The Straits Times, 4 October 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1898. NO. 19.1 M.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 447 1 s ,O COMPANY. UMIHD It 1 1"" 0 -^^I>OiMI'ANIES. i) oma, obi*i»» «BM p *o" 5 mv m Jir4ll p, s «o ,;,I,IiM.TAK, MALT*, &***Zk van. II"""" 1*)8. ,1 fioi i« j JSS j£ -i SCiUi i>- w c !S^ IAT L2SS-rr2i*-S. *»«•'•!»■> IHW Vfn.ii/n Oct. (t Oct*l -iS-g r
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    • 1164 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ITONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ Under contract with the Netherlands India lioveiumeat Aurnl, al Sivqf+vrt Ship Aoeucy, Late J. DAINDILB A Co., 2-S, COLLYE* QraT. Sleamer From K\|»-. te.l Will be Despatched for On BraaMtT. Deli. hepl. :»l. l-annh, Bikv Assahau. Deli, and Ml Oct. i. l-r. Mntmdir. Penang. Oct.
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    • 746 1 INSURANCES. rnu LONDON AND LAJfCASHIIM 1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital Li, 127,1X10 I Paid up Capital -JH.7W Bsaam Fund CTBUM The undersigned. Agents for the ("oin-l-'iiiy. are prepared to accept firu risks ul currelit rates of premium. BOUSTEAD 4 Co. I'ME CHINA TRADER INSURASCE 1 COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital SuWribed tl/MV<ou.
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    • 340 1 INSURANCES. LAW UNION AND CROWS KIUK AXD UU IXSUKAXCE COMI'ANY. CAPITAL sC4.ui«>.iiuu. rpilEwiiieniyncd Imve basl a|>|K)inte.l 1 aK.'iit. at fekBJBBBfa, for the shove\ and niv iircpared t.. t ,ke risk- ill current rates. JASOBB B Co. l IKANSATI.ANTIC FII.K INSIKANCK CO., OF HAMUI'RU. NOKTH UKUMAN FIKK INSI UANCF. CO.,
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    • 693 1 NOTICES. THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED. rplIK Pioneer l.ocU.irks Metal Foundry Aligarh. H. W I'i-'mii 1 ces.ln.lia. The only practical I^..k». irks in t!,e Ka-i. uniler .lii.-cl Kmopean iiiaimaiiiiini ami siii»-rvi«i»ii If we oaaaot mad tout reqnlraroanU, nobody else.j,, On, ,'iark on a lock is a sulliciciil
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    • 523 1 J. MOTION 00. WATCHMAKERS. .IKWK I.I.KUS. OI'TH lANS. RFPMKS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ISItOWNVS Kin; cam SCOTCH WHISKEY, THK t'INKST 1081 IN THK WOKI.U As suppli.-l la BULK the Prinool Nsl IiKI.NKMANN CO., :l, 1 1 Sole Agents for Singapore sIOBBPH BAKER (11 .17, ri./.-ri 1 Mrarl > CHRISTMAS AND NEW VKAK
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    • 791 1 WHY SOME PBOPLEA&E POOR. BAD management keep° more people in poor circumstances than an) other one eauie To bs imimaflll one must look ahead an.l plaa ahaad n that whan a fay nuai-ii- opporionltj pi mania itwif he is read; to tale adrantaaa of ii. A little forethoujht will *l»o
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  • 52 2 TUESDAY, 4th OCTOBER. 1898. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THE PLAGUE. BUTT MORTALITY. EtenWa, 4th iMdbtr. The deaths from pl.^ue in Bombay city during the past week amounted to SUt», compared with \J~ in the previous week. The deaths from the disease in the Pwatdanay nl liombay, iv tlie ibjm period, amounted to
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 53 2 VtttT to THK WOVttM. The Khedive of Kgypt has arrived at Constantinople on a visit to tho Sultan. The motives for the visit are not known but it is -v to have some connection with property belonging to the Khedivial family in the island ol liana, oft the
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  • 18 2 M. Marchand, the French oflicer who occupied Fasboda, has been given the siib-tantive rank of Major.
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  • 567 2 The French tmverumeut has agreed to negotiate upou the Kashoda ipicslion forthwith, without awaiting .March.ind's report. That was the news eajtaday, It seemed lo imply an nllicial discounten.ineing of the pretence that the arrival of a French expedition estahlMii-d a good title to possess territory dainuil by its
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  • 99 2 TIIK most Honourable th.-,uis of Tneeddale, tin: Chairman of the Baaten btaaah \ustiala-ia. and China Telegnph Company, has had conferred upon him the Most An. -ieiit and Mo.t Noble Ofder of the Ihtnth, to which only twenty-two othen, in. lv ding the Sovereign, the Trin, c ol W.,1.^. thel)ukeofVoit;.aii,llhc
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  • 125 2 Tin. .exertions of the London journal* I that important diplomatic fyafetaaa wi-i-i- I'.mi^- negotiated at the beginning o: S, ptoinbcr, between Ihi- Kn^lish and Qatmu iMvernnunta through the a:incy of the OwBUO ilnVia— hll in L 'iiidou, wire naturally. moled throughout t lie Oanaaa Pros* than ma, howevi-r, little i-omnii'iit
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  • 7 2 To-day's 4 m bank rate Ii 1/11(1
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  • 9 2 Tin homeward mail closes on Friday at 0 a.m.
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  • 11 2 (aitais llarmer left to-day by the s. s. II for Kngl.iii.i
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  • 14 2 I'houi (K, exchange, and thare prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 14 2 Tin: Selangor Club sports at Kuala l.uiupor will be held on the £>nd inst.
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  • 16 2 A Cill.NKst: baker at Hongkong has been lined Sl.'iO for being in possession of false weights.
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  • 14 2 Tin: Imperial Bank of China commenced its note issue at Shanghai on the September.
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  • 18 2 Messiis. John Kittle it Co. Ltd., advertise a >-liiptnent of new goods ill their millinery and drapery department.
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  • 20 2 A ■awKM of the Church of England Temperance Society will be held in St. Andrew sCitthedrul to-morrow evening, at tM.
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  • 16 2 Mm of the Japanese Life Insurance Companies are in difliculties— another consequence of the stagnant moneymarket.
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  • 21 2 Tim 0. S cruisers olumpii and Itulrigk arrived back at Manila from Hongkong, after being docked there, on the tlth ult.
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  • 23 2 liik Pcnang Municipality has agreed to pay t lie taxes on horses and carriages used by Municipal employes, out of the Municipal Fund.
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  • 24 2 liik monthly sewing meeting of the Church Work Association will l>e held at the Rallies (iirls School on Wednesday, Ma October, at 4 p.m.
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  • 22 2 A Bi-wkkklv Siamese legal journal is expected to !.egin publication at liangkok this month. It aims at publishinglaw reports and legal intelligence
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  • 23 2 Tiik Qoeen'l approval has been given to the artillery companies at Singapore and Hongkong being formed into the Hongkong-Singapore Battalion of Koyal Artillery.
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  • 29 2 It is reported that the Hongkong and Whampoa 1>... k Company has undertaken, for a good round sum, to raise lour of the Spanish cruisers sunk in Manila Bay.
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  • 31 2 The M,,la<i \l,nl hears that, next year, Bentong is to hnve (Jovernment otlices, a post-otlice, anil a resident European ollicer; it is also to be connected by telephone with Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 34 2 liik Baeatet Raw asserts that tlu trallic on the section of the Korat ra'l way between that city and (ienkei il steadily on the increase. Paddy is nou laifily forwarded by rail to Bangkok.
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  • 35 2 11 M. s. DajaaaaW; Captain A C. Clarke, is .o have her din. breechloaders converted into .piick-lirers Ihe naanMan materials are to be sent to the Hongkong Dockyard, where the work will be carried out.
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  • 35 2 A CHINAMAN stabbed a woman, last night, in a house of ill-fame in Chin Han .-treet His victim', cries brought two Sikhs to the spot, and he was airested I'ne uuiortuuatewomandiedin Hospital early this morning.
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  • 42 2 Caitalv W. M. Lang, who resigned but position as Comiiaiidcr-ui-Culel of the Chinese Navy, in IM*.i, alter four year's service, lias reliu.|uished the oininanil ot 11. S. Cambruigc. gunnery ship at Pcvuiiport, on his retirement under the age iimil.
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  • 72 2 II his thare-list, dated September Mb, Mr. Erich Cieorg, of Hongkong, says that rumours of a new Chinese loan, coupled with phenomenal protits already arrruol, and a eudden ailvance in London ijiiotatlons to X-ti) lus., have au-,-,1 a rapid rise in prices for Hongkong and Shanghai Bank stock.
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  • 106 2 An important pjinl wa» raised ill the British consular court at liangkok on i lie Mia September, during an empiiry into UM nationality of a Chinaman who .luiiml Hrilka proterliou. .Mr. Nayloi. lii.-l 'huianian s eonmal, alleged that the latlei s iatlin had been registered at the consulate,
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  • 122 2 A can (SI match between the S. C. C tod XI and II M H. Vuphae, has been arranged to be played on the B. C. C. ground on Saturday next, at g p .lll. The team representing the Club will ooneiet of the following members: Messrs C
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  • 131 2 Tim Mtra concert to be civen by tho incmheis of tlie Philharmonic Orchtatia with the special object of raising funds for the purchase of tyiiii'liam (katUa drums) and other orchestial ii-.|iiiMt,-., will lake place in the Town Hall on Urn llth m.tant atemaan of tho Moulig will
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  • 48 2 I'bra Kraisec, the Chief Judge of th« Siamese Criminal Court, is said to be preparing an enactment dealing with libel and slandei. The 5i,,,,, ffm PVaaj says that, Jiitherto, there has been no express provision in the law of Siain to meet these offencet.
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  • 144 2 Tiik stabbing affray between the two hairdressers, K. (iillard and K. Buechi. took place inside the I'nited Scivi.e Hotel, and not outside as was at lirst reported. The men appear to have heen intimate friends up to within a few day, of their iiuarrel, last Saturday. Sometime
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  • 191 2 Til* match card of the Singapore Cricket Club for tho jiorkKl from (l.toher to December has been issued. The tirst eleven tixtures include, the following )et 7 and S C ConimilWe r. the Ke»t; Oct. 14 and IS, S. C C. r. S IK.; Oct 21 and -1J
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  • 195 2 Whitish from lvkin, on BepHaibei .-»tli, the I'untt eorresjiondent says 1 have returned from examining, on the spot, affair* at Newehwang. The Uus--iaii- are building a branch line, pi.u.lcl by armed Cossacks, 1* miles eastward, connecting the port with the main line There is great activity, and MjOOO
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  • 226 2 was desirous of becumiug a paaa anil when asked whether he had .-vi-r heen in prison, he MBUad ii" It being untruthlul, Mr. Wolleislan yi-sti-r--d.iv sent him to prison for six weeks with 1u.i. 1 labour. A Sergeant- Major of Police while going on his rounds
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  • 295 2 The I'aliang Stwraauwi oWbjM publishes a report on the IVkan diatricl for July, win, h notes tin- damafa dona to |>ro|n-rty then- l.y aleafcewta, as has baanJatab HMateaßed by our Pahang lorrt'Hpondont. People an afraiil lo shoot tlii'iu, owing to tin: Big Gam Baawlailoae. In the liompm. tin-
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  • 50 2 DECISION TO DAY. te iMU BMattag „f,i,,, Mi ipait anaaMooen hcldil to eonaMertba rf|K.rt ol tl Committee, it wu Hie contract of ''.'™fo,l Bai Ooaapmqp h, "■iiik are to bs ti,,. that the puynicnt Mr kmpwfll 0 Ibe equiralenl aftWhl il i tv v offou. dollars, .sal, Hl:,',
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  • 24 2 On day. hat Week, .i Sill, banting near Dang, „»,,'">, l l: "Ut.'tlhe cover. SRowed bF*.S" was lound close l,\- .iml shm
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  • 112 2 TOTHC Klilloß or Tilt '-uniT.r S.K. Allon DM irlil, J2o« scntch |,l.iv,r. keep m^.^a^ 1 11 scoreol >.-.. :ifi, r „i,K-' ;l Son ly^ that proves h. ,:ni'e %,*zjz lies-, they can, win an| year, and I an t it wil to nai-ictlicwi,,,,,,. X ov m
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  • 131 2 Tiik lyttem of pat tusiat At,,,, wlib-h' has been m pan in Madras, it about fir the purlKj.eof 11 the! thnt ,b,; .ion- of tb- Indian Army than il Biagal, the Punjab, md Beata Hili.ial nporU have ihuwt tin, theie is nothing to be desired in th
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  • 190 2 I I 111 UION AT IEUMOI AI.THOIOII the .lilt ] of tll« ipecacuanha plant baa own in the Strain SeUlemi DU for more tb« a ile, Mile it ha. madev, n llttlf |T,'i:r«. att'l Kill y i;i own m s'llli, u'nt ,|ii:iii!itiH i,, prorideraf the local demud bn
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  • 239 2 Tiikkk is a Bombay pubUcaita entitled >>Wr. nii.t it ha» a very >u|*n"i contributor named "X X \U h»J ,1 ,1,-al to lay al I Sil il is not c vliiiii.l.ii "tporta." The race game playi-d in Sin^.p'Ti-.h.--,>.-,!;--count i- v I 808 ally v, IV -„H U tin-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 NOTICES. XOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LD. Manufacturers ol; Dynamite. Gelignite. Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine. Detonators, Safety Fuses, Electric Blasting Apparatus. Q THE ISOKXEO COMPANY, LTD. HOLE AOENTB i. ,ii SmuiroKK. Sin.c MaMa,(lum, Jsta. and Boma lIAVK AI.IHV- 1 I• I 1 1 1 1 -IN HrtHJK 01 I ill. ABOVB. SIDEROSTHEN
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    • 973 2 NOTICES. Al KKAXDKR KOX. I'l'UMI UI.V a-,istant lo and travel),, A> hn Little A Co.. 1.-,,,,i,,i bas, this day, ettabUthed him-.-lf n- Coiiiniis-ioii ..Heeling, nnd Korwardint V ■HI C n,l. ...vited. Ad.lre.s So St On hard li,,»u. sii.(jai>ore. I -i (i.t. IBM. tu. th. s. IS/10 < ABT SSBDLIWORK DEPOT.
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    • 899 2 NOTICES. WK.lhe ii.ider-ißn.~l. severed our l.usi- j ness meeti on with cai-h other from .lanuaiy let, 1»!». and linos then wt carried od our respective separate huii-n.-s-.-s inde|H-ndeutly of each other at .■Singapore, u-ing lh« name of "Meyer lirolhers,' down to .Tilth June IH!I7 since whi.h date, the under-iicncd Kln-.s
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    • 388 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SIXC.AI'OKE I'IIII.IIAUMONIC .SOCIKTY. A SPECIAL rOPVLAB OKCHtSIRAL OUKMMR will I- ajfsa in tho Iwmi ta Friday, October Wh WAXTKI). Taniooit I'aKar 110 k. Shares. Municipal 6 I i.-l-. ■OB SALE. Tanioiif I.-mar I)CK-k I '"I,- S Tsnjong I'agar Dock Dt-b. 4 SlralU Trading Coy. Miares. FKASEK Co., v.
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    • 16 2 KsTAßi.miirii: !-<ll. PRICK lo CENTS. [Sul*-riplioH ralti mat otttvrluing ruin m-iy btfmnid on Iht fourth paqt]
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  • 422 3 rOTHEWW. i; „,b. dated :>rd 1)r hcleaning-np -i;.v. ounces of .1,,-uuti.y of iin- lath* rushing I 35 o.l.t.the The previous 1..,, the -tlic.f al 8 penny pyKNTIAL OIM kindly -ut us distUlaOoa pi ....n.ih.roilsinthe appear* to be a i uj from illfor- Kew Horn the „.l, >ns and
    422 words
  • 1056 3 NEGOTIATIONS lIHUKKN (.KK nol I- rol li V UP THE (lAMIBI. f Frvm a (\nre*poiuitnt.) BanfM, (faotaaoar il»(A. Sine c I wrote to yuu last, the Krencli Minister left for Paris tv reserve further instructions as tv Imw lie is to act, for the nagotiationa, whlab lie
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  • 94 3 mwkk ansiou* n un Be im subscription* to the Si NU-ho-Uu Bociety amounting to *l.i-'-' have lee,, :i.-kn..»l.ilc.Hl. tllM IM haa twine In, and 11 containe an additional s<itt:i for the fund Mr* Bvani collectad IIS4, Mi- Warnak •ijict ami Mi- Strini;.'! SIM The la»l oi
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  • 1229 3 MDME. DREYFUS APPEALS. Mdmk Dreyfus has sent a new request for revision to the Minister of Justice, for Bhe ban not yet received a reply to the letter written in July. It is imiiossible for her to appeal directly herself to justice: the initiative must come from
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  • 273 3 A Tonae-MjnDaa to supply a mechanical means of recording and counting votes polled at elections ban lon „i, vi, win London I lie voter, all, r being duly identified by the returning ollieer, enters a cage-turnstile, and I'm, ls loin-. :t opposite a plate cont.. inn. g tl.e
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  • 250 3 lr is said that the export of „c k, ifioui KwantuUK province amounts to over a million and a half of i.,,1-1 dollars iua year. By far the latfeel pan ot this trade is carried on by saiHnf reesels with New York a little of the business is
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  • 157 3 two ofMaa* osuaama. John William lagO, liist oilier ol the While Star liner llril.iaaif, and John Kynaston, third olli, er of the same, were committed for trial, on llaplalllllia nth. on the ebarge at being i eamad together in stealing baas, the said -teamship a number of post
    157 words
  • 136 3 A rot lease of the Pvinmana foraata was granted to the Bojnbay and Burma Corporation early la-i month, and work was proceeding aa usual Thefonnef leaaa piovkisja no panaJty for the infrinfMuenl of tonal rules: hence its cancellation and the issue of a new 1,-ase The illicit railing*
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  • 141 3 ■1 MR ul GOMBMT. Oroßaofkoh oofTaapondenj Msdii (acetioui account at an Incident which is of interest at a nhfii the stalua ..f tin' Philippine* in the pnHBl anil fur tin.- futun v H v.-rv mnrh M »take. Tba beta of hi* aceounl aia these. A Chinaman,
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  • 69 3 Tint following figures give the returns from the Pahang Corporation's mines in August last Tons of stone crushed. IC'S. Oxide of tin produced, tons M.lO cwts 20 heads of stamps tan for 14 days The working expenses amounted t0*11',750. jkrau SAMBO. Tons of stone crushed, I.CHS. Oxide of
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  • 104 3 ooaxaxuM the "anasranarn.' Twkxty leading public men representing all sections of the Filipinos, arc said to have held a meeting at Manila oarly last month to discuss the future policy of the country. Eighteen expressed Iheiiisehes emphatically in favour of annexation out HHu t by the I nil,
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  • 390 3 I-OLITICAI. HOTTKNNESS AT lIOHK. Skm.u ftuumn. ,'ie Spanish Premier, read a decree i lie Senate, on Ma, e...|K,werini; the (Jovernni, in to introdiiee a Bill authoiuinii the renunciation by Spain of her sovereign* y over her colonial possessions in conformity with the stipulationsofthepeace preliminaries. The President proposed
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  • 176 3 II A.V;i.'.-sA\oN« I XITK Thk: following, which is taken from the Vmlti Bmma ataj* „i snast interest In witwUmi —Ills the telegram printed yaatarday aa to the new naval eetlmataj ptaparad in Washington: In live years, the American navy will consist ol l'7o ships, I -i. of which
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  • 125 3 rmxatuTi play. CHAMIION-lIM-t ipt. lataaaai ft iL.-i.l. tie uniinithcl. sin,,-- beal Hamilton, \J<': ■-v l.ii.ion smi.,-. ii.- poati -I S.X..KS Qodwu < Woodward, Ui po-i i. A. l«'l 1 .1 I Hun, >lt. ui and Morrison baa) and Woodward, .7-',. 10 t) ii. not iii-Kiu.-k a.1,1 M,,-,. r.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 155 3 INDIGESTION > sftra.n tl uni u\ I Condys Fl i:' 1 iMMtotibwyinc "CftiDY S nuip. 1 CcMMir*t*Viic*«". oj t#»«o't. ii, 1 M c ALIBIEE&Oa soi.i-; AOBm FOR TUE MAI'SKK PATENT SELF-LOADING MAGAZINE PISTOL Shipment by s iMMNVOMUCH, due aliout the 12th instant. vTtJfkJ 11.8. »ith »altiut lu.lsl.T »j 11)-.. iU
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    • 252 3 NOTICES. S. TANNO CO. japanksk traauftn layaaaaa) and Importers Wholesale CoDimission Mt-rehants. -Vo. »1, ltolimon lioad. BUY MALACCA TEA. The W»l, aaaaet, ar,l eln-ap,-st of all Tras. sold at ■eaam ANN LUCK Battery Ron.l. M.«sr». YOXO IKK SKN(i. (Irel.anl Koa.l. Orange Pekoe 40 cenU per lb Souchong 35 ceau prr
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    • 504 3 FnltSAl.l l-.MIM.nV.MKNTS; TDLRT -.AND PERSON AI« Isrnx., I.', i-i-ntu linn; 2nd an, l .V.I Hases, Weaaiaa NaajaihteMttßasa. Mats a hn.-; Tth lo IKtl, linin. 3 crnU a Haa; »flrr»^r.ts, «-nti» a li.H-.1.ul no eheeaslees tiian nn«ilollar. Thu« a tkntIwr atlvrrtim-nirnt, elo«.wt, io this lyp*. can Ik- .1 tim.-.f,.r»l o«;,w«.k
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 284 3 WEATHER REPORT. Krrhau Hofiletl, M 0,1. 18M. H a.m S 9 p.m Rihieks. Bar. IS mSB w* ill s,|» tap. ltd MO 7?0 \V. B T lliTher 73 0 78.0 Tftfl 33,-^ IMr.otWin.l sjir. aaw.JI.W. £."^j M»».Ten.|. SU Mm 71.7 x *o Mai. In Swill.".* ?3>u T«it. ra<l. HW.3
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  • 514 4 Biiio<ro», 4tii Ocroua, iw I'RODIICK. (ltutn are eorneltd to noon.) Uan.l.icr.. I S-30. Copra Bali, <l«0. do Pontianak v 1... Pepper, Black. Si White, (6X) *O»HSago Flour Sarawak a.W. do Brunei nominal 2.00. Pearl Kago 3<lV CoHoe, Bali, pickod 58.30. Coffee Palembang picked 30.00. CoHee, Liberian. No. 1 9)00
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  • 115 4 For Prr tlr. Tin*. To-Mokrow. Bam Pahal Sulta.m. I p m. Mala, ca Klang Sri l'rgattm, 3 p.m. Sandakan via port^ liaurt, 3 p.m. k\ Pahaiig via ports I'rrdana, 3 p.m. Klang 4T. An.on Malm-en, 4pm Hatac a ami Klang Juno. 4 p.m. Batavia via p"i Achilln, 4
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  • 115 4 Kioii ertiiri By the P o. c*u«i/i »ith dates to tin- liitli Sept due on the Tth Oct. She brings replies to the mail which left .Singapore on the anth Aug. Fuom China: By the P. A O. Htillatral iluc on the 7lh Ocl. AngLlJtli M. M.
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  • 332 4 ARRIVALS l*er a, r. *ri I'lftntan from Klang via ports Mi. D.mough. Pit s. t, l\r,l, IM from Kclantan-Mr. McCJowun. TO AUKIVE. (ho, S,m,npnre.) IVi (i.riuan s. S,i.k,,n from Brem.-r--h:iv .-n I ii.' on t In- lot li Ul.- Admiral Hush, Cnplain Dalv. M.'*-.r». Fl.linm.-r. S. I). Tuinenbaff,
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    • 187 4 f Oder Him hoadin* the following al.l.rrv, 1 lions an na*d:~ alj.^iteainer ih. ship bq.— barqne Hrit U. S. Unitod Htatm; Fr. Frencb U«r.-O«rnian Ih,. Dutch; Jeb.— Johore; Ac, U. c, (irnoral earn d.p.— deck paaaeniren; I I'n.vt Win; T. V. W.— Taojong Pagar Wharf; I
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    • 938 4 auitiu mm Nook or Yektkruay. Aetir, Nor. Mr. «67 tonj. Canl An.lrrs.-n, Ird Oil. Krom ll.niukuk 3Olh Risji Iti--' P. Sira.mi ami To. Por llangkok. I' -It.ln Chow /'Aw. llrit. Mr. OT tona. l'«|il:un Jelhcop, 4th *>ot From Klar^. Vn.l Oct. Or.. 130 dp. Dan Hwrc Hone
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    • 297 4 Nawr. port, probable dot* M mn* nanw 0/ o«#iui. ■nsnsi Ai< -.i:i. HluM(,k>lain<MM R»n» An >r. Cliiim. >. I lii M«mti»U Allioin, Hu|lkak, Od 1 i llonmic'ui Ik-ngnl. Culolulxi, Mi-t 8.-nh».T». Antwerp, m frill; M Iliillaiiiiii. Bangkoiif,Oet(;r.iiig ink. II k-ui(f 1.-i^'it-l-, I' »mi Ik-nwiiii.-ii. Londoo im( I-
      297 words
    • 62 4 5 tamilut to». Oiriil fi«)« _s_i Riu. a l^jjjui. ,tr. IM H,,,.hv X.-la,,, k 3Sn rrincunnu sir M Mliiiiiiim'm Friaannu 3 F^falla lIT HlMlin HttJ S Eumilc Dvi »tr. IW Kauli Putambug tK-i l l i, I Sri I'matan »tr. L' 77 Hiuowinkel M:il.-i.-r:i 3 U-tiv Nor sir.
      62 words
    • 87 4 u««. vumliSiih tuaUm amis UITF. Dmuu* Vt .1 NVril* Brit Mr. Dnnict I K. i TriogKftuu atr. Sbiiuimn Mali"' 4 TeVnncliiM «tr. >.v.m.t A y»i»l I Ma »tr. Chopnisl B,iigk«li» M J B 1 |).inhi';.li Mr. <iiVK«ri 4 Kup-n,.. Kmni| IV' „,|,.n l«n« 4 Iwka .tr. Met M"">'
      87 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 SOTICBB, Toilfi Soap o frcnilCh .'.•-.■.-id jH *'^^3H«|. •TAMES WAT SOX COSSCOTCH WHISKIES AKK THK MT VAI.IK IN THK MAKKKT: V. V. Sll.oo l-BB CAM, DOTT T..ID. V. V. SPECIAL RESERVE ski.oopkr cask, duty paid. DOMINIE. IO VKAKS OLD. *ie oo pkb c.««, bbtt paid. OHIAIxAbI.K FROM BRAIL DKAI.KKS, (IK
      242 words
    • 339 4 NOTICES. MAINTAINS THK BI6HEBT REPUTATION EVERYWHERE Fu.:,. lbs Sjstera mU Disease with PURE BLQQfI. "THE unSI S'.CURITYFOK HEALTH." KaMIMCHI OR FLUIO EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA rC*^rfi V p Jam%Jg aWP If 1 HflagW M I Bfip I JM SI3C* 1823. J^-S^yin JP BF Jf\,fe mm P*^ *ff MM S^'llk-In ,2.
      339 words
    • 263 4 MAU.M\i:.\ AND CAMKUON'S I'ESI Bsajr«s I .■...(<. Ibariaf to mn Th, Hek* Ids, Ik 0n 1.a,,,l the WavtrUy Pi, )V-~ K R l c M •aomnancD uv 3,907 bxwwafsh Suld at all st,iti,,n.'i uaveri.kv Mtsatj BMaavaas, r«ninakcrs to 11.-r Jlajesty's Moiatnmaal Offices. tu. a0«99 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY Ui j^kW^ssB]sss^s^sslsss^Jsis£sss«4fls(^
      263 words
    • 370 4 NOTICES. THE AUSTRALIAN HORSE REPOSITORY K-iEK'a Road, Orchard lloau. W. DALLAN. DEAl.KKioCrushmlFood, Pndi, Oats I'lmff, *c (juality and Kreshlioas KunmnU-ed, supplii-s l*ing received every (oitnif'hl. I Hnrn.-n and Saddler)', with l-c-st Enßlitili i 1,-:illii'i made by experienced workmen. I)ALI.AN'.-< AOatHsaUaM HOKSE KKroSITOBY. Horses, Cobs, and Ponies. ji-st Uaaaa kx BicKfHAUS.
      370 words