The Straits Times, 19 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times IOSTAIJJ.ISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1896. NO. 18,851.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 888 1 STEAMSHIP i mm NIKS. I) NffM, Collrr «iiajf, i^ WHAHVEB. N.w H.ihoiir STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, rytea, Imlin. AuMrulla. Adrn. K^>l>t. M»r>.lllr!». «H»r»lli;r. Miilla. iiihl toii«l«n. Ti rnutn Bilb -f I*d»-K 1 le<l iatrric** r**t* Mail Line (MI WAKM H« BBWAi PM, rsw. X.1.. It &A hiirrmcdiiHf IHrect s«tvht. \V,iI, i1...
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    • 1144 1 VJTIUhS. For nCT BITES or STINGS, RINGWORM, ITQH, PILEC, c.:- J most SKIN AILMENTS, use 20' CARBOLIC SOAP, 1,- Tablets 1 lb. 3 6 Bars, each in Metal Box. (Fatal I.SH KATBB.) Bitisot of T.otter from Vmtm Hi* i• I-* 1 T«n(fnnyik*, Ceilral Afri a Hnr*. wil Hte J»m» tm
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    • 1246 1 NOTICES. MIMMAID condensed Milk The "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed iv h^: -^^^tl contain nil the cream of the original milk. In CONDENSED NUJh the P rocess of manufacture nothing but water 2iL &H*2mfl i 8 removed nothing but the best refined "99UQ Avoid low-prirted brands from which the sflC "2^
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    • 746 1 BANK 9. IHARTEREU BANK Of INDIA \J *rBTR\LIA AND CHINA INCORPOHA TED V HOY A L CHAR TEH CAPITAL, £900,000 RFBEKVE I lAHILITY of Proprietor!! t -,ki,,... hEBr RYE KUND «3.'5.000 (Hani- or K;,,.i,>si>. i.*xn. BANKRKS Natiokal Bank or Soit(.Thk Cmt Bank Ltd. Intkkkston hum UmosiTt. IW IJ months do
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    • 492 1 WOTICEB pHAFBD Skin, Pile*, lowct Bite H and Stings, Bc«ldt,CuU, Sore Kvet I Suubnrn, E«r-aehe, Neuralgic »r.d Rheumatic Paint, Throat Colds and Skin Ailment* quickly relieved Uj use lit' ('AI.VKT J R CaRBOI II CINIMrNT Large 110U It. IJ']. each (Knglish r»t>at Chemist* and Storrt. V. CAL VERT k Co.,
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  • 487 2 COMMERCIAL LATEST MAKKKT^UOTATIONH SlifitAlMllC. |11H NlMitt, I? 1 I PUOOIHJE, Gainbier Hit' do Cube No. I. W*■ f do do Na.2, I" 1 Copra Bali 6.0 J. do Poutianak >.:(7%. Popper Black 10.87;. S*g: Flour, Sarawak 18i. da Brunei 1»8 Pearl Sa«u lUttL Coffee Bali, 40.1 6. Coffee Libyan, No.
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  • 38 2 rvr \>)mtaWr, t '.il utt* v i.i ort*. M Kl«u/. IkUiK .u<. Deli t<> poru. i .itavi.i via port*. w ««r. 10-MOBKOW. Kuxn Ann, Palamtottu. SiTIBUiT. c.i«si.w. 11 in. I p I |>.lU. p.m. I .'in
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  • 134 2 Kk..m Xi K.iCt -Hy tht- II M. H.ila,i, »nli ill t.. tl»' .U-t »n .lueon >»tnr.|»y. I'K'iH HINA: By tlie M. 11. I „1.; l in.- „n I I'mt Tabu ■•> Mm., m», n Ml IIMM Ime in Lonton Arrive! D« -Ith I 1 I'• In,
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  • 347 2 AkIUVAI.S. IVri< Un Ait n 1 1 oiii l)|iin>>iu Mi'tsra. i 111 tell. Bud -mtiiirfx P«r a,'Cittoi fawn Melliuujm.- -Mmmto. I-'ijnv, H«nii"s«v. Ilrnwii, Sittlo, Yeaud. and id AEitn k. ik'vr tin Far Ka-t I'er I. O. N/..i,i.//.a.. from I .onion ■I .11 ft, V*% Cad t I art.,r,
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  • 24 2 r>hi.i-H::i, 1881. PRICE: 10 CENTS. Sal Arri/.ti.iH rate* and advtrtitint; rait* !<•>■: he found on ike fourth page.~\ VrKDKHDAY, l!»™ FEB. L8M BEUTER'S
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  • 62 2 TE LE GR AM S. PARLIAMENT. L'M'l.,n. Utth F.hrwuij. I HsjSJM of Couimous has voted tbe Address in i"| U to the S|eecb from tbe THE IKIBH PARTY Mr. J. Dillou. the Anti-Paru« llite member for East Mayo bai be*n el^c'ed leader of the Irish party. JAMESON'S OFFICERS. Those of
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  • 378 2 I'hk leailer.liip of ihe Irish party, that 1 is of tbe Anti-Parnellite Fection, has p.i-cl into the bands »f Mr. John Dillon, the iiii'inl'i-r for Ivi-t Maya. Justin MaaCartkjr, the formrr bafcr, who had ln-en ell "sen lor that posit in, on the split winch lollowed tlm
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  • 423 2 Tin fnftmi i ■iiiiiu-iiial mission to China, alluded i<> in smuttier column, is as mi in-i 1 ji as it must lie ineffectual. It is JiHit'tllt I* (JMMN, indertj, what olij-'i't t lie mission In* in view, what it ln>|M-> U ;i<c<iiiimih!i, „r j what paaiUi authority
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  • 19 2 A pacpkr was found ill in Aniov Street yesterday, aud was removed to the Pauper Hosj'ital where he died.
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  • 22 2 The R^v. J. A. B. Cook will -t a nerrie in English at tbe Johore MifSion Church. on^Sunday. at 8.15 am.
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  • 23 2 LEAStHuLD lands at Bukit P»ssoh are ail vert ised for sale by auction on Thursday, ihe 27th inst at Mesurfi. Tiune'i! sale riHin.
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  • 22 2 The Ladies' Oolf Championship is [><•>•- I ore) until tbe first M*i iv March, to avail eli-hine with the Ladies' Uwn Teuuis Tournament.
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  • 20 2 The Netherlands Consulate advertises a reward for information of intended iuiportatious of counterfeit Dutch silver coin into Netherlands India territory.
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  • 35 2 Thk Hongkong and Shanghai Bank and tbe Deutsche Oatasiatische Bank are said io have secured a five per cent. Chiuese Government Loan of 100,000,000 Uels, at co.-t price of B9J, tp be issued at 95.
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  • 38 2 Mb. Noel Tro'ler. tli" l'o.tinaster- ieneral. left by tbe Pekiu thi< inoiuii i: ou in-peition duty in Penang. During his absence, the General Post Office will be in charge if Mr. Allan, tbe Superiuteudeutof tbe Government Savings Bank.
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  • 52 2 Mi. Ali Cohen, of Messrs. Max Stern »nd Company, who has been M OSsiM I)"Acadtmie since IWS, has dow been Hppoiuted Officier de l'lustriiction |,ulili,| the Mimstre de l'lnstruction pub i<jue et des iieaux Arts. The appointment dates fn.m January "th. The compliment is the greater us Mr. Cohen isof
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  • 46 2 Thk FiyiDj; Squadron is now eouij.k-te. Tuc <!• in. i 1 iii of the S|iia<lron is set re', but it is stated that the charts supplied are those of tin- Krilinb and Irish coastii. the Mediterranean, and the North Americau aud West Indian stations.
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  • 69 2 A J\i.iN'. boy named K.ili iumu. about ten years of a^e, was .Inv m^ a bull nk <ait j along I^avendi r Street yesterday moruiug, > at half patt t<-u. when be fell off tbe cart, I and tbe wheel pissed over bis liolv. He I was
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  • 56 2 The official MM) on tbe Oermaa colonies, just laid before the Reichstag, shows i that, exclu.lim: South- West Afric.i. tksM are only "«H> (i- nii.ui iuhabiUutt in these colouits. Their economic situation is less em-oursging than ever, and their total Ml to the lm|>eritl Treasury is estimated. for
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  • 58 2 Thk Civil Service Commissioners atiuout tlia'auoppDi ouiix-titiveejainina-tion will b* held in London iv March next. for at least four student interpreti rsliij.s iv her Majesty Cousular Service iv Japan ami |sm Candidates must tie between eiuhtteii and twenty-four years of age. of sound constitution, inissessed <>f good si^ht,
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  • 73 2 At the recent annual meeting of the subscribers to Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, the Chairman, referring to the orgio. said that it had not been repaired for thir >cv or tm.rt.-eu years. Endeavours were being made to «et Hongknpg and Sin?a|>ore to co-operate in getting a uiau out from
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  • 74 2 A Ur^e meeting of Irishmen in Maw, over which Cardiual Moran [,re»nle<l, |i:i» ilim i<lcl to form a riHe corps for the defence of Australia. l>r. Warren, amid great enthusiasm, declared that Mr. Red. mond's sUt«ment that Ireland would take advant*Ke of England's distress was a I gross
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  • 113 2 Messrs. Mur<l<i. I, aunoum,. that tliev will issue for Eun>pe rather a n markabl'e work ou the Cbina-Ja|>au War. The author is a prominent native of Jij^n. Mr JuLichi Inouye, and be wrote the haoii primnnlv for his .:ountrymen. ft is ,oui. piled from official and personal
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  • 122 2 A LHTtH h,i. been received froiu Houifkoug. whence tbe news was cabled, report- l »ngthede»tb recently, at Paris, of the Herd. I Father Heuri Aruibruster. superior of the seminary at Paris of. the Socitte Jes Mis- j I sions Ktraui/ertvi. whose missionaries are n i\\ altered
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  • 55 2 A fUM, ramed B 4| (11 yesterday al ti, Justice Cox. on tw0,,,,, causing hurt with I and (2) voluntarily caunm^ kw Curlciiburir pro»«coM »,,i y V ta tbewsand Mr. Fort <i<te n r A' found the primer iv, ount.aii.U'iiiltyoia..,. lMdsso. TWfiw a-as u the la*t
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  • 74 2 Thk WikfHh, Psj that PresM, v- K. KqMMtri to tak- Mcpai unite °V S Hei.rnlei with N. w CledooL fiew of excluding Austraha froaj i|**i fits of trade with those iuUnJ, «J *>*■. j,,il declar»« that, in «h- v m mi- 1.-ii* raure (unscntin,; to l^voa ami
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  • 77 2 Tn MM. MmmOi A nl Ir.-tieh in.i:l WiU( i, Hoogkoog at noon t,> d, tv for Sak,, Si,i t .i|M.r S.i- sL.-uLJ.-h.-refon? bci.' in T'n-MJay BOTBUg. The VhiJimi'r, of Urn Kiis» ua V, i v Ki..-,n. M; .T,e.i h- ladiTottoek on her way to Oii?, w A l>
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  • 123 2 ROUND TH E WORLD TRIP. A TR.Mill Mm AT I Xai French geographer OalUi,, t^ y Paris for a tour routil the world months ago, wheelio); kit w,;. wheelbarrow imbtA with t-'o.u.hfl, wbo was at tir>t MMMipu ed bi i r who sixjedily pa*a up the juiirtn-i, atiemptcd u> commit
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  • 177 2 A Kkl'tkk teleKiam from K«i says —The BSraM publinbet a t.«( account of the e»nle the New York Y*«li; C[:il>'s emutl inventi^dlion iuto Lori PwriTa 1 cbir^ea, aU'l <•! the ail lr the cjunsel on either sje, Urmn. As with .1-1, 1 Cboate. The nbMM erideuce is
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  • 284 2 CHAMBER OF CO MMERCE CONGRESS. Tun secretary of tb.' bwjta C of ColllimTC M 1..M.11.' IHVltalK'li- Chain tiers hi OwHMIM tud "tb<mercial aa»ociutious at boi CulouiiH. to ta!ce |„iil il i of Cbainb^rn of Couiiucr ulwrM It ia stjt.'.l t lia,t .Mr. Skmberha i i Ury of Suu- lor tbc
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 929 2 Noncw. rp h bomio couTAnr, limitid. X rTUIB Btaadard Life Aaturaocs. X Cn,., 0 F>r« Inturaan* ftNK* Atlat Amoxoc i inuj (Fw»). Tk« E'|Uittlil« Lilo A»»iiraoc« Society. Tk* Ocwt Mariaa ln-m»nee Com| Miy. Tha China Mutuml su«n Hmmhli n C«a«paay. Tb« lutuwl am tairor >'"*•' BH Tlm BfmntinM luucance
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    • 853 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation ot any new6|iaier in Asia, British India eicepteu. [t circulates in Singapore and I'enang. throaghout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 511 2 LATEST ADVERTISK.M KM > PARTNERSHIP NOtTc'b" WK beg to inform that we have from this date admitted Mr E. U. K'lgtr a» Ctn«r in our firms, in SinirajKin-. e'oura,a. and B-ie'elea*. and he will have th« j management of oar firm in SingajMire. EDGAR AC. Karkiex. Edgar A Coy.. S-iurabaya.
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    • 53 2 ..VS. ...1rr.4.4 )•>' IK* »n»U J' 5a »-t. v SI.&H. ir. r.,.rlW IM «ifU ril-r*i« I- »> fcM,ir7»l HI ik, mi^rUM 'f£*t&2 <• tm"/ m»») mntlrr. <*U mA wtnm i—f The Straits Times has the 1? rgest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. Britioh India executed. No other Eastern news
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WtATHLK REPORT JfOKjung Kraltau Hvptiat, MM fV',,./,, r y, 11 a.m. 3 p.m. > p.m Kuißd B, r. ni. Si F»ii !is| 2:1 f js _>. r ''"V UM M.I «r o ,6 > 71 11 C '»ir of 'A .t.l N s.K M 1 i.miWle •i a > r
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    • 105 2 AKRANOKMKN!- WeunKJI'IV. l'.'lli t Hi«h Wattr. 1.87 |-v) Aall WedllCBil.l>. Presbyterian Cliurc'iM' L. L. T. C. Tourniiiueut. 11.-li W.ii.l- 1 M>i I I'hilhariiu.ui. Orehtain Omfcw tinuj; (IOtJ .Mi'lu'r' 1 Krii.u. -'l.i ito»' Al;1 II IKb W.itcr ■>.->:,. i v,. l l- w t'r.i. Kit tiring to ti a limNl, Mn
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  • 301 3 ECON OME Y IN HI GH PLACES. TO Till I.llITlU: Ol Till II VI i IMI The news tllsl Federal.! Mala a w.ll ipiireatlj be adauektn eJ o« pafj mi. inieal Im. s coin, lus mi- tn\ (Hiint...l l.i lli<- lul In- Ih. Federated .State. I tare, in Pclik and
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  • 152 3 THE RECREATION CLUB IIIK TRII 1 I^l I'I.NAM. Tlice.iik't and lawn tennis Inn .1 Ike Dtßgepore nVerootloa Olab prtoiraad from Penaag oa Jl.uday In Hi. Arrafotm Apcar, I'h-v suffered ii bit. re ,1. winch, it is th v will take 1,, Lent. au.l. t whoa tin- two t'-ans
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  • 185 3 I i... 1 .H fbrOJOMj is tlow jiail of ,la|.an. I n 111 conliniiiK to DO itilixirted there, and the qMjouM win ther opiuM-amokiag shall be -tri.ilv prohibited ia oilier parti ..t 111 Kni|.iic»t th- risk of losing a sun,of rererao aud of prorokiag ri liim ia
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  • 180 3 1:1 m 1 1- off 11 BBMI I KM 1 IMM OOMUI IIAM>I< AT U W:,'l,|.'ll mo< K'O, M.l/.MIIIIH :;-ti. \li- Dare Mai Miss de Bare fl 6 :< \JI\I.II Im.l lll.K lIA.MUI Al' M y—* (Ml-. Merewelll.-r. M .Win,, j I*'* Mi. .Adams J )pi|/
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  • 341 3 CA N A BRITISH SUBJ ECT BE EXTRADITED. I iv: com ol ia re Fi.-derick Biebard Is «.v ,iu,e before W?ieio«ed Court of Bench, c poood oi the LordOhUf 1 luetMOi Wn^ht and K. urn U. ■a .l.ri I.i It wmt an appbciiion tor M tolute for a ledioM ewMM
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  • 1628 3 Af niulraal lo thi .hkl-Iv rea,luf|r >aricn ot li. lion Ihai teCMtlO 0»»e 11 .< l 1. 1. I. ur «,lti il:c i.ovfl-r. adini: |.ul 1 > lor koine lia« Mat, a d'.wi!ii..lil ■torj, ill);, inoii-lv cinistiiiclMl. ll' vi rlf-_ «iit'.u. ami bbmllj |-'i «.'i| 1-v tru"
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  • 266 3 S.iMKi»i|iiii,'<riik>«.l the Anglo- Kri'inli 1 .ir.Hii^iuiiiii of Sium.M' territory arr qoe uli>n-lv uskn whit good can |iosiiiilv (.in lo Kn_'l.iinl from her Kphi ie ol iniliii'ijc un'css Ac |'rii.'i-iU to auuetation Xi in a pMml aluudpoiut, a h 111 I Uin hi accrues <o us from barring
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  • 331 3 'I'm I'r.'^iil.'iil of tin- Bli.kliurii <':iainl.i r ..t Ciiinnn r.e bis i.'iv;\.-.l the follow 11 lii'ii Irom Mr. Tafbargh, M P. WoKirml-^rk, BlwkMjn, J.u>. Dhi Mi. Han- »oii, -I ha\c to 1 ..wi-d with .1. t-|i ini.r.^t the t-ffo t your C'hitmlM r of 'Oll1 1111
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  • 597 3 i -imi. i. IBSTOTC IMMIM With mB RW to tlie Tnius-vaul oAcml si tti'im-iii ux to tlio-mill diiuilkt of men M||lt*i in the h^hliii^ w.tli J.iin -n..m'* force, a private letter tr.nn HolUu 1 uuv lie mm| 'U t i nln>.v It >w the su(ieri intv
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  • 539 3 Thk <|ue«tiou of th- Tonquiu I. mi ..line up in til- F'reu.-li Chiuih-r ot D.-pu-Ins on '21st January, when M. do Montf >rt 1 io|i's-d a motion against it, st.ilin.' tint 1 1:- report of M. Krantz, the K |.n'-r o.iid it waa a ijiicstion ot a
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  • 1123 3 Mr. A. B. Atkinson, in an article 111 t!n--11 ouiir* Oeaanaeerary, in Vac I bm of 1 <• Curates. -tatesthat the wlmle ■aaakafblahaaa aaaMbatad oaMogal 11 1 last pmc It l t/iwivril» the <"iirales Align Ml M Kund. If this Im- correct it works out about 19a, 7.1
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  • 51 3 Kor Honskon^r an.l Japan, A'amur,' due I'Mh Feh., I'ir.m-imi m n.l Co. H intfki.uif. Ulimbro, due .•■.iliJl-Vi.. Bel v Merer Co. •lava p<irt«. Ja an, ou Uot9eOS W. Mansh 'Id Cf. M .).(iU..i._-. Chelylra. due 24lh'Kul>.. BoliStead A Co. China aad Japau, /'n/y>'«'f. '.due'iiilli Kel>., P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 173 3 THE STBAITS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY.. LIMITED. OfffaOoMj (iKKSHA.M IKiIM-.. BATTKRV ROAD, SINGAPORK. Steam Saw Mills, KALI.ANG. SINGAPORK This OoOMMMf is prepared to suppiv all ,-5..- .if Timber for I'ous.. Shi,., ami 'Rail■iv Waggon tiuilding. MaMjeOOj S.|i.iircil 1...-'-. 1 lauks. H.iiinl-. Scantlings. Ac ic. The best ipialitics of ha'dwooil kepi iv i'.M-li
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    • 552 3 SHIPPING. ■\T A V I O A ZTONE OKN*rTi7b I* ITALIANA FOB HONGKONG. In* I'alian ntcainer LSTIMBRO, 1,417 tonn "V.. CajpUia DoMkiro. having Uft Bomb»v oa tba Bth faat., may ho rxpnctari to arrive here on I lie J"ih mxt en rout* far tkeaboTe port Fnr fieight and |>«~s»g»\ apply
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    • 864 3 FOR SALE: KMPLOYMENTH; TO LET; AM) PEIWONALB. i-i mmk, cent* liim; laiiai :,,i time*. 1(1 roeta a line UhUtith time*. ."> cent*. i 7th to lxth time*. 3 cent* lit*. fterwanK a cent- a Mil- hut no charge l<m> Uun on. dollar. Thin.. > thru line adrertia*. m«*t, cloae set,
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    • 1416 4 Un l»r Iksl h:>ajlin)f the fotlowin.' abkiaf tions are use.l: —»tr.—atoainer aa. aktp bq.—barque; Brit.—British U. S.—Pnit^! States; Ft. —French; Ger. —Gorrnau Dut. Dutch, Joh.—Johore; Ac., G.c—Geuorn cargo; d. p.—de«k paaw-iurers IT. —UiicHf tiin;T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T p D. —Teniong Pagar Dock B. W.—!<onio Wharf
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    • 189 4 ixipistrrKi; -Yam«, Port, and iiu.'f 0;' >•'■''• London. Carmarthenshire Jan b° Bpnlarig Jau H Shanghai due Feb. 'J7 Ayr. Gle-ifallorh Liven)'.. .1 Savona, Jan. J Pinyiiuiiy Jan. J. J .la-imi due Fhli. 19; Priam, due Feb. 22 Cvclope. due Mar. J Meuelaua, due Mar. J Pio IX. IItHW,
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    • 92 4 ft— uf c™.. K.-b 18 IK. v Ann lvi \i I- (HUatliam tit. 1672 ea -II -f. 21 (i M KutMl -Ir. MH Kr iM,.t.m 1" 111. n K Wnn -tr. H.i.iL.r 10 Hro u-omt -t. j-:. X I lia IV CCtw ur. ISM Piiti I*
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    • 95 4 I>AT«. I Vlr«ll.'« NAUI till. I. Kl.A.i 4 lili. C»PI ID. 'i a 4 IClu Cam us DUTIKArI< > Db*™**""* ■b 18 i Kut >„i. k -19 imr.i'.l.l 19 M.I I 19 Klm V nir 19 Urf] I rm' l» ||BTWM 19 tiling Ann 1» L>«r IV Vurwmru H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1083 4 NOTICES. j McALISTEE Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT OF WATBON&CO V V ELEHRATED M-Jf&^v '^^V^V $11 laBe Whiskies i^ivf fSJtfw fiVSA U PA \ffJnVj af^^-sT I>uti Pah.. McALISTER CO. VINOLIA IS A REFINED SOAP It keeps the completion frenh and clear J^_^^>* No othKr soap ha* received nw\\
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    • 324 4 I NOTICEB. The MoAt Perfect Disinfectant Known to Science. A^r^) Fragrant, Non-Poisonous Does not Stain or Corrode. "I consider the 'S»niu-. pr*pa»llon- 10 at evcrtlent. and I u«r them in in- own hou&p (Sir) CHARLES A. CAMERON. M P.. FR S.C 1., *c IV. r.-t, lr*t CM t> MM Ofixr
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    • 974 4 wotiom /JLAIGUID WOMEI I PALE CHILDHEN OLD PKOPUC, INVALIDS YIN CHAPOTEAUT (ouinuiTi m v rtrnti) A DELICIOUS NUTRITIVE STIMULANT Thit ilibibiiit w,n« ,< XBjßf •.t.milntd WBW a* oih.r telid or l,qu,J food will o« lk« h 11 ii ,nJic«l«J is coiitiuuonj wtiknx* V yJ^^ Omwaleeeeat. THB PBTI BITIB DOOB
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    • 70 4 NO'IICBS. LABUAN-BOUNEO. COMMIS-ION m— Of. Tho Bemjaa Uinersls Company, 1 imil^l. London and I^liuan are irepared to ronder npecial facilitiiK to Manufaclurem aud others desirous of b -ing represented in tli« East. in. w. A h. v. c. THE BOONS ANI) BLESSINGS "They come aa a boon and a bio
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    • 54 4 NorncET COC()NrT}S J. MOTION Si (< 0 W ATCHMAKgE S JEWELLBRs, OPTICIANS. .BTAIBa >BOMyTtTjx^ v qrchTd" J D A. PEREip^ HORTICULTO»IHT AND Pto t|l COLLKCTO* ANI> EXPOBTIR „r A,' Orders for Bo, lqnP Sprsv. Carefully and promptly „x Cheapest Houso in tl, c x r «j NURBERY. OXLEY Ro A
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