The Straits Times, 26 October 1878

Total Pages: 7
1 7 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times I ZZ wxiv. PUBLISHED EVERY i SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1878. SATURDAY EVENING No. 2,930
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  • The Straits Times
    • 85 1 SiNGAPoaB, 26th October, 1878. tmbier i:.\:,. Bick Pepper.... 7.!'-'» Pepper, fair quality 19L50. mr, Saraw-k I U!. t Bintyne I&50 17.7.-.. y| 1.6.V lo bfa..'".'..' i OpiUlß ".l> Bank ti in I'm tte ml dd. J.r.. Private 89 d/a. 224. B ink d/<i par. Private 30 d-.
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    • 721 1 blowing summary of the week's red in our Overland Journal Ith Oct ssue of the overland Stkai iited Wednesday the I6tb last homeward mail being m thai day by the P. and Uiudottan at I p. m. M. steamer Amazow arrived Sunday last the -20th instant
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  • 1700 1 ARRIVAL OF H.H.THE MAHARAJAH OF JOHORE Hi- Highness the MaKarajah of Johore, who was a passenger by the M M. steamer Amazon* which arrived here yesterday from Europe, was received here officially this morning amidst a display of pomp and ceremony which must have been most gratifying 1 to his
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  • 710 1 Tub death of the King of Burmah is an event that may lead to nDportaai con sequences. For one thing, according to the Indian papers, disturbances are likely to ensue which may necessitate the interference of the Indian Government and lead to the annexation of
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  • 732 1 Malacca' s Finances. Thkkk is one question which we do not remember ever having been touched upon either by the Auditor-General in his Annual Financial Reports or by j any of the Finance Committees ap- pointed to review and criticise the annual estimates. Vet it is a very im- portant
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  • 1315 1 Minutes of Proceedings of the Manic i pal Commissioners on Thursday the 10th October, 1^ 'ommimiionrrs Present, Hon'ble W. H. Read.— Pretidrnt Hon'ble Major McNair, K. A E. 3. Wells, Esq. Tan Sens I'oh, In. M. F. de Souza, Ksij. The miimtes of the last meeting were read
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 A I >IBnt* made known .1 into for loag periods i, I aabscriptioas wil be I u$ < Hli<-e also in I i IbOBOI Si i V I i.'. vu, entent'a t> Hate« Bendy li wtj; in Cileuti.i. Hi diubl tpecify, m the copy, I the inaerttoas. requirud, else 1
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 I pil) >TI(.\IT.s i| H r i M I'KI.IVERY. 1 WKKKI.V KI.ITIo.N Annum .$l6 ■If Yearly.. I Quarterly •> Dki.h i.IIBK IVr Amiimi umlikliu^ bTobOh do l" Tliiw Mouthn ilo >.
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  • 1418 2 (Trauxlalfl for I lie Sfmi/x Time*.) It ttSeaMatad of «r i'i>ut<-iii|M>i-arie* that, iv repr.~liu iuic the-.e trunslatious, their oriniual «f jwnrmuce id the > iv be »clinowleii(red.l fiiiiishni' .-lit Lh'li /.»'>( y.'i(i/<x. H N. I M's steamer SonMMaf, l)e Wya, steuued, s in .lune list, with the Resident
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  • 3797 2 PERAK. THE COFFEE COUNTRY OF THE FUTURE. a matter M tho gwatefll ini|>or- anee to {he future of IVnik, ami, doubtess, tn the a.lvamv of trade in the-e Settlements, we make room to-ilav for he following lengthy report supplied o the Ctyfofl Ottercer by Mit. Hvxdyiiu, the Ceylon planter, on
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  • 533 2 |{k Mil OH ok H. K Mil W RoßtSto* i\ licnvn. I From nit ocf/ixiuiuil Corrrt: Baxatu, i)\ tin 1 moruingof tli-- I lrl >tiMiucr Kiiiiritr wai sight I I: bearing the lag of Hw ftritannic M Kepmentatire, the Soveraor i Settlements. The Netherlands ii ment, a fortnight before, had
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  • 484 3 Wk beg to acknowledge receipt of Tin: Qttomtal Empire and Stir of India, a newspaper published in London, intended for circulation in the East and the colonies. It contains an admirable summary of news from the continent, condensed articles from the leading continental journals, the pith of home news, a
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  • 173 3 Kvkk since the middle of September, rumours have been current in the Indian papers of the death of the King of Hurmah, and it would now appear that his death is a fact. The following two telegrams furnish the latest information respecting the event: Rangoon, Sept. 28.—Our today's sdvic m
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  • 42 3 THURSDAY, 21-th OCTOBER..-. An Inquest was held yesterday, the :i ii'l instant, on the body of a male Chinese named Lim Eng Hoy at the Sree Passir Panjang beach by A. R. Ord Esq., H. M. Coroner of Singapore. Verdict—" Found Drowned."
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  • 55 3 Nkws, says the Hongkong Daily Press of the 17th instant, of a very serious rebellion in Kwang-is has reached us. It is stated that a BrigadierGeneral named Li has revolted and is at the head of fifty thousand men under arms. Fears are entertained that the insurrection will spread to
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  • 72 3 A passenger by the M. M. steamer Tigre, named Perrin, is supposed to have jumped overboard through the port of his cabin between «4 and 5 a. m. yesterday as the steamer was on her way from Saigon to Singapore. The man was suffering from consumption, and was last seen
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  • 63 3 Thk Shim Werkly Advertiser of the 13th instant contains the Customs Returns of the Kxports from Bangkok during the month of September last. Their value was as follows To Hongkong 5243,55s Singapore 1H4.410 Kuropu k America ***** Saigon 1,31*2 Coast 1.9 M 14J1.092 The export of Rice was as follows:
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  • 523 3 Nicks *\u Kjtocei Spirit of discontent does not apontined to the upper part ol It has bant out farioaelj at and certainly displayed itself inmiitekeabie manner at 'the meeting.' .Mr. Pope Hennasej v ttioo. Ili> vanity' should k Fair He is alwaj I hit .out behind him mntaphjii iking of
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  • 231 3 i ilfU)!s Of tl)f ililffk. MONDAY, llei OCTOBER. 11. B. M.'s ironclad frigate ciout, the relieved Bagahip of the China and Japan stations is, we learn, to leave Hongkong on or about the 25th instant for Singapore, route to Kurope. The Iron Jjiiic, at present in the harbour, will remain
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  • 334 3 "Will were none of our coasting i tea men —save and except the JedtUk and the PeL/ttt—decorated with buntin" on the OOOaetOll "t the Maharajah's lauding this morn- ing? This is a question put to us by an iutluential and hereditary member of our mercantile community. In reply, we can
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  • 189 3 Tmk following is published in a d'" OatetU Hitnion/i'tury which was received at noon to-day "The following arrangements lor the reception of His Excellency the Governor on his return from leave of absence iv Java, are published for general inloi mutioii: His Kxcellency will arrive by the If, 11, steamer
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  • 423 3 Supreme Court. Bs/Wl Sir IfteaMS Sidyreave*, Chief Jimtii-e, itnd (i Com man Jury.) Fkiday, 18th October, 1878. The Queen vs. Kenng See Kee aliaß Lam I Kong Siim, and Tan LoDg alias t—l Xi Was—Uaarged with (11 criminal l>reacli I of trust as a clerk against No. 1. in ivsp.
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  • 593 3 TUESDAY, lisv OCTOBER I'iik Followins address was preaeatad to 11.11. The Maharajah of Johore by bis tellow passengers of the S. S. imazuue, on board of that vessel last Saturday evening in the Straits of Malacca. To H. 11. Tiik Maharajah Off Joiiokl. Wk. the undersigned passengers per S. S.
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  • 569 3 Cm Of Guutoow Bank. Thi following are the names of the Directors and Manager of "the now noted City of Glasgow Bank—as I published in July IS7 7—'Directors Messrs. Henry [ngtia, bjwis Potter, Robert Salmnid, Jolin Stewart, Willi;im T.iylor an 1 John [dues Wright. Manager, Mr. It. S. Stroaaoh. The
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  • 424 3 Regarding the rumour of the 8U8» pension of Mr. Justice Snowden by Governor Pope llennessy iv Hongj kong, the Hongkong Daily Press of the 1 Ith instant contains the following Most disquieting rumours have been floating about during the past few days to the effect that the Hon. F. Snowden
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  • 603 3 ftCraOMUKOCAL Observations for the week ending 19th October, IS7S, taken at the Hospital, Kandang Karbau. Barombtkr Reduced. Dates. g a 8 p.m. 9p. m. inches. inches. inches. 13th Oct. 29.0U) 29,822 29.896 Hth .950 .871 .955 loth .951 .853 .887 Kith .910 .786 .HK3 17th .918 .800 .890 18th .909
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  • 51 3 A foot race—100 yards—took place at Tanglin, on Monday evening last, for S/iO a side, between Privates Pantoll and King, ;2Sth Regiment, which ivmil|4i| in tin* latter winning by ul>out a yard. There was a large number dl spectators who came to witness the race, notwithstanding the inclemency of the
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  • 367 3 Corrrsponurnrr. lilt. Cnwiunt Of OOMMBBOI am> ink M vi \ka.i LB 01 JOMOBB. Ta the Editor qf the Dully Times. Sit, —When the Chaiiiaaa and Oaav 1 the Chamber of Oonuneree ano> themselves the task ofrepreaenting nmunity, they should be careful to •Hi|ilii\ correct language and to write with 'id
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  • 463 4 were as SINOAPORK. ti tSS.6OO l>ollar« S2H.3H'.i i 1 22.2V0 fepper Maw Salt 5,03:t Sapaiiw.w.l Huff Hi. l"s 6.953 Htanli'dainiiin SgOM H^rn* 2,03."> TnM. M- Co.'- -team-ship flfte, Captain Lormicr, from Shanghai llth, Hongkong 17th, and Saigon 21st ingtsnt, anchored in the roads last night, proceeded alongside the Borneo ComWharf,
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  • 50 4 The following passengers from Singapore toot their departure this morning by the If. M. Co*S steamer Vfre For Pomlichenj.—1 ludiin. P»r Port Si -I \lrs S Banner For Bnrtmltnm,—Don Felipe Kedialdaa. hfeMSJOaa,—Messrs. H. Qoei pel, P. C VY Vandevelde, H. Herschell, Pender, T. Bell, and V. Hunsen.
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  • 47 4 Wh have been requested to intimate that, by the kind permission of Captain Cleveland and the Officers, the Band ol 11. M.S. Iron Duke will play on the Esplanade during the cricket match which is to be continued to-morrow afternoon, between the Three Services and the Cluh.
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  • 108 4 i is admitted ou all hands that the two Magistrates who preside in the Police Court have a good deal of work get before them every day. It is well known, too, that a periodical clog is experiwOttM there, much to the inconvenience of suitors, and savouring of injustice to
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  • 122 4 i A oi kioi s circumstance is reported by the Police. A Chinaman who lives in Smith Street, Tanjong Paggar Road, called yesterday at noon upon Major Donlop and reported that on that morning he discovered a baby had been placed outside his door. The child was alive, so he
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  • 207 4 A dastardly attack was committed a bw UlghU«gO upon the Chinese inmates of a house near the tilth milestone ou the Strangoon Bond, by a band of armed Chinese desperadoes", who subM.juently murdered a Chinaman on then relreat. The occupier of the house, who is at Rio, had, it is
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  • 118 4 Thk .Municipality docs not appear to shine particularly brilliantly in the matter of its engineering arrangements or ability. The buttresses of the bridge which is being built near the Central I. lice Station—will that bridge never be completed by the way?—have, it has only lately been discovered, been placed I
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  • 130 4 Thk GovnnrjDß Ga/.kttk, -ioni Oct. Thk following new notifications appear in to-day's Gazette: In accordance with instructions under the Royal Sign-Manual, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to cause Letters Patent to be JseneH under the Public Seal of the Colony, appointing Mr. Ck< ii. Ci.kmkmi Smith to be
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  • 276 4 Thk recent appointment of Lloyds' Surveyor to the port of Singapore is a matter which calls for pawling notice. Besides being of the utmost value to the ship-owning community, it shows that our port is viewed as one of importance by the London underwriters, and we think we arc not
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  • 427 4 The announcement contained in the following paragraph from the Ckim* Mail respecting the despatch of homeward mail steamers is new aud may be of as much interest to oar readers as to Hongkong residents: It will be satisfactory to kites* that, even before the fresh conditions of the new mail
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  • 264 4 Thi Tkauk of Sajoov. Tim Courier <!>■ B*i§4* of the 40th October contains the olKcial statistics of the trade of Saigon for the third quarter of the present year, and the following abstract of the figures may be of some interest to our readers. The Bret tables refer to the
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  • 696 4 TutKK seems to have been pretty rough weather in the China Seas in the early part "f the present month, as will be seen from the following paragraphs from the (lima Uait of the 1 Ith Oct. As araa t > be expected, the arrivals from -eaward today iJOth O't
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  • 909 4 BATURDAY, tan OCTOBER. Tub total Return of Visitors to the It a flics Library ami Museum daring tlio week ending Friday, 16th Oct., 1S7JS, was l,31li. An inc|iu i st was bald yesterday, the 25tfa instant, OS the boaj ©f a female child, —the circumstances relating to the inaiiner in
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  • 124 4 The China Mail of the 17th October contains the following paragraph regarding theO.S.S. Go's steamer Diomed, which is at present in harbour here en route to London. The S. S. Uioineil, which arrived here to-day from the North, will have completed her 21st voyage from Liverpool to China and Home
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  • 253 4 Tuk present contract speed of the P. and Company*! it— men is nine kuots an hour, and it seems to be understood that muler the new contract, which comes into force in February, 1880, eleven knots will be the rate between Bombay and England, and ten and a halt knots
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  • 597 4 'I'll K nHM M Al.EXA.NhKK. I. Ami I saw iii mj dlHMi and lie. hold 1 was carried amonij them that down to the mm in ships and we sailed to tin- Sooth and to tin- Kast. And omt journey was tor thr span 1 of a moon. And at
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  • 121 4 ..Berkeley, Sept. Isiiit 'Jentlemai i feel it a duty I owe to JoO to express my gratitude for the great benefit 1 have derived by t'kiug Norton's Camomile Pifla I applied to your agent, Mr. Bell, Berkel y' for the ab .venam-d Pills, f,,r wimlin tlic ■toeiaefc. boa winch I
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  • 484 4 #OtUTD. NOTIOE. I Iwif to inform the Public th it I htn eouinieneed tin- Bfaettoi •>(' Dentistry in Singapore, and intend to retunin Iuti peruian nt v Th>- pair mage i>f the Public in reapectfully solicited. N. B.— Will oall ;it Badden ml perform Dentistry in all its branchee <m
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    • 486 5 Friday, Ittk October 1.W71 ■^.(leve'an.K, L.udon 4th Augt* tergea, MO toa«, Van. Qes A-heen l(»th Oct" h .s.i. _'.<> tons. Viuccnt, Haeaesar 12th Oof rdajr, 19th October. K lUraejr, 1.000 toaa, O'Hiel, Swaiov l'th Oet S Deajwraajdant, SM toae. Qrifla Aaboiaa mak,»J Miln-s Pontimik 17th Oct Sunday, 20th October.
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    • 301 5 Friday, 18th October. British steamer Beuuiore. Augustin. Hoc Malaca Jt Peuau* British steamer Bentai). Mopp tt, for Batavia. British itww Elgin. Millar, for Ring..,,n via Peuaug British BtMMMT Glani.ugi,,, Allau. f..i Xew York. Qeraaa ittuM Valeaa, tW«ngea, tor Hongkong. British barqas Nettie MerrjraMa. Leslie, lor Kaarittu British schooner Evang.linc,
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    • 773 5 Ca rAi»» Fl Rig. k ak W km Kr> 1 ITAU All K AR uIVAL* \v >■ uk Pbom "V HU9M I.YIN v A'HEI!i: I.YIX-. C XSIcJNKKS ok AilK.Nl- DKBTINATION. 0 iniMin oi Asbmttm Dkstination. c, HTiM K.ctela H.X.M.'s str. 35OJue Aclieen Sm-.tL ;(.N.M"s. str. 203
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  • 72 6 iv the •ileil Itatu,1 nl honor wa* again ii II E. leaving the iii plavet) tin' .1. I the train pi Hi* Kxcell«i»o\ on tli. tO*a. in. .1 .it Sir Wii .ni.l the 'a.i~ »pen1 in visiting -ntcr.'-t in the town, i\ Hi1 on board the Krench t he wune
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  • 152 6 DARWIN "i ii Ski- i I opportunity of comire l»v th« OI) tin- uav I'almci stun w itli a tlir underNewspaper. ini:il »re follow- ild overie* ami tb* >i r They ha\ e enn and .1 pn 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i t- survey <raj from
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  • 169 6 re« nt euterpnsf is .tin 1 lecnre gnu The projcci carried oat, the two I i.utt iii would tluii \1! the m:i the tenninqa and lid tend fco thai ell, 1 ii anj one aoquaiuted w that instead uidertakjug tln-y will u:i\ ol'its I debafei in their d ofeonstruci I
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  • 363 6 I'OK'J DASWIN XjKindi lit.) htu to 1m sii'l ;ilx>ut rlii> niiiil. \\Y m ai end of t In- tin- s.'»»<)n and il aini Mining are <•*- ll.iwi-\ti- #e tuul cinj ;i f'i\v w.tK- ol (tone yielded ion ui'l now there we a lew similar Im-k. lmt Solouion'x aa in other
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  • 2019 6 A I sTUAI.IAN hffWS. I in. loll.i\«h)g items arc tnkeii From the Sj),i,n:, of tho 21st September Till Ij\lKs| M.Ws XI.W (ill.M.\. Tin- New (Juinea correspondent of the "Courier," writing from Port Sioresbv, August 18th* ays:—"There i> bardly anything to repo^ ai regards the Kmll\ prospecting party. They have btea
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  • 2988 6 he was tin- devoted friend of M. Thicr*. Marshal Canrobert was admired for his riding, despite his gout, and the Duke of Cambridge was remarked for his— size. worth goitig to tht; review4<> mere. ly observe the display of vehicles, many A' which must have been lent for the day
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 909 7 ifltsrrllanroud. VRTS KXHIBTTION OF 1878. Wk learn that tbe stand of Me?ars. Sutt'>n Sona, the Qnpon's Seedsmen, and ac.-df 11 warrant to H. R. H. les, will be one of the plays "f Horticultural and A- r«r fafongh •f the occa- wi'' the most wonderful .f their h it'll v
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    • 836 7 iWtSrfllanfous. OXYGEN IS LIFE. i Although the modern Materia Medica includes many valuable remedies for hum:iii auctions, it is a matter of certainty l tbnt in all cases •whore the animal vitality J is failing, Phosphorus is decidedly superior to every other remedy at preaent known. It will work effects
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    • 844 7 iWtertllanfous. DR T TOTJiT 6 BROWNES' CHLORODYNE. 18 THE ORIOINAL AND ONLY GKNUINB The Public are Cautioned against the unfounded statements frequently made that "the composition of CHLORODYNE is known to Chemists and the Medical Profession." The fact is,.CHLOBODY INKl NK was Discovered and Invented by Dr. J. Collis' Browne
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    • 938 7 iWtsfrrilanfons. HOLLOW \X'9 O[NT>fENT. OLD BORES AND OLD SKTN DISEASEB. The Be*»da of thosp difiorders are iiflT'tnally PTnolled by this penptratinif T T n Ptient, not ortlv frot^the suprrflHal partf but from the intenal tissnea likewise. An rune, even of twenty years' standing, spec dily yields to its infl"Pnce. A
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    • 668 7 (^ycenne for FT«i r Windßor. and other 80:, Singapore. 23rd Deo.. Joyce's trrblrV Hnn Wadding h i JOYCE'S GAS-TIGHT Padth r« Pinfir.. and o' nr reloading Guns. nfMl hr> Br* JFVre Cartridges f» r And every detci-iption o f ST munition uf BP«tiag8 P«tiag 4 1- BoHjbyallGuomaker. aad n. is
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