The Straits Times, 25 January 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 243 1 Trusteeship Amendment Proposed: 380 Million People Involved LCI* CON, Jan. 21.— The United States will recommend to the U.N.O. Assembly today that all colonial powers extend the benefit of the U.N.O. charter to the peoples they rule and make possible "the realization of legitimate
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  • 137 1 Time Britain Says 'No 'To Soviet Russia I.ANAUK. Scotland, Jan. 22: -It was time for Britain to MJ no lo Ilussia's demands which went far beyond any-t'-ing which could reasonably be necessary for her own ■CCWitj. assett-d former Foreign Uader Seiretary, Lord Dunskish. h°.e today. ••Th? Russian Government must be
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  • 91 1 LONDON. Jan. 23.— Sir Ramasv.ami Mudaliar. India's delegate to the United Nations Organisations, was tonight unanimously olr"t 0 d Pro.s'dpn: of th? Economic and Social Council. The Council Is a coiijirucne counterpart o the Security Council. Us task being to create throughout ihe world economic conditions that
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  • 138 1 TOKIO, Jan." 24. —Japanese Premier Baron Kijuro Shidehara at a Press conference said that ne "could not even think" of the possibility of a republic exis'ing in Japan. All Parliamentary Vice Min.sters (deputies to Cabinet Ministers) and Privy Councillors have tendered their resignations to Baron Kijuro
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  • 65 1 Siamese-Chinese Treaty Signed BANGKOK, Jan. 23. -A Siam-ese-Chinese treaty was signed in Bangkok today by Seni Lemot Setipraman, Siamese Premier and Foreign Minister, and LI Tieh-chen, Chinese representative. The treaty provides for the establishment of diplomatic relations and contain clauses giving the nationals of each country resident in the other
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  • 261 1 JOHANNESBURG. Jan. 24.— IVphntma Gandhi. Pandit Nehru, Mohammed AH Jlnnah and other prominent Indiana have been invited by the Transvaal Indian ess ;o visit South Africa to Mslt' *n the camnaign against legislation proposed by General Smuts In his speech to the tlnicu Assembly. A special
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  • 107 1 LONDON. Jan. 23. —British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevln said m the House of Commons today that the British Government had m no way modified its views regarding Franco Spain. "On all relevant occasions," Bevin said, "this Government has displayed its dislike of the present regime." It
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  • 91 1 PARIS, Jan. 23.— Felix Oouln was elected head of the new French Government by 417 votes out of 555 th&t were cast tonight. Michel Clemenceau, son of the former Prime Minister, received 35 votes. Gen. de Gaulle received three votes. Seventeen votes were also given for
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  • 306 1 LONDON, Jan. 23.— The Labour Party External Affairs Committee sent a deputation to Prime Minister Attlee during the Parliamentary recess urging that British policy m Java be modified to bring about Indonesian home rule more rapidly, through a guarantee from the Dutch
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  • 187 1 Greek Action Against Rebels ATHENS. Jan. 23.— The GreeK Royalist "X" rebels having failed to comply with the Government's ultimatum, a battalion of Greek National Guard assisted by a battalion of the gendarmerie early today made a sweep of the hilly Messenia area In southern Peloponnesus where the rebel forces
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  • 351 1 ANGLO-AMERICAN AGREEMENT ON SIAMESE RICE WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.— Landing craft at present m the Far East at Manila, Guam, and elsewhere will probably be used extensively to take the Siamese rice down rivers to the seaports, now that Britain and the United States have reached an agreement on the actual
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  • 60 1 The Royal Air Force are now taking over from the Royal Australian Air Force on the small island of Labuan off the coast of North Borneo. Here are RAF personnel of 110 Hyderabad Squadron of Mosquitos and personnel of an RAF regiment landing on the beaches
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  • 87 1 King Emmanuel May Abdicate ROME. Jan. 24.— A high-nnk-ing British officer, closely connected with the Royal family of Italy, revealed to the United, Press today that King Emmanuel 111 plans to abdicate shortly m favour of his grandson, the ntn. year-old Prince of Naples. The Lieutenant General of the realm.
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  • 115 1 HONGKONG. Jan. 24. The Hongkong-bound passenger snip 'Macao' was commandeered and looted by 12 pirates yesterday morning, six miles outside the Portuguese colony, in one of the biggest piracy for many years. Boarding the ship as passengers, the pirates took over the ship, and sailed it
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 733 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, Jan. 25, 1946. Rose-Tinted Spectacles At a meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council held on v. c; n sday. Major-Gen. H. R. Hone, the Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Malaya, n.ade this statement: "C usidciir.'r the prewnl riturtitoc as I know it. I feel that there
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  • 711 2 By A Special Correspondent Japs Destroyed Forty Years Hard Work Of Malaya's main natural resources, none has suffered as a result of the Japanese occupation to the extent that Malayan forests have. Destruction was wrought by a combination of ignorance. Indifference and necessity. The country's not inconsiderable population
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 2 A Su~ >r!and of ?30 S-ra'to" CmW Conrtan't. nwkiii" a »ur\ey flight of British N:»rth Born;o, was the firs! s^anlarv to arrive at Jessetton. It ral!ri a!*o at Kudat, Raafmkam, !?h?M Data, and TUw— pu^tins off passfnge-s. for- 1 mi m?^i< at supplies. The Knnd^r!anrt has clreaiJv rv.i.u..«ri {St wninen
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  • 164 2 When television is restarted In Fngland early In the New Year. the service will be in charge ni Mr. Maurice Gorham. whose appointment has been announced by the BBC. Mr Oorham, who now runs thB.B.C. light prorammes, wes formerly chief of the Forces programmes. Although he
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  • 104 2 New powers for the Rent Assessment Board are indicated In a Gazette notification to appear today, to which attention is drawn. This proclamation is designed to provide relief for which there is considerable demand in Singapore. Under it tbe Rent Assessment Board is empowered to hear
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  • 36 2 The B.M.A. Is examining the question of establishing a conciliation board for the purpose of dealing with such questions as disputes between employers and rmploye?.". Brigadier P.A.B. McKerron staled in the Singapore Advisory Council.
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 321 2 The Singapore Traction Company deplores the emission of smoke from the of some of its omnibuses. The condition Is due to tbe hopeless state in which the vehicles were left by the Japanese and the complete lack of maintenance during the occupation. Another factor is the quality
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    • 262 2 With reference to an article on "pre-fab" houses m Singapjrs published m your issue of last Sunday, the following c::tiaci from a book entitled Forei -in Colonial Administration m the Far East by Sir Hesketh Bell, G.C.M.G., may be Interesting "I noticed, m one of the dis-,' tricts.
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    • 49 2 I strongly approved the articles m your paper by R. H. de S. Onraet, C.M.G. They are of first class importance. The author has an unsurpassed knowledge of the most dt hcult and potentially di .gercus of the many problems confronting tbJ* country.— Siba. Batu PahaW
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    • 197 2 IMgrtas t-> r>" b-o:- ~~>t m Ma'sv frcn T rt~-«-r-" Tario. I frri tbir tfce Mala; us«J *"sp*- :nllv m tt*9 rws b"l'etiris i« ■-1 to thr ears of a naiut I "m aware of the trrrr'na'. rrcr-r;. ?pp m o Ind?n**!an p*ira*r*toßv. She D*iras siri'-a.»
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    • 42 2 Having been by civilians ol I lowing two oi! stl( i r kind pets n who i- i:i the "kl please enlighten t. Hi I are Jaianes^ I\ l ride ab-ut In? the 1 basic daily ration t- "Pestered Betviteman."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 684 2 The engagement Is announced between G. W. Breed veld and Peggy Pino. GOH— MAH:— Mr. Goh Toh Chwee youngest son of Mr. Goh Choon Yong (Ex-Superintendent of 8.H.8.) a:i:i youngest brother of Mr. Goh Cheng Chuan and the late Madam Chan Chit Neo to Miss Mah Chye Neo eldest daughter
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    • 45 2 IWPER'AI CHEMICA' MMJSTf (MALAYA) LTD. have re-opened their office on the Third floor of ELECTRA HOUSE (Cable Wireless Building) 35, Robinson Road, Singapore. Any person who gives information leading to the recovery of the Company's Office Furniture and Equipment, Records, etc., will be suitably rewarded.
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  • 472 3 CONTROL OF IMPORTS VITAL AT PRESENT STAGE Protecting Public From Exploitation Answering the suggestion made by Mr. Lien Ying Chow, chairman ot the Singapore Chamber ol Commerce, in the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday, that the B.M.A should remove all restrictions and allow importers to bring in what they liked Col.
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 3 Fit. D. K. Miller, of Balkwell, North Shields, a Spitfire pilot stationed at a Singapore airfield, with his bride, Miss Irene Moves, a member of the London Corps de Ballet, who was appearing recently m an ENSA show at the Garrison Theatre. They were married m Singapore.
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  • 72 3 The U.K. authorities have now agreed to monthly remittances to China at the rate of $45 a family. Col. C. D. Todd, Finance Department chief, Singapore, making this announcement m the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday, said: "remitters would wish to receive acknowledgment of their first remittance before
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  • 275 3 Repatriation Muddle Ilie question of shipping j accommodation for passengers to i end from India and the repatrla- a tion of Malayan evacuees from r India to Malaya was forcefully presented by Messrs. R. Jumabhoy I and Tan Chin Tuan, speaking s before the advisory council. Mr. Jumabhoy mentioned the
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  • 615 3 Lieut Kajino RyuTQWr one of the ten Japanese accgWd in the war crimes trials being heid in the Supreme Court, was discharged yesterday aft^r an eloquent and well-presented submission had been made by Lt Col. S. C. Sleeman. counsel for the defence, that the evidence against Kajino
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  • 469 3 An appeal for the extradition of Gen Yamashita to stand trial as a war criminal in Singapore was made at yesterday's Advisory Council meeting by Dr. Chen Su Lan who declared that in bestiality and blood-thirstiness, Yamashita outrivalled "Beast of Bclscn." Dr. Chen pointed out that
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  • 378 3 The imports into Mala; a which are being brought m on Government account, are m eifect being ;:eavily subsidi-vd by Government, and thi3 p.ilicv of subs;dizir:R m order MS reduce the cost <l living will MMtlJ'J* MSH the i-ws of supply mrl demand readjust themselves and pftCCI
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  • 260 3 A committee to investigate the question of rents may be set up shortly in Singapore to make recommendations which, i: is hop^d. the B.MA. will be able to accept. Brigadier P. A. B. McKerron. B.M.A. chief. Singapore, stated in the Singapore Advisory Council. He was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 244 3 TENDERS. Tenders are invited for the purchase of a iur.l: iboati ling on the slipway at Tumpat Dockyard. Tumpat, si:: BtUsa from Kota Bharu. Kelantan. 2. Pra-pcctive purcbHen may or. app ication to the ncareu Civil Aflairs Officer, obtain a permit to travel by air and or B.M.A. controlled transport
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    • 611 3 SfOUTINO HACEh-ORM tell* yo« race Dy race n<they lookeu m the paddock how they went In the betting and bow the> all ran The ideal contact for overseas sportsman with racing In England Weekly by \\i Mall Pul oartlcular* from RACEFORM »9 43. lattersea High Sreet. London. SWII WANTED TO
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    • 335 3 EVERY Stamp Collector .vhouid navo A Complete Catalogue of l j >su<!<i SUmps Issued tlurlnu the J:»p;»n(v-c Occupation Illustrated. $2 pat lIM Caxton Press Ltd Mvtal Slrr^t, Kuala Lumpur. NOTICE. A Committee Meeting of the Singapore Ratepayers' Association will to held at the OH. Cafe on Monday, ttth January, at
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  • 327 4 COMMENTS ON THE MALAY UNION PROPOSALS Ventilation Of Opinion Needed Straits Times Correspondent, LONDON, Jan. 23. There has been friendly welcome in the London press to the White Paper on Malaya, symptomatic of most well-informed opinion here, though many agree with the view of the Times that "the general conception
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  • 135 4 A largely attended meeting of the United Planting Association of Malaya was held on Wednesday at Kuala Lumpur, when Mr S.B. Palmer, was elected president and Commander E.J.C. Edwards, vice-president. The president referred to tne death of Mr. C. Ward- Jackson who as secretary of the association
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  • 157 4 "Until such time as Malaya can stand on her own fset again we will have to endure a certain measure cf control from London." declared Major-General Hone at jesterday's Advisory Council Meeting in reply to a suggestion by Mr. Lse Kong Chlan for wider discretionary powers for
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  • 296 4 The White Paper on the Malayan Union "is nothing but a kick in the pants of the Malay Sultans and their subjects, and also an obviously deliberate attempt on the part of the British Labour Government to ignore the oromises the United Nations had made
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  • 438 4 An assurance that Mamoru Shinqzaki and others would be questioned about the Chinese in Singapore who were massacredduring the month 01 Febiuary 1942 and the whereabouts of those taken away for forced labour was given by Col. P J. D. Regester at the
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  • 233 4 Fortunes In Deals With B.M.A. I know we have so far obtained no conviction of public servant. We are attempting to get evidence to support allegations made against certain branches, stated Col P. J. D. R^ester replying to the question of corruption raised by Mr. Lim Chuan Geok at the
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  • 141 4 A children's hospital-cum-convalescent home is about to open on the sea-shore in the old St. Andrews Orthopaedic Hospital, which will be open to any su-k destitute child as far as equip* n;ent permits, stated Col. W. J. Vickers on the question of relief of war orphans
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 338 4 WAR IS HELL! ONE WAS FOUGHT NEAR Our Doorstep For A Cause And The Effect Was That "BURMA VICTORY" No Campaign Was Harder! No War Was More Ferocious! India Is Saved and Burma the Burmese Liberated PAILT: 11—2—4 15—6.30—9 15 pm. TO-MORROW'S BIG MIDNIGHT PREMIERE AIR-WAR OVER CHINA" from the
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    • 12 4 jL QUALIFIED OPTICIAN c s. CHonc o.a mOD€«n €Y€W€AR PHONE 4435 ST
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    • 644 4 PftTHfiY where G Sr yboa> MARLBOROUGH M" InH I PHONE 3100 r.IUII ROAD 11 am, MS, 43*. 710 930 pm. 4 Shows Daily:- 1 30— 3.30— C 15— 0 IS THE GOVERNMENTS OF BRITAIN AND USA. Box Office Phone 690t. Present ««QAII OP^i THftFP" "THE TRUE GLORY" OftiLURO i ntULL
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 190 4 TODAYS RADIO (From Singapore) RED NETWORK on 225 metres. 31 metre* and 41 metres from noon to 2 p m. and from 6 30 p.m. to 10 31 p.m Chinese noon to 1.15 p.m. (news In Hokklen at 1 p.m.; In Cantonese at 1.10 p.m.). and from 6.30 pm. to
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