Straits Times Weekly Issue, 15 November 1886

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series. p v J-ivj^ivx XJ.vJM.Xi w AKJD IVXAIL JoTEAMER. [Price 40 Cents VOL XLII. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1886. NO. 3,392
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    • 32 1 On the 12th instant, at Killiney Bouse SLThomaa' Walk, the wife of S. R. Cm:;/ of a daughter. Onti,. llth instwC. at Green Valley, the wife of W. H. Rose oft
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    • 34 1 nusui, Formosa, on the Lsth October 'love wifo of Mi:. Chew Leong al Chinese Blajesty's Ser- o* si "id the only danghter of Ml: Soom Yam, I. M. Customs of Amoy aged 22.
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  • 320 1 MONDAY, 15th NOVEMBER, 1886. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SINGAPOKI L5tH Produce. Gambler Gabe do. No. 1 9.22|. do. do. No. 2 CopraS do. Pontianak Black 1 t -21 Sasjo Flour, Sar 2.13. Pearl 3ago 2.70. Coff. hine Tapioca, small Flake do. do. Ist quality do. mod. flake 5 do. small pearl
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  • 478 1 The last homeward mail waa despatched oa the Bth instant per M. M. Co/s ateamer Djemnah, and the present mail is taken on per P. O. Cb.'t steamer FerofUL Thfl greal .vent af the past week has 1 the B a Tuesday, the 9th, Th 1
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  • 755 1 Notice is herobv given, that m torms of Act No. XXVI I of 1856 and Ad N XVII of 18*::;. the election of a Municipal Commissioner for Singapore, will take place m the Town Hall, m Singapore, on Friday, tin- 3rd day of Deem her, 1
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  • 140 1 Mandalay Sltt. Bui for iae da Maiiilalav town has been qui< the dH ..its contin\ie I rouble. A stroi w in during the n-.M-k to occupy Yal M 'j'J!ha led a m the hilli ided, tei [lie K\ I \.,j Tin- troops m m.l od a
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  • 303 1 Messb Win. <;. Hale .v Co.'s Circular of sth Navemi Bice.— The market daring the month hM lti unsteady, following as usual the course cf of Hongkong a sharp advance of BOrne cents pii'iil \\.i-. „nl\ ,iii:iain- •'I f< I few di owed bj a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 "TOSH WHISKY." Shipped by Messrs. Mackintosh <fe Co Inverness. IS THE VERY FINEST OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY. Ever imported into the Straits Settlements. To bo obtained only from EVERETT Co., Bole Agents for the Straits Settlements. M.H. Quality guaranteed not to cham?<> Sin#apor\ 9th Sept., 1-
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 111 1 PASSKNGERS. Per M. M. steamer DCemnah, on the Nth inst. For Singapore, From Hongkong: Revd. or, Saleillos and Biet, Messrs. A. M. Place, J. M. D. Ryder and H. C. S. Dent. For lintavia. From Saigon Mr. Balai a. For Calcutta. From Shanghai Misses (2) H. Fahlborg-. For Marseilles. From
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  • 3188 2 Thb total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending F riday, sth November, 1886, was 748. We regret to hear that the Shanghai French paper IS Echo de Shanghai has ceased to exist. The last number was issued on Friday, 22nd
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  • 358 3 This company projx>sos t o adopt an agreemm\ of .ilst August, hotweeu the Midland W.-.-i.-rii Australia Land ami Railway Syndicate, Lii lited, and John Proffitt (as trustee for this company), tor the acquisition of a con- or qoncession by tho Gorernmeat jnd
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  • 215 3 A Cricket Much was played list Saturfternoon (b'th instant; on the Pol 1, Tank Road, between an eleven 11. AI. 8. Satellite and an equal numi>. r European Police, and as will be seen the subjoined ore resulted m favour of 1 The i .mi of the Satellite evidently
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  • 144 3 <<,m the Jonrnal Ojjiciel dt la Cochin Chine Franca ise. Parit, 29th Oct. Baron des Michels, French Ambassador at Madrid, has been ap]>ointed Ambassador at St. Petersburgh m place 6f General Billot, called to other duties. x M. Cambon, Resident General at Tunia, nae been a Pl >ointed
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  • 272 3 H-M.S. £r»mi^ arri* uj Shingfcai on the 27th ultimo from Chef^o. The German gunboat Ho//; CoiiWder Jaescnke, arrived it Amoy from Foocio* on the 29th ult. l« is stated that the probable destinations of the late uruisiutf squad ron a,re; jhai: Litwet. \Vuhu;€7eopatra, Xokohauia, Wanfcrer, leander and 1
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  • 1190 3 A > later files of 1 be Samarang the tugboat ILnriette, has trned thither from the Carimoo Java buds, whither slu- bad proceeded to float off the steamer Pearl, bringing along 18 her i iv\\ all Chinese, >>\~> bags of bu ilikl 415 sacks of
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  • 106 3 Th E so-called piracy of thefl in gFat, trading junk, which m lid I o ff ii. would see i vvv nese C torn* <v;' ,t „f pirates i^Jur.Kl man who is m liospital rtistin fhaf the attacki V t: tht-i^'ii. I>• 1 1 this
    China Mail  -  106 words
  • 99 3 1 quoting I m hii tober, it> •> ing <. >ne i- not |>ivlintj mioddn of actually run odd* N Ilis •ir~i time fartin to be credit hint sil is he cm run conda oo level to Elougkoug u> amount \l<•1 loose it i-> level, and
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  • 439 3 \Y. observe from iln i IW>U Sn,i,ty Monthly Reporter for October thai Mr. Haffenden, writing from Singapore <>n LOth June, siivs witii n i.'it-ncf to Ins ie> v« iit trip t»> Peoang* P< rak, a.- What perhaps will inteivt \,,\i most
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  • 631 4 A London correspondent m the Ceylon Observer throws some further light on the scheme to start an Ini}>erial dock at Singapore lately laid before the Board of Admiralty. He says The result of the consideration given by the Board to Sir John Coode's report has been
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  • 642 4 I m port unt Contract given to the French Syndicate at Port Arthur. The Ohefoo correspondent of the North china Daily News writes as follows under date 23rd October. The letter which you published m the Daily News of October ltfth foreshadowed what has ninee come to pass m regard
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  • 266 4 For th> Strait* Turn Tri Kastkkn Crisis. Vienna, 6th Nov. A combined AustroHung&rian delegation has waited upon the Emperor. In the oourae of a most warlike speech the President urged the upli»»l(liii'_ r of Austro-Hungarian interests m the Balkan Peninsula at any sacrifloe. England and Fkanck. j Pit
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  • 662 4 From the Ceylon Observer. London, 2 1st Oct.— The Standard nays that reports from the French Army and. Navy authorities have been laid before M. de Freycinet, showing the advantage of a short, sharp war with England to compe her withdrawal from Egypt. The argui ment is that
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    • 721 4 (S. T. Nove»)}>er 6.) The Go verumeut scheme to spend $27, 4()<> m laying out roads and constructing bridges ou the Old Jail site lies open to objection on more than one point. The idea m favour seems to be to set aside a portiou only
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    • 2073 4 {S. T. Nore.mbtr S. Wk bare U>fmv us the Annual Suppiv Bill with its iCOOVfHMjring elaborately drawn ititwaati of Btfwiue and Expendttuve whkk eorer altogether sixty-uinr fooUcap pftgOft, fiirv-two of which an* devoted to •\}>cu(Jituiv. The docmneut is m its erode itate, that is. m the
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  • 1019 5 II. T. Sorrmber UK) Turning from, the revenue, let us now examine the schedule of expenditure. Here the first item that strikes us as in advance of last years' outlay under the same head is S4,952 increase on account of the Governor's establishment. If we remember aright 84, 0<H) increase
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  • 274 6 (S. T, November 11.) The state oi m the Ea«t o( ro\Hi is last appn.a.lmi- the crisis which was ex] ><•■■!.'< j. Russia, baring been foiled m her attempt! to induce t\u- Bu] to bow to l>. ems d ten try coercion. >n< of Eteuter 1 rams
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  • 634 6 (S. T. November 12.) Two itriking items m the Estimates i\nii'xt year call for thorough overhauling and inquiry before they are allowed to pass. So Less sum than $34,000 is pot down enlarge the new Jail, besides 4,000 or so dollars m consequence of higher charges for diet,
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  • 566 6 <)NK more proof that Johore is steadily "i;.lvin- progress m a right direction under tneaWe and thoughtful administration o) its Sovereign, was nrea on Saturday the 6th Instant, when the Sultan opened the waterworks which have just lM n completed. The town of Johore which spreads
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  • 1441 6 I\ m. Bubjed p trade i.v m M be taken For of ejecting the < r luk llllt> l( I >vincc Wel■•ngoon an I [udian Byatem. In this proposal the na Ivantfti th Peniusula Sil 7 n pieath appreciat sd. A trunk line connecting
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  • 1112 7 This Appeal was beard at Singapore on the 1-th October, 188:;, wken Mr. Drew appeared for the Appellants and Mr. Joaquim with Lim Mr. R. \V. Braddell) for the Opium Farmers. Judgment was delivered <»n Monday th<--Bth Nov., by His
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  • 594 7 (From a Correspondent.) Malacca, 4th Nov. Several trifling cases of assault, drunkenness, &c, were disposed of at the Magistrate's Court to-day, and the offenders fined m small sums of from $2 to $5 each. A Court of Quarter Sessions sat to try a case of land dispute. The
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  • 742 7 Trmnslated far ike Strait* Times. Under date Penang the 25th October, the following letter addressed t<> the editor appears iv the Doli Courant of the 30th (M As your article under the heading v a cheap cry" is likely to give a wrong impression and as I am
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  • 814 7 (Tram or the Strait* Times.) Spanish trade with the Philippines lias been hitherto singularh restricted owing to the r- luctanoe come out thither either to invest mone} «>:■ t-» st. in auv kind of bu foreigners ed to dern viiiitau- 1 frouj luch an utter lack enterprising Bpirit.
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  • 806 8 Recently, a ease of attempted piracy l.v natives of the island of Biak near the Netherlands New Guinea coast was noticed m our columns. The natives there atpted to capture the Cortdo, a trading I Bel, after muidering several persons, including the Master, bat were baulked l.v
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  • 827 8 Minutes Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday the 3rd November 1886. Cow n) imiomtrt PrmmU. Dr. T.I. Kowell, p.c.m.o. J. P. Joaquim, Esq. C. E. Crane, Esq. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Bead letter from the Hon'bk The Colonial Secretary dated 2i>th
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  • 360 8 Fro:. i n com §potidi Malacca^ lit!, \..r.. 1886. Three lam men-of-war passed thin morning. The? are supposed to be the German Squadron thai was m Singapore lately. Tuesday being a general bolidaj the Comiui. sioner held his court to-daj instead On the list there was one import
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  • 491 8 The Courier d' Haiphong of the 24th October, states that the duty on prepared Indian opium there lias been raised to 1,560 francs per picul. From the Ist instant, a duty of one frauc per picul has been levi, d on salt exported from Tbnquin and Annum for
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  • 281 8 lun following report from the British Consul at IJ.itavia lias been received by the Chief Secretary of Queensland, under dated the Ist September:— Sir, I bar* the honow to acknoirledgt reeeip* of your despatch, Xo. 02,307, oftKa 9th July last, asking for information f girding the now
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  • 547 9 I am informed that the only provisions required by the Netherlands Indian Government to secure the welfare and return of the emigrants, after their term of engagement has expired, is a bond, given by the firm here engaging them, certifying that they shall be well troatod whilst m Queensland and
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  • 1931 9 The Seizure of the "Decima at Saigon. A\ important arising oul <>t' the seizure of the German steamer Dedma ;it Saigon has just been heard m the Supreme Court at Hongkong before Bir << Philippo, Chief Justice. The action was brought by Su Gheong, •>!' the Lee Wing Ou firm,
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  • 622 9 The Brisbane Courier give* the following explanation ol the growing AntiChineee feeling m Australia Henry Fawcett, most mild and genial of English political economists, Looking at Australia m that quiel impersonal way which the people who live, or think they live on pinnacles affect, said Large
    boycott  -  622 words
  • 630 9 The Afghan Boundary Comm ission. f Bombay Oatette.) The Boundary Commission ha« arrived st Osbul. Sir West Ridgeway was met on ar~ riral, two miles out, by the Brigadier-General Commanding m the Ameer's absence, and a regiment of cavalry escorted him to Aliahad, were an infantry guard -of- honour was
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  • 3301 9 Wkdxksday. lOtb N«»vi:mkki:. U PBraMT 1 1 i Excellency the Governor. (Sir Frederick W .1.1. i The Hon. Urn Officer Com.theTro n. IT l; Ryaa theCol. (J. F. !»ii'k>on. r.M.0.) the Act: at Councillor of Malacca, (E. K. Ix'inoiig^r.) tin t i.I.
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  • 1636 11 The third and last day of the Singapore Kace meeting waa <>n Saturday last, au d the Aututuu mooting of ***** is now a tiling of the past. The day was fino throughout and the course m splendid order which made the going faster than
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  • 1778 11 (From the London paper* of l-~>th Oct.) The >!;it«' of European politics grows mow and more unsatisfactory. The events of the week taken conjointly are full of evil presage, and justify the gravest apprehensions., indeed, but for the lateness of the season would be imminent winter, however,
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  • 718 11 There is nothing like a pood shorthand reporter I<>1 <> "take a man down. M When you >cc man take of! hi> bat to \<»u it i- a thai he respects tou; bui irheii he -ecu div. sting himself of his coal you can make up your mind that
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    • 495 12 Dear Sir, —I could not rest satisfied without writing you a few line* by way of criticising your remarks m your piper of the Ist instant, on the above rabject, especially on the question of the Strait s-born-Chinese who, you observed, "win their way m mercantile offices more
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    • 543 12 Sir, One of the Favourite <lrivesabout I Singapore is the reservoir, a large sheet j of water fed by a strong stream, and surrounded by fine timber and hills, with I its pretty bungalow and ornamental bund I it reminds the Indian of the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 440 12 _j 8 H '.vl 1 M tt M wTHEma r b v r r Vessel's Name. Captain. a^d E Arrived Prom n j Rm j g ARBIVKD Feom. Conbiqnebs. D'aticiis. MKN'-OF-WAR. Bm Bell* Thorpo Col. etr. 500 Not Ur 1 Aurora Muller Aus. cor. 1340 Nov' 3 S Colonial Government
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  • 250 13 NKW W horit That, while other nations are studying the question and making experiment Garmanj will before Long surprise the world by standing ready, ber whale army provided wiili a new superior small-bore magazine rifle, riving a remarkably Sal terjectorj up t<> :,<m> yards. This ritle. it i- said, will
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 365 13 POWELL &CO. AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITURE, <&c., For Sale. Almeirahs Ice Chests Bedsteads (iron) j J Pwe l Safes Bed-room Suites Japanese Scroena Book Lamp-, Book Stands Linoleum Billiard Tables M^t ting Card Tables Marble Slabs Chairs M.... T .Safes Chamber Cupboards Office Desks Cabinets C >fiio«> Chairs Chests of Drawers
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    • 547 13 OUBARPB Syrup ef Uctopbospbate o! Ume h KIF A^^J V w U# *m aaeeatary t« l\ /w^% a W Mr Urn f»rßiaU«s af tsa basv asd y AM V/jJ/l Phau of L;.a. it rtiaaUj wuta. VX I away, aad aa aoou v so<h iy«p_ nAITIH J?J* •^•rred. Duart'a Syru D
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    • 772 13 DR. J, COLLIS BROWNES CHLORODYNE The Original and only Genuine Advice to Invalids, If you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems of the
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    • 738 13 Is »4j .Mtljr IVuut Mcdi«to« of th« kind *r bmm ?y 'i i y T"^* J^«-k--rH<»«PUODTIfsT^ »i»ii«ii'r« sjul rr>/?«oUsl ui'v tks Tnvd* VimAa aja malL C>rUfl«4 ky Ik* k^traT JiKX T£lKaf&2s2* XTEALTH, BTRENOTH, ft ENERQS. -QR J^ALOR^S pHOSPHODYNB th<» r>rea*«Mit C«r« ot Braia Wreciutwi. Parali «i». B&f#lea«> n«»4. Bara>a«iivr Drs*ms,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 434 14 SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA. Arvti Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Povth r. GETAk&NTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA OF THE FINEST QUALITY With OUT SVCr VR OR ADMIXTUI. n Tl» Faculty, pronounce it the most ii^trititms, perfectly digestible beverage for B vakfm Luncheon, or Supper and invaluable for invalids and Young childivn. Being absolutely Cocoa,"
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