The Straits Times, 15 February 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESIABLIBHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1895. NO. 18,517.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1087 1 STEAMSHIP IJOLPANIEB. Orrtca— ,\A\j,; Q< mr f»onow M .—V. H»rlK>,, r 1 1,. .turner, will l., aTO Hing^or. on or l nt ih,. i.nilcrinertion date ■aawai Apl. l T.ef,»,d thence WR.ii. »B) to 10. di n,. th,. wine to I 0 ,,d0n by sea i ..K-ioH.r, of ergo by
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    • 831 1 SIEAMBUIF COMPANIES. jy: KOMNKLIJKfc PAKKTV.AAIIT MAATSCHAPPIj. VnAm contract with the Notherland. India CJoTerninent. A,,rnt, „t tH,,, lnr <« r Ship Aokwct, latk J. l>Ar.»i>iiui A Co.. 2-3, Opiate.* Qoat. fcaai Wi I>e«|»atched to .H...M. r^rc S,,u,al,»ya. 1 1 l li Ba .e.n, Sonrabaya, Bali, L, In b.,k, Maea«- anr and
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    • 329 1 psPTo xpa». BT DR. JAILLBT. Baaarior Tori* Hi-,, gaaraaaial eat— r*mad y --.g^. Uoua, aad an eteelleut appetiaw. T* to* i..d at .11 Di.|>ua.ri*». U'lKll'a A MOSBfc fci tfc Ml AA-aa— THE LIQUOR ORDINANCE 1*94. l-tOttnura whcb eaaVwaVM roBCK !ht Jan.. 18f>.".. mr,«ii. a no r or IH OaWaa i-kb
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    • 785 1 INSURAKCEB. (tANTON INSURANCE ~OFPICE LIMITED. Capi— l anlaerlbad *>„'«',... Amouß. |Mil up ,'40,00 Bflacrr* In&d Sjo.i«>. Hr«i. or. i.e. Hvmtw,,rn. TbauDdi'r>i|ii~l lu>i I-- 1 «|T luw.l A,(. i I- <-r tha t raUi A BVuuata •uouall.v ymii all ooatrlbutora ol bualD aa, *helU«r .barakol era or aot Tha Bodiu for
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    • 705 1 INBURANCEB. Tub Stbaits Fi*e In!u»ax< c Co.. I td IH LIaOIDATIOB. bm— edin THE COMMERCIAL UNION A^^^BA^•tE CO., LTD. Fire riaka ace. lit.-d at current rate.. LOCAL BOARD OF RrFERFNt F. A. 11. R.ehnm, r ktai. Pultfarcken, 1 tq. A. S. Murray Ktq. Fl T ND.J. Capit.l JTully Bubicrlbed A
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    • 494 1 BANKS. TTOVO-ONO AND SHANGHAI XI BAK_IHOOOBPOBATIOW. -.S^ 0 TOSS Conar or DiaacToiuir— OBAiBHAa— C. J. HOI.LIDAY. laa. Da-— Cbaulmam-J. 8. MOSBS. fa, &tn-&<2L IRfSSi-r Caiar Mamau.*. loHion.-T. JAcs*oa,aW *B— Bkah.,»i._h. M. BEVIB. In, Lojh»» Bimaaa-LoßDowiirDCooirTTßAirß. ■Bw COKTAXI, LIMITBB. SINiiAIMkH -INTKEEBT ALLOWID. O» Ctuiiit Acood»— ttllunUtflpn **ot- per Annoa oa th*
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    • 517 1 I NOTIOJiB. »»M IrMt, fam. Mil iv«. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS Of Clualitj. and, Maria* ar**teat Durabl'itr, ar* 1 b*r*iere CHEAPEST JOSEI'IT BAKER, ConricriOßßß aud VirwwA Babwb. lir. is to inform Mm I^rliw aad U.atleJ t men of Singapore that be haa opened a Confectionery and Viecaa Bakery. ttMo. 8,
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  • 450 2 LATtaTMAHKKT QUOTATIONS. BmoAi"oin. 15rn FiißUAar. 1M». FKODUCE. Uaakiw ».I'Jdo Cmbs No. 1, v. do do N** »<*•*■ Copo Bali, «.OU. I'ootUnak,. »M. Pepper Black, I>. SagniFlour, darawik i»>. "^.to Bronsi i*s. Pearl Sago, SM. Coffee Uali. «-UU. rub* liberwa, Vt.w. Tanroea smaU FlakA 4jU. T^do 1* q-taf 5.0... do
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  • 21 2 P« tr- lime To-Moaaow. J»ldah im port.. 8u1«rf,,,. si;.' E"-^ BE asrsKu:^. ssz* jg J.p.n Ti4 poit. Da'j,,,.*, iIZ
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  • 79 2 I i L";" L^»r k ,-8)'"«p*t). ..i. wiu ilat<-< t^ tin- 25 I. J.o. due o. Slon.l ,t. >h, kri.g. I'M Sing '.im ly^g >u j,, v iL;,. a IV**k K*U. J.oSUI. J..3" J."M mm jM.a^b j... ».h Uo. nil, p. 4 Feb. <il. K.I. in, •I-,,.
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  • 167 2 A»HIVALS. Par Funilna from Calcutta via port* Prof. A lira bomsrrillo, Mr. A Mr.. u d, Mr.. M. Row.. Mr. Hoop*, Mi* W. I hiddoii», Mr*. Uooinbaa, Mii« hiruu. M>«n Kiadarrartan, 0. A. Outoo, f. W Hard- >i r T. H Bogara. K. Darrr. V. E. Samuala.
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  • 62 2 For W. lu'n'it, A*sir*l\x,t. on lath F*bru arj, BoiuUkJ ..1 Co. Fo: 'iooKkouj, Lin.!.!., isth r.kru«r. Bou>t«4cl an Co. bJ? «53? a'^ r d 1!>lh Kor C» cutU tU pui t.. PuhUu; on -Hth »V jru»rf. Uou.t. ,d aad Co. For E Au.trl.ia Porti. */,u,,,i«,«, ia
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  • 18 2 Establiuhed 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [SMbttription ralf and advertising raUl maf bt/onnd <m the fourth page.}
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  • 204 2 FBIDAT. 15th FEB.. 1895. KEUTKR'S TELEGRAMS. THE CHINA-JAPAN WAK riii.iEK or tub riACi tarliti.*- London. ISth FtbrHiry. The Cbineee peace envoy* have quitti d Japan, in obedience to freih order* from the Chine** Government. THE SILVER DUTY IN INDIA. The Time*. -on the authority of a private telegram from India.
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  • 838 2 Tm disutruui rffrct. produced by the low vain* of .ilier are apparently l<> be accentuated (rum the policy which the OoreraeMat of India i< alleged to be now ■Mtitetiag upoa adopting. Tht Tim*; on the authority of a pmate telegram from India, n\ 01 v that the
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  • 18 2 We l«aru <m ouquiry at the liberal Hospital this afternoon tbat Mr. Utdm is slightly better than ytiterdtr.
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  • 17 2 A rep it tou the Mergui fishing will probably be published by the Buruiah Uuvt-rurucnt in April.
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  • 28 2 The homeward P. 4 O. Packet Sutltj left Hougkong at 1 p.m. yesterd*v, U may be expected to arrive at Kafasjon v •bout 6 a.m. on Tuesday next.
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  • 28 2 Biihop Thoburn will give a sptcii! addrest to the Epworth Leigue, tbii (m. ing at 7.45. at th« M E. Church Colsaag Street. All are unite Ito attend.
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  • 32 2 An extraordinarj general mating M th Stiaits lusurauve Coy., takes |,L at the CoiD| iiuv'i Office on Friday, tin l,t March, lor the purpose of altering il 1P Company's Articles of Associatiou.
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  • 38 2 A bat<'H uf naval officers for sertics m tbe sbips of H.M.s Njutdmu id bp.i I -ft Loudun per P. and O. steam m 17th January. A further group »v leave London on Ist instant for th. d>stinati'>n.
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  • 41 2 Th* Ptrak Pioneer hatn that Cip-an U. L. Talbot lias been grantel a gra'uitr by the Oovernment of JC4OO for tbe wound receive.! by him during the attack on the Pabang rebels' position a Jeram Aoipai on the 30th Juue last. •>
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  • 41 2 Thk Ja|'.ini'Bc torpsdo cat clier lottuti arrived at Bombay hum Adeu od the Nsi Jauuary. She Uad bern detain lat Aden l iy the authorities uud>-r tbe Neutralii' Act, aud put iuto Boinbaj, on her war v Japau, tor docking purposvi.
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  • 48 2 Mr. J. B. M. L.«ju t!i District M..- tra.e sj Kiuu, Perak. hat ttjudtred lm resignatiou ml prop>s«a leiviog tbf n>rncr at tbe end of then month. Mr. tbe Pioneer uiicrsUt jd». >v n uie&u la kuve tbe S.ate, !>ut inteuis to devote huu.uit to mining and planting.
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  • 50 2 In l'tiij.. 'in..- itt prouj<al topsseut LUe Uou'ule J. Jl. V'eruiout wiih I public le<timomal I'nm r. leoli otbur>. i.. .re espec ally associated witD Peniug aud I'rjriuce MdtmttJ, uu tbe occisiua ot tbe JtKh auuivurs*rv bi> arrival iv the Settleuitut. A sul>scri|iti< v ii»l 1..* U-i v o| eu«d.
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  • 52 2 In Perak. lueuuon is made about bwj. iug thur.-. the ex-Muutri of Lurai s«p recently died here. Tue deceastJ, a pruuiuieDt lii.-ti.iiu tuaie ia his d»). at HuisheJ Irom tue BU'e, twenty I ago. lor compli'.'itv iv tbe murdsr' of ir. J. W. \V. Bucb, the first British liVi Itul
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  • 56 2 Xi Hoi k ban it that certain i. OmUHMB hope to repay wtiat ili»» call Briti.u uufrieudlm<ss" by M n to bnug about a risiug of llie Qmm'i Mobauiuitdan subject* iv ludia. Tutsuggestion may be Ukeu »i endi-ue <■. tuv liiuil ot idea* some pej^le are Ujkg to lualil lulo
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  • 53 2 Coon's Circu-- probably the uM«I established circus iv the kiugdoui. »> iv SiUKapore to-morrow (Saturday) m>;iit. The ouifMuy, wunU m aa exceed mi: > Itrgeoue, tuulimi a host ot areui talent which will n,j doubt dr*w Urge Iv Iliiir (.erforuiaacoa. Cook c's C'inu> b»i» ju»t tijishoi a successful tour
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  • 67 2 Thi Ptrak ftonttr nyt j— The (Vti. Turl Cluu i-uiumute* h»r« doviiiril i" v.U) mkmmmmm tmm raerebfri tor tiu» Im liio Au^uat in.-.-i ii,^ to ivit, l»ud»i i- IVi.k sJiu Mk. Tut» w,ll I* iil jx>rted Uiroct Iroui Auiti»h« iad urn, <• hitbertu. through uae of th> Str*iti kM i
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  • 88 2 On tlis 13th Jauuary, the P. A O. *•> uner Himalaya fiom Melbourne, how i» sight of the semaphor,: at Adelaide. to» "««tward-U>uud slmuiar ha.l afMll t! lug, but they were uot aigual* ot duir.->« bui siinplv read How* the Cnel- 1 The Arcadia squalled back EujjUuJ ill "Ut 124."
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  • 96 2 T«l Methodist Church i»*ir*i»»>.' here tails duu m few days. Si**" 1 ou Sunday, with cull<-ctwo». »t '.30, a.m. 6 j,,ui.. aud 8 |>.u>.. te followed by a tea BMtiftJ r|l Towu Hall on' Tu.»dav mO Wl> P* 1 he t«i will be followed u'|. bvapubli. »t which reborn will
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  • 104 2 U.kl. TBK OovibhoK. MeeMMaMa Ladj Mitt-bell and suite, trriTtd »l T" piug ou Tnui»d»y. the "t v m«t iul. J wived »v' rmpliuu O« llul eveuiutf, a UII wan jjiVi-u at the B»W« OC iv tumour d the duti U( (Ui»u<'d fisiW °a S«turd»v. the i»th m»t»ut. Ji" u
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 775 2 rpHK BORNEO OOMPANT, LIMITED. 1 VIE Standard Life Awnrance J. Norwich Union Fire Inaurance Society. Atla* Amrun Cumjwiiy "Kirn The Equitable Life Aaaurance Society The Ocean Marine Innuranw Company; Tha CUbb Mutual SUmm HaTigation Ooj The Tottenham Lager Bear Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited For particular* of thee* Oompaoiee
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    • 1047 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newsier in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all tho Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French I ado-China. I No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 846 2 I LATEBT ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 880 YEA lIS. WILL ores i« aIBOAPOBB TO-MOBBOW, SATUBDAT, FKB. 16th, 1596. WITH A QBAND COMPANY OF I.AIIIKB AND O»TLBMK1( ARTISTS COMPRISING. Mi. K.ily Cook,, Mies Daisy. Him Pmiliii" Cooks. Him Don M ,-m- Mary. Katie, Eather, Ac. i-.v Hr. W. Brine. Hr. 8. Wealberley. Hr.
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    • 23 2 On the liU^ iutaut. at LuKlaad*, th* wife of Ukokuc H. H illks, of a sou. rX>K OE?(EEAL SHIPPING NKW. SSE PAOK 4.
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    • 30 2 •7 wtTfMV M««r. k^ .^WIoMV «U» The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India ezcepted. No other Eastern newspaper has to widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 76 2 WEATHER REPORT a 1,,* Kr,ibu» Uo^tUl, 1411. fthrMtr^, Mi tn-m. S p.m. 9 p.m. Ban i a* U.r. ni. J2 F^i. a.mM.UIMMi 7"~ gA. S! S 1 l>ir. o< Hital X.£. K. a.j;. M«. l'w|r. iniWl) «7.2 Hi: Mm. do da 7U.» fj Mm. iimi im.u T.rr. twi n»r. W.
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  • 456 3 Tb» annual genera] meeting of the Straits brsn.h of the Royal Asiatic Society wta held, last eveuing, at tbe Raffl-s Library. Tbe Bishop preside.) over what wa« a fairly large meutnv. Tbe Srcietary (Mr. K J. Wilkiuson) n't.l the following re|H)rt The Council are hsMM to »l.t,
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  • 623 3 A NKW ..AMI MM NEWS I ft«i our Corrtipundtnt.) Pekan. 12th February. Pan.ilima Kechil, a native of Trcug■M who bad be«u tuuteuced to death lor thr murder of tbe Sikha at Kuala Teuibeling iv June last, was i.-. m.-.l in the gaol on tbe .'ith intUul by tbe
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  • 64 3 I M> J| ||f OK nMHi KakMIKO- ifOB THE M.srH or J ni akt. IHMSM Amount v N .r..,-- OiJ.^^O h.a>on TukeU Hitmbs, Carriages, and Dog» Tel. graph Collect ioiw |S nnsli Imsj Luggage Mi^-ellsueou. 2_ ToUl Coaching HM»j I CriiiU Wjirohouse Rent 2 100 UnM U
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  • 1325 3 FlBhT DAY. 21*1 MAY. SK'.oNI) DAY. -':!bi. MAY IHB \H'Jo SPKINO HHK. A moil general inoctiiiK of the u,.iuton of the S.npapo.e Sporting Club w,. Mdl m the Exchange Km, l^t evemng. lor the puipose of ,*«i UK a programme ni ">K «be date* for the
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  • 91 3 HANDICAP FUR MB. JOHNSTOK S Htl/t Thb results of the slh round are I Or. rowlie (t) btal Dr. Magllatoo. (S)6 up and i to plsy. A. J. U Orwnn. 8.*., I T b,nt A. Miw-k.j ■'I !> up and 4 to pltr. Dr. Orouehar 7i beat
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  • 349 3 to tiu iDrrok or thk ituait.i nan Sib,- 1 mv auie ibtt you will have tbe ayiupathv and support of tbe public xenera! !y, m the Hue you have taken ou tbia im> poitiLt .{ueatiuu of caah nrtur credit. At you have properly poiutel out, tbe iudmciiiuiut.te
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  • 263 3 i he Tn-uii.i <- >rr> •ooudtnt of the Daily Htw Mqpaabad m J.iu. in i 1 a.v inlurimd lhat ihctrtatie* biudiu.; tbe Powers uf tbu Triple Alliiu.e ...n..- to ..n .-ud with the pat ld u ti. Mm Urn mi of tb« p*»> >cut year, uegotiatious lor
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  • 243 3 Thk l!i-ili»l' Ci>nmiUr r.-p irl uu tut. Js■tawa (ortof llaku)ut.- m the island of Tewte lo'-'S <••«"• *MlaiiM il».' fact wli Ut tli.> iuiußtrv au.l him- trade of th.i lel.uiii k pJSMMMgi il" 1 ti.r.-iLjn uu.le is i Imiii,-. The .aus,- of iurb a pheno
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  • 161 3 bbsults or TcrasDATn tibs. MIXED DOUBLE HAKDIc AT MraW^WelUowalSAfMra. Matthew. Mr. M.i, > }16 (Mr Inaes »!5 M M^aJ^^l H il4 6-SS4S-4 I urEX MIXED DUVBLBS. Mrs Kerr (Mn Lorell Mr P D i U«C.\. Barton MacUggart j beaten 6-5 «1 LADIES SHCOLE HANDICAT Mrs. Salzmsan
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  • 135 3 It is stated that the Aduiiialty lv* ordtred 120 course -indicators, the invention of Prince L >vi» uf Batteulwrg. lty BMM of this iogeuiout inveotion, tbe citptaiu ot any thip is immediately apprised wh.-u a vessel is off her course. Tue inven'io 1b it been sul.j. et-d
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  • 92 3 LA TE TELEGRAMS. 1 I'm Batu/voH. I.ItBHTABLIMHMKMT IN M.l> I.IMTEI.HS A MOM. TbK I Mll'ljll kli iMSMsj M Ftbr«a, 9 The R'-rereud Doctor John Pe.-cival, 11. ad MaMcrof hugl'V, snd tls llight Huverend Doctor Atltr, Bishop of Hereford. h»v. oi>enlv expressed thst they am in fay. ur of dis-.'■vtahli-hmoi.t of
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  • 150 3 Leave nf almeiice i» ithii!^! to Lieut. C. Yntiuaii. :!nd Xurtliuiiil>.-rU»J Mk> for I U inoutbu. frutn of rfh| if Hi" hind trmi-|>.>rl JitMiUl. OU private aliail Tin- fo.lnwinir lmviiur »rriv«l per P. tO. Malueni un lII.' Ctth mutant ur» faknti on rh. ii r.'u^i h of
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  • 320 3 Tall last IHM of the Brituh CW..11 Africa Vault* given irti. nl»r» of tbe Jaatb ut Dr. 11 'Kay. aurg^uo us I jnl her Majeat/a ibi|) Pivneer, who ><i killed l>y a lion on (Vt 20. AccordiUKto tbe aci-ouot itapfiuara that the doc'tur
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  • 291 3 Acuoeuimo to Lloyd's luynUr, it appeal* tbat duriug 1K»1 'ill veseeU 1.U46.5U8 lona gro** -nam.-ly. M 0 stammers of irfi+.'J-.'ti tous aud r>s aailiu^ Tesaela of 81,582 tous— were lauuebed in the I'mled Kiu^.loin. this lieiutf eiuliiuve ol waraliipi. The MmUh Uuu litd at botb < i.iteruiut
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  • 44 3 Tub following are tbe winners of Testerday's race* at Ptoaog Tm Civil Sbbtici Plats Buthral The Corns Cup: Bind 'Or. Thb Fibst Colokial Vais Downhill. Tbi Opium abd Spibit Fabmbb's I Ccr.—PiirMocarer. Tub Sbcohd Colobial Va>b —Hollandia. 1 Tub Posada Ccp Redcap.
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  • 63 3 The Band of the 2nd Batt. Liucolaebirs I Regiment will play tbe following pro- j gramme on the Esplanade, to-day, commencing at 5 p.m.. weather permitting: PBUOBAIOIB. 1 V«l*e... .Venetian Sonfi KucaJosai. 2 Selection Hmddon Hall Godfrey. Maiurks A MUtummer See Godfrey. Overture Fra IHnvnlo Anber.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 481 3 JOSEPH BAKEIt, OmMMMMbMj ash Vibbka Babbb. 1)K JS to inform the Ijadies tnd (ientle. I > men of Singapore thtt he haa opened 1 aC'.nf.'.'tionery tnd Vier.ns Bakery, it No. tt. Victoria Street, next to the Convent. W.-ddinsr Cake* at moderate chtnrei. awl 8 a'l other different kind, of cakes
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    • 959 3 NOTIUES. rXTHB BTBAITB INBURANOB CO. 1 LIMITED. NoTICnt TO SOABBHOLDBBS. I Noticb ia hereby given that the Eighteenth I Ordinary Generl Meetiar, of the sbove Cssapaair, will be held at the Company i OSee, No. 2, Fiolavsm (iro»u. on Tharsday, i the 21st day of Marrh. 1*95. at noon. for
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    • 787 3 8 HIP PINO. FOB GENERAL slflJPPnid" NBWB SKE PAGE >. IN DO- CHIN A STEAM NAT. CO., LTD. FOB lIOKGKOMG. i Th* Company's steaawr KVTBANG. J.M tons, Csptair. Bowker, hAvinf left Calcutta or. tb* 9th iuat may b* npaeted t* arrive liare on or aboat the 18th iual and will
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 175 3 ABRANGEMKNTS. Kbiiiat, liim Fbbboabt. Hicb Water. 2.14 p.m. Baud, Etpl^nade. 5 p.m. Flower Show meeting. Eicbangc Room. 0 p.m. K...d1>.i11. K*plauadc. L. L. T. C. T..111 -uaui.-nt iMMMMj MM Fbbbcabt. High Water. tM am. H.U p.m. Mood Last Quarter 8 4 p.m. Slipway Co. Meeting at noun Furniture Auction.
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    • 108 4 Ciuler thta h«aditnf the following abbrtTitiona ar» •t iH «tr.— ttoataer th.— ehtp. b,,.-h.r q Brit-Britiah; U. S.-tTmtod dtai- 1 Fr.-rVadi; Otr.-Gorman Dat. Dutch; Joh.-J.l««.; A«.. O.e -Oene-al ,+W. .1. p.-de-k paaaenirerai V£T V •ain;T. P. W.-Tanj.Muj Paarar Wharf; T Wharf; I W -J.rdi..«'a Wharf: N. H.
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    • 1289 4 abbitaui Siwcb Noon or Yitr .b ay MaKottr. Brit ttr, 3»>18 tone, Capt in Rns«. 14>hFeb. From H»n)tk.n fc 7th C.S ">c. Ii dp. Patera«n Simona ACo t r Havr-. 18th.— W. SlntUfo: Brit .tr. 1510 t-m.. Caiit Phi tp !4thFeb From (Jl«ago» ai.t D«. <Je. SymaACo. For
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    • 167 4 A'a^-f, r, rl. OJ.- 1,. LuNUON. Glenifariy. Ma ii. a. Meriouethsl.ire. TauU'u. M.. ,1- Laauu. LlVKkl'.M.l. I tftsutor. Jan. 12 Uauev Kr«i.i Hielkiii.-rs. Sept. H| Etl.a Kickmers, Nov. IH Richard Kickiners. Dec. i Ribert liickmers, Dec. -U. (iBBBMOC'K. South wold. Auk. -I I UtjaM ray Beuee tUBMBtra, Nov.
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    • 12 4 1* -li-r«r.lii-^, r lr (.7,; Mk.l-o M .7; v 1 w ">
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    • 61 4 >in VtMIl/n NlM>. *'i.*i. Xi,. UK. l'»rT4W. I>«»TIK»TION. I* rUUUa IS HoW IS >: »i IS |r, 1* Hoog IS |j-l. I. IS FMtho U r ....L.1..1 1 I 1 Bril.»t r im UMI lh. Wr»b I'Lil,,, Pur j 5 fei a? K!auu> via iwtrU B Horn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 343 4 NOTICES. RIPPINGILLE'S— -m I OIL COOKING STOVES JLm^jfa Will d. .11 tb.t .n b. -on. 1,1 '1,. w.f ofoooktm by compl- 1* R* and In a mor. rl«.anly»n Ir.-r.* aVSaaPJaMF^aU """u'libn hi ill B^ aMB It) tl OIHHtD THKOUG I iROHMOHiIKi lIARCWME U^BmMI Win MD STO«t«F»E«i IN I PIRTSOF
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    • 271 4 NOIICBB. J<)HNMTTFiE& CO., LLMITKI). PiiovisioN di:paktUXHt NKW SI'KC'IALITIKS. j niflMtaJCnai Pure an i MM* Baa Hinltl.v i.v,.imiicii.l.-.l 1 11 m: tins -4M>f«rdt«: Moil* CafeM MaJ Pow!cr» '■BMrta] BBrimri -pint i* k>-t-. ObbmbbbtM !><• Ft .lam Kinrtt \h«l. J .'iim. I mjbi i{lm< UMIm I Wtw.l'B Fiu.-st Kuti-h Jmn Farm HBBM
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    • 1013 4 .NOTICES. aa-ara-TTrg^^ Sweet Scenf« from /Towec*, RIGAUD'S WHITB VIOLETS. RIGAUD'S WHITB MOBB. RIGAUD'S WHITB JA.MN. RIGAUD'S WHITB LILAC. RlBAUo'^ji»|«iitii_i»'«- RIG AUD tC; niiiiiwm Paris What FiNik Can You Ukink Thau JOHN JAMESON A SONS' (DUBLIN) "OWN CASED" Vtry Old BLACK -BOTTLE WHISKY. Plcaw st( you get it with Mmtm (BLUB
      1,013 words
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    • 223 4 NOTICES. ORIELTOIT^ALir [MR* HF.NTLKY THIS ap-eionaivaidenca, 'c,.1.t 7" h< r J r c«niF.»t and r*...tly ..p""'. f r ,»-p»ioi of -i-itor .«-»*!-*>•«;",■• kind erer alt.<mp'e<l. not <» I'""" Win any ot -r ttal-rin/ P «<"> ltia c..ndiiri.-l not a- an orlinar a-'d» boarriiuK HBIMI BMIBi, but on t c lium
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    • 76 4 i iJMI FBKRe I HoBPIAI.'* LABET. Kr."v«n. t'ha'.w., t'i'rat, (>ftt«aii Xn-ili, HIK'KS. ytJlta III" 'Bat l '>n»nhmnwr. Hn.i i,^,_ S1 |A JM M,|WMiMBir l Qs'iten-t. ..m,,^ raa. WHIPKY. j iVU> t»''OTTI t -J,.ie lmiwrt>.n« '0 •Ii" Htiaita Hrn. BdTKL I>ER NEDKULANDkh BATAVIA. riVFHV-R- OM in the ity for In.ln.r, o(
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