The Straits Times, 24 June 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. KSTI). OVER i A CENTURY. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 24, 1901. XO. 20,5« l
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 872 1 NOTICBB. rpHK KOIiNEO COMPANY. I.IMIIED rE StM.Unl '.i/» Asnumar*. Norwich nnion Fire lnraiuos Soeiery. Atlas luawa Cnip—T (Fin.). Th. Kioit»hl. Jjf. t«mn Bo«i*y. 1 h. n,iß» Mut,,»l Stow !Javi»»ti«i Co-p»«7 Tbs TAHtssOuun Ue" B»* Oompaaj. For mrUotiUn of thne Coapaais*, W tbe hiX«».t ol THK BOWJKO COWFallT, LIMITKI). Agmt.. STEAMSHIP
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    • 854 1 STEAMSHIP ODMPANffii. I' OSINKLI.IKK I'AKKTVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with tb« Netherlands India Government. Agmlt at Singapore: Bmr Aqlicy, Lite J. Dashdiu A Co., -'-3, Colltm Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. sn»mer From Expected Will be Deepatched for On Japarn BaUvia extra Jane SO Macanar, (direct) Palehleb, Soemalata, Auioerang,
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    • 516 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TiON COMPANY. LIMITED. W I'KNANG, RANG(X)N, A CALCUTTA OneoftheCompany'sstoaraarsisinteoded to le.ive Tnnjoni; Pagar Wbarf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by tbe above steamers at through rate* to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports, Mauritius, and London. TO MANILA. DIRECT, ILO
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    • 602 1 rpHE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE 1 FIRK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £3.1*7 N» Pafdup Capital «IS.7K) Reserve Fluid £1,0i5,680 The undersigned. Agent* (or the Coirpuny, are prepared to accept (Ire risks at current rale* of premium. BOUBTEAD Co, Agent*. rfi CHINA TRADBRB IN SOU! HOI COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital Bul»oribed ti.OOU,OOO. Amount Paid
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    • 441 1 INSURANCES. I/UMOX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. ESTABLISHED 1828. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000. r pHE nndemgoert, agents (or tbe abort 1 company, are prepared to accept lire risks for long or short periods at current rate*. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by tbe Agents in tiirgapore. 81/10 MOINE COMTE A
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    • 719 1 TJONGKONO AND SHANGHAI XX BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-T7P CAPITAL |10,O0O,r«W. RESERVE FUND.— Sterling RenerYe.IIO.OCO.OOO > o o ona n Silver Rewrve f S,')Oo/)00 •••'••.««.W»R raonunoiS."™ F -twnwa Corrr or Di&acrro**:— E. hiwu, E«o C«in>M«sHox. JJ Hn I kwn,. I lurnr Chaiemav. H. K Tomilira. It L. Bicbaedwk. K»j. A HAvrr, In
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    • 330 1 i NOTICES. ■■WAX BRH K WOSkh t» FABIR I'IVUM, tf. Bow tupplying building brick*. For particular!, apply to Chop KIM BIE, No. 24 )l.l»o»Slr.v! (iKRMAMA CEMENT really superior quality, sucoeufnlly wed in alniont every part of the for extenaire worka.iuch a« hydraun«truction«. fortittcationf, l.aildinm Solo Agent*: HOOGLANDT CO. ALS AT
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    • 893 1 CHAUBtRI AINS COCOH REMEDY Hot become famoMfor ill emu of COUOH XJLDrt CROUP WWinipincs COUOH IN.LUKNSSA Try it when Id seed. For »al- by all il.-alrr« in m-dlcine« everywhere, pri,^ cW- j, q,,,. eral Agents, The Disp-nMrr, Hingapere. Koil SALE KMPLOYMKXT.S TO LET- ANDjfERSONAJ^ [In Tim, 16 cent. line i
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  • 783 2 The Straits Times. PRICK 15 CENTS. MONDAY, 24TH JUNE. It is very probably to the establishment of tbe Australian Commonwealth that we are indebted for the little diplomatic trouble which seems to he involved in the Xew Hebrides question that is brought up in Ileuter's despatches to-day. The New Hebrides
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  • 695 2 Mk. Carnegie's lavish offer to the Universities of his native land is by no means an original benefaction as benefactions go in the I'nited States; and, though Scotch by birth and yearning no doubi, the great iron master and economist is withal essentially that most typical product of the Great
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  • 366 2 Urn nu .lie Strati* Tumm called attention to the existence of a local market for baby girls, with the gratif.v'ii-; results that several Chinese interested in the traUic were arrested and convicted. Some of the babies otlered for sale, it may be remembered, were infants but a few months of
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  • 96 2 Notice lias already been taken in these columns of the recent action of Government in rescinding the rules framed in l s -i>. in regard to the conversion of SW years' building leases to statutory pah We now understand that a petition is afoot for submission to Government, praying for
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    • 44 2 AMERICAN OPINION ON BRITISH TROOPS. London, Jiinr MM 1. In Ins report on the Boer War, the American military attache declares that the British troops wur* bra»e to fault. If they had been Ims brave. them would have been lewer faults and more victories.
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    • 27 2 Im,AmMb%, Reuters coirespondtmt, wiring from Cradock, MalM that ten Midland RiHes were killed, four wounded, and 6ft captured in a recent action at Waterkloof
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    • 17 2 MILITARY CiOVKKN'OK OK THE PHILIPPINES. General Chaflee h:i« been appointed Military (Governor of the Philippines
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    • 37 2 NOTHING MORE ABOUT WATERKLOOF. Uav. Notliini; further in known alxmt the fißht at Waterkloof, except the casualties UUQIOUa ASSOCIATIONS 811.1. IN FRANCE. Ih( Krimch Senate adopted the Religious Associations Bill in a MMr what amended form.
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    • 57 2 KUAXCK HUm id STICK TO THK.M 8M Uiet The Krciu-li Consul-Uuaeral at -yd nry lias been interviewed on the ■(uextion nrliether Krance, after having taken >--i— .i.m of and colonised the Ni'.v Hebrides, m likely to retain Mm islands. The I'un-ul-lieiisral said that Kraneu would certainly object
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  • 26 2 Thkrk will lie a general rommitt. i: meeiing of the &V. C. to-morrow, (I'uesriuy) at B U pin in the Drill Hall, in plain ulolhcs.
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  • 78 2 Thi-it wan no play on .-.Uur.l.n lI KS FOR TO-DAY. I BMHOaP. Holloway acr. v. Kinsey 4. lieaucleik ."> v. I'aton 7. MXI HANDICAP. Tuinlin and Noon t) v. M.i. 1 I anil Williers o. 11KS FOX TO-MOUBUW. MM HANIIII Alv Mm and Kaeburn 4-
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  • 170 2 Some interest has been aroused at PanaO| by the case of J. A. Solomon r. Meyer (trading as Meyer Brothels) of Calcutta. The suit arose at Penanfi, but the Supreme Court there decided that it had no jurisdiction. Tbe Calcutta court bad jurisdiction and Mr. Solomon brought
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  • 358 2 I tvll. SKKVK'E AMI LAW r s. 1 C. Thk final pam« in connection with the S. C. C cricket tournment was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the Law and Civil Service and the S. C. C representatives. Tlio l.iw ami Civil Service eleven
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT^ POWELL ROBINSON'S ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE. TEN DAYS ONLY. Commencing- Monday, July Ist. A GENUINE SALE A GENUINE SALE A GENUINE SALE up ODD LENGTHS. REMNANTS ALSO Flannels Coatings Serges Tweeds Cheviots Angolas Helmets, Hats, and Caps AM) Straw Hats. Sale price from $1 each. SPLENDID VALUE. Ties
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    • 974 2 LATKT ADVERTISEMENT. FPASER ANEAVE'S AERATED WATERS RECOtiNIHEI> AS THK BEST IN THE EAST. I'uri'y and Excellence Guaranteed. Fraser Neave, Limited, SINGAPORE and PENANG. just tjisr :f» a. o k: ei id A New Shipment of ttie Celebrated WERNER PIANOS. INSPECTION INVITKI). THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. ;I3 KAFKLKS I'LACK Telephone
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    • 12 2 Ox 23rd ir»t.. the wife of F. P. KOHLHOIF. of a cl»U«ht.T.
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  • 11 3 Tn« Dutch Government "learner l.untrr left eastward at |> m. on Saturday
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  • 22 3 Thit in inllily m-nlal for I line will be played t m Bl the Sepoy Lines Golf Club .in Sum, lay next
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  • 13 3 With 10-da> there is issued a supplement containing shipping nc»s BBS some ■MBJMMMMBi
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  • 18 3 MM has it that Lieut I' L lumpen has resigned the Wing OHicership of the Malay States GuidcF.
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  • 24 3 li i» lepurted al Bangkok that negotiations are in progress with a liM tv the King of Main MMBMBJ .t private residence in Java.
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  • 20 3 Mk Hamilton has proceeded to liriiseh to take up his appointment as manager of the Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Company.
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  • 21 3 The shorthand classes at Raffles Institution recommence on Tuesday, .Inly I'nd, and not on July L.nd as was stated on Saturday.
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  • 23 3 I hi. .iiimial BManJ mcctiM! ol the MOB Australian Qold Mining Company was fixed to be held at Brisbane on tbe L'Tth ultimo.
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  • 22 3 The l'enaug,( ioll lull have just made irr.ingements for their spring meeting with six prizes. The (.'himpionship pri7e i- HI in value.
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  • 26 3 Arrival." fiom laah tell ti. I'toHeer that the employes there are confident in the stihilitv of the mines, in spite of the expert judgment recently delivered
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  • 31 3 Th« P. O. steamer Ilmya! with the mail from Europe of the 7th June, lafl Colombo a» 6 a.m. on Sunday, and is expected to arrive here at daylight on Saturday
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  • 31 3 Thk Haln IM MjN that Bentong is fir^iM: h-ad. Loke Yew is getting tin out in hrge .jiiantities JSnivey to*, i~ more forward there th in in other parts al I'ahinj
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  • 29 3 It is rumo'ired at Kua!i LIIUIUM, says the Malay MmU, that Mr. (iilbert Whyte has resigned the manager-hip of the Raab Mines, having obtained a better anointment in Australia.
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  • 33 3 Thk bowling mitch be'tvei n tho Tanclin and Teutonia Cluh- -lud-d at theT.wtonia Club on Saturday, the Tanglin Club winning by 44n Th> Tcutonia < I;! MMI afterwards entertained the rival BM to supper.
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  • 45 3 A Mr. II (I Bra (from U.n.ion) has been appointed shorthand writer in the Resident(.. mrals I Hfice, in 1111(1 Mon to Mr II Trc.-.irthen who resigned ■MM) little lime ago Mr. Evan- will take up his duties in the course of a few days.
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  • 44 3 MrußtK* of the 8. V. A. who wi-h ti practise with a view to getting into the Warren Shield Team should draw rifles and put in as many BraatiMl as they can. Team shoots will as arrnnced shortly, as soon an a sufficient number
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  • 36 3 Thk sMariaa trim..,., -1,,,. Ommmbmbl Samlincchi. ,-irriveil from Saigon this morning an.l anciiored in the roads after exehancing s dutes with Fart 'aiming. The l>;,,n<i is ot |v tons, ha« a crew afHa. carries 14 gunf,
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  • 49 3 At the time when the «aaH fiailao at Kuala Lumpur aaj al it« height, the l«ike water waspumptd into 1 1. i Thousands of dollars have been spent with thai object, hut in the meantime the I^ke vi iter h I analysed and found to be unlit for eOMBMBtMI
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  • 50 3 nMLBMMBM) ol the flailiaM lEifle Club will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday next at ."> p m Capt. Mullikei, RG A the (i.irri-on Adjutant will preside All members are asked to attend. Tm election of Boa > .mil Committee will take place and the MMM BMM will
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  • 51 3 TU Baaf TtaaaMi Co havajart Maaai up a bulk oil trade with M. Ibourue aad Sydney The aiaaaai -teaincr is the Tmfitf, aUea IMcbari Albany. Waal Australia, on the i.">rli May Fm la* ao thai trip aaaLUO tons of nil ou Ixiard. Tba oUaupplyii ruinpeil into tank", which arc bolted
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  • 48 3 Tm I'okyo I'olioe have iMMi DOtiAcatioa that eitiuot lnn-t not go aWa> «itii Lire let .iiitside the ■ilthiirown residences Any l*r»nn riohtjag this interdict will be punished for misdemeanour. The veto i" mmmM as a prcaii'iiui against I'l.iKue. matter whk-h is natutallv cnnsing umi li aMMBJ in Tikyn
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  • 58 3 Xi ir ]4 af tlie amended ruh-s under the Crown Lands Ordinance of 1886 bar l*en amended by the (Governor The mii' mm taaas m Umi No land shall be granted to.«r,y aM ■MMBi whom the Criiwn has uny unsettled claim mi account of land in his aaßaaaMM arataaj (iaMcfaarad
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  • 65 3 I h»: N VMSh i. muli Pott BaU with a i. mi riaMMßtof railway material in Port Anliur on the J"tli of April last, I 'in eiii.rcine from the canal lan to Kas Gatia in the OaH of Sui z Th.' \'.)t»egi»n salvage steamer I arnv.-d „t i'..n BaU M
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  • 73 3 Hitherto all home supplies for tlie American Army in the Philippines have bern forwarded I'roin San I'r.iiu i-.o by nionthK Army tnaapottl The Kdstern States nl the I in. fa I l.iiinii a wham in tni» prafltaU* lunness and M ban "t.trtiiii; abaal IB* aMI af next month. Baa
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  • 113 3 M* l.ipton. Limited, was sold to Ihf public tkrm has been M.-.nly Inline in tlie i n.iit> For 1 I*— ■< they amounted to fltl.tll. tor I'SHMiXO to fitia^Ofi, but the p.-iht twelve month" they bam Km to Cttt,7M Tm dividend of II percent paM f i the |m>i t»o
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  • 85 3 It is said that a MMI of Urn iiiii of Kmpp, nith an ex|iert locomotive engineer, is shortly leaving there for India fur thi! purpose of studying the Indian railway sy to.m. The belief is expressed that the Krupp and other works might, in conjunction, do a great deal in
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  • 84 3 It will interest many to learn that Mr Con an Doyle will presently contribute an important story to a London magazine in which the great Sherlock Holmes is the principal character. In America the play founded upon the career of the great detective has run for many months with enormous
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  • 102 3 W D. and H. O Wills (Australia), Limited, is a new company with a capital or X2&O.IKK) in £H) shares, which will adopt and carry into effect an agreement for the acquisition of the business of tobacco growers, merchants and manufacturers, now and hitherto carried on under the style of
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  • 75 3 Tut Hr-t M in Ml Warren Shield Football competition will he played to-morrow afternoon between teams representing the S. C. C. and No. 35 Coy R.A. A- both teams have been playing very consistently of late, an interesting game should be witnessed. Teams Billings. N Ban mm Ureen. Kobertsun, Ellerton.
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  • 134 3 WUMMM have been made to let the N D, I. I I DM Pin from ISangkuk t > BMJMjNM in connection with the iioineuard and outward German Mail in tbe following:— manner. The Lhh will leave Bangkok every alternate Thursday to arrive at Singapore on Monday BjeiMMj the homeward boats
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  • 161 3 Thk I tlius describes the nenalMM ol >ai|:on. the capital ol Cjchin-Cuuia: I'lir.-e times a week, at five o'clock in the afternoon, a -pl.-i.did military band plays in the public place, or square. There is a r. -ruil enclosure with comfortable ciiair-. Cm uhich a small charge is made. AU
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  • 32 3 i'.i MM fcta. for Colombo-Mr Uadar For Hawaiian Haan Arthur II l:.iilt.-n. Lngan, C. K OaiallM. .lain.- Currn-. W. il. Uawson, Jno. Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Keith
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  • 81 3 MNBh Mft Heep I As th» ,-h:.".| u vv F.lhir is off on the hilH Mnv, CaattoftM golf-ball it. way. Soon he'll come home and bring to th»'C A trophy tin- for his babe to tec. So bleep, baby, sleep Hai p. Baby, ».itf]. i yoe must cm
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  • 71 3 S.C. RECREATION CLUB TENNIS TOURNAMENT. •l-'HIIAH I'LAV. A. SINGLES. OncTek Urn 1.-,) beat (Tin Mood Teck (scr)6-l, 4-6, ML -I i\". Ml ML <:. SIM.; 1 Xeu Ewe K i nig (scr beat Wee Tiang Ki-at 15) 6-1, K-0. l/ee Cliini Tv in (asr.)r. BaM Chin Kng(scr) M, 1 lII*
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  • 229 3 BATHING FATALITY AT TANJONG KATONG. a vot sc. RUM MMBft A Ma occurrence took place at Tanjocg Katone yesterday altcrnoon, whilst a I•a r I of yuung MMWI wan Iwilimg. It mm Mr II B Wilson, of Messrs. (.nthri.- \> BMMW with HaHNI Spiniii, Curtis, and Laporto went iiitci
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  • 177 3 It whs stated in the New York ilis■MM lately that a rumour was gainin: i reduce that the next great trust to be foimnd would be an insurance trust Says t'm San Francisco I'Aro-ni.-V: The actual facts stated in the MMMBI were I'trdly sufficient to justify such
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  • 222 3 LORD ROBFKTS' PKI/.E KOH PRACTICAL SHOOTINC. The prize list of the forthcoming Bisley Meeting shows that the new prize, a silver cup, which has been given by Earl Roberts, will be shot for under military conditions of a very practical character. Tbe competiug teams (trom any cavulry
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  • 271 3 JUBILEE THE HOLY YEAR. It may not be generally known that this year is what is termed by the ancient church the Holy Year, in other wor is Mi Jubilee Ye.r. ll _•!!:■> the now century. It will be remembered by readers of Billical Baton thatthe.lews held a jubilee every
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  • 428 3 B:itana,Ju,,. I-' A \lk. successful Gymkhama was held ou the Club ground on Saturday aficrnoon the I'xh ins'ant, starting at 4p. in The programme opened with a rack-race, for which eleven entered, and which was won in treat stjh-by Mi. Macphcrson One gentleman who never got
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  • 74 3 THE GERMANS AT SHANGHAI. Th* Beriin Pott, commenting on the am prise expressed by the London journals that 800 German troops are remaining in Shanghxi, announce.* smm-ntb'ci-ally that these troops will remain until the peace negotiations aie absolutely settled. French, Japanese, and Russian brigades will also remain. The Pott enquires
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  • 132 3 Thf exciting times of last year did not help this company much, for although the gross income showed a large increase to £203,543, all the extra revenue was swallowed up in expenses, and the available balance amounts to £5,438, compared with i>.:H4 Actually the profits were smaller,
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 301 3 HATI-I.NS AND I'LKLS t Th* following account of recent boat races at Mi inghai (lhat is, according to the Mm I'rtu) will be read with interest by rowiug men in Singapore— especially by those participating in him races of to-day and to-morrow. The programme, says the
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  • 290 3 Qlite recently experts and MMMMI have called attention to the fact that the libre uf the pine-apple pos«esaes all the qualities to supply a very good ■MMJ MT Hax, and they rniiutaui even that tlie piue-apple pUnt, buth in its wild and cultivated state, yields a tbn which,
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  • 272 3 ■MM by mowiuitoks. The Municipal Health Officer reports a serious outbreak of malarial fever among tlie coolies employed on the Kallang Extension Works. I'rior to the importation of a number of Punjabis from Assam in the beginning of March, malarial fever had been unknown among the Javanese employed
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  • 1087 3 OIL DA.IUERS. At some stir has heen caused by iii.- I Transport and Tradiug Company building large petroleum irservoirs iinar a running stream emptying into the harbour, Some nervous persons pointed out the danger of lightning striking the reservoir*, and the great riaks run should the reservoirs
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  • 18 3 Tbi Governor, sn Kuala Lumpur report has it, intends to he present during the mobilisation of the Malay
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  • 817 3 THE CURE FOR LUPUS. irFKcrs or intknsr Everyone knows what lupus is that terrible disease which brings disn'gurrment and often death in its train, a consumption of the skin which, until lately, in. l balttml the effort* of medical science and most people am aware of the attempt now
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  • 150 3 Monday, .'ltii .Irst. High Water. ».'i p.m. Moon. First Quarter. s^4 a,ra. 'lrt-ii.v. m JuitK. High Water. 4.-.'S am. 5.0 p.m. M. ou.n»rd mail due. Sundries Rale. Powell. 11. Foothill Cup Tie. Philharmonic Choir. UK 8. V. C. Committee Meeting. Drill Hall. 6.16. Wednesday, 26th Junk. High Waier. S.3H
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  • 575 3 SlSciAPORR. 24TH JUKI!, l«0!. i'koih'ck. ■MB) I 9.7S Copra Pnli 7.KJ1 do Pontiinak 7.0(1 Pepper, Black buyer* do White. (V/) 46 00 Sago Flour Sarawak SOS do Brunei Xo 1 2 70 Pearl ..'ago S.flO Coffee, Bolt. 1K% I>««i4 S?flO Coffrw. Palemhitnc 1KT liaaia :'H no Coffee I.iberian No.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 29 3 I'AINFI L IiIiEATHING and dangerously sounding cough, indicating congested lungs, is quickly relieved by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Kor sale by all dealers in Medicines, The Dspennry. Genoral Agont.
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    • 42 3 BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN During tho summer months children are subject to diaorder of the bowels, and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any looseness of the bowels is noticed. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhea R»m»Hv itouid be |irt-a.
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    • 118 3 DONT SHOOT TOURBELF No doubt you often feel like it, hut after just a little delil*mtion decide you ***** afford to do it. But that thumping rackiug Headache j what can you do with it V Give it il« quietus by using Little's Oriental Balm. It acts like magic. It
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    • 117 3 INDIAN ENGINEERING. THK KKCOGMZED OKQAN OF THK ri'.OFESSION IN INDIA. WU\ punraaiad bona frde circulation. LIST OPEN TO INSPECTION. PAT. DOYLE C. E. CALCUTTA w*f ACETYLENE GAS! Tbe Ligbt or the Future Brilliant, Economic, Safe, Having been appointed Solo Agents for the Patent "AlTO" Generators, manufactured by The Wright Mid
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    • 528 3 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY U). GLASGOW. Manufacturers ol Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. ALL KIND! or Bafety Puses. Electro Blasting Apparatus. The above Explonven t \m\nq all manu faUvred in Great Britain, an *►.> /<, paw (A« AiyA tlnndard ,nf,t y nn 4 purity U$U impoted hy the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 65 3 WKATHER REPORT.».i K^hnu Ho,,~in ggfrf Junt.tWl. 9a.m 3pm 9piii Slaliir^T Bar. .•J9H14JM.817-jd.Hno Temp. MSO 7:i W. B' hTh»r 7»0 "X'J 77 *13 Dir.oi Wiml s>v I ».w. Calm S~ Mai. Temp. ttJl Z c Mm... 74 0 £li Max. in Bun 1400 f*« Terr.rad 7J.1 i Rainfall .17 s*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 447 4 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE, Fortify \te System against Disease witii tlOlt-^ii-llQili "THh 3EST SECURITY FOR MKALTW." \_A_/ J"\ j JsA <^/- ES3£NoT" OR FLUID ~gXTR*CT ~OF RED >HM!lot sim-e 1829. ProTlO'i-M-M hv tha HMHUT MIQIUL AUTHOMTIU th» KM TORPID l-VER, DEBILITY, ERUPIUJAS, WEAK and LANGUID FEELINGS. And all
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    • 376 4 NOTICES. I LANGUID WOMEN I PALI CHUOHCK OLD PEOPLE, IHVtLIDS < YIN CHAPOTEkUT (Gumum m or mm > A DELICIOUS HUTRITIYE STIKUUHT I Tki. ihnxntirr wicK b •nil 7 m.i».l.iH wfea I JK. «W wild 01 liquid food will traala o. Ik. I I mill h laiic«t«d in coutitytioMj mi
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    • 735 4 NOTICES. THE STRAITS TIMES AND THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. T.UpHoin. Nt>. 70. TtUf rafhic AMrtu:— "Turn, Smo»ro«i The Straits Times has a widespread circulation m Asia, it circulates largely in Singapore and Penang, througnout all the Protected Stales of the Malay Peninsula, in
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    • 253 4 NOTICES. MKVS WEAKNESES* O XT H B I>. Man> thousands of mm suffer from en.TvMing weaknesses, and cannot find a cure for them. 1 nay to suob sufferers write to me; and I will show yon a recently discovered mean* (timplo and certain) by which you can be relieved of
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    • 978 4 NOTICES. HOTKL DKR NEDKKM.ANHKN BATAVIA (JAVA.) FIRST Class Hotel. Known for its excellent food. Very frequently visit■d by British people. English speaking servants. Kvcry accommodation. Messenger on board of all the steamer*. A. r. MERTEN. Proprietor. NOTICE. STRAITS City Rubber HUni|>. Price moderate. 27/12/01 2. Robinson Road NOTICK. TEOSO CHAM,
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