The Straits Times, 1 July 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. ESTDi OVEK I A CENTURY SINGAPORE, MONDAY. JULY 1, 1901. NO. ao<s(«6
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 817 1 NOTICES. rpilE BOK.NMOOMPANY. IJMIIEH rir Waart.-<»xl»*ssi«a» »->r. laasraaee 8oe»s»y v,,.»» (Ku.). TWEowHahl. 1..f. Axaraim SoeiMj. TW Cki» M«ti»l 8«-M. XaviaXMl Coaapaiiy Ta. TnWuins Lagw B«er -»paiiy. TlXl. LIMITED airMU SIKAMSHir OOMPANTia V Of»IOI,T«L«..R»I'HST«MT. '£t WII4»TI»,K«Frf.I.H»KI»D». -•IrAM NAVIRATItIN IoVI'ANY. Ktiaiiikh fi»r,,in. J4T". V**"" Cavtoii. liikm, Ao*riui.'»a>i;:'. E«.vrr. UMjU>t,(llHMl'^. MilV>. KKmin«i.
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    • 1446 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. t'OrUNKLUKK PAKETVAABT MAATBCHAPPU fndar eoutract with the Netherlands India Uovernment. A 'Hit at im|^»n SHIP AOtSCT, L*T» J. DaMDEU A Co., OOU.TIB ytUY. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. .sun.r rroni Expected Will be Despatched for On_ P, Kl'Tk Moloceii ■fa tWenMb tm»M Bawean, Soerabaia. Bali, Ampentin. MacH».#ar,
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    • 901 1 AUCTION BALB OF GOVERN WI^T BUILUINU ALI.or.MK.NTB IITUATI AT rANLKY STHEKT A CK^ILMRKK. t.v THE TOWN OF SINOkPOUK To be held at Powell A Co.'s Saleroom On ll' ■■'■i'L'y the lOf/i July 19ul M iMpm. Seven building allotments frontins I ■nicy Street at the hack of the Chinese I em
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    • 248 1 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION PALK OK LAND ASH mVEU.ING. ■•< -111 HELD AT ItiWLI.I. io ULk-lnoM '>* WtJnfdai, Vrd July, 1901 430 p.m. rpWO pieen otlnshnld land, ares I>,lM .mm 1 fvel, marked LoU 21 inlil l.i. rm pnrlioa O( Gr»nt No. .V.I. Toc.ln.r with the dweilinx house thereon known v
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    • 705 1 BANKS. HONQK<fae AND MHAHUHAI BANKING CORPORA TIOK. paid-up capita i •io.ooouooo. JUJBEKVE FUND. Sterling Re*erve..»lo,oC<),uon 1 aisnonnrin. Silver Keser. P S^IO.OOO/- 113 *****0 RESERVE LIABILITY OKI lin nmnm PROPRIETORS. J-»1'V«IM« Cor«r o» Dibkotomt— K. Hliwtir, Kaq.—CaAiaKA* B B Taiutm I H L. BicMAano*. Kas. A Hauit, B~ 1H Bc««aA»r. D.
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    • 641 1 yoiicEs. UEftMAN'IA CEMENT OK re»lly superior quality, successfully used In almost every part of tba world for extensive works, auch at hydraulic constructions, fortiflcatioos, building*, etc. Sole Agnus v.c. HUOOLAN I >T A CO. kll«4\ Hl» WUkMr I'A-SIK PANJANU. AKL now supplying building bricks. For particular*, apply to Chop KIM
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    • 763 1 It's Dangerous U tn«e with cold. 'Use CHAMBIRLAIN 'S •eOUQfI REMEDY PleaaUnt to take— never fails to core. Kur itale by «fl de.Uen. i« nwdicia*. everywhere. I*rieei6octt.sinJ>L Ueneral Aumitv, The Dldjiefciiary, *ii«tapore. FOR SAJuE EMPLOUMiIVTS TO I ,KT Ai\D_V£RSO.\Al.^ [In 16 cents a line: tnd and 3*d times. 10 cents
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    • 17 2 At the Ooueral Hoapilal. Singapor.- on »ith June, Olivi H C. BUS*, age i 30 >< .ira.
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  • 366 2 The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS MONDAY, Ist JULY. Wmr. ii was anuouncod some months ago that seiui-roligious Turkish mission Bad oraii despatched by the sultan to the Mohammedans of China, do little interest wiu attached to the rider appended to the despatch on thu subject, in which it was
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  • 380 2 Says for a neighbourly interest lint we take in the traffic arrangements on the road fr mi Kuala Lipis to Kuala Kubu— on which highway a motor car mail service is about to be established, the interest that the foreign resident in the Straits Settlements evinced in regard to automobiles
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  • 227 2 The Sclungor Administration licpurt for the year 1900, which has just been issued, is a higlily satisfactory document. The revenue of the State for the year was »«,:tu3,16.-.-an increase of »848,6-8 over that for 1898 -and the expenditure was $4,1)44,160— an excess of Sl,sL".t,siw over the exi.endit'.ire for tlio preceding
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  • 88 2 The tfu'ty Mail, which recently published a rumor to the effect that a veto was about to be issued in the premises, now hears souii-o&icially that the Government does not intend to interfere with the Convent Lottery, so there was evidently some little misunderstanding somewhere. Our contemporary goes to the
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  • 64 2 iwing to the collapses in Rauhs and Temelongß, and consequent fall in other securities that had to be thrown on the market and sacriliced in order to meet culls," the Settling Day at the close of the half year has revealed a very tight money market j and it is
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  • 8 2 To-day's 4, ins bank rate is I/I 1
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  • 11 2 Thk homeward mail by the Swlueii closes at 1U a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 15 2 Mi: I> A. M. Brown ha- l)»en appointed secretary of the Penniig Chamber of Commerce.
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  • 19 2 A OMHMWf of time-expired men will leave for home by the P. &O. steamer Japan on the 29th inst
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  • 23 2 The litest HgMJMMM in Selangor Mr. A. B. Huhback to Miks Voules, the sister of the acting Inspector ol Schools, F M. S
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  • 22 2 Mr. Reginald George Wii-.n >.-. retary to the V M S. (iuvemiiient. DM bMO appointed Secrclirv to the I 1. 1.-ni of Selangor.
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  • 24 2 The P. and O. extra steamer IVmmi left Bombay on J»ih ultimo and is expected to arrive here on Tuesday morning, the Wth instant.
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  • 24 2 I'iik P and O. intermediate steamer left Hongkong at noon on Saturday and is due here at H am on Friday, the instant.
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  • 23 2 Two hundred and twenty-four death) were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 47 l.i
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  • 25 2 The monthly sewing meeting of tlm Church Work Arw iciation will he held at Hulne C'tiHse Grange on Wednesday July .lid, at 4 p.m.
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  • 26 2 I'HK V 1) I. mail steamer SMfaart, wiihiiatcs Irotu Kmopu to the llthJuue, left Colombo on the 2Mh June and is due litre on Thursday morning.
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  • 23 2 Tm K.-M<leiit (icneral has consented to grant free transport by rail and ItfMntr. to all exhibits intended for the forthcoming Agricultural Show in
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  • 29 2 Mb. Justice Leach, *bo has been appointed Acting Senior Puisne Judge <if Penang, will go to Penang in time for the Assi/es, which will he held on the!»thof July.
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  • 29 2 The Ilevd. \V. Murr.iy, MA will preside at the usual monthly missionary meeting to-night at 8 o'clock at the Prinsep Street Church, and Miss Pugh will give an address.
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  • 29 2 An explosion took place on the 15th instant in the cartridge factory of Messr* (ievelot at lssy in the suhurbs of Paris. Fifteen persons were killed und twenty-two wounded.
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  • 31 2 Mi; How. agent of tin- Hongkong Hank at Penang, and Mrs How have left that Settlement hy mail for llongkiuie rimle for Kngland. Mr. How expect; to be away a year.
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  • 30 2 The census return shows the population of Paris to he L',6«0,0u0, against 2,111,000 in 1896. Paris will consequently be entitled at the next election to 40 deputies instead of .17
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  • 29 2 Tin. homeward German Packet ftvhteii left Hongkong at noon on the L'Tth ultimo and may be expected to arrive here this afternoon. She will probably be despatched to-morrow morning.
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  • 37 2 A mkmokiai. portrait of the li rbl State Surgeon of Perak, the late l>r H II Sheppard, haK been hung in the State Surgeon's oflicc. It was subscribed for by the employes of the Perak Medical Department.
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  • 39 2 From Ist January to the :«uh April, KM, about 249,!567 piculs of tin and tin ore were exported from Federateil Malaya against l'l'l.l'l'D piculs during the corresponding months of 1900. The duty collected was 1 >»,7i I against *2,L')7,0J.-)
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  • 36 2 The marriage arranged Ixetween Lewis James Fraser, of Tras, Pahang, and Mariii Kllen Cheoie, daughUr of the late Rev. Frederic Cheer*, of Papworth Hall, Cambridgeshire, will take place on next Thursday, at St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington.
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  • 38 2 I'm: Acting Chief Justice, witli tlie concurrence ol 11. K. the Ollicer Administering the Covernmeut, has postponed the Criminal Assizes appointed to be held at Sinpq>ore and Penang on the 9th instant, until Tut day, the 2:»rd instant.
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  • 41 2 Intimation having been given to the scientific world tbat the Directorship of the Colombo Museum is vacant, applications have been sent in to the authorities at home. Mr. R. Shelford, Curator of the Sarawak Miivmim, is stated to be an applicant.
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  • 41 2 Manila ha* a modern Jack Shepherd in the per/ion of Murcelo -Caitrii, a Filipino Within three months lie escaped from threw different places of uoiilinetiiont H« laughingly toM .'uiltju lokis that no prison in Manil n the Philipp:ne» co'ill Uoll him
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  • Reuter's Telegrams.
    • 39 2 FOR NAVAL ROIT-COMB hnuhn, :Mh Juw. Tie Km,' has approved of the institution of a decoration to hu called the "Conspicuous Servni! Cro«s," tc be bestowed upon naval non-commis-sioned otHcers for <liHtini|nish»d service before the emiuv
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    • 54 2 SIH.(.KSTKI) AUWiDMBNTS Ul-r The Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to consider the subject, has reported in favour of an amendment to the Accession Oath by a declaration affirming disbelief in the doctrine of transubstantiation, and setting forth that the adoration of the Virgin Mary is contrary
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    • 49 2 THS I. AC MKKTIM At a meeting of the London Athletic Club, Kran/.lein, the American, won the l» yards hurdles race in U| seconds, thereby beating the British amateur rxcord 151 seconds. Another American athlete, Baxter, woo the high jump, clearing 8 feat 2 inches
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    • 72 2 PAUIS HKCI.IN HACK WON BY A ki;i:nchman KUKNCH AND i.KK^fl MOTOSISTa KKATKK^B" The grual motor race from Paris t<j Berlin w:is won by Fouinier, a Frenchman. The warmth of the reception given to the motorists everywhere in Germany was remarkable At a banquet given hy the
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  • 66 2 Duties -Orderly officer for tueennuing week. Capt. C. J. Uavies; onlerly N. C. O. f..r Hie ou»uini[ »«k, Margl H. L. Froal. IVrade* l u<'»day, md LU p.m. xtaiHllaa in X..M 1. Gun drill WVdnoiHlay, .'ltil, S.l.'ipin. oMtidiiig i/, KMI, Bag drillFriday, 4lh 5.15 p.m. aUndlilg
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  • 61 2 COUR T OF APPEAL. Thk Court of Appeal sits to-morruw, tlnT. being thirteen cases down for hearing. The most important are Ismail and lUlitem v. I) W. Abraham I. J. Chater v. Lyall and Kvatt in rt Alfred Teutsch, ex-parte the Bangkok Bar Association, (Bangkok case) George Stewart v. William
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  • 98 2 THE LAW C OURTS. A MHM of the Council of Judges took place this morning in the Supreme Court Chambers The Judges 111 attendance were Mr. Justice Leach, Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones, and Mr. Justice Law. The three, judge* mentioned will sit as the Court of Appeal to-morrow. Mr. Justice
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  • 118 2 UOMHMUI Cll 1 Thk third and last race (200 yds.) in the competition for the JackaouMillar Cup was swum oil at the Swimming Club yesterday morning, when there wee eight starters. The water was smooth, and there was a slack tide that favoured racing. The race fell
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  • 184 2 On Saturday, Ca|>t. A 11. Koldero, AflMaa Muster Attendant prosecuted Goh Tat I'ani; and Hussain, the '■In,, clitir and the nacwlah respectively, of the steamer I'aujvun Sunxl, for bringing from Kotah Tinpgi over forty passengers in excess of the number allowed by the license. The boat was licensed
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  • 58 2 l.ikK tobacco, the growing of coIVm in Queensland is likely to become an important industry. There are now about 200 coflHß-irrowers in the State, and land is in every way suitable. When the uniform commonwealth tarill comes into existence, and all the mar keta of Australia are open to thn
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 535 2 JTOTICE& NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. ULAtiGOW. Manoraeiurort of Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators, Safety Fuses. Electric Blasting Apparatus. la* atan KxpUmrer, iVin<7 aU ma**l*.ivr~l it) (heat hrilain, are made to paw Lie nigh ;taiy>nril of nfetv nrui pvrity Mt impn»l hy the BrUitk Oorernmenl, and nrr, Ihtre/nre, guaranteed
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    • 91 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. POWELL ROBINSON'S ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE. TEN DAYS ONLY. Commencing To-Day. :o: A GENUINE SALE A GENUINE SALE A GENUINE SALE or ODD LENGTHS. REMNANTS ALSO Flannels Coatings Serges I weeds Cheviots Angolas Helmets, Hats, and Caps AMI Straw Hats. Sale price from $1 each. :o: SPLENDID VALUE.
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    • 565 2 UTEBT ADVERtISEMENTS. WANTKD— 4 PRIVATK tntor who f will fin lethOD* in Kneli.h. one hour every day ii tlm morning "rollernoou. Apply to J.1,, e/o rtmui. J/7 WANTED. A I>VF.RTISKR.(tngIitL. %-,•<! W) acaks empl'.ynient. H»> twelve yean eiperience of the East and can give excellent reference, and testimonial*. Apply
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    • 101 2 At Tolice Baliru on the «th June, tlie wi MW W. Math of, a mo. s vrittca tMM *.df of tb. p<HMr oiuy B tb. aotUot <x tbat oouditioo. muj Si. 3. 8 <n rjinowd tiU mwai otb.r.i» bo pobli.h«J. all aSrartiinßt ooatsaot. ar. ittiMot to th. r. ,ndi. b'ca
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  • 41 3 DM rient in « cinlcs thai ne^otiarc on loot lor the •equisilion l.y the -tandard old Irnstol oil 11. Ids :i and Burma. The rumour proha'.ly originateil over th* recent visit t.i Huriii i of the Standard I 111 Trust's representative
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  • 47 3 In c.eine.tioi. with the I'enang Agtictiltura! Show. th. n- will he. on ilie IMb Inly, a j n iii.inj; competition o|ien to all hors. and aaaMß, thpr..|ieity ..I residents in the s.-nlem.Miis .mil Vial. i) I'eninsula, for a pii/« value 43U, pmsunted by the Pen. Hunt Chtb
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  • 45 3 proclam ition iawad b* Urn Roreign Ministers at Peking publishes the Enip. ror's aaaaaal to .1 legation Concession witl.i-i the ;iiy All Cmm ■mat Mm from the defined area, coinpeiisation beinj r.anl. alter examination 111 claim!., through the diplomatic Corps by the Chin. 1 v.-ninient
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  • 64 3 Thi: i .icars that the tioveni'u approves of the proposed t..r lighting :i |«irllon ol Qaorn low 11, is recointnended b| Sir W II MyWO, and gives Ins sal. ill. in in MMral ti-rins to the r. using ol the proposed loan, pending the submission l.y the Municipal oam missioners,
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  • 59 3 Tai lnlle.l Mates I'r.asory Departuient has directed the imui'gration officials to consider tuberculosis as a dangerous and contagious disease, t onse.piently, no more consumptive immigrants will be received in America This is asnaatad to bring aboot Uwm I in inimigralii.ii, and it ma\ also aflec; the tratiic, .1- the older
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  • 74 3 I hi annual interport rowing laces l.lnwn Vokoliatna and Kobe wo I n. M at Kobt on tiie «:h and 9th inst tin tlie iirst day Kohe was successful in se. uring the inter|Hirt pairs. whil« Yokohnma won tlm fours (In the secir.d day, in the d'lilble «cnll?. the Kohe
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  • 65 3 The proposed electric line known M the Piccadilly and City Kiilway will pass under the south side of .-t I'aul's Churchyard It is feared that the c.n.'tru. t ion of the tube and tlie constant notation almost immediately banaatb the sanctuary m. iv seriously ei.ilanc'r tlie kmndatinm Iho Dean and
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  • 68 3 Is the course of .1 speech delivei. .it. the Bub wayoCin m her. .f Mines recently Mr. UndMaaid thai lie wu aware of ur dilliculty in .South Africa. Anyone w.i- abM tv-day to import labour, bat ht favoured le^i>l.ition controlling the importation and dapartatioa ot Asiatic labour. He ntwaMMtM bom
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  • 80 3 1111. new convention tietween Spain and Japan provides tiiat ta< h ot tlie 1 ontract ing parties shall accord to tlie othei llMiat ■Ulllliad nation treatment in tefpect of import and ex;-;Ml duties except so far as relates tj the special advantages accorded by Spain to IV.rtugal. The convention is
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  • 81 3 MAI OKell. the famous lecturer, will arababrj liait Japan professionally in the autumn of mil year, says a recent Caaa HtrmU, He ha- 1 lowtneated uilh Messrs Kelly and lor the pur| t as. -ertaining what tn« |.r.*|«v!« would I.c lor a ti-ur in lij'.u, and Cliina He Mates
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  • 85 3 hai wax till now the earliest known version of tba Uotoal M«ording to Bt Matthew lies in the Vatican library, and dales from the fourth century. Some le.ives of a much carli.-i version have now, liowei.found l.y tlie Kg>|.t K.vploration Fund. IUI new version was dug out of a •.in.l-h.-.i;
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  • 78 3 Mr Bodjard Kipling dow not «jnt to he worried bf letters when he 1. Hway from home A new aim 11. dent wrote for an eiplanation of the -1.-reii, i- to the -live free nations" in his |x>eiii OH the Iliailglliallllll of the Australian lonmiomveallii Hi« Loodon secretary replied: "Mr
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  • 99 3 Dk. Bia.ldon. in tl.e Naxri BambiUn Medical Bapori f..r ItOO, puts- Csrward the ineniv ratardi bari-bari thai tht Hat cau-e ui tin? IninmtihU rliaoaiai is tlie eating of damaged rice In his opinion, with 111. na~e.l ptuapaiity and facilities for tnaaaart, and ooaaaqoaßl more general and fraqifl distribution ot cram,
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  • 146 3 I Hi: ne»e«t thin:.- i* pro|MMalol the Bon (anal I'n.jcctiir Advertising Company Tin* Company, haviag U> head.|iiartiis at I'ort Sai.l, i« now introdui -inf.' the inosl novc! and tffactiva method ol 'advertising which -|.e:ik- for it.-ell. l.y lantern mlm Ot emelii.ili. graph, a thing hitherto ufcaawa M iiiitliinii!lit ol to
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  • 42 3 MvNV,| l,u. '.-eiiM-kci MM the raenaotiva baighM .it the Hake and Doebaaa of Cornwall Mr. Sydney Mall, the well-known artist travelling in the Royal suite, states thai His Riyal Ihuliness is sft. SJiu, *nd that the Duchess is just a shade taller.
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  • 36 3 1 1 i- iiiturestinc to aanaaan the salaries allowed fur the Municipal Health Department in Singapore, Penang. and Kuil.i Lumpur :-Singapore BUM I'en.mi; MVM Kuala LMnBWtMH Inspection ol markets ...-.t Singapore WBJH& Penang Kuala Lumpur 5768.
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  • 45 3 Ink New York Herald publishes a telegram from Lima, stating that, an nr.lmg tv intelligence received there trum C'uzco, an Italian, named Qianoni, lii- anMaaiaaMd the French explorers, M. M. Rnveaux and Limonier, in the valley of ('onvencion. and was himself afterward* killed by Indians.
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  • 54 3 Thk statue af Her late Majesty tlie Queen, which il w is decided to erect in Colombo in commemoration of Her Majesty 1 Diamond Jubilee at the arpaMll .>! Iha public funds, will arrive in Colombo aliout the end of this month. The site of the old Tea Kiosk is
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  • 56 3 THr. returns of the Volunteer Force for last year show a very great increase of strength as compared with l«W. in MMMBM of the larger recruiting reuniting Ironi the war. I'ln number of efficients at the end of the 1900 ohViiil year was over Jf70,000, an increase of about 46,000
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  • 57 3 It is understood that the .i liner iaiaril went ashore near Aden, and that all the crew were saved. The vessel, which carried a valuable cargo, was expected to become a total 1 The Admiralty has instructed the chief naval officer at Aden to afford .i-M-t:imc and protection to
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  • 56 3 i.-port.'d to he the intention of the French Government that no time should be loot in laying down a submarine cable between Brest and Dakar, and ii, .-t ii ■li-iiiiigintlieKarE isl a network ■npfa lines encircling French In. i i-t. htn.i Tne Government also gave its consent to the establishment
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  • 54 3 Tiik report of tbe Army MMMaI Department for l;«St i>uv. that in the Sti.nts .Settlements the health of the tro is waa most satisfactory; the Banal eeenaat in tlie admission rate for contagious diseases is attributed in a Lie:it measure to the increased su|..-r\ ision exercised by the municipal authorities
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  • 52 3 Tiitreiwirt ol thelointuittee appointed last winter to inquire into War 1 lllie organisation, condemns tiie present administration ot tin department in emphatic t'-rm?, strongly re.-ommends a system of decentralisation, and BMM that a permanent War 1 iliiue Board should he established to supers.- i. ll:. War office Council and the
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  • 78 3 Tiik IMay '/■<<' matioM t!:at a rumour about tun the Kuala Lumpur .-atmary 1> lard m iv deval ip in) .1.1 sort of a Commission n.M raai with 1 regular President, He, Ith Officer, ate. H ibound, an that journal, to come M 1 or 'later, but th. 1.
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  • 83 3 The Amarioaa anriaer Cattuu, C .inimaiidei T.C. Mcl.-an.arriv...| Iron. Manila on Saturday afteroooß and anchored in the roads. The C of 1, 170 tout, ani l'.l'l'o horse-power, hei inixiinuin apaad being 16 knot- -bus a c.impk-meiit ot eight olli er- in 1 li' men, au.l her l-ittery consists of aifbl
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  • 82 3 SEPO Y LINES GOLF CLU B. Thk result of the medal play at Bapo| Lines on Saturday was as follows: aieoDte H. II. I.. 11.t. S H (iaflnrv Major lUnhiii'i K\ i:i- -l.-y I W. I. Cnrl-i Mi l)i. Kill.'Ut Jonro Ota: Wintu Sl.ain DSullivan Hm H lu m
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  • 149 3 DuCHM Christopher and Stevens, who had bean deputed by the ltoyal Society to investigate malaria in India are in the Dooars of Betigal to i.ii.i.i.t re-e.irches in the tea zone luring the rainy season. Dr. James, the third inemlK-r of the Commission, is .Aj.c.tcd sh.irtly from China
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  • 165 3 •Mr MapMM today give some details of performances at the meet.■■K "I tin' London Athletic Club OH Situnl.iy Tin' ISO yards hurdles ■M won by A. C. knirii/lein, <d I'.mi-yK.uiin I'nivcnity. in ISfeaoathus IK-atiii|!tlii! British amateur record •OK in adi' on crass by li Shaw. In
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  • 175 3 A M>«< ow rlnctor named ShaUiitmvsky haa MM ntenced at St. I'etersli'irg an a curious charge. According to Daliiel, the doctor was asked by a lady patient, who professed 1., he hreo of life, for a drug that would eatise her death painlessly. He prescribed a mild
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  • 174 3 TiiK/MtVi/ /-.'i-iirc" states that Ceylon, in common with Hongkong and Singapore, is protesting against non-representation on the Imperial Court of Appeal. As a a result of inquiries made the day the mail left (May :dst) the Exchange Telegraph Company learnt that the linp.-nal Conference, which has
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  • 813 3 a»j/, liik ll.ii-i- week in Kuala Lviii) 'r b attracting many visitors from all parti uf the neiglibouriig states, wlieru people are talking ot nothing but r u-irnr and races, (ladies ad. l to thai topic the never failing subject ot clothes ami means of transport Tht
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  • 36 3 h is reported regarding the I'en.ins Hills Railway, that Mr Alan Wilson's plan for a cable line worked by atairhino lias been iioM ' in two or three months M«cifuMiu» »"d ylat.s nil! be lurDl»b«d.
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  • 61 3 TIII-KSUAY'S PLAY. A. lUNOLE". Chia Hood Sang (H-lorec 1) beat Tan Chow Kirn (scr.)fvo, 7-.V CLASS B SlNfit.BS 2ND HOIMI Tan Keng Bee (scr.) beat Tan Quee Liang (scr.), 6-3, 4-6, 7-5. SATDBDAY'B PLAY. B. SEMI-FINAL. Cheong Choon Beng and Seah Boon Hang (scr.) beat
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  • 103 3 A Japanese professor, who has lately been slaying in Berlin for the purpose of prosecuting his studies, on Wednesday night set fire to the furniture in his lodgings, up.>n which he .Ml previously poured petroleum. ilthen locked in his landlawy Bad her daughter, together with a
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  • 166 3 Tiik annual output of coal in Japan for some years has averaged about i;,7-'l,»i>s tons, of which 4 .!i» !."<■>-' tons were consumed by homo nidusirii-. which were then in v prosperous condition. aays the Sayu'iki I'ttss Lately, the closing-down of many industrial concerns has brought
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  • 188 3 DMOMMM the progress of the Duke ml Duchess of Cornwall and York from Brisbane towards New South Wales, tbe Standard correspondent notes that when Harrow was rxached a halt of live hours was made to enable their Royal Highnesses to "Main a glimpse into the pastoral life
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  • 215 3 I hk Perak Turf Club grillintt have been drawn as follows .No. 1. Bay mare by Mmam from Albatrtm, marc, Messn. Moir and f.i.knty. No. i. Dark b» mare by Jrnti, H H. Ka.a Mansur at-.d II II llaja Chulan No. Bay nmre by OoMMMceVfroa Kutafct, Mr
    215 words
  • 289 3 The trials of M. Auguste Gaudron's new a rial ship took place recently at the Crystal Palace. They were conducted with a working model about one-tenth of the size to be eventually adopted. The result of the trial is so satisfactory that a full-si/ed machine will shortly
    289 words
  • 116 3 Wk deeply regret to announce the death at the Guunral Hospital at 10 o'clock last night, after a brief illness, of Mi-s Olive Stacy, one of the mistresses of the RalHae Girls' school. Miss Stacy joined tho service nf the I'rustep. early in the year and
    116 words
  • 124 3 ADMINISTRATION KEPORT Mr I). Q. Campbell signs, as Acting !:-sident, the Negri Sembilan Administration report for last year. The revenue of the State was 51,^01,366 ami the expenditure $1,009,318, being ■M'l. vS.ll and 8157,614 respectively, in excess of 1899. The value of imports was $4,281,457, and
    124 words
  • 225 3 I'i.ans have been received in Penang of the drill shed which is to be erected n. -1 le Fort Cornwallis for the Penang Rifle Volunteers. A vote of 52A.000 for this object was passed by the Legislative Council. Tbe new hall, with a two storied wing on
    225 words
    • 269 3 TO TIIK KUITOK OK THK STRAITS TIMES.' Sir,— With reference to Hie Notes on Sport by Main Main and to tne letter from Ex-hurdler in your issue of tht Mih June, it may interest sony) of your readers to see the Rule of the A..V A
      269 words
  • 359 3 The directors' report for the half-year ended March :iNt la-t states:— The tonnage of the fleet is :U6,U4'J tons. Three new steamers have been delivered since the last report was issued— viz., tbe I'l'ifsy, the ISU-itia, and Strndan. The sister ships of the last two mentioned
    359 words
  • 49 3 S .C. C. BOWLING TOURNAMENT. TO-DAVtI TIKS. Ill' IU K IMXtiH \e MacKemie and Sune v Mac Donald and Withers. Glennie and Carver v. Knox and Pritchard TIES FOR TO-MORROW cHAurtoNSHir. Withers v. Sime Mackenzie v. Beauderk. TlEtt FOR WEDNESDAY. CHAMPIONKHir. Scoular v. Diss. MacKenzie or Beauclerk v. Hollowsy.
    49 words
  • 142 3 Thk monotony of the 8M S. Darnula'U'a stay at Kremantle (West Australia) the other day was broken by an amusing incident, says the Perth Morning Herald. Among the passengers on board was a man with his wife and three children. Whilst the steamer was lying iv the
    142 words
  • 291 3 I.NTkKf.sll.V(. KKI.Ii.HIfS CEREMONY IN SIM.AIMKK Last week it was announced in these columns that the night Rev. Dr. Fee, Bishop of Malacca, was making arrangements for s grand religious procession to the several i: .man Catholic Churches. This function was a part of the Jubilee programme. The
    291 words
  • 574 3 Hmuipou. Iht JriY. ISO). PRODUCE. finmliiir buyers fS.CO Copra n»1i 8.10 do Pnntlanak 7.36 Pepper, Black buyers SO On do While, (V,;) 4H.0O Sago Flour Sarawak 3.40 do Brunei No. 1 -.'.TO IVn-l :'»m S.flO Coffee, Bnli, 1«X dmU W.00 CoRmi, Palemhang. 16% tMMia '.won Coffee. Liberian No. 1
    574 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 54 3 The PAIN of a HI UN or SCALD it nlraoul instantly rcli. ved t.y applying fhiimUMliim's Piin Bulni. It 'also lieuls tbe injured parts more quii'kly Ihnn l.y any other treatment, mid except lliel.Din in very severe, does not lenve AMU K. F.t sole by all dealers in Medicine*. The
      54 words
    • 69 3 THERK-S HO FKIKXD I.IKK AN OLD FRIEND- He will always help you in time of need. It is the Dime with Clinmbsrlniu'a Colic, (holers iuhl D.iurh.i-it Kemedv. It is an old and tried Mead in m— T Itln— llJi «1 home* ami like uilur old friend l on always be
      69 words
    • 171 3 FACTS OK ABSORMXU IXTERKST TO THOSE WHO AKK IX TIIE CLUTCHES OK RHEUMATISM. One cannot bu too quickly cured of Rlici'miitism. To get rid of those awful pains that make life a never-ending series of torture now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-morrow holililing nrouiid in crutches- to In-
      171 words
    • 404 3 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. George pictures. Frames, Michael PHOTO S Ti MJKK, Singapore. ABRAMS' HORSE REPOSITORY. ,)0 horses cobs and ponies are expected during the week of July. This shipment has been very carefully selected, and includes 3 handsome pairs of bays. All horses thoroughly broken in and guaranteed according to
      404 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 291 3 DAY BY DAY Monday, Ist July. Hich Water. Ml pm. S. V. K Recruits' Drill. .VI.V VattM F....-liall en tries close. 1 1-t.smv. 2nd July. High Water. 1141 a ni. 10.-'.. p.m. Full Moon. K. 1.1 a.m. Pledges Sale. Powell. 10. Uernian homeward mail closes. 10 a.lll Appeal (.'ourl meets.
      291 words

    • 1801 4 i:tli!iirluislii>.vilnc{tbi'Co l i<v.»inu'»'>li:- a. Inn are aud m.-iiwwi »b «h i ••q. -'wirqae »eh nohoonar; V i. TMhl Oru.— Cruiser <tl.«._ Uimhoit Tor Torpedo U.n. -Homo-power Brit Hritinh U. United t*t»:e«; Fr.Kronvh Ger.— Oormmi Dut.— Dutch loh.— Jotaore *<•., >1. c .-General ■*tko d.D. duck ciMMa^rra ll.—
      1,801 words
    • 326 4 i I Fuu 6 i Vsmmx's Name Toss. Cirrus Fkox Biil»h. Cokmo «B. Jl Sui Kane Brit str. 177« Siidel Calcutta June isßousload and Co. ■t» Jupnot »tr. 2199 K-id New York May n Houotond and Co. •"M Will O'the Wiel. »lr. I;s K»l|>l] I'outinnnk .lv'"- '-'7 Kan 1..f
      326 words
    • 158 4 lUTK V«MII> NIMI KlJlli*Kl.. Cmin INBTIMTIO. uneLii .lupiter Brit ttr. bU Yokohama •J9 Ulcnlogan Btr. M< Cin-for HonnkonK and Japan ■JO Uprnl*; atr. Hou»tnun Rangoon and Bombay •JO Sappbo »tr. Turner Malnci.* ho.I Klunj; 21" Ki»o Yhdl- ttr. < chimim-n Muariinii Mnlsc-. 39 i Ban Poh Qu»n i »»r.
      158 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 NOTICES. MAINTAINS TIIU HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE FoTifv t!ic System tftet Disease tW tM .^i JIQJL •'1 He. 3tSf SECURITY FOH Hum...... 3USWS TOSPID I m, DEBILITY, ERUPIIUaiS, WEAK and LANGUID FEELING*, And all Imparities of the Blood. H- is«r«s!Tai«T tviMNcf or *upi«io»itv. jet 'a m^mß-J^T*-'™ ]Ud J«nn»>o» fl«r»»parlll»." -Vr-tif*! tor***
      315 words
    • 576 4 NOTICES bbß^bkw ''jßsß^aS^Pav^BKlßjL'^^CßK^*' -i^BMsßoHpißß*Pii*lWE^fiEijri^ I Sols Proprietors MACKIE C. Distillers. L.miIed.ISLAYGLENLIVET GIASGOW. TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALERB, GUTHRIE CO.. Ar.ENTS. "lUDIAIT STORE. K. A. J. C HOT J KM ALL CO.. 51, 52, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Bombay Alerclmuts and Importers of all kinds of Indian, China aud Japanese silks
      576 words
    • 578 4 NOTICES. /^LANGUID WOMEN I PiLt CHILDRCH OLD PtOPLt, IHftLIOS YIN CHAPOTEWJT (dinmsn win or nmm i DELICIOUS MITRITItE STIBUUHT Th.. diHcalwy wi»e i. e«nly lutmliiU wtOT .o (Kbit *i\i of llqald (bod will naain o. tat •muck. InJu.i.J la khmmuu.^.l wt.knn. ai lack of difMti** powtr. I >^^ foi Ihc
      578 words
    • 904 4 NOTICES. NOTICK. STRAITS City Rubber gtamp. Pri.w roo.l -r it,'. 47/12/U1 Robineon Bai 1 NOTICK. LIM Ah Sinin'. Timlier Merchant and Hteam Sn» Miller, Jobore., carrying on i.ufme-k under the »tyl« or Chop of Sintfapore har<iwoods, viz., Chengbni, Hallow, til. ism. Mnatioo, Daroo, etr. ii logs, planks or scantlings ALSO
      904 words