Straits Times Weekly Issue, 20 March 1886

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. ■kw Series. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 4Q Cents OL XLII. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1880. NO. 3,358
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    • 11 1 Stamford Hill. London, on flic 14th ult., Rouinson, I 55.
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    • 20 1 Ov Marcli 15th at Dovph N«st, River Valley B<jm(l. the wife of Henry D. Richards, c.e., of a Son.
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  • 262 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 20th MARCH, 1889. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. singapore joth march, 1050. Produce. Gwnbior 6.05. Cube do. No. 1 7.8*2*. do. do. No. 2 7.:!0. Copra Bali -I :>V do. Pontiauak 4. <>.">. Black Pepper !7.7<>. Sago Flour 3ar 2.:H. Pearl Sago 2.(>2A. Coff<>.\ Bout hi n-- 13.00. Tapioca,
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  • 625 1 Tu-; Urt w.'ckiv issu.' of the Strait* Time* was dai Saturday, M LBth. The homeward mail was despatched <>n Monday, the instant iu theM.M. Co's iteamer Oxut. The mail from borne of the 12th nit. arrival on Saturday in the M. M\ Co.'i steamer
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  • 299 1 Last night the first performance of this talented juvenile company took place, when Gilbert and Sullivan's ever popular Piraiet of Penzance was played to a well filled house. The piece was very well sta-ed and dressed, and all the artistes were thoroughly w,-ll up in their
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  • 162 1 1m: Sarawak Gazette ot the lwi March just received contains little news of an\ lilt »T The Supreme Council was convened on the 17th February, and again on the Ist March, but there were no ratten of importance brought forward at either date. Tablet of the trade returm
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  • 241 1 (Penang Gazette, 16th March.) We regret to loam from Langkat that the s. s. Aummiui, belonging to Messrs. Holt's line, while coming down the river from Clainbier with a full cargo of tobacco on board, when reaching a bend of the river suddenly took a turn over to
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  • 208 1 The. foll«> wini: letter aj.j h lon Observ rof th< ith instant. nang, ith Feh. U Deai! Si i;. It may pi-rlmps be .as well warn j> rsons in Ceylon who ar Strait- Settlements a- a Hold fi aLTiuist reckoning a dollar asoquiv;
    W.S.F.  -  208 words
  • 231 1 V\ i <>!-.-rve from the linllan His Hi-lm-ss tli Nizam, as a m appreciation "t" the valuable .M r. A, .7. Dunlop, the [nsp of Revenue, in connection covorv of the sunnud frauds, and ticularly in connection with the .36, in which li G n payment of over 1 1
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 209 1 passkn<;ers Per M. M. steamer Melbourne, on the L3th For Sinqifrpuri From Marseilles: Messrs. 1 B. R. Wallace. Dhcrs. Ro^erux, F. Gagf^ino and B i. From Ad n Mr. and Mrs. Hinnckind( i »m Colombo Mr. and Mrs. Lfcon, H. S. Roberts and G.J.Alexander. For lintn riii. -From Marseilles Mr.
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  • 6144 2 ■rs to the Ka fan during the week March, was 719. ng Gazette states that there is our that the fourth judgeship is to 1 to Mr. Bonser, the Attorney )THEE man has been arrested on susof having been concerned in the >f the Bengalee woman Meer
    Overland Mail; Ex; L. & C. Express; Courier  -  6,144 words

  • 1274 4 Thb Second Criminal Assizes >j ium] od Tuesday with a light calendar, only eleven cases being eommitted for trial Bince the last A>si/ t s, amongst which is a charge <>f Mnnlcr against five men, the trial of which before a Special Jury was fixed for Tuesday next.
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  • 177 4 For Straits Times. France. Paris, 14th March.— A net* French loan announced for one milliard, partially debt. Metroi-olitan 1' London, 14th Marcl has been appointed C Metropolitan polio- vice Sir Kdnm: derson. Egypt. London, ir>th March.— The 1 of occupation will l>e reduced 1 nients. Servia and Bulgaria.
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  • 361 4 {Ceylon and linmj<nm paper*.) London, !><Hh h\h. In t Commons, Mr. Trevelyan has ii.^H a bill granting crofters fixity under tair rent. Lmnlnn. :>?th Th< War, in reply to a .jii.stion m of Commons, said that ther< for appreheuding thai Britia In- employed to IV-mrll],; I >„ The
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  • 579 4 ns Home papers give the following of the new ministry v, Mr. Gladstone. ■11. j For rvtary. E the Colonism, Earl Granville. Secretary for India, Earl of KimberSey. Secretary for War, Mr. Campbell-Banner-man. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir W. Y. Harcourt. First Lord of the Admiralty, Marquis
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  • 1365 5 Er Markets for British Trade. 3. T. March IH.) Messrs. < \>lquhoun and hilt and surveying the trade routes ItctwoMi India, Burin and Ciiina, mid then urgin-j; Importance <>f opening up these routes railways are now beginning ur fru M i|iiboiiii has now Burniah t»> enter the lit <
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  • 542 5 (S. T. March 15.) The Home papers received by last mail contain full accounts of the riots which took place in London on Monday, the Bth of February. It appears that the London United Workmen's Committee had summoned a mass meeting of the unemployed to be h'-ld
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  • 928 5 (8. T. Mar* 16.) The gambling question has so often been treated of in our own and contemporary columns that readers may well feel j a disinclination to peruse any further remarks on the subject. Upon this oi sion, however, we desire to bring
    928 words

  • 383 6 T. March i; I ion is now occupy in in the attention of the ■I its attempted .sett lenient \>y ill probablv lead t<» anoThe n..;: which eraWe premier has bronchi before must have been of the nature ler to the I\irnellil le and nio>{ devoi berlain and Mr.
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  • 345 6 {8. T. March tB. > The telegram received to-day gives us little more information regarding Blr. Gladstone's proposals for the settlement of the Irish difficulty. Jt appears thai In addition to setting up a Parliament in Collage Green he proposes to give thai body the control of
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  • 469 6 (8. T. March H>.) o.n Wednesday lasi we gave a short repori <>r two which were brought uj> ;ii the Assizes agaiusi a Chinaman named S. mli All l\ow, which require some notice on account <>r their peculiar nature. In 1 1 1# first case the prisoner >
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  • 520 6 SIiNUTEfI of Proeeedinga of the Municipal Oommissioiiers od Thursday the 11th March 1886*. Commissioners PretttU Son. Major BfcCallum, r. i:.. President. < S. I Kinlop, m. I >r. .1. If. Robertson, .1. I*. ■Toaquim, Esq. The Minutes «>i't!);- last meeting were read and confirmed* The Secretary submitted Mr.
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  • 1285 6 Translated for the By last advices from BataviaJH March, to hand in the Do I eminent lias decided upon <^H LOO additional soldiers t<> Deli i quence of the alarming situatio in Langkat. That journal po; however numerous may he the feroaß field it will have to
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  • 1515 7 firs' further to an 1 id i re $uc of th \\v 13 i are lilwly to c >me off in A!pril .1 S >:n •:.1 1 tha panic brought about by fli A -Inn 'in Lingkat will I > by t'i fa t!i r d i ien
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  • 735 7 I(Tra i for th I I gi th t par ii> n^k it s c >.t •i i ipot if Any p i tinte Iw. b i.i kirs in L igkat > find hard fco r >v.u anv id i of the pa lon iii 1 8th F
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  • 1280 8 No. 11. ►BE Trotter of fifty years ago was 1 with the Euro] ean Continent and nss of the Mediterranean, but now •y alphabet .of travelling is incomhout the principal cities and of interest in Europe, Asia. Africa, a and Australasia. Amongst places Interest open to the
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  • 2513 8 (Front our own < orrespondent.J I'-wix, 13th Ft'l>. T M(> UKin Jlll( l the event of the <luv, ar*\ MuntyacsY and his new picture, the Death ofufosart" The artist has selected the culminating incident in the life of the inspired n.'usician. of whom Havdn said in 17«5, to
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  • 3336 9 The Stranding of the P. O. Steamer Thames." China Mail.) A Marine Court of Inquiry was held ut the Harbour Matter's office at Hongkong on the loth intent, to enquire into the circumstance* attending the itranding of the l\ .V O. Co.'s steamer Thames on 1 1m- south inner point
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  • 2547 10 IOUg US prilitiiiu tlnl:i ill tli.- „„<} C>" is r who visitod th< At an\ rat tin I are ■^^Hpiely iut. wa as others reprint tlinu iritish official or meivhant i ipacit) w)u se pi»M uded beyond the e suddenly transplant) <l \<> the units of 1 he Strait
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  • 538 10 >wing i th" complaint lim to tiin ntic in quality of I !ii fail H iv: ;i Id lowing l"< t< r to t!i I the Bubj Tii eign luring th or fi I t iiinj| in.* couu thai 11 is h.'iiiL'" taken n hare h -en making
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  • 3666 11 AND Ii i," i.M EDY." BY 1.IORI) ,F. Mo'.KSWORTH. rom fh> Englishman.) 'a meeting of the International Monetary Hfcjjjl Association. Mr. Arthur Balfour. reference to the difficulty of stir- !ic opinion on the silver question, with the geii"ral depresion inted out that this difficulty was by
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  • 650 11 Proceedings of meeting of International Monetory Standard Association, 31st May, 1855. 1 H. H.Gibbs, Ex-Governor of the Bank of England. Speoch by Samuel Smith, Esq., M. P., President of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, 1833. S< Tables in the appendix from Molesworth's Text book of
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  • 1711 12 British North Borneo Gazette. Ist Marc The Animal Flower Show was held on the Chinese New fear*! day the sth February. The Pony and Boa! Races, which owing to had weather did not '.ike place on our New fear's day were also run off to-day. The Show
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  • 847 12 A correspondent in Franeic the China Mail writes on J'.HJi Jan. as f lows You will have heard of the lawles against the Chinese on tin's about 5<U mm) who speak the Can ton branch dialects ill present residii State. In tliis city tJioy are
    847 words

  • 623 13 ■When Smith's invention, patented by Death and Ellwood, was lirst in*. Mkiueed to the public, it was believed r a machine had at last been found ca--f fulfilling all the conditions pivsed for cleaning fibres economically •mniercial scale. In November [>ecimens of the invention exin
    The Statesman  -  623 words
  • 578 13 The Shuck bo rough Correspondence. in ins letten to his Bister, lately j > 1 1 > lished l>\ Mr. Murray, Lord Beaconsneld makes reference to "the Shuckborough, Correspondence." These letters w< re printed in the Lewspapers at the time, and that ;ill the world should talk of them" is
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  • 516 13 Take away my first letter, take away my second liter, take away all my letters, and 1 am still tin; iame. The postman. An affected singer atone of the theatres was told by rude person in the gallery "to come out from behind his nose, and Bing like other
    516 words
    • 90 13 Sir, —The River Valley Road seems to have l>een subjected to a raid of turfBtealers. The sides of it where the trees are planted, and where the bonny gr. grows, are mutilated to such an extent to turf that we only require a Gladstone t<> complete the
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    • 120 13 Dbab Sis. Four correspondent in terday's issue, Jones Robinson, must surely have forgotteo all aboul the Russian war scare. j think it was then said that the Government were taking the turf to help in making the fortifications. If so, and I think Jonrs Robinson will find
      120 words
    • 176 13 Di Mi:. Editor, Sour innocent correspondent in yesterday's issue, "James takes upon himself the duty of giring Lessons bo Jon* a Robinson," without any knowledge of the matter. Russians and fortification have nothing to do in this business, and "Robinson" was quite righi in speaking of Vandals,
      176 words
    • 142 13 l>i:.\iv Sir, i onr three correspondents Jones Robinson, Jmmes Bafe, and .1 Mar/t--ing Walk* r niav have aesthetic eyes, bui there must be something radically wrong with their nodes it 1 thei did noi ootice the 'iiM mi River Valley Road, the Duckeries to wit. The stench
      142 words
    • 856 13 Sir, In your issue of L. A CV 1 I il I I i il) L< id Chin 01 of Singapore and oth< tter« impugning the merit of the art: as you iv, no <loul>t extreni »'st !i._r" to Singapor I as well to remark on t \s
      856 words
    • 296 14 Training [\>r the Spring oj It his morninj; with in -lu.' form. It is true there ivnioin H. was //<-/ Tlu- FJau.l ofth,- -allant Unit's j not tluro, but thi- was made up a duet 1)- -t tlic Clerk of the j Uhlan on the Grand and
      296 words
    • 203 14 I > i 1 Mi:. Kihtor. In your yesterday's paper again you bring up the Singapore Hotel accommodation question, or at N-ast the "duel" does that's taking the notes, the reason he gives being thai the large Hotel lias got the only position worth having, and consequently there
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    • 173 14 I>!:ak Sir. I fancy you must be gettin^ tired of correspondence about the River Valle\ Road, as the odourof "Smelfungus's" letter is a little high, and, besides that another word might have 1 u substituted forth' Chinamen's Duckeries. would draw your attention to the state <>f another road in
      173 words
    • 235 14 Dear Sir, Are you quite sure that Baron Renter's young man in London or Bombay has not been playing B practical joke upon you in yesterday's telegram announcing that Mr. Gladstone has proposed not only to give Ireland a separate Parliament, for that is what the telegram
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 596 14 ARRIVALS. Ft.\.. VpiMBL": v i M'TAIN SAILXD i Ma. gb. 500 Penang Mar. l<»si, .>ul sch. 86 Kacodah K" Ma tan 6 Hai I Brit.str 1156 Sanderson Hongkong Mar. I mona A i «M.M.str 2568 de la Marcelle Marseill Feb. UMessageri Brit.str. 1650 Brown London Jan. 11 W. Mansfi etbsbiiv
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    • 942 14 CLEARANCES. I>ate Yksskls N'ame Flag 4 Big Captain Dkstinati Mar. Il' PyahFaknet Brit.str. Wahl Malacca and Klang 12 Hongkong str. War Jambie l m 2 Binghorn Nor. bq. Beck Hongkong 13 Bilhton Brit. ans Penang via n 19 f >uisa 111 str. Kiddie and Klang 13 Kenneti str. Bandenon 1'
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 287 15 sITURE, Ac, Foe Ice Chest« .l»'\vfl Safes Japanese Sere Luinpfl Linoleum Matting' Marble Slabs Mi-.i; Safes mr Cui>lM).»r<ls < )t!icc lv^ks ts Office Chairs >OjfDnnvcr> Punkahs U Piano Stools Rn S;ii'<'»» iron fire-pn> Screens Sideboards in Suites Sluin^liai Uathing Jars VaKf^Qns Si i fas HKff Tables T.-iblrs >i*g Tables Towel
      287 words
    • 536 15 WINEwthEXTRACTofCOD LIVERS PREPARED BY RSold. t>~y |o^B^^JLr"j "M^^^Tlß V^L O-eneral ZDex>o-t I■ t Chemists jfl BV^^^^ ■Tm _Vfl DB HB PARXB JDru^^lsts. j^^^^^Br^pi wQ ft#] JtimW TB B|» 31 1 FauHoury MoDtnartn, 11 The WINE with Extract of Cod Livers, prepared by M r GHEVRIER, first class chemist, in Paris,
      536 words
    • 605 15 DR. .1. COLLIS BROWNES CHLORODYNE The Obiginal \ni» only Genuine Advice to Invalid-, li" you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sle free from headache, j reli< t' from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems
      605 words
    • 516 15 rp li E sTHA IT S TIME S. Rates of kuhs<;rii«th;n vnd AdvertißlN-; rOB I Local D»:i.ivkk\ Payabli QuABTIBLt 1 N A I>\ N(K. Daily Edith h i.v Enn ion. le copy 15 <-i Single co]m ts. Per Annnm S'2-4. Per Annum §li». Foreign :> i stai !<>n Delivi PAI
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 424 16 1 ROWLANDS' MA. LSS \K OIL preserV res, strengthen*, and beautifies the hair; it contains no lead or mineral ingredients, and can now be also had in a golden colour, which i*- especially suited for fair or golden-haired j children and |> t^oii^. Pour si ROWLANDS' KALYDOK is a most
      424 words
    • 547 16 SCHWEITZER'S OOCOATIXA Anti Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate 1 w^ GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA OF THE FINEST OUT SUGAR OR ADMIXTURE. Tlir Faculty pronounce it the most nutritious, perfectly <li#<»stible bererajp Luncheon, or Supper;" and invaluable for invalids and Young chiMn i Being absolutely "all Cocoa" with tiu> excoss of fat
      547 words