Straits Times Weekly Issue, 26 June 1889

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 21 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. Niw Series Publishing [I'itiCE 40 Ce.vts TOL XLV. SIJN ttAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1889. NO. 3,52(5
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  • 20 1 At the Ktoliug, Oo^s lalaud^, on tho 20th JUj, the beloved wife of Georok Clunie s Boss. AjTcd years.
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  • 68 1 WEDNESDAY, 26th JUNE, 1889. CONTENTS. Market Quotations. Weekly rfumratry. Renter's Telegram Planting m tlie Protected Statos m ISBB. Tke Share Osoabliu^ Suppression^ Selau^ore m 1888 Cbmplimentary*Diuuer to Consul General Lftvino. I%e Important Share Case. Local and Gen Aral News. TVe ]>ebatiog Society's Dinner. DeHNews. Tke French Indo-Chiuese Tariff. Skipping
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  • 293 1 Singapore 26th June, 1889 P£pi>ucx. Gtmbier 8.874. do. Cube No. 1 m 1i>,50l i >,50 do. do. No. 2 w lLlu! (W Macassar ,3.524. do. Pontian&k „310. £*P«". Black 19.124. fcfoFJoor, 2.55. JSf Sfff; 3.40. B* 28.00. Tiptoes, small Flake n 5.75. do. do. Ist quality 6^oo.
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  • 127 1 Judgment m the important share-bro-**g ca«e of Heim VB. Lim Tiang Hee has deli*wed m favour of the defendant. *be Town Hall question has been a topic of the day daring the week. kct that cotton of good quality J* wen nused m Jelebll brings that
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  • 1890 1 (For Straits Thncj.) ThbArmy. London, 22nd Junt.— ln the discussion on the Army Estimates, Mr. Henry Fowler censured Lord Wolseley's political speeches at Birmingham and at Oxford and hoped that Mr. Stanhope disagreed with his views, as to conscription. Mr. Stanhope replied that he trusted conscription would never
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  • 248 2 SATURDAY, 22nd JCJNE. The number of visitors to the Rallies Library and Museum during the week was 1,270. H. M. S. gunboat Rattler, Lieut. Commander W. Maitiand Dougall, arrived yesterday from Hongkoup, and will relieve on this station the gunboat Linnet, which will proceed to Hon^kon^. Great
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  • 57 2 Yesterday there were no further nomination, so that Mr. F. G. Davidson (P.& 0. Company) is the only candidate for the Tanglin vacancy. The election will take place neit Saturday. An election with only one candidate seems odd, but by the Ordinance no person can be elected
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  • 161 2 Our attention, says the Singapore Weekly Herald, has been called by Dr. Tasker, of the Indian Dispensary, North Bridge Road, to the filthy condition of the drains m Cashin Street, which is simply a disgrace to any civilized community. The doctor tells us that at the
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  • 245 2 The town of Kwala Ltimpur continues to grow with great rapidity, 180 new brick houses were built during the year, a mow Chinese theatre was erected of permanent materials to accommodate 3,000 people, a very handsome Konqti Honee was built by the Cantoiiere, ot^ by the
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  • 341 2 The members of the Singapore Deh&t Hotel de Europe, forthe pmrpowbf practice id after^aner.peedw,. TfcKwew about 40 ombinprMnti and the PmeWfemt, mr. a JLnight. occupied the Chair After £lU?^F\ **T (which WM onl Jone dollar) thetoa»tlirt was proceeded with I 'JjL Wesident proposed the Queeo. Mr. Kfcory
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  • 707 2 Sir Hugh Low closes the Perak administration Report for last year with the following testimony: I am desirous of recording the valuable assistance which the policy of the British Government has received from the support of His Highness the present Sultan, both before and since his accession. By his
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  • 108 2 The Harrow brought 3,080 tons of coal to-day from Cardiff. Three tea steamers, the Yarotlaw, Russia, and Mogul are shortly expected here. H.M.S. Battler arrived yesterday from Hongkong. The Dutch despatch boat Indragiri came yesterday from Rhio, and has gone into dock at Tanjong Pagar. The Japan, which
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  • 394 2 On the subject of the jeform of the French Indo-Chinese tariff, we learn that the customs Commission suppresses duties on Asiatic goods, such as preserved eggs, birds' vests, sharks' fins, cardamoms, betel-nut, pepper, eiunamon, timber, bamboo, rattan, Chinese pottery an<l earthenware, and teas of low grades.
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  • 1120 2 i-Hi Deli Kailwaj Company has issued re C rt if* lU doin K 8 f ro «n Maj to Deoeinber last. The working o| the lines if i* management during that pemd I ntoltod m a profit of nearly aquarter ofa dilt h ruil er8 whi <* admitted
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  • 160 3 The Galley of Lome, which arrived here to-day, has anchored outside the harbour limits, owing to powder formiug part of her cargo, 25 tons of gunpowder are for this port, and 275 for Hiogo and Yokohama. The tea steamer Mogul, on her way from Foochow to Odessa, coaled
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  • 326 3 {unronicie, z4na June.) The Rev. Father Maneuvrier, pastor of the Tamil Mission, Singapore, has been spending ♦be past month m visiting the Klin? Christies m the Settlement, m Sungei Ujong and oeUngor. as is customary every year. Altogether the Christians number i 92, most of them being employed
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  • 921 3 Complimentary Dinner to Consul-General G. Lavino. «jn Saturday evening a complimentary dinner wasgfren at the Hotel de l'Europe, i n Dutch residents here, to their Con-sul-General, Mr. G. Livino, on the occaI lu n x? f 8 havia the Knighfs Cross of the Netherlands Lion bestowed on him. Apnvate tefegrara
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  • 687 3 The Qoeen has allowed and confirmed the following Ordinances, viz -.—No. VI of 1889, entitled An Ordinance to authorize the Trustees of the Presbyterian Church aud Mission m Prince of Wales' Island to sell certain lauds and premises belongiug to the said Church and Mission and
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  • 346 3 Ihe scratch match betweeu a team uuder the captaincy of Mr. F. V. Hornby and a team under the captaincy of Mr. A. P. Talbot, played ou the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon molted m a decisive defeat for the former. The following arc the respective scores. Hornby's XI.
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  • 506 3 ■MM Thk Cathedral of tub Good Shepherd." The yearly celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi took place yesterday m the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. At the morning service the Right Revd. Dr. Gasnier, Bishop of Malacca, sang pontifi--1 cal high mass, assisted by
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  • 2863 4 Joseph Heim vs. Lim Tiano Hke. Delivery of Judgment. Judgment m the above case was delivered by Mr. Justice Goldney this morning and is as follows This is an action for the specific performance of a contract for the sale of certain shares m the Bentong
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  • 434 4 Planting m the Protected States In 1888. (Strait* Times June 22.) The disadvantage of relying on mining enterprise too exclusively m buildingup the prosperity of the State meets with full recognition m Perak. There the Government has encouraged planting adventure m every way. especially by furthering kuropeau settlement, and
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  • 1046 4 {Oinu:* limes June 24.) In the Stmits Law Jovrr,al for June, there is a full report of a case which is of genera) interest. Section Bof the Gaining Ordinauce of 1879 allows the police to apply for search warrants to enter an? bouse posed to be a v
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  • 718 5 (SicaiU Times June 24.y A decision of Mr. Justice Goldney m £*«**t Share Case, which will be found Mother eoluran, will surprise no obe who has carefully followed the prinked reports. Th* Defendant, Lim Tiang Hee, entered into an with the Plaintiff, Mr. Joseph Heim, for the
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  • 1357 5 {Straits Times June 25.) Tbb Annual Report on the State of Selangor, like that of Perak, again presents a most satisfactory reeoid of continued prosperity and steady progress. There- port moreover is of special iuterest, as it may be regarded m the light of a valedictory address
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  • 285 5 (Pinang Gazette, l Jl*t June.) Captain Craufurd, Matter Attendant. S.S., left for Larut on Wednesday night m the Government steamer Hortburgh. At a meeting of the Turf Club held <v Tuesday, it was decided that, as sufficient suppo't was uot forthcoming, there should be no sky meeting this
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  • 630 6 A Strange Leoal decision. From the remotest annals of biblical times up to the present, the goat has been and will always continue to be regarded as a quadruped that dra^s alon;_£ its existence m a trail of sorrow and woe. In nearly every country under the
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  • 272 6 A correspondent writes m the Bombay Gazette The question whether officers holding commissions m Her Majesty's service and covenanted and uncovenanted civilians filling positions m the Government service, m virtue of which they into the best society, are jusm proceeding to and from Europi as •econd-class passengers
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  • 463 6 OORHOBALR ROYAL ARTILLERY V. CORPORALS ."»VrH Regiment. A very interesting match, between teams representing the above, was played at Tangliu on Saturday last, and resulted, as will be seen by the scores below, m a very easy victory for the latter. Play commenced precisely at 12.15, the R.
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  • 165 6 *vi«u iv.ii.AN S MISERY WHILE LIVING IN Belgrade. No wonder King Milan wanted to get ?k *Sf B^ r de sa J s a correspondent of the New York Tribune. He was as much a martyr to dread of assassination as the Czar of Russia. It is told
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  • 651 6 Captain Sehult/, the Secretory for Chm^e Affair* leffc the State on sick leava at the oni of May, aud the duties of the office hava beau performed byius Assistant, Mr. Cowan, who speaks various dialects of Chinese with great facility, and has shown himself a Sttloai
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  • 509 6 The Town Hall Question. S'R, Your resuscitation of the above topic, after its lying dormant for such a considerable time, should and probably will have a very desirable effect. If the agitation still continues, which I hope it will, we m Singapore may shortly have the
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  • 210 6 Sir, The com -.nuiiity at Urge ar.'d."p. ly indebted to you for the valuable dig. cussioa aiii advice ftiveo ia the cjlumas of your paper on behalf of a public object. Ido not kuow whether aucb subjects as the buildiu.; >f a theatre aod assembly room
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  • 911 6 Debating Societies and Local Parliaments. Sib, TUediuner of the Sintfipo re Debating Society last night, which I hid the pleasure to attend, suggests to me that the Society might occasionally gain bj resolving itself into a PdrliamaoUrj Debating Society" or "L>eal Parliament" after the English model. It woald at least
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  • 123 7 Sis,-— From the correspondence published m your columns, one would think that there are persons living m our midst who feel that the building of a new theatre i and assembly room is the most pressing public duty. Now I venture to think the ««e is
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  • 506 7 M». Editor, It is a very common cusiom for writers to the paj>ers to anathematiie all round, because some necessary improvement has not beon effected, for waich omission they have only themselves rMame a »d this is fully borne out by the th Ta° athe Bnb
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  • 171 7 Sir, The correspondent Anti-Humbug m your issue of yesterday forgets that he is living m an advanced age, and m a place which can boast of more public buildings than a church, a post office, and a school-house. Is it impossible for the Municipal and Gov-
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  • 326 7 Sib, Now that the Estimates for next year are m course of preparation, it would be interesting to know whether provision could not be made to give the underpaid subordinates m the Service an increase of salary. I am led to make this suggestion from the fact
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  • 263 7 A London correspondent writes I hear that an attempt is being made to obtain a reconsideration of the case of Sultan Abdullah, of Perak, m the Malay Peninsula, who is at present, and has been for 12 or 13 years past, detained m exile In 1878 Mr. Birch, the British
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 246 7 Special Novelty. Thf: Thrke Quarter Pilsener registered. fTIHIS size l)ott]e specially made to order X for Kngaporo and the* East is a ?i/.e midway belniiM pint aud quart, its useful dimensions will be felt by all boer drinkers to ho a groat boon. The beer is tho well-known GLOBE BRAND.
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    • 446 7 LAMBERT BROTHERS. SINGAPORE CARRIAGE WORKS AND HARNESS ?»f ANUPACTORT Orchard Road, Sinoapobk Established 1862. ilanufacturers of all kinds of Carriages on the newest principles and with the best materials Beg to call attention to their present large stock of new t7 id f.vhiormble carriages eoneieting of STANHOPE GIGS, I to
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 49 7 Passenger Li9t. Per SaJvadora from Manila, Dr. Forey and Messrs. Seller and Spalding. Per Srhwalbe from Deli, Mr. and Mrs. Hirsehmanu. Per Godavenj from Batavia, Messrs. Burton. Henry, Rockmaker and Kalencongan and Mrs. Kosenthal. Per Chmgmedt from Deli. Messrs. Karaeson, Stirling and P'ademrecht. Per Bengkalis from Muar, Mr. Hulse.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 161 8 ASK FOR And m« that «aca Jar baan Baroa Liabif *if n*tar« la llae Ink aerot* th« Lat«l. PVIW Rl XI "HEaT AMD CHEAPtST f S STOCK FOR SOUPS. it-i HADE BISHESjMfO SAUCES. j\ Invaluabla ft>r India aa if as IfllcUnt Tonic m all i/ .1 o*a«a of Waaknaaa. To
      161 words
    • 103 8 Fpincst English PcpfumepyTl la^^BMMll^^ttlHlfflßH COKHfflttnO PERFUMES. I XI B The best made. Unsuipassed ht V (IB delicacy, richnest, and Laiting X vl qualities. Highly Concentrated. jl B^S3 BMathiol*. Ett. Bouquet f W f BTanglewood. 3tephanotis. I I Jl I Jockey Club. White Rote. MA B^l K^'^^IPSSSI lenglish roses toilet M
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 440 8 SHIPPING. Vessels Advertishd to Sail. For Fremantl^ on tho 20th insv., McAlister Co. For Penanu: and London, Aberdeen, due on the 27th inst, Gilfillan Wood Co. For London nnd Liverpool Nv. b ia, on the 27th inst. Gilfillan Wood Co. For Swatow via ports Fidel io, on the 27th inst
      440 words
    • 307 8 I'l.ra Cb>ln CAt»MI A'Nio, 1.012. BetM Mover A Co. for Bnns^kok -Roads. >tfl«»'j»7o, E. E. A. i C. T. Co. Ltd.- N^v M&tfanmat. Rnyollst, 161, On;^ E«-w H*\i $"r li.jl.uan,— Roads. Rajl>oot<mn. I,'US» lVoustoad Co. for Calcutta. Tunjonjr Pigar. Kornf ijfm* Boostmd i Co.. f<»r M.idi-us, tfmt*por*?74R KimChinjrA Co. for
      307 words
    • 1148 8 £g Vkssski/s Xam*. Fl A Tons., Captaik. From. (SAitkb., Cb^itiMil. $3 Rig. J l<T Ban Senp Gnan Brit, ,/r 50» Oeary Bangkok June 15 Ban Seng A Co. 19 Pontianak str. 99 Jones Ponlianak June 1 1 Keng l ong Brother* 19 Nmb CV str 1109 Widens Amoy June 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 330 9 BELL <§ CO. onrrosEKHs. T^^^ Sow* Tjh»jpSJ|*T»"» MtMa gr-"r- gj^ Sum«J» j^^,, (m n tire-prcK f> jj^Wwr* 8 T«i»«^ Di* lB *L»«. T«»w««l H'"-m^ pntiiaf T^ T»i O'n-n^-P^g, s^»"^ T-«»ie' s*»rTi««» JJiitTRITEn CATALOGUES FREF. CO o 9^^ Sf^^^ o o o a 0 J FURSITtRK CAN BE FO&Yf Ai;rEl> BY
      330 words
    • 1085 9 J^HC^^B UHf jB i J" Ujl ML i^U thw own toen I 1 MACFARLANE'S CAS! INGS. Mm, See Illustrated Catalogue, containing <*m<M) lllustr:tti<ins S{\\ 111! Macfarlank'B Conductor Pipks. /</>• Unin-icufrr. Store. Soil. /jT' I w and Ventilating Purposes. Plain and f)rna)i>»iilal. rT' XV,I >• rT~yj j T MACFARLANE'S EaVEGuTTERS. for
      1,085 words
    • 661 9 NOTICE. i f |^HE undersigned ha* just received «x P. 1 .v O. Mail, the follow ing Elf ctro Plated Hi»d Optical Goods. Cnnieo Biscuit Boxen, new ]»itiern-. Fruit Bowls, Conveitabie Entree Dishes. ombi- nation Stands, Cut. glass and Don It on, Trays, T»»a sets, Fish slices. &c Gold. Silver,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 607 10 SCHWEITZER'S 000 O-A-TinXTA.. Ant i- Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Pointer. GUARANTEED PUKE SOLUBLE COCOA, WITHOUT ADMIXTURE "Society" s.iys "THE QUEEN invariably has a cup of SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA brought to her bedside at 7-30 and two hour- lat«-r she quaffs the 8 »»"e beverage at the breakfast-table." OOOO.A. 1? XIST A.
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