The Straits Times, 3 June 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 The S tr ait s Ti mes ESTD. OVER i A CENTURY. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1901. XO. 20^3
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 862 1 NOTICES. JIIIE UOKNEO COMPANY LIMIIED TIK KUn.lard Lih- Assniaaos h Uaioo. Fire Insniaaos Bootwty. A-Iss Asvor<i •■ompaav <Fn«). Tbe T*»s»)u.n. 1-ew B-. Coen-nj. PANT. LIMITRP kemnf SFEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I OrnrE. TEiEORArH Street. 06 0. .•frKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. ••TEAHKRS FOR 41H1IIA, jArA», P»»»» r Onus, Iniiia, Ai'stralia, Adek, Eotpt, Maueilles, (libraltar,
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    • 773 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. |TiiMNKI.I.'KE PAKETVAAKT MAATKCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India Govemment. Agentt at Singaport: SBtr Aoncr, latb J. Dabitdeu A Co., Colltbb Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for On Can Jnvnnsfiyt Batavia June Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang, Soerabaya, Macasrar, Amboina, Fanda. Bocroe.
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    • 445 1 C-fOMPAOSIE DEi* MESSAGKKIEr MARITIMES DE FRANCE. Tcleobaphic Ajjdbbh: Mbmaoebie, SIBOArOBB. The mail steamers will leave Singapore •in or about the undermentioned datos. OITTWABV. HOHEWABU. 1901. IHOI. Patw. Dau-.. Mbbb June lao* June V Tonkin -.'4 Ao»»/ An,M,n July i Sydn,., July 7 Brae* Simom 22 Sahvc SI Tbe Batavia branch
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    • 617 1 INSURANCES. rpHE LONDON AND LANOASHiRK 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CapiUl 4»,m,n00 Paid up Capital 1312.780 Reserve Fund £1,0711,680 The undersigned, Agents for tbe Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. BOUSTEAI) A Co., Agent*. rrmß^ china tbadibs" insurance X COMPANY. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed M.OOU.OOu Amount
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    • 448 1 INSUBANCES. L'UXIOX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS. Established 1828. RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000 rpHE undersigned, agents for the above I coropanv, are prepared to accept tire risks for long or short periods at current rates. CASH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by tbe Agents ie Singapore. 31/10 MOINE COMTE A Co
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    • 702 1 BANK^ HUHQKOHS AND BHAHOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL #10.000,000. UEBBRVE FUND.— COCHT O» DI«»CTOE»r— U S»»w»N. bq.— C»il»m» H. K Tomeikb I R L. Bicmsnsox. Bsg A HAnrr, lUg I H ScKoSAar. P. M MnssiTK*". A. 611. Ksq A. J. B«TKOVt>. Ksq IH. W. -LADS. (,1111 MIIUU. Hokokoso. -Kib Thohis
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    • 659 1 NOTICES. EVERYMAN 1 8K 'Wi-C A'iSSi Kl/.WSJI.SSK! P 'JSGimVi •<xsra *iijf"" L^Ttmisj em 17,3/u* P J LLS v* t jrr a**" |rr **ui«Hti«». ••W by lln|apoA Olßp*nalng O*., LteW Ram«» IMao«, ttnjepejrej. ttmtimtm Martin. (m«. soithampton. cmumi m—rm. v. j. Ktrmem m o«. a«r mlfmf ttsV SMlm aa AGENTS IN
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    • 808 1 BATB THt < riIIMKV. There is little, if any. danger from bowel complaints when properly treated. Mr*. Curtis Baker of Booiwalter, Ohio, U. 8. A., says During last May an infant cbild of our neighbour was suffering from cholera infantum. Tbe doctors bad given up all hope« of recovery I
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  • 24 2 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. DEATHS On the Slat May, at Dooneybrook, Penang, Marie Kathleen Alice, the infant daughter of Mrs. J. a. Bikkiiityskv, aged IV month*.
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  • 17 2 At 35 Beech Grove Terrace, Alierdeen, Scotland, on the 2nd mutant. Robirt KiiNsiie Esq., Merchant. Deeply regretted.
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  • 1060 2 The Stra its Times PRICE 15 CENTS MONDAY, 3rd JUNE For some year* back a number of the clerks in the employ of the Government of the Federated Malay States have been bitterly complaining of the system of promotion in vogue in their service— the gist of thai, grievance being
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  • 494 2 Apropos of the above, it may be added that, though various complaints have from time to time emanated from the subordinate clerical staff, whose alleged wrongs have now been adj listed, habitual overwork has never been publicly set forth an one of its grievances. In this respect the subordinate differs
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  • 318 2 I lit: advent ol a little Princess in the liuuseliold of the King of Italy will scarcely be hailed with the same enthusiasm that would have greeted the appearance of a boy. AH sorts of preparations had been made in anticipation ot the arrival of a Prince and the most
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  • 164 2 tiisTKR Katherine, of 'St Mary's Home, is anxious to take ;i party of about thirty of her little charges to the seaside during thesummer holiday*, which commence about the middle of this month. Only a medium sized, furnished bungalow would be required to accommodate all these small people but, as
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  • 6 2 To-day's 4/ins bank rate is M>*V
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  • 9 2 H M 8. Talbot left for Hongkong on Saturday.
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  • 12 2 To-day is the 36th birthday of the Duke of Cornwall and York.
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  • 11 2 Yesterday, a party nf seven «|xntamen tbot three pig at Taropeni*.
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  • 770 2 A VERY ENJOYABLE AFTERNOON. L'ndici the auspices of the Polo Club a very successful little gymkhana was held on Saturday afternoon on the grass slopes in front of the mess at Tanglin Barracks. The intention was, as advertised, to hold it on the practice ground at Tyersall,
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  • 77 2 The following telegram lias been received from rUub The result of cru«hiug for month of May is as follows St. .in- cruahed ?,«60 tons. Smelt*.! gold obtained: l.liW In addition to the above, II 02 of gold were obtained from trial crushings of some vrry .low grade ore. Total
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  • 42 2 Per P. &O. Vhiuan from lx>ndon Messrs. A. J Smith, and U Bird. Krom Marseilles -Dr. (iowan. From Brindisi—Capt. W. H. Peck. From Pe-nang-Mr, Mrs. and Miss Webster, Messrs. A A K irl,-. Helms, and Mr and Mrs Wigley
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  • 11 2 The homeward mail by the rVam closes at 5 p.m. to-day
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  • 10 2 Thk cable-ship lUeorder left for Ban jerwangie last Saturday evening.
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  • 15 2 Thk Russian transport E*W*M, from Odessa for Vladivostock, is due here on the 7th inst.
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  • 12 2 Thk Japanese training cruisers Iliuliidalc and Idztikunhima left lor Hongkong on Saturday.
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  • 21 2 A German squadron is expected to arrive from the north a week hence, and will remain here long enough to coal.
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  • 22 2 The Herman mail steamer Kiaultrlwu having left Colombo on the 31st ult. at 10 p.m. is expected here on Thursday morning next.
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  • 24 2 Thk Herman transport Ulitin, which left Bremerhaven on the sth tilt, with marine* for the Herman Kast Asiatic squadron, is due here this evening.
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  • 27 2 Dikim. May, the Kechau Uold M'ling Company's mill crushed .150 tons of ore for a yield of HI ounces of gold From specimens 2oj MMM were obtained.
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  • 38 2 The usual monthly Missionary Meeting will be held at the Prinsep Street Church at 8 o'clock to-night Revd. E. Lyons, of the Methodist Church will preside, and addresses will ha given by Mr t. Baird and Miw Hemingway.
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    • 65 2 Unnqkotig. Jam M Count Wnldersoe left Peking this morning for Japan, en route to Europe. At Peking on Saturday, a farewell dinner was given to the Ueneral at the Winter I'.il On Sun. lay (ye*terday) a tiffin was given to him at the J.ip.inesr I-egation, and in the evening
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    • 42 2 NO KVArt ATIOX TILL INDEMNITY QIISTIOS IS SKTTLED. liOHllon, ttt Junf It iB stated that Sir K. Satow has informed the Chinese envoys that the Hritihh troop* will not evacuate China till the indemnity question has been settled
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    • 45 2 SOUTH AFRI CA. KIMOIK-i Off PEAt'K. Ufcpi It is rumoured that Commandant Botha i« coming to Standerton for the purpose of c.>imiiunicating with Kroner in favour of peace, through a Dutch representative. 1 NKW ARRIVAL The Queen of Italy has given birth to a daughter.
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    • 86 2 AMERICAN DELEGATES. AT WINDSOR CASTLE. MII.I.IIINAIKKS HOBTB BY THK. KINO AM) QUEF.N. snMK INDICATION OF UKHO\MKRICAN RELATIONS. Lmtm, Jim 3rrf. Twenty-two delegates of tlw New York Chamber of Commerce, including Mr l'iiT|i'>nt Morgan and other million airex, visited Windsor on Saturday. The King and Queen received them at -In- Castle.
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  • 17 2 We are informed that the 9 o'clock time gun was fired live minutes too early, last night.
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  • 24 2 Thk monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will be held at the Rattles Girls' School, on Wednesday, June 5, at 4 p.m.
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  • 30 2 A bkani II of the Netherlands Mil Commercial Bank was opened on .Saturday last, at I Robinson Road. The branch is under the management of Mr. R. A van Santen.
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  • 32 2 H M.S. I'lijmy, Lieut. Commander A H. Oldliain, returned from Emma Haven, .Sumatra, yesterday and anchored in the road* She brought .lown Mr. Dyson of Greenwich Observatory, and Mr. 1. 1. Atkinson.
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  • 45 2 Thk third round in connection with the Straits Chinese National Football Challenge Cup was played off yesterday evening at the Taniong I'agar tootball ground between D.uul Afiah I and Darul Aliali 11, and resulted in a win for the lurmer by 6 goal* to I.
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  • 48 2 The musical evening of the Singapore Philharmonic Society, on Saturday night, was a moot successful function. The main hall of the Teutonia Club (kindly placed at the disposal of the Society for the occasion) was rilled by a large and appreciative audience. The programme was an excellent one.
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  • 51 2 Tiik Banvards gave their first performance in the Town Hall on Saturday night before a crowded audience, who expressed their appreciation by frequent applause and encores. < >ur report of the entertainment is crowded out of today's issue but we propose to give a detailed account of the entertainment in
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  • 107 2 A cricket match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon, between the S. R. C. and No Oft* R A. The Uunnera batted first and knocked up 101 runs, to which Lieut. E. A. (iainsfonl contributed a wellplayed 58 and retired not out. On going to the wickets the
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  • 100 2 YesTERDAT, the festival in honour nf the l> V. Mary was observed by the Human Catholic* of the Madras Native Infantry at the Harrison Chapel, Tanglin. The Rev. Father Nain officiated at High Mass, and in the evening there was a procession followed by Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed
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  • 135 2 Mv Albert Ballin, the directorgeneral of the Hamburg-American Packet Steamship Company, has been in New York, after a sojourn of some months on the East Coast of Asia, ami is said to have several projects in consideration as far as hi* cmpany is concerned. The HamburgAmerican Company, together with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 454 2 NOTICE& XO BEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. t;iiAsuow. Manufacturer* or Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses. Etotrie Blasting Apparatus, n,e al-om K*pl.mif*, heimg all manuftt^irnd in Irrmit Hrit<ttn t art matte to pott tkt kigk ttaudard of taftty and punly Ivh tmjMMwi by tkt Brilith Onptnnmf, ami are,
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    • 560 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD. Have just received a new stock of GOLD AM) GOLD-PLATED WALTHAM WATCHES. M ct. Gold Hunter •100 18 ct. do 120 1 4 ct. i Hunter, Uold-plated, 13 ye ir»' guarantee H II ct. Hunter Gold pUtod, -JO years' Ruirantoe 3o The above guarantee i
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    • 510 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTSTOWN HALL. TO-NIGHT. TONIGHT. ■■■edlalc and prsßeunri-4 Sucre** in THK Great Banvards Every lirtn Enrared TuinulloO'. %pplnn-.r ■oar* »r Lao(hler MADAME BELL The Soinnomanistic Marvel completely astounded and mystified her audience EVERYONE DELIGHTED Out of tin: large attendance not one p. rum left till the fall of the curtain.
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  • 1340 3 LON DON DAY AND NIGHT. I I* rats, an.l rats." Hamlet. 1.-nuloH, 10M May. I |M| the lirsl sentence on the front page ol UM Be/sna of Sunday last- Sewin.irk. -t H i surprisingly thirsty place Well the U-irrrt man must be swift loi if he raised a surprising
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  • 146 3 THE SWIMMIN G CLUB. JACKBOX-MIU.AK II I COMPETITION The first race in the annual cump, for this trophy was swum at Tanjung Katong on Sunday, before a large gathering of members and their friends, fully I"" being present. The ■MtfaaM was lou yard", and the condition were eminently suited to
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  • 178 3 HKTAIL3 or THE MUM M Tiik result of the shooting hy the I't-n.wig team, which took place on Thursday morning last, for the Brom-head-Matthews Shield was as follows Sergt. Neubronner. i'Uvvl< .i 4.1 H total ..S3 6"j' 8 4 55.14. SS WO 9354 4 5, *S \.-k- 91
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  • 509 3 legislative Council meets lu-nmrrow jlit-rimon, when there is a good deal of battaaai for disposal The Orders of the Day include the following items Notice of Motion by the Acting Colonial Secretary That this Council approves of the expenditure of a sum not exceeding $4-J,Mjh for the cost
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  • 1933 3 OmiM OF THE FEDERAL CMC 1.1 \MKNI A SCENE OF SPLENDOUR. I hi- Federal Parliament was opened at Melbourne on the 9th M-iy in the Exhibition Hall amid a scene of splendour. The telegraphic details show that it must have been a magnificent spectacle. The whole of the
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  • 285 3 The accident reported by Renter a couple of weeks ago, which so nearly caused a national calamity, was not the first of an almost identical nature which befel Sir Thomas Liptnn's America Cup challenger. During her racing trial progress down the Solent on May 9th, Shamrork II was
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  • 756 3 HmtiUmn, Ju,u \tt. The Whitsuntide holiday* came very near to being spoiled by heavy rain which fell throughout the Native States, for the best part of a week. Selangor beat IV rale at football by 3 goals to 3. Vanrenen scored one and Cropley the otber 2
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  • 120 3 M.imiav. :ikh June. High Water. 10 44 p.m. Duke of York's Birthday. (.tariuAii li'>iiicwnrd ninil I'lofpc. Banvards. Town Hall. R. lie-inv 4th Joke. High Water. 1 1 i n 11.18 p.m. Uunniesrtale. Powell. 11. Legislative Council Ml Philharmonic Choir. S.IS. M. N. I. Band. Hardens. 9. Weunuhav, rVrii Junk.
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  • 219 3 PASSENGER LIST. ARRIVAL. IV, Van Mtnmtyk from BataviaLiaut. Van T. Uoosen, Messrs. Engelen, 11.- k.-. a V. P. Van Emmorik, 1,. Hasner, Burton, H. W. Smith, G. H. Mothea, Th. de Munnick, de E. Perkins, E. Nehse.and OIL Per s. 8. lAghlnin'i from Calcutta and Penang— Messn. Arthur King, C.
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  • 63 3 The World says it is very generally anticipated that the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall will be created Prince and i'rmceaa of Wales either within a few days of their return from their Colonial tour— or, to be more precise, on the King's birthday. That the step, when it is
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  • 236 3 run CHINAMKN Slur Nkws hag just reached Singapore that on the i/i'nd of last month while on an inflection trip lo the Boerong Islands on the West Coast of Dutch Borneo, Mr J. Twysel, a Customs officer of Sengkawaiig, caught sight ofa Chinese junk or irnitglvinq flying no
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  • 574 3 Sixoapore, 3rd Jinx, 1001. PRODI'CE. Oambiar buyers J RISJ Copra Bali 7.88 do Pnntinnak 7.0S Pepper, Black buyers SB.OO do Whtte,,(/130 4A.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.10 do Brunei No. 1 70 Pearl .'ago 380 Ooffae, Bali, 111% basis S-.'.fX) Coffee, Palamhan*. lv liasis •■Hnn Coffee. I.ilwrian No. 1 17.76
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC. CHOLERA, AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for Dowel Comp'aints. It always cures, and cures quickly It can be depended upon even in tne most severe and dangerous cases. Cures griping, all kinds of diarrho a, and at the tint
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    • 35 3 CHAMBERLAIN'S (Ol(iH KKMKHY. cures overnight Ihe most stubborn cold, as well as all its complications— tickling In the throat, husky voice, and violent coughing. Sold by all deslenin m«li. iues. Thal'i>pru°ai\ tienetsl Atent> Singapore. I-A
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    • 651 3 A Helpless Cripple N. Bengert of Norborne, says: -For nineteen months I lav a helpless cripple from Rheumatism. The weight of my body was retimed from 170 His. to ISO lbs., a proof of the terrihle pain I hnd U> •<ndurc. During all this time, 1 sought a cure, but
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    • 253 3 KiaWAS BKK'H W9BBS PASIR PANJANG. ARF. now supplying building bricks. For particulars, apply to Cbop KIM BIE, 4/9 No. 24 Malacca Street. KINEST CKYLON TEA. I M PORTED direct from the factory. In 1 half chest., containing SO- 1 Ib., packets mtfm. Cash with order. The best tea ever introduced
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    • 708 3 NOTICES. NOTICK. CTKAITS City Rubber Stamp. C Price mod«r»t« -"7/12/01 2. Kobinsoo Rood MR QEORUE LAWS, ME.. AIM M., 6, Battery Koa Hingnpore, having hnd 17 years experience in the Ea«t is now npen to examine And report on. or survey mining properties, or abssv minerals and metals at short
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    • 201 4 Under this heading thofollowi n« abbravia- I tions are used str. steamer sh. ship bq.— barque sch. schooner: Yet— Yacht. Cru.— Cruiser Obt— Gunboat Tor Torpedo H.p. -Horse-power Brit.— British U. 6.— United Ft.— French Qer. German Dut Dutch lob.— Johore 4c, G. c.,—General■arco .l.p. deck
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    • 1422 4 Akoar. Brit. str. 1,4-1' ton., Capt Baldwin 2nd June. From Calcutta, '.'.'n.l May. Coal. Hhrager Bros. For Saigon U Rds. Ban Fa Soon, Dut. str. ti-i tons CapUin, Srd June. From Pontianak, S«h May Oc. and 90 d.p. Li m Assam. For Pontianak. 4th Kds. Han
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    • 111 4 PASSED BUNDA BTRAITB OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flao Dati R« Din. i»n C'aitaik. Ship's Nami. or From whim Dedtik- mark* Rio- 1 Sailiico. iTioK. I M»v -.O'Put •>. Prins Hendrik Turfbvor Amsterdam Bxlavia I SliAro bq Holli«woo.l Knight May 3 Fremantle HoDgkODR MM M.-mpi Udenu May SS Baiavm Kott«rdHiQ
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    • 293 4 5 nmtl CiPT«i» Fioh Sailei. Cokskiniu. O Kiu \Fv 31 On S»n K Brit str. 1787 Y.,ung Hongkong May Boiutaad and Co. .r... I ljuly MiUhill sir. IM Mugfor,l P. Diik»on May 81 S. B'ship Coy Lid. 1 iKian Yang all. 7u rihimmon Malacca Mny 31 Khoo Tiong Pan
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    • 115 4 une I Will O'tho Win I Sheikh S Kian Ana 8 I Hultmn 3 Pob Add 3 I Penanit 3 I Pakan 8 Wilhelm S Lightning X Hoog Wan 3 Said S Ptkshan S Denbighshire S Dunav 8 C. Ferd. Laie».--3 Kostroma Brit str. Ralph str. Junes sir. Hiimmrii
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 748 4 NOTICES. POWELL ROBINSON. IsTE'W GOODS NOW ON VIEW IN THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS. Ta nfXl nB: s^*~ ~^N BBHTLKMEM'S OUTFITTING DEPT. Uepi' f i SBBBBBBBBBBBaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBW lhi« Depart- L nwot is replete Ns,^" f °l Evening goods and is in I C P~2F I JZ™ DrCSS K IS"'?"^ "WELLINaTOK. 1 I aßO,*c.
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    • 847 4 NOTICES. D LAVILLE'S LIQUOR r oosub nu a v ruus Sold by iv Cmmsrs. CASH CLEARANCE SALE. ENVELOPES. n. BC HAD AT IHK STRAITS TIMES" OKFU'K. THE PATRIOT ENVELOPES. 1,000 SI sent free by Post SI 10 THE ANTIQUE ENVELOPES. 1,000 S2 SO, sent free hy Post &I 2-'>. Selangor
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