The Straits Times, 8 April 1886

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 8 1 vTffl^iPWiTTll^TEfllißß XXVII. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL HHMi. no. ir>,aoi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 I cnMrwnu'Ak f Uth I Bflfl •t IbbbbbV April ".th M 27th J 3rd Mil ism BBflpet. i-< l-t s Hpa*. i 2Mth ktea are only appnuim may lie either earlier ofl^^lr** ahewn I -r-> Marseilles and VOW ISSUED •OB« TO BRiM'i-: hi: Vim BACK. I I^^^B» mnnthTO Bk
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    • 667 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. within six months after their arrival in Barope, or within two BMaBBS after arrival for a voyage between two iiorts 1 of Sue/, or vice vrrsa will he allow■.l a reduction of lirenty per cent ujhiii the return ticket. \l-.ii.v in Singa^iore in prepared to .'..7< to Naples
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    • 917 1 I i:\MSHIP COMPANIES. pore twice a month calling at intermediate port* on the Kast and S W Coa-t ..f Sumatra a fortnight will suffice paiMciigen to vi-it tin-l»-auiiful highland aeenery of Sumatra from Padaa*. The lattowtaf are the dates on which the monthly rrtltmtT s|x'.'ili,'.| in s.-rvice B. 11. Sumatra
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    • 658 1 STEAMSHIP OOMPANIEB and the same way back, on the Utt I mouth. VIII. MOLI From SiM'ra'uiya via Macassar fnr the Moluccos and liack.' on the 22nd of every month, as f0i1... 'In the months of February April. June. Augnst. Octobi>r and Datamber, ma Amlioiiia, Baada, Imhntat. R.»-r.»'. Batjaa, Taraate, (ionmtaio
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    • 555 1 ENBVBANCB. SIN FIItK oKFICK. LONDON Establish X.D 1710. Insurances Ifected u]>on almost evory description of property at the curnnt rates of Pr.'iuinm. Total Sum insured in l-s(. UfBJWySM. Singapor. 1 Afl BRINKMANN i Singaixire. l|tt M:.y, 1885. ALIIANCB HRITISH A FOREIGN LIFE AND FIRE nBUH \Xi k OOMPANT, LONDON. Cm-itvi.
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    • 484 1 INSURANCE. (i NToN lNsi'i: nci: OFFICE, J l.l Mi. iN.oiti'oiiuni in Roaskong under the Companies' Ordinan f 1865, limiting the liability of the Shan-holders to the amount M their Shares. Cvi'iru. RiSOO Paid up A Bans will lie paid to all Contril m is- sis-.. 1 1 W K S(
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    • 405 1 I\H l,\\( I PV N.i s•, i COMPANT i>K BTI I s»6) Fi D i The undersiped hai Ms f,,r the ah. prepared to a pt Fir., bamnm Ri.ka at curn-nt ratea of premivm. KATZ HROTHERfI. Sineaikir.'. :!r.l May TIIK STRAITS INS! R V.NCE COMPAKT, LIMITED. roßt. The ah accepting
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  • 225 2 Prodocß. Gaabier 637 J. Onbe do. No. 1 800. do. do. No. 2 7.20. Coura Bali do. Pontianak 4.00. Black Pepper 1812*. Sago Flour, Sar 2.54. Pearl Sago 2.65. Coffee. Bonthine 13.00. Tapioca, small Flake 4.45. do do. Ist quality 4 H2i do. raed. flake 4.75. do. small pearl
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  • 31 2 To-Moaaow. Prnang. Moulnipin. Ban(oon and Calrutts, Ethiopia, 11 a.m. Bttaria, CberibuD and SamarsßK. Cllrttial, 3 p.m. Malacca. Klang. P.rak aa.l Pensoir, Malacca, 3 Pesjuiff, Amsterdam sad London, Dtucalion, 3
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  • 48 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY. 8th APRIL. 1886 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (For Strait* Times.) The Eastern Crisis. Athens, 7tk April. —The Ambassadors of the Great Powers have sent a collective note to the Greek Government notifying the formal signature of a protocol strongly urging the abandonment of its present menacing attitude.
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  • 437 2 Tht Commissioners appointed to enquire into the question of public gaming and public lotteries, and as to the best meant of dealing with the same, hare a d fflcult tank before them. They haTe to point out the beat mode of dealing with a vice which
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  • 113 2 Fheee lotteries are ■adoulit. under tbe law of England, but have hithert.' been tolerated both at home and in the Colonies, .<n account "f their harmlessness, aud U-.-aus.-. iv epita of f.-'lish doctrinain-s, the English aaofli hay.- always tacitly encouraged everything calculated to increase the general interest in the great
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  • 31 2 A subscription list has Ixs i! MeMßjejal the lii.inls'rs of the Crril Berviea f-.r tin- RsnfOM of presenting Mr V. W Birch, who is going home on leave, with a testimonial.
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  • 29 2 The American|ii.' i' H f'./y, from Philadelphia, re|Mrts having lost li.r chief Osffsxr ov.-rU>ard off the) (';i|~' H«p«. The F. B. Fay imported 29,CM.»0 cases of kerosiue eJL
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  • 39 2 Private advkvs from Pahaug state that small-pox i» raging very 1-adlv iv some of the coast districts there, and that since its appearance some 8.000 j>ersons have fallen victims, an average daily mortality is from 15 to 20 persons.
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  • 43 2 The steamer Htsfierui. having l*vn In collision with the steamer Gusur. has had to put into Suez, for repairs. Th.- ria was to have left Hamburg for I !,.ii;. ports about the 10th Mar.-h slie pntebfj W t a day or two later.
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  • 43 2 The Spanish mail steamer Isle sjs M..,. danao arrived here on the tith instaut from Manila, and resumed her voyage to Europe the following day. Aiii-nirst herpasseugers were Admintl Bula. Commander-in-chief of the Spanish naval on the Philippine station, and Gcueral Molius.
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  • 45 2 The following is Ike pumping report fur the month of March Numlier of hours pumped iv the month iiV.l. Avorage nnmber of working hours ]>-r day MJ| Average number el gallons puin).-d r-r day 1,493,000. ToUl rainfall in the month 49.
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  • 60 2 The Japan aSsftaU uud.-rstaiids that a small troupe of siug>-r* oaMMtasl of Hrn M. M. Sj.riug, the ICeast Joraa, Blnor K. Campobello. and Prof. J. S. Hill, who earn r.-ivnt.y U-en (mag Uriel "t Mitin.'.-s in San Francisco, will arrive in Yokohama alniut the middle of May. It is probable
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  • 62 2 The Hongkong ]>a|iers state that th.Superintendent of the P. A 0. S. N Company received a telegram from Yokohama on the 31st March announcing that the Co.'s steamer FiMMsSa, which re.vntlv w.-nt ashore on Tanabe Point, sixty miles from Kobe, arrived safely in Yokohama at 9 p. m. on Tuesday,
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  • 72 2 The captious critic of the Freemantle Herald, in noticing the departure of the Stanley Opera Company fur this colony, perpetrates the following execable pun The Xatal sailed for Singapore mi took th. opera troupe, who in their turn t.x.k the love apparatus the heart 'of all th.- single men in
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  • 80 2 A very fair house witnc-ssml Let Clttim df C-irnevillr last night. This is the third repr.-sentation ..f this aim Ike Stanley OfeM Company hay,- giv.n us. and the last was in ev.-rv way as MoeeeaM as its RMiMMMfS, T..-niorr..w Ugfal the Company will play H.M.S Kss/ars, whi. h will Ik>
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  • 58 2 Naval Movemlntk. -Th- Fr. v frigate Turenne, Captain Dupuis, with l! j Excellency Admiral Rieunier o*l board, and the French cruiser M;iyet, left Amov on the 20th Mimh for Shanghai. Tex I—fsf miwtl» C.immander Millar, left fTrsMrkoPffl ..u the 31st March for Shanghai. Tbe J gunboat Seiki Comtnand.r Nomura,
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  • 61 2 Br kind |>eriiiissi.m «.f Ooloml BlaksN-v and Officers nf The Buffs. the regimi otal band will play in th.- Botanical Gardens, t..-morr..w (Friday) at the usual time, the followmir pro^niiiiine 1 Polka Lm fTllßiia-Wll 1! ttim Wnldteuf.-l 3 Pavsne Coiid Tassear. an L.i sVaseeM Au.lran. I Tests Detsrss Waldttmfsl
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  • 150 2 Vet rnlde imixirt.i gaged th<- 3rd Magistrate fur tli.- last time days, aud wax nmiflmbil by 1 1». prißoetan MM > .iiuiuitt.-il for trul at th.- i initial AaaJM It was v i liuix 1 I Veloo and th< Head Chinting af tin- Opium K.irni. Lan K.i voluntarily sjejejejg hint
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  • 6 2 J I ill.- wruok and Mf,
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  • 78 2 says Li The steamer Mg^^M Uu grati-d mi some rocks whtsl art- in. t d»wn on tkSfIHVJ been phi.. .1 it 1., repairing the datM^HH torn. It has bs^^^^^H li nj h.' r bfIHVJ -till, ii.' l»-.ii ho liodly 4|BbJ their being r. -placod
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  • 48 2 in r. uiarkaßHßHj .■lfi.-a.-ynl M. I'asteur's J^H| furnished by the case o^BHJ Tourcoiug, near the Ba&VHJ tt.-rv bitten by the ssBHl was a great discussion a^H M I.-!. JBHHh was r.-ached. H>e9HHBHJ th- in..-- ;t *^^H Tlic wo. "«|^hHi wi r- ,a jHH h t;h treated flß^ welL
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  • 70 2 I K-prcMflH HE last Tuesday afb |M arraugeun'nt f..r the lfl^H^HJ instant, in the Town iH^HJ After transacting the rotttsßJ the Sub-L'.iminittees were ajHJ am. >ng .it hers, the t >ll"Wiag gjBJ memliers Messrs. fIHJ j ii i in iijht, DoasflJ Kv.-rett and i ts «sflj ■■I l.v tli" Hnthreu
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  • 77 2 One of th- items cable newi i J7ti> February stat.-s that Sir AWxs^l and Mr.' H.i ..lph WaflBVJ T* will r. a ]'i'..]-'sal to lay acaflj Ir is understood that Mr. empowere.l by a eoß] I enter int.. negotiations withflßVJ jkU-i. at Washington with that 4NBV and as the cablegram
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  • 97 2 A marine Court of Inquiry w|^| at the Harbour Master's C^^^H ou the Ist instant for ths^^^^H quiring into the cirturastanct^^H the stranding of the British l^^H eouthire. official No. 79,674,'d^H weather, on the White Kocks. a^B instant. The < 'uurt 4lows: Cininaud. r K. Murras^B K N i r
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  • 69 2 Mr. Wili .tty U 9 hi f< imd v' jilltj^^H Queen Victoria's ti trilie are lost iv dese^^^^^B that Her Ms jest nas ronfM^H lionol .j Burton It is i,,,t nsj^l ban I- traveller. ..r I, literal IranAniliian Nights. It' tin- ami. mi. -iii.-nt is i-orrecM man whoadm a *S
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  • 30 2 Wr publish an I Sir Win. Th.., sion of th.' FJnivert that th r.-uiarks of *olufl^| ye as a VSf^^^^^^^l this ea^^H John A E In n«|> th- leaetm^mH m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 394 2 KMIDT 1 Co. Sole A.ienth. hTJT, MEYER k Co.. Bfoporr u «>r- .Mm Little A 1 nUrhACo. BS^SB^H. M Messrs. -sner. V 11 A Ce. j KTERB AND WaBE IK «USE»EN, \HTMKNT Aith an ap|iendix on -:).tiv<\ ■h Dictionary. Marine Engineering sth Mariii" Engineering latest edition. lf.l-1 Novels F*ch la,
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    • 872 2 April."' <-es of land on Softs with substantial brick built an.l tiled-mofed ho Ban tbereoa. Municipal 1 an.l 1«2 known ss tho International Horn held under Leases Nos. 151 an.l IVJ for W years, containing a total area ..f s.,uar«- hotj quit rent $2 each lot per annum. I'"V\KI,L& Co.—
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    • 932 2 Stereoscope* with all kinds of pictures New patent Invoice flies. Blank books in sll I Ledgers, Daybooks, Journal* Ststionery boies with leather straps. Cash boxes in all sices. Despatch boxes do. Travelling ink stands. Ebony rounil rul.-rs. WatiT well for copying use. 1 leaj |aj rmosm Drawing paper Wiaharts' pat.-nt
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    • 550 2 apartsaeats. Apply K. e/o Straits Tlsass. Singapore, Bth April. 18M M 4 jjiIREWORKS. Orders addrassed Th. Oors, Batavia. will be forwarded direct by the steamers of the N. I. 8. N. Company. Singapore, 2nd November, 1885. 31/10/86. "17OR HONGKONG— The Austro-Hunr. X Lloyd's s. s. AMPHITRITE, Captain Lanarich, due here
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 77 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandanf Krabov BuspHal, 7th Apnl. ISM. i»s.m. Sp.m.p! Bmni> By. r*a 32 Fab. 29 SH& >! Z< »V« Mnrninn Temp. 83 0 M 0 78 0 orrrewt. Wet Bulb Tli.r. 790 7«-0 76 0 rain st 6 Dir. at WM Calm. S.W. Calm, a.m and st Ms*.
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  • 11 3 i i,. led in an ii The? rack will 1.01.l U»>
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  • 119 3 :,ativ,. Jspai foefewing seni ffc»t!.." I' mtcr- migii' I I that our imi! .ntr. t.ut tlii< gaggfisanl »ud w.' now only run to •ii our gggggSaia natiour in done l»y foroijrn JgggggggggggggaHt ia tbe rauw of it It is ■ns have Kiihallts* port« where th.-ir steam- ahn.^d arc for
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  • 120 3 IHtoAT, 6th Aprh SEKT R.A K Mr Calluis. K K k^ggggggfl* 1 °f the last meeting are read gggggKa^T the OoTernor informs JS^H of Additional Instructions un- jtsyal Sign Manual and Sipntt. reitir..- the Legislative Council, which Colonial Tr. i- •:r-r sud mores the follow:: re<{Uf»ts His
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  • 557 3 The failure of the Commercial Bank of South Australia. in I'.bruarv -übj.rt of i and tbe ;h.-r v to th.- ii.. -t h- r not if Si Lw W J T 11 '"Illli. i r»m<'"r» which had been floatnjf ab davit i.- South Australia i-i.I--■^■^■^H. D dimict.r which '.•nimiiin
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  • 921 3 The photoprr demned pri> lone] W. W. m.ili Ex| ;i 1. lit; r and M.:l•v, that by ta|s d known am i.-ni|.h.r. One can r.iil the gallant gentleman an ainatewr since be bM rather ;i !iiu_' oat "f hi- earner* and tot more rba] than tin run
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  • 1099 3 t TrmmUttifor Oe Strait* Tlmet.j S :,untra Tobacco in Amtnet. There lias l«-en t<><> raucb haste at Am- in forwarding. aJVw !in to Dili announcing t the ft II ill II tariff remains unaltered. It boI doom te ■a; .l.->-ision on this qOMttOS uiv. tl:.iT. ..11
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  • 392 3 ■i il li'iUttin.j This i ■;.ul.r New York institution niak ■> a fortv-!irst annual report whieh cam 4 fail ;iatifyaud satisfy its poliey. tad fan uds, who are mhewd Eg the hut 'IreJ tL msaud ban aud throughout the Jl li '1 BtttM ■"•■1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 959 3 allowance for a Clerk at not exceeding lav per month. For further particulars apply to the CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTKK Singa]>ore, Tth April, 1886. WAXTED.-F'.K THE SINOAPOBE A Eun>]>oan Stewanl with a thorough knowledge of cooking: i|iialined to cater for the Clnh. anil to undertake the management snd contn.l of
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    • 852 3 on ass Btteal aad m..-i modern Db. R .1 WSZ M B ■'■■r mi.l Jan-/. 0,-,,. I i-i-i-. Bpeeiaiiata, Consulting ami Operating s.t. Obb l» united daily from 10 a. ■to p. BY, at the Hotel OS I'Kurop FOB A LIMITED PEBIOD. OPIXIOXS OF THK PI DBS. Es.n.tK a.m. adver
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    • 644 3 j MO. JOHM FK Exchange and Shas* E Singap..r-. Ist April I <""'!•' -FUara robaecoC |«nr. Share- in the llat«vi» Comnanv For full imrticuUrs as to |.r Apply to F (i HKKNARD.-Broksr. Si.iga]«,r,-. :«nh March, 1886. |/"l! SAI.K hy private trt-atv. the whsla I that Valß X.tat. situated in
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    • 17 4 A RRIVALS. i Apl. Kami ron (Arr»iK Km Put. -tr \»1...u Fboh llil!il..N April l: April 7r>nt«hCo»
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    • 28 4 Date Vuhii'i luo Fla.i A Hi.. CwtAMM Dm Ajrfl 7 Thomaoa Hnt. -tr -r 1...wn Hr.H.k -tr. William. Hougkoaf a Amor ri« m D.ll lut»»i» ...I
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  • 193 4 VIHKEL'jt NiMI I'AVTAIN. AND \kRIVII> FROX. COXIIUNIM. Eii P r^iiuxia. WAR trrm II.M-i. :!i IB,ni>~> 'Vnujt .\»>l O«w Bangkok 3»oi<»r Xaral OSow KKari il m Brit r AC*. K.I. -.'7 HomtkoDu- M ■i,, 1., Up. ire l-onit M.- I" IVuuuv ibtuiXot I 1 Jl Ulni
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 Ike swell from tke mad. an fc l |rf r aad tharataaa tkaaaaaetaf U raaaariaa ShafiHt. Itimtttil bj tl,.- aai .f aaaa L '.«»l- which the ptrift^i |i4m in fi t iii' Ombpmh ralued.V) and a proporl Premium paid or il amagMmeat. Treasure an.l |«ckag«is eaßstaaßg raluables explosive nature
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    • 617 4 I"' imp Pump Pump I OI! Power in Mining Shovels. Engine Room Steering Telog Locks, Hinge*, Tower l^.lts. Ac, 4c. 1 Jblt, 1884. If! -I rTELLS c.l m- i i j. I: IBes Place, Corner of Battan Road. Civil Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Eiil'ii r Architect and BajTeyut. •r.-d into
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    • 527 4 E, Ac., K. I <vi ft. Almeiralw Oktats Baaataaaa iron Jewel Bed-room Suit.-- Jaaaatas Beraaaa Baal Ijaiiiixi 11.-.k Stan. l- Linoleum Hilliard Tables Malting Card Tal.le, SlaU Heal Chamber Capbaarda office Daakt Cabinet* Office Chairs Chests of Drawer- PunkaliClothe- I StOob Conches Hugs Car|«ct I iron tire-proof, Oaa MCoanaaflai Sideboards
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    • 661 4 THIS QBBAT HOUBBHOLD MKDI (INK HANKS xMONGST THE LEADING NECESS Mills OF LIFE. Tl famous Pills parifj tkt BLOOD, and act most powerfully, reetoothinaiy, oa the 1.1VK.1!. STOMACH KIDNEYS, and BOWELS, giving tone cnerirv. and vigour to these great MAIN SPBJNGB OF LIFE. Th.y sre eonfidciitlv r.-coin nded as a
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    • 890 4 Ln M PA N V All Tender- should baeaclowd in an envelop, endorsed ■■Tend.-i- for Purchase of Lsi ud must l»- pi. d in the hands of C. Bai Solicitor to the Liquidators, with a Deposit of 930.000, before 3 o'clock, oa W.slaaaiay, tke lU\ dsj of Lpril 1886 The
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    • 484 4 Hah i .1 st.K-k of Jeweller/. H rical Instrninents. \c rompriaii Hrn.-clct- gold watches. Brooebes. ,|,tt,.. Barriaga. Silver wab 1 L.K'kets. riaaa .-hs-k-. Indies' liugs. Carriage clocks. Signet rings. ks Wedding rings Chronoinet.-'-Eeeaera. Thenuousetara. Albert chains. h ten. (iuanl chains Se\' Stud-. SI. \c Button- Salinouiet.-r--and Link- Compasses Cold |>cnci!s
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    • 352 4 Calf walking bbJ^^H aaata. Patent aad Kid fla^H -hoes. Silk. Lisle. Merino, Baaal -<•■ bbU Best Linen and Oa^^H I'udervcata, Obbbbbbbl Scarfs. ft K"lt Hats and H^bßßßb! Tnwaaii Straw and Sun HaaV^H ing cases. Steel TnvMaaaafl D.-d Imxcs, Raaora, Comb, ami Perfumery. Links' < irTrimaa^^^H i s and MilHaavj^H Costumes
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