The Straits Times, 26 March 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE MONDAY, MARCH 2ti. 1900. No. 20,097.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 882 1 rpHfc HMataW COMPANY, LIMITE D rilit Stan— rd Lit. Assuraaov J. Norwich DaJoa Kirs _nuaEOS SocittJ. •Uasj A_uiaDO> Oaaxpsaj (Pin). h> V. i0.u.1.:. Uf« Miu. SoeietTU. Oom Maria* lansraa— Cos— aay. Thm Chiaa Mats— atwa NavicMuo Compwy. T_ Tottaakaa* U— r Bear l'«mpMJ rha MaritisM Is—issios Cossptnj. Linutod. PANT. UMITED.
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    • 1335 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. IMIMNKLIJKE PAKKTVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with tbe Netherlands India Government. .rfjjfi.ii at Singapore: Ship Aoehct, late J. Dajbdels A Co.. i-S, Colltee The undermentioned datea are on I y approximate. Steamer from Expectea Will be rteapatcbad for On I Ii Il'massin. Mar. 14. B'massin, Palo 1 sut,
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    • 651 1 LNSURANOIS. 'PHE LONDON AND LANCABHIRF. 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £5,137,fi00 Pai.i up Capital m,7M Reserve Fond 978,846 Tbe undersigned. Agents for the Company, are prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of premium. ROUSTEAD A Co. THE CHINA TRADERS INSURANCE OOOTANT. LIMITED. Capital Subscribed tVniOOb. Ai.inont Paid up
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    • 247 1 INSURANCES. NATIONAL A.SBUKAKCE Co»rAXT OF IRELAND Bttabtuhed 1822. Capitai £1,000.000 Funds it* 500,000 The undersigned, having been appointed AxrnU far the Fire Deparlmrnl are prepared to accept Ritkt at Current Mat*— TI.ANSATLANTTSCHE HAXUEI.S COMPAGME. TRANS ATLANTIC TRADING CO., LTD.) 264 Two Great Necessities VIZ. 1. FAMILY PROVISION. PROVISION FOR OLD
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    • 668 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL »10,000,000. RESERVE FUND |11,H»,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF Inn mrm PROPRIETORS J..»10,000,000. COCET OF* Dl EECTOES 8. M. OaAT, Ksq.-CiAiaaAH N. A. Sisss, K*j.-I>iroTT C>Aia«A«. K. (iom. Esq. I A. 1 Ravmokd. BagI). M M...n. s». HI. KichaedsokTßss.. A Hau— Kaq B. Ssiwij.
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    • 603 1 NOTICES. /JLAIGDID WOHEI PALE CmLDHEN OLD PEOPLE, INVALIDS YIN CHAPOTEAUT (cumuin wn v rtmi) A DELICIOUS NUTRITIVE STIMULANT Thil auaMSlarr wiaa ii tatily ■Mimilmd waaa Sa othff tohd of liqaid bod will raaaia aa ia« •liauta. it la iarftcaiad ia coaMilali«a*l w«aka«M *^and lack of d.rctiiTt pawar. isaiiH, As—Us. )r
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    • 811 1 IT 18 DAN(i EROUSTTO NEGLECT a ror.p. Pnenssenia is one of the most danferons and fatal otdiseases. It always result, frem a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will .|Uickly fure a .old and perhaps prevent an attack of pneumonia. It is in fact made especially for that ailment and has become
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  • 12 2 HoM.-At Penang, on the 2.lrd March, Woif Hog*, proprietor, Umnd Hotel.
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  • 410 2 MONDAY, 26TH MAHCH, 1900. WAR NEWS. The interesting news of to-day is Reiner's statement, from Durban, that the Boer leaders know that defeat is inevitable yet also they believe that, H they can stand up to the British for six months, they will secure foreign intervention. Truly an evil spirit—
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  • 137 2 To Sir Frank SwAitenham, the everresourceful, we offer the thanks of everyone. While the people of Singapore and Penang quarrelled among each other about a Qunen's Diamond Jubilee Memorial, and have got no memorial, the astute Sir Frank sat quiet, an<i approved the building of a bridge to which can
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  • 133 2 With reference to the report m our issue of Saturday that Goh Sin Koh was convicted of abetmeLt of causing hurt, and w*s sentenced of three months' imprisonment, we understand that there will be an appeal to the Supreme Court. The appeal will include the allegation that Goh Sin Koh
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  • 9 2 I To-day's 4 m/s bank rate is 1/1 1^.
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  • 13 2 Phodcce, exchange, and share prices ami the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 13 2 Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones has taken leave of absence for nine months beginning to-day.
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  • 17 2 EmHT Kling shop-keepers, for circulating prohibited coin, have been fined sums ranging from SI to S2 each.
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  • 20 2 M. Rochefort, who appealed for French subscriptions to present a sword of honour to Cronje, got Xl 9 6s I
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  • 22 2 Ano Toko, who gave false information to the police, has tbe opl ion of paying S-M, it Of aWi"B W f'f *«>*« UfU
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  • 12 2 Mk. Justice Leach this morning took lis seat in the Supreme Court.
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  • 18 2 To-day's petroleum quotations came too late f"r correction in the back page. Rangoon oil is quoted at $305
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  • 18 2 The Russian transport Saratov with 1.5A2 soldiers on board from Odessa arrived yesterday. She is bound for China.
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  • 22 2 There have been thirteen plague cases at Sydney since the outbreak up to the 12th instaut, and six cases have been fatal.
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  • 19 2 The draft enactment and rules with regard to the proposed Malay States Rifle* have been laid before the Resident-General.
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  • 21 2 Leyds was in Brussels when news nme of Lord Rolxtrts' victories. He was too indisposed to see journalists on the subject.
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  • 26 2 A Chinaman- named Weo Ah Poh of :i-» Serangoon Road, and a Hokien child living at 7 Hylam Street, are reported to be suffering from small-pox
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  • 23 2 The Indian Famine Relief Fund is being liberally contributed to at Penang. L'p to Friday last, the Chinese had subscribed over 513,000.
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  • 28 2 H M S. Victorioui was to leave Hongkong for the Mediterranean Stalimi yesterday. HM S. Ult/ry has sailed from Kngland to take her place on the China .Station.
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  • 26 2 The Perth Pioneer hears that Col. iV.ilker will art as Resident of Perak >vhen Mr Rodger g*>es on leav**, and hat Mr. becomes Acting Iteaiduiil-General.
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  • 26 2 Towards the proposed Diamond Jubilee Sikh Temple at l'enang, the Malay Stales Guides have subscribed over 53.000, and over £4,000 has already Ween collected in Penang.
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  • 28 2 Recently a slip of the tongue of Mr Redmonds amused Hie House ol I' minis im">ei.Fely. Eulogising the li ajr*| he referred to them as "those grey-headed burglars."
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  • 28 2 T"t Mansion House Indian Famine F.ind amounted to X13U.000 on March 10th. Belfast has contributed X 1,000, and the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co. have given a like amount.
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  • 31 2 The Chinese Government has issued a mandate M leacl<eis and pupils, threatening to punish any who read or attempt lo put in practice any of the teachings of Kwang Hu Wei.
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  • 31 2 M. Defranck, the French MinisterPlenipotentiary at Bangkok has left fur .^aigonon way to France at. 4) I'anarieu, it is understood, will now act at bead of the Legation in his stead.
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  • 29 2 Mk. Clayton, assistant Protector of Chinese, residing at 116, Bukil l'imah Road, reports that on Saturda) night his house was broken into, and knives, foiks, spoons, ore were stolen.
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  • 31 2 The German steamer Prinz JUuriek, with dales from Europe to the Mi March, having left Colombo on'hei'Alh mslanl at a.m., may be expected to arrive here on Friday in the afternoon.
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  • 40 2 At 12 30 p.m. on the 23th, the roof of a Imueu in Ouiram Road fell in. A Malay woman was slightly injured. A policeman has been placed on duly at the house, and the Municipal Engineer has been informed.
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  • 38 2 A friendly game of Association football was played on the Old Gaol site on S.itnid.ty allernoon between a team ol the Itith Madras Infantry and tbe HI Joseph's boys. Tne soldiers were defeated by four gu.ds to ml
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  • 201 2 The report on the currency note issue from 1.-t May, ISBU, on which day currency notes were h'-t issued, lo 'be lOih January last, has been issued. It value nt ».'>, SO, s.'.u. and SlUOeach. Dp to the llrtb January last, notes valued at;:,,i»ki had been issued, leaving a
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  • 235 2 London, lM March The Mansion House Famine Fund now amounts to XI:IU,UUO. The Town ol Bellast ha.- given XI.OUO, York i'l.Vi, Asbboon £1-5, Uurrogate and Gainsborough XlOO each. Among tbe companies who havn subscribed are: -I'tie H isteru Extension Telegraph, Xl.OtiOO; Skinner's Xl'so; London Rice liiukir.-, X.'mi
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  • 1234 2 London, \Uh March. Mr. Balfour, in tlte Hiuu of Comtuns ibis evening, said Lord Salisbury ad thanked the limed .Slates fur the lendly tone ol their communication, hich intimated Mr. Mckinlry ould be glad in any friendly manner 3 aid in restoring peace, but Mr.
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    • 26 2 THE DIVISIONS IN NATAL. London, 24th March General Clery, having recovered, has assumed command of what was recently Lvttelton's division. General Lyttelton commands the Ladyßmith division.
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    • 13 2 Lord Kitchener is returning from Prieska to Kloemfontein. SOUTH OF BLOEMFONTEIN
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    • 37 2 Lord Roberts reports that the country southwards of Bloemfontein is generally becoming settled. The people are bringing in supplies. Tbe movements of the troops in the western district are being attended with good results.
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    • 78 2 GIAIIDSMKN SHOT. 1 KILLED: -Z WOUNDLD. London, Sunday, 25th Mar:h. A message from Lord Robert! at llloemf mtein dated Saturday, the 24th of March, says Yesterday, Captains Trotter and the Hun We E. H Lj gon of the Grenadiers, and Captain Codrington of the Coldstreams, rode without
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    • 170 2 DEATH OF GENERAL WOODGATE. General Woodgate (previously wounded) has died. M jor-Uen«ral K K. I. Woodgatr. X.C MM, C was in command of the luth Uri<nde('ith Division) and wasuangerously wounded ill the lieice lighting at Spion kop on Jiinuaiy J.">tli. Before leaving Englaud for .South Africa he was colonel command
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    • 38 2 HEAVY RAINS MAY CAUSE DELAY. !*«./<./!, 2611, March There has been heavy rain at Warrenton and in the district. The Vaal River is in flood, and this will possibly delay the operations there of Lord Methuen's force.
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    • 27 2 The Prince of Wales visits the Paris Exhibition in April. He goes to Paris as the guest of the French Government.
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    • 86 2 THEY EXPECT GERMANS AMI AMERICA TO INTERVENE. Reuter's correspondent at Durban learns, authentically, that the Boer leaders, though knowing that detent is inevitable, believe they will be able lo stand up to the British for six months or so, when they are convinced that loreign
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    • 44 2 ItDERS IN (K;UUI'ATI()N. Four hundred Transvaal Boers nave re-occupied Griquatown. A British force has left Kimberley in order to expel them. It is reported that all loyalists in Griquatown have been imprisoned. tJIIIiHSIIH is over 80 miles west of Kimberley, in British territory
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    • 64 2 CLEMENTS IN PHILIPPOLIS. HE READS LORD ROBERTS'S PROCLAMATION. MANY BUWJHEEB LAY DOWN TIIKUI ARMS. General Clemenls has ooeupie.l Philippolis. He rearl Urd Roberts proclamatiun U, the a*»tmbled burghers, raany ol whom surrendered their arms and took the oath binding them not to participate further in the war The Unddroat and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 499 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY LD. GLASGOW. Manufacturers of Dynamite. Qelisnite, Qelatiae Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Detonators. Safety Fuses, letirie Blasting Apparatus The aim* KrpUmret, being all manufictund in Great Britain, are made to pan the high ttnudard of tafety and purity t'tlt imposed by the British Government, and are, therefore, guaranteed
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    • 1805 2 NOTICES. NOTICKS. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I INSI -KAXCK NOTICE KKASER AND XEAVE, LIMITED. TO-flight and BVCry BTtlilg, I THE umlemgr^dTsg Ah Kirn, eldc«t notick TO holdus or »H*RE warrant*. Commuciiio a o'clock. I. .on of the late Ng Ah Ming, hereby /\1 presentation of Coupon numbered ijcwa my thaiik. to The
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    • 49 2 TUI "STKAITS TIMES" HAS THE LARGEST CIRCCLATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN ASLA BRITISH INDIA EXCEFrEI* NO OTHER EASTERN NEWSPAPER HAS SO WIDESPREAD A CIRCULATION Straits Times: SHUayear, or, post fret SO*. Straits Budget: SIM o yiar, or, post free, $iO. Advertising Rules may be found in the fourth paae.
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  • 1145 3 THE QUEEN'S ME,ORIAL IN MA LAY A. THE VICTORIA BKIDIiK "TH« LAROEST IS ASIA, BRITISH IKDIA KTCEPrtII THECIKKMONY I'hf. railway hridge across the IVrak ISiver al Karai was MMBed by tn«; ..•■(ieneral (Sir Kr ink BweUanham) at Bam on Wednesday, tbo -\*l instant. There were BMM: tba Sultan ol l'erak
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  • 111 3 At the dill of Iml iMm*, Iron. Col .rub,., 1 lit li inst Lieut. C. E. M Danoay arv l Lieut btptiinrtprmasier) J. Caddy from EfingapoN had arrival there on th.-ir my to South Uriel Th* former i« .iitnrlied to tktUMMhht Poailiara mid tfaa litt.r tv the
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  • 371 3 Tut. Chnmbpr of Commproe at Haiphong hut bad andar oooaidaration letters from (iovernment, notifying that tUM had ju»t U-en laid in Tnnquin upon IOBMQO, daOT| ***** nn'p, limner, Hud native craft. The Chimher in reply .Irvw attrition t.. tba diflfoulty ..f 'irnli-1-iitn IriiL 1 the>e enactments, ouinc toelumsinessinthe
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  • 414 3 (from 0"r Omrnfmdmi M OUI WAKKIOK. Ill) Malacca assizes commenced >efureSir Liunel Cox on Tuesday, when ht-re were on the calendar four criminal :a«es implicating five people Thf fir-t OM "t attempted iimrd.T vim All Tat m tin- aeeaaad, Bad hi ra« defended by Mr Duvaaa. An nriinoim
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  • 795 3 PETKULKIM. Thk Royal Langkat Company lias I been ucce>-sfully baring for petroleum I al Peurtmla in Auheen Proper. It it I expecle.l that shortly the companj I will strike oil thpre in quantities large I enough for starting a refinery. Thf I manager of the company has already
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  • 252 3 A Bin AIJDIKSi K. Wikth Bros.' Circus opened on the Tmik Road ground site on tsaturday night, and fully sustained its reputation as a steiling show. There was an i Him.--— i- crowd present, in fact many people had to be turned away for want ulruoin, and
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  • 63 3 The adjourned meeting of the De B»eri- Company waa held at Kimberley on Fybmaiy i 3. Mr. Cecil Rhodw, wlio preriile-l, in moving the adoption of the report, announced that the profits for the year amounted roughly to XJ,000,000. The poMtign of the comI my, bi
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  • 355 3 SATURDAYS PLAY. BINGLKB. Mactaggart Mr. beat Morrison+2 •-4, 8-3. "a" om-BLsa. White and Dewing beat Dent and Priicharrt, 6-4, 9-7. White and Dewing v. Ezelciel and I'pton, postponed. X.-M ;<n.l Brad.lell-15.4 beat McGregor and Linton 6-4, 6-2. "b" tisaua. Reid acr beat Hingley— l, 6-4, 7-0.
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  • 456 3 THE PASSENGER LISTS. THE P AND O. Purrainatta," April S: Hon. J. M Allinson: Mrs Allinaon «nd two children: M- E. C. Brown; Mra. A. Kendrick; Mr. T 8. riiuii.|-.ii. Mr. E. S Liekiel Mr. W. C. South im; M r an j tin. "orren; Dr. Ellis;
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  • 124 3 In the Supreme Court, thie morning, before Mr. Justice Leach, Mr. Niblett on behalf of Tan How appealed against a conviction "f Mr. H. G. Sarwar Appellant, a hoa'man, wad charged before Mr Sarwar on the 20th February with having an earthenware jar from the boat
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  • 104 3 A match between Ibe 8. R. C. Ist XI and Urn X.-xt XVI w»« playe<l nn Saturday on tin- E<p>a n al>' Th.->. Vii XVI went in Srbt and made 100 runs for 12 wkts closing their innings (C. A. Clarke 35 and E de Soiuii ->;t) The Ist
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  • 92 3 On Saturday, before Mr. Brockman, E. Guan Seng, a clerk of the Karapong Kapor slaughter-house, was charged on remand with attempting to obtain an illegal gratification of SlO from 'lan Ah Choo, of which So were for R. Desker, assistant superintend»nt of the slaughter-house. The clerk and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 501 3 VEBBELB ADVERTISED TO BAIL Europe, Stuttgart, on 261 b March, B«kn Umm A Co. Calcutta via ports, Fi-nlak"la, on 26tb Ma'ch, Bou>ti-ad i Co. Pcnaag and Bombay, ttwiftto, ilue 3Tth March. H. h-i Utytr A Co. Hongkoog. K-nuang, due 30tb Mnrcb, Bouatewl 4<o. UOIXU IXSAXE. A. L. Rimer of Stoneridge.N.
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    • 1512 3 NuTlCla. AUCTION SALES. J. MOTION CO «AL« OF VALUABLE HOUBEHOI w a t r tt"!w w V i > < IHE I>I<OI>IRTY or TflM.niH4MiKB, ATOBBORSE BOMB, UPPIR WILKIE BO* JEWEL LERB, Saturday, 31«< March, at 1.30 p.m. RBPAI "oMFT^TKrTTTFD T H K6j!Vift?S2,| valuable household furniture, Ac, co tilting of handsome
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    • 1019 3 FOR SALE EMPLOYMENTS TO LET; AND PERSONALS ,1) [lnnm, 16 cent, a Him; *nd and «rd times, 10 cents a line 4th to 6th times, cents a line; 7th to 18th tiroes, t cento a line; afterwards, 2 cents a line; but no charge less than one dollar. Thus, a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 255 3 ARRANJKMKNTw Monday, 26th March. High Water. 727 p.m. Polo Club at Home. Race Course. 8. C. C. Tennis Tournament. II r-r Sale at Abrams. S 15. 8 V. A rarbine Drill. 5.15. Circus Tank Road. 9. Tuesday, 27th March. High Water. 032 a.m. 8.28 p.m. Furniture Sale. Killineyßd Powell. 2.
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  • 556 4 *Bihuapou. 3dm March, 1900. PRODUCE. (RaUt orn nommlad to noon. I Oambier buyers 700. Copra Ball H.HO. do Pontianak 6SO Pepper, 81ack.. buyers WHIM do White, (6 A 47.00 Sago Floor Sarawak^ 390 do Brunei No. 1 i.tIO Pearl Baco 4 40. Coffee, Bali, 16% basis 28.00 Coffee Palembang.
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  • 34 4 To-Mokrow. Klanv via |Kjrl» Hal ri. r, Muntok* ilmne <; <;. MaHraj via port* lAodiann, Klang via porta Mnlicca, IMaaur. !'ma>sinria|>ortB B-m /.ion;. taw 4 ivn 4 p.m. 2 p.m. 4 pm. I p!m.
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  • 121 4 twmu MM :-Hv the German s. s. Hnarhh, dv.- on 301 h Mmvh with dates to he Mh Mm. h nnd with replies to the r.i;,il- which lift Sinsapurp on 9th Fib. Fkiim China i— By the M. M. ».s. Sndnn, due on Sunday. Feb. Ulh K.
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  • 324 4 fer s>s> Hrn <*tr from .Mr (Isrke. I'er Terrm from hourabaya -Mr. Wood. fer s. b. Sultan from Malacca— Hewn. R. Ijinibcrt, antl P. Trusty. IVr s. s. Sannti .W.i, u from LondonMr and Mm. Mosley, Miss C. J M .Itl.v Mr and Mrs W PatehlU, M-ssra
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    • 182 4 U nder this heading the followi ng abbrevialions are used sir— steamer sh.— ship; hq.- -barque sch schooner; Yet.-Yacht Cru.— Cruiser (ibt.-Uunboat Tor Torpedo; H p.— Horse-power Brit.— British U. B.— United States; Fr— F'ench Ger.— German Dut.— Dutch; J i.— Jobore Ac., G. c.,— General cargo
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    • 857 4 ARBITAU SISCI NOO« OF SITI'KDAY. Ar,,M, Brit. Btr. 1.888 iona, C ,pt Thomson, jut h Mar. From Liverpool. 14lb h'. i. 1 1 <■„ ami 40 il p P. Siinoni aad Co For Hou«koiiK. 27ih-W. Uatm i*r. Bnl. «lr. 286 torn, Capt Angus, 24th Mur From,
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    • 515 4 (fame, port, probable, date of arrival. n.,-> name of agent: Stiimirs. A. A[K»r, H'kOßg, Mar 2* 8. Mote>. Alcincil'. L'pool, Apl 1 Mansfield. Andalusia, Hamburg, Apl H B. Meyer. Ann»m, Hkone. Apl l« M. 11. Asturia. H'konn. to lam Mar Mj B. M Allaniiro, Trieste. Mar -JO Rtenberg.
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    • 230 4 P I Vwu'i Rmu f LAO I Iron Uinw Faux IUB Oumioiiku. Rio I L'l J4 21 L'l Knkli.-1.l .-ult n iHong Wan liuilh'lla .■>llli!K.-|l linlavier MlltUart SnratoS Terowi (i. U. Meyer Kodah A. Apcar Armb Argyll Poll Ann Farfalla Halter* flor «tr. 381 i Knuth Saigon Mar .'1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 379 4 NOTICE MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE Fortify the System against Disease with PURE BLOOD. THfc atST S-CUR.TY FUK HEALTH." wjLjijj v ji>£)j N jr > s 1 g— «NO« OW FLUID IXTRMT OF »«D .WWIO*. tiice an. i j ZSXZ TORPID LIVER, DEBILITY, ERUPIIUnS, WEAK and LANGUID FEELINGS, And all
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    • 640 4 NOTICES. THE STUAITS TIMES AND THE STRAITS BUDGET DAILY AND WEEKLY tSTABLIbHED 1831. TeUpknt, X: 70. T.L.repku- AMrttt:—"Tiutr, Smuiroas." The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in
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    • 778 4 VINOLIA* WAR FUND (For the Soldiers' Families, Widows and Orphans.) HA'PENNY IS BKXT ON KVKKY TABLET OF VIKOLIA SOAP SOLD ni'RIXO THE WAR IN SOITH AFRICA OVER 2,000,000 HAT NN ES (REPRESE .TING £4,200) LnEADV CO R BUTEO Viaolia Soap contains no Silicates, Resin, Injurious Colouring Matters, or Free Alkalies.
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    • 185 4 NOTICES. NOTICES. BAeHALL HILXB ma.nek in h,, K sks »6, HoHnton Road. HAVE ON HAND:- "SJ ALVITIB Anli-eptie Solution is ■■Mi Fan.. Only l "O"O0ghly efloctive Celling ud Tabl., %M "nd.TnoV^o^wikVcwS 40,60 80 100, 110, and 1» VolU. ''"Mfng will generally .u ffloe t, CODV Desigue.l to ope^-from Ine.nd^n, j-J
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