The Straits Times, 10 October 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times SO. ai,557 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 10, i9ot PRICE 15 CENf!
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 263 1 NOTICES. IIELTEN BEER Wholesome Palatable! The same beer as supplied on board the M. M. Co steamers. to be :f:r,o:m: all dealers. C. DUPIRE CO., Sole Agents. Caledonian Hotel. l)rive out in the Co of the that. Km th;- dale U atbi u.. uii iu > longer the joint
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    • 687 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ROBINSON CO. Autumn Race Meeting, 1904. A CHOICB SELECTION OF The Latest Designs in Materials FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Suitings Coatings Homespuns Fancy Vests Serges Tennis Flannels RACING SILKS IN ALL THE REGISTERED COLOURS. PANAMA HATS. FELT HATS. ROBINSON CO. reDK T £?L%% Y BT $200 REWARD. NOTICI NOTICE.
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  • 771 2 The Resident's Travels Thk Resides! has rfcitirntu to head quarters l>y river, after .>. month's absence. Starting from Lijis, Mt VVray went overland by toul and train tv I'ort Swettennam, and ibencv by tbeSeiangoi Yacht Btmmida to Koala I'ahang, lYk-m, aod Kaantao, n'« [Singapore, \Vhile at Pekan, thi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 545 2 NOTICES. "Sledge" Brand FULL CREAM Natural Milk. Sledge Brand Sterilized A PERFECT FOOD. li n| Sterilizatluu tl h MilU undergo.* lender* it abtulntuly Iree from all inlrctiiMi- i;oi m-. and make; il A PERFECT FOOD (or hiiMiii- aad InraLVU, an.l i« the i..-t let aomwtie paraoMi The Ban Mat Alps
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    • 78 2 A Kmt.M) in Nil i) i* a r. Tiiiit ii exactly what Cftanberlaiu i Cough Remedy ia. It v tb* help wfit-n ilm is w»Undj »w»l tin- night by tlu- CWUDOIU hliak] and labored br athinfl ol h< is the reaort ol the Tooth L-1..H l,f lum "eaMghl cold"
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  • 485 3 no :t. Mr. J. Woods. A I-' 1 tlii* clever and painstaking < ,1,1 <•-! tbliah— eul in Buffalo I i-eab t!.i i hi i hat the horses „iv etaalgß, aic thoroughly well rokaJ .liter, istheii healthy appearnnre Woods wild ln>- achieved r.ible Miccess here both a
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  • 246 3 CALCHAS" CASE. I'hk dccii s ladivortoc 1 'iurt in ihe alcknt I a» j t i to c D fiscal that i'.irt it tin. >:»r;i.i I i at contraband, ie, iij s th pretf, veriiai'.- no{ unaa ti 'in Bjn:ir point! of view I -<)■.. ikii ii iii tb
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 fasMsm thai >«" >*' i --pi. an-, scalds >ji like |,|.inutiiii ot CkaaAari. it ilm tin- |».un I I ut!y und should always be For Mir Sf All DJalerh UK DIBPBNBAKY, Oen.ral AgenU 31/10 i
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    • 415 3 NOTICES. HUTILfNIJAC/ll OKVIO. G> OO M Straits Settlements, Federated Malay State,, flfe. lIQ A I |T"l^ A Roofing and ceiling Material, guaranteed Fire, Weather, Damp and Insect proof supplied in sheets 6 ftet by 3 feet used in Government|House, Hospital and Queen Victoria Memorial Hall. i |/ITCrt|U D»fr/\l/llim lhe m
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    • 264 3 MORTGAGEES BALE of VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AND RESIDENTIAL PROPER I V. Situate nt Kranat Roa.l »k Orchard Ro;i^, Mapaaara. To he held at l'o*ell k Oo.'s Saleroom. Vn Tiiestiny, the 10/ ii OcL, \904, al •J;sO MB. rraebold land at Kiamal Road off Orchard Koad area about 1/,4-t fc| mre
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    • 287 3 MORTOAOIIV SALE. VALUABLE IKKKHOI.D RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. Co Ie luld at l\.»e'l Co's Saleroom TucJm:, the Ull, 1904 ul iMpm. 1. Freehoiii lami ar:\ aboul 18,000 square feet fritinte at Fernhill Koad off Stevens Rer.'.l, together witb the p!an!; an! attap dwalilaa ercrted thereon known as No. 85--.' Fetnhill Roj<l. HogaporAi
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    • 245 3 ABRAMS' HORSE REPOSITORY. 200 c^Ts- 200 T'nUilniGi. Suitable ioi ;all purposes, to select trom Complete Turnouts. FODDER, HARNESS, J have just arrived. 11l 13 The famous Scotch "Roderick Him "WHISKY. tixcell!- fcZ^k S l4l hy a ill others > $L^ Class i.)u jlit;- rf S Dealers Hvcellence 1 jS Singapore.
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  • 445 4 The Straits Times PRICE 16 CENTS. The business of coolie easigration from Hongkong to the Straits Settle ments and Federated Malay States is becoir.ine a matter seriously calling for the farther attentica of the authorities, in the opinion of the Hongkong TeUgraph. There were several men and women charged at
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  • 184 4 ."■'in H«nry Blake, the Governor nf Ce>lon, is taking steps to establish a Board of Aaiiculture there. His idea is that the B land should have a central bedy composed ofthe members of the L«Bi*lative (Council and such other gentlemen as may be chosen foi BSMh a central body, to
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  • 189 4 Is the report of the ni3£ting of il:e H i.irJ of Licensing Justices published in another column, it will be observed that Mr. Cuscaden made a few remark 1 regarding the submission of samples of alcoholic stimulants to the Government Analyst for analysis and report. This is seemingly a new
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  • 143 4 Sous: lime ago, we gave particulars ol an inquiry mide by th<; Netherlands India t> inrai ut into th-i alleged ill treatment of coolies by plasters in Deli. The inquiry resulted In a report which has not been publish* I. Hut one outcome of the rep irt i< the publication
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  • 80 4 D*. K'iv;ier, tin rV«jeier of Hillan-I, has decli'dd in t.he Ketherlsndi States Qeneral that he r^-r^t'ed the bloodshed in the (».iyo> country, on the bo r den of Aclieen. when a field-force recewtlf entered it to pnaish cer'ain allies of the Achinese in arms against the Sutherland India (overnuient. Dr.
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  • 72 4 Thk drafiing ot foreigners into the town militia or schuttery in Netheri*jswl India, which had been a long standing grievance there among that section of the oosasjmaity, has just been done away with. Foreigners will now be exempt from the militia service, and from the payment of the militia tax
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  • 44 4 "The Timtt 1 has initiated a new heading for Bitrothals in its Births, Marriages, and Deaths 0 >lu:nns. This column is also known as the "Hatches, Matches, and Despatches' column. Why not c ill it henceforth the 'Hatches, Vlatche.*, C itches, and Despatches" column
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  • 8 4 The Dutch gunboat /.'•<* left fir Rhij on Sa'uHay
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  • 9 4 Tun Italian cruiser lett I r Colombo on Saturday.
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  • 13 4 11. E. Sir Jons A.ndekson left for Port S.v- Ltenham in_the»V:q M»k to-day-
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  • 18 4 A Hum daily paper entitled the Xoornl Mm has been publis-hed at i':(, UMllds I'lace, by 8. Kdkirmohnmed.
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  • 24 4 The Town and Volunteer Hind will pity at the H. S. Reservoir on Tuesday the I lth instant from ."> to ii p in, permitting
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  • 25 4 The P. A. outward mail steauifr Hi ml 1 loft Colombo ut 3 p. in. on aiid is expected here on Katosdajr weather afternoon.
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  • 24 4 The P. and o. aoeaewarJ naail steamer liengal left Ilougkung at 1 on Saturday and is fl».e here at da\ lisht on Thursday.
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  • 26 4 Mr R. H Mahyin, of Heasta Btaasaeretuined from Binak .k yestoulay awd le ««vinß at R, oie»'. He is prooeedina lv Ji.tlia 111 <i few ii;t>B
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  • 30 4 A report of a rille mat eh between Siu^a pore and Perak Rifle Clubs, vesseU°at Tauioug Pag»r, and several other items «>f local interest, will be found on Pago 8
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 76 4 Lansdowne Says Mediation Is not wanted. liondon 9th (Meier. L-ird Liaswawae, replying to a ''cr-re-pondent, stater 1, that neither r.fthe belligerents having expressed a desire tor mediation, His Majesty's Govern* rntnt (ii>e« not consider that it could advantageously appeal to Hussia and Japan to desist from'hostilities.
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    • 36 4 (ieneral Kuropatkin has issued a general crier to his army. [n the order aejastifies the retreat from Uaoyrag to Mukden on the gioundof the strength of the army being insufficient.
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    • 27 4 General Kuropatkin annvinces that the Emperor of Uussia is inflexibly determined to conquer Japan by sending adequate reinforcements to the front.
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    • 22 4 The (iencral then intimates that the time is approaching for his army to assume the offensive.
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    • 50 4 The Hamburg-America Line Charters 42 Steamers. The captain of the German collier at I. is Palmaa atatat that the HanbantAmeric.i line ha? chartered 42 steamers to coal the Baltic Kleet with. < »f the** steiuier* one J.»z>»ii or more will to g > to
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    • 19 4 AURORA" LEAVES GIBRALTAR FOR LAS PALMAS. The British cruiser Ahtom hates, Gibraltar for L«l Polinis on the 18th instant.
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    • 43 4 "JIMMY LOWTHER 'S SUCCESSOR. Mr. Harry Marks (Ooneervative) has been elected M I. for the Uleof Thanet. •Mr. Hauy IF.inanel M»rk» is KJitor .in.i mm ipal jn'oprietor of tne FinaxciatNtw*. He reiire^entetl St. Ueor^e. Tower !lamlfi< in Parlinment from l!* 9."> to ISdHi]
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    • 34 4 Difficult question foY the Hagne Tribunal 10 Settle. I'lie meeting of the Hague Arbitration Tribunal to consider the Japanese j house tax .|uestion is fixed for the -'Ist November.
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    • 36 4 The German Sjcialist papers, which a:* usually well informed, announce I that submarines and also naval engines and m ichinery am being BSade at Stet- j tin and Kiel t >r Russia.
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    • 26 4 l'he \\i- Yo,k BtnM reports that five submarines have been shipped from the Paeifio coast of the Inited State-* prp'umibly for Japan.
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  • 28 4 Yesterday morning 11. B. the Governor an<l party ivtiirm><l from Johare Lama where they hr.d heen oat ■BOOtiag It M understood a fnir bag of pigeoiu was obtained.
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  • 29 4 Aims amusing skits in rhyme from Vox Pnpuli as well as a few other items of local interest are crowded out to day, and held over until to morrow.
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  • 41 4 Thk Penang fl*c« Meetlm is fixed for January '26, and ii. The stakes offered include the Club Handicap on the fiist day, the value being Sf>,i'oo In addition to this there is one event worth SiVIOO, and threa of Jl.OO" each
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  • 50 4 CaWfAli Ministers of Penang, to-E-ithfr with a number of laymen, havr decided to establish a Young MenV Christian Association there. Mr R. 1). l'ringle, of the Knglish National Council of Y. M C. A.V, had previotulj set out for th<*m the principle 1' and se->pe ofthe Y. M C A.
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  • 56 4 Max* friends in .Singapore aiiJ through,! out the Straits generally will r<vid I with interest the a> noun<vmerit of ih* marriage of Mr Bealt-Bawll «nd Mis;. Ililey which -oci'iurcd at Colombo on Saturday, and lias bppn tf legriphed to Singapore Mr. and Mrs Seott-ltussell have the hoai'iest best wishes ot
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  • 90 4 Arrived, ■oth October I'w M. M. tn+mtitul From K-.1.^ HafaML none, kui<l/.n, Ixliiro. N'i^aahi, l-liiro, Meyer Voe. W— UM. Hlir. Kava-I.iina, naiumu. Mih. I' 4. Smith. Krom s|ian<.'hui Mr II Darneiil. Mfk ii..1.M,-in. Mr an<l Mis fll —III 11l r Kani-h. Pron 11 i--kon--Mr. Keve», Mr. M.rrcki,
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  • Reuter's Extra Service.
    • 79 4 London, Ml OeUbtr The ('ircum-liaihal Itailway is op. n for construot'un ami g<<o()s trains. THE PORTUQUEfeE DISASTt-R. Desperate Fighting: with Bayonets and Assegais. The Portuguese Marine Minktoi has made a statement anen' tho disister in Angoli. He said that a foraging datachamnt was cut oil'and formed Fijuare.
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    • 54 4 OeUbtr, tOam. The latest reports of the disaster to the Portuguese detachment, attacked at Moasameiles on the Cunene river, show that the tpeideat was mor.serious anil the number of killed was greater than at first reported. The Portuguese Cabinet i* meeting to organise a
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    • 35 4 October, 9th The Washington correspondent of the Morning l'vtt states that it is nnd«rstood there that Japan will attempt to negotiate a loan in America shortly after the New Year.
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    • 24 4 Uus-iia is also endeavoring to persuade (American) financiers to lloV, a large loan hut hitherto the att< mpt hat beeu DDSQCoessfnl.
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    • 38 4 Deepest Anxiety still prevails at Waliner. The deepest anxiety prevails ;r Walmer Castle at the bad turn in Lady Curzon's illness. At 11 o'clock last night her condition was stated to bn still extremt'y grave.
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    • 55 4 EoatfsK, Mil I'dubtr Pie railway from Orenburg to Tashkend is being strenu iusly p.-.licl, \n 1 the line will be eomple'ed ia April. [Orenburg is on the Rim ia the ~outh •vistern corner al Knrupaan Kissia, while Tashkeml i« in Turke-tan only tic miles nortl:
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    • 21 4 The Duke of York Stakas was won i>v Robert le IHable: Permoyla second. Flower Relief third
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    • 23 4 Thy race for the Prix Conseil Municipal at Paris was won by Presto, with Pretiy I'olly second, and Ziafandel thiru.
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    • 24 4 Tbastrikeat Marseille appears to be collapsing Five thousand dookeil were at work on Saturday and live >'earueM sailed from the port.
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    • 26 4 Admiral Lambton has boen appointed to command the ''ruiser Division jf the Mediteirane:tn SqoadrOß, in succession to Admiral sir 'ialdwin lilake Walker
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  • 65 4 A very enj >yabi« entertainir.Rnt. wa.» lield at the I'eutoiiia (Jlub on Kridaj night. A lar^e nwihw of the i» embers jf botli the l'aiiglin anil Teutonia Clnhs ivere preset! 1 and iho hand of the N. I) L. I'rin: He'.mriek helped to enliven the propeeriing'i. Tim
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  • 54 4 Before the Marine Court on Saturday l he master of lie Sabim tieimtrt prost gated twelve at liis Chinese firemen foi wilful disol.ed.eme to liis lawful coin mands. They mat three week's each. A aaaibor as Tringganu Milay boal -ii.-ii were linii |9 each fur failing t< resist«r
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  • 101 4 A BAD BOY." At 7-J0 m St-pttinlici 28th Cainamaa living .ii Nakoa lt<>a«t went to Ins «ork ;a Taajoai Panr. On n turning at 10-30 he I'ound that somi .lutliitif,' Md v otaw .irtiolcs wort). $47.90 had Ui~a|)|H-aie<l, its aUo had hillvlun "boy." The I'olioe were inform .><f
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  • 59 4 Thk King bM grantpcl to Waltnr ,\rinstr,>ni! Or»K«n», !>■!, Advmr •<• •hr Rajah of Keiaatao, He§»»» an i! tu'li.-ritv ha rnav aenrpl aad wear 'in- Irvl^iia at :lie ThJrd ClaM the ()ni.r ofthe i; K'epl' c«m f- "«d ipon tiiiu riy H M thf King (.f 8»«» in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 367 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Wfie Places In connection witn the Colombo Boom! out of 22 races, the following number of winners were trained on T. T. Co.'s Horsefood Just Prize Winners 17 Second 12 Wird S Thompson, Thomas Co. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. IM < WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO., Indian Store, No. 1, 2,
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    • 184 4 Opera Stamboul. To-nrght To-night MotKhnj. 10th Octnh-r, 1904 The Empire Theatrical Company OF SINGAPORE At Ir. Yak Liass Saks Thfiitrieal Hall. No. 330 Victoria Street. Will S'^ i.y R^-,e.t Bahman Parwesh OR The Comedy of Errors. COSTUMES. DRESSES. SCENERY. j' HrnillJ I «ID| i titioß MISIC. I K NEW acmttSES-
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    • 177 4 G. R. LAMBERT a Co.. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, Battery Road and 3 Orchard Road. Reduced Prices Front the 15th of September We will reduce our prices for portraits During the 00 wing X'mas Season. Our NEW price list teill be sent on application. laaa!ntm«nt> *h«M ka made salgrrahand ■^«P v.c Nf
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    • 46 4 The following cryptic I'eisonal Advertisement appeared in the Strait.tkho on Wednesday last KOTICB. |f tlie P.>rtuj,'e-*e EuraKiau who mtuSk I letter ol advice (sieninK himself "A Si-otc-li-man to an Kiigltsnman in i'enany, will ronimunicare further witli the nuiil aagHsaaaa, he will hear »f laajsthlagle \n» aavaassfs.
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    • 13 4 Advertisements of Sales, Wanted. Tn Let. etc., will be found on Page 0.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 80 5 r fUitm a/ <ht "Strmtk Time*.' l« v m;. I thai to»l much obliaeil i-y< arpaperadaaialtkat Solicitor to 1 aaapaay about to l ondfT the sane of Jaaaaa l'r Wj tmes of die Mid coaHpaa) arc. baiac circulated towa AMi I.c Qtt is, 1 unlentand, !iie promoter '>f
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  • 224 5 Smail Work h> the Brigade. c o'dreh thif morning the ,v ejven 1 iir<» hii'l broken tth ">i 'l i! "1 near the iincti n of rba M ilai j. r < -in Heath ilk n, weie the ihr.t to ari.«- v .'i.e. HuMaaai
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  • 312 5 I \t aurdinary Detail^ of the kidnapping of a Victim. ;>n Kridiy ;*!t-rrn.oo. Woni Tuck v i y infTek wen agaia bafbra llaaan ■i iwatd in 1 Colmui an i he ehmi oi r.«il». Uine in women prerioaal) latcribed Mr A W. IVtilt-) uiiii iie Dapaty
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  • 107 5 I ,w t I ia f >>vn a lot vi I;- i! writes a Briii6h K..r I Ml to the Si Ji.iies'r, m •■>'• la the future, th*-y ritb strifciag illuhtraiiou it* M the Chinese I i] •> ii|i<-tic instruetor^ i -i: in.ii Japanese otticfrs. i'pii»ine, uncler
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  • 795 5 Ox Satunliiy, ct 11 ."iO, the Board v! iJcensiuK Justices held its usual liiartprly :::ef.tinp ir. the Court of the Kirst Police Magistrate. There wet« present, Mr H wanl, President, Dr Middletop, and Mews Gentle, sheltonl and Thompson The minutes of the previous BMetiaw, held in July, were
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  • 46 5 Tkk London OaxetU announces that tin! King lias approved of Mr. James Mm m Consul Ceneral of Siam at l.ondou Mr. Riches has for long be?n lam in London, and has now received the rank held for long by his jir.rdecessor Mr. D. K. Mason.
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  • 371 5 Hennas-- Robertson. A rary pretty wedding was celebrated at .St. Andrew's Cathedral at 4 p. m. on Saturday afternoon when Mr. (lilies Hennu?, of the Netheilands Trading: Society, third son of the late Lieut. General Heiinus, was married to Constance Ethel, second daughter of Mr. and Mre.
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  • 404 5 Mr Q F Hodgins and Miss Sarah Brookabank An ixitfdingly pretty wedding was celebrated at the Scotch Kirk on Saturday aftoriioon whea Mr. J. F. HodfilM, aaaataal with Messrs. Johr. Little and Co., wai united in matrimony to Miss Sar.ih Lucy Hrooksbank the daughter of
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  • 110 5 Mr. W McKeau, now partner in the firm of Messrs. Adis and Co. Brokers, was entertained at a dinner, given by his former associates on the staff of Messrs. Frater and Ncave. Ltd. at Raffles Hotel on Saturday evening. Mr. "Sandy" Morrison occupied the Chair, and
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  • 394 5 The Entries. The n umber of entries for the coming autumn meeting are 281 as compared against 244 for the same meeting last Mpm hleven are entered for the Maiden Plate which is an increase of f" v eh may '"PPe 11 between now and the day and
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  • 84 5 Ihe following Handicaps were wired this morning to Mr. C. C. McTaggart Acting Secretary of the Singapore Sporting Club. The Lawn Stakes. Hackwiag lv. l Felspar 10.4 Clydesdale 10.4 Mendnza 10.4 Glen oe 9 9 Apiary 9.i Hasty 8.7 The Governor's Cup. The Idler 10. 4 QakteeMorc 'J.lO Oberon
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  • 374 5 The Idler, Bara, and Pawnbroker have been backed for the Governor's Cup, and Marigold. The Scout, Caste, and Father O'Flynn for the Maiden Plate Maiden Plate. Caste G to 4 Clansman 6 to 4 Diplomatic 3 1 Rock hi 11 I 1 Marigold (j 1 Father O'Flvun 6 1
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  • 124 5 THE ANN SIAN G HILL MURDER. On Friday la>.t Inspector Brace at rested at Pulo Obin I Heag Hoo Sail, the fireman who was wauled for being concerned in causing the death of Chew Bo Poh at Ann Siang 1 1 ill on the Oth at June last. He was
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  • 153 5 Saturday's Play. A. CLASS SINGLES. Miles and Craig beat Noon ami Robertaaa 6-4, 2-6, 7-5. B. CLASS mat HI Keenan beat Chittenden 6 2, 8-6, 6-8. Mason l.i-iit Seth 4-li, 6-4, 6-2. a CLASS BMUB Burners beat H. D. Duvie« 1-6, «<i, 1. 4 Kailey
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  • 156 5 CHAMPIONSHIP. l'.attcTiliini li v. Wither-. A. CLASS DOUBLES.— FINAL. Webl. and T. B. Notrie v. Craij: ami Miles. B. CLABS DOUBLES. Curtis and J. K. Tyler v. Keenan an.l H D. Davies, to lininh. A. CLASS SINULES. D. V. Perkins v. F. Salzinann. 11. CLASS SINGLKS. F.
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  • 343 5 Ox Fridiy, -I. Samuel, a Hebrew, wab.'fore Mr. Nuun on the allegation ohaving mails a false statement durin.a judicial proceeding in the Supreme Court. The case was postponed for a wetk bail ot SI, OOO in two sureties being required. The defendant waa arrested at the instance of
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  • 88 5 About 1 1-30 OB Saturday night the occupants of a house at 7:! Outram Road. Straits-horn Chinese, heard someone cut ting into the front door. The u,,,ku shouted for the Police and run after th. man. A Police constable on duty in till vicinity heard the disturbance
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 16 5 A k^ilriidid reconstructive Tonic v '<""« Him Build* up, renews ■■■fti fry it. yoMog I r old
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    • 262 5 ■^T?? 7 ADVERTISEMENTS KiAiniPiL.ES Hotel. <*>»■. Gritorion Dinner Saturday, isik October, 1904. REMEMBER OUR USUAL RACE DINNERS lit Day TuesTUnj, 18th Qctobev, 7904 2nd nay Thursday. MM 'rd nay Tfffiinjaaj. JJnd Band In Attendance on all Occasions. (k-t 10 -J OPERA Yap Chow Thong. Urmd Smmsm a mud 9mmtm To-night
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 124 5 I >A V Ml UA > Monday loth October. High Water. 10-17 p.m. S.V.A. Gun Drill. 515. S.V.I. Kecruits Drill. ."> 30 Tuesday, i ith October. Hi^'h Water. 11-M a.m. 1148 p.m. Philharmonic Choir. 8-15. S.V.I. Aiming Drill .1-30. Wednesday, lath October. High Water. II Hu, Interport Rifle Match. B.V.A.
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    • 505 6 I'mlcr this heMUBJt the following abbteria--.ions ;.re used: str. steamer; »h.— ship; bq.— imrijue: sch.— fihoouer Yet. Yiulit Cni.— Cruiser; Übt.— Guuboat; Tor. Torpedo; ll. p. Horsepower: lirit.— ltritMi I". S.— United States: Fch.— Hreneli: Or.— German; Dnt.— Dutch: (.i.e. Ueuera I \;ar,L'" ill 1 deck pa>sender;
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    • 574 6 \.imt', port, fnbablt duty of urnrnl and name of agent*. Stiamkkj bcbllli liiiii, Oct .'5; Miniinl I Virile, Sydney, Nov 2'J; Bouslea<: Agamemnon, Liverpool, Oct 10; Mansneic Alboin, Boni{kok, Oct Boi nco Coy. Auetralien.Hongkong.Oct KijM.Maritnne.Ayuthia, liombay, Borneo Coy. A. I.atouche-Trouville. Mies Oit M. C. Barotsen, Hongkong, Nov 2;
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    • 45 6 f'" Prr utmtnfr Tim To mobhoiv Macmmut, etc., Jringganv << !ln PalenibnnK Ruby 11am P.S'tenhamAP^nnnt;.!,-; Sourtbayn Tnnin Billiton* I'omiHnr.k SttmktU Sarawak lUMh Malacca.V P. f-tflwin Amhmi VVBnSE«D4Y. Bataviu .5>,,,, v. n P.«'tenhnm.»Peii!i:i|. Xi,l H P. S'tiam A T. Ansou SHangor Frenvintl.' via port* \i/'/.,,,
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    • 104 6 From Europe-By the I', ft 0 M Si i Alice due on the Itfth October From Ohina-By the P. An. ->. !<■ turn clue on the 14th October. heft Sincapore I)ue in London \rrive AugSUt MM. Sept-.'.irl Bent2Brd •Sept 2nd P. 40. Sept SSlfa Sept tttl SeptTtb
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    • 307 6 For Singapore. IVr P. A 0. s 9. Macedonia eoaaeotiag with the steamer .s?m/« at Colombo from London l« due 16th Oct.— Mist Miss I. King Hoc. Mrs Overem', .Mrs. Coy .Mr. nr: i Mrs Wre ford, Mrs West, Messrs. K. f. H. Edlin W.
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    • 200 6 Number L&*t sl °< res te K u son T COLO. I 13.&.H1 H. $7.50 BvMwah ti. M. Co., Ltd.. 14.00 iiDiMilod. 4,000 10 lit (IVfciied) <*.!«• ■20,000 S hi 10 Kate* U. M. to., Ltd. l".'" 1 noni 10,000 10 6 (I'rei.) B.OU MB 6,207 1 1 Kechau
      200 words
    • 136 6 400,000 I 1 i uuowuetl. 2,iW t 10" 4,5(10 9 50 W.OOO I 1-J5 l-J.UUU UK) 3,400 S 10 S.IHKI 111-' ■2,750 t 100 I.IHHI f 1" sU.tWO 1U lii "i 50 tjttt g 100 •"■'.<" i m Nil- -lint. 300,000 in ,t>.H; uuiMiiie'l. 37,<J«K) li«) 1 Dntl Deve!u|.m«ut
      136 words
    • 48 6 Jowarth Erbkiue, Ltd. 7% 26t»,nt<l 3: ex. di> iiley, Har K reave«, Ltd. 6% OflS.uiiu 11% urn bajren imitapore Municipal 6% 4OU.UUU prim biiycr- »i 6% 1,875,000 preni l.njt-i 4% tittjm. di». nom. ranjong P»gar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% -l-*>Wj t jU% i.rem biiyfi--6% 1,,1»h| pai. bnyern
      48 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 420 6 NOTICES. WANTED. A Bill Collf( tot. Security. Apply to ALSAQOTF k Co. I" v.c. WANTED. Uantel a l.ill collector, sejuiity JJ.OOO, plj |><-rsonally to Qhee Soon Co, l«fiOn hard Road, -opt 2S '2l!-;0 VAMTBO koi; PAHAMO. A Clerk and Interpreter. (Chinese). J.jO a month. Appliian's should Im» able to tvp«writ«-
      420 words
    • 589 6 NOTICES. TO BE LET. small first Boor office-!, facing Cavenxch Bridge Kosd and Flint .-Ireot. Apply to Guthrie «t Co. .ents. v o. 10 i<K LET— One splendidl) lighted :,irge on the 2nd flojr of No. 2 I Buttery "Road, Chartered Bank Buildings. App y to SWAN A MACI.AUEN.
      589 words
    • 823 6 NOTICES. VACANT One Urge room suitable for a married couple or a bachelor, and also one small room Apply to J. K. c/o straits Times. Sept SO m. w. f. 12-10 rl BE LET V compound home, 6 rooms Carmen Lodge at Irwell Bank, off River Valley Road, immediate entry
      823 words
    • 392 6 NOTICES. NOTICE The interest and responsioiiity of Nail Liang Sesh in the buaiue.-f of Oil Traders, known as Scan Keck rieah nnlCo. Chop Chin Huit Hin Cil Frading Co. cirried on at Mo. Hi. Bouth Bridge Koid, Singapore, has been determined ns from the 28th July last. SRAH LIANG SRAH
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 333 7 BUCHANAN'S WHISKY Sold everywhere. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. P. &O. EAM NAVIGATION CO., Japan, l'enang, Cejlon, Australia. India, Aden. Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. M fo r jbina Ooaet, Pewian Gtall Continental, \nd American Torte oa M v inn Mail Line. I". Offßl Nov 27 Auen Od W .M;ilta Dec
      333 words
    • 629 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoninkliJlce Paketvaart MaatsohapplJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agent* nt Sitigaport Ship AiifcNtY, 1 ATE J DamSJU <V Co., 2-8 Coit.YBR QI'AV. 1 bp unHermentiored dntes are only approximate. from =;xp'ted. Will be I)(»»iiatch9d for Sambas Oct lOSamlias, l-emnn^knt, Singkawnng, Mempawa. and Pontianak Oat 13 Dr
      629 words
    • 439 7 HAMBURGAMERIKA LINIE. HAMBURd. i he steamers of this. Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Striite. Obinn, and Japan. Homewards, t'.iey are despatched tortn:«htly for Havre andHambofg and ocoe a monih for Hromirhaven dir.vt, calling at I'enanir and ('olombo The arrival* of tbe next
      439 words
    • 660 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. N.DX j NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. ihe fast and well nown mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen-Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port --aid, Suez, Aden, Colombo, renang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Kobe to Yokohama and bacS. They are due
      660 words
    • 723 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co,, Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Companies' steamer* are despatched Tom Liverpool ontwards for the Strait?, China tnd Japan every week, ami from <'apan home yards for London every fortnight and fin Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer •ach month extends to
      723 words
    • 520 7 INSURANCE COMPANIES. ROYAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE A LIFE TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS EXCHB £12,000,000. Til LABOMT TOE OlnCI l» TIB WOBL> BOUSTEAD k Co., Agento THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY Capital £2,127,600 Paid ap Capita! 212,780 Reiervc Fund £1,073,550 The nndersigned, Agents for the Com ganr, are prepared to
      520 words

  • 367 8 SINGAPORE vs. PERAK RIFLE MATCH. Singapore wins with a margin H points. 7 a. M this BM MMMooad si ''ii their match a«ain*t l'erak. tlie wi.i BSMg .-lignt ar.d light good This matt h is the first Dl \i serien of annual matches, the con•lition? l>t in? BMk tram to
    367 words
  • 82 8 \ijkk tiic above b— din« mt ::n<i the I tjilowint: paragraph in M A. P." oil "i ..1.1 >rr*-ct ln j: a paragraph which I .v (eared in the preceding issue, and ■faich wab itpuMished last week in the I ■rresrondetit writes to me from KoUingham, challenging
    82 words
  • 64 8 -liarlsal Which Different Ship* are Berthed To-day. W HAM- Nueu Tun;: I x i.i. v.i\,. Dock— Hriai Heiarieh ur.r.i Qk4TDM I***— Nil Mono* N.. I 5tUi,,..,,, Ban Wmu Hn, \i 7.»ti,»i,i« <.i.t,.,. X Nil Nm, -i \»luu», Mm i.. men- Nil »«mo a i 7 I
    64 words
  • 11 8 tltCtioß Of imibi.- i Gard«M i > i. i |W I!. i..n..i:
    11 words
  • 707 8 FINANCE COMMERCE. Wli (MtMT, 1904. lo d;;> > !in bank rate is 1/1 1| HAUDOVS PRODUCE LETTER. Tha followiag i> the Qamnl Pkwtaee Letter kindly turuUlii-d to M by Messr.-. .lolin Haddoii Co.. the well known Colonial I'icxliuv MiTihat;t> and Com iuUmhii Agent:- of Salisbury Basjan, i.iKi",.. K.l'., aiul i-arryijig
    707 words
  • 22 8 .(atan was tj have iucre:i«ed the duty on tlour imports fanm October I The advanci- will be about 32 certs per bsrrel.
    22 words
  • 252 8 The following properties were disposed of by auction by Messrs. Powell 1 Co. at No. 'M Heeren Street, Malacca, on Saturday the Bth instant. Agriculture! land situate in Malacca and Kesri Sernbilan, total area about *.',o(Ki acres, partly planted with tapioca, belonging to the Estate of
    252 words
  • 96 8 MaMs 9UO Jo ;t":ibe X:'. I' unpicked \3.t»i 'opri Ra:: g.48 Jo l'octt»tit.k 8.52) 'epper, Blsek •.'9.-J5 do White, (5% :!9 M Float Sarawak do Itrosel No 3.66 J eirl feaso 1.60 Coffee Ball, 15* tul> ia.OU Joffee, r'Aleaibii.jr, a* i >-.-. „24.5 Zotfee, Lihe-isn No. I 24
    96 words
  • 116 8 t* tuisn -Bi=klra/t 1/IIJ Dsmaoi 1/11} Private 6 ir/» 1/11 do I/US 'in&Vrmany.-Hafik d/d 1.96 t PltfßM 3 en/- 1.991 do 6 m/> -J.Olj to ftrmm -Bink d/.l 2.4i!J I'rW.'.tc 3 8.45 do 6 -nf» i. is •s tiiiis ITsii T T 143* PrUatu 30 d/* ur.J j~ ilangko-
    116 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 288 8 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., JEWELLERS AND SILK MERCHANTS, Nos. 51 52, High Street. Jilt liRMrkH Indian, (.'liine-o, mid Japrnit-r ">t; ;;.j'Cil and Culoareil anil »i all other knido of Silks suitable for Ladie*' and Qanthnaan'S dre^ef, etc .\«i i irenh lot of Indian and Chinese Silverware, Indian rugs,
      288 words
    • 617 8 VOffiteaway, Jsaidlaw Qo. Best Value for Least Money. WHITE MARCELLA I TOILET COVERS A targe new Mo* -u t>l IheM boo* now opened oat Bn:wx94 it k PRICE 5O <tf Mcbaaci njiwsruH CHINA BOWL LEMON SQUEEZER Price 4O cts. each. Walsam Plate Powder This if 'in übtedly a p.-utl plate
      617 words
    • 481 8 Lyons Patent Domestic Egg Tester Hfcaalag nwM »f les-l, k<«ml dear o<;^» or bad egx*. Price 65 cts. each TO <>T H BIIi;s U K 9 A Large Selection. New in nil trim: Prices 18, 2O A 25 cts. upward*. CELLULOID SOAP K>XU A nc» line in -ox)) liii\e».
      481 words
    • 98 8 Mouse Traps to Rketcli. Prica 15 eti such. RAT ii;.\!'< Price 4O i ;>. m TOILKT POWDER. Vio'Kt Tuiltt Powder in Packets. Piin 6 eti nth, TAPESTRY. New Tapfottics !or Drapery and Uphchtaring. Price V 1.50. 50 er jar.i A upwards MEAT COVERS. Made of Net vriiii toiUptible wire frame.
      98 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 45 8 Pr WEATHER HtPOHT I'.H't "mil IblBS. tfLM 1 -f.MU: Morninc MO partifclh r- laa4i it fWmd xw. cloudy HuTeiup Ktf.O nid Mia U.O Hum (itto 14-u Tarr. rad 71 0 X.-fall o«. Itmtmi time ball at r\ r: <■ nnin» re<-tly alro that at Pulo Braai.
      45 words

  • 677 9 A New I- mtii Cruiser. Tli.- Brot nmapoadrai .t ■ytekl in the highest terms tin rmUtl of Hit tliirty heir full speed trahi of the new armoured iruistr Gombetta. The vessel is of 12,500 loos' disj)laceiiieiit, has 28 Nulaiisse Ijoilors, and an ;n moim ii belt of
    677 words
  • 56 9 The i'enang Dramatic Club met on the Ist instant and decided upon rporganising existing arrangements One desiralle change was inatie in dniiuing ladies as rnemfceri (formerly 'hey were merely inviteil to act), ami the pric<! of ■übeeription was silten-d, awi will l>e in the future S."> a year for cenSlenien
    56 words
  • 92 9 A WOW time ago, the British steamer Tenhy strandfd near Emnvihavfii on the wefct coast of Kumatri aiid proved to he a total loss. The wreck, as it stooi', was afterwards sold by auction at Padlßg to a Xiii -i. foi MO guildtrs tlirongh a piece of food lock. The
    92 words
  • 148 9 A sad experience has MnulM to American visitor to Singapcu 1 arho arrived from the north iwaatW I lie •Vmerican had been enga^t d at Vledivo■stock and also for some timt a 1 Port Arthur prior to the war. When the war broke out he c.iine along to Ptafkoora intending
    148 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 439 9 BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PaJP-PP OaJtTAJ $1C,000,000 REBEBVE KUNI>:— M.-rlinKKe»ervesl(l.(lO«).OOO\ *ilv.-r Reserve 7,(J00,(W0 f l '.«».0«> Keserve Liability of Proprietors »10,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. v .1 layini.iid. Km)., Chairman. Ii K. T.>mkin», Ksi Deputy Chairman. UsetSa ba> Hon. K. Shew an. 1 *'f««on N. A. MSB*, Esq. fcSSSA* E
      439 words
    • 324 9 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHAKTSR. Capital £800,000 Reset ye Liabilityof Proprietors £800,000 Reserve Fund £800,000 BANKERS. Bank of Englaid. National Bank of Scctland. The Lor don City Mindland Bank, Ltd SINGAPORE BUNCH. Current Accounts aro opened and interest allowed at 1 per cent,
      324 words
    • 264 9 NOTICES. jl Ny Carlsberg Beer Yer Cllm«tes P Sener BeCr> especla "y brewe '<"■ Tropical Iwri'f f^™VS Obtainable at the principal H6tels and Retail Dealen, M vAKIjoLKu Jsl Sole Importo rs 6 Jm Hooglandt Co, beg to inform the public that they have been appointed general Jigents THe KENNEMERLAND, Ltd..
      264 words
    • 395 9 NOTICES. IZ>6e Straits V)imes. AMI tide Straits ftudget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE in ADVANCE. DsifjlanM p«r yenr $3" im <in pertnnnter 75" do pnt K JS l>eruu|.y KM Weekly Usue per year ls.oo do per (jnaiti'i 4.UU <1» pet copy I When sent by port, tliere is nd.lcl f,.i tlie daily
      395 words

  • 238 10 The Case Axaintt Them. \i Kuil.i l.uinpur »t preaaal then i- .i ,r for Indian Bervaajta in Mhatitn ■inn,..,, ohea whti plagnc the lifi ,i reaidenU there. Their Impet rwa I i !i. pinion of Mr T I! Hill, the Protw U r nf LVahonx in Ihe K
    238 words
  • 252 10 >.id I ate ol thinese Colonists. -,i\r .i ptomiug i bow mU Chincee Coloniata, in trodwevd by Oovernmeai «rew fariajg ;tt Since then evil i light up n them I i lli,. Ma. .iy Mail >.<y- thai for mm* ek, track* of tifen aav« beea ran, arowid
    252 words
  • 239 10 I i 'iunji's Exploit.*. .i- the n-i.-nt li^htin^ between i R mmm in Kaaaacfcatka \ht JapauMe Govemaaeart haa received i- bm tint teW- i 1 1 d >t Paten- I'.ir. .ti:ivln\>!;. -tilting tluit i. i:. «ith ISO i.!u. j.i. keta, .iii riles „ikl other •I .<
    239 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 505 10 NOTICES. f/J^^MBa^^V These tiny jKliA^^^fA Capsules ftflfl IwaV superior ||wV to Copaiba, I Cubebs, and i cure i the same diseases as these drags i in forty-eight hours without i t Inconvenience. >»— v I Kith Capmle bun th. mat (MIDY) I FM DISEASES OF THE OHEIT. BRIMAULTS SYRUP Of
      505 words
    • 442 10 NOTICES. Singapore and Kranji Railway From April nth, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DO"WTJV. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M P.M P.M I- M. SINGAPORE 6.25 7.32 10.00 12.35 2.10 MS 4.54 600 6.32 7.39 10 07 12.42 2.17 .'U'9 0.0 l 607 Newton
      442 words
    • 190 10 NOTICE. I hereby agree to inform drinkers oi' Tansan that I have ceased to use the patent stoppers heretofore used on Tansau bottles, which have led to such numerous complaints and claims, and that 1 am now using a cork which will keep the water in excellent condition and free
      190 words
    • 343 10 NOTICES. I. MOTION CO WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTKD S. H.SAN, 14 CHENG TUAN STREET. Begs to inform the public tbat be can supply carpenters, fitters, boilermakors engine and general workers, and immiran( coolies for the Federated Malay States, Johorf, and Netherlands Indin, ni the shortest notice. TRIAL SOLICITED.
      343 words

  • 2418 11 Netherlands India. •Mr. Alleym- Ireland's BtodtM in Tr<ipic:il administration published in the Timr* 11..W Uka in rfe>herlan<li India. Before dealing with the method of Guventnieiit pursued there ;it t Ii present of day. he casts ;i look hark at the l>nleh East India Company and thus
    2,418 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 521 11 NOTICES. Try! Try! V if -dip AGENTS G. OTuiviUNE Cu. me lANJONQ PAQAR DOCK COMPANY. LTD tvsm, Engineers, Ir> n ami Kr*s< Prim—a. WHARrmGERg, <i-c. I iv* Company execute Ship snd Marint Kugine Repairs of all descriptions in tbt t efficient manner under the Buperin n.dence of experienced European Ship
      521 words
    • 308 11 NOTICES. RILEY, HAR6REAVES CO, LTD. Engineers and (Sontraetors CABLE ADDRESS: C i» lr A I^i^r»rr HARGREAVEB- Singapore. oIINOAFOKb. If IMPROVED VBtteSJL STEAM ROAD -^^^P" rai a r> DC %%aßst*&^&QiS' V^^-* if aWaU C II9 IMPROVED I I^ -^bbbbl Steam Traction Engines «^B R T JB BBgjßyßVjtß^l^^BßMaa^BM A J*M Traction Waggons
      308 words

  • 19 12 •I ctti^euieiit-. with d;ites sailing etc will be found on page 7 ii'|i|,.riL- new.- i- printed c pap 6
    19 words
  • 29 12 k Hoci;. Weil Inm gentleman, ar.d tliecui;er of I horses here, bad lii? »jueue ihf opormtioa, which I > much eeretuci.y. was Mr. Tan H a j 1. r,,, c
    29 words
  • 23 12 W .tt i. 'd Lack, <^r.*TBl I Raub Aurtrmlian (fold h w l' me to Borneo aiih ib» (Jovenument I if.«'a« W«i/ un<W»ur.<b
    23 words
  • 23 12 Mr U I. i,,.,., vl| v I M B. K.ilv.ay mporary to lunerviaa tha line ft li the Sir.ear- K> «i i Railway.
    23 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 73 12 aubb.ii ii diitaso to ■-i rlaia Paia l{;,lii, i IM ••'.".> timmmmi mil wwaaa- '> len Ihia u-ijitdy is m ilj liuiiaeul and jixt oulv lakUy >.!„.., raeaautk H»i l-.ui k >titf uevk •t It" muscles and tiffi.ess of ■tin.ii i .haa imi!,, oi oaiji ajak »..ui.dv mtktm aMtacataaß
      73 words
    • 231 12 NOTICES MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVKKYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease litii Inn 'imtlj-T of it Bkha^W -H M^HbT^F^^B WB bv^j I IB^I Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHOKIT.ta 8 Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOOD. Fortify the System
      231 words
    • 427 12 NOTICES. HOWARTH ERSKINE, Ltd. Town Offices and Show Rooms: 16, BATTERY ROAD. W" E are now showing the Largest Stocks of Engineering, Electrical, and Ironmongery requisites in the East. {Mff-s^, Large and Varied Stocks of all Material reif 'i'yW* quired for Engineering, Electrical, Mining. Planting and Contract Work of all
      427 words