The Straits Times, 18 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1«31. 81NGAPOKE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1896. NO. 18,850.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 906 1 I-.AMBHIP COMPANIES. I 1) OFriCTE. Collrer Quay. "jr WHARVEH. New Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Strum lor MM, Jii|»«ii. rrnniiK. I <1..n. lii.lim. \u>tralln. A«l<n. r.«>|.l. Wararlllea, (ilkraltu-, vl.ilm. Itrlnilist. i«'iil«-«. rU ■■■Hi mill London. T r |i ,i- I Lading laturd for .1 l'-r(>. Mail Line KI h-MI.WAKD IW I
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    • 1746 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1 \K K<>>INKI,MKK PAKKTVAAKT MAATBCHAPPIJ. 1 cinitriu-t with the Netherlands India Govoc /..,mtt at *i,.qfip,,rr SmPAoIWCT. I.AT« -T. UArWDKLH A 00.. Coi.LTK* (JCAT lx J On Will l», De»|«ilched O f rein 1,,,, l>, 1.. l.ii. H»t.\m.<;i r.l(.j i. -iin»r<iL)f,»ii<l Souratw;H. Hh F< in. lOtk. B»n lj«rmi«
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    • 1245 1 INBURANCEB. INSURANCES. /CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE I HpiiE STRAITS INBDBA KCB l77|f. l^ LIMITED. 1 PANT, LIMITBD Qaptt.l r-^--r J- -il pawaa> EaTAUMSRED 1883. Amo.o^.id up JOO.JOO. HlAI> OrPICR. SINOAHORF. < a),nal Fully Sulmcribcd f3.Wi.O 1i riMaa<lOTir U *lh.ri,, bM*p*olat«l*«ta*jf*t«kt Capital Paid-up f 6<(l,iin, ■ttS°ZZFr£ttJXSsZ£ttmmS. I H^rveTuMl 1251..30 "utoraoi hiiim., wtitlbmmhmkZlSrt
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    • 915 1 BANKS. IHARTEREU BANK OF INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORA TEDBYROYALCHAItTBR. CAPITAL i *800,<MX) RFSERVEI IABILITTf of Proprietnm £%O,(KK) REBI.RVEFUND £325,000 f Bank or Englard. nsn. BANKTCKS < National Bakk or Scot(.Thk City Hank Ltd. IfTHtKhT ON riXSD DEPOSITH. For U months 3J°/ O I .1.. *>/„ A d> 2°/
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    • 861 1 NOTICES^ 'pHI BOBKKO COMi-AKY.LIaIITID npiflt Btan*M I ,f, w, nniln JL N..,...h i in«uraaa> Soakfej Atlai A-..., w..' < ,-i» (Fire). Th. K|,i MI.I-. 1,.'.- i wot Society. I TaaCVx-tn «,">i,, manca Obbbbbbk Than m* m,,i..,i HatvaßtM Coaajaay. Th* l^tu-oii-ua bßaai Hi r C'.>n>|«ny. Th* afai.tiioe Inn.. .in ronipany, LimiUd.
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  • 505 2 LATEST MARKET yUOTATIONH SIROAPOB*. IHTH FKRiUARr PBODUCB. Uambiar J X.lo. do Cube No.l V>V. do do No. 2, lo.uo Oopra Bali, 6.0'» do Poutianak.. Pepper Black 10.62J Sago Flour, Sarawak sVtt, do Brunei 2..'. J. Pearl Sago, :\.<>i; Coffee Bail. M).**>. Coffee Liborian. No. 1 MM. Tapioca small Klako,
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  • 67 2 For Per $lr. TO-MOBBOK K«ro|. M 4 |Kirt. 1V1i,.. Kun; vim porU, So,, II f. AnKnn vin|i»t. Potuian.i via porl«, H«a |b 5...- M«ca»-ar ym por:., Mi», Mcnailn via port* IWm Samarmoif ria |K>rt«. Gia.ij TnCBBUIT. Calcutta vu» M)rt». Pal««..*i. Malao.'i Klmiuv In,, Hiii Hrn 7 a
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  • 99 2 btjM (y tbe M M. Uak with to thi' :tl.t J^n. .tin' on >;itnr-lm TIHK 'I tin t: or Mill.. TC I.onim.n. left Siimpure l>u.- I.i 1^,n1..n Arrive 1 I. -Ulil' O Jan J.tnl J»,, Istli I>-.- :!l-t MM J»n. »t!i J» n 25tli Jan. Mtl.
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  • 210 2 ARRIVALS. Per >. a A Apear from CalcutU -SlhtV. P. .la.-nli«. J. Cecil, John S: Sarkies. Hra. Field, Jin. Hanxeu. Mrs. Rollin<en. and Rev VV. P. G. Field From Penang i— Mrs Denoison. Miss R. ii<>. Mrs Martin, and 17 members of the K> -creation Club. Pers.s. Pyrrlint
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  • 27 2 H..iTABI,IIHKD 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTB. S t>:.t rxdte* i ad adttrtiiHtj rait* may I* found on the fourth page.] TUESDAY, 18th FEDRPAKY. 1836. ITkutkks
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  • 120 2 JAMESONS CASE. London, 18th Ptbruiry. Sir Kdward C!arke is couiiml for the defence iv I»r. J:n,e»in'd ejse. AFFAIRS IN CORE*. A detachment of British uwriues has bet-n '.ii.ili ii at Set ul for the piottvlion of the British L^pation there. Russia ha« taken such action in Corea as to
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  • 407 2 TilkCore.-in disturli HMM liavi materially gained ground judging from to-day'i telegram, and British marines have once more to be landed at Seoul f'.r the proi ol the Legatiivi at that city. Kver since Hi- ttfmmt undertook in an airy and mniable manner, to M matters right
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  • 835 2 SIAM'S FUTURE. THE CONQUEST OF THE POLE. The text of the Sum treaty, just coucludud between Britain ami France, I e token* in on uncertain manner tbe i iiiuiu^ partition u( Siam. Britain and France have made tlieir own arrangement* for marking out the bounds of what i- jiruvisi
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  • 1010 2 can be little doubt that uot only Mr. K. A. Svvettenliam himself, but all llit»e wlio»u linjifs and lieliefs reside iv tin- pfMMia^ future nf Mali) a, will lie disappointed by the fact, riotatlv uhiwiiiiiv-l l-v vi, that the ne>v IU-sident-Ueueral of the Protected Malay
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  • 12 2 The Kisbop of Siogapore was Hfßi at Bangkok ou Saturday last. e>
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  • 14 2 A Supplement to tbe Str.i.t* Bwl-irt will be publuhe<l to-day at I p vi.
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  • 13 2 A Civil Code is under the vonsideratii-u of the I*xisUtive Couutil of Siam
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  • 21 2 Tbe M. M ss. Halaz,, Wtt Colombo at 7 p.m. yesterday, and is due here on Saturday next about 4 p.m.
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  • 18 2 T»e Procttdingt of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements fur 18&> have been issued in book form.
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  • 20 2 Tbebe were 35 fires at Hongkong iv 1895 as agaiust 2!i in 1894. Tuo damage dove was $2»7,OOO against 8323.0U0.
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  • 21 2 The usual monthly dance of the It. A. Quadrille Club will Uke place at the Boustead Institute on the 25tb instant
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  • 24 2 A Spkc-ial General Me«*tiug of the SingaI pore Sporting Club will be held in tbe KxcbaUjje ou Tuesday, ibt- 2>ih luatuiit, at 1 in
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  • 25 2 The Executive of the I<oudou College of I Music have dtcidtd to establish id Hougkong a Local Centre" lor tbe eximiuation of studeuts in music.
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  • 24 2 Tbe General Pott Office iv London 1 juteiEpUti-s, iv tbe aew cootract. uiakiug Hongkong, instead of Shanghai, thet.rmiual poiut of Ihe ttubsidised mail ftnkm.
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  • 30 2 The Uit case oo the calendar at the I assizes, that of a Kling named Kaboo iharged with comuiitting grievous hurt with a dangerous w..i|.,n i« beiug heard I to-diy.
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  • 29 2 Th« Hongkong Fir- Insurauce of which Otithrie k Co. are the Singapore «Kents, made a profit of |92,<XX) iv 1H94. The 1896 account shows a luUnee of $260,000.
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  • 32 2 Tmi Peltimf and TienUin Time, of the llth ult. mm there are now only two or three difficulties interfering wi th'the I .u--c!usioa of the commercial treat v betw«^u C'biua Ami Japan.
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  • 40 2 XMMaAI morning a Chiujuian was tn-Kagtd in drawiug water from a UuU M a »a <o factory in Outr*m road when he fell in. Hit companion lao away shouting fur assisUnee, but whea iuisiaUiice arrived the |>oor creature was drowned.
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  • 40 2 Works of fiction form the thief attraction for .übscriher. to the Kafflet Librin. 82% of all boAs Uken out b. longiug to this class. Tha remaining IK% consisted of ol o travels. 3l"/ o history.' 3% biography, and 6% uiijcellan,H>us.
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  • 37 2 Tub homeward and outward Spanish mill I'MH Js MimUmio aud the iMM an- HMMi res|*-cliv,.|v U> leave MauiU aud and Colombo on Thursd*v. Tiio </■• JUiHJtmao should anne here ou Monday afternoon aud tbo hi* </« Luton ou TuesiUr
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  • 111 2 RESILTH OF MOKDAVI T... UMM DOUBLE HAN, Miss Gunn and Mi»« J. f; tt ■ft. iMMeI and Mrs. Mb?**^*»iixr.i> iH.iiu.K iun,,,, Kr Miss Fraser and Mr. Pearr. r de Bure anil Mr. Elliot ow o j UitT, MM MIXED PAIV Mrs. Dar' aud Mr Owen bral
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  • 46 2 Mh.roKK lesWiag for Am..v the 1 i of the German fl^ship L*t HonnkonK Dock Ommm j ceapK, tirv letter, fongratulattnu them u L«VT p' •ompt an I thoroughly tAesssU tin,,,,,., i which the repairs upon bis ve»«-l hi.nJ" effpcteii at ewbeeijhn fc ci
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  • 50 2 The fafMttifa Council „f Hun -1,, was to meet on the llth n 1 the orders of the day, was the ti (of a Bill eutitled ■A« OrJmu,,,. B oiile for the extra lttion live Ciiiinils from the Territory t i Biitish North Borneo Com pan
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  • 52 2 A CHiNEfE iMSfial D-tree h« i,., issued ordering Li Huog-chaDg to 1,10^,1 to St. IVerslmrx as China's spwial sum I to repr.ti-ut China at the coronatiou oftk I Crar ou the Hth May. It esftaiemd I almost tertaio that the Uarquu l' v > In- the IefSJMH
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  • 70 2 INTELI.UiKKi K has b.en receired j u f (l|1 <iuin that, at the g. ueral m^etio^ ,f 1^ shareholders of the KeluoCoal Mining Cv j in Parii", ou the 24th LVeNaW, it w u tm ide 1 to ul the Cotn|,iiuv into Baajfa, j tion. Th- pnn'-ipal
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  • 64 2 Ihe HoD^konn Chror.v-U and D,r <r t O r, for 189t5. published at the Dail, r^, Office, baa reached iv thirty-fourth jeirrf j issue. The work maintains its tsu'blubrj reputitioj for reference purposes, jod tfc, I informatiou Kiveu is brought up Is dit> I For instant*, the
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  • 73 2 At Hongkong, ou the loil, iastaLi Ch uamau died at the Tung Wall Hm;>tU] fr-jui iojunes he rece.ved on bj»ij'tb( st.amtr Amara. The ve bB el had urmtii from BMfßja>Mt on the rtth mst. .v a preparations were made for tathfisx Chinese scaiuaii was twißffiag the
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  • 70 2 Or the !>th iustaut. a tire at B»ogn. iv Bingkok. di.l eiteo<i»e il.hmt Rumour alleges that it started tbr ugh Chinese cracker off on au att^]> roof The tire brouktbt serious abortfrnuw> iv the fiie htfapit Mrvieatfl also the fact tlmt the Ust of •■■miact would have
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  • 79 2 The Uovernmeut has r ,r«;» tion from the CoDsul-General It tk Netherlauds that cholera has brokui out am in^si Ihe Chinese paeseagen three waugkaogs, which arrived f r<>ui I'inua ami were anchored iv ati is.-lited i|otm the B Uwan riv.r. l»eli. Sumatra. Amoof o'oti pauseu^frs ou board
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  • 67 2 The Actiuj; Muuieipal Bogieef r, it s» progress report lot Deeeabtr, I it is not possible to keep the 8 roads (with the present miles) iv order for a leas *****1 The roads n.eir.vl Isjiitleitinn than th. required aud suffered severely d rainy nioiiths. She monthli
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  • 73 2 Thk ineiiiU-i-t ol tbn sjeseiatwt their frauds •Baal iod il eveningt* T.Kt.Tdav at the Police Bhani whili' prettily 'deeor.iie.l for the occatki flags. gtWllj. aii.l Chil Ainouf; the riajlen wen t\il« iu >'' < father. Key. A. f, and Mr». Si.*r|. B-11. Mr. All.v .m.l bail;. Chitl
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  • 71 2 A Tokio Mai dteaai ii "i January says -There it M Japau and Chiua with Commercial Treaty It Hung chang. the Chim M -uip.'t' 1 refuses to a+.'r. i- to th.- pi lights of eitratemt. rial:'residing in tlie ne» Bettles»ent« *ud bJm ieeiwss r i. favtiured-uatiun ehuMM
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  • 77 2 The Lfjihtiw Council ""r'Vumet ou the llth lustaut I" 1 'JJ Attorney tinier* 1 moved t!" of au 'Ordinance dealing "'J" n< Uloue.s paid lUto thcSupi'" 1 pointed out ilut. as ibe framed ■poo 1 tejewhal Ordinance which has I' Straits Settleme IU foi ,i, Mi.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 657 2 NOTICES. I Tbe Straits Times has the largest circulaticm of any newspaier in Asia. British India exceptec. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philiplines, and French lndo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 627 2 'LATEST ADVERTISbMENTri WANTED, for a Mining Company in I'ahanjr, two rnmpeteut buropean Fitters. Also, a poodChinwio Clerk. uiok at 6eums and arcounU. State salary required. Apply by l»lt#r only, with copies of teotiiDonials to STME 00., Agents. FOR SALE. 1 in- pair I)i-li Ponios, black aud white. One pair red.
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    • 31 2 AS Maiayir ..f Ooßss Istato, A pi. inter uf Urge ex|ierience will he BM for nn SBBBJfieMsp in Mareli BefsMMej K iv.n. 4M»esei E H. A Af. 'iOji c/u Strait> livui.
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    • 81 2 M.&.H. mtmiU* /or Ik. *m.(» lim i(nM Ii irilln *r. MM »wi« UUHW Ot»l«. i*v tb* i^tfUct of t\at opwjt M v M <i.S. Sn wjA >••■•< 3)S sOKririM I* AU »dttrlui»if -<m ns tm •**>* t to rl.* c»%4*t\e% IWt t^* MmmSH MtIMM i:-r .tdv-rtu«m^Ml #«t «/IK«p«f«r it. M'«
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 97 2 VVEATHKE KEPOKT a.i>i.i.u^ Ural-ia llutittai r,t>, Mnssrf, is: 6. ■Ja n. Ip.n,9p.m RIXIII. Bar. mi. H F»h. -£).»T-J 29.90 i 29.9*0 Temp »;.i KJ.S T9 3 S Wet «vlb TLer TH.O 78.0 77 6 iDir. of Wind X N N 7 5 Max. Temp, in ,h.,Hi 8».1< •<■ Mio. do
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  • 270 3 I Klnl s lIAKOK A.iAINsl V I V 1 1 be Meieeeyekterd n aft. m ..n. i eJen Ml Clll. I .lust ice C..V, lieurt .1 IS 11/. 1, .1 L.I. l.'i fMtl ..1 M, wis .-bare,. I v: I. C.i 11u1.1t nig f.>rg.Tv Tin Alton Uieetml ptv*c«ted,
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  • 35 3 I.IMOKK'IW, the Ser- >t Andrew's (Jalhedra'l will be: 7 801 l Ctiniiiiiinion, 111 a m Matii.s au.l l.itauv. I r. M. tveusoiig, and 8.16 I. M. S| "ial .Scriice ami Sermon.
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  • 67 3 I'm 11. s/A MrsMTf. Ii is •unowned officially tbat M. Cavaignac >■ |.i.-par.-d his pnijecl for the crettloii of a ..iluuial army, aud will place the MMMM befor* the Chamber on Saluida\ n.-it. •fwreerefel ewnby by a OeenMsiM of las Sena).-, it haslieeu .1.-.-rre.l that hXMOMO vf llie
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  • 78 3 I HI .Muui.ipal rrvenue collected ill 18!),*> .11 "iinied to 8771, 11* agaiw SBO.OOO in l«;il The lnl.uire of revel lie Uli>l|«nd. d 11 'he M| aud Mined foiward to [8M is -7, sgaiust the buuget MttMBM of j-:,.immi; Imt this is in pmt a.v .nut- .1 t-,1
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  • 157 3 Mmmh. Fraaer and Co in their If. view ■-I Ibe Rm Trad.- Em 18M, Mala tb..t ill ■Him. lll with almost all otl.-i IF' idea, ii. ban MitTered from tli.' MprtMcdl .Hidilioii of tride generally. As IMBTM the luture. while the JitfMa crop ik admit t«dl V
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  • 177 3 Ihi dineton Mm [Tailed Limkat I'l.ui ..ii.uih, iv their report for tbe rt*r andid v. t. ft, stHtv tbf I'iotit and l,.ss ■how* a 1 i.,tit of £*****. An int. I, in dividend ,f live |ht MM oil the oiiliii.,ry»liar.n «as 11 1 1 on .1 11
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  • 228 3 DEATH OF MR. McGR EGOR. Ibe death of Mr James MeCrMJOT, Ihe louu Icr of tbe wdl-knonii MM .1 tilei. ktesiners ft,, ,11 UmmM l« the Far bat, Uok pla. uu MM Jauuary at bis reiidmcr, Tbr Urnuge. Haiupktend, where I* bad livid tor the laat few \o,irs. after ■11
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  • 210 3 I 111 tiri«t WMfllMMlillH IM* thai found, r, holders ol t ue ftuaao ChißMa Haul mi, h.ld .it St. PatanOßK, on .lan -I. wli.n i|i,'f,.i:,,w l n,' w, rLc'ed .1 MM lloii,n-iier, Nonvl 11. No'H ti i:-,t1,-t.-:ii, and Cha ..I I'm...- OnkM wms] Iwldanaf Urn
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  • 342 3 -M-.IMI lIAVs KKNt'LTH M*i«dee, |Wm»'| mh 1. PATON" XXX I'll 1 V.lm MM presented by Ur Ogilvle. with SHKI adde.l a] the 1 luh. Handicap for all Marten in (Mead Animal Distance I;, miles m.-r 7 flitrhis Immm s|_Mr .1 Kllermmi's a; wg MMmmMi w. o. 2
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  • 56 3 Thk foUewiag are the cm. .lit iuliH uf play in the mmW 1 ''p for a prize pr.-s.i,!e.l by tl,.- Singipof Golf Club: mmml play, tii mi rouud of nine holts 1, be played ov.-i- SeMj Lines links uu Thuisdav. Hiid secuiiil njund, Line s. over S. (1.
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  • 129 3 I Hkjl.-wurilH ol the iMaJa^feN B|H>rtiug Clul) li^e in i-outeinpUtiou mi interesting change iv tie programmo Itrthe foitbcom111^' races. Tiiev propose Uml 'I er. should bl si» yriflin races instead ..I thn.-. .mil that tlegaU.i\.'H\ event should be drupped. Tbe idea is to allow griffin owners ou
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  • 142 3 51» H 0. NaMM, the Assistant to llie Clnuoe Cuusul-Gcneral hue, I. .ue-. on Baturdai for P.-tiu to ptjoia Um Tauagli Viiu.en. f on, arbil li lv- was -Ji-ta.-hi.-d about sny.-fci-i jgu aud Kent first to tbe Kinbansy in LMJMM aud tbfU.e I must. 11. d to
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  • 683 3 II \l> 1.4111.V MKKTIN.. Till lull ve.nly nieetiut; uf this 'O.l MM was held at Winebi >ter lloii-e 0:1 '..Mid January, llie|iii» of Tweed. l tl |.i.M.|iii^ in moving the ailopti m of ll.e report, he *ji.i\ i The past litlf-venr was Ml uf til"
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  • 441 3 SELANGOR NEWS (From our Vor respondent.) Mm ftei'BMi Tv 8m Belle, with H. E. the Governor on loan), aniv d at iht Klang Kuala 0.1 lli- morning of the stb instant. The Resident, A.-tiug no longer) with Mits Rodger, w<n duwu the river in the t'.tmrralia and the 1 1'
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  • 139 3 TREASURE FOR THE FAR EAST UmmM, I'age aud Gwyther, Georgeyard. li. Milliard stre.'i. hive issue 1 a s'atein. Nt aliMg lull .1.-t. uls uf tbe guld, siWcr, and dollars IUfMMI If) the East during the last tea yearn, tjgethcr with particular* vi India Council bd's sold during ibe same |>erio,l.
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  • 147 3 Mi T H. Kemhaw. tbe Registrar of IV '.ls, in his report lor 1 ■>'.'-■>. slums that lii I'litiiieiital fees last year aiu.Hiutel tv S6,U7*>. a slight m.-iease over tbe tigurta for iei'4. The MM tt llgMsWlill has .1 MMMiMsL ihe decrease would have been still
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  • 661 3 AS HANT KUMASSI OCCUPIED. Pkhpat.hks revemd at (In- War Offiri-, en Jan. K\ itniioiiiii-r.l K iiiii.t»- w<ts |..m;liil.v ii|ii .1 li\- tli.- Bri-ish c»|>..liliou.irv 10r..-, mi Jail. 17, aud ttiut Uovern ii Al.nw .1 arrived iv I lie .Vlnuti i| t lit.- next day. TLi.' 4ioviTiior ir| <>rt<-.1,
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  • 380 3 Sib,- The idea ha* ufie 1 octurre 1 to in« I tbat a public Swimmiug Kith migbt muilr be provided for Singapore. There is not, j I am sure, tbe slightest Deed for me tv attempt to demonstrate tbe utility and < d-'sirability ef «v
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  • 188 3 I in» is a MMMH .|u> stion in in. my beeMekeUa, aud Mevsrs. W. Ribins n au-l C«. have couie foiward with excellent advice in 'he shape uf two bi^-hlv in'- 1 ■■->. ing little brochures, tbe une entitled "A |nunoforte solo repriuted from oaav
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  • 208 3 LONG DELAYED SATISFACTION -mi tire yearn agu Dr. Grcig. 11 ■MMMMfT, \v,i.s lirnliliy it>-:ml I by Mam 1111 soldiers at Kiriu. Fur that ojtrage the Chinese Quverumt'iit agieej tv pay S'-'.imi. and a sum of fSM to pin-.-haw a site fur a new hospital. Tbe purchase of a piece of
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  • 1329 3 The deuiaud for women's right-' has MM I sli/ht change in the usual ma lof toasting them ill the Sou I hern Ptatea. Ala recent political dinner there the t.iasl for llie fair se» was given out thus "The la li.-. God bless 1 hem Formerly our supcrirs
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  • 241 3 I TO ABBITE.) |*W Mr far M IVr P. t (> f r Umkm, .Int. Mi Or. ami Mr* (iilm.Mir fcllis and ,•1,1.1 »r an* Mm F E. U.thain, Mr. Por.-k tiro Mi«», hkM M (larmier, Dr. Mil M, r'ru.n BfMW, Feb Mr. and M-. D. I*. |{i<
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 Tender Keel fT\ NolFert,T.i».|F»«- r 1... IK. I Wi Condy's Fluid. Condys FJuid
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    • 878 3 KOK BALK; KM PIX)YMENTH j TO LET; AND PERdONALS. Ist rmic. 15 oeoU a line; 2nd and .ml tim«<, lOrlmMaline; 4th(ooth times seenU a line; 7th to 18th times, 3 rents a line.' afterward*. 2 rents a line hnt no rharjre leea mm one dollar. Thus, a three linr advertisemont,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 152 3 AKKANUKMENT8 Tuesday. I* hi Kkhkuaky. High Waler. 1.2 p.m. •ShiMve Tucitdav. WkIiNKHDIY. l!»TH Kr.HKl Ml Illyii H it.r I 22 1 Hi l..'ir pill Ash Wi-dumday. I*. X <> buinrward ni.ul clotH'H 7a. in Muuicipal Meeting. > P.m. f'i ■-••t.ytfi i.tii < 'Inn. h M.. tini; 8.:{i> p.m. Thursday, 2"ih
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    • 1582 4 in i m ii I i.-<*ii'U' MM'owiu* riuru> -stoainer bq— barque; Brit.— British U. .S.— St»t»s; Fr.— French; Ger.— Gorman: l>>u Dutch; Joh.— Johore; Ac.. <)..•..-■■ cargo d. p.— de'k passengers I Uin;T. P. W.— Tanjong r*g*r W.!. P. D. Tiuijouft Pagar Dock ;B. W. Wharf;
      1,582 words
    • 176 4 S'.IM,, 1,,1, „,1,1 l>.tt, ;l I LciNUON. <'arniHrt)ieushir>'.lnn H Beularig Jan. 22 Formosa, due Feb. IS; Ayr GlsßfaJlsek. Shxntflir Livkhi 1 iMBa. .Lan Jeaes due F»K 19 PiaysßW Jan. 22. Priim. .lue Feh. 22 Qyeley, wa* Mur. 22 .Meii"':ui- due Mar. 3 Pio IX. lil.AS.i. IW. Kirkdale. Hrxemtr.
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    • 121 4 i. k h i V I -i inn»U) .> AM I J t ■I v Ki. 17 Arr«t"<'ii Apur lint ,tr l»] 17 Hiyru »tr. -'lit Duaiu 17 John B« /l.v Am. 1.., Tiki 5h,.|,1,,r I 17 Vorwurt- Ml I", ma I U I'vrrlni' ML Mr. tM>
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    • 119 4 >ATI. (HhILN > AMI. 1. A Kl.. t'AI'IJUN PIMIMH Vb 17 B»u Nog I ill II 17 liv yiu 18 <ili.'.,r. l.y IB X..-..» IS V.A M r IN Pauuvr 18 A. Ai- in 1- An,1,.-..l 18 I y,-rh.,,.,1, bin 18 11. I. 18 U.i, 11. 18 11.-ut. 1-.
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