Straits Times Weekly Issue, 13 December 1886

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series. Published fok Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 40 Cents VOL XLII. SINGAPORI], MONDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1886. NO. :{,3<)(>
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    • 37 1 At Serangoon Lodge, Serangoon Road on Monday, the 6th December, the wife of B F d'Aranjo of a daughter. on ths B*h Dscsosbsr at Bt. H dens St Thomas* Walk, Mu.i.v P. Johavhes, aged 52 years.
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    • 25 1 On November 27th, Emu. v. the wife of fche Reverend H. IfcD. Conrtenay, of Province Wellesley, (suddenly from blood poisoning at Basingstoke, H inl
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  • 132 1 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 13th DECEMBER, 1886. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. •nt M IC EMBER, 1 Pao S > 7 e 3.0 1 Lido. 3.65. 20.05. 2.17 Bon thine.... 16.00 small Flak- 35. CO Ist quality 5 do. med. 5.35. do. small p'^arl 5.55 do. mod. do 5.6 I un.... 9.50 :;i
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  • 64 1 Per P. and O. steamer Kaitar I. Hind, 01 '■h inst. From Col imbo Mr. and M-- H.J O'Connor and Mr. and Mr-. a I'e ig M srs. W V.: a K .Osl rundtow. From Bomb I Penang: ,1 children. a.a., Wright, osl and Penand i in f ant,
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  • 451 1 The last homeward mail was despatched on the Bth instant, per If. M Co*_ steamer Melbourne, two days behind time. The London mail ofthe 12th November, was delivered ou the morning of the 1 lth i instant, per P.AO. Co's steamer Kaitar-I-mud. Within we pulish the
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  • 154 1 it is hereby ordered, under Section 32 Che Tramways Ordinance. 1882," Ihat Singapore Tramway Company, Limited, is authorised lo open the following lines of i ramm >r public trafic I. A single line commencing al Crawford Street, Rochore, and proceeding along B I I i far
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  • 118 1 f Penang QatetU 3rd Uteeember). Wv. hear that their Honors Justices Sheriff and Pellereau, purpose leaving for Singapore about the 7th inst. to be present at a Full Court of Appeal tn be held there nn the lOt h instant. Th.- Hall given by the Scotchmen of Penang
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  • 246 1 Messrs. Wm. G. Bale Co.'s Circular of ''-'li December 1886 states linr. Tle-re has beeu no chanj; em- market during tie- past month, priees have fluctuated daily but without going far eil \\;i\ supplies arc shorter than ever .-md quality very uncertain. There has been no
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  • 485 1 A serious colli 1 kong Harbour *>n t ln afterno 29th November between the Co' 3 3 Ma rii nr n, re .ulting iu the lat r vessel usl h sei ious dam i ie r being run agro imi.
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  • 127 1 1 holders was h, 1 on > D u u lo] \i- •i. The minul M Thi r in__r Ll port for LBB6 bel »re congratulate j tie- accou the payment of a d at tne rate of 7 per on and -if'irdance with the Etosolut provement-, all
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  • 202 2 The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 3rd December, was 686. Le Figaro states that M. Gasselin, French Consul at, Singapore, has had a short extension of his leave in Paris, before returning to Singapore. Tm. mail despatched
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  • 3235 2 The following is the Pumping report for the month nf November 1886. Number of hours pui ath Average numl 'king hours per da; Average numl ampad perday. 1,J»63,00fl Total rainfall in the month An inquesi held on the Bth instant, •>n a male Chinese named Tan
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  • 257 3 A Public Meeting was held in the Exchange Rooms last Friday evening at 5 o'clock to appoint committees, and make the preliminary arrangements for the USUflkl Rand and Sea Sports, whieh since the foundation of the Settlement have been held annually on New Year's day. The Hon'ble:
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  • 217 3 A Co n ference of Police. A Conference, in connection with the Christian Policemen's Association, was held recently at Manchester. Delegates assembled from many places, including London. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sheffield, I*eeds, Liverpool, Leicester, Bolton, Blackburn, Ac. The proceedings opened with *u evening meeting for prayer, praise, and reports of work.
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  • 87 3 Thk British gunboat Etpoir, Lieut, Commander Adams, left Hongkong on 29th November, for Cauton. The British gunboat Hamhler. Captain W. Usbome Moore, arrived at Hongkong on 29th November from Foochow. The British gun-vessel Humbler, Commander Moore, left Hongkong ou the 2nd instant for a cruise. The American gunboat
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  • 848 3 From the Journal Ofieiel de fa Cochin Ch in e Fra nca itt Pari*. 200k Sor. General of Brigade. Munier, has been appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, Com-mander-in-chief of the French troops in Tonquin and Aunam. Paris. 21tt Nor. M, Bihourd, director of departmental
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  • 520 3 (Perth Inquirert.) The Government have received the following highly satisfactory intelligence from Mr. F. A. Hare, the Government Resident al Wyndham by telegram dated 14th October, via Port Darwin: Mr. Tweed, an old Queensland digger, brings in news that a forty-oum-e n iiL,
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  • 592 3 Wa can congratulate ourselves on the satisfactory meeting at the Town Hall on Friday, 3rd December. The exhibition of pictures was quite up to the usual standard, aud a noticeable feature in this, our last meeting of the season, was the large number of new contributors, which
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  • 516 3 The lasl Bteam launch for Malacca s called the Albuquerque* 1 after tb Portuguese Captain who planted the European Colony in the Par Kast. proposed to <-all the oew one the Squirrel" in remembrance of one of the English heroes of adventure of th< 1 6th centurv, who
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  • 444 4 The half-yearly meeting of tho shareholders of this company was held oa the 2nd Nouember, at the City Terminus Hotel. London, under the presidency of Mr. R, S. Foreman, the chairman of thc company. From tho report of tho directors it appeared that the gas and
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  • 112 4 Parts, Srd Dec. The Ministry has resigned in consequence of the rejection of the French Budget. Fbauce and Egypt. Loml, „i, fifi, Dee. France has failed in her efforts to induce the other Great Powers to aid her in forcing England's hand in Egypt. < i.on ial Confekenck.
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  • 57 4 London. (Sth Dec. At a Conference of the Liberal Unionists it was determined to continue tbeir support to the Conservative Government, and a resolution was carried to uphold the Union. France. London, 9th Dec— M. Goblet has undertaken the formation of a Ministry. Parliament. Lord Salisbury speaking at a
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  • 761 4 British North Borneo. (S. T. December 4.) I. How remarkably the territory held by the British North Borneo Company has come to the fore in presenting advantages to commercial aud industrial enterprise, comes out unmistakably from tbe Handbook of British North Borneo compiled in connection with the Indian and
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  • 803 4 (S. T. December 6.) II. Thk planting experiments hitherto conducted show conclusively that tobacco and sugar growing will thrive in British North Borneo. Labour is said to l>e readily obtainable at from %7 to 9 a month. Land, thousands of acres in extent, is available at low rates. There can
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  • 1210 4 'S. T. H> '-''iiif" This is a subject in which every able and good citizen is deeply inf. as apon it depends the effectiveness of tbe Force a> the guardians of onr lives and property. Of all the department* ol Government established
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  • 1289 5 (S. T. December 8.) Some time ago the Government, on the gambling evil getting beyond bounds, made a strenuous effort to remedy it by bringing forwards a Bill to amend the legislation in force thereauent. The Bill proved to be so unpractical and the amendments so unworkable
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  • 1358 5 (flf. T. December 9.) Nothing can be more clearly apparent than the greatly intensified interest which is being rapidly developed in all questions concerning our local government and its policy. This is partly due to the ability and energy with which our unofficial members of the present dav
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  • 916 6 v I Decemh* r 10, Tut: measures adopted by the Legislative Council in order to provide the Straits Settlements with a British dollar have given the greatest satisfaction to the public, and the pleasing unanimity of Members of Council on the subject faithfully reflects the feelings of
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  • 1005 6 Minutes of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Wednesdav, the 24th Noveml>er 1886. Co m m issioners Prese nf Col. S. Dunlop, c.m.g. Presideut. Dr. T. I. Rowell, p.c. mo. J. P. Joaquim, Esq. C. E. Crane, Esq. Tau Keong Saik, Esq. The Minutes of the last Meeting
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  • 346 6 Thi Penang Oaeett* states that the public again treated to a trial trip ovei the tram lines on Thursdav evening last. the 2nd instant, a large crown of people availing themselvei an airing. Tbe run out and back was made without a hit.-h, the former being
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  • 5936 8 Shorthand R eport of the Legislative Council. Tuesday, 23rd November, Isk<;. PREBENT The Hon. the Officer Com. the Troops (Colonel T. tt) Ryan, r.a. theCol. Secretary (J. F. Dickson, c.m.0.) the Attorney-General (J. W. Bonoer). the Actg. Col. Treasurer (tt. So Vounor.). the Actg. Col. Kngineer (Captain M. A) Cameron,
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  • 7554 10 ■Present Hit I L Weld. y norths Officer Com. theTroopg (Colonel T. B. 4 b'.v.m. a. .\.i J. r Dickson ral .1. v\ Bons. KV S. O'Coni Sean Lian P I. Shelford. I < taihbertson. An I. J. Tl.e minute- „f the last nie. and
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  • 1266 12 PRESENT The Hon. the Col. Secretary (J. P. Diekson, c.M.0.) P the Attorney-General .1 Bon the Acttr. Col. Treaavrer B 9 O'Coni Seah Liaiu Seah. Shelford. T. < tathbarta J. Anderson. J. burkinshaw. The ('olonial Secretary in the absence rd' the Governor, presided as Deputy Governor.
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  • 1012 12 Municipal Engineer*! Offiee, Singapore, 20th November, .86 To Th* S< cn tary to flu Municipal Commitiioneri, Singapor* sir. Would v..,, please lay the following meiithlv Progress Report before the Commissi, men Country Rood*. With the exception of mum reforming on Serangoon Boad betweea the .th
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  • 2186 12 By T. J. Kkai -on kan. 11. In vnu .BOUND THI t 'itv. In the early years of the past decad", our city was known to strangers and visitors to the port an.l seafaring people frequenting it, in its snb-divisional character, as European town, China town,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1523 13 i From a correspondent.) I understand the Bishop is expected here about Xmas time and will hold a confirmation at Christ Church provided there are sufficient candidates. The distribution of the prizes of the Government High School will take place on the -21st instant. The School will then
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  • 720 13 (Translated for the Straits Time*.) The feeble hoj)es entertained by tin partisans of gas and the electric light that one or the other would' I »e favoured for the present by the Afciicipality of Manila in calling for tcndeflE regarding public street lighting there, nPe been baulked trj
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  • 1251 14 <'' rretpondent.) Bangkok, 30th Nov JS, the much talked of und hoped when will it r.-allv come Ido .tot think it will until affairs become still .if this is possible. A fair illustration pi dealing.-. I-i Siamese and Europeans ls the Bangkok Dock Co., Limited this Company
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  • 590 14 flie British North Borneo Gazette of lst November. His Excellency the Governor, accompad by Mr. A. R. Dunlop. returned to idakan per i. t. Paknam on the 28rd ober from an inspection of the West Coast district. Oil the 24th, His Exeellenleft for Silam, being accompanied by
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  • 694 14 ___.< coedino to tb,. Courrier tf Haiphong <A' the 18th November, M. Paul Bert, the t; sideat General, died on the ldth of that month, at ball-past live in the evening. The diseas. which brought bis life to au end. proved t.. be acute d\ sentery. His remains
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  • 2343 14 From own 'orrcttpondi nt. i Parit, (ith Nov, M. p been wreathed with bays. Ib- h a report to tie- V id first year's work, ending tie- Slst 0 8t He has uated a' his laborat during that peri.,l. 2,490 person av. about seven per dav. ami every
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  • 9576 15 Third Day. Tuesday SOth Norember. His Honour the Chief Justice took his seat nu the Bench at 11 a.m. Tan Cheng Phoy, found guilty by the Jury on the previous day of theft from his employer Mr. Muller, was brought up for sentence. His Honour remarked Tan
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    • 90 17 Sik. It may interest some of your readers to know that in a slander case beard at the English Consular Court at Bangkok yesterday, one of the persons chosen by th.- judge as assessor was the employer of the Plaintiff, and the other was well known as a
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    • 282 17 Sir, -On the Oth of April last, a libel case was tried at the British Consulate here in which the plaintiff was a gentleman occupying a high place in the Imperial German Post Office, who had been recommended by the Imperial Government to the Siamese Government to
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    • 603 17 Si*, It is averred that Truth is gn albeit I fear that it will have to be mu greater before it prevails to any extent in this Colony, by which I mean to say tha* out of a pleasant atniuhiiitv the good folks of the Straits Settlements
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    • 86 18 Dear Sir, I n »te by your remarks o«i tbe Singapore Tramway Coy. in your paper of thc 'hd instant, that they intend placing a Watchman at the crossing of Stamford Iload when the Tramway is o]>ened in that direction. I should like to know whether they are
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    • 303 18 Dear Sir, -In your very interesting report of the races contained in your issue of 15th November, the statement that the Club had appropriated all the funds in the totalisator in it certain race, because no one was fortunate enough to spot the winner, amazed me. It is
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    • 576 18 I may say with confidence that of ruinous games, horse-racing is the v -rst which ought t.» be prohibited by rnmeut. I suppose you mav still ,<•- -b r something about the late John P ilmer, a medical doctor io England abou; enty go, who received a
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 392 18 ARRIVAJ P'l.A*! m i., h> tl.'. 11/. N'SIOXKKS Dec 2 Catterthun Brit, atr 1406 Darke Hongkong \„v 27Gutbri< i lw il. -tr. i „.,r i „ut Btr Samarang \o X 28Boimt. 513 Moh Bun iol C V 3 Paknam Bril ."u S° 2102 Etonnefoy 'i „w > rtos fc, i--v
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    • 1051 18 CLEARANCES. Dats Vs-SBi/s Nams Flao A Rio Captain Dbstinatio:* Dec 2 Poh Ann Brit.str. Dalies Macassar via ports 2 g ecuba Btr. White Bangkok 2 Praesulant Nor h({ Housken M*»ulmein 3 J?air Penang B rit. str. Harrison Bagan ria ports 3 Southern Queen h Davies Moulmein 3 Monmouthshire atr Eiekard
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 354 19 POWELL CO. AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITURE. «tc M Fob Sal,*. Almeirahs 1,. < .bests Bedsteads (iron) Jewel Safes Bed-room Suites Japanese Screens Book Ci Lamps Uook Stands loleum Billiard Tabi.- Mai tinCard Tables Ka,.] g]^ Chairs Heal Safes Chamber Cupboards Office Desks 'abinets Office Chairs Chests of Drawers Punkahs Clothes Stands
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    • 836 19 DUBARPB Syrup of Lactophosphate of Ume FtHw* Thu *J ra P «"i«hes the blood, yJt U*H TC\PXmY iad tr «B lh ena and restores all the Pir\l I .I TT >»tal energies. Phosphate of Lime k _^JA*--\\J V* lbc ,uhstanc n>««t necessary to f F °or existence, and is indispeasable
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    • 682 19 DR. J, COLLIS BROWNES CHLORODYNE The Original and only Genuine Advice to Invalids, If you wish to obtain quirt, refreshing >!e<*]>. tVee fron headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and iaauage the weary achinga of protracted disease, invigorate the nervons media, and regnlatethe circnlating systems of the body,
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    • 827 19 TT\K y ALOR'-t T>HOBPIiODYNI ]m the onb iiatent IMMm p| the kind or name mm Ar*Ut Ortiftrat* M-ttt at th« Calculta In toman, ual »**U);_o«. IS«4: ami t».. ,„C.y Trade Mark-' PH(#PBODYSB~— K*-_ist.reJ t\,\m Pr..'<rted inf».r lha Tradv Mark a Act __B*a_ i Vir M. CertiHed hjr the Kc^iatt-ar of
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 460 20 *^________?_^_S____Sa__l *mJm\^M^sSmmmmms?^^^*^^ YARROW'S. SMALL STEAMERS AXD STEAM LAUNCHES. Screw Steamers with speeds i:ax.;i\.i up to _2(> miles an hour Paddle Stha.mki.s with draft kangin.j dowh to 6 inches of wvter STERX WHEEL STEAMERS WITH VERY SHALLOW DRAFT 15SPPPT att v [TABLE POR RIVER NAVIGATION MACHLVKKY OOKSTRUv'TBD FOR BOATS BUILT IBROAD
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    • 356 20 SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA. Anti Vfspepmie Cocoa or Choc, lot,- Powder GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA OF THK FINEST QUAT ITV WITN OUT SUOAH OB ADMIXTURE Wdrl, UITH The Fac-uitt |,nm.,„„,, it fc^e nntritiona, nerfeetlv dig^Ubie beve«« for BrwdMi L»ucheo>,. or Supper;" and invaluable for invalid* and sTounir childm ~i l ;i;:, for
      356 words