Straits Times Weekly Issue, 7 June 1889

Total Pages: 18
1 18 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 28 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSU E. Published for Transmission by Every Homewaud Mail Steami:r. New Serig; [PttlCE -10 Cents VOL XLV. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 7. 1889. NO. 3,523
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  • 23 1 On tho 2Sth April, at Ohindr«« Houm, Matlock, Amelia Fer»a.ll, tho belarsd wif* of John Fisher, formerly of Sinß^pore, ag^ d <5>
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  • 123 1 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 7th JUNE, 1889. CONTENTS. M*rk»t Quotations. Suminaiy of the Week. jjeuter"*" Telegrams. Local and New*;. The Ohambjr of Cjiiiui >roe. The Hamicipal Franchise. The Pub'.io Health ami tin Government. 3lr. MfiKerrow and the tfiinicip*] C >.amissioTit^rs. The Colony m l^S" 5 Pauper I mnii^ ration. The
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  • 368 1 Singapore 7th Jinu, 1889 Produce. Gwnbirr 8.16, do. Cnbe No. 1 1&37|. do do. No. 2 11.10. Copr*, B.tli 3.4<>. do. Pomianak 3.05. Pepper. Black 19.80. Sasro Flour 2.55. Pearl S>ur > 3."><>. Ooffoe. Bali 27.00. TapmB,sni*U FUV' 5.57 L «?o. do. Ist quality ,t> 00. do.
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  • 202 1 The extra day's races of the Spring meet- ing duly came off ou Saturday. Accidents i and mishaps marred its success. The Siamese transport Bangkok received so miu-h damage by striking on a reef near RaiH.'s Light-house ou Weduesday, that she has had to go into
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  • 570 1 (For Strait* Tim"*.) Parliament. Lnndut, 'iiHh M<iy. M!r. E. Robertson, Dundee, movel m the Houto of Commons that the sa,liry of Lord Salisbury should be reduced, teeming him of conspiring with the rulers of other European Powers to boycott the Paris Exhibition. The motion was rejected by a
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  • 602 1 At (> o'clock this morning the police coutiugent m Singapore was paraded on Tauk Road. Altogether there were six corapauies preseut, comprising about eighty Sikhs, about two huudred aud fifty other Asiatics, aud several European sergeants and constables, all under arms. After being put through various evolutions,
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  • 129 1 The following letter to the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce has been sent us Cor publication. Coloniit! Stcretaiy'a Oficr. Bii .'<'",/ t«, 1889. Sir. la continuation of my Mtorofthe 12th April last, lam dii oted bytheQorernor to st::t<\ for the infor latioa ox tlrj Oham* bor
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  • 211 1 The Siamese transport Bamjk<>k went into dock at laujong Pagar yesterday evening. She carried luO troops for Bangkok. H. M. S. Lin tiff arrived this afternoon from Pahang. News has been received here of tbe wreck on Tuesday evening last of the s. s. Prye on some rocks
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  • 485 2 THURSDAY, 30th MAY. Mr. Gilbert F. d'Silva, a Madras apothecary for many years ia the service of the Government,* and latterly m private practice here, has been appointed Medical Officer to the British Resident at Pahang. Copies of (lie new Rules and Regulations (printed m Chinese) to
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  • 70 2 The first of the tea ■teamen this season ■■•gain the fat and favourite Moynne, Captain Hogg commander, this being the third year m succession thai the has raced home with the first cargo of new season's teas. The Moyune is due at Singapore daring the evening or
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  • 38 2 Ihe Netherlands India Government steamer Qier, lomn.ander Van Hemert after docking and coaling here, left this morning for Muiitok. Passengkk List. Per Sappho Klang, Mess.s. GorIrw/p "IK, Pei an Whatt B<»m from Pontianak, Mr. Sturrock
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  • 387 2 mm tie Homgkowg Daily Press. The question of the purchasing power of the dollar us aftectii^ the value of offacial salary, now being diftcutftd m this colony, is attracting s< nu atlenfiop m Sin. gapore. The Strait. Tin,,,-. Lavii.g i, m to what was ea i4 m
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  • 95 2 The Times is informed on good authority that at the forthcoming meeting of the Suez Caual Company, to be held on May 6, the directors will recommend the division of the shares into a five per cent. Preference stock aud a Deferred stock, the latter to
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  • 114 2 The tiual subscription list of the North China Famine Fund has been issued. The total amount subscribed is Tls. 301,718 aud $17,073. The Committee, having come to the conclusion that the necessity for relief ov a large scale has ceased, has closed its work. The balance,
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  • 218 2 Ix the Court of Requests this moruing several Chinese were mulcted m tines ranging from $4 tv $5 fur teiusiug to keep their houses thoroughly cleansed and whitewashed. Low Kye, i>- iu_, the owner of a pony suffering from glanders, and iR'L, r »*.'<-'tmu r to report the
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  • 347 2 The pieference of shipowners for largecarrjing vessels is becoming more and more pronounced, and the companies more particularly engaged m the part of the snipping uade m which sailing ships are worked seem to vie with each other m securing the la.gest ship afloat." Intimation was
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  • 226 2 From our Correspondent.) The Bangkok, from Siugapoie, came m ou the moiiiiug of the 27th (Monday), haviug tive tongkangs m tow ladeu with material for the water-works and the Muar railway. The tougkaug with materials for the latter service was dropped at Bandar Maharatii, aud the other four were
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  • 187 2 V CUBIOUI OOCVBBBHCB. Thi B. I. strainer Ctmara, which arriv•*l at Colombo ou the li'th instant from Bombay via Coast ports, brought more than her usual number of [ijUdigyii At Cannanore, when sh.» lay two miles from the ibore, large iwann of beet, Dumbering
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  • 401 2 An Explanation. The Pluany Gazettv thus explaius the COOhe pass system iv vogue m Deli, which some people look upon M a kiud of slavery It U patfoetlv true that the coolies have to get passes iv gofeg from one estate to the other, but it
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  • 320 2 The Governor Ueneial, now that cholera bus become prevalent m the Philip, pine islands, has directed the local authot rities to take every sanitary piecaution ou the outbreak of epidemic disease within their jurisdiction, and to do everything m their power to aid the suffering poor visually the
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  • 354 2 Java papen receiTed this moruin^ state that E. lf. 8. &m m, with the two torpedo boatl m tow, hat arrived at Surabava. H. N. ITi />*'//. Lieutenant Comman<l«t Bohtlingk, after docking and ooa|n| here, left this morning i»»r Acbeen. Mi;. W aim (ivKn'sKK has rt'turnod, nuirh
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  • 25 3 Per Sarpedon from Hongkong, Mrs. Robh aud Mr. Darke. Penamj from Samaraug, Mr. and Mrs. Ingner. Heemba from Bangkok. Mr. aud Mrs. Anderson.
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  • 164 3 EfoSODI WOULD SIOM. A i^eiß*ttering attended tb« Women's Christian Temperance I'niou meeting lust ni<jlit. with Colonel Tuck m the chair, to listen, for nearly two hours, to addresses, interspersed with hymns and appropriate songs. The arguments furbished up presented hardly any now features. Stress was laid on
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  • 293 3 Fkauds upon the Post Office by bringing unstamped letters into and for delivery m the Colony seem to be on the increase. Through the cutene^s of a uative constable, two oft'euders iv this line were caught brin^in^ numbers of unstamped letters ashore at Colly er Quay yesterday.
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  • 541 3 Stray Shots. The Singapore Sporting Club Spriug Meeting, which comes to close to-morrow, n^vist, as far as visitors are concerned, be pronouriced an immense success, but us ivgaws the sportmg public, never was less enthusiasm displayed, or so little intereel »^b m the meeting by the sporting paternity
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  • 592 3 Anothkk pirate chief, styled DocQui submitted to the French authorities early this month, along with his band, 900 strong all armed with breechloader*. Elsewhere m Tonquiu the piratei are as active as over, and show no signs of caring m. That country and Aonam teem to suit
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  • 170 3 Yesterday Messrs. Crane Bros, disposed by public auction of all the plant and utensils of a saw mill known as Wee En^ Wee s, with three adjoining pieces of land estimated to contain a total area of 4 acres 1 rood and 10 poles, situated at Kochore, all
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  • 170 3 As nanal erery ye» r the Mabomedao observance of this da; is qoI kepi up with that spirit ot unutiimitv which should characterise tho occasion. Consequently those who relied upon tho assurance that the now uioou had been perceived b? son.,. eagle-ejed ikj-gaser Lust night, obaerved the
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  • 252 3 (Efeefaupes t» 25th M, >i V>r only Chinos., luit also Siamese sad Malaya join certain Secret Societies. On Thnr.xl'u- ui^ht a ti<ht Between th" Tr.-uuwav employ&aud another society took place ai Baagrak. We bear that .m understanding has net been arrived :it thai as long aa tramway people
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  • 712 3 Drama this month the rate of exchange for Postal Notes ou the United Kingdom will be ;*s. Ojd. per The Qumber of visitors to the Rail m Library au.l Museum during last week was 1,144. On Suuday moruiug the people at the Borneo Wharf placed 700 tool
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  • 297 3 THEsenteiue of death npoa theChiuainan Lee Ah Kong for the wilful murder of two Chinese constables by stabbiug them with a dagger to evade anv>t on the night of the 11th ultimo, wm tolfiiled this moruing, Lee Ah Kong being hanged just, outside the gaoL Lou- before
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  • 686 4 Tbb fittt <atgo <f tl< rcir teafon'a te*f arimd Kie v«striday (Sunday) mornipg )D tit "Muluul" stiairer Jfofwlic OH its way to LdicUr. f Jre Mcptne arrived at ■iio'eiotl m tlo n coning, and v«s despatched ly the Borneo O m] any Limit* d m a
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  • 576 4 oHth Regt. v. S. C. C. This match, played under the Association Rules on the Esplanade oil Friday evening last, terminated with the anticipations of the players of the S. G. C. being fully realized, they having to yield three goals to the Regiment without even a try being
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  • 200 4 Mr. F. A. Swctteuham, C.M.G., has just left Selangor to take over the residency ot the State of Perak. He leaves Selaugor much to the regret of all the inhabitants, both European and native, as he has invariably taken the deepest interest m all that concerns that State,
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  • 560 4 Mr. E. L. Brocl tuao baa been appointed to act as Collector oi Laud Revenue, Peliaui:. Mr. Brockinan will also be a Justice of the Peace, Magistrate and CoinmisBiooerof tbe Coon of Request*, for tbe Settlement of Penang. Bfr. W. A. Coscaden has boon appointed to
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  • 471 4 The following appointment has been made at the Admiralty -Charles Dickinson, surgeon, to the LmmH, to date May 7. As the mail left. General Sir William Crossmau, M.P.. wanted to know why the big gun was removed from Fort Fullerton, and whether the Volunteers ma? have it
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  • 128 4 At tb<- monthly missionary meeting I^* night, Captain JShellabear took the eliair Mr. Beauebamp delivered an address on his missiou experiences m China during the last two years, especially at Shanghai and Hongkong, where about two dozen agencies are at work, the most successful being the medical missionaries.
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  • 704 4 The Gulf of Mariaban arrived to-daj with 2,500 toua of coal from Sydney. Captain Ligetwood, of the British steamer Gulf of Venice, which arrived here yesterday more ing, reports having spoke* the British ship Rhine, wishing to be i*. ported all well," and the German ship Manjarethe. both
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  • 638 5 [Exrhaxijes to loth May.The Pahaug Corporation Limited have re- letters from Mr. William Fraser giving a— satisfactory accounts of the working on the Crnip.Hii)' s estate. With record to the water ra- c lie writes This is going on rapidl Tl>»» En Li dam which was wathtd nway
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  • 674 5 People are beginning to talk and to speculate on a tobacco boom, which is to altogether put the recent Pabang flutter into tie shade. Matteis ceitainly set no ehapirgtbat way, uud the prices muted at Attfeteidam for the first amTals of the I£BB Sumatra ciop are certainly
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  • 463 5 J oho re News. [From our MM Correspond* tit.) Jokore, 31§t May The mouth of fast or Balan Puasa ended last night, the new moon having been seen by eleven witnesses who testified to the fact ou oath. To-day therefore is M Hari Rayah," aud is being kept here as
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  • 575 5 (From our own Correspondent.) Rain has been badly wanted here until within the last few days, when a shower fell. As population increases, the prices of articles mount up here by degrees. People from every part of the Malay Peninsula, especially from Kelantan and Tringanu, come hither m
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  • 130 5 (Frxin the nmm OoftttpomdmU) fehan. 31*t May.— The bouse of Mr. Incbi Abubakar at Kathappau. which was rented by Japanese women has been burnt to ashes.* The loss to the proprietor and the tenant! is said to be about $1,000. The exertions of Sycds Assau and Abubakar prevented
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  • 603 5 (B. N. B. Herald, Id May.) The rapidity with which MVI m transmitted iv uncivilised countries has often been the g\il»jcct of remark, bu+ it is nevertheless curious that the capture- of GaM* fort and the annexation of Padas Damit wen 1 known to the native
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  • 241 5 Mr. Heith, the uewly-ap|>ointed pastor of the Presbyteriau OLureb here, was expected to leave England for Singapore at the end of last mouth. The Siamese trauyport liatujhth struck ov a reef near RafiVs LigbtnOllM this ■KMrniog, and remained fast until towed «»ff this afternoon. Australia is taming
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  • 150 5 The Superintendent of Lower Perak, m bis annual report published m the Perak Government Gazette, speaking of roads, Scir\ S t It lias been my unpleasant duty la several times bring to the notice of the authorities the inefficient manner m which
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  • 453 5 Thk followiDg extract from the Glahgo c Herald, showing the steady decrease of th* productiou of pure Scotch malt whiskies aud the steady increase ia the make of raw grain, is rather alarming for raw grain whisky is stuff that no man of sense would willingly drink Regarding
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  • 1046 6 Yesterday afternoon, iv tbt* Senior Magistrate's Court, before Messrs. S. L. Thorutou aud H.H. Hudson, Captain AYilliam Joyce, master of the steamship Xormunhy, appeared t<» answer mmmoiu issued ;.t the instance of the Chief Police Officer, charging him with bringing into the Colony, on the
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  • 537 6 Turn Oomereio of the 23rd May has reoeiTed word that the Miuister for the Colonies iutends to carry out a sweepiug tiscai reform m the Philippine*. He hat made m. his miud to abolish certain customs duties, and make up for the resulting Lota of revenue by raising
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  • 154 6 His Siamese Majesty's transport Bangkok, which was to arrive to-day from Penang, has met with misfortune. She report! that at 440 this morning, she patted t ho RamVs Lighthouse btarillg north al distance of two miles. Ten minutes afterwards she ttranded on t li** Buffalo rock, the weather
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  • 300 6 Kuklow'i German Trad* Review of Ist May baa tome remarks oo the amount of success achieved l>v this Company's st.-a-BBen to China and Japan Uld Australia simv the? began running m July LBB6 The results haw not been to satisfactory from a German point of new
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  • 332 6 [Malacca Chronicle, $M May Fann^Ltt Y^S f the pium and S P irit down at kS STi advancer »»ve settled aown at Kwala Pilah, aud mining is now irodurina t\ JiT V' bhar^ Tiavil^ b e uurmg the last month or so. Nearly *> laos KsisoS? R
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  • 1278 6 A BraciAL Ifeetiog of the M-mioipaj Commissioner was hflj iv the Board Boon Of the Town Hall on lfoada? afternoon, for the purpose of taking into onsi. deration the resignation of Mr. Willis* HcKerrow, and considering the new ByeLiws for regulating the transiu-tion'of Municip-il business. The Piesideiu Colonel
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  • 2502 7 Extra and Final Day. Satikdvy. Ist Junk, lss:>. 0"* H0 ESE KILLED Only oyE KAVmKITE wins t]J AK f ING iuto consideration the uusetea state of the weather of late, the Sin!o n,n b P° rtiu^ Ciub were particularly m the Extra and Final Da/s
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  • 2906 7 I hkM.-v: v p; \v ins;;. The last meetingof the session of the Singapore Debating Society**! held io the M sonic Institute on Wednesday night. There a |»our attendance of members; Mr was intimated that the following gentlemen had b^u elected men. bers:— Messrs.
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  • 1270 8 (By Tuesday's Mail.) The news of Carl Rosa's death with a painful shock to the niemh^ great and small, of the theatrical i operatic professions, for the deceased sician was a strong, healthy man ()f DUI teuse temperament the very last with whom one would associate the*;! 011
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  • 1651 9 (From Our 0»-n CorretjHMdetd.) Thk Modus Town oi Habf.u Paris, May i. —Though swallows are said to bav<-, once upon i time, built their nettl m old men's beaidt, it does not follow that they bare chosen, as an observer report*, the pinnacle ol the Eiffel Tower for
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  • 635 9 Tin* Chamber of Commerce. (Straits Times May 90.) The Report of the Chamber of Commerce for last year contains a creditable record of effective work dune by that body m the interest of the mercantile community, to whom Singapore owes its present standing. Considering the value of the Chamber
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  • 303 9 {Straiis Times May 81.) The almost unauimous rejection by the Debating Society of the motion m favour of extending the municipal franchise commends itself to common sense. The mixed nature of our Asiatic population, and their ho|>eleBBly dense ignorance, forbid applying to them Western theories of popular
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  • 2056 9 {Strait* Times May SI.) The latest involuntary candidate for centenary and monumental honours is Adam Smith, sometime Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glaoi'ow, and author of one of the most distiuctly epoch-making works ever produced. It is uatural and appropriate that Smith's native
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  • 312 10 Mr. McKerrow and the Municipal Commissioners. (Strait-: Time* Jum I.) It is a pit j that the time of busj men should be waited over inch a squabbi j as that caused bj the fact that Mr. sfcKerrow larks the self-contained restraint s«> necessary m public life. The matter is
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  • 525 10 (Strait* Time* June i.\ The current issue of the OrV.,-*,,,^ Guzette contains au advance report" the Straits Settlements for the year 1888 The facts and figures marshalled iv that document tell eloquentlj enough of th marvellous way the Colony, as a wh has advanced m the
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  • 448 10 (Strait* Timt'B Junr r >.) Yesterday the charge* agaiust the Master of the steamer Nonnanby, for bringing a batch of diseased paupers into the Settlement, broke down from lack of evidence directly conuectiug him with then landing here, and because it was I proved that he had any
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  • 572 11 (Sti'iii* Time* Jun< '>'. Thk complete failure of the Municipal Loan will surprise uo one. It is indeed rather a mittfir for surprise that so much as seveu thousand dollars lias been applied for because aothing financial can be more certain that the holder of five per
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  • 1043 11 Tfli ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held m the Board Roomof the Town Hall on Wedday afternoon under the presidency v( Col Dunlop; Messrs. McCallum, Sohst, Crane, Cuthbertson, Tan Jiak Kirn, and Lini Eng Keng were present The minutes of the previous meeting were mad
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  • 132 11 T;irt s. s. A 7 Mm, s.iys the Anttrmlmtimn of lltUMiy, will Lears Melbourne to-day for Singapore with tiJ horstvs L,»r Mr. H. Abrvinn. Among then srs two teams of fonr-in-hsnl Way an 1 givy carriage bones, snds nwnber of baeki an I ii imssf
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  • 458 11 A cask for counsel's opinion as to the legality of Uiils of Lading signed by ships' agents was recently submitted to the Bon. G. H. V. Evans, whose explicit interpretation of the law should prove of interest to shippers aud ship agents iv this
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  • 160 11 Pimmnq 0 meiie, itk June.) Dnrians tad other fruits .-in> aow beginning to appear m our miiKt. From what We \u-:\v, aowerer, tins will not be a plentiful fruit season. A gentleman, who was recently m Eiata, writes m a private latter: M Ipin is going alioad— <|uit«>
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  • 438 11 Committing a Forgery to get one's own money. When on shore "Jack" is clearly out Of his latitude his chief delight MM U> be m getting halt' mm otct, and when iv this blissful state, his scanty pay, what with land sharks, aud the many persons who claim his acquaintance,
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  • 185 11 With reference to a paragraph m yesterday's paper concerning the many mixtures of raw graiu and malt whisky which are put on the Singapore market to the detriment of the public health, Messrs. John Little and Co., who are the agents for Andrew Usher Co's whisky, send us
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  • 251 12 Thk old fashioned colours -blue and bmwu are quite superseded by red m all shades, though green it, and il likely to remain, the Colour par excellence of the season. The broehe alpacas are quite one of the popular favourites, and with good reason too. They
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  • 583 12 The province of Sambas m West Borneo is now coning iuto prominence as field for plauting enterprise. Of late the Sultan of that country has received numerous applications from European speculators anxious to lease laud m his dominion! for cultivation purposes. In East Java, so says a
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  • 592 12 AgretmmU between Her Mojctii/s Government 'nnd the British North Borneo Company. Whereas by virtue of certain grants and com missions "from the Sultans, Chiefs, and Rulers of the territory m North Borneo hereinafter mentioned and by other lawful means, all right* of sovereignty* over the said territories are
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    • 294 12 Sir, The resignation of Mr. McKerrow as a Municipal Commissioner has not surprised his constituents, after his writing ou :t subject under the consideration of the Commissioners, an act Mr. McKerrow hiiHieM admits to have been indiscreet. Mr. McKerrow states m his published copy of correspondence that
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    • 386 12 g IK) Yor reasons of persoual business I have had to delay making some remarks on the Rawang balance sheet published m your columns a few weeks ago. But I now wish to point out that the Rawang Mining Company is overtrading to a daugerous extent. With
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    • 867 12 Sn A communication from your lfuar correspondent m your issue of the 25th ultimo has just been brought to bit notice to the effect that au individual arrived here recently front Muar urar 7 p., m. and found to his disgust that the Telegraph Office
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    • 224 12 I crave cue word on the rei>ortof the meeting held on 3rd iostaui as published m yesterday's paper. As regardi notice the President will no doubt remember that the last tbiug I said at the Committee meeting held on IkiiM" ultimo was "I hop. you
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    • 691 13 >lauv profess to bo surprised h t so few of the young men of the lnv are members of the Volunteer r t>s" vet a little consideration will ettYkihein to see that the drawbacks atdiu if ltf c v iUI Eastern litml aiv such todfer every excuse
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 101 13 fpO THE DEAF.— A Persou .mihhl of DeafA ness and noises m the head of 23 years' stan.jir^ by a simple remedy, will send a des- ,f it frke to any Person who applies wal'Holson, 21, Bedford Square. London, \y> England. J>ing ai )ore. 11th March. 11/3/1)0 Jy/TR- Chr. von
      101 words
    • 440 13 LAMBERT BROTHERS. SINGAPORE CARRIAGE WORKS AKD HARNESS MANUFACTORY. Orchard Road, Singapore. Established lbi,±. Manufacturers of all kinds of Carriages on i ie newest ptinciples and with Urn best materials. 11,.g t, o call attejition to their pres«nt laiya s t,.ok of now and fsaUosMibls cirrmgee iHmsisthig of: STANHOPE GIGS, t<>
      440 words
    • 373 13 **o»= T~xa tho Dentifrice Elixir, Powder and Paste I OF THE I fc W-FFBENEDICTINESI Sr |K^ of the ABBEY uf SOULAC i, ir..r.d«-.Krance) I VL ilr l^ Dom MAGUELONNE, Prior I I ti Iff B ESt |^l?. l 1S h f 807 QBnillll 3,rueHugueri e .3 I IK IZ If
      373 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 177 14 PKJOeAID ADVERTISEMENTS. A-jMia.-ototLj M-.oi L L?uCL Interm-l ExHi§ma«. 1888. rpf moot the coavenieuce of occasional adENGLISH MANUFACTURED JL Te rtid«rs the Straits Times offers aTt?\ R% A «f^ i^ i^ 4^ i cheap pr«M»;iid scale applicable to the fol- !-vin- i i-n,nts:-O fiJ UU W Situation.-, wanted; servants wanted: arti-
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 745 14 SHIPPING. fiwni AvrnnißD ro Sail. Bpemiet, JW6, Hun Bin A Co. for Borneo,— Roads. Por Hongkong >"•/->•". expect 1 on the Stair, 250, Boiisi tad A Co. for Deli, -Boadi. 7th int. Behn >!■■>•. 4 '->- S tsie, Mi, Goh Biew Bwee A Co. for I'ontianak For rlamburgand London, Gulf
      745 words
    • 1245 14 ARRIVALS ?S Vksski-'sXamk. A Tons. Captain. From. Sail«d.| ConB,on. 18 1 May Ger gn 1484 Weyhausen f NcastleNH\v Mar 14 Boustead ACo 27 Heinrich Nor. bq. 570 Ell/risen Bangkok Apl. W M Co n^lTihshire ■Brit.str.j 1663 Vyvyaii London Mar 1^ Boustead ACo S V S-« MM.Btr.| 885 Fraper Batavia May
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 366 15 POWELL CO. X AUCTIONEERS. SINGAPORE FURNITURE, &c. Fob Sat,k. left Client tf^JmSuit^ J.-pai-rte Screen* Book C>e« Luu.L-mn Book»»? d< >Uttu,ir m 5rM» M.rhle Ktafc. C»rd J*^ M*».t HtolM C»rp« tKaik Otfire De>kfl ssSHjsr* ciotb®*^ *tsm (if<m ii»m>^i Cot* M««hn»i4* Miom Suitef* SJ.a' itba. Huthin* Jar 8 gJT T;;r;!"o;:;:.T--ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE.
      366 words
    • 1061 15 ■V* {*W£^&Mm- > '1&- >' VSMI 'o'-^ ':'^UjJf^\.', the GRi;AT FRINCH REMEDY ■&fr<m W«^«py HWMjffel indorsed y the Ho.pitaU i ki i'SVM-''--' IS'fIIPWK! --'■i' 5 < for PREVENTION and CURB of P«ri», aa, riM OroueU 1 MACFARLANE'S CASTINGS, j Macfarlane's Conductor Pipes, /w Rain-water. Steve, So//. yC^ I ►V f
      1,061 words
    • 516 15 DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S I CHLORODYNE THI ÜBiaiVAL ANI> OVLI iiKNUINE Advice to Invalids, It yo* wish to obtain i| lirT. refrrahing il^ep, free from headache rnlief from pain and anj^niah, n> ralm and at* »n ig the weary acJitngs «»f protracted disease, inrig •< nervont nedia. and logaitlo tha
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 496 16 BcHW£I T Z X S 000 OA T I N A inti-Dyfipeptir Cocoa or Chorolifr Powder. frUAEASTBBD PURE SOLUBLE COCOA. W-THOUT ADMIXTURE "Socikty" s,,ys -THK yrEEX InvurMbi; hM a cu > of BCH W KITZEE'3 '< >' IATTKA Ibrottght t Uef becUick at 7*30 .ad twofcotir- Ist- »l» cxiullh il:.«
      496 words
    • 692 16 YARROW'S. SMALL STEAMERS AND BTSAH LAUNCHES. Screw Steamers witk speeds ranging up to 80 mn an hour. Paddle Steamers with draft ranging down to (5 inches of water STERN WHOL BM^^J^«^fW o DEA M^ OUUT MACHINERY CONSTRUCTED FOR BOATS BUILT ABROAD. YARROW ft CO., POPLAR, LONDON, E. w n i!,l
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    • 14 17 Tn co/wqiteHcr °f th Mail arravgemrnts the n«** </ to-dnj (Friday) is given m a
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    • 59 17 FRIDAY, 7th JUNE, 1889. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (For Straits Times.) Mr. Gladstone. London, 6th June. Mr. Gladstone is on a political tour through the Western Counties. At Southampton, where he was received with an oration, he said that from the results of the bye elections he predicted that at the next
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    • 709 17 Thk official report on Lower Perak for last veu>* speaks highly of the prospects of railway extension there iti the near future. The district of Batang Padang m partieujar is W tf' 1 speedy attention, and the mineral wealth hidden underground m that promising region jives every
      709 words
    • 72 17 From the Times Parliamentary report of 11th May we take the following I— Iv answer to Sir W. Grossman, Mr. B. Stanhope said: M Without entering into the past arrangements m connection with the practice of the Artillery Volunteers at Siupipore. I will take xiich *te|.s ,is
      72 words
    • 126 17 Thk apparently increasing druukeunt*M amongst the troops has been the muse of much trouble lately. The military authorities aiv under the impression that the liquor sold to the soldiers is n«>r ol' the qualit) that tended t.> preserve man'i equilibrium, and after making several complaints
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    • 134 17 A raw days ago, acting under the authority of a cbaudoo search warrants, Iwo oithree police offifen made raid upon a house situated at Pandaag Kec'hil, kK*enpied l>y weH-kuowa rharattter named Tai Buk Tt premines, tlie officers came across what was supposed to Iv a
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    • 514 17 Tsi li'ri Rnjit holidays are] goiug on, and office work will not be resumed till Saturday, Mh. During the past reek it has been nothing else bui feasting* Prom house to house after the late trying tasting month. As re«*ards the letter from the Acting Superintendent oi Telegraphi
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    • 264 17 />// to-day* f Mail. Thk cricket season 1 his y ear has been ushered m l>y some noteworthy alterations m the Liw<." These changes arc not ot gigantic importance m rhemnelves, but they are <-«-it,)in!y interesting on account of the Mcdian-and-P«»r ian imrautabilitv which uauallv seems to gorern
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    • 554 17 Thi Annual A.tbletic Sport j of th-^ Batavis Cricket Club were beld on the King's plain on Thursday, ths 80th 3Jnv. The weather l)h«l been threatening for some <lay.-, but Yhr. tidav proved that could be de«red. Tiiruugh the uuavoida'■■•l.- absgn*?* ol levei eue«getic members
      554 words
    • 1343 17 Moss 1 r Gas--\r know th© ders it is Itble I ire' n iofall cnu done caused bnbdn d ir- will ho u^eded to «•()>■ it. Tiu 1 v", bat wo will i I •> iti oi I i wreck. Lasl rain icli commenced »bo :d:iybreak i im<
      1,343 words
    • 285 18 (Nnt-tb Chi no IT, > ml, I.) In te*, hs iv many other things howover, it is rlie nnetpetfted thai happens. Sitnultaueouflv with tol. grains announce ing a panic iv the London market with last season's teas l)einij*Bol<i off »t MCriAoM reaching to as much as
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    • 1048 18 FT9M fmptrt t,» Hth M,iy Lord Wolnelt* featured on Snturd«v bfeht, m the Sheldoniau Thftf I «t Oxford. He sail tlint until HNM mad Minister rime to rule over England. and nilow a tuim»'l t be PMdt under the Channel, wo miirlit vst eon* feuded with
      1,048 words
    • 572 18 Ri*k attends planting enterprise m Siak not ooljr from ordinary mitchancet, hoi also from peril lo life. The other day, mi ■ftjfl the Peli Cnrtrant of the Ist Jane, the manager of the East Sumatra Mining 'ami Agricultural Company th. re had narrow escape from being murdered. One
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 281 18 FOR lflHH a THE ROtrSKHOLDmr HA/WK ROOK. Kvw and I>trnovKD EninoN. 4 Conveniently armu^ed hook m which V the Cook can enter daily all honpehold MtpiWM, with srpnrntn* column for e.ieh day m tin* werk. a separate pip" or e>eh \v -ek m th<« ymv. nnd n «oji%rate Htif lor
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    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
      • 138 18 I'Matagnr LKt. KMVAI.S. Pbh s ich*r,, from B emen. Mr. K. Banten. r*roni Antwnrpen, Mr. <». .Ie PWnjr. Prom BoutJiampton, Mr. W. Steela Pmmo '.ifiioa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bvanrnj Ms. ions*, and Mr. K. .1. K. van fioon. Print* Af't<tn,h<r from Batavia, M^ssn. Mart n Hogg, Steinmens, Deterding, Mur
        138 words