sacrificed, and prayers onWH On Monday the Malacca hack-riwrry svcea trate s decision last week m a case i« ~$X i 1 b»«"K Society
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  • 220 4 {Penang Independent, HfJth June.) At a meeting of tho local bar held to discuss the wig question, it was resolvedW* very large majority to express diawtlt W the proposal to introduce the wearing of wi* by advocates m court. Ai '"With regard to the great wig qaseHea which
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 103 4 Passenger List. Per Patrochut from China, Mr. Placer. Wingmng from Calcutta, Mr. Greenberg. Tai Lee from Odessa, Hiss Caroline bolter. Mercury from Deli, Mr. Warner. India from Jloilo, Mr. Smith. Hecate from Bangkok, Mr. and Mrs. Turing. Hye Leong from Penang, Mr. Shepherdsou. Chow Phya from Kiang, Messrs. Anderson and
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    • 113 4 Passenger List. Per V. P. Prins from Surabaya, Meson Past, Wouters, Eshuys, Winterstyn, and Klapperscheidt. Pekin from Colombo, Mr Belfield from Loudon, Mr. and Mr*. Carew, Revd. Mr. Reith, Mr. Belfield, and Mr aai Mrs. Hammond; from Brindisi, Mr. Haskings; from Penang, Miss Mac Farlaaa Messrs. Hare and Sykes. Passengers
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  • 257 5 (Exchanges to 22nd June.) We learn from reliable sources that His jfftjesty the King has been graciously pleased to eoatrm the grant of a honse and compound at Batburo© to the American Presbyterian ]£ig<ti<m for use as a school niW f.->- medial porposea. The house will m all
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  • 624 5 (Ceylon Exchanyes.) SuppJetnentary to Straits Times Telegrams. Lord Lytton. London, 19th June. Lord Lytton is recovering from his illness, and has gone to Knebworth. To Administration of India: a Correction London, 19th June. The telegram regarding the adoption of a resolution to appoint a select committee to inquire
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  • 579 5 The Pahang Central Tin and Exploration Company, Limited. I statutory meeting of this company was n 31st May at the offices, 1, Tokenbmldmgs, E. C. Sir Robert Harley,, C.8., presiding. Secretary George Lawsou) having fie notice convening the meeting, Chairman said Gentlemen, I regret am not m a position
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  • 392 5 E Palilalia brought from Rangoon tobig elephant with large tusks. Endeavour arrived here to-day from ork with 30,000 cases of petroleum mghai and 10,000 for Yokohama. Somsbs Yinb, the Agent of the ImInstitute, is expected shortly to arCeylon from Australia on his way ia. His special business
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  • 182 5 A dinner was given at the Singapore Club last evening for the purpose of bringing together those gentlemen iv the Colony who have attended at either the University of Oxford or Cambridge, the iuvitatious j being confined to students of the two Universities named. The efforts of the
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  • 275 5 The average Chinaman is a paragon for perpetrating all manners and kinds of fraud and deceit. He has a brain for unlawful ingenuity that, if put into operation, would outshine all the workings of the long firm swindlers and other sharpers at home. For a long time
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  • 465 5 Lan early hour this morning while a mata was on his beat m New Bridge he was attracted to Hong Lim Green groaning of some one, and on proceedthe spot he found a Chinaman m a lied state, resulting from some blunt iraeut having beeu inserted
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  • 240 5 lorn all accounts it seems as though is likely to be some trouble with the rietors of those establishments where person can realise a Mile ready cash le security of the old family watch, proprietor of the shop being vulgarly red to by some as "my
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 68 5 Fassouger List. Per Hong Ann from Sulu, Mr. Stewart. Hecuba from Bangkok, Captaiu and Mrs* LongridM and Mr. Arbuthuot. PtUiUma from Calcutta via ports, Lieut. Petiv. Mr. Howard. Rev. Bro. Augustiu, and Mr. E. Browu. Ganymede from Deli. Mnore Bogaanlr. Batty, and Van Riusuu. Mayflower troui Palembang, Mr., Mrs.
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  • 221 6 Application by Creditors RsrussD. {Before Mr. Justice Goldney.) Yesterday afternoon, m the case of a J bankrupt named Tan Boon Sim, an appli- cation was made that a scheme, whereby i the bankrupt was to pay a composition j of 60%, which had been duly approved of by
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  • 483 6 By last advices cholca has greatly diminished m Manila. The sanitary zeal of the local authorities largely contributed to this satisfactory result The Governor General himself inspected several quarters of the city, aud directed sundry hygienic measures'to be taken. His Excellency, on findiug unusually foul premises m the
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  • 4220 6 tl. As this is the first Annual Report, it aaay be well to premise it by a short summary oi the events immediately preceding the date on which Pahang was brought under British Protection. 2. For many years past,
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  • 2138 7 i Terrible Scexes. I Military Quell the Disturbances. s report which appeared iv the Straits of Saturday stating that a serious lad broken out amongst the Chinese ace of Baugkok is now not oulv mcd, but later and authentic acs go to show that the affair
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  • 496 7 Darvel Bay Borneo) Tobacco Company. fE statutory m -ting of the Darvel Borneo) Tobaoco Plantations (Limitas h eld ou the 6th June, at the Cantreet Hot>! iLmdon), Baron Von presiding. Chnirma 1 said that a, such a very early iv the ejrJstaaes of the company there be very little roa!
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  • 1995 8 (From the Bangkok Time* of 26th June Bangkok could not be called "a quiet place last week even by the meat sanguine of optimists. Mntterings of tho storm that was to be raised m Bangrak were heard as early as Sunday the 16th instant, for even then
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  • 1127 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) HiBToav op th» Exhibition. Paris, Ist June.— What is fame P It wan only m Maj 1884 that the idea of holding an Exhibition m 1882 was gossiped about In November of that year, a commiuuion wan named to investigate the matter It re
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  • 1424 8 Ladies Letter. {From our own Corrssptmdent.) Paris, Ist June.— There are ceitaia Fiench families who have a speciality u> be considered as the home of a natioualnv. Some take the Austrians under their wingsome the English others the Italians, 4c! Noue speculate m the Germans. Now at these international centres,
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  • 1028 9 {By to-day's Mail.) Louden m of ten called gay, or rich, or W. or important, but not leafy. Leafy **Won," M a tttl€f haB h 0 evei% no t only touch of alliteration, but at thin early part of June a decided justification. There are certain trees, notably
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    • 1023 9 {Straits Times June 27.) The Administration Report on the Negri Sembilan, or Nine States, tells a tale of advancement which only requires time to bring foith results as marvellous as those manifested m their larger sister States. The revenue collected iv 1888, amounting to 853,000,
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    • 678 9 {Straits Times June 29.) Rumours of impending troubles m the Balkans and the credit votes included m the Austrian Budget do not convey reassuring messages to those desirous of acontinuance of peace. The Emperor Francis Joseph has informed the Delegates that the Allien are striving towards
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    • 355 10 (Straits Times June 2U.) The Administration Report on Pahang for 1888 beais every evidence that the Resident is fully alive to the delicate aud troublous nature of the work cut out for him. He has only been there a few mouths, but the Report shows that he has fully
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    • 475 10 (Straits Times July 1.) The letter by Mr. Gregory inserted m our Saturday's issue will have beeu read with interest by his compatriots m these Settlements, as well as by a large number of our readers whose sympathies are all with the Armenian people. In whatever light the British
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    • 340 10 (Straits Times July 1.) The sanguinary Chinese rioting at Bangkok, which only military force could stay, points to a standing danger wherever the Celestial element m Eastern countries does not feel the sharp curb of the law. The particulars of the atrocities aud outrages committed by members
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    • 839 10 I (Straits Times July 2.) appeail that we are threatened with Editions to that already superabun- literature" of the stage which couq4 the v autobiographies," 4t reminiss," aud what not, of living players, depressing prospect is probably due jat measure to the success which has
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    • 816 10 (Straits limes July d.) The death of the heroic Father Danuea has again drawn the attentioo of Eastern residents to a subject which has been allowed to settle itself very much as it chose. Startling articles lately appeared iv the Indian papers telling of the horrible
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    • 329 11 (Straits Times July 3.) The frequency of robberies on board local passenger steamers has already been commented upon m our columns, blame being laid at the door of the victims for contributory negligence or heedlessness. Facts that have recently come to public knowledge m the Penang
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    • 569 11 (Straits Times July 4.) In an article inserted m our columns on the 20th ultimo, relating to the Town Hall Question, the following occurs We would prefer to see the Commissioners honestly and frankly recognizing their position, and, to have them, apply to the Governor to
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  • 1670 11 Wednesday, 3bd Junr, 1889. Thb ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held m the Board Boom of the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, Colonel Dunlop presiding. Messrs. Sohit, Crane, Cuthbertaon. McCallum, Maxwell, F. G. Davidson, Tan Keng were also present, constituting a full Board.
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  • 798 12 Salaugor is a small State with an estimated area of only 8.000 square miles ft* ©High I riiink that ealou'ation falls short of the true area aud though it may not, therefore, be capable of producing very large results, still its natural advantages are many, and its
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  • 820 12 {finaay Gazette, 2nd Juti, j The Hon'hle C. W. S. Kv-uneralev Actinir Sft^L o^ 11 1 I^.^ Captain Cameron ff.° n n J^ n «ffi«»lvisittoPangkoron Friday last m the Gorernment steamer Sea Bird <£ tow? a? t W 9it^ the ite prosed town at Lumut, which has now
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  • 436 12 An enterprising French explorer, M. Garunger, has just returned to Hanoi, after a daring attempt to travel overland from Tonqnin to Burinah. He endeavoured, so says the Courrier aV Haiphong, to reach* Rangoon, and only turned back m the face of insurmountable obstacles. As he drew near
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  • 1355 12 I would Ye too much to expect iv tho pres'ago of public ;uiiuiiii«tration m China ny liigh official will be charged with the lire duty of supervising the construction Iways. The most ruidtifarious and even mums functions are crowded ou to one dual by custom, and
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  • 181 12 Yesterday the dead body of a Chinaman was found lying near the JSepoy Lines and conveyed to the mortuary. There were no marks of violence, but an inquest will be held on the 9th instant. Thirty Teo Chew Chinamen were found gambling m a house m Kajlang Bead
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    • 491 12 km, In reply to a question put by the Earl of Carnarvon m the House m Lords on the 13th of May last, regardmf the serious state of affairs m Armenia, j the Marquis of Salisbury made a repi* which might reasonably hare been m> 1 pected, from a
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    • 865 13 Compateiots,— The Armeniau Patriotic Union" considers the time has now arrived to declare its existence, and to proclaim and present itself to the public as organized. The condition of Turko-Armeuia is becoming more serious every day, the oppressions, instead of decreasing, are being multiplied, the letters which we receive from
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    • 950 13 The Experiences of "Peter the Hermit." I,— I have read with much interest wo letters of Captain G. about the I Guan and the peculiar ways and *of the people, which struck" me as kably coincident with a city I visited se parts m the early part of this y.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 258 13 Ist class' Cigar mannfaotnrcrln Holland deshous to enter into convection with gntic and active age<;t for the sale igars. Firsf references, ncquaiutane* buyers and kn«>wlod^» erf il> »rtiHe Adiress S. 0 33. rare <.f Kijoh n Ditmar'sj General iiv.rt.Mng .otterdam. acre, 4th July, 1889. 2 ins. Special Novelty. I Three
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    • 425 13 LAMBERT BROTHERS. VT^'AAPOftE CARRIAGE WORKS AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. Okchabd Road, Singapobb. Established 1562. Manufacturers of all kinds of Carriages oa M c newest principles and with the best materials B,. X to call attention to their present large stock of new and fashionable cux-r lagK, consisting of to suit either
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 259 14 «w t^^HHH' tr%r and a rMosflintlTn anfntt all complaints connected M&tVn!!cESimmi =g^ •fWUe, Cmmm+HUn ,wr !snT 2^^££n£*iin> countebfeitbd to a ooloum *sd ess words "V*wtablcsL' "*T^^!!o£iTawis^e^ -From flat-class Chemists. ASK IFOIEt And tee that each Jar bears Baron Liebig's signature BSsK^MZw^l\^J iW m Blue Ink aorou the Label. fIPVSfIVWtSPSrS >0
      259 words
    • 53 14 NUBIANS IHH LIQUID WATERPROOF IsELFSHINIsf NoKsffif REQU?RED ■amIImI with snonse attached to the cork, Gives an instantaneous M MM KSFliant^ daEpoUshTwhich lasts a week wet or dry weather. Mud ■rirThTwashed off and poUsh remains. Does not injure leather nor fWM sKn Jfotntne Porall kinds of Boots, Shoes and Leather Articles.
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 696 14 SHIPPING. Vesmcls Advertised to Sail. Sia^«iy«./e,74S hTim Ching A Co. for Palembang For Sydney via ports Bancoora, due on the 2S2ft ,1-00 nt at txi-u t 1 r» 4-^a t t Suffolk, 2.1/9, Borneo (.om pan v Limited, for 9th July Boustead A <^o. t T p For Japan ports,
      696 words
    • 1371 14 AKKIVALb ~~Z* i Flag i I L ►I Vkss.l's Name. I A JTons. 1 Captain. From. Sailed. Consign 3^:__ > I*™- Alport Adelaide Brit. str. 1783 West J une person, Simon. *Co 25 Suffolk str.i 2179 Callaghan Cardiff ,May 18 Borneo Company UmLi 25iNorm»nby str. 664 Joyce Sarawak June 23
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 371 15 M For Sat.w MT art Tre cb«^« f"4EI /iron) J«*w<>i Bwf»»n V*' ll 'f|Hi a ]tMi J' )>**>»#• Screens prf'^H IjMinprt BotkßVf. Lumh'iim B^VSThiM M*ttin«r Sfesr Co* o>*™**;:~ n swr** Mia* «4»« H»th*«t J<rn tt» B *lrL T. DJ«25 t .kw T. II Dr«**^* T <i S^l^i-b-w") w HXUSTSATEn C
      371 words
    • 1532 15 .i£d.*'<3& mm 0 :^sm^mk^i Peruvian bark, iron \***f^yW^WgKim JA^Sfe: -^.V^i^V- theGRKAT FRENCH REMEDY ...V V*- >^^« J i'^^^^^^^^^fJßA^iif *..r^M. v M'tT' Endorsed by tho Hospitala r^ t WrWf^R l^ v^^V^-^S^^ DYSPEPSIA, HIALARIA, FEVEB aud 4M£ K9aF^%^SH!p^^^^ml i^t^3^^^^^^^^!> U% V^/M^i,* J^ fiiST»4L6M, POORNESS of BLOOD, KkraU^'^a^^^UHJam^aU^^ lliaJHaJflMSß^ AETJAOED COHryaLESCEUCt *iri», aa,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 633 16 SCH WEITZ EB'S O O O O -A. "T I N -A. Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder. GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA, WITHOUT ADMIXTURE Society" says THE QUEEN invariably has a cup of SCHWEITZEE'S COCOATINA brought to her bedside at 7-30 and two hour* later she quaffs the B «nie beverage
      633 words
    • 785 16 I Qriza-Ferfum^Tl I- aUflOfUittPi rM/Mft AiTf Satat-Honon, 207 I '^^■■SBBI EBaH SeSal naaal SVSBBBo^m Bsl A JOIBKTIFIC DISCOVBRY FATBNTBD IK riINOI AND ABROAD I gfct soM ftjitoa pufumts, pnpand bjr a m*r p/t?c«, I Aart A»/i»ssj of concentration and fragrance hitherto unknown, I fsss on cold, m the shape of
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