The Straits Times, 15 December 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1897. NO. 19,400.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 970 1 rfWK BOHNEO COMPANY. LIMITKD A VIK K«4arl UH Ass«ai». Nonriok Caio Fin hmw Soci«ty Atlas Cosscaaj (Hi.). Th. E.,«,taU. UH AasmnPM. Sodrtv. ■Pi. Owaa MariM lanumaoa Oompmy. Th. Diiaa If«t«al Steam Navigation Coßpuy. Th. Tnttrahssi Laf«e Basr Company. I*. MarMiSM lanraam Company, Limited. Kor partioalan of tkss* ComtiaaMS, ss* tho
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    • 270 1 NOTICES. RILEY.HARGREAVES &COY. HAVE JIST UKCEIVKD The Cycle of the Future The"ACATENE." ChainlesM Cycle. CALL ASD 6't'£ THEM— RILEY, HAKGREAVES CO. Stock tin- latest patterns nf the "ROYAL PSYCHO" AND PATHFINDER" CYCLES. (SOLE AGENTS. RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Keep tint hOHI and MMt varied stock in the Straits Settlements of: SHU'S'
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    • 940 1 i J. MOTION& CO. WATCHMAKERS. JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. I REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CEMENTIGHT!!! A NEW NON-CONDUCTING I AND WATERPROOF PAINT. I ORMXAKY CSMEVnOHT. I Guaranteed to reduce tike temperature on r.ilvMin/i-il iron rooting from 9 tv lit Fahrenheit. It MB be u'lvnut.iU'-uH-lv used in I impeding nitration of water in r
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    • 656 1 I NOTICES. ENVELOPES. AT THK '•straits awcmi THE PATRIOT WKfWUM, I.UUUSI.IU; sent free by I'ost SIM. riIIISIIKH FOOD. TBY IT AXD YOU WILL BB aATUFUD. I.K.BELlL]OSbeg»toinformlhepublic I thai hi" Factory (or preparing Crashed Pood, at 34, Belilios Uofid, is now opened I Crashed Food, Indian Oats, and llran. ENUI.IMI OATS
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    • 826 1 BANKS. THE NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA IJMITKI). i \utnorised Capital II.UUU.UUO >vi..-. n h.-.i i-.pit.-ii i Hud i'hih Hongkong. COURT OK DIRECTORB:- IX Oillles, K- 1. Chan Kit Shag, Emi. I H. Htoltcrfoht, Esq. chow Tung Shun, h Kwan Hoi Chui-n. Esq. C'HIIF Mimi.b: On. \V. F. Playfair. Interest
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    • 646 1 I RHEUMATISM I lmv ATIHM Many person* wr.e K hilve .uffered 'or »ear. with rheomanSn .ml siv"n P »H hope ofrecorery 10 T l *'7f com l p™"o'n-iwe?y.To«» houl i om i?K rallmtM i"» n nd I mil tlinl tout rh'Minmti^m hw In'en cured. DM bottlemll enable you to tot
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  • 47 2 STRAITS TIMES WKDNKSDAY, 1.-.tii I>lX\, 1897. REIJTKIfH TKI.KGHAMSv ESTABI.UHXD 18.'ll. PRICK 15 CENTH. Suhtcriptimi rate* and atlreHiring rate* may Ite/ouivl. an Hit fourth p,n/c. KIA(K IIAl INCIDENT. hmui nunnnMR /.■mi/on, |W Iketmhtr. <Iiss;itisf;ii lion with tin' m-tion of Germany in China. Hut the Russian (.lovernmcnt remains impassive.
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  • 106 2 SIIH IWIII SKYMOI'K. Vice-Admiral Kdward Seymour, K.C.B.has been appointed to the Command of the China Station, in succession to We Admiral Sir Alexander liullcr. Sir Kdu.iid Hey inour nerved as ■luWp man in Hi.- 7. ml.l, in the llhi.-k Senriuriiig the Ku-inn War. and a» inidshipiniiil and
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  • 86 2 Fkoji Tanqatn, comes news that the brigandage which has so long troubled the French there has come to an end. The last brigand chief. De Tham, by name, lias just surrendered to the authorises. De Tham ha- kept the liuld for years, and has more than unce gained advantages over
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  • 243 2 The Russian I'ress, uc-urding to 1!, uter, is profoiimlly dissatisfied at (iermauys action in China, but the KiHsian (loverniuent remains impassive. When the news of tho Kiao.hau incident reached Kn-land, the London IV. ss. in tlieir comments, prognosticated that Raaaja would not be altogether pleased at the turn that events
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  • 264 2 li the members of tin- Shipping Commission, thai is ii,,\v siltim:, need any further evidence as t,. the scandals and dan-els ,bi,- to the local chincheiv system, they ■anal do better than turn to the cvioVi'.e ,i ii yiTterday in the ease of the s San IV. That essel was
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  • 11 2 Mrs-Mi- I'nwcll and Vo. send a useful paged calendar for 139*.
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  • 15 2 I'koih k, ex. hanee. and share prices, and the mail list, are on page 4.
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  • 17 2 An assault-atarms is advertised to I take place at Kmmerson's Tiffin Rooms, I on the mih inst.
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  • 21 2 RhauAiimikal Fiuserald will lie received with a salute of eleven gunton the occasion of his landing from H M.S. Kdytrr. j
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  • 18 2 Mk. Spencer I'ratt. I. S Conmli.cneral. left yesterday with Captain Craufnrd for a trip round the Straits light-houses
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  • 20 2 A Jai-anksk doctor, holding a diploma, and practising here, was fined live dollars, this morning, for Iwing .trunk and disorderly.
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  • 20 2 "My glorious forefathers look down upon you from the vault of heaven!" Thus the German Emperor to his grenadier recruits.
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  • 22 2 A KisaiAN Officer of Artillery haa died on board the transport Voronrj while at Tanjong -' The funeral takes place this afternoon.
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  • 21 2 The Municipal Commissioners meet to-morrow afternoon. There will be a .special meeting, m Friday, to paa» Supplemental Budget So. of IRD7.
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  • 36 2 A Klim:. luyiied lena Saismalay Meiieau, has been remanded on a charge of criminal breach of trust in ros|iect to jewellery, valued at live hundred and sixty-live dollars, the property of a woman named Ainidah Bibi.
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  • 31 2 Mk. K. .1. V. Hi'UEKT. Knginecr-in- Chief of the rolling-stock Department of the llclgian Railways, is reported to have l>e.-ii appointed Direcior-Cieneral of the construction of tho l'ekinHankow line.
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  • 33 2 Yksth:iiav, the trial of the five Sikhs for gang robbery was concluded. The prisoners were discharged, and the prosecutor sentenced to one month 8 imprisonment forbringingafalse charge. This closed the Assizes.
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  • 46 2 Last night, a Chinaman managed to induce a Russian sailor to follow him into a seclude.) spot, and then snatched his watch and chain and made oil. II.: was pursued and arrested This morning, he was sentenced to three months' imprisonment.
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  • 58 2 This morning, a boarder in the AngloChinese School, named Chan Kay I'ut. was put in the dock on tho charge of stealing a dollar from another boarder, Teng Sew. He pleaded not guilty, and said that Teng Sew had taken scent from his box. That was why
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  • 70 2 AHRIYAI. AT lIKISIIAXE Stoiidaiits team arrived at llrishauei.ii the M November, and wengiven an enthusiastic welcome by over ■J,'*«i persons. The police could not control the crowd, who surged round the carriage windows so closely that it was a quarter of an hour before a way could be
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  • 103 2 Wk learn that the trials of the new icebreaker HWbaMi at Vla.livost.nk hav.lM.en pronounced sosatisfaetory that it is announced that port will be kept open all through the forthcoming winter, and the ships of the Russian Volunteer Fleet are scheduled to arrive at and depart from
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  • 115 2 MR.'i'om Ciibson has maile public the following facts as to the growth of lamieiualluvialKlangland: 1. Seveial clumps of ramie, having an avenge „1 2ii stems each, were cut down to within .1 inches of the ground on i the Kith November last, and the stooU I U'l days from
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  • 276 2 I 'loxi. Hum; Kiim; was brought up on I reuianH, this morning, on a eliargn of «,.umliii- two men with a sharp instrument, on the Mb NoveinU-r, in lavender sir, '.-I l>r W. 11. Kry, House Surge.ii,, Ceneial Hospital, f aid that Chin Ah Seah wasadmitte-l to the hospital
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  • 425 2 Atum-RMn num. Tnio afternoon. Kmile K:ilil<"rt and Dr. Von Krudy were again brought lefore Mr. Howard, and the hearing of he charge of having abated Frederick l>reiss in n>spoct to flip value of Ibr IbM <>flW,' and inducing him to leliver to them S»,UW, was continued
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  • 78 2 A NEW source of amusement is aliout to he started here, by "the Oriental Carrousel Company," in the form of a bicycle roiindalmut, for the hi -m lit of cyclists and others. A tent has been raised for the purpose at the foot of Kort Cannini:. near
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  • 71 2 THE KING OF SIAM. ARKIVAI. AT K.'ll 81 CHAN... We have received the following communication from Mr -1.-lm Aml.rson. Caaaal-Oaaaca) tor siam "HUMnjesty the Kins of Siam arrived at Koh Si Cham.' in the yacht MUba OktUui on the imruing of I Ith instant (yesterday). a!l well." Koh Si Chang
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  • 501 2 HAITKKrii HANK OK IMMA V. 111! MIKTII ..HUMAN ll.oYh. •in [ho l-lh ult.. Mr. Justice Barn.-*, Lilting with Trinity Master-, delivered liii considered judgment in this action, which was brought liy tlic plaintiff I bank to MM tlic sum of ii',44T Mfc 4d., |«rt tt a i|iiantity
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  • 69 2 niKUM I«IT Wshave, to-day, reccivedthefollowini; communication from the Colonial Secretary lv reply to telegraphic miquiry from this (iovrniment as to whether there wa» any plague at Madras or any truth in the re|Hirt that Madras had been oQicially declannl infectod, a telegram was IMatrad from
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  • 523 2 A OOMHMMM writes I V, -t.-r.l lt hihio revelations were made, in the I'olicc I 'ourt about the doings of the cli'meliow, who seems to exercise so mil, h nmjr M kt—t little li.i-al boat c ailed tlie'Snm Tor. As stated in the sirnilrTi iw.herunfortunateskippcrniis «iiumioncd hi overloading
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  • 409 2 A I IUKACTKRUTIC Si-Ed 11. Tiik recruits of the ltegiinont« al l.uarda garrisoned in anil near Ilcrlin were sworn in on the IMb ult in the presence of the Kmtieror, who Mdmaad them as follows I greet you to da) a- alia of my Army, aa Grenadiers
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  • 93 2 THE "KAISERIN AUGUSTA." KN MM R)R CIII.NA. Tub ENnma inaii-of war Kaiatru .li'jiiWo. mi her way out to reinforce the < toman Squadron h China, arrived her. yesterday (voning. ami the usual salute < were exchungeil. Shi- leaves lor H..mkoiifr tii-morruw. 'riw Knurrln I is;i MM)4mlai<(iU tons, with triple MMN
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  • 67 2 dmi in rauMim 1 1 dm Utii deiinit. ly arraaged tli.- British inuMfmti Mmm a lo nrrive from HoOfkong OB Hi.- cllli pnu and, aftai diKDtbukjng tbu ranmeni from Hongkong, tha Bifli Brigade will embark tin: same .lay, the KaaßMf pr.eaadau m her baßMWvd ravage aa ii"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 405 2 NOTICES. NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY.LD. HVK* IMTI n l\i \MI I I lO.NATOB9 U PAKATI K«rn«iTßi. RIIKO >U mai ,-ti aae aWtMta, aaa aaaa I'n'inlini'"'! 1 m iimaiim 0nun- t- nt or Iliaam «i«utt un un oraaai orriaiu ro» laaat, HIK BOKXI MPAXT, LTD. mi bam Sum, Jara, and Borneo i
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    • 1077 2 AIXTION SALES. morri torn uu VAU MII.X I LASH 11., 1 -I Ih,. aaderaifned ban > instin.ted I -,ll trj l-l T.1.1c Al CflOrt, .M ih.-.r ietei Baom N., Bafliai Place, ■aajapan laa i-r. war, I' 1M« l-MCTIi-l I.\KVI. I. tin,-, p.... ..I l,a-e1,..1d land i«-ni« pints or |H,ii,,,ii-
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    • 558 2 NOTICES. UNGAPOIIE I'IIILIIAKMoMC SOCIKTV. mifl iiixriiAi. swriuyi A FOPULAB OM3HMTRAI. OOMCKBT TOWXHALU™ 1 1 -£\nl. ,il V)i.m i -i --i..n «i. ataaanaaaaßß, I'/irt,. „in,- later. n.c. OOKVEKT FAKCY ItA/AAK. TIIKANXI Al. BAZAAI lor the l«-nefii of the OarWAtn at the Convenl Kill I- held ill ihe T.iivic Ham on In,
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    • 283 2 LATEST A I) VEifT ISEMENTB. nu: xkvv CIRCIS OF VABIETIES ProjmmwK.. KKNKiIIT. AT J» T. M. KOK A SllnKT SK\S(IX ONLY. toCaTW at Foot ol Raja vi i\; in. .n -nil l-01'l'I.AR MtllKS. 1-t Claw I-•-ad •■ml ii. Paati ..pen i> p. m. 1.-./12 K. fIARTKLI.E. Mnnnfcr. (iRAND ASSAULT AT
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    • 89 2 M. 8. 3. igttncM for tho .«fr.n.'« T\*f ih.iM W written oa nn« aitl* of th# paper only. By tin uwl.~t "I Hal cu.:,u,h,, many 11. AS. an niertail tfc.^t milbl nllMrwira a,. |.ubl..l,.-.l. All aaverUainfi contrarU err rahjaot t" tL#> ( that tho M»na2ir mar ln> tiw a<li«rtia»iiH«t ont
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  • 910 3 VVAKREX SIIIEI.I) COMPETITION FINAL TIK. -:,rii oa. R A r. A. Co. am.! briiiadk. Thi« tie in thi, above competition wan played on hat BjCjC ground, last night, beta* a large crowd of a|iettaton.. (Jrcat interest was taken in tho game, In- ropes being lined alnmt three or
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  • 169 3 taa Mkaa of aM <>r aUaaaaj l hours en.10.l m D a. in to 111 i- ll'njk-n., Irl.-.jr,,,./, of w.i. Un unuslL.lly large OMB, la ni aj feaaak aaanhaj late -'in in that |<"ukl In nearly V'ry.nse they icport he*** weather li an.l BaaaV til.' ■Braag
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  • 3489 3 NKWS, mjtWt, AND REPOUTS. BRITISH JAMESONS. OnthclPfh ult. the Second Chaiunnd that lie wanted to prevent n repot ittonoftha action of Sr Jamea I)ro.,ke in Xortli Borneo. FRANCE ANDFORKIUN KNTKKI'KISK. The Fiiia,;,. coinnirntiii|!<iii Hrn R pert that tlii< Peninsular and Oriental CtaK paay'l laqpri steamers to and from
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  • 135 3 The H. N. M gunboat hn also arrived here yesterday afternoon from Rhio. She leaves for Batavia to-morrow. The B. I. steamer rrrtalota will leave for Calcutta on Monday next, at I tm. The Kuuian Volunteer steamer roTOiii-i', from Odessa for Vladivoatock with tr.iops. arrived alongside the Tanjong
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  • 320 3 SEVENTEEN AND A HALF P ER CENT. Kaarauan and other" who employ additional constables, say Sikh;, aa watchmen, writes a correspondent, have just been informed that they will have to increase the amount they now pay by seventeen and-a-lialf per cent. It conies about in this wise. The Sikhs so
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  • 407 3 wiiATAiiorr run ■uaaaxn'? Eveky now and agaia with i h» ileparture of a ('liiiia-hounJ liuat. says tlio Sydney EreMwj Xnrt, one reads that mmih: "inoiv missionaries liave left to convert the nnconvertil.le Mongolian. Wdil-makinpdu,- allowance Ibr gamine falling in the matter, nothing but regret must 1..' fait
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  • 143 3 WKUNtSDAV, I .".ill DM KMHEI. High Water. !.:.!> p.m. c.K.J s Kt. Matthewa Chunli >.:i" China Toumunant mo. Bowling. TangHn Toutonk. Circus. Hill Sired, n Till KSIIAV, Kit'll Hhi h.MHKIt High Water, -..' u ml pin Municipal Coiiuniiisioii L'.i'>,.|S a L'nuo BJW. UadtUr IW.-II -j:»>. 51,,,,.l IVin
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 piAISON P PAUL FRENCH HAIR DRKSNINU txuxm. ummnua Hfpmi chkistmas boxboxh:: CHKISTMASBoXItOXS!!! Just imbwl a selection uf I'arixian sweets, contained in a variety of very rich bags of silk and satin, handpaint«d boxes, crystal boxes, flower baskets, toys, The bonbons are from the best French makers and consist of: Ai.ian.ic.
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    • 764 3 _NOTICES. "ISIRISTMAS, 181)7. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. HAVE NOW 0« VIEW A I.AKUK UTD VAKIKK VSSI»KTMK> X of NEW GOODS, ST -ITABLK FOR HRISTMAS FSaMORI FANCY (JOODS. Albums for Photographs, View.. Ac. lj«lies 7 Hand Bags, fitted Inn.lhng Bag.; Udics anJ n f Canl and Utter Ca~s, Cigar anil Cigarette
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    • 478 3 FOX SALK: KM I'L< )YM KNTS: TO LET) AND PBRBONAIA I«T Tim. ir> cents a line; L'ud nn.l Dr.l tilii.-s, Meaatea line: 4th to tlth times, ft cents a line; 7th to Imli tiuie-*, 3 cents a line; nfU'rwanls, L' cents a linn hut no charge hm than one dollar.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 90 3 WKATHKR RKPORT. Kmdm§ Kerbmu BfpUmt, Uth Ac, iWT. Hum. 3 p.m. 9p.m. RlMAlla. Bar. ifl.9OO»»OSlSB.«7BTemp. 84.1 ag.O son 4 W.B T lbTher 75.0 7».0 7dO c Dir.ofWind N.K. N.K. N.K. St Max. Temp. S9.S '-3 Mm... 78 .8 Max in Sun 147.0 g-E, Terr.rad. 7J.8 S5 Raiofall Nil. WEATHER TELEGRAM
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  • 488 4 SmsAToai, ISth Dkimii, IW7. PRODUCB (Halt mre corrected bILUfMj Uambier. MO--copra Bali, Jo Pontlanak, e.OO. Pepper, 81ack,.... buyer. 1700. Jo White, (61) .SWO--»ago Floor Sarawak Bnuiel^. *JBJ. ParlSago n M* offee. Bali, picked ode. Palembaog, picked < Coflee., I.iberian. No. 1 I Tapioca, .mall Flake. I do do l.t
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  • 32 4 Municipal Debenture. 6 K. Do. Do. 6%. Tanjong Pagar Bond.. New Prye Kiver Dock Co.'.. FUR HALE. I'engerang Planting Shared. Ktraita Steamship Jelel.U'. SDMKKVILI.K A UU.NN, Exchange 4 Share Broken.
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  • 212 4 For I'rr Itr. Timu. To-MoRROIr. Mal.vt.-a i Mua. lltlent. I p.m. M..111. a Tia ports B.«a .San 3 p.m. FvMMJ lllmjalloch, .1 p.m. N. liuin<-a lia port! .SfWH.I. 3 p.m. Main. ci. A Klang CW I'hya, .1 p.m. Pckiin via porta ItMM, 3 p.m. > B'gkalia Bagau Ho
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  • 253 4 P.-i M. M. a, JUpmhm from Hongkoiin: Mr. .1. B. Kerfoot. Mr. and Mr. llirdsall, Mi-wa Cheney (2), an.l Mi« H..U11 From Maigon: Mora. A. Forter, \V. A. Williamson, an.l .Mr-. Williamaon. F*r*.a.OM«W| from Hatmia-Mr K H.-l,lrin K P.-i M M /^i.« for HongkongMr.. Biaiio>. KorMaigon: Mmr>. C
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    • 248 4 In.lwlbia heading the following lion ar. tued atr— •teuaar •h.-ih'P bq-bargoej Brit-BriUah U. IJnitea SWtae; ft. Freoch; Oer.-Oennmn DoVDutch; Joh.-Jofcore; *0.. O.c, General Uin T. P. W.— Tanjong Tlgmr Whart T. ™n-TM]on, Pagar DickTß. W. Borneo Wharf; 1. W^J«i3ine > .WIi«H;N.H.W.New Marboor Wh»H N. H. D.-»ew
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    • 1340 4 Aaaiiiu Hmn Noon or TBBMt. Aetir, l>an. «tr 4*. tont, ("apt Pol«'r«on. ISth Ixk'. From Batavia, W«, an.l IH Ip. T. C. Bofnunlt. r \v. Ualarier, Brit. itr. <1A ton-. Capt ltobera»on. IMb I >.■, From Kiann. 13th n.-.-. O.c, and H.I p. Wh Bin an.l Co.
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    • 410 4 VESS ELS EXPECTED. Hame, port, probable aate of arriial, A. A[H-ar. Cal.-ulta, Do- 1" sTUm 1 Ajai. I.iiit|kic.i. IV. U Manstif Id. Amphilrito, Trimlr, .Inn II Kaut<-nl»rg. llavi'rn. llrvnii-n, Mar 3 IWm M«y»r ]1.-li.-i..|.li..ii. I I 3.'. \V. Matuhald. 8.-11.J1U., liuii K kiin||. DM «l Kautiattnj. Hoi iimi. London, Jan
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    • 216 4 ,< KL.U 5 Vbul'i Nahi. A Tom Cimu Fkom sailkh Coxbiumii'. q Rio. Pm II Dollar Or. etr. 101} < P. Loub Nov ■UC.SIMIWM II Brit Ktr. IllW Ronlillirr K'vbinotiu !>••.• I!• Simon- nn.l I'" 14 Kalßiiii itr. 11W Phillip Suatow !>.«• «W. .Mmit.n.l,l.n 14 I'lynws »tr. -J-Jxi
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    • 85 4 taßfelua MmMm flhma taauaa B(e U l..»»lmna Ml Mr. IUnliMll» Minim* via uoilU HanScu K l.uH,i sir. Lyons Hangkok 1* Ni«ra llr. Oonll Mulaiva uikl X.iii« II Sam T>r .1, Wnioct Pfg**"- ud Hhriiii II Ud) MiUiit-ll »lr. Mugfur.l I TJHblj«|. 15 Mnlnco* itr. Only T. Ausou yin piirl>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 316 4 NOTICEB. MVINTMNS THE HIGHEST KKIH'TATION EVERYWHERR Fortiffl^ System against Disease with PURE BLOOD. THE BEST SECURITY FOR HEALTH." tsSCNCC OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA E#»J Jlilill33ll f|^ i^|| ;^llrlllSlll«riliOlrtlWlWinl«J^Mrj^^ f.. jTsi^TiTi i^sli^bTU IT S^BfjvfliTl In mil b imIiII I I TORPID LIVER, DEBILITY, ERUPTIONS, WEAK and LANGUID FEELINGS, And
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    • 63 4 JVM' WHATT* BUL£ Ai.l-NIS. M.-". -.lliiow N BBOsV "lIISkKi. M.-, Him IN KKAT 4 Co. Soec.l W.rr.nt P,,r».,0,. h O uaen < i i B it n i- i i> PICKLES, SAUCES, JAMS, JELLIES, TART FRUITS, POTTED MEATS, PRESERVED FISH, SOUPS, CAME, SAUSACES, HAMS, BACON and CHEESE, ■AT BE OBTAMFD
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    • 422 4 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED. BKG TO ANNOI NTK THE ÜBVjU. Of THE FOLIjUWIKU: FOR CHRISTMAS. t ADBIUVS CIKH OI.ATE CREAMS. in Air Tight Tins: Walnula, !?ultunn.«, Almonds. ASSORTED, Nougat, i.inp-r, Almonds. v. 11. ilb, l)»w>urt, Duclienc I'aU-e. CHOCOLATE CREAMS W FANCY BOXES. H OHm To »:'s.i«'. Cadbury s i in
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    • 330 4 XOTTCES. /JLAIAUID WOHEI I pai.k cnuaEM OLD PEOPLK, INVALIDS YIN CHAPOTEAUT (OimUlTt V RTTK) A DELICIOUS SVTHITIVF. STIMULANT Tbi, «l.»*fll.' t f t*il| ...^.l.i, J wkM a* ih.. .olii or hqa.4 f*od will in.ii mi Urn .1 iM.b I* .BJitm.cJ in coflUilaliMwl »,.. THE PRYF, KIVER DOOI FEHASa Tbe above
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    • 722 4 NOTICES. "T1MB8" AND "BUDGKT." Strain Timte,m jmr, or W, a math, I or fifteen cents a copy. Poat Fiw, Hi a quarter, strain fhujjasf, poat (roe, ISO a year, rr ID a quarter, or 40 cent. a copy. The rates are: first time, If. cents a line; 2nd and
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