Straits Times Weekly Issue, 28 June 1883

Total Pages: 19
1 17 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 28 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. Kew Series.] Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 40 C»nti wo. I. XXXIX. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1883. NO. 3,216
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 639 1 fiourrs. NOTICE. From and af'er the lst January I£P3, the folowing changes will be made in the publication of the Straits Times. The subscription to the Daily issue will be considerably reduced. The Weekly issue will be published in time for transmission with the homeward mails, and will be of
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    • 512 1 Buch communicati >ns will alwa/s be thankfully received and promptly attended to We Cannot undertakp to return rejected communications. We cannot undeitake to give reasons f,, r the rejection of comm inications thi t are addressed to us. THE LONDON SIVGVORE ANTFOULING h\TNT COMPANY, LIMITED. (DENNYS* PXTFNTS). Incorporated under the
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    • 611 1 iHtecellanrous. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S HLORODYNE. The Original and only Genuine. Advice to Invalids. If you wish to ob- I lain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous j media, and regul ite
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    • 511 1 ifltsrdlancous, NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are ecufidently recommended as a simple bu certain REMEDYfor INDIGESTION NORTON'S CAMOMILE PLILS are with justice called the Natural Strengths* ner of the Human Stomach." Act a; a powerful tonic and gentle aperients are mild in their operation and safe under any circumstances. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLB
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 593 2 J? <j^ ,lwUs^ BEWARE OF IMITATION l EA and 1 ERRINS* AUCE. The Original and Genuine. v. TXTORCESTERSHIRE AUCE bear the autograph signature of Lea and Perrins on a red label. Sold wholesale by the Proprietor, Worcester; and Crosse and Blackwell. London X SA and PERKINS' Of Grocers and Oilmen
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    • 694 2 L> notices* THE STRAITS INSURANCE COY., LIMITED. i Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Indian Companies' Aci,\\H6S.) Capital $2,000,000 in 20,000 Shares of $100 each Payable $5 each on application, and $15 on allotment. Further calls not to exceed $20 per Share, nor to be made at less than three
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    • 720 2 ftOtltt*. pany to attract speculatore by the alluring promises of large dividends, but rather, by the payment of a dividend which will represent only fair interest, to be in a position to encourage contributing sharehsiders. The Directors propose that the annua profits be divided as follows ls* Interest on the
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    • 764 2 which Poison tbe Blood andseDtU of life. The result of these diaS the masses of intelligent and vah pie is most alarming, pausing nnmi. distressing and painful symptom lite actually a burden instead of^n^^ and usefulness as it ought to be/1H not any goo 1 reason for thia, B J3
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    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 18 1 At Sp /ttiswoode Park, on '27th June, the wife of Capt. S. B. Sorbenson, of a daughter.
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      • 69 1 Gottlieb Haigh. On Tuesday, the p stb June, at St. George's C Lurch, Penaug, by the Rev. John Walker, M. A., Colon al Chaplain, Felix Henry Valentin f, younger son of Fi i.ix Henry Gottlifb, j. P., litely I'rti'or Magistrate and C«'uimissioner of the Court of EUqu*ste, Te nang,
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    • 262 1 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 28th JUNE, 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 2^th June, 1833. Gambier To Black Pepper 15.60. White Pepper, fair quality. 255. Sago Flour, Sar -.^>. Pearl Sag) 15.575. Coffee, Rally picked 11.75. Tapioca, sm.ill Flake 3.20. Tin 29.80. iOs. Muletwist 96. 8$ lbs. Shirtings 1.574. 7 do do
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    • 1245 1 (lis ExCRLLENCI the Governor, who with Lady Weld and family is paying a visit to Malacca aud the Native States, came hack on Tuesday mornins: to make up his despatches for thc homeward mail, and will probably return to Malacca to-day. A meeting of the Legialative
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    • 284 1 Dato* Serun having been duly elected as Penghulu of Rembau by tbe proper Chiefs, with the title of Dato' Penghulu Sedia Raja, Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the §aid Dato* Serun is recognised as Penghulu of Rembau by this Government.
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    • 233 1 Messes. W. G. Hale Co. in their circular of 17th June, report as follows regarding Saigon Rice Rice. The month under review bas been a comparatively quiet one. Shipments to Hongkong comprise mostly former engagements a fresh stir for tbat qusrter has lasted only a short time and recent unfavorable
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    • 66 1 By kind permission of tbe Hon'ble Colonel Geddcs and officers, the Band of the Koyal Inniskilling Fusiliers will play in the Gardens on Friday, 29th instant, at 5 p. m. Programme. 1 March On Scotch Songs Habickt. 2 Overture... L' Amour au Village... Bouillon 3 Select ion... Attella Verdi 4
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 37 1 FOR SALS. A Few Wf.*kB with thk Mmays. In pamplet form. Pric per copy, if taken in less number than ten; if ab ve fchat number 50 cents per copy. "Straits Times" Office, Singapore, 26th April, 1883.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 207 1 passengers. Per M. M. steamer Amazone, on the 20th inst. For Singapore. From Shanghai Mr. P. Muirhead. From Hongkong Mr. J. J. Sheltena. For Colombo. From Shanghai Mr. J. Haiunz >. For Aden From Shanghai Revd. Mr. Thompson. For Port Said. From Yokohama: Mr. Krvjanowski. For Naples. From Hongkong: Mr.
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    • 3991 2 Last Friday's Government Gazette notifies that the official observance of the Queen's coronation will be kept on Friday instead of Thursday next. The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending, Friday 22nd June, was 015. Wednesday (20th) being the
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    • 335 3 Account- Keeping Extraordinary. Some few days ago, a friend of ours received an account of money spent by his cook in buying fowls, ducks, eggs, etc., during the first half of May,— which struck us as being so original that we thought it might amuse some of our readers, and
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    • 258 3 We hardly know whom to hlame most, the veracious Madrid papers or the gullible Baron Reuter, who thought it necessary to send out the telegram we published on the 18th inst. about the massacre of innocents, or innocent masj sacre of
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    • 582 3 We have to acknowledge the receipt from the Secretariat of the following papers laid before Council 1. The Financial Report and Statements for 1882. From this it appears that the Revenue for 1882 was $2,465,153 aud was $155,510 in excess of Estimates, while the Expenditure was $2,344,549 and
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    • 276 3 The following telegrams appear in the Saigon Independant. It may be mentioned that M. Blancscube is the Deputy or Representative of Cochin China in the French Parliament. The editor of the Independant bluntly says that all the trouble about Tonquin is solely due to the ignorant delusions
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    • 505 3 The following pergonal statistics are given in Who's who {or 1883 The oldest Cabinet Minister is the Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, M.P., First Lord of the Treasury, aged 73; the youngest, the Right Hon. Sir Charles Wenthworth Dilke, Bart, M. P.. President of the local Government Board,
      Pioneer  -  505 words
    • 557 3  -  H. Vienot We translate the followiug delicious little article from the Saigon Independant of the 12th June. It should be taken as a warning by the President of the Municipality here, for M. Cardi ia President of the Municipality in Saigon. He is also, we believe, a
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    • 856 4 WE following items of Australian news I by last mail Victoria, 22nd May.— Tbe Cabinet hiving had wader consideration tbe telegram from London published in tbe Argus to the effect that tbe British Government intended to send to Australia the Phreiix Park informers whose evidence secured the conlion
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    • 222 4 fFor Straits Times.) Madagascar. London, 2014 June. In consequence of the rejection of the ultimatum, the French Admiral landed and took possession of Tamatave without loss, the Hovas taking to Right. Madagascar. London, t\tt fune, The French will not advance on the Capital at present, but will await
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    • 785 4 (From Ceylon and Indian papers.) London, 2nd June.— A discussion took place in the House of Commons last night, relating to recruiting for the Army. Lord Hartington proposed, in order to check I the drain into the Reserves, that, besides Indian troops being offered bounties, as referred to
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    • 1933 4 The Rk< _str\tton of I) Thk Bill prepared i v theß V. Maxwell, Commit >ner or^^H "to provide for the registrars I' ds, Judgments, and other I ments," and published in the! Go t'"ars toiE crude draft, intended in some mea! to pavo thc way for
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    • 1493 5 The Bill to prevent or puuish eneroachments on Crown Lands, prepared by the Hon. W. E. Maxwell, Commissioner of Lands, and published in the Government Gazette of the 22nd instant, is one that is called for by the persistent eneroachments of planters, and especially Chinese planters
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    • 544 5 Thk China Mail ofthe Bth instant informs us of an attempt to carry through the Legislative Council of Hongkong an Act for the purpose of enabling person-; to distinguish qualified from unqualified Practitioners. As is usual with all legislation of this kind, the motive alleged is
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    • 381 6 We have received fromMr. H. L. Noronha, tbe able Superintendent of the Government Printing Office, a copy of a valuable little book styled the Straits Settlements Civil Service List," compiled by bim, and dating up to the 30th April 1883. This book gives the names and designations
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    • 1947 6 The Last's Government Gazette contains the drafts of two Bills to be introduced in the Legislative Council, both prepared by the Hon. W. E. Maxwell, Commissioner of Lands. The first of these is a Bill for the compulsory registration of Deeds and transfers of real estate, and the
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    • 6351 6 We have been favoured by a memba of the Bar with the following memo, randum on Mr. W. E. Maxwell's rtpoit on the above subject, which we publiik with pleasure, in order that the question may be as fully ventilated aa poasible: Memorandum on Mr. W.E.
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    • 3374 8 Supreme Court. In Bankruptcy. (Before Sir Thomas Sidgreaves, C. J.) Monday, June 25th. In the matter of William Keece, a bankrupt. The Court sat to-day to hear an aplication by the above named bankrupt. The following affidavit was sworn to and filed on the Supreme Court by the bankrupt on
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    • 1079 9 M anila News. [Translated from Spanish newspaj,> Manila, $\st May. We need only say a few words to-day regarding the state of the health of H E. the Governor General, but they will cause joy generally among our -terday morning, aa we had announced beforehand, the physicians attending His Excellency
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    • 1580 9 (Translated from Dutch newspapers.) From the Governor of Acheen and its dependencies the following telegraphic intelligence Ims been received under date tbe 22nd May On 18th May, two columns marched out into the 6 Mukims. Great success. Enemy suffered heavy losses, leaving two dead behind, and at
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    • 2188 10 Con su lar Report Saigon. A Blue-book has just been issued whieh contains a report by Consul Tremlett upon the trade, commerce, and navigation of Saigon and Cochin China for the year ISS.>. He savs of Ton£ Kin- The events that have transpired in this province have been duly reported
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    • 3702 11 Among the papers laid before the Legislative Council at its meeting on the 19th instant, was an important additional one from F. A. Swettenham, Esq., H. B. M.'s Resident at Selangore, upon the question of Local District Administration. It will be seen that Mr. Swettenham, from actual
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    • 2745 12 Bill to provide for the Registra. tion of Deeds, Judgments and other Instruments. Whereas it is expedient to preven' cret and fraudulent conveyances, and to provide means whereby the title to real property may be more certainly known It is hereby enacted by the Governor of the Straits Settlements, with
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    • 2031 12 Minutes of Pro< dings of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday, the loth June, Co m m iss i oners Presen t R Hon. Capt, McCallum, k.k.— President, j Edwin Koek. E§q. Syed Mahomed Al Sagoff, Bsq. R. W. Maxwell. I*. Joaquim, Bsq. The minutes ofthe last meeting were
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    • 2716 13 Monday, 25m June. Before If. A. lirim, Etq. t Magistrate. Thc ease five of the nine thieves arrested by Detective' police Inspector Richards, came on for hearing to-day Inspector Richard- inducted the prosecution. He said In this case, your Worship, 1 charge the prisoners under Section 113 ofthe
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    • 2138 14 Tuesday, 19th June, 1883. Present. His Honour the Chief Justice. The Hon'ble the Officer Comd'j? the Troops. m the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Acting Attorney General. the Colonial Treasurer the Acting Colonial Engineer. it the Commissioner of Lands. James Graham. Seah Liang Seah. R. B. Read. In the
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    • Correspondence.
      • 432 14 [The following mysterious correspondence has been sent to us for publication. Can any of our readers tell what it is about ?—Ed. S. T.] My dear Mit. Editor, 1 found W, night, between the l\ 0. and M Wharves, the following documents, arranged apparently tor publication,
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      • 410 15 Whom Shall We Hang To the Editor ofthe Straits Turns. Sir,—Yesterday morning, shortly after ten, the spire of the belfry of the K. C. Church of the Good Shepherd" gave way and went crashing through the roof into the building. Fortunately, service was then over and no personal injury attended
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      • 122 15 To the Editor ofthe Straits Times. I>i:ar Mb. Editor,—You sarcastic old thing Did you purposely put the letter u Whom shall we hang that appeared in your yesterday's edition, in such close juxtaposition to the advertisement of Hollo way's Pills They are eminently funny when read together.
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      • 242 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—There are men who seem to be peculiarly unfortunate, men who generally contrive to get into the wrong box exact. ly at the wrong time. To this class appears to belong your correspondent, Several Old Cabayahs," whose pseudonym is
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    • Page 15 Miscellaneous
      • 720 15 ARRIVALS. V i r'hiiG "j T~ «j Vessel's Name. and Captain. From. Sailed. Consionbbs. 3 1 Rio. h June 19 Glendower Brit. str. 1650 Hay Penarth May 12 Borneo Coy Ltd. 1» Vidar Brit.str. 206 Chopard B'massin jane 16 j', ye d Mohsin 19 Superior Swd. hq. 483 Larsson Bataria
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      • 1068 15 CLEARANCES. Datk. Vesbkl's Name. Flao k Rio. Captain. Destination. JUne on Oxfordshire Brit.str. Jones Hongkong 20 UuYuen Chin. str. Wallace Hoihow J° ,eator Brit. str. Moore Ternate In a J?i? Brit.str. Scharlau Labuan fa Yr Z* ,r> Brit.str. Anderson London 2 0 Kon. Genl. Read Dut. str. Vincent Muntok 2
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 796 16 iKfetellantou*. I Preparations with Liebig's Name. It may be remembered that some time since a controversy was raffing in the medical journals as to the original inventor of a certain Obstetric Bag, wherein two eminent gym-ecolorists disputed the right of priority to certain improvements; others joined in the frav and
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      • 685 16 iHterdlaneous* the only Reliable Remedy for Nervousness. Nervous Debility, Lassitude, Loss of Fower, Depression, Female Complaint*, rim pies, Imperfect Nutrition, Premature Decline, Ac ♦u D o BRTG HT'S PHOSPHODYNE is the Best Known Remedy for Indigestion. Liver Complants, and all Functional Derangements of either sex. Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE.— the beneficial
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      • 611 16 iHfetrflaneous. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIaT The best Remedy For Acidity of the Stomach DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Heartburn and Headache. For Gout and Indigestion. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. The best Mild Aperient for Delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children and Infants, and for regular use in Warm Climates. Dinneford A Co.,
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      • 783 16 SOftf* THTR TANJONG PAGAR DOCK OOM PANY LIMITED. The works of the Company areeituated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of tbe iwTi of Sincrapore, and compriee the folI >wine establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tl ►nreide for vessels of tbe
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 402 17 f TREASURY oftheTHROAT GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet's salt) ARK THE BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT*, ANGINA. CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They sre Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. m.m MODE OF USE Take
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      • 1062 17 QUINA-LAROCHE Ferrugineux fgL ft syrup In spite of thc ever increasing success ofthe V*^Ws^tSS«£3 Z,arocbe Bark iQUIVA-LAROCHE), JmJ^ir^r^M &£r wblcb bas been honored witb a prize JFf(?NV^* >mW<m\—r of 16,600 franca, a Gold Medal, <tc, there V 1 J R 9 > are many cases in which the Sensibility and
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