The Straits Times, 10 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1890. NO. 18,844.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 369 1 not; i,,,i.: Mh i''i'^- |s;s ISVI .iOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS in ii CHEAPEST. iIEAMHIUP Ii^ANJ I) iuay, BTSAI NAVIGATION MWAIY, strain l»r I liln:i. JjU'""". i »1...i. ln.ll:>. Ati-lraliii. Kl.' n. X-> 1». ti ,rMill«N. UlbralUir. HaUa. ItrlndiH*. ivnlrr. I'linoinh. illlll l.Ollllo". Tin I .i Mail Intermediate IMrecl >ci viiiK Pint
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    • 599 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. IKK I'AKETVAAK'i MAATBCHAPPIJ. wUh the Netherlaiiue India Government. nut, i.<i t; J. Uakndkls A Co., '.'-3, Coli.ticb (jcat. Will bo De«i>atohed for On >„, air, PBBwk, lila, At-eahan, a«id 1,,.', Urn. r. |Hh. I. riti-.ii S«mar«iiif. a nd Sourabaya. lltli Btli. r..|,'. l>;», -I.' mid i'ailaiii,'. via «ay
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    • 752 1 INSUKANCE^. CAHTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Chfiui rabuCTttud wXayi.oca. Amom,. [i, I up 100 000. Bw.ri.lm, l 810,000. it i, Ulrica. Bon.loio i t-aiiiJar.iKuol Hiti:, t bMa iptKii.Ud A(»nU( af iaf '.->»• roui|.«i,y «r. r-^r«d to 4coo>t Maria* Btakj a 1 irraat rev«. > »ua ia aaaaally paid to all eoatri-
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    • 303 1 INSURANCES THE STRAJTB INBDRANOK COMPANT, UMITBD K»TAHI.I»I'KII 1883. Head O» kick, Sin.<ai-.irk. f apitnl Fully Sul«crib»d ja^MXi.d -0 Capital Paid-up t «<U"i Itmrve FnD.I f 2»1,t!.T0 Balanoo of Worxiii(f Arroont to :«lat D.-CfinUr. )KH MH.I»:. raHhAaifU J1.4H0.2n S MIIIIBAT, Secretary 0000NUT8. SPECIALLY BKLICTaD FOR PLASIINO. A, ply to S U.
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    • 782 1 BAA'KS. /IHABTKRBO BANK OF INDIA ly ADBTH Ui ".NO CHINA INCO UroilA TED il YHO YA L CHA H TKJi. OAFIT I. i»w,<.iK> RBSIRTI I LAI lI. 'TY of riefcrt i>iio,ii<»>) usj avßruNo ...«jo Bark Of Ba«Lan. [land. BANKMS 1 Nati,.v*i. I:*nk <>V Scot(.Thk City Hank Intbkkstos rixiv Dkpositk.
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    • 211 1 NOTICES, KATZ BROTHERS. General Store. MESSRS. KATZ BKOS. BM TO AMNolNfh- THAT THBIR ANNUAL CHKAP CASH SALE will take place in the premises they at preseot occupy IN ISONHAM STKKKT < o.NIMKNCIM. ON the 25th day of January, AND FIMiSHINd <>K tho 16th of February. Silk TaUa Covcih, Vclvt-t TitUle
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    • 112 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS SINGAPORE, 10TH FEBRUARY, 1896. PRODUCE. iambier. 8.45. do Cube No. 1 n 12.45. do do No. 2. 10.00. Jopra Bali 5.W1. do Pontianak, h.37%. ••epjtfr Blar-ic 10.374--iV-o Klour, Sarawak 2UX>. do Brunm KMi Poarl Sa^o, 3.624Joffee Bnli 40.00. Coffee Liberian, No. 1 43.00. rapioca email Flako 3.«5.
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    • 143 2 Oi» /-.mrfon.— B»nk 4 m/s. ,MQ t« ti^nDemand 2/2 1 1 to 212%. Private 6 m/s 2/24. Do. 3 m/s I/If' On u'ermany.— Bank d/d t». Private 3 m/s -.'.28. Do. 6 m/s -iM. (in t'rancr.— Bank d/d 273. Private 3 m/s 2.7!». Do. 6 m/s 2.80. Ok /h.J.«—
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    • 238 2 Je1,,1. i-i J. |..|.i .<.: -I.'- Ranba (13/1U pd.) x £1 fully paid S7' 4 Punjoras (MaslC) S"> afc* Pahanjf Corp. (£1 j>d.) Mi Maji:*ril i Co. (SllW i«l.) 93» lWijf-rainf-« |nl. jn%. MMM Inaarance (s4> |>-i >'--'<', Strait i Firwi (si» pd.) ■■>*>' «'c«. Sin^raporo Ir.sur.iii.'^ II" -•</<■<.
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    • 95 2 For Per $tr. Time. To-Morbow. Mvlru via porta. 9teundru, m Kutope I m pjtt.. Mai, I i>'m. Pfruuxg ti tijkngvi.m. Albitigia. 2pm Honirkon*. Wing 8a,,j, 3 p!m! Kr. m mill- vii port",< in, lu l':il.-i.l.lll 1 ,l,..Ill«l. I),,,,,' D'Mii. i^it-. Htb*. :i pm Ilan)r i .i. U-,
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    • 109 2 IfeOM Xl K..HK:— By tllO P ,V(I Ri.—tla ill. .l» Is (lie 2M). .Inn .hie on 17th K. it, Paaa i idui t.> ii. t p i s«ini .lue Timk Taau W M ni.s M L..SIH.N. loft -in|{»iK)n- Due iv l M u<i,m Arriv.l I' -llli P•
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    • 200 2 AEBIVALB. Per Mr,,,,,,,,, frum I.hlmmii Mm. i Htm, M-Hy. Mr Mxlman. and Mr. uml Mr.'. Fafruotti Psf s. I'eiilnkiila fnmi Kaugoou vis I "rti. -Messrs. Nicioil. Kmory, Lessltr. I m, B>-yer, i '■i---n. Wilsou, Stiff.-. Miss PaMMi »n«l Mr. mid Mrs. Heruande/. l'«r •> s, //.j«l Rr«ok< from
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    • 102 2 iVr M M. t., ,,>i Wmhm furSaiKuu Mr.. Dii'thttlui. Kcir Hon^kuufr \i*»r«. An iis-.iiiini', Alb. Sicsiunnu, 1'mv K Kim n. I Z»|,|.. A I. us lioimon. W. Wu.ff •i. l!> I >rl /.pp. Fur Yukotmma:— M»H4r>. I P..I... K. K.-l«. fch.Twoiu, F. W. Fuwlif. hi Mr*. 0. EIbt«6iii. H.-k,;l
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  • 25 2 Established i 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. 'Subffrijition rates ami advertitiny raltt n"iy b> found o* ike fourth page.] MONDAY. 10th FEBRUARY. 189«.
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    • 147 2 London, l<Hh bMrunry. President Kniger has accepted tbe MMM made by Mr. Ch unberlain M redress the grievances of the UitUnders in tbe Iriibi i il. in I will come to England to diicust the matter. THE CtfAttriSKED COMPANY'S AFFAIRS i l\ OP CECIL RHODES Tlu- future conduct
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  • 630 2 To-iiw'-. tfK-jfraixi is distinctly MM* sunny. It indicate* that the trend of ■•wiit* iii more than one direction is towards t lie pacific settlement of dispute*. We have recently passe 1 through a period of much political unrest, and of not a little international danger. It is
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  • 10 2 Kabikh is still t*Ully prevalent in Negri Sembilan s» I
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  • 11 2 Thk homeward msil by the Sola! closes at 2 p.m. to-morrow,
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  • 16 2 An iottneuza epidemic i« reported to be raging ia Calcutta, and the death-rate is abnormally bigb.
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  • 18 2 H. E. the Governor arrived at Pen«ng on the 6th instant, and at once proceudei to Government Hill.
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  • 17 2 It is reported that the Director* of the Chartered Baak havedteided to keep open tbe Taipiug sub-agency.
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  • 16 2 Some hundreds of Freuch Mariue Infantry were expected at Cuaiitaboou al the date of last advices.
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  • 17 2 TbE Siamese gunboat faaf Yot ai rived bei« ou Saturday from Bangkok. Sue leaves tor I'ukst to-toorruw.
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  • 19 2 Rajah Brooke is booked for Siugapoio by tbe M. M. s.s. Armaml Brkie, to leave MarM-nle* on lh«;2ud instant.
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  • 20 2 This exebarfge banks will be closed on Tliur..iiT snd Friday, the 13ib aud Ulh inslant. beiug Chinese New Year holidays.
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  • 21 2 The British Noith Borneo Co. is not thought very highly of in Labuan; vide tbe it-soluiiuuk parsed at a MMM meeting.
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  • 27 2 Leave of absence is granted by the G. O. C. to Litut., MacDougall k a. aud Lieut., A. J. Woodruffe k a. from 13tb to 17th inst.
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  • 26 2 Tbubsdat being Chinese New Years Day, there will be no issue of tbe Strait* Ram Ou Friday, the hour of publi'-iti on will be 2 p.m.
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  • 21 2 The Government h n issued iu.tructions to tbe Public Works Depar'meut at Bangkok for the erection of public abattoir* tber*.
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  • 21 2 A machine for starting race-borses hits been tied by tbe stewards of the Calcutta Turf Club, »n<\ s»id to work excellently.
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  • 22 2 The Xatol left Si-oii at !*a.m. yesterday, and isdue bere IMHTM at daylight. She will probably be d.-s--|>atched at 4 p.m.
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  • 21 2 Thbee members of th- Portsmouth Police Force have accepted service in tbe constabulary of Hongkong. They have signed for five years.
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  • 28 2 The dead body of a Chinaman was found iv the river at Havelock Rd. vestnd.iy. There were no uiirki of violence, aud tbe body has not been identified.
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  • 31 2 A Chinese Hylaui, named Ameni;, was carrying timber for his master wheu he fell down, and tbe timber, falling on top of him, broke bis arm. Ameng is in tbe hospital.
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  • 34 2 The Independent Order of G,«»l Tern- plars' Picnic Excursion will leave Tanjong j Pagar wharf by tbe steamer Immml at i 7 ii.m sharp on Cbiaese New Years' day, j Thursday, the 13th inst.
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  • 31 2 Capt. Hasteup. who proceeded with his son to Saigon from Penaog, the other day. to have the lad treated by tbe Pasteur lottitute. has returned. The treatment seems to be successful.
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  • 32 2 Latest advices froic Rangoon st-ite that tbe rice market there has been excittd I from speculative demand. Tbe MMM i It export was small, but a large bu<inesB by speculators took place.
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  • 38 2 Amokost the pissengers who arrived by th- Kut'unf from Peuaog at Hongkong, on tbe Ist iustiut, wa« Mr. G. J. L. Litton. Ute of tbe Chinese Protectorate .if th.Straits, who joins the Chinese service as a student interpreter.
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  • 47 2 XI k W. Dalian, horse dealer, directs att"btiou by advertisement *o the fact I that be is still carrying on his busiuess, stay of execution in the recent action ia the appeal Court, being extended for another fortnight a*MMf a possible 1 ap|«al to the Privy Council.
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  • 48 2 At a meeting of the CnmniitWr of M-iingement of the Cathedral of the Gjol Sh.-pherd btld yesterday moruiu/, in the Parochial House, Mr. Edwin Tcs-nsohu was eleclod a Warden for the ;< in rent year. The other Wardens are Messrs. D M. Martia. P. J. Woodford and J. Flanagan.
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  • 64 2 A match, S. C. C. (2nd XI) v. 2nd XI Garrison, will be played on Friday and Stturday next, commencing at 11 a.m. both days. Tbe following is the probable team f.>rtheS.CC:- Messrs. A. Davis. E. F. H. Mm, H. W Firmstou", H. Fort. F. D. MacUggart. K. W. S.
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  • 33 2 Mr \V. N. Dow. was to shortly MM I charge of the Pcuaug AfIMM of tlie Honykoo;- aud Shaughai Bank. Mr. J. C. Nn-hoU'iii bu been ap|K>iute<l sub-managrr 1 at Yokohama.
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  • 69 2 Tbi CliiiiHinau. Damn] I. mi Ituu Siol, who wa* oonTicU-d at the last Aume* at, l'i'iian K "if the murder of a f.'llow-coua'rv. man at Prangin I.iane. iu October laisr, w*a« banned tb«re on theSth insUul The jiris. oner appeantd to be quite nn.on, ■crn-.l an to
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  • 73 2 Thk other day. a coolie was shot lead by tliu fau-tan gauiblersiu Cauton. The coolie went to gamble and lost money whi, h Im could not pay. The gamblers wauted him to give them In* wearing apparel as a pledge, but he refused. One of the gamblers then
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  • 70 2 Fotß thojsaud MM hundred ami sixty turn al coal were mined during December" a* tbe New Ceutral Borneo Coy's, collieries! Libuan. This is the rword output of the colliery. Of this quality. U.IOO tons were exported to Biuga|>ore by the Company's steamer UMh, the balance being sold "on
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  • 81 2 A Chiuamau iv Havelock Road refused to allow .i iiuu-ber of coolies to bathe iv the wu'er th. re. alk^iug that the water wat b* dimkiug and uot for batbiug purposes. Howeier, tiiev |«riitst«d in coming, and they irtiiio mv: too often Iw jretturdav wheo they
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  • 205 2 mmm mm A«AiN, T A riMKt Tars moiuiug at the Assii*,, b».f f r Chief Justice Cox. Henry Montagu* p a clerk in tb.; employ of Messr* D^^ 1 steamship.genu. wascWged on two with defamation, rbe Attorns prosecuted, and Mr. Allan w,, tbe defeme. Tbe evidence for th..
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  • 37 2 Tbe army reliefs 18fH> 7 iodujr |<, Nortbuml>erland Fusiliers. fr»n mouth, Gibraltar Ist 80. West Vurk.bire Re^t., from Gibraltar, toHnßgKotg; Ik Kitt,- Brigade, from Hong Kodi;. tnSinm. pore; 2nd Bn. Nortl.uuiberlaod Knsiutn from Singapore, to Portland
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  • 46 2 Jit Deieinher, at Punjom, miltiug w u earn.,l on during 27 davii.\-ru«hini{ 1.,,,, tons, yitldini; 4:* l o/.s. '■'inpany in cheeking (fold Meih,,' MMfWj convictu us iv six of seven c*»| ■Ml down for trial, but this baa not b.J tbe effect of entirely suppressing
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  • 65 2 A Javanese syce named Ahmed. *b»u by Captaiu Davids, wat l.rut«Jlr atsaultt .1 yesterday by two other Jaraoctt He WMMJ a bad wouuu on the he»J and a broken finder, and be will pn.bahl? be iv bogpilal for several weeki. Hii offence, it appear*, had been
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  • 75 2 BittHor J. M. Thoburu. d.d.. i. 1h,,: the Methodint Episcopal Church, who'wu expected thi* morning will arrife until Friday or Saturday, having stopped to make a visit of insiiertioo to the I'tniUi; and PeraL ruiMsiona. He will preaib tm\ Sunday at r p.m. iv the Methcxlut Chunh
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  • 113 2 The N I). darner Pri,r. mmml with the German mail of the Utb Juuary left Colombo at 3 p.m., oa the :tl« ultimo, aud arrived here about 4 p.m., on tii" Oth in«j int. miking the run iv o dan. The M. M. Kteamer Ernett MM W til*
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  • 102 2 TnKdir.-i:tor»of ihi- Pakaaf Cat] anuouuce the rmU In iunil of il to tin- effect that Hie output for t lit- ui.oib af Nowi«l)er, 1 wan H:i tonii'l blti-k tiu. Cablegram atiuouß'.-ini; th«- !>■ mil i>ut|>ut i liiiinl.j.f,. ll.. w From Jeraui LiiniiioDj? Mill In U ia_>- of
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  • 92 2 M'.VIHM VEDA I. E. M. M.TPWi.tlier 44 tJ I B E. H. Hryilwui 1$ it K J B. K^K-rl^i, I. W.a. C1.-1I W :.j ih A. \V. Stivou 44* 1 > U. H. s. 4.; v. Dr. Fowlie U li H v rail U 4.1 l.t.
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  • 85 2 'I'Hr Lull) Mining K,.,H.rl for tli'' f"" ■Mkl MtH on fin- filli id-'h.' .1-1 n, in Ihi w.rU M MM Us nwiu k in 1 1,,- !ii,A'..rn'Ute "I lh oouoaa. In Basil Koaiaa, U* loot r.-wnrUlilv w,-il al I '•'hi. and til.' MaMM lu^ bin aaaaftten „i arasaiag »'"rt
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  • 155 2 '-"•-T-iuinlnlji- lBW '^JSjj WI irvi-uiif it t-itiui ir.-.l it I nmUM, ai..| tin- ..r.|iu.i.v expenditure LJSI.UOO.OOU routt I» addition this, tlie Hlraordiaur; lawn*-'oiuimt-d ,ii 2,200,000 roubl<*. uJ .•xtra..r.|iiurv Sll>*id.ture ..I lift*** roubles. CM tlie extniorJuui > M"' v turf, 119,800.000 roubles are by the fund" in tM
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 806 2 NOTICES. im mHI BOBsTBO COMPANY, I.IMITBD. fT\H* Staaeare Life Aeraraoee. A. (Jotoa Fir* loturaaoa BeaMf AtUs AMdraaoa Company (Fire). Tke K'|UiUl>l* I.iU kaasaaaM Society. Tae Ooawe Ma>in» ln-uiao«e Cnmpmnf. TatOiea Mutual SUaita Nangnlioo C'oampaay. Tke TullMiLaun Latter Uvair Com|iuev. Tke MstiUiae laamamx OMMM9 Limited. 1 For paiticvutra ot w.
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    • 717 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation qt any newspaier in Asia, British India excepted. it circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipnines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 773 2 LATtST ADVERTIBKMKNTB. TONIGHT! TO-NIGHT.'. Elite Skating Rink RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE, j Afleni'.ou Sa-mion from 5 to 7 p. in. PRICKS: Mi.i:.— au.l AdmiHsioii 14 MM> Admi»-<i.. i i-"> MMk Eveniiu; NmMI INM Hto 1 1 p. m. MafaaMM $l.(Mt AdniiMHion IaOMBI Season li.-L.i- MSf M MMMRj it th.. Rirnt
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    • 25 2 The Straits Times has the b rgest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No otner Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WEAT U K H KEPUK'I Kand«uj Krabnu JsVejaJai, Mi, >'.6,«.ir». In: d. 9 a.B. J p.m. 9 p.a Rimaki U«r. r.:.i. M Fall. a».x« a).7SI rtmp MJ V.i.n T6.0 -5 <2 H>t !!iu!> TUr. TH.U 77.(1 74 8 „-.2 L»ir. o! Win.! K. X Talm tI M i r-'OttaJf *i.9
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  • 395 3 It MMUtTir ,r>.RT< v iin.tini.' t" ciniitfer tbe pTMaWbilit^P nl holding the HUUUaI CbllleUe Atllletn,S| yrta at tbr 'liiufM N<-»- Vr»i timk plan' mi Krnlav last. Hi thf r.ioin ■>! tue OhaMM Club, and Mr. Tar H.i|. Srn^ li. •nle I. Tbere was a M«d »tt.- IBM
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  • 447 3 I t\ 'fill (',,ii,fj.,,1111--111. I Aim/,( filah. 1,1 Frbm.inj. Im li.-sident arrived from Sereinlnn m Suinl.u Ust, having trav.-U'-.l mi l':iuipil and Jobol. Ou Monday, M vis tod the honpiUl iv roniiertioii with adcliii.iim and improvement* t.» l>" .-tT.i-tnl ii Than are now thirty patn'ii's IB tlie
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  • 281 3 i\ ivii|i..\aiiii\ HROn '>s M. vi lav. tbc :>nl lint., then- wan hrl.l 1 1 llao-ilao. Liluiau. a DMatiMj of the rf|>iv"ll 4tiv.- in, mi of the Miln uml Ka.lna.i niiiniiiiiity of tbc colouy. lUji Tauii' I'i'Milr.l I'lie l.illowing lesolutlolis were -I '.luminously Thai wa dalsgsiea nmrnmUma fcka
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  • 127 3 '"k Tsihon tmiii Siugapoii- are I to ainve on Tburnday. tbe lltli "St., ami tlii'\ will In- tin 1 traits] at a i ittaretle biuokui^' M tin' Laks) Club; ou tlie follow«g uigbl, rViihit. id.' lltli. tin re will iie in til, ir liouiiiii',
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  • 302 3 We regret to announce the death of Mr. John Cook. Municipal lim|«-cior of riuildiutts, whichttMik pin. eat bis residence■ide, MMMI Road, at three o'clock this nn.rnint; Il hon^h lie bad complained of feeling unwell for s.ime few day >, his lili ne«a and death
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  • 122 3 A TEAM of Uie MMMH MMNMjMi Club, ia lid.ii;.- of Mr. K.|w:n T. hb.-hmiliii. tbe MMMt, M pluv a|{aiust IM i'enar^' R<ciiuti'iii Club at t-rickat am) lanu tennin Penauir. dining IM)CUmm New Year bulnlavß. will MVM to-in.«rr.iw aflcni'ioD iii tbe MMMafm, mil will lie MMMMd as follows: Mi»i>
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  • 159 3 IMM. K Napier an.) I*M (LsMltod), ( Imve liuin. be! a n>.eel s.rew aWMMf of aUmt 8,000 Idiih for tbe K&stc-rn •nil Australian Steunniliip Coinpanr, laiuiloii. 1 lie vi NV'I wlncb is uuinetitlie A titt r, ili, n,. Ma b .ii H|»'.iallv .1. m_'ii..l lor tbe
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  • 180 3 Thk Very X.-v.l Father Bapt sta, kaWMI ri-,|ii. Hied and obtained Bishop Med.-iros's p. -niiis-uoir to resign the \'i,-ur J -ii>»bi|i ot I li- lor' ii^ln.'-i' inn -.ion in BJBH»as)tl an I Mulai.a. will le ive shortly lor Mamo en route to Timor hilly where there
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  • 220 3 Of late there liavc l>-en iniuieroiis robberies in Hi^b Siict but ill- poli-e vow h.ive undid' Moh mi I key w,> nun. M;i .i:nlli kid, who »'el'e iMU^'llt red ll.ilnled in I In- early hours of tbis BOHMg. ll.'.unu' i noise on bis pr.'uns ill. propri.
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  • 175 3 v K. I. TAN..I.IN 11. 1 11. 'I'liiH imtr!). wtiich mat iMiiiin.- I on IInMNUy last, 11 it-sum .1 .>ns, in. l retuilutl in adiiv ha intai I „,i,,,1.f.i1>1v VMlh 111.- |.lii» On 'Jlhiiml.iv .arli M.le p'ayod mi iMiaga, tli>-S V. a Mag Ml wit ii majority of ih-ni
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  • 1164 3 ISM'AI, TKI/.K UIHTRIHITION TODAY This moruiug, Mr. Elcum, acting Inspector of Schools, pn sided at tbe annual prite distribution at the AntfloChineae Free School, and presented tbe piizes won by the sut-c. ssful scholars 1 Mr Elcum waa imported by Mr. lones. and by the Principal.
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  • 73 3 'liik Postal *****. r. 11. r .it Sydney approved ot tlie ••niitrii.-ii.iii «(th» |.r... r ,snl PjcitK cubic, tin- c.isl ..111,1 1 ni> liou ai..l workiu^' vi iinlciiance to hi Inline jointly li\ Britain. Car, ul. 1. ami tinAlMirmliM column- .-ih roiitrilMHiii^ a tliti-d. It was
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  • 120 3 In I In' Port PiefctM JiKliid i«-port I. ii IKmvuilmt, it in slid tint the MMM at Puliiu Ril)i, win. I, .ive l>een roll,, mix wood uil lor \fsrn, cuinplitiii tb*i in Ix inn n 'in"j uw.iv tv pl-imcis, auil. tin ivfnre, the wood uil iv- lull'
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  • 1254 3 PkOOBIBR IH 1 THE riTKoI.I!! M INDUSTRY 1* Deli, of lat.'. little ba« l»-n heard of riiiiLt.Tf.-it or fal •>• dollars. A quantity of counterfeit rev, which miv* receutlT ioto ciiculation, iperdily drew alteotiou I from the coini being of a reddish hue and being found very light.
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  • 72 3 I) «im. In ImuKleifivcu by MM In*. l u^ duty .mil uliM'titiUK I.b*'iiu>i-U.'K vii Ii iiit leave, a MM tuwtiug oi »L»ip MMMM Ml In recent W in Cilmtu. t<> consider wbal il.| should In- laUrii tv cuaimuiu discipline mi l.oaiil |U|N tin ii-. It wait im-iI
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  • 677 3 I'aru, Iht January Tha ComraiiMioii to ew|nir« into Tnn'iuin nffaini sppointed ymtsrdsy. and will deal with all qurationit nf public wurks, aud MM> fully I'isniinc into whst lias already be«n dove. and five every publicity to its report. Mi February. Tha Comininion formed by the Senate on the
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  • 285 3 On the -i"i li of Dtcember laat, a meeting it Engliab-speakiuK iadiei>, resident iv Kuala Lumpur, wsa held at tbe Residency, to discuaa ;he formation of a society "to provide fcOod nursing and necessary comt'orts for members aud tbeir families in timea of sickness."
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  • 121 3 M— |T. Ithn IYhki »m. 11, -Ii Water Ml pin Home ami Cirri.^.- S.ii. it Mi |i.m. l-liillmun .lUii fcJU|i hi Tukhuay. Uih r'hiiKi aik. Ili^li Wiin-r. K.:»r mi. 1n.17 |> hi T4ii«liuCliil> l>ai.«~. M M. homeward mill I.ihk J in WillNtMlltV. IJfH K..HKIAKJ Higb Water. H.2'.»a.iu.
    121 words
  • 271 3 [For the Far Entt. Per P.t O. s. s. Horn', from I ...nil. in. Jan. 17, Mr. and Mrs. Mampes, and two rhildrms, Him Emma Duoaden, Mirn Jeaaia Cuthbert, M AB. Jooaa, Mr. Lovalandf, Mr. Hendry, nlnii..| Townshsnd. Mr. and Mrs. Kyder, Mr. V. H. S. CharlwQod. Mr.
    271 words
  • 103 3 By virtue of the Netherlands India Government Decree of the 11th January, 1896, No. 1, a reward of J r >,ooo (five thousand guilders) will lie paid by the Government of the Netherlands East Indies to any mjmjmj or persons, who shall give si;, li information naiiMj
    103 words
  • 222 3 Ist time, 15 wilt* a line 2nd and M times, 111 .•.■nt- a line 4th to 'it li timea, 5 eenta a linn; 7th to 18th tin..-. 3 cents a line;' aft rwKnli, 2 cents a line hut no rharjre lew th.i:i nni.
    222 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 207 3 THE STRAITS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY.. LIMITED. OKKICEB. mmmVAM IMMi uattfsry road. singapore. Steam Saw Mills, KALLANG. SINGAPORE. This OMMM is prepared to supply all ■MMM iif Timber for House. Ship, and Railway Waggon building. Bleepori. Squared log*. Planks. B.«rds, Sent lings. Ac. Ac The hoet qualities of liar.U<»»l kept in elork
      207 words
    • 715 3 FRANK HOLLEY'S. COMMISSION STAHLES On hand for .tale, the property of g«iill« in ii, MMMI iisefiil anl cheap horiteii anil p. nirs. Ixitli fnr -ut.l.lle and harnesa. ■lauimry :«iih. lN»t; v IfOR SAI-K— Tno Raleigh Bicycle, cushion tyred, new. Price modoriiti'. n..'. Apply to I.AWSOV. LTOI C. FOR SALE.
      715 words

    • 71 4 ,1* lir-villV M o^l :—»tr.—.tout-b,.-Uro»e; Brit.-B.iti.h C. ri Ststoa; Fr.— French; ijer.— uerm.v. Drtrh; Job.— JoW<> if. t«in T T. W.— T«n:..nir PiU*'" p n_r-. 1 .n lf fMr»rD.-k;B. W -J. 3hM'< Wh»'f H N-. II. D.— N r H'». T »•—P*- u rent i» u
      71 words
    • 873 4 A«BITALSSI!*CF NOON Ot S A iVBUAT i elm B.W. Piosa I abfaa, Stk PA i W Baifflr" Co. Tl' I l-rit -t Urn Ml I I (©»< < For DiMIK.:: i B.W. -ir 501 !ap( I i n>m Mania. »t fwk G.i- W. Maa»flatd \<' tm
      873 words
    • 138 4 l.i.MmV. aabars .lav. >'• Qloaarab) Jaa. B Pataaaaa, Vab. 13; Ayr. Livi i. Un. J Eooaaaa Jan. Davaaaaa Jaa. I Jaoaa .lao. Pi. i IX Gla.-.. m ITialili Cak ill r. I'ursuix-. M. Il i, B EbMoy, Jar. li Rireni.l RkiiAni Ifirki BIICMs.V. Preuasoß. due Mar. S H
      138 words
    • 32 4 tiiW.I/ Bl tiUA S t H All i U« IKKlVhl) r«m u,. 1>at». ui lu Cowwi— 01 r«wWiiu < itll 111 I.- J I I >; n %m -I. i N l:.t,,,. n.a.w.
      32 words
    • 59 4 Nam L :> M..1.4 Vajiraahu I Clio Ci ('»r<>lil:a Mora* I'atiUkota I K-i-l- lk< h.i... I 10 Wii I I Id -ißfmpom ii H*ooi> ;<• Ha, O« 1" In!.. [no- 1 (*A»r*Mf. r»OB lUII 1.,- Ahjta to!: t *t r I"l MfMM L' l Itt M Hut.-, I mm
      59 words
    • 51 4 I) PI VlUllh \U1. 1 bu MN. i i" N l<> II M ..u K M_- Al:t. ki I. r*f ItM I um In Bau I ML Mr. «tr «tr. li.r. rtT. -Ir -tr. MM r.t Danl p Mil nil, i, T»vl.,r Had-, b WtHn U p.,1.1 roil t
      51 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 902 4 NOTICEB McALISTEE Co., HAVE JUST KK'KIVKI) A HUBB >MI!'.MhNT OF WATSON &Co V< 0> ELEBRATF.U 5' J f V Price »11 p:r .3f wbiskiei gi%j. J yf\ b[TYPiI!) h^ at the money fBV^f^XU iSl'' Diiv I'aii. McAUSTEI? cv( n. qmobi v "PSYCHO I IYCLEa" j I) A PBBJ HOBTICULTCBin i.»D
      902 words
    • 210 4 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERB, OJmCIANS. tEFAIBS PEOMPILV KZBCOTBD HEIDSIKK CO. MONOPOLE. Parrejorstuths IJI U M.aodROTAI JOCKT O# i.K1. 1 and tx> th. IMPERIAL OOUI for fil aaaVQMMMG .SC iJ.MiI>T Co.. 17/VM M \h*)N P. PAI I. vV < »kes..ii Bail IN PIVEB AND \i,,Vt <:nr. I.:Lw Blanc, i.ila. Lilaa
      210 words
    • 982 4 NOTiCBS. LoJbB MfALISTi-11. O). l^gil^""^*^ 1 pain at once fTIfrPW CURES all discharges trom IiUVEBNMEXT LONTBACTORS. to^A^fltiH^^T'^the fclAjj^l^^gans in either best MHbHB >cX in I i i i us I** JuMnmW 43 hours 00 -:u;-Midy XI UMSHi;K>. Unlike the sa- is a dal oil of i:: J^tfmfiTk Cl^ c >!ll|
      982 words