The Straits Times, 20 July 1886

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. VOI, XXVII. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1»86. NO. 15,974
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 TKvMM Hl' COMPANIES. r IVS n \i. I ORIENTAL itios com lly-r Quay. N,v H»rlH.iir. Urn data* "ii wliirh s ji, si< men may be <>x- 1 j. v Thnr«liy. JimW FriiUy Monday, 121* W«t W olj S1 .j.n.xini v RKTICKETB AKK N<'W OSUXD IWB. Ana and Bbin- Tph«-
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    • 570 1 IMBHIP COMPANIES. In htm tir-t <-!.nsK]M.->eiifrf>nliy tlin M. M. C'umpaii} 'm -t.amws wishing to jfel I ti.-kftx from "ill Ih' MbHmO Cwiwiire in Port Paid, p i\ i in Sinpsjvr.-. l-i January. I-- -HIP COMI'ANY iaUD M\ PtOMIMI \JAX. I'Ai.iMnrs. V'Kii.LEg. Diuum DIOBTO. I'ath.ti i <>R. A NT' I PSUIL
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    • 826 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T.i P.m.kmiian.: lortalfMy or monthly (acn.nlint' '<> tsdneattni and from Palem■Ajra "ii tii» loth of „v rv month for I i Mi n :..k anil Moi:aka-Kom-I'rll. mill tIM smni> way bask. To Dtu via Bknokalis.'Siak. Be.ngkalis, Paxeii nml Assahan ami hack, every tMaajkl To Kiorw. every fortnight. I
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    • 541 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. PaaM>n*or» unil Pnnro can lie hooked thronirh from Singapore for all tlie ports mpiitioupi] For fnrthor lmrtiouUrs, rpjrnrdinir datei nf •ailinjr from BhjlMMr*, mt»s of jwwnpp, freight A<\. apply to the Company's U'.-nt*. BOUBTKAD4 Co. Singapore. l«th February, 1886. QTEAM COMMUNICATION HEt' TWEEX BINOAPOBI AND FREMWTt.E. TIIF WM
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    • 391 1 DTSUBANOR S"N FIBH OFFICE, T(iNiK)N. r:-TAr.:.i-iii:i> 1710. Tn«'irani '>'< efPw«f«l 'inon almost orerr dc-«.-rii. >n of ;.r .]w>Hy at tlin pnrrcnt rate* of Pn»minm. Total Sum laaaiiid in IWS, WT.BH.TIW. Rinpapor.. 4 BRINK'V\NV A Co. ALLIAXCK RRITI'iTT < FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE INST'R UTOI OOMPAHT, LONDON. Capital £->.<**•.'**> Rmtm ExTrvsioy
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    • 177 1 INBI RANCE. CANTON [NBUH .l.r tl,. Comaaniaa' Ordinan f 186S, IhrfHag tie liabilitr ..f to Urn anu.unt ot iron. PaM W t;o. Bbfa] l-s L HSUBANOE COMPANI H I KBUBG. Cm I THE GENERAL COM r.w, lvi EsTAiij.' no 1881. d on amnuLL Leaaandaaad Fi ad B 8 MB.OOO. Tha
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    • 491 1 ixsrif.wc i-: PRUSSIAN NATIONAL INRUBANUE COMPANY OF STETTIN. (Established 1845) ''"Pitol £4.V).i*M'. Hliatll K'.n.l. £100,000. The nudor-iini).,! hay« l«vn appointed <J»n.ral .'^'•■iit.H for th» al»ivo Company and are to aeeapl Fin> limuranre Riaka at <'i'rrpnf rntos of promitim. K \TZ BROTHERS. S;:i"-a]H>r<\ .Inl May. tStt, LONDON A LANCASHIRE LIFE ASSUBANOB
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  • 439 2 LATEST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. Si no a pork 20th July, 1886. Pkoducb. Gambier (5.40. Cube do. No. 1 8.80. do. Ho. No. 2 TJOI Copra Bali Itt. do. Pontianak Black Pepper 20.10. Safro Flour, Sa.- i.S7i. Pearl 8«fo ±:»i Coffee. Bont'iine I:Mni. Tapioca, small Flake 4M. do do. Ist quality
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  • 30 2 To-atoßßow ■bbmbbV aawas, 7 H»u|fk»li«. Mak, A--»h*n ml Dal Hafc, 1 Ma, lan bh>at Uaaaa, Paaajaa/, s«d.Ukaa., Gonmtaio andSoolso. II 1... 3 m M.Urea aad D*li,
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  • 32 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. 20th JULY. 1886. RETUER'S TELEGRAMS. (For Stra ill Time*.) The Mixibtby. I>u»'/»«. U>th July. At air informal <';>l.iu.-t Council on Saturday the MiniMri r.-*,lved t.i tender their rvsafnajßßM inlinediatet
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  • 577 2 IHI .1. rvitlllt of the ,-1,-vUoll.. ,ll-tbon-.'h not m favoiiralil.- to the IMMHati as the f..r.-.a.t iiiintakeulv M-ut l.v K.ut.-r on th. Mi iiistaut. in t.-t .-iniu.-ntlv «atis. tautorv Th«- Immml «.i*. M M »ai<l »t the time. 4ur|.ri»iui;. aii.l a little coiisi.lei-Hti..ii iniirlit have
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  • 47 2 Thk I. A. mai! steam, r JRraajwn left Pena-ng at p. iv. to-day and tuav Ih- exMease! boM m Tinirs.l.n mtm/mg. The Jk"iVz<iy«.,-. will anclior to tin- westward and land the vails by launch. She will pro. ceed to the wharf 'ill n nit 11 a m.
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  • 26 2 Wk are Mfaaaaal le r.-miiid our that the Christian L'nion Daily Pniy.r Heatßßg will be ■taaeaaal wvar to-morrow, by the R«-v. J. A H Oook.
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  • 33 2 An in. (lies t was h.-ld at laaUMaag Khu. liefore Dr. Mtafaatoa HJL't Coroaeroa the 18th instant v a male Mala* named Muwbiu aud was adjourned till tin- l'.'tli instant. Verdict. Accidental death."
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  • 40 2 The attention af th.- S.uth Australian (ioveriim.-nt has ban called lo the adw-a-l.ilitv of pr..s|»'i tiiiu.' for ajoU at Bishop's Creek, on the overland T.-1./mph line, in the Northern Territory. it b*Bßg in the name latitude as the KitnlN-rl.-\ goldftelds.
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  • 61 2 Ai BMOtaa] ..f the Mutual [aiproTein.ut fcoiati h.ld at Ho. :<4 Middle Boad, last Uitfht. Mr. J. C. Cliff delivered his conrludiu;: le. ture oa the Brain and X.-r--voiis System to H audieii.-e which followed with keen iiiter.-st his lmi-1 t r.-at in-lit «f the subject matt.-r. Btfote the in.-.t-invr
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  • 95 2 Thb frrfA i\Y A.) l^thJuue state: The atm..spli,-iv is full of gold fever, and the hafs) is oafnaaei that th. precious metal may found nearer haeM than oa the F^lvir." Kii.-r Tw.. men. fully ■faafasi, kfl EVfthoa Tu.,.la\ aftenooß ..n a MBapertaag eipod'itiiia oa behalf of a lix-al .Syndicate, th.-ir
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  • 143 2 Last ui^'ht a .ompliiiientHri dinner was kHv.-n in the BaafafMee Chlb'to the Bom. Majur McCalhim aa th. .....i,i.n of hi, faaj home „v l.ay.- of al.-.n..- after a loutf term i>f seniiv in th lonr. The Hon. T. aaaaaMi «M ia the' chair. and there were present His B^ ri
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  • 183 2 Ii Bffaan that Priuo- ('>' "t rTairl is In rtaiuly M the liirlit ami life, af his family. His pMsWaaaßae iv the eiaiuinati.Mi li.- lias r. Bth fur his lieutenancy in ha* nan was n..t only highly (redi table, bul really br above the MaaaaaiL He also a t
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  • 318 2 An eitraordinart QcMtaJ M.stitii: .>f shar. holders of th.- afcove C>iiip.iiiy WM hold yesterday at uooii ir the Oo*MMßy*l "lficeM IJllffl.S I'lilli Tli.- following wen- i-r.-s.-ut Moii Kit- Jtibn AkdrrMUi. <*'limnu;,ii T. S. ThonxMi. X-, Kuir. Ritt.-r M.v.rH.!, |„i>-.t.r T. I. lit Jr liw.. H.».u t.l. KbuoTiointP..!,
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  • 135 2 La.TMI adii.esfr. HMBJ, whirl, ariil.-d S J,.,,.'. Mates that dun.,,-.!,- Qen .an Admiral, with thr. Apia Harbor one of the cial visit to the Mlla,. head quarten oftherii i oppoaedto the authority t k A Laud of mnaiciajis there was great feastit the following day a i, m»-.t ohm from
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  • 420 2 the Buff, held ra 1 v.,,,.... U UK'..uth.|{a to begia ti t I u 4 o'clock a crowd d UM. ]U hull-past row Bnmeaa grata beau to m Officers from Tannin with tk ui.-ntal R-ui.l whirl, I rVOTMg ii|> till a 'iiiiirt--: It was a rarv ami
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  • 83 2 tan th.- dMMtire d paag l* int i. au-1 ah stat.- ot ill.- rarioiu atiity Tin- [mbsmooti >'t tni>i tlu-ir att.-iiti.iu t.. WM< Tin- Mi K t'n 1 1 x occupied tu-d»y in case whan I'liiiuui.i.. liur^'.vl with r.-ln-'V mj i from I'ulo I'anj.un; aril L'\,tns.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 740 2 STORKS. HK IMSI XC K A Col. i H.\ PAG B I MOMOPOLI, REDSEAL AXD KKDKOIL SBC. the latter irf quality is sjH-ially ailajtteii ta Engiial .i-uniption. Sole KAITEXBERG. SCHMIDT Co. BaaBBBBM, 7th Kebniary. I- IHABLBB HKIDSIKck s V WHITK BBAL CHAMI'Ai.NK Si. i.l \.iKNTS. BJUDT, MKYKK I 00, Di
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    • 974 2 STORES. i JOHN LITTLE Co. K\ I <;i.KNARTNKY." I.ADIKS DBPARTMBNT Sunshades, latest nov.-lti,--7elntiia -The VoaaarM in all .-..lours Ugrette* and Plumes. .1, rseys, CaahaMn and silk Damask Table Linen. Xapkiu,. Bed Tick, Bheetb^gs Mosquito Nortacg. 1 1 Pillowa, iv ,to.-k and made to nrd.-r. Fi-encli Ca-hnier.-s, Single and Double.
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    • 921 2 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF HOISEHOLD FURKITURE. SATIRDAY. He :\\-< .JULY. The iiiidcrsigin-d are instructi-d by A. SMALL. Bbb. to sell l,v Auction, nt No In 7. River VaUey, on Batardaj, Ih* :ll,t July at LJO p. 111.' The nh.ile of the v.ilu.llili' Household Furniture eotnprMng mii.ill eottaM Piano iv MMwand
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    • 862 2 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TT'ATZ BROS: I. uowly received. ELECTRO PLATED WARE. Electro Plated rovnil and oval Waiters in nil hi/cTea and ('off.-.- sets in deigns. Ice Jugs I.ii|iior frames, ,-i rhasM MMrtaMBB. < MM* aajkan. Hi -ml aud Card baskets and trayBoaaaad Rice ladle*. Salt Cellars with f |M«iiisL'.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 68 2 WKATHKK REPORT. A'.i.J.n.j Krai*,* Hvipttal, !!»>■ Ju!,j. Issc. 9».m. .'.> p.m. K»in<. Bar. ni 32 F«h. £> b:u £.< 7s i -jy sw Bsaßßß* Temp. I -7 1 si Jit and \V. t Bulb TW. W5 7!"< 7-tn ni»ht rl^r Dir. of Wm 1 SJK ft S .f.. Mai
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  • 721 3 Bovkai Bti. ROI KsOI.IHI.EH. M;,. red tb> Hl:t"n.t for $150. Jlltlfl Wellt and to At 1" .lU'l ..UUC BoM I band biv brig alii VMM 10 it ;iud .isk.d ■hip if Urn p.- was auv u.-ws thefvUpoOJ ans. !,.-_'.ttlV.- I WoUt oil sll.T- Tunlra Omar iv
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  • 747 3 fTiiiaefefciif/ar fit bVraih fhaee-J The QoTernor (i.-n.-ml by decine FunnaUy directed the ahaßdonmetil of Hew An j.-r ami th.- nanntl "t the oatabliahui.'iit there t.. Old Aiij.r. which will thus on.-.- mote become! r.-s.,rt fori«aateipaaeiii^' tbroagfa Bwada stmits-. ships hadeed had n.'V.r qnjte u'iv.-u up i-alliiiir
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  • 3696 3 •A BBBiaT, l-'-TH JII.Y, 1I'lil -1 I 1 Th. Baa im Omaei > >i" "i- Kjmn, K. A- > taaOaL BaMetarj 'J t-OUktam, C H U aMT-Uciwnl iJ. W. Uoi K.S.lU'.mie.r i tIK-l'ol. Knifinwr (Mai-.r M.. „i...i.. > mt i'om. "f l""»'l" HSai (W.
    3,696 words
    • 83 3 to youracoonnt tin- Fir.- -.:i Song Lim Qaaj r, I I. a\> in- it wa I. -n >i tli inraloal leJaeke" who Ml from th i Bed therein, bni mm "t '"v rworked and uuderpeid Enropeao P. Conatabkt i ISitlianli un 1 a'.tli
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    • 82 3 Sin. A 1.-t t.-r aaned 0. 11. Martin m \..ur iatue of ih KHh iaetaat bat beeai bmoghl to my notice The k*t«* contained a ChaUenge and nothing mor» I am pr.par..l i.. ini.t it I will ran Mr.Martin an Exhibition race (beta be pn>pooee) bt I'hi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 NOTK KS i. nassi. .v 8808 »ons of .I I. Na-s,ofTon,hill Mrolhhill London and Bom Nc\t to the New Oriental Hank Corpora km. MBOHANIOB. .I weller-. watch makers and Polish, r- of iron Bad stone me prepared to repair aa] kind efdasaeaek ma-chiu.-tv. Wat, lies. cliH-ks. musical instruniciits ftt Ac
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    • 869 3 NOTICKS. rpHE b"itAITS INSURANCE COM--1 rwv I [MITI D tm ioi in Bhabbholoi N.iii.-k is herebj vi v -m t imt Wai ,m kiik ran p^ mi 01 [bti lacteal will he r.-n-l\ for iaaine t.. M Monl Singapore, :i«;th Jaae, 1-- I M QIXaAPORETNSTJB INOECOMPANT >^ I.IMITI.H trOTICE IS
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    • 893 3 FOR BALI OKVKN PIANOS IX>B SALK-Thenn-f» dereifrn. sted to offer for asis Ih following PialHM whieb art now en vi«w i oiiiinercial Bejaara, A handsome aemi*graad bj DeOaid and Collanl. al n-» cost laid down here *710 Owner leal in r the I uloay and will tot nqaare P I:
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    • 89 4 Ft \.i A Toss. Cirnn Fb^m Km. SAILED July It' Hiiiii It "..p»ik M a. Umlma M H.1.. 91 Sri SiuUiiit In 10 Sur\ H !■<■ P,.utii»n»k Brit.-tr. '.'IT" I!n»«n .!ta -tr. iT:>> hfw Hnn K L..uir [>..!. ,tr Ml Ki!iu.i. iiiiHnn llaUiu Itnt.-tr SM Bwtaa Ml Kilt -tr
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    • 43 4 Dm Vimel'h Ntxi Flaj A Rl. CAPTAIN DISTIICATI. July 1» -HI Vi.lar A.leU IVlrrl „1,11,11 rb,.w pi,,.. |m B«ii<-aoru a 8k i.ou.i..i. Unt. »tr Hnt.-tr. »tr. -tr. Brit -tr. Dut. -tr Mnl,l,L;t'. u l.u.lweer Hmmamh D»lv tgm Brawn Sil.u nuuin Colnat Pen»i>w
      43 words
    • 356 4 Kl.Ar Vimil'-NKi CirriiK. and J Umviu Fbom. wnH. D'iW* '<■■' S M|X-Or-WAB I>..nuj: 1)..w,» H.M.rtr :>lo May Si lVu.mii Senior Xa»al ofl IVKraiir IV Hraii.' Julr 12 lUUvi» STEAMKBg Martahan Brit -tr Ml iaf. <■• I M. Mnuut.-u MttrlSaMH I M*ln.- I: ftatk AbouUkmr J'on.rti
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 905 4 DOCKS. rnHE '1 INJONG PAGAB IXX I PANT, I.IMITKH Tin: v rk, .f the- Ceimp.iiiy are at TaaJMmg Pagar, within mmmU* oftkatowa rapore, and eoinpilM th.- fo Hewing '•<■ uMiahmenU, vir. Wiiai.k. -Affording bertbag* twenty „.,,-1, nt eine- time with suftVicnt water .•ilong,i.|e for ve-ssels of the- heaviest
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    • 755 4 BNOINEKBIHG. J. M LTOM at CO. Cim ura Hi uriotj Baai Mill." IDIM UrS CeiNrRACTORH. \iii,.\ Baanra Woauca, Bbaoh Boad. I IKKIi -V. VM. S VI I -l;e>eiM Flint Stre-e-t, (iemral P,i-I OmM. Sit.i lAi.rriKs. Bmall steamer- aad NnankM Eli .ant band BoOara, Lyon'* Patent l;i.-,- Mill,. Leting
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    • 585 4 notk i:s. POWELL CO., AUOTtOmSSB, SiXG Al'O B B. FIK.NITI'RE. For Sai i -Viiiicirahs 1-,- Chests Padawada iron Jewal Bblm Bed-room BaitM JanuMM Btraaaa Book Omm Lamp* Book Btaada l.iuoli-um llilli.uil Tal.les Mattiuir Card Tables Marble Slah« Okain Heal Safe* Chamber Cujil»«nls Oftoe l)e-sks Cabinets OflM Chairs cii--ts oi Drawer-
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    • 678 4 NOTICES. NOT I C I WHEREAS (i. Polak Daniels the- r-.'is-trar to th- Tribunal "f ih- Arrondis,--tm-nt at Rotterdam, has by a ci-rtiticnte under his hand dated at Rotterdam on the 17th day of May MM d.-lar-d that th- Tra•linu' Company 'under the Myk »nd linn of BI.ANKKNHKUM and N'OLKT
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    • 800 4 NOTICES. VOTICE TO MARINERS ADMIRALTY CHARTS Or THE LATKBT SURVEY, and NACTICAL BOOKS. At Moueratk Prkks. KEPT FOR SALE at the SAILORS' HOME Price or Each Ntiili.-al Almanacs 8 1.00 Charts, de (Doable Sheet) ,1.50 (Single Sheet) „1.00 Sorails' Home, Singapore. 11th Sept.. 1873. UNION HOTEL. GRAND CONCERT. The t
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    • 583 4 NOTKKS TBNDBBB will in- n-ci-ivi-ei „p t.i |o ,i m m Batarday. the Slat July, lUcnsfknlisforthe supply of provi-i-m-. fuel nnd othe-r nccessurie, tee the- man-of-war Sorera* nic-nt si n-rs. nti'l the arm-el and deapatch Lints statiemenl r Mmaorarfly al Bengkalis, and fe.r the supply „f oil. Ac for th-
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    • 297 4 NOTICED VirANTBD »> or aannaiahnl Ho Boad |.r-r,-m-.1. Aaal) 1.. BOSK Singapore. Itfth .1,,,,,. b MPTMM f Bettleimut, S. ttlcin-nt TkaWkdayolJu, i :iv:. 1 ::;rI'M.i.AY trading Willi CoMMay af rVaang who b.nkrnpUontlie-.'-.'ndelavnfs AW FAWK PERFECT PEBBLE BPECTAr-i« fAWRINCB SaTo^ OPHTHALMIC iil'Tl. Lajo ■il-TI.IANST.i I Hi: l-RIN.-11-AL..I-,, THI IM.IV U OLD
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