The Straits Times, 22 October 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 30,962 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1902. PRICE 15 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 735 1 NOTICES. NOTICK OK REMOVAL. MESSRS. CHONG FEE, GEE CHOMG CO., (Tailors and Outfitters lately of Hit li Street) now beg to announce that the eMablii-hment has been removed to ilie three houses at the junction of North Bridge Road and Bras basah Road where they have resumed their business. 28/iO
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    • 520 1 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Comiuissioners of Singapore are now prepared to construct and maintain works for the Supply of Electric Energy tor lighting and for power lor public and private purposes. Further information and forms of application tor supply of light and power may be obtained from the Municipal
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    • 950 1 NOTICES. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Second Issue of Municipal Loan, 1902, amounting to $400,000 at 5 per cent. (1) The Municipal Commissioners of tbe Town of Singapore, having obtained the sanction of the Governor in Council, under Section 271 (I) of the Municipal Ordinance, to borrow the sum of four hundred
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    • 169 1 NOTICES. MOTOR CARS WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO BUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. U.C. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SYSTEM IN THE OFFICE. SHANNON FILES. f^fl Bfe^ Insure security of papers, accurate Hv^ classification, ami quick reference. B^^^^^^EklHß Papers may be examined without «4B removal from files, or disturbing othei S2^^BpVv|3fß| documents. [E3|Br^^^By*q;K| Suitable
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    • 260 1 I Keep Quiet No better advice can Ik; pi\cn to any. one trouMc-d with tiiarrh.i-.i ihnn to keep quiet and take Chanilx-rlainVC'c. lie, Choiera and Diarrhoea Renic-cl>. A prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow Tlfh, remedy is eqrally vajaabia f,,r children and when reduced »it!i water and sweetened
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  • 1294 2 M. Beau Interviewed on the Question. Writing under the date of Sept lilst the Paris correspondent of the Time* states: In an interview at Marseilles tin* morning before he left for his post, M. Beau, Governor-General of Indo-China, is represented to have said: It is my
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  • 556 2 Lord Avkbury, in the London Map* zinc, communicates the results of some interesting experiments made on hit< dog, a black poodle, called Van." Considering,'' he writes, that man and the dog have lived together in more or less intimate association for many thousands of years, it
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  • 28 2 The Echo de Chine learns from an authorised source that the British from India have just penetrated in fore* into Thibet and that they are advancing on Lhasea
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 210 2 NOTICES. IN 9 SPECIAL Uun ville s Whiskey, $10.50 Per case. 5 per cent off for cash. DUTY EXTRA T I»tY1 »tY JuS£ f ijt d^^h^* ■Jiill 5». Will i vfl\ DUNviLL 1 J^ GLASGOW, SCOTtXrl^ I £t£ m. w. f. il-1 Californian Wines. Big Tree Brand RF n W
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    • 423 2 NOTICES. IND COOPE C<VS LAGER BEER, BOTTLED AT BURTON ON TRENT, OF ML DEALERS. BORNEO CO. LTD., SINGAPORE, Importer*. m. A w. ATIT«TJIT^T3 UV'C O I'jl I ivtul k> KDINBURGH STOUT. nUnM A special, light brew for the ■if?-~{? tropics. Highly recommended sv^ ifo Price $18.60 per case of 7
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    • 254 2 NOTICES. NORWICH UNION FIXE INSURANCE BOCIETT OF NORWICH AND LONDON. Kitiiliiiid 1797. »OR KIBE INSURANCE ONLY Amjont insured .1336,000,000 Loom paid 11,600,000. Premium iooome 906.000. Imrranob effected on aJmcMit uvnry description property »t ourront mt.s of premium Kiwi fob 10 dati tin now aooiptvd AT 4 OBNT ITT! finO. THE
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  • 200 3 Three Preachers and 130 Negroes Meet Death in a Panic. Awful Panic in a Negro Church. N«w York advices of Sept. 20 recorded a panic and loss of 1 ~>o lives in a negro Baptist church in Birmingham (Alabama), where a negro national convention was in session.
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  • 254 3 A Sumatran Black Crested Monkey reaches the Zoo. The authorities at Urn Londo n Zoolo-gical-gardens have been fortunate in securing a very good example of this exceedingly rare monkey (Semnopilkecut ■melanohplais), first described by Sir Stamford Rattles in 1821 iv the T*an.<aeti<»ui of the Linnean Society.
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  • 387 3 Serious Charge of Forgery. At the Mansion Hou^e police-court on Sept. 22nd, Lawrence Hubert Greig, 3.'i, a clerk, was charged on remand, before Alderman Sir Horatio Davies, M. P., with forging and uttering thee cheques for £1,200, £400, and tDOO. on the Ixindon Joint Stock Bank in tbe
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  • 153 3 TllK following paßsengers arrived on Monday evening by the Preusten from Nagasaki: Miss K. Kaneko from Hongkong i Mr. M. Schwartz, MUb E. Beatrice, Mr. F. .lanecke, Mr. !'*>• Ah See and Mr. Cheap Yack. The I'revx.sen left on Monday morning for F.urope. taking the following
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  • 544 3 In t l'rcM< in lieginning to wake up on the subject of employment for returned noldiers, which tlie. Times describe.* ah an economical qaetttion of grave practical importance." 'Ok they cheeretl M ut the station Ow they photergraphed the train 'Ow "they \vlii«tle<i to the
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  • 284 3 For Singapore. Per P. A O. s. k. Australia, connecting at Colombo with the steamer Henqal from London Oct. due 16th;Ncv— Mr. and Mrs. Smyth, Mr- Macintosh, Captain Mugforcl, Messrs. J. A. Aebtter, M. 0. Ptenhnuse, W. H. Shelford, and \V. H. Graham. ?er f 4 O.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 Shipping advertisements, with dates of sailing etc., will be found on page 7. General shipping news is printed on MM.
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    • 180 3 NOTICES. Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL RACE DINNER ON Tsftursday, tde 23rd inst. Saturday, tde 25td inst BAND IN ATTENDANCE DURINO AND AFTER DINNER. Sarkies Brothers. Proprietors.' Town Volunteer Band. TARIFF Garden Parties not longer than •Ji hours $20.00 Dinner- 3 $26.00 Dances 6 $40X0 Transport Extra. Bulis>cribers may engage the services
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    • 717 3 NOTICES. TI 7 ANTED, for a European godown, an TT assistant with a fair knowledge of Singapore produce. Apply to c/o Strait.- Tim**. 24-10 WANTED for fchio: aChinei-e teacher for official, work knowledge of tbe }i ok kirn. Hnkkaen and Teo Chew dialects required. Competent men with best testimonials must
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    • 530 3 NOTICES. FOR SALE. (2f)ina Shoring ¥)iles. In several different patterns from Mnssra Hong Chee A Co., of Hongkong. Pricei very moderate. .in be seen at our office No. t>4 High Street. Catalogues can b€ had free on application. The above flooring tiles are at prevent used in Messrs. Chong Fee
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    • 588 3 SHIPPING. NAVIGAZIONE GENERAJ.E ITALIANA FOR PENANG BOMBAY. kpHE Italian g.B. CAPRI, 2,718 tons, reg. 1 Capt. Belsito, having left Hongkong on the 13th inst. nmy be expected to arrive here on Sunday the 19th inst. She will be despatched for the al>ove ports on. Thursday the 23rd inst. For passage
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  • 612 4 The Straits Times PRICE 15 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, 22nd OCTOBER. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Swan and Maclaren, the architects, of the theatre into which the present Town Hall is to be converted, we are today enabled to place before our read erg a sketch plan of the interior of the
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  • 573 4 There appears to be little doubt but that the local administration of Kelantan and Trengganu will shortly be placed in the hands of experienced British officials. At all events such appears to be the trend of official opinion at Bangkok, and that opinion is based upon despatches from London. Such
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  • 268 4 Echo de Chine gives a fuller version of the new treaty between France and Siam, than has been furnished by either Reuter or the Havas Agency and in that version we find confirmation of the opinion ventured on Monday to the effect that France would limit the number of generations
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  • 258 4 One would scarcely expect to discover in an editor selected from amonz the eunuchs of the Chinese Imperial Court any too devoted a worshipper at the shrine of "the Star-eyed Goddess of Reform." The experiment, so far as it has now been tested in China, of securing such an editor
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  • 108 4 One man's food is another man's poison and so, while we in these Settlements are bewailing the drought which has given us a water famine in Singapore, there is rejoicing throughout almost the whole of Netherlands India because no rain has fallen for the last four months. Despite the fact
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  • 49 4 Dr. Hamilton Wright is now on a visit to Java. He has been commissioned by the Straits Settlements Government to inquire into the beri-beri question in that island, and has been instructed to study the disease in that quarter not only in the iiuspitals but also in the prisons.
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  • 35 4 DV BECOXD FACHODA Thus VArenir dv Tonkin heads its article on the new Franco-Siamese treaty. The heading is spread out across the five columns which comprise the front page of the issue for October 10th.
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  • 17 4 An article on the Siam question and other reading matter will be found pages •2 and 3.
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  • 7 4 To-day's 4/ms ban* rate is l/v s
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  • 10 4 Thk Siamese gunboat Ran Hook left bound west yesterday afternoon.
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  • 15 4 Owing to pressure on space, a letter signed Justice r is held over till to-morrow.
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  • 14 4 Mr. A. Lyssakovsky, Russian Charge d'Affaires at Bangkok, is now in Singapore on leave.
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  • 23 4 m In honour of the 44th birthday of the Empress of Germany, the German ships in harbour were to-day gaily decorated with flags.
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  • 21 4 The ex-Chao (prince) of Phrae has had all his Siamese orders and decorations taken away from him. How he must suffer
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  • 21 4 The Straiig Budget was published this morning. A full account of the three day's racing will appear in next week's Budget.
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  • 30 4 The M. M. Sydney, with the mail from Europe of the 3rd October, left Colombo at noon on the 2lst instant, and is due here at noon on Sunday. m
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  • 27 4 The Manila Government will devote $250,000 for a Philippines exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition, where thirty acres of show space have been allotted to the islands.
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  • 32 4 The accouchement of the Queen of Italy is expected to take place early in December. If the Queen gives birth to a son he will receive the title of Prince of Rome.
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  • 20 4 Marconi is reported to have succeeded in transmitting wireless telegraph messages from Cape Breton (Nova Scotia) to Cape Cod (Massachusetts.)
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  • 24 4 Penalties for opium smoking in Japan are still absurdly strict. The other day a Yokohama Chinaman was given 18 months' imprisonment for the offence.
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  • 31 4 In the Canton provinces the early rice crop has failed. A rice famine has set in and there is great distress among the people. Relief subscriptions have been started at Hongkong.
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  • 29 4 In the F. M. S. the Government has circulated a draft to regulate the use on public thoroughfares of traction engines and other automobiles and of carriages attached thereto.
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  • 37 4 The next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be held at the Prinsep Street Church, on Friday next at 8 p.m., when Mr. Song Ong Siang will give a lecture on Life in Alexandra Palace Camp."
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  • 49 4 1) 11 rim; the recent typhoon in Tokyo Chat re's Indian circus lost its tent, and two tigers, a lion and an elephant died from the effects of exposure to the elements. Another lion; or rather a lioness, escaped and at latest advices was being sought for in vain.
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  • 49 4 With to-day's issue of the Straitt Time* there is published a special illustrated supplement, showing the oew Singapore Theatre which it is proposed shall be reconstructed from the present Town Hall. We are indebted to Messrs. Swan and Maclaren tor the necessary drawings from which these plant were produced.
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 94 4 IN A TIOHT CORNER. Sensational Letters Published. London, '2\tt OeMier. A sensation has been caused by the publication of letters from a member of Colonel Swayne's force, anterior to the latest despatches, stating that the force had had numerous tights with the Somalin, had lost most of the
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    • 54 4 Four liiindret. and sixty of the Bombay (irenadiers are under orders to proceed to Somaliland to reinforce Colonel Swayne's force. [The liuinli.'iy (irenadiers con Hint of the let and 2nd Bombay infantry, the first having ilx regimenlnl centre at Ahmednugger, the xemnil at Dmm. The GrcnaUierK are mainly
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    • 135 4 (ierman Hindrance. .Sir Ernest Satow is protesting against German stipulations as regards the evacuation of Shanghai which Prince Ching had accepted without consulting the representatives of the other Treaty Powers. I t.'ho il- Chine ul *he 11th in.t. say» that neither the < .mimaink.K of the ltritinh,
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    • 15 4 The American Miners' Convention has declared the coal strike to be terminated.
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  • 297 4 Yestekoav, twenty-one Hylams were before Mr. Beatty, tor further enquiry into the charge of belonging to an alleged unlawful society called Sow Seng Chun" Mr. Innes prosecuted. On the 14th inst-. evidence was taken of the arrest of these men in a house at Kreta Ayer: and
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  • 65 4 The Royal Bioscope in the Beach Road is attracting very good audiences and a special race programme is now being offered. The Coronation pictures are still being shown, however, and form a most interesting feature. The phonograph which is turned on whilst the pictures are being exhibited adds to the
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  • 89 4 Yesterday, Mr. Marriott had before him seven Chinamen, charged with criminal trespass by entering the premises of the Tanjong I'agar Dock Coy. at Keppel Harbour on the 20th inst. Two of the defendants got three months' and were each bound in two sureties of $50 to be of good behaviour
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 723 4 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. riiENDERS will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on the fitb proximo for making up 2HO suits more or leu* of white drill for the Kuropean Warders of the Singapore ;Prison and for maUng up -214 suits more or less for native sul>-warderB.
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    • 320 4 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HARMSTON'S BRAND CIRCUS. LAST 4 NIGHTS LAST 4 NIGHTS LAST 4: NIGHTS Of John Welby Cooke. GUILLAUME, ANTON I A THE GREAT, Miss. Edith, Mdlle. Marguerite, FLY. the HIGB JOMPING DOB 30 other Star artists 30. To-morrow^Thursday Evening, October 23rd. HIGH JUMPING CONTEST FOR LOCAL HORSES AND PONIES.
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    • 75 4 G. R. Lambert Co. Photographers OPEN Greaham House (Battery Road.) —on Weekdays only 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Orchard on Weekua y» Ba.m.-fi p.m. on Sundays. Ba.m.— noon. /^IUBTOMER^ who intend spndingoor\j traits home as XfllM and New Tear presents are reminded not. to postpone too long. A ppo ntrnent* for
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  • 2135 5 THE AUTUMN MEETINO. The Singapore Autumn Race Meeting was begun yesterday afternoon in dull, overcast weather. The turf was not favourable to good running, the absence of rain recently having had the effect of giving the course a Uardness that was not calculated to assist in the establishment
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  • 308 5 By an Australian llcnemau Banester who won two races is by the Musket horse Enfilade from Lady Disdain (imp), and is three quarter brother to a very fair horse named Atbara who is by Carnage from Lady Disdain.. The reputation of the great Musket was well upheld yesterday
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  • 218 5 The weights for to-morrow's races are as follows FIRST GKIFKiN HANDICAP. Victress 10. 3 Aquiline 9. 5 Drummer Boy 9.5 S.V.I. 8.12 Tansan 8.12 Grass Widow 8.10 Baanveger 9. 9 Nightingale 9. 8 Calanda 8.12 William HI .90 Lebir 10.10 Biddy 10 1 Gypsy Girl Sl2 Lucky Shot
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  • 569 5 There was an excellent and enthusiastic audience at the Town Hall last evening, when the Valdares Company made its first appearance before a Singapore audience. As a matter of fact the building was more than twothirds filled a phenominally good house for a race night and a circumstance
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  • 45 5 A Special wire to Hongkong from Shanghai states:— The Russo-< 'hinese Bank has granted a loan of 40,000,000 francs to China for the purpose of building a railway from Chengting-fu to Taiyuan-fu. The loan is granted upon the same, conditions as the Luhan Railway Loan.
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  • 143 5 A conference begins to-day, says the Shanghai Time.-- of October Sth, at Odessa of European and Russian railroad and steamship interests, to arrange through continental tariffs by the Siberian and Eastern Chinese railways. The chief difficulty Russian officials encounter is with their own nationals, especially those engaged in shipping from
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  • 32 5 Thb Consul for France has received a telegram from Saigon, announcing that the opening of the Hanoi Exhibition has been postponed from Monday Nov. 3rd, to Sunday Nov. 18th.
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  • 45 5 H armstos's was again well patronised last evening and the programme was carried out in the accustomed excellent manner. To-morrow evening there will be the special attractions in the shape of jumping and riding competitions and a good house may consequently be anticipated.
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  • 100 5 Though the rains hold off locally, it is obvious that rain falls in the remoter districts of the island and that it gravitates through numerous little streams into the main feeders of the reservoir. This is indisputable from the fact that there is still two feet of
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  • 392 5 TAN TOCK SENG 'S HOSPITAL. Further Subscription List. hop Yeo Tiain Watt 100 Tay Yong Watt 60 Joo Watt 40 Guan Moh Heng 40 Chin Hoa Guan 30 Chye Hah 10 Lee Guan Seng 30 Yong Hoh Soon 30 Peng Lee 30 Tan Lee Hong 30 Yong 'oft Chiang 30
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  • 641 5 Singapore, Hn October, 1902. PRODUCE. Ganibier sellers J I.VJ.' Copra Bali MB do Pontiauak 8.75 Pepper, Black 34 O> do White, (8%) sellers 51.0n Sago Flour Sarawak 3.90 do Brunei No. 1 3.75 Pearl Sago ">.20 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.5" Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 30.» i Coffee, Liberian
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 The merit of a medic me Is determined by the teat, Does it cure? What Rheumatics say N. Galloway, Bnnw Hill, London writes: 1 have been a great sufferer from Kheomatism for many years. During this time. I have tried various advertised rheumatic remedies, oils, ointments, and embrocations. My legs
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 208 5 DAY BY DAY. Wednesday, 22nd October. High Water. 0.68 p.m. Valdares Co. Town Hall. 9. Bioscope. Beach Rrad. Harm-i.m Circus. 9. Thursday, 23rd October. High Water. 2.21 a.m. 1.46 p.m. Keasi of the Bth Day (Jewish). Races. Second Day. strait* Time* issues at 2. Banks close. Noon. Race Dinner. Raffle"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 384 6 NOTICES. The absolute purity and great economy of Bovril is proven by the tact that ovei five lnindrtil hospitals and kindred public institutions, including all most important in t lie United Kingdom, are regular users of Bovril. Smli a practical public endorsement is conclusive evidence of the absolute purity ot
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    • 142 6 NOTICES. THE TRONOH MINES, LIMITED. ALL transfers executed in the Straits Hettlements or Federated Mala) States of shares in the above Company shonld be sent to the undersigned together with certificates and registration fee of two shillings and sixpence. A receipt will be given for the same, which will have
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    • 457 6 NOTICES. IBurkisf) Wropdies. TURKISH CIGARETTES. (TEN IN 80k.) Make friends and KEEP THEM. Get an introduction (at your Dea ler's). The pleasure will be lasting, With many it has lasted 20 years. The American Tobacco Co., 9- A, Raffles Quuy, WtmjHfmn KELLY WALSH, LTD. (:o.) NEW BOOKS. THE IMPERIAL World
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 702 7 The Borneo Company, Ltd. nrWE Staadari Life Assurance. J. Norwich Union Fire Insuranos Society. Atlaa Assurwnoe Company (Fir«). The Kiiuit*blß Life ARirarTOOe Society. The Chin* Mutual Navigation Company l> Tottenham La^er Bear Company ■or narticulars of ti.<*e Compani«e, see the ■MmS^Smmt of THE bSeNEO COMPANT. LIMITED. Agents. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES.
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    • 1374 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agtnu at Singapore: Ship Agbscy, late J. Dashdxus A Co., 2-3, Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. -tpnmor From Expected Will be l)p«patched for On De Carpenii'i Batavia Oct. 20 Batavia, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Samarang, and
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    • 639 7 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Norddeutscner Lloyd, Bremen Coast Lines, BTEAMERH OF THE COAST FLEET. Toss N. R. Tons N. R. Stettin 1682 Sandakan 1374 Paknam 1253 Kohnchang 1291 Tanglin 1280 Pedjaburi 1189 Bangkok 1£37 PiUanulok 1189 Korat U23 Rajaburi 1189 Singora 1128 Chow Tai 1116 Nuen Tung 824 Wong Koi 1116 G'Mwijr
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    • 567 7 INSURANCE CO.'S THK LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,300 Paid up Capital £212.760 Reserrn Fund £1,073.680 The undersigned, Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept flre risks at current rates of premium. BOUBTEAD A Co.. Agents. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.. $2,60C,'J00. Amount pud up 600,000.
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    • 423 7 INSURANCE CO.'S Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co. BAY! BUM APPOniTID SVB-AGBarn OFTHB Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada. BOUSTEAD A CO.. G >neral Agents v.c. Straits Settlements. SOUTH BRITrSH FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. TIRE Insurance effected on every des cription of property. MARINE Risks accepted to Ml parts of
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    • 1492 8 Under this bonding the following abbreTia»iont« nre used etr.— steamer sn.— •hip l«i —barque: sch.— schooner; Yet— Yacbt, Cru.— Cruif^r; Gbt.— Ounboat; Tor —Torpedo; H.p .-Horsepower; Brit—British; 11. H Untted BUtaa; Fc-h.— Fren.h 4tm flu limn Dut.— l>utch: Joh.— Johoiv; O.c— General-cargo; <i.p. deck passenger, U.-Uncertain T.
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    • 110 8 for Per tteamrr Timf. To-Morrow. Am. iv and Swatow Daphnf 1 p.m. Malacca and Linggi Htlene 1 p.m. P. Pickson 4 Sepang Hintamj IWbr 1 p.m. Penang and Bombay Capri 2 p.m. Penang and Calcutta Lai Sana 3 p.m. P. Swet'ham via ports Gnnumed- 3 p.m. Friday. Amlioina. et.
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    • 166 8 r'KOM Europe: By the N. D. L. s.s G*ra, due on the 24th October with dates to the 30th Sept. She brings replies to the mails which left Singapore on the 27th Aug. From China:— By the M. M. s.s. Salazie due on Sunday. Times Table Of
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  • 84 8 PA88E1) rtUNDA BTRAITB OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag <fc Date "of! DbstivDate. Rio. Bhip"s Name. Captain. Railing. 'From where ation. Ot-t 2Fch bq Dnplfix Keniarle Sept 1« Saigon Nantes? Dut s.b. K. W ilhelmina Boomor Amsterdam Batavia BQer s.s. Kiel Scboder lOct 6 Batuvia Hamburg ri Brit s«. Ixion
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  • 147 8 V'SSSKL'O N4MK TOMS I'aI'IAIS KkOM SaU.KI'. CONBIGHHB. a Rio. Oct 21 Sultan Brit str. 10S Crvize Muar Oct 20 Soon Keck 21 Lai Sang str. 2226 Tadd Hongkong Oct 16 Bountead and Co. II Kan Seng Qua str. 490 Lyons Bangkok Oct 17 Low Ban Seag fl R. S.
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  • 155 8 Date. Vkshrl'b Name. Flag A Rio Tons. Destination. Oct SI Farfalla Ital Btr. 147 Malacca and Must 21 Ban Fo Soon Put str. M Pontianak 21 Kuby Brit ttr. 149 Muntok and Palembatig hatarier ttr. 316 Teloban via ports 21 Karim Swd ttr. 857 Bangkok Pontianak Brit ttr. 97
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 Company-General Agency. (FLOR DE LA ISABELLA.) In stock Periectos, Antonio Lopez, Favoritos de A. Lopez, Brevas, Vagueros, Princesas, Isabeles, Conchas Especiales, Windsores, Londres, Culebrab' Incomparable?, Nuevo Habanos and Cortados. Manila Cigarettes, mild and medium. Egyptian Cigarettes Crowu Prince, Fleur d'Oriente, Non plus ultra, Extrafine, Superfine. Tobaccos: Navy Cut, Latakia, Cavendish,
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    • 792 8 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF THE NEW CONSIGNMENT OF GYMNASTIC GIAR AT OfR HUhMMI, 8-4 CHAM<iK A I LMT. YW/'m/, vHh (U-tol-r.ot li'-.SO p.m. HORIZONTAL Bars, trapezes, aytn-. n:i-iir rings, safety swings, hammocks, etc., now on view. H. L COGHLAN CO., •J7-10 Auctioneers and tand Agents. SALE Of FURNITURE, *v.
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    • 416 8 Am— One of the principal Go-downs in Town Bought from us Lb S|^^T six Out o' Sight Rat Traps and within two hours I dV^ w they had caught and killed 25 Rats. RAT TRAP THEY ONLY COST 5 CHILDREN'S REINS A most healthy game for children, solid leather F-nplish
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