Straits Times Weekly Issue, 8 November 1886

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 26 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 40 Cents VOL XLTI. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18»(>. NO. 3,391
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    • 19 1 On the 2nd November, a< Villa Pelicitas," Mount Elisabeth, the wife of .Ton AJfNKsLI jkns of a Son.
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    • 42 1 At Loonchoo. Johore, on the ;Ust October, the infant son of UOUBT \\i> SARAB Hensler. At Leonie Uottage, Leonio Hill, Tanglin, on Tuesday BMMiiing, the 2nd N^ov., Jessie Baird, the I)ml.« wif.« of, l v KBOH MEIU kJt, aged *2f» years.
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  • 411 1 MONDAY, 9th NOVEMBER, 1886. LATEST MARKET QUOTATION. Singapore 8th KTovi ieber, 1886 Produce. Gambier 6 Cube do. No. 1 9.05. do. do. No. 2 Copra Bali i do. Pontianak 3 Black Pepper ii 1 7 Sago Flour. Sar \-2\. Pearl Sairo 2.75. Coffee. Bonthine Tapioca, small Flake do do. 1st
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  • 849 1 Thi last homeward mail wm despatched od the l>t instant per P. O. steamer Ravenna, a:i<i the praatnt mail is taken on M. M. Co.'a Bteamer Djejmak. The German mail Bteamer Nurnberyi&H for Europe yesterday morning. The London mail of the Bth October was delivered on
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  • 352 1 Fencing Gazette 9th October.) Our readers will n<>t yel have forgotten the "assault of arms entertainment riven some time ago here m the Town Hall by the celebrated Professor Eastwood. With reference t>> this versatile individual, descriptive roll appears m the Gaxette of India of a deserter from
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  • 465 1 llx- following report lias been issued by the Directors of tliis Company to the Shareholders along with the mvounts. The latter are too long for Insertion. The Directon submit to the Shareholders Balf-yearly Statement of AeeounU to i> i n\\ Juno Last,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 "TOSH WHISKY." Shipped by Messrs. Mackintosh Co. Inverness. IS THE VERY FINEST OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY. Ever imported into the. Straits Settlements. To be obtained only from IVERETT Co.. Sole Aj^nts for the Straits Settlements. N.B. Quality guaranteed not to change. Singapore, 9th Sept., LBB6.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 132 1 PASSENGERS. Per P. and O. steamer tx on the Ist inst. For Singapore. From Yokohama: Mr. A. Desker. From Biogo Mr. and Mrs. Hichido. From Hongkong: Captain and Mrs. Mayne, Mr. D. Connolly, R.A.. and Mr. J. Shim. For Penang. From Yokohama: Mr. <i. Welinan. From Singapore Dr. Row ell.
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  • 689 2 The liiimhor of men who made i the Sailors' Rest m October was 1,270. total return of visitors to the Rattles Library and Museum during 1 1 1 freek ending Friday, 29th October, 188(5, was 669. Th:: mail d< 1 from Singapore onthe6tn October per M, M.
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  • 3643 2 (From ht Saigonnait.j Paris, 25th October. The Budget Committee m the Chamber >>\' Deputies has decided that a sum of thirty millions of francs should l>e allowed for the protectorate of Annam and Tonquin. Baron de Beusi is dead. Don Carlo-, is wry seriously ill. Thi Brsl steps
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  • 1813 3 The following is the summary for the week ending 11th October issued from the Upper Burma Secretariat Mandalay. 17th. Bhaino and Katha are quiet. Dacoities of no great importance kayo occurred m Mandalay town and district. In t one of them three Shan dacoits were shot by the
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  • 1126 3 lii writing 011 the education of the girls of the present and future generation*, the Rangoon Time*, after touching on the natives of the East, remarks "Coming" now to tlio daughters of domiciled and other Europeans girls of white blood, it is fair to ask whether it
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  • 312 4 On the 22ud of October last, at about V o clock, the British steamer Pearl, measunng about 750 registered tons, left Surabaya bound for Singapore. At eleven o'clock on the same day, when m the passage leading through the Carimon Jawa islands the vessel struck upon
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  • 419 4 (Towtuville Bulletin, September 9.) Experiments tried with the milk condensed by Mr. Munro. of Drynie. Lower Burdekin. have proved that his method i> completely successful. Our personal experience of a bottle of his condensed milk is that when twice the quantity of water is added to it
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  • 488 4 The Hok Canton." Tin: Java Bode has received the following letter from Captain Sandman, formerly Master of the Hole Canton, now residing m Hollar..!; 11 Prom my having been Blatter of the steamship Hole Canton, 1 have, with the keenest interest, taken note of every bit of available information regarding
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  • 158 4 For th> BtraiU Tines. BtJLGABIA. Constantino} le t 29tk Oct. Sofia and Varna are declared m a state of siege. Two Russian war vessels haTearriyed ;it Varna for the protection of Russian subjects, Bulgaria. Constantinople, 31st Oct. General Saulban has presented an altimatum to 1 1 1« Bulgarian
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  • 1713 4 Teleg raphic Summary. I ,'"u> iln- Rangoi I i tt< j. London. 20th art. [ii<- Socialists have 1v.'.l t<» adhere to their determination t<» hold a demonstration of the unetnplpjred on Lord Mavur's day, notwithstanding the warning from Chief of the Citjs !'>>!: >7. Petersburgh, 19th Oct. England and some
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  • 830 5 Localised (Government. A T. October 30.) For more reasons than one, it is indeed regrettable that unavoidable hindrances have stood m the way of the thorough- going m troduction of the system of localled Government m the Straits Settlements outlined some two years ago by H. E. the Governor.
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  • 555 5 Outside Compe tiiion. (8. T. November I.) The paragraph m one of our recent issues calling attention to remarks by the Hongkong Telegraph on the objectionable practice of the authorities there m giving undue advantage to Macaoese foreigners m filling up certain appointments under Government, points a moral applicable m
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  • 610 5 {S. T, November 2.) In those troublous times with the ]>olitioal outlook so unsettled that war may be sprung upon us at any moment it is highly satisfactory to find the local De- fences m such a forward state. Credit for this is mainly due to His l\cel!eu<
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  • 2315 5 I. (S. T. November 3.) The Protected Native States aredaily becoming of increasing importance t<» our Colony, and the deTelopmeni «>f their t rade an<l tlic policy which has been Adopted to foster and encourage it, are <j Ut tioiis full of interest t<> thoM
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  • 808 6 (8. T. November 5.) Any question relating to the Sultan of Johore or his territory naturally arouses the attention of the public at oikv Singapore has so many interests m common with the neighbouring Stub- that mm tion which may be adopted by our Govern. L ment
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  • 926 7 Btunms of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday the 20th October IS^.;. mimusiouen Present. Dr. T. I. Bowell, p.c.m.o. .J. P. Joaquim, Esq C. K. Crane. Esq. In the absence of the President Mr. Joaquim took the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and
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  • 1532 7 E\'.i v Howthly Report. Municipal Engineer* Office. Singapore, 16th September, 188 The 8< <•,-, tnrij to flic Municipal Commission* rs, Singapore. Sir. Would you please la\ the following progress report before the Municipal Commissioners at th.'ir next meeting. Country linn, is. The onlj works now u r >
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  • 846 7 (trow a Correspondent.) Malacca, QOik October, 1886. —The fflltr against the three Mala\s for diiring their bullock carts over a Chinaman is still pending The prosecutor is still a patient m the Dorian Daone Hospital, and, acoording to the account of tin Colonial Surgeon, be is not out
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  • 1024 8 Translated for the Straits YV«/m Bl last advices from Java to the 26th October, the Government scheme lor the relict' of the sugar growing industry comes only to allowing planters a longer time m which to pa\ taxes and cesses, and to offering those m greater difficulties
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  • 1101 8 Translated far th> Strait* Time*. On the 17th October, favoured b? line weather at noon, there took place the second sky meeting of the Deli Race Glnb. Fi\»- races were Bucccessfully run to the satisfaction of the onlookers, who followed the various events with keen interesi and evident
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  • 664 8 The Auninm Meeting is now drawing iicai 1 the firsi been tnade on irday last. TI b jing from the paucity of horeea entered, v very poor meeting. For the first class ra only three are doing work, viz., Raleigh, Harhaway, (who arrived on Sunday from Penang) and
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  • 1037 8 Wm are glad to learn thai the Police Authorities bare takea up the natter of the Instruction of the Police m First Aid to th Injured" m hearty and encouraging spirit It is gratifying t.» bear also thai the men are showing great interest m the
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  • 2425 9 (From our own Correspondent) Paris, 9th October. We are a long way from th<' days of Gulliver, who innocently held thai the man who math- two blades of grass or corn grow where only one fore, did more for hia country and kind than the whole race of
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  • 978 9 m hi unicated. A Rangoon paper remarks that it is u r »'Hcrallv believed thai before the expiratioD of another r.-iitun the Taline-Bur-ni.ii! ran- will be almost, if Dot <pi it<- -tinct. This kadi to the consideration how long i: i> possible lor the MaJ to
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  • 541 10 A tew weeks au r 80 says the .Surabaya Haudelsblad the inhabitants of Delly m Portuguese Timor were m a hazardous position owing to a lack of money m the Government Treasury, which gave rise I > apprehensions that, as was the case some years ago, a mutiny
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  • 960 10 Launch of the West Australia! Steamship Co.'s New Steamer Australind." At high water recently on the Clyde Messrs. Hlackwood and Gordon launched from their ship building and engineering works a handsome iron screw ■teamer of the following dimensions: Length, 225 feet; breadth, 32 feel depth of hold, \l feet (>
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  • 877 10 Fko.m tiles of the CourriercT Haiphong to the loth Oct., we take the following items Mr. Paul IVit, active enough as he is m starting enterprise of ■undrj kinds m this a. -w French acquisition, haa failed utterly to quicken the telegraph departmental Haiphong into displaying push and
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  • 654 10 I UK Abhfobd" Li ri kk. Thi Ashford Litter, which we promised m a former issue to give son* oouni <«t". was designed and patented bj .Mi-. .1. Fiirltv. It consists of ;i folding tcher with automatic pillow, and removable carer, with an under carriagi two
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  • 1448 11 A public meeting was held on Friday Afternoon, the sth inst., at L3O p. m., m the Upper Room of the Town Hall m connection with the proposal to establish an Imperial Institution forth.' Colonies and [ndia to commemorate the Jubilee Year of Her Most Gracious Majesty's Reign.
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  • 2199 11 From a correspondent. Bangkok, 29th October, 188 V. Siuce ray last the Siamese Post and Telegraph Department has been prominently before the Public. Against all expectations the German post official I mentioned as haviujj written some letters home which weiv published, was suddenly dismissed from the service m
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  • 1112 12 Among the many rare and interesting plants forming the collection m the Botanical rarden .-it Washington U.S. there has recently been LT<»t together an almost complete set of insectivorous plants, bo called from their b. ing so constructed as to attract, iusects capture them m various ways,
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  • 732 12 rth Ing Mr. John McNeeco, writing to his principals ra Derby under date August statei "Thirty-four men have arrive*! here from the diggings, all of whom had a little gold. Eta* tion the fields. IfcF tally, they say, m nearly worked apt, which is the only
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  • 521 12 There has been desperate rioting at Delhi. From telegrams to the Bombay Qtuette, it appears that, on the morning <>f 7th October, I Hindoo lad entered the Jumma Musjid unobserved and tied i dead pig to the pulpit there. Directly this act of desecration irai discovered
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  • 768 12 Rangoon <laz< ((>• 21ti October. It is with great regret that we publish the news of the death of Lieutenant-* ieneral Sir Herbert Taylor IfacPherson, rc.,K.c.8.,K.c.8.1. Commander-in-Chief. of the Madias Army. As our readers arc well aware, he was sent over recently to assume the
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  • 927 12 Hongk ;l Oeto A piratical attack, muling m the death of >i\ men, t< ok place i !V ollinson Monday morning. The Wing Fat trading junk picnli ;i j«.Hit and carrying a crew of ti^iii m ;i i e f Bongkoug on Hetwday night bound for
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  • 548 13 The armour-plated ship Retietana was recently, off Portsmouth, made a target for the guns of gunboats for tin 1 purpose of ascertaining the value of indiarubber and asbestos as leak stoppers. Tlie Resistance has four-and-a-half inches of armour plate, tapering off I<> about one inch at
    Exchange  -  548 words
  • 382 13 Animals u r( 't rid of their parasite* by using dust, mud, clay, etc. Those suffering from fever restrict their diet, keep quiet, seek dark, airy places, drink water and Bometimes plunge into it. When a dog has lost its appetite H rats that species of
    N.O. Picayune  -  382 words
  • 1575 13 (From flu London Papon of Bth Oct.) The chief politics] event of the week has been Lord Randolph Churchill's speech at Dartford, where the Chancellor of the Exchequer made a bold and open confession of the foreign policy of the Government. Such plain language lias not been heard
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  • 838 13 What the "Western Reserve" is k> Ohio, or the Orange county dairy region is to New York city, the plains of Apam and Otumba are to Mexico's capital with this difference, that instead of cows, the Agave Americana [hate known as maguey), is milked and pnlqu»» is
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  • 373 13 11. B. M.'s Bioop-of-war Danny, 4< «>inmander Davis, arrived at Hongkong on tin•27th October, from Singap »!I<ml at Labuan on ber wav up 'I'hr British gunboai (!ommander Adamt, left Hongkougou the 29th October for Santon. The French gunboai Ptj n de Marolles, left Hongkong on the -7th <><•-
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  • 512 14 "Whib a woman goes horusebttk-ndiog," says an American paper, "she wears a silk plug hat. She does that s,, that the horse may believe she's a man. and not he frightened at her. She couldn't foul a Kentucky mule that way At Fannr Elsler's ♦ii-st appearance m Boston. Ralph
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    • 236 14 Dear Sir, In Monday's issue of the BtraiU Times there is an account oi a dinner m .Malacca to Mr. Eowband, and my nanu i appears as a member of committee. This was a private entertainment arranged l)y some new residents of Malacca, and certain persons were left
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    • 143 14 Sic, h may interest lome of voui readers to know that Public bodies do not always come off best when acting arbitrarily towards ratepayers. Recently at Glasgow a ratepayer sued the Water Corporation of that City for having cut off the supply to his house without giving
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    • 208 14 Sir, A lar£e l<!iildiu^ is being raised bjtheaide of the Central Police Station and opposite the Courts. The police barI racks are just behind it and consequently closely shut m, and ventilation very co I derably if not altogether excluded. The barracks are not by any means
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 117 14 ARRIVALS. v^.k./sXamk roiis. Ca«ahi r» Oct. Sindoro I»ut. ersmami Baiavia o,* 29 Camelot rtr 1049 Daily i. v V,t «p J i<l Co. t*rii ±tr ri» \r i, fiitcrxm. Simons Cheribon l>ut. >tr WO Cramer L m -7 v i T II: t i lIS 31 M Bri: str W5
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    • 437 14 CLEARANCES. Date Vessel's Name Flag Ei« Captain Destination. Oct. 30 L'>ui-:i 111 Brit. Btr Riddle ~\i T-^ TT 1 'i» Hock Dut. Btr. Gross I;:;;.:,:: s I gui M I nna P.O. itr! D „v -i t Qn KB* 2" Brit.«tr. MUlimrton >!. I Poni nak PortAdeUide >t, Hin Btr
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  • 255 15 NEW WEAPONS.- We learn on good an horit} that, while other nations are studying the question and making exjierimeut < rarmany will before long surprise I n< i world l>y !inu r ready, her whole army provided with new superior small-bore magazine rifle, *j\\ing ;i remarkably flat terjectory up t«»
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 322 15 POWELL CO. AUCTIONEERS, SIXGA P 0 R E PURNITC [cc I a Beds ""> Jewel S*f Bed-ro >'.; Suites Screens tu<ls Lin< I -'i;:i Tr.i.les Matting >les Ma %Ym pboarda i tukahs Piano Stools Ruj :-"t t fire-proof Screens eboarcls Suit kthing Ji 1 .'ids ■oom Whatimts Work Tablea. ILLUSTRATED
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    • 813 15 DUSART'S Syrup ol Lactophospliate o! Lime ff^ m WJfe va This syrap enriches the blood, HJ l^H YCTVLY iai slre 8 lh en» »nJ restores alt the III! ITT iUI ener ie Phosphate of Lime A I^JiAJM.\ I the suhst.ince most necessary to f ur existence, and is indispensable )f
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    • 642 15 DR. J, COLLIS BBOWNES C HLORODYNE Tun Original and only i;i:\n\K Advice to Invalids, If yon wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleap, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and 10suajre the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate ;li" nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems of
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    • 540 15 TVI. T AI.OK'S "DHOSPIJODYNB \h 1 it,- mil) I'-iifiit Mi'iliritv of the kind or nxtni> awardaft OrtitliMi- 1.; Mt»rtl •tin hit*, ■iv^<: ami I hi- iiospHom NX li I'l-M'-it.-d mi IT the A■: "Ulfl S He I. don. TTEALTH, BTBBNOTH, ENERGY. nrvK. T ALOR'S T3HOSPUODYNE YEARS Haa Provi
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 554 16 SCHWEITZEKS COOOATINA. Anti DytpqpHc Cocoa or ChocoiaU "Powder. GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA OF THE FINEST QUALITY with OUT SUGAR OR ADMIXTUK E Tlio Faculty Droaoenoe it Urn u nod nutritious, perfeeilj digMtihle beTeragefor BrtoJ Luncheon, or Supper;" niul invahuiMo for invalids ami Ynuu«r chUdren Beug absolutely "all Coi-(»»." with the
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