The Straits Times, 29 August 1941

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 245 1 Try MIEN CHONG TAILORING 34 Coleman St.. Spore. rhonr 481* Available— Suit Lenctlu "Rockviilr" Suiting*— U.S.A. WAIN SHIELL'S In silk and Wool AIM AMERICAN SHAIIItSKIN. la «»rtoui colour* I Miriiinax iH i ;IMrt& fin PPc" c P'otcction 11 oow universally recognized v I flßf 1 brmtng on e»sential part ol
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    • 6 1 SINGAPORE 140 CKCIL ST. ('PHONE 5471/,
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    • 30 1 RUDGE BRITAIN'S BEST BICYCLE NEW SHIPMENT RECEIVED Sole Agents: KEE HUAT RADIO CO. 122-124, Orchard Road, Singapore Phone 4566. r£ fmm f ATTACKS Mima mi [jj||j|J§j|[yTWwn*tnTrWTTTTrtM Petroleum Co.. (S.S.J Ltd.
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    • 146 1 FINAL EDTN. KUALA LVMFVR 25 JAVA ST. CPUONK 36*31. Bulova JtWiiSuk^ WATCHES V WBMSScM/J^lr7J \nimiMmu lit 4«S bbW^^^bV watch— <n the charm and colour of 1 naturai gold jr the pomdar new ptnk '^#^^B^^ S '^^^^Bi^P^^^^^^^ ffoJ<J— and a »econd «o««. o/ w*i«e /t» <talßt feminise du»' v txo«ti/«U» y^B^^^
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    • 39 2 Mr. Tan Peng Ghee and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all the Irirtirts and relatives who naid night visits, sent wreath and scrolls etc., and attended the funeral of trie late Mi. Tan Slew Klan.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 646 2 FAI.CONKR-CAIRNCROSS.— The engagement is announced of John Falconer, M C S., to Dorothy Jean Calrncroas of Sydney, Australia. •LOW-WISEMAN. At St. Andrew's cathedral, Singapore, on Aug. 16. Lt. Rex Blow, second son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Blow, Brisbane, Australia, and Diana Mary, second daughter of Hon. Mr. George
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    • 623 2 1 AGENTS WANTED WANTED wholesale agents and stockists ,ar doth and hosier) goods Rates very competitive. Terms liberal Samples and particulars tree from:— POPPY HOUSE, LUDHIANA. FOR HIRE REFRIGERATOR— New or Dsed. Phone «33 DOGS 8c CATS FOB SALE, Thorougbred male Siamese kitten. Telephone 6620 after 6 p.m. WANTED, well
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    • 669 2 BOARD RESIDENCE WINDSOR HOTEL, 145 Klllney Road, one large double and single *oom. bath attached, mod. san. hotwater, under European supervision. Phone 7876. 113, PASIR PAN JANG ROAD, 5V4 milestone, well furnished room «Ith large verandah and private bathroom (ms.) Available Ist September Telephone *****. BEA-ntONT— Local leave ana Board-Res
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    • 918 2 AUCTION NOTICE Execution No. 36|41. Suit No. 182 of 1941. SHERIFFS SALE IN TBZ HIGH COURT OP THE STRAITS SETTLEMENT'S. Settlement of Singapore. Writ of Seisure and Sale dated the 28th day of Mar. 1941. IN THE CAUSE OP Optorg Company (Malaval Ltd. PI^AINTTFT VERSUB Sin Heng Pineapple Factory DEFENDANT.
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    • 423 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY ffijbMP/ON \OPTICAL C 2 4. ARCADE BUM... PHONE 19*2 R. A. Thompson. Dr of Oca la r Science 35 yean' European Clinical Experience A Nos PIANO WANTED by European. BUte price and Make. Box No 997. Straits Times. PLATER- PIANO, American made, with rolls to match—
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    • 132 2 BUSINESS CARDS Etc. J.4E. HALL LTD. (DARTFORD) ICB PLANTS. COLD STORAOa Am CONDITIONING INSTALLA. TIONB ALLIANCE ENGINEERING CO.. LTD. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. FOR A PERMANENT ■SfSl -*2J*j*«** ls 'or" t eWSsS*^"^ PERMANF.M HAVING "v'egeTawle s beds" Fresh Supply of Frenrh bean. Long bean, Sword bean, Brinjal. Carrot, Chill. Chinese
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  • 305 3 London. Aug. 28. REFERRING to the progress of Allied operations In Iran. The Times in a leader points out that reports from neutral sources Indicate that the Shah is now anxious to negotiate an amicable settlement, and adds. "It should be a first
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 69 3 Shanghai. Aug. 58. MR. Aw Boon-Haw, well-known Singaporean, has announced that he woold contribute t10.000.000 (Chinese currency) to the Chinese Government for establishment of hospitals and maternity clinics In various parts of China on the day China achieve, final victory over Japan, according to Chinese
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 414 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Incoroorstea in England I PKKINSM.AM ANO OKIKNIAt 9. CO MAIL rASSFNC.KR %NU CARCO SERVICE The aesl asasiMe services an acini omMb tainetf the P O a N Ca. fram the BtralU to their asaal warts ol call «p Chlaa India Ovloa
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    • 110 3 N. Y. K. LINE. TO JAPAN SINGAPORE TO KANMON. KOBE AND YOKOHAMA. TO INDIA Sing-spore and Penan* to Colombo and Bombay also Rangoon and Calcutta. Indication of any sailings available will be given on Application. NIPPON YUSEN KAISYA (Incorporated In Japan) Meyer Chambers, 16. Raffles Place. Tel. Nos. 5841. 5842
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    • 448 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed, all cargo bookings subject to Conference War Clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARC Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first claas passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 270 3 Radio News In English I.M 8.8.C tin* irn sa ».M Maaila (KZBST 11 aa CM 8.8.C tl S3 am b.b.c ts.s: m 1M llannri (relay B-B.C I tti UU I J» MM a I.M Slaoaaw (rela/ l&Ci tti. 4s M I.U M.S* m >.<1 Bawra«s) M m tit la.lh.arSK
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    • 92 3 I \^Lt aH %iswutifid r fdeti, Nothing can outshioa Stiver cleaned writ j "Sih o.' Quirkl/ and it impart* a glittering polish which shuws up the full beauty of the metal. It contains n» arid or mrrcu r y and you can safely us* it to keep all your
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 483 3 Broadcasting TO-DAT SINGAPORE ZHX. US m. 1133 k/c*. ZHr.l M.M m 9.M m r% ZHF.t W.M M. «.17» ZHrM. 41 1* m 12% me*. ZHL, ZHn. ZHPt mall ZHP1 10 a.m. Comical Sketches; 11 m. Recorded Tamil rouble, 11. JO am. Hu.du»tani music on gramoptoone records; 12 noon Matinee Concert
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    • 377 3 EMPIRE STATION KASTtRN StgVllt Sit pa. ll.M »-m •a CSV 17.11 mtmt U.M metre* GSr 1S.U e»; UJI mtun. OSD U.'.S m e%. la-&3 awtres. C.15 p.m. London Cailjnc; «.3O p.m. Nrws; S 35 p.m. War Commentary; 45 p.m. Listening Po«t; 8.5C p.m. The Blue Peter— Merchant Navy Magazine Oeonre
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  • 495 4 HONGKONG BANKS RISE TO $740 TINS AND RUBBERS STEADY (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore. Aug. 29. "THE share markets opened quietly this morning but the tone was steady and prices are not expected to show any great movement to-day. The feature of yesterday's markets was the further
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  • 131 4 Dow Jones Averages New York. Aug. 28. r[E following were the Dow Jones Averages when the New York Stock Exchange and Commodtv Exchange closed to-day and yesterday Wall Street wax almost unanimously lookIng forward to greater activity after Labour Day. and most of the trading element to-day anticipated
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  • 147 4 IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued yesterday, Outhrie and Co. Ltd. write The domestic release fcr .he fourth quarter has b?en fixed at IIV/i per cent. Arrangements are being made to make valid during the fourth quarter any third quarter export credits not
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  • 78 4 Singapore, Friday, Aug. 2J. noon. Barer* SrtJer« rrlees rriee* Na.Dtft.SS (Spot loose) lIS Wfi No. IX K.R.& f«b m rases Aug.-Sept. •Seller's •attont Sl% (9Mi G.F.A.Q. R.S.S fo.j In bales Aog.-Srpt. (Seller's •pttom U% ttH F.A.Q. R8 8 k ta kales Aag.-Seßt (Sellers opfiom 17*4
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  • 75 4 ■■M □ambler Hamburg Cub* ■lava Cube ?<rpra Mixed $240 Sun Dried S2.65 White Muntolc White Black iaoo Flour Mr Llntga »i<i Pair *5J5 Sarawak $4 "5 SmaJl Flake Fab- Flake Medium-Pearl Small Pearl 'etaicnt) Palrmbang Bacja Sarawak lie* aiam fUc* (Special) PR N| KO. 1 <»o Ho
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  • 176 4 Rangoon demand 154 Tf.t following art M* «xcnan*c ratat (Mr mcrnlr.g according o U.t daily clrc :lai ism* o» tat HoMsun* vie inanchaj Btniirii Corporation-— MUM LooaOD 1.1 2/4 132 Umdon demand 1/4 S/tt Switzerland <T.T. only) 202 46 New York demand 47.10 Montreal demano 61. M Batavta atmar.j
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  • 57 4 New York, Aug. 28. THE following were the prices ol Straits tin In cents per pound on the Commodity 'Exchange to-day and yesterday. Trading in rubber was suspended. AU(. Alt A IN: Spot September October NoTember December 52 51.90 51.40 51.00 50 50 Unltei
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  • 240 4 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokert' Association. Singapore. Aug. 28. Bouta i otaj fa Company DMdoid CIom Oat* to on louctu tck. TIN Ftytbte D»u tr i»tAust Amal. 3d. Noll lHd. bonus J5»t Aust. Malay 9d. No. 53 M. bonus 8ep. 3 Sep. 12 Sep 3 15%
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  • 603 4 BEDFORD AND ROTHIEMAY DROPOSINO the adoption of tli" re- port and accounts at the annual meeting of Bedford Plantations Ltd. in Kuala Lumpur recently. Mr. R. P. Brash, the chairman, said: A further agreement was <-nt*red in August 1M0 between the Rnbfcrr Resertv Company, U.S.A.. tnd
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  • 445 4 SHAREHOLDERS In Rothlcmay 'Selangori Rubber Estates Ltd. voted their chairman. Mr. Jack Murray, la sum of $1000 In addition to his norma: fee as a director, on the eve of proceeding on leave. This was done tn "appreciation of the valuable work which Mr. Murray has carried out
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  • 75 4 RUBBER production in Malaya In July was 57.261 tons, compared with 49.281 tons in June. The July production on large estates was 32,489 tons, compared with 31.519 tons In June while production on estates of less than 100 acres was 24.772 tons In July, compared
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  • 38 4 *¥*HE price of rubber (or purpose of assessment of export duty in tht F.M.B. for the period Aug. 29 to Sept. 4. inclusive, has been determined at 39 cents a pound, states a Gazette notification
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 570 4 AUCTION NOTICES THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE Of modern European relished teak household furniture of every description, elec rlc refrigerator, cabinet gramophone, records, crockery, glassware, etc. etc to be held at No. 11. Nallur Road (V& mile-stone off East Coast Rd.) on Sunday, August. Slit. 1941. at 11 A.M. On
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    • 264 4 ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE Of Well-made Cross Grain Pa'tern OakStained Teak household furniture Comprising: An excellent toned German -made upright piano by Gebr. Zlmmermann; Marconi Radio Receiver; American Jaw Set; Old German Violins; Guitars; Banjos; PADMORE half -sized Billiard Table complete h Complete set of Leveling and surveying machines; Westminster Chime
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    • 250 4 PUBLIC NOTICES AVER PANAS RUBBER ESTATE, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements INTERIM DIVIDEND. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Interim Dividend of 6% on account of the financial year ending 31st January. 1942. has been declared by the Directors payable on Friday, the 10th of October. 1M1. NOTICE IS
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  • 370 5 Sentiment More Cheerful London. Aug. 28. rrt M turnover was moderate on the Stock Exchange to-day but sentiment was decidedly more checifulon the general war news. Prices mostly trnrl?d higher Including giltedged securities, Home rails and industrials, particularly Gulnnsss, Imperial Chemicals and tobaccos. Oils were also bitter,
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  • 118 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES (Prom Our Own Oorrnpondent) London, Aug. 28. POMMODITY and Exchange market! closed a* follows wltti previous quotations id parenthesis: New York: Not received. COTTON: Closed for duration or wax. PtPPERWhite Muntok: 17d. (16\d) Lampong black In bond' 9d. (Ml. TIN: Pinner. Spot: £257 (£2s6^i I forward: £259', (£259%
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  • 192 5 Malls dose at the General Pact OOce as follows TO. DAT Australia air 4 p.m. Java air 4 p.m. New Zealand air 4 p.m. Medan air tl a.m. TO-MORROW Aden atr 13.30 p.m. Africa air 12.30 p.m. Australia air 12.30 p.m. Burma air 12.30 p.m. Ceylon
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  • 1349 5 MONTHS' Other cinema and entertainment announcements appear on pages 2, 4. 5 and 7 THURSDAY, AUG. 28, 1H1: 4 FJL ■imiMO eayen SeHen Ampat (5s) 3a 7Hd Ss Ausiral Amal (S«) 7a Is 4%d c.d. Austral Malay (C) J3s 6d 34* 6d cd. Ayer HlUm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 196 5 Bss&^aaT^^ssa^TC^B^^^^^ M. \e-^»i^Leo^' :1 sB asPJ W^* T.. < T < T^TC^tJiS^*--*'*' ■^■■baß^^r* a^lSsaW --H nUZmj l>lwlr^S»'S??^HaM SaaV ■aw fc^Sssr a "~*~*'"™'?£!'tZ?i*---' miJm -Till HsrWß "l^ <■■ *"*^yl ■^saaaJrj f 'T^Jwfj Lsssf' Ws ffi»^M >. >J I <J><»ii'»i~'"'-*j**|^^PJt I i-f_L— -J^ssTM W "DUTT Pn 2se I P^ JT_ I BATTERY
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    • 133 5 AN ACCREDITED FACT SKETOLENE Jkji* I fc PREVENTS 75 cents and 5125 Stocked b> all Chemists and Store* Sol* Distributors GRAFTOi LABORATORIES Ltd. Stafapara, Kaala .ampw aad Prnan*- "IF YOU WART TO 10 SOMETHING WELL" "IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING WELL 70a must do it yourself." said oar forefathers.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 199 6 COMING to the PAVILION •^JJrBBYJ 1^ A sfrSnqp.wondrous interlude ry/^^^ttU^B against terror I ■Vv^BsS 'ft l. \^h _^M*m* t BBBB» •'W» *Bl "i. 4 I *"-^*>^R^B ■"B -a. _S^U^- yln Vi^iRfIIHRMiIHRRRRRMPMiiRRI v BJ |^r FORMBY'S GREATEST ■^^i^^^i^^^^Pril COMEDY RIOT THAT HAS I"' M *'^B 'flfl SHAKEN THE WHOLE KATONG bWrVBBrBBIB^bIrTrWbI
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    • 151 6 jfffflK Tfl-DAY^T; x Special 11 a.m. /,|if*lfcll i|i^^i "4^4 lICRIIIIIG SHOWS ftjRLJ Mr TC-MCKXOW sunday A WELCOME CHANGE FROM THE TOO-TALKATIVE SOPHISTICATED TALKIE" LAUGHS AND THRIIT nut tl««»"H»rtllw»»t f«»» I wW^rl^' I ACTION speaks louder than WORDS in this Rousing Tale of the Great Outdoors! SPECIAL! The AUSTRALIAN 6th DIVISION
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  • 295 7 Gibraltar, Aug. 28. riBRALTAR is very much a going concern and its defences are daily becoming more formidable, writes Reuter's special correspondent. The lessons of Crete, he says, have been carefully considered and, although conditions are very different, every effort has
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 172 7 Zurich, Aug. 28. "THE German tactics are being dlf- ferentlated more and more from the conceptions of the Blitzkrieg we sajv in France," saj-3 the Berlin correspondent of the Gazette de Lausanne. The Germans have given up deep penetrations of enemy territory and ar.?
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 86 7 Zurich, Aug. 28. GERMANY'S need of manpower is further Indicated by reports from the Berlin correspondent of Neve Zuercher Zsitung which states that, according to official circles in Berlin, fonnei Polish subjects who obtained German nationality since the conquest of Poland are being conscripted for the
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 89 7 London. AUf 38. I SEVERAL, high Nail personages. Including I>r. Ley, Labour Minister, have transferred their private fortunes from South America to Switzerland, says a dispatch from the German frontier to the Independent French agency. In their alarm at recent events in South America, particularly
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 59 7 London, Aug. 28. "DURING th_> M?ht a small number of enemy aircraft flew over the east coast of England." says the Air Ministry and Ministry of Home Security communique this morning. "Bombs were dropped at a few points but no damage or casualties have been
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 51 7 Nairobi, Aug. 28. rpHE Empress of Abyssinia arrived A here to-day by special train from Momba.v-a and was welcomed by the Crown Prince who had flown from Addis Ababa for her arrival. The Empress and her son are leaving by air for the Abyssinian capital tomorrow.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 178 7 Diplomats Active In Ankara i Ankara, Aug. 28. INTENSE diplomatic activity was noticeable here to-day, the first caller upon the Turkish Fbreign Minister, M. Sarajoglu, this morning being Sir Hughe Kiiatchbull-Hugessen. British Ambassador. He was followed by the Ambassadors of the United States, Iran, Italy and Germany. Much speculation has
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 103 7 Lisbon, Aug 28 RELIABLE news has been received from Bucharest that »he Soviet bombardment pf oil wells and refineries which, incidentally, emptied oil tanks at Constanza, has created a petrol shortage in Rumania. The use of petrol has >een officially prohibited except by the military and
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 91 7 Ouibcrra, Auj. M. AN ail trairuug corps oC 78 squadron with 15.600 cudets agfd 16 to 18 In trminint to the Aiistndlan Air Mlnlater, Mr. I. Mdtweo I aim. Squadroevs would be formed la Uw c«ptt>l. cities and Urge country centres with (Ucnta and half W(hts
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  • 33 7 Cairo, Aug 2S. r 1 is officially announced hen that la an air raid last night In the Bmb Canal area seven people were killed and 30 injured. The damage wh .slight Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 1258 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUG. 29, 1941. (726th. Day Of The War.) Stupid Arguments Of all the stupidly Illogical arguments put forward by Japan In attempts to Justify the many weird demands that she has made from time to time, those regarding the shipment of war supplies from the
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 300 8 "Handkerchief's" Letter Causes Anger "Handkerchief's" letter In the Straits Times of Wednesday last has produced a storm of criticism. There have been more replies to It than to any letter on any subject since the Income tax controversy was at Its height. Shortage of space makes It
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    • 64 8 "The letter from "Handkerchief" would make extremely amusing reading were it not so absurd. He seems to think that consumption Is a disease exclusive to the East It seems to I me most unwise to do anything at the present time that would tend to stress the already too wide
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    • 94 8 "May I suggest that when the Singapore Traction Co. is ordered to run separate services for Europeans only, the Municipality be ordered to construct separate roads running parallel to the present ones, to be used by Europeans only The proprietor of every cinema should be compelled to build a separate
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    • 103 8 "I do not think 'Handkerchief has gone far enough. He should nave asked for special roads built, say, not less than ten thousand feet in the air. where he and his kind could walk and drive free from contamination. Perhaps he has forgotten that the newspaper he reads and handles
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    • 26 8 'Handkerchief, in emphasising a hygienic point of view, has forgotten the convenience of other people Did he not hear Mr. Attlee's broadcast about class distinction "—Towel.
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    • 12 8 "I simply cannot understand why you should print 'Handkerchiefs' preposterous letter." Hank-er-self.
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    • 103 8 "The question of having special buses for Europeans only could not have been < brought forward at a less appropriate I time Petrol rationing has arisen directly out of the war. which all of us. I European or otherwise, are doing our I best to help U> win. Yet here
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    • 55 8 'Handkerchiefs' views should have been the very last to receive publicity at a time like the present If the case is properly put to the authorities at Home, I am sure they will provide shipping space for the transport of special buses to accommodate 'Handkerchief, otherwise the poor devil will
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    • 76 8 I "The letter Irom "Handkerchief I makes unpleasant reading. We British citizens are all fighting, whether we I are Europeans or Asiatics, for the cause of Democracy. I would strongly suggest to 'Handkerchief that before he writes more tactless letters to the Press, he should ponder very carefully the possible
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    • 55 8 "At a time such as this. It U extremely disheartening to read the letter by 'Handkerchief. When the majority of Asiatics In this country are contributing toward the war effort {when everyone Is made to believe that I racial prejudice no longer exist*, uo comes this suggestion ot Handkerchief.' It
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    • 651 8 Salted And Canned, Or Frozen? To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Everyone had been anxiously awaiting the outcome of diplomatic exchanges between the Governments of Great Britain, Soviet Russia and Iran and was growing Impatient at the deliberate delay of the Iranians in replying to the
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    • 202 8 Where Young Men Spend Their Money To the Editor of the Straita Times Sir,— Much has been said recently regarding the debts of clerical employees, and much Is being done to remedy this evil. I feel that some restriction should be enforced by the authorities concerned to prevent small
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    • 612 8 Britain And U.S. Must Police The World To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— In the excellent parable contained In your article beaded The Gangster and the Urchin" you left your readers with the impression that s certain nation to the East of Singapore was likened to
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    • 305 8 Alternative Suggestion For Mr. Hubback To the Editor of the Strait* Tunc« Sir. It Is surprising indeed. In these times of the gravest crisis, that so much paper, time etc.. Is spent on subjects which could well be kept in abeyance until alter the war. One of these
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 221 8 We s tocb tbe biggest range of Chi new Bed -sheet*. The quality is tbe finest we have ever imported. In various Colours and in Various sizes at Low Prices. ALSO III.L OW CASES TO MAT: II guaranteed Fast Colours. GIAN SINGH CO. 4, Battery Rd Singapore These machines are
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    • 7 8 JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician. 21, BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 598 9 Konoye Sends Note To Mr. Roosevelt SERIES OF PARLEYS MAY BE HELD, SAYS CORDELL HULL Tokio Pessimistic Over Outcome Of Discussions THE Japanese Ambassador in Washington, Adm. K. Nomura, yesterday delivered to President Roosevelt a personal message from the Japanese Prime Minister, Prince Konoye,
    Reuter  -  598 words
  • 288 9 JAPAN STILL MASSING MEN IN INDO-CHINA MANCHUKUO Shanghai, Aug. 29. WHILE Japan is massing troops In southern Indo-China and northern Manchuria threatenins Malaya and Siberia respectively, Chinese forces along the eastern r>.aboard have suddenly swuiik into action, according to Chinese field dispatc'nes received in Cuungk'ng. The Chinese have launched simultaneous
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 107 9 Chungking Protests At Border Raid Chungking. Aug. 29. I^HE Chinese Foreign Office has pro- tested against the violation of the Chinese frontier by French troops from Indo-China and are demanding a guarantee of their withdrawal and the right to claim indemnity. The protest said that more
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  • 82 9 Rangoon, Aug. 29. TEH not "blitzed" man In Burma today is Mr. Richard dc Graafe Hunter, Uit new Civil Defence Commissioner. His last job In England was Chief of Stall to Wlng-Commandei, E. J. Hudson, which involved rushing to every nook iind corner In
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 97 9 Cairo, Aug. 29. BOMBERS and fighters of the RAF and South African Air Force were active in the Middle East, states the R.A.F. communique issued yesterday. Three enemy planes were shot down while attempting to attack shipping in the Mediterranean and two others
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 46 9 London, Aug. 29. MARSHAL PETAIN, French Chief of State- and Prime Minister, left Vichy yesterday on a three-day visit to Gascony, says a Vichy dispatch to the official German news agency. He was accompanied by Adm Darlan, the VicePremier.^ Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 575 9 London, Aug. 29. THE successful Soviet counterattack in the central sector led by Gen. Konev is still continuing, according to information given on the Moscow radio yesterday. During the fierce fighting of the last few days one German division has been annihilated, its
    Reuter  -  575 words
  • 189 9 I No Decisive Results Achieved By Nazis rIERE feems to b» some justification .'or a slightly more optimistic outlook, states a Renter military commentator in regard to the situation on the Eastern Front. It wjuld certainly took as though the third German offensive has passed
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 350 9 Allies' Pledge To Iranians Will Withdraw When Normalcy Restored London, Aug. 29. I "THE announcement by the new Irani ian Prime Minister, All Funighl, in I the Majlis (National Assembly) that Iran's troops had been ordered not to oppose the Allied advance In Iranian territory and the unanimous approval with
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  • 375 9 Effect On Germany Of "Cease Fire" In Iran London, Aug. 29. *¥*HE effects of the cease flre In Iran, coupled with the British occupation of Syria and Iraq, have been to make the blockade of Germany from the point of view of the economic warfare tighter
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 656 9 "No Material Or Food For Fascists," Says Moscow's Spokesman London, Aug. 29. THE Russians have sacrificed the great £100,000,000 Dnieprostroy Dam on the Dnieper River, the first creation of th« Soviet Five-Year-Plan," so that the Germans would be unable to use its machinery, according
    Reuter  -  656 words
  • 74 9 Stockholm, Aug. 28. THE Russians are repoited to have blown up the locks in the Saima Canal, the lifeline of the fortress of Viipuri (Vjborgi and one of the most important Finnish waterways. The Finns are reported tc have captured five villages north of Viipuri.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 OTHER CABLES in pages 7, 10, 13 aqd 16
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    • 47 9 ...^.^^^py "few «4o«rf (0/ pou Kmbbit IJ\ Sj7 Rmb6it U •««*> for \j !S \S//\ "tough /or dinntrf \^f^ four per ton* mmk,,m /7Q R Hmvour€ j deliciouiand \J\ >*T> Rubbit,tconomi, I V/> fJ t'ndtr PIOIE S37S FIVE LUES C.B. 2MA Advt 0/ Sinfopor* Cold Storagt Co. IM.
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  • 501 10 Tampin School Economizes On Its Sports Day nONATIONS to The War Fund amount to a little over U $1,500 to-day and carry the gross total to $5,769,659. There are several features of particular interest in the latest list of acknowledgments. Employees on an
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  • 85 10 T*HE Island Flying Club, formed some time i;o to provide British and non-British A. is with an opportunity to learn flying. re< 17 offered its cash reserves to the Go -ment as a free-of-intereat loan, aeron Dg to Mr. L. W. Geddes who recently
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  • 16 10 GOVERNMENT control of British railways was announced last night, states Reuter.
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  • 40 10 Hanoi, Aug. 29. I ADM. Decoux left here by plane ior Pnom-Penh to attend the Incineration of the late King of Cambodia, after which he will proceed to Saigon. Everything is quiet in Indo-Chlna. United Prem
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  • 22 10 The annual meeting of the Indian Association will be held an Sunday at the Clerl- cal Union Hall, at 9 30 a.m.
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  • 236 10 Visit To Shanghai Advocated Shanghai, Aug. 29. •THE suggestion that Mr. Duff Cooper should visit Shanghai in the course of his mission to the Far East was made by Mr. H G. W. Woodhead, noted British commentator. In the Shanghai Evening Post. He says that If the
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 296 10 A'IRIPLE guillotine in the courtyard of Sante prison, Paris, yesterday moi ing ushered in the new terror law: by which the Germans and French quislings hope to stem the increasing unrest in France. It til ci> ii' il by the Vichy news agency last night as
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  • 40 10 MR. Plesman, managing director of tbc K.LAI. Rryai Netherlands air line, is now In prison at a camp near Scheveningen where a number of other prominent Hollanders are Imprisoned, says the free Dutch newspaper VrlJ Nederland Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 51 10 "TIIE Chinese Cioodwill Mission headed by Dr Monlin Chiang, chancellor of tl»e National Peking University, arrived in Rangoon yesUrday The leudpr of tlie mLssion pxpressing xreut pleasure in visitiiiK Burma. sUted "We look forward to furthering our ties of mutual friendship at this hour uf democratic solidarity."—Rev
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  • 96 10 KAI'I IRf MOM I Dinner and duo < informal* H p.m. m Midnight. OKt I U :>KI.I> Cabaret Nlglil Dance 9.30 to Midnight. Globe: Hudson* Bay Sky: 'I'll.' Mad Emprexs Him mi IKK (Happy Work), Moernl. Seadde: Terry nnd til.- PlratM NfcW VVOKI.I) Talkli. rnestru, ana (Jinemia Sldr show
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  • 471 10 A.I.F. Men Relate Experiences "¥F the Japanese strike at Thai- land, they are in for a hot reception,' declare sick and injured A.I.F. men who have returned to Sydney from Malaya. Malaya is a fortress, and the A.I.F. men standing to arms on the Thailand border are
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  • 149 10 At The Cinema Dark Command (Claire Trevar, John Warn,, and Walter FMc«Mk>. RcpabUr. At the Alhambri. THIS film tells the history of the state of Kansas during the American civil war. Its title. "Dark Command," refers to the i hordes of guerilla*, ted by
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  • 102 10 Wyamiac (Wallace Beery, Aaa Rnthrrford. Lea Carrilto and Mar)orte Main). M.G.M. At the Capitol SURPASSING other films of the great open spaces with the pioneer days In the United States tor background, this M.G.M. picture has a strong appeal and stars Wallace Beery In what
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  • 33 10 Under the auspices of the Young lien'i Cultural Union, a musical social will be held at the Ramakrishna Minion premises la Singapore at 6.30 p.m. to-morrow. The mission orchestra will render musical selections.
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  • 350 10 London, Aug. 29. THE relentless German penetration into Russia re-emphasizes to the point of extreme urgency the need for all-out British and American production during the next six months, according to informed opinion in London. Otherwise, it is believed, the Allies— and
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  • 54 10 Lieut-General V. A. H. Sturdee. Chief of the Australian General Staff (centre) at the Ar.zac Club during his visit to Singapore. Others, left to right, are Mrs. C. O. HoweU, club committee member, Mr. E G. Staunton, assistant secretary, Mrs. Staunton, committee member, and Mr.
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  • 362 10 MALA YAN'S EXPERIENCE WHEN SHIP BOMBED (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Aug. 29, THE story of how a Malayan, going home on leave, was virtually snatched from the jaws of death after having been adrift for 36 hours in a lifeboat, whose oars had been washed away, was told me
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  • 72 10 London, Aag 2*. QUEEN WUheUnina to-day visited the Dutch troop* in camp in the Midlands. She presented a new standard to the Royal Netherlands Brigade and renamed the brigade after her youngest granddaughter. Princess Irene, who b now in Canada. She npiimd her conviction that
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  • 252 10 "Policy Might Well Be Revised" UNTIL it can definitely be ascertained that no hardship is caused in the countries concerned, the present system in Malaya of reducing import from Empire sources mii?ht well be revised. Expressing this view in an interview with a Straits Times reporter, Mr.
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  • 198 10 Canberra, Aug. 29 AFTER Mr. A W. Fadden had been elected to succeed him as Prime Minister, Mr. R. O. Menzies said he was not resigning his leadership of the United Australia Party and announced his willingness to serve under Mr. Pad den. Although he
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 14 10 I Singapore Municipal Commissioners will tM I holding thru- budget meeting on Nor. 7.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 187 10 q J? SEATS ELECTRIC COOKERS present the finest examples of modern kitchen Vs O >s r- ~~T equipment. The beauty of line is new, whilst *_7n^a the finish will satisfy the most discriminating ©3^^^ t«ste. On the left is shown the smaller size, Cat. No. m^ DC.IOO, suitable for households
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  • 194 11 PEDESTRIANS MOTORISTS Witness's Remark To Coroner A WITNESS whose nephew had been rV knock-d down with fatal consequences, by a motor-bus in Queen Street on Aug. 19 told the Singapore Coroner. Mr. W. O. Porter, yesterday, "There wculd be fewer fatal accidents i' motorists would exercise greiter care when pedestrians
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  • 135 11 AT a meeting of the Services Enter- tainment Committee at the committee's office in Raffles Museum under the chairmanship of Major-Gen. Keith Simmons it was decided that the projected Services Club in Singapore should be placed under control of a management committee. The following were
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  • 328 11 Search Continues For Building To Serve As Headquarters WHEN Mr. A. Duff Cooper, British Cabinet Minister and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, arrives in Singapore by Clipper next week probably on Thursday on his special mission for the War Cabinet, he will
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  • 113 11 •yHF. recommendations of the McLean Commission on Higher Education in Malaya have encouraged an anonymous Chinese to pay for the equipment for the teaching of the full general science course at St. Andrew's School, Singapore. A cheque for $10,000 has been handed to the principal by
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  • 154 11 THE Director of Economic Affairs, Dr. H. Van Mook. announced in the Volksraad on Monday that an organization had been formed which was to act as a central purchasing organization of certain kinds of goods on behalf of the Netherlands Indies, in order to provide
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  • 121 11 A VERDICT of suicide oy drinking i caustic soda wts recorded by the Singapore Conner, Mr. W. O. Porter, 1 yesterday at an inquiry Into the death of a 26-year-old carpenter, Wu Wai Yin. who was found lying in his room in Erskine Road
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  • 66 11 AN examination service has been established at Kuching, Sarawak. Examination vessels are stationed between Santubong and Sungei Seol in the Santubong River and between Po Point and Goebiit in the Sarawak River. The examination anchjnges are between Buntal and Seol Rivers in the Santubong Rivar and
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  • 73 11 /CHARGED with committing criminal it trnst in respect of $2,691.88 while employed as a clerk in Chop Tew Joo Hcng, Lim Kheng Chung claimed trial in the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday. The offence was alleged to have been committed between July 29 and
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  • 234 11 Licensee Appeals Against Conviction ITNDER sentence of imprisonment and with his cafe licence cancelled, Tan Kee Siang, licensee of the Modern Cafs in Jalan Besar, appealed against the declflcn of the lower court before the Chief Justics, Sir Percy McElwalne, yesterday. Dr. C. H. Withers
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  • 120 11 DURING his stay in Malaya, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Stewart Burnett, Chief of Air Staff, Royal Australian \ir Force, flew to air stations in n rthern Malaya to inspect R.A.A.F. units. Both he and Lieut -Oen. V. A H. Sturdee. Chief of the Australian General
    120 words
  • 80 11 JUDGMENT in the appeal by Ong Joo J Chin, who is under sentence of seven months' simple imprisonment for an alleged traffic offence was reserved in the Singapore High Court yesterday by Mr. Justice Worley. It was alleged that On* Joo Chin knocked down an
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  • 70 11 A TOTAL of $257.70 was collected during an hour's sale of car stickers and stamps for the September "Faith In Victory" Drive, at a Rotary Club dinner on Wednesday. The collection was made by helpers of the "Buy A Bomber" Fund, who realized the following
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  • 51 11 THE honorary organizer of the "Buy A Bomber" Fund. Mrs. B. Church, has Informed the Services Entertainment Committee that part ot the proceeds of a special "Faith In Victory" Flag Day will be allotted to the tunds of the committee for the purchase of an'enities for the
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  • 35 11 THE Straits Times Is informed authoritatively that there is no truth in rumours that the new orange-coloured petrol on sale in Malaya gives a smaller mileage per gallon than the type sold previously.
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  • 51 11 Mr. K. T. K. Tangamanl was admitted to practise In the Colony as an advocate and solicitor, by the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McHwaine, In the Singapore High Court yesterday. Mr. J. C. Cobbett made the application on behalf of Mr. Tangamanl. and Mr. E. R. Kock represented the Bar
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  • 308 11 Daylight Saving Advance Local Broadcast Timings OEVERAL changes in Singapore's basic programme timings have been necessitated by the 10-minute advance of Malaya's clocks, effective from Monday, which brings Malaya's time to TJfc hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, instead of 7 hours 20 minutes. These alterations are chiefly of London
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 34 11 Children love GUIDE B 9 BRAND J^^S^l MILK p from pedigree Cows. **^S2^^>*/ c r V ALIKC SOLE AGE NTS: j.^j^g^gjgj^gf-j^n^n m"" 'HUM ■r^nnmii-rwiiif^'^* I'-*1 MAI APIA X^' soldier and black band. Flit spray
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  • 540 12 INDIAN GOVERNMENT PUNJAB PREMIER Prompt Reply To Statement By Sir Sikander Hyat-Khan Simla, Aug. 27. THE Government of India has promptly replied to a statement made by Sir Sikander Hyat-Khan, Premier of the Punjab, on resigning from his seat in the National Defence Council. The Government's reply states that when
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  • 165 12 Churchill Speech Interpretations Batavia, Aug. 25. DRACTICALLY the entire Nether1 lands Indies listened to the latest speech of Mr. Winston Churchill, i British Prime Minister. Nirom 'broadcast extracts, and subsequentlly relayed records made of the speech. "Those who had believed that the eight points published constituted
    165 words
  • 165 12 Batavia, Aug. 25. T«HE general lines on which the Nether- lands Government in London plans to establish political reforms were sketched by the Netherlands Indies Government Deputy for General Affairs, Dr. Levelt, in the Volksraad to-day. They will be in three stages. The first will
    165 words
  • 112 12 Batavia, Aug. 25. r\R. LEVELT, Netherlands Indies Deputy for General Affairs, commented in the Volksraad (People's Council) on the enthusiasm among the Indonesian population for conscription in the militia as well as voluntary service. In some districts, he said, applications have been so numerous
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  • 125 12 k USTRALIAN troops now In Malaya have made what is perhaps the first direct contribution from the A.I.F. to the Allied forces in Greut Britain. This came about through a raffle organized on a troopship during the voyage from Australia to Singapore. The crew got
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 558 12 DISCLOSED BY Tck Often hidden behind a row of gleaming whit* teeth, decay is sating id way to their nerve centres. Tek "Short-Head" toothbrush. U the only genuine and patented brush which will reach those hidden danger spots, because the specially designed head, fits into the arch behind the teeth,
      558 words
    • 215 12 f BRANDS f OhecJt 9"£sk. I I PASTES j BEEF CHICKEN CHICKEN AND HAM CHICKEN AND TONGUE CHICKEN. HAM GAME AND HAM TONGUE pARTRIDGE HAM AND TONGUE rAKiKiu^t TONGUE TURKEY TURKEY AND HAM TURKEY AND TONGUE Made from the finest selected English Meat, Fish Poultry. They contain no preservatives of
      215 words

  • 386 13 Early Decisive Action To Meet Freezing Orders Embargoes Shanghai, Aug. 28. ANOTHER crisis is brewing in the Japanese Cabinet, ac- cording to reports received from Tokio by non-Axis diplomatic quarters in Shanghai. The reports say the crisis Is brewIng over the failure of the
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  • 120 13 THE B B.C. observer In Singapore says that there is little doubt that Gorman pressure on Japan has been increased in the last two or thr;e days, presumably with the object of embroiling Japan with the Uni'ed States. Hi points out that by doing this
    120 words
  • 137 13 Tokio, Aug. 28 THE emergency situation now con- fronting Japan is In Its most cri- t'.cal stage and therefore the whole notion desires the Government to show courage by "not hesitating to pusn ff.rward with a diplomatic offensive," in the evtnt there is room for a
    137 words
  • 73 13 Bangkok, Am. 2&. rO urtrnt bills sponsored by the (lovrmmtnt, one specifying wartime duties of the Thai people and the other increasing the penalty for anti-national activities in the interest of ether power*. were accepted by the National Assembly this afternoon. The Minister of Justice, introducing
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  • 229 13 Bangkok, Aug. 28. r* IS officially announced that an agreement has been signed between the Yokohama Bpecie Bank and the national banking bureau of the Ministry of Finance for the purchase by Thailand of 25,000,000 bants worth of gold from Japan. If Thailand desires so
    229 words
  • 133 13 Bangkok, Au;. 28. IN his first press interview since he II assumed the o.'^ce of Foreign i Minister, Nal Direk Chalrnam replied to a question by Reuters correspondent I rrgarcnng Japanese Press reports that I the Thai Government Intends to keep 'mechanized forces In the newly-acquir-icd
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  • 103 13 Tokio, Aug. 28. GEN CHIANG KAI-SHEK has issued orders for the opening of a general offensive in north, central and south .China on Oct 10— the Double Tenth festival— the Yomiurl Shimbun reports from Hong Kong to-day. Quoting reliable sources, the newspaper said the present
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  • 318 13 London, Aug. 28 JAPAN has no sort of right to in- terfere with the relations between Russia and the United States, says the Daily Telegraph and the assumption that she can dictate the transport of goods between them is an amazing novelty in diplomacy. The moment
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 253 13 TO OTA L have given new virtues to linenIn making linen resist creasing Tootal gave it new attraction. Tootal Linen is so fresh and smooth in wear, and hoy- f tS^^\ ever much you wash it, it V\w* i comes up still crisp and crease- V^V^7/ resisting. Just wash as
      253 words
    • 181 13 AQUASCUTUM OVERCOATS The coat portrayed here Is tailored to the same exacting standards which have made the name of AQUASCUTUM famous throughout the world for the past 85 years. To wear an AQUASCUTUM Coat Is to experience a feelmr; of comfort and luxury which ls not always to be enjoyed
      181 words

  • 1168 14 Replanting And Shortage Of Labour Limits Output By Our Planting Correspondent THE most extraordinary decision ever reached by the International Rubber Regulation Committee was that last week when it raised the exportable allowance for the last quarter of this year to 120 per cent, of
    1,168 words
  • 870 14 By Our Planting Correspondent IF anyone had asked me a few months ago to what extent have the efforts, begun in about 1910. to grow rubber in the Philippines succeeded, I would have been rather at a loss to reply. It is only since I have
    870 words
  • 148 14 are and a little propaganda, probabiy I through the Department of Informal tion and Publicity, might be carried out through the distribution of prir.tcl material setting out the need for maximum effort on the part of all engaged in producing rubber. An ao;peal of this kind migh* have
    148 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 181 14 BQbl^bb9| You can save petrol and reduce your transport costs very considerably by using a D. C. L. Trailer. It Is a well designed, locally built vehicle Incorporating Ford wheel i ar.d spring equipment. Its safety is assured by automatically operating brakes. Can be hooked to follow a tractor or
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  • 2028 15 Running Order, Non-Acceptors Selections For To-morrow JUAJOR FOX'S stayers, Pro Patria, Alanda, Contango and Kalili. should keep the Singapore trainer's colours flying to-morrow, the third day of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting. Pro Patria, Alanda and Contango will all like
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  • 26 15 AIR H^a quaiters beat the Indian! AasceUtton one-nil in a second! divb.on <b) b-guo soccer match play-, cd at the JCJS.A. yesterday.
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  • 60 15 1-ZXJC folio* in^'are tlie results of first round tirs in St. Andrews O?d Boys' AMoelatlbc'i tennis tournament: Dr. Lai En Foh beat Cheong Ens Han <i 4. 6-2: Dr. Loh Poon Lit b^ot Neo Beng Huclc 6—3, 6—l: Lee Kirn Elt I P Ihooaa 6—l, G 0: K.
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  • 26 15 THE Manchester Regiment beat the Fortress R. E. by frur gsals to nil :i a refer ve division ieague soccer j mat.-h plajvd at Changi yesterday.
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  • 82 15 THE committee of the Singapore Turf Club has decided to make two divisions of the class one hones, one -and- aquarter miles, and will run, in addition to the Gold Cup race, a second division. The stakes for the second division will be $3.5*0 with
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  • 488 15 LOyals 4; g.C.C ALTHOUGH beaten by four goals A to two by the Loyals in a first division league soccer match at Anson Road stadium yesterday, the Singapore Crcik't Club came twiv from the field knowing that if their forwards had only turned the chinees they
    488 words
  • 79 15 FE following have been selected to represent the Makepeace Rovers' "B" team in a friendly badminton i match against the Hurricane Badminton Party at Geylang at 7 p.m. to- nißht: Kan? Soon Teck, M. A. Lange (capt), A. V. Cordelro, George Hoeden, Joseph c*e Souza. C. P. Lan?e,
    79 words
  • 39 15 Rircer: 8 A.F.A. league, first division, RAJ 1 vs. S.C.F.A Anson KMd stadium; second div «i>n (a), R.F (Malays) v*. V.M.<. A V.M C A.; second division <h>, Nival j Base Corinthians vs. J.C.S.A S.H.B.
    39 words
  • 50 15 F[E following have been selected to play soccer for the YM.CA. against the R.E. Malays on the Anson Road ground at 5.10 p.m. to-day: O. Magos; J. Woodbridge, V. Sabapathy: J. Moxon, J. Karim, S. Orton; J Shepherd. G. L. Day. Ralph. X. Spencer, and Wee Ho Leong.
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  • 296 15 R.E. i Pulau Brani) 3; Moravia 2. A HAT-TRICK by Fitigerald gave the R.E. (Pulau Brani) a threetwo decision oySr Moravia in it second division (a) league ssto t -e.flxture on the V.M C A. ground yesterday. The victory puts the Sappers
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  • 680 15 WITH the completion of the H.M.S. Malaya cup competi- tion, which for the twelfth time since 1921 ended successfully for Singapore, all attention is being focussed on the Singapore Amateur Football Association's league competition, which is also entering its final stages. Speculation is rife as
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  • 319 15 Need For Ground Stressed In Annual Report rIS year's North Torsos Sooth hockey enronnter will probably be played in Singapore if the decision of the committee of the sine pTe Horh-y Association, as put forward in the annual report for the year ended Jane 34. meets with
    319 words
  • 81 15 (From Oar Own Corresp mdrnt) IMK. Ao« SHOULD arrangements materials the first pan M la? n hockey carnival will be held in Koala lumpur daring the cominL >erpavali and llari Raya kolidays. The Porak Hockey As<cia i<>n is taking the initiative and eir-u .■»■■< have already
    81 words
  • 254 15 To-day's Training At Bukit Timah rIANKS d.d a fins galljp on the second track of the race cours? at Bukit Timah this m rnlng wh?n a few of to-mtwr^w's ninnins w:re brought out for slow and fact wrk. The rcing was good. Than Mayo In
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  • 59 15 rE following have been selected to represent the N A.A.P.I. against the AP.C. Sports Club in a ->aatnm'on friendly. comprising three sinf/.es and two doubles, to tw played ai the Haw-Par Gymnasium hall, Rangoon Road, at 8 p.m. on Srnd-n William Tan. Koh Kcnc HurU. Sim Cheng Chwee.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 951 16 Anglo-Soviet Drive Becomes Peaceful Occupation London, Aug. 28. ALL resistance in Iran to the British and Russian forces lias ceased following a "cease (in-" order to the Iranian forces by the Prime Minister of a newly-formed Cabinet. Ali Furughi. In a special statement to
    Reuter  -  951 words
  • 445 16 SOVIET RECAPTURE GOMEL AFTER TWO- DAY BATTLE Germans Claim Heavy Red Army Losses In The Finnish Sector London, Aug. 28. DUSSIAN troops have recaptured Gomel after a two-day counter-attack, halting the German attempt to take Kiev from the rear and to threaten Kharkov, the Daily Mail's Stockholm correspondent reports to-day.
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  • 118 16 Simla. Aug. 21 "U/E do not »»nt your food. We will bring food for those who need It as we are I doing In Syria." dcclaies a pamphJ t, copies of which have been dropped on towns and military stations In Iran, addressed to the Irsn'nn
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 27 16 Washington, Aue. 28. DRINCE LOUIS MOUNTBATTEN has left Washington to take over command of the aircraft-carrier Illustrious which is undergoing repairs at a Ijnited States port. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 126 16 Cairo, Aug. 2*. FLs the earnest desire of the British to end the unhappy situation in DMboutl. Food, wine and medical supplies are waiting to be rushed into *Tench Somaliland. This is the authoritative comment in Cairo on accusations broadcast from Djibouti to the effect that
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 153 16 Britain U.S.S.R. Want Independent Iran London, Aug. 23. "IT is in the ultimate interest of both Britain and Russia that a strong Independent Iranian state should exist," says the weekly periodical Economist in its current Issue. The economist continues, "It is largely because such a state does not exist that
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 324 16 MENZIES RESIGNS FADDEN IS CHOSEN AS HIS SUCCESSOR Canberra, Aug. 28. MR. R. G. Menzies has resigned his position as Prime Minister of Australia and leader of the United Australia Party. The Joint Government party (United Australia and Country parties* has chosen Mr. A. W. Fadden, until now Australian Deputy
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 248 16 London, Aug. 28. THE injuries suffered by Pierre Laval, pro-Nazi former Vichy Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister, when he was shot at Versailles afternoon, are more grave than was thought when he was taken to hospital. This was learned this morning irom! the
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 33 16 London, Aug. 28. BERLIN has reproached the Shah for his lack or vision although only yesterday Berlin was praising him lor his great courage and military genius —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 544 16 London, Aug. 28. TAKING the initiative Jointly with Russia, it was in order to thwart the Germans' clear Intentions to seize the Persian oilfields and use the country as a springboard for attacking India and the Middle East that British and Indian troops under the
    Reuter  -  544 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 82 16 FRIDAY and SATURDAY ABB THE > LAST KAYB OF PARMANAND'S MURDERED PRICES SALES Unrepeatable Prices smashing Bargains 4*, HIGH STREET. CSZ^WS IMPENtTRABU EL@oElpaints THE PAINT THAT STANDS UP GAY'S "IMPENETRABLE D. Q. D is an ideal synthetic base enamel produced under the most exacting factory conditions to stand up to
      82 words
      8 words