The Straits Times, 13 February 1864

Total Pages: 5
28 32 The Straits Times
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  • 559 28 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY FEB. 13,1864. SUMMARY OF THE FORTNIGHT. (il be -Miami.-rv pu i- I li»io d with the las' Ut < i timi ,/tiur/tu/. i mail of the :.'(Jili Dec mther vi the 31 Xl ultimo by the r Eiiiih. Tel gram* from I eedoa to the 2nd Janaary
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  • 488 28 In the Rcpnrl nflhe which we pahhVhed mi PViday last, we see Iliat i's bridge, whirsh was tinsubject ol such i!i-< iis»ioii al>out two \ igM, and which has be< o closed for the last three mwnthi is t<> ha pnjai ed down to make
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  • 697 28 Ark tin volunt" crs to eollapM, <>r ■re they nt;— is qnsri -n n,e con. sid.rni n nf which i- particaiarly to ccd ujmiii us ,'t the preeeal time; and though i o go sadly against ill-, grain witli theCwrpe arb«i i.ay fur an] ya,b i
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  • 2130 28 !hr following article nu 'he im portent subject nf iimanity in crimin >l-, i|p c.tis iii the 7'ines of the ~")ti. Ih" discussion bail i aw.tkeucd in E j.\ nil hy the condemnation ul I own lev for the muidii of Mi«s lioudwiu. Iv another part ot
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  • 503 28 JAVA. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. Bat avi a. Ist Ftb., \SA. Thk uteamer Java lei t «m I l«e 2i)ih ultimo for your port with the Mails tor tlie Preuefa Company. I regTW t'» '»avc t report another shipwreck in Mir neitfhbourl ood. The Briii>h barque hdiih Pepper with Coals
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    • 303 28 To the Editor of the Oui/y Times. Sik. —As tli--r.- i> a gr.-nt call l-r tii'Te Ditch A'XMIIK«|.II|..|| ill MllLjHl'Orf, I WOllllt Mg to lay letore I lie public thrußtfh \eur valuable Ji»ui >«ii tlif iii-<im ■li ih my |TO|»-rtv in Huri) "ii opposite tlie P. Co*
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  • 1530 28 The moot important iirWs of the fort- night has reK-rnice to J .pan. As tlmce who have studied our irlaiiuns with iliat I cuunir} mid its lulera had t-i|iet.ud, the i 'Male BHileiutui dues uoi prute to have contained the eltiiKUin of ptflßMMfttt. The affair at, as wag
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 49 28 Tri- STRAITS TIYES W I KM trlj u ri mi I crriMDondeatt. la i>ive at I itf- |H|iei» I M f thr .1 LI) ft* .1 < ly ot>- >m »!i.'n »ad the .ir Vtll I II •'I- M|ll|liuil> lit 1 •i-- i f .ur all mat- It ihauLfuilj 11M1I1-
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  • 1073 29 The folh»wi;ig is the Timet, digest M the speeches o: the two American Pre- sideiits; v is worthy of acaieful perusii. i The piety ol the Midule Ages Wwl scandalized and their faith w.i- sh<tK<.u by ttie uiiKCinly spectacle of a Pope and an Ami I'ope Ics
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      • 15 29 Thk Dutch stea ncr Henriette, Captain Seliul, trom StaU anchored in the roads yesterday morning.
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      • 14 29 H. M. t. Pearl left Hnigkong for this, the day before the Tyitemautk sailed.
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      • 21 29 Tiik British steamer Tj/nemouth. Captain Heliyer, from liong'iung with i.ii s tii the 4th instant arrived iv the harbour this morning.
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      • 22 29 Thk Dutch MeaaMf Batavia, Capt.iin \y from Batavia with dates to the Ist instant, arrived iv Ihe road* on Saturday morning l<t-t.
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      • 39 29 Thk P. O. Company's steamer I char, Captain Dumlas, liom lloug- koog with dales lo the lei i 11 1 anchored in the roads at night on Saturday last and proceeded lo >cw I Marbour on Sunday morning.
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      • 22 29 Wk ffive in another culu tin our Hatavi.t Con espondi'ii letter re iv^d by the Java; it bears dut the Ist Instant.
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      • 38 29 Thk China and Japan news brought 1 by the liek'ir appears iv another col uiiin; it will be nm thai ihe trade of the latter c untry seems to be forcibly circumscribed by some powerlul in I tluciiee
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      • 66 29 Numkkous anreetl have been made by the l'o| cc ot Chinese for filing crackers at irregular hours. The I'olice slu et yesterday morning contained the names of seventy-nine mm who are charged with the offence. Fine* fiom 1 in b llupees were awarded by the Sitting Magistrate Seven cases of
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      • 91 29 Di him. the present season il is that the principal robberies throughout the Town are committed, and we have 1 been advised by the Commissioner of I'olice to give a warning to our 1<• idi ers to be on their guard. In addition 1 to the temptations to steal presented
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      • 149 29 On Wednesday last, the American Ship Alexander, 5D(i t. us regUter, I bound from Liverpool tv Singapore with Coals, sti tick on the Frederick Rhio in Straits, and after coming off, being found to be in a sinking condition, was run ashore by the Captain on the beach al South
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      • 63 29 Wk are enabled to give to day the number of Chinese immigrants, who arrived here during the n.oiith of December last. It will be seen, that a more thafl ordinary supply of females has lately come to hand let v* trust, however, to a belter purpose than lately animadverted upon
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      • 6 29 The numbers are— males females 194.
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      • 93 29 Thk display of fireworks mi the Hare Couise on Saturday, drew com panttively a sm<«ll aanascT of paying spectators together, tliough on til opposite side tlie »Kace Couise, a large and m<>:h'y«co«cnuise were gathered together to enjoy the d splay gratuitously. Mr. di^ia had ceitiiiiiiy prepared a very line collection
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      • 215 29 Ir is^ei-y seldom lhat the good folkof Singapore manage to get two holidays on end. The law of chances seems to be inexorably against us. Satu.d.iy •last, tftetitlt, waH a lioli !ay,inrotninem oration of the settlement of the. place. Sunday was a day of rest, and Monday was al»n a
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      • 45 29 Thk Enulish ...ail ..f the K»th January will l»e \'TO i^lit on Tio Gallc by the steamer ami may lie ex-jM-cre'l here on S,uurilav. Li«t yt'.ir iln- mail of tin* same due was brought oil by tli.- Euttu and readied this on the 12th.
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      • 166 29 Thk NaawJafa of a schooner lying in t lt** huhour, reported at Ihe A station yeste day, the 10-s of «'onsiderahle property contained in a tin box which tret stolen from the landtag step- at Bonliam street. The b>x was in Ihe baad of the Nacodali's -mi, a b y
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      • 19 29 Total.. ,S 7 551. 01 Th«s Narudith offers a reward of 5U doltais for the recovery of the above.
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      • 312 29 Wk copy the following from the Hongkong papers, relating lo the man Vandcrlaane, who formerly kept the Liverpool Arms hotel h< re, and who, at* was stated in our paper some time ago, committed nun (let and piracy on board a Junk. lie has been sentenced tn death by the
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    • FRIDAY, 12th FEBRUARY.
      • 36 29 H. M. st'.atuei- Pluto, Cap t. EaJes f,,,iu r'enanft with dates to the 6th ii -mtt having on boaid a detßchment „f 210 men ol the 34th M. L. Infantry anchored iv the road? yisuiri.y atiernoon.
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      • 28 29 H. M. steamer I'curt, C.i|>tain itorInse, froio Hongkong with dates to the Hth instant arrived in the harbour yesterday, ar noon. The J'earl prooids tn England le day.
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      • 22 29 Tv 11 French •Kt«aoi<r Echo, Capt. Gautaume, from Bwhjwa wnh data I lo the Bth tost, anehoied m the harbour yesterday evening.
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      • 23 29 Thb British steamer Arntunn .//>- -cur, Captain ii. de Stnidi, fiom ll'njckitug with dates lo the Sth instant .11--ri\ed iv the harbour la.xt Bight.
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      • 83 29 A snceei-slul capture of SB Chinese gaasMen took flmet last, in a house on Boat Quty. On inl-i inalion received, ln«pccioi» llaywaid and i Graham accompanied liy .t i >'>«! > ot po--1 lice pimcedeil to the !(>• ally and u;.lined adiiiinani-e in'o ill' In. us. ;hy a pievioii
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      • 99 29 Wk arc glad to Itrtin, that our Gov- eminent has increased the reward to he gHrM for ihe m-xt >ix timers shot or captured ***** |H to ,SI()lT, if brought in within threa monllis. caids to 1 his elli'i-i aie imw beiag po>t- Ed all over the loan and C'oui.tiy.
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      • 51 29 Dki'ciy Inxpeirtor BwgMM male t»vo mi/ ph <>l jj.i 1 1 ti If i s |«Mrt ni^lit, one in BraN IJ.»-*» !<•■ ill and the other in Scl> pie Koad. Ei^lilfini men stuiil rharged wi'li th otTt-nre. In li i: i»es,iiii|ileiu nt>ul gaiiihlint; tvere !*iiz»h) Mtltiititut to brin^ in v
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      • 82 29 Eic;n r cisex ol gambling Vwf inve— ti«r ted by the Silt ing Magistrate yesteul.iy. In the first five cases, theie were seventy 1 ight defendants and iv the other tlirei- there weie seven »c fend mis, and the charge in every MM WM ale rly piov <i, ami the
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      • 103 29 Tiik capture <>t an Eoroagaa convict naiiicil Jordan uliis White, who had aneaped from Hongkong Jail, where he was mc.ii Ciiateil about I i montlis ago under a sentence to penal sfTvitudi: lor life for the dime of piracy, was maile hv the I'olice liei I Uilm itiominir. On inlormaiion
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      • 70 29 Ur extiait the (wHowing from the last issue of the G't'ei nn.vul Gtizctte. His Honor He Governor ha- bn n pleaoeil to make the fvlltMT-ing appoiajV* I neuts: The Matter Attendant and Assistant Master \ttenil Hit, inyapoie, to he gr OOJCJ9 QaTtrtiwiriit Mirino flqr vtyors, under the piovi»i us ot
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      • 153 29 Wiiu refprence to Notification, No. 146 nt the CBth O«low«r IMS, the i<>|. lowing revised Ovaditiuwii utid- r which Licences will be tot the exportation of Anns-, air pulilislud for gencrul i ulin inatinn 1-t. All applications for I/ionsrs for the trati-pot t of Anns h\ Sea to .xpecity tlif
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  • 1426 29 It will lihvi- been observed on j'eru-in« our liw aalaBMM on Batard y that an inr< llifient jim, ir (It Mr. »iiin Mri n's .'i'Oi-ti' n. hug •cc" fit to BaaMlc Tie lhnhj WtfrmfA with j d.mi nvs to tin- ex'ni' if JL'2'i, "iii h'- cottts accr«ii>ir, h*eaoae«m
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  • 853 29 The following in th- iext ol tin- I irr—«i to Hi.- Impww of th« Fi tin- BaprfOr ol Au»irm in r*plj t" Bowl lor a C,.iii;ii-».i Alonsi- ur iiinii Frife. Hi- 1-t' r* your M i)M(J wr.>e to DM "v N >v. I my aitwiiiou to ilu-
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  • 1016 30 I'LAO AM: Hl'i. To* liml'* WhIBkFIOM. j CoNSIONXEfI OB AoSNTS. Dtsn"»ATIO.V. H.M.ife«nier Pec 18 r»a«par Strait* Senior Nnvnl Officer Surreyinif H. M. F-li-virur 901)er 17 <ia«|<nr Mrait* Senior Naval Olfiei-r Surveying Kales H. M.MHM 4*:(lF<-li 1 1 Pilau.; (iovernmrn.t M. it Pinang Ouitn* I.LM. ataMMI ...Koli
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  • 1816 31 President I.iiicoln'. Msjaajafji tsj Co\<#t** tin. il i- r. iicr 'ii ii h s ;> -lie* N rr» niler," •> 'li ill- I 'in|> ii ii, U pnntaOltpt, ih I II- t v II •'> 1,, all hiI i -i i »w* v .1 I .C le in
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  • 134 31 Wk .tiimiiiMit' I lie aniviil t»f llie f lloivin:: BSMsMtigara I'ei stcanii li- hnr from Cliiitii f,,r MtrxiiUt. -m.i.:h llaaaask, L Bah i I n,t ajivaat, H. I' C.i Jo.i, J. B. D Cm ii.-' h i ekiU, J 0..r v I'ur Suuthamft.iH. H:m<y and Mrs Su.i-ri. Dr an M
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    • 338 31 Sa<iir<!a\, titli tfami rv. Pnlpi. Httiuner baUvta, 100 rlj« (• 1 1 •o H.tHvia, 9m.! li-bi-uaiy. i-o is umcs > li»g H« ,{iHi,.lt A Co. HiitMkltriN An:-.H M nn, tons, Baater m-u'l'-r, IU'.«!"on «ou. JwMarf as*. i »ign«rs sJ. J UaraMcC Bhtiafa hnt Qie-n ol the Avo ]C>t loaa,
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    • 102 31 Kjrnch birqm- Txnieati, 229 tons, Hiboule coimuander, Melbourne sth Dec coiiHigiiee' A. L. John ton co. Hiiusli auip Setlorth. 1,18 to> HaH commander, Calcutta -Gih January cnM^-nt-en Syme a co. Fri.l-iy. I .th Fehruary, Bri>i«h ateHiner Arr.ioon Apr«r, 940 in ns, H. de.nud auajaasMlaT, lions. kun^; sili Febrn«rv coi Bij{iie<-8
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    • 136 31 Hollorari't Pills.— The Perfection of Me. did ut- ,N.i»n;rii» can aurpaas ihit restorative of the invalid i let ihe ma<ady l»< whnt it may. or h scaled whrre it will, these fine, I'm t\ v-n Pills will ait rt-KS ihrmselveo toils rt'iu *ajj anil steadily accomplish their pirpnae. 1 lity
      136 words
    • 366 31 From London. R A. Hall Hall l«fc Aisuit J |HM Hill Ort. EmN HWl 17. m Oct. Kr.iepnr* R, .Un I4i'.i N t. Hurry l*Bclera«tj Moil ISmI D o. BouDi* Luu>m I>,1. IVrrele 2Jud Die. i'KOM S«AN3tA. IMMM 9th November From UfllfMk Tiim.U.I Arrow Si. in slwHiter
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 232 31 NO. ICE. lUIR HHMBa BI 1 r<-H|ionaimlity of SIM KIM i'hou iv tiie Cv Huso Laa, saaasi frsai this <1.i.-. WAN Mull CIIOON \T\N K' >K SCON CHOP HONU L£E. Singapore, 13th Feby. 1864. A CAKI) MRS. Wisehams private Boarding Esta» blMiment River Vallry Road *n. <ap<>re within 10 Minutes
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    • 982 31 NATUKAL*A*NI) iftafßaUL WA TEBB, AXDOriIIR I'KOLII CTIONS 1 FROM VICHY. THR Thermal»l>|i»r,n»nt ol Viohy i» the Q«aaaßaa«atN estate. hii.l tn» wnrkm; ..f it haa I been ■aaaal t.» the ou*m|i<ay, >il >v. V»iie.. and Co. liy apecial iwOa af J.n.e., IHU. All llie f aaßaaaaJaaa are m».le aaaW >
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    • 1030 31 ajßjfajtm bTaTORM al tI.oCKS. tinitnCuci k ......»i mi i M>m to ill i B«»*t IItomm" I bi I «i»r« at »»ia«. Opioi n- of lha Laaaaa Tr, upon B«naons*. Gre»t ah is Walsiaal i ixliiiuiiuo, ISO "W v fv In A nmt"" > 'V euuld 'br'" "bm^.l Hwfißfl >!•«•»< Jun.
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 346 32 SIKuAPuiiE DAILY TIMIS >jj Ti T!. o Bach Copy— OeartaM The Weekly Btt.. > i of the STKAITS vill be publisried e»ery Saturdaj afternoon. Hubscription to the Weekly Timeat Annu S 16 Quarterly "I" be. t. Timea Singapore ;nlao by. Mfiin. Lanee&Co BAJ^JZ A 'i Ape:.' CALCUTTi; a
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    • 1034 32 I NOTICE. rHE*LONDCN AND ORIENTAL STEAM TRANSIT INSURANCE OFFICE. 137 Leadeiihall Street, London. :i\ nun oa managers ESTABLISHED 1843.*ij;m'.l in Authorized to accept risk on belult ol t hi» OAaa, by 6r«t claw SteatnerR. W. MACIULAY, Sintjiporp. IM Soi>t., r MtiH MaiHiiranre it/ flee LONDON. BSTABUaUKD 1710. riiHh Manager*
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    • 849 32 PEMINSUL.AR tLTiif OHIi^WTTAI. 3'iPSAM NAT^ICrATXOx* CO 4PANV. <tfficrs <it Xete Harbour, MAIL LINKS. OUTWARD MAILS. i I- sc O. S, N. Company's "ii Ship., wilt, he EngtMh Haita may If M Hi. i;k in ■boal tlw 14: n and30ili of earli UaaMi HOMEWARD .MAILS. Ii .1 I". MM »Ur M
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    • 1181 32 ROTH. PF> INDKS. THK Omitnigmi, Proprietors of the BO1 !.l. DB8 1NI»KS, late KOT REDAN HOTKL at Molenviiet, Hatuv.n bo« to inform Gentlemen Trave'i'TS, tlmt I 0 tiling will be left undone on their part t" Ktvc gaMral saii.-faction I lie many alterations, the excellence of the Table, the rteV
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    • 1066 32 PROTECTION FROM FIRE! PRIZE MEDAL. 1862. BRYANT ft MAY'S. PATEM SPECIAL MATCHES, Wax Ve»t»8 and Cigar Lights UfiHT ONLY O\ TttE BOX. r «1I K Pat' tit '"iid-tv Match nffinN an in--I tiineono linly :ih r. mliiv inn w !,il*t it ki KNriv.n.Y HUM VaWi u.lthi.ii: m\m aot i I'at.-ut
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    • 837 32 nin \iiio\, I I ~i tar GEt 1 L CARTinni. Eley's Ammunition Off liV DltCKIPTION For Sporting or Military Pw DOURLI vTataraH Wa4|*|i to 1 1. »t i t MM, I' l...i 1-n.' Cil ".r ,»li. t (iuiw »i,.l I! f. u'rirtins to t/ir If or /"«r Smalt .-//••/<*,
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