The Straits Times, 18 January 1862

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 7 1 I BATURDA7. UN*. IS. 1869.
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  • 671 1 'I i! r iccidetitM hi I di'l ivs w lich hare reeentlf interfered with the regularri y of our atail arriraU, direct on attenti«ia to the cunuderatioo af Ii v the mail contract is pcrtorincd under the pr •■-Mit -u!i-idy, and If it he not poaeible by better arrangeawNti ot
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  • 264 1 Before we har« daa« with this sul>j ct we may a> well allude to the ntention in the seivi c of the China and Straits mails, ot such old and slow vessels ;»s tin Pottimgtr, Ottiiwit, aud l'fli it. It is well known, that when a mail arrives here by
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  • 315 1 A story very seldom any tiling in the telling the natural inclination is to exaggerate, let the tale be <>1 w< rl or of woe and it i- not Mrpriftitig that in luge communities where tlie coninion gomia has to paat tbroagh numerous ami varied channel* we cm oltcn
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  • 235 1 While alluding to this, we may as well mention thai the ulunihitiii was only five oi at tb« MflotAdajfl overdu.'. Slie saili d from this on the IBtli ullimo, an<l had nt»t arrived on the iiiorninn of the lat of January, inaß II day*oatj the ordinary paMMKe *< this time
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  • 67 1 For the second report the Declaration of War with America it is too absurd to require more than a moments reflection to he assure*) of its untruth. The Po Fmmg made a quick paaaage certainly. 7- days from Sew York, but then our mail c.omniii mention only takes 45 d
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  • 104 1 Baoh re|)Oits as these we have spoken of, seem to be fed by. and to feed, a paeali ir appetite iv the public mind. Whatever faith WC may have iv Koc hcl'oucault and iv his philoso- phy thai '"in the mfafbrtaawJ of oar best friends and in general calamity there
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  • 103 1 I'h h bowi broaght to us by the OfanM with regard to our relations with Ameiica was pretty well antici pnted by the telegrame which wore received, and by the conclusions wl ich were arrived at from them. The b wiring of the international law on the question MeaM to
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  • 119 1 The sei/.irc i» declared to be illegal, and an apology and the rendition of tlie two prison To arc the demands madr upon the United (Matoa Goveraaaent. All di^ then as to the application of intri national Law ou the sub- i jeai is* now u«iless and may bfl as
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  • 116 1 iniajionfirs wiih their secretaries! sine i/'ii: unit, not of amicable relationship I v i hi the continuance ■f m'j.Miriiiliohs. What we have now to mnmMct is. whether the American Government will inert IhrtW demands nut, whether, they <vi'l he ((aided by discretion and eMMHM Maoe, anil by a lull and
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  • 165 1 Much will depend upon tin- manner as well M the tit of the d maud in. nit by the I r j i; 1 i 1 1 (iovernmenl, and ■Midi 100 upon the position it finds the Americans with rcpect to the Imtune of their arms against the >Mith. A
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  • 354 1 The answer of the American Government will be telegraphed from (.lueenstuwn to London on the 96th or 271h of December, and »re understand that it is intended to delay the China and Australian mails till the substance ol the reply can be forwarded. In tins case all our speculations and
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  • 173 1 Theprtoeut st.igi' ot the ptocoedingM leaves open a field for ill manner ol speculation, and we have heard many theories propounded both as to the origin <>f this nfaMHideratanding and 10 the probable result of it. Some are of opinion, that the American boveranienf were not igaoranl of the Act
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  • 6 1 Wk have hud our attention called
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  • 306 1 to a particular portion of our report ol the adoVeoa made to the Grand Jury hv His Honor the Recorder ea the 3id inst. It might he iainHed from oor leport that Mr. Nhwbjoa om Chaplain had not visited the Jail up to that time ah-'icas, WO now undn >tai,d.
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  • 18 1 Wk extract the following from the China Mail as being of interest to the Shipping and Mercantile Community.
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  • 316 1 A i nic A/.w' J'nus S''>3iouB ou Tuesday a cude <it oumiderabli interest to the iner. el ii" ro'inmiiiitv caul' before tl)** Ol a"I a ml Jury. It via that of D Forman, Mas er of the Blip Morniny A v liiiMsdi and Co., iml the cironni-t'<in -<i far as
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  • 608 1 I OM) N, Dec. iO I&6I. Although altogctncr the bearing of the English people, has been mo>t cieditahle. In >\>\tv oi all our indignation there was even at the fiiM no biuotei and after the law oflacen ol the C own had given a differed' opinion
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 171 1 vi :s times. l>«: rio\. c-r ira. si» M n M Km ly y I .ir AOVCItrX3C.iI a IT3. kuon nt c lie III- will I (nr of »n i "i, S] T V V ill hi. l 1. 1., snJ in I lorrMpondeau. i 'i ■'i 'ir p»|ier«, I
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    • 840 1 L PORTRAIT* raOM HALF A DOLLAR- AT the Hot*! De L'Eaptrtooc until th* 29th i.nUnt, wheu thr Arti»t will leirt SinnSiugkport, liih January 1H62. 1.1 JUTKUK. A GENERAL SPANISH COMPANY. 0/ Mutual Life Insurances, AUTHOBISED. Bj Koyal Orders of August, 23rd 1820, and June, 10th 1867. Rotal Dblegatb D. Francisco
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  • 794 2 We give the fwllowiug extract from the letter of au old Singaporean now resident iv Connecticut. The views exprested are moderate, and tend to <hew what the general feeling is at the scene of disturbance. Do>* belief* all nor half th»t is said i^m^B^—^B^Bßß^ Loadou and other n*ny hour* of
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  • 32 2 MONDAY, 13th JANY. H. M. schooner Saracen, Wm. Stanton, Esq. commander, rtturned to this port on the 1 2th inst. after a survey of theVarella and Durian Straits.
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  • 29 2 Thb U. S. American steamer Po Yang, from New York, bound to Hongkong, having tou^ h^ M au riVincent,C«pe Town, and the Mauntius, arrired here on the iith inst.
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  • 34 2 Tub Captain of the barque Macas,ar, baring .rrifed here, we hope the reports contained in his log book will nrove satisfactory to the owners of the vewel. We understand the Macassar, was not insured.
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  • 32 2 S'.ncb the arrival of the Zauait Raiment, a disturbance has taken 5 ceTtween .ome of the men of th, g £Sp. and the Police, to it appears the Utter were worsted.
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  • 403 2 Thb long boat with four hands of the Eilum^Ftye arrived here last evening, having lett the ship about 24 hours j previously, bringing Capt. and Mrs. Weaver, child and servant girl. At <iay break on Saturday morning spoke the lugger Kirn Guan Hhi sent to her assistance at anchor about
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  • 336 2 Capt. Deane, who was Master oj the Frima l)<>nna when she was lost several months since, and whose certificate was suspended for 6 months J by order of the Marine Magistrate, 1 will, we are told take commai d of the Statesman on her being ready for
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  • 335 2 Uk regret to learn Captain Wilkinson has been obliged to leave Singapore for Java having been suffering for some time back from serious indisposition. During Captain Wilkinson'* absence, the duties of the Master Attendant will be performed by Captain Anderson, the Officiating Shipping Master, and Mr. Vaughan
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  • 48 2 A Parsee is iv custody for having stolen 5 bank notes the property of an Arab getleman living in High Street. The Parsee was arrested whilst endeavouring to change some <>f the notes at a Bank, and several wf wlrch he hud already successfully passed.
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  • 47 2 The Steamer C'Aotc Phya came out of dock yesterday morning, and \s now laving alongside the wharf taking in coals and getting the rest of her machinery ia order. The Chow Phya will make her trial trip in a tewdnys, after which she will pr«»ceed to Siam.
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  • 67 2 We hear that a misunderstanding took place last evening between au officer in the I'olice Force, and v sepoy of the 40th Kegt. M N. I, in Havelock Road. The particulars mi far as they have reached us, say, the Police Officer was in Havelock Hoad anntd with a musket
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  • 15 2 This is the second occasion in whicli Police Officers have been interfered with by sepoys.
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  • 96 2 Vkwirihv Morning the Inspector in charge of the Cainpoiig Krahow Station, accompanied by a number of Chiugtiugs and peons, made a seizure of an illicit still used for the manufacture of native spirituous liquors. The still had been in work but a very short time previous to the capture as
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  • 275 2 Th« Chamber of in recognition of the valuable services of Captain Stanton during the stay of H. M.S. Saracen in these waters, have resolved to present him with some token of their appreciation in the shape of a very handsome gold rhionometer watch. The labor in which Captain •Stanton has
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  • 26 2 I the Chamber for the untiring exertion T and great skill with which Captain Stanton had conducted his surveys, and for the valuable additions he had
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  • 40 2 made to our knowledge of these seas. Captain Stanton in reply expressed his thanks for the honor and kindness done him by the Chamber and the pleasure he felt that his efforts had been appreciated. After this the meeting dispersed.
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  • 236 2 H. M. steamer Tunze, Noyes, Commander, priMv.ilid round the Island this iiiuniine, and will call v Pulo Tukong Basar, and other places. Tlie Uesident Councillor is on hoard. On reference to our Police Repurt which we take some trouble to conpile, we find several cases have been
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  • 60 2 H. I. M. steamer kumpean, Lefraper commander, arrived iv the Harbour yesterday. She left Saigon on the Mtli and had a fine run d nvn. The European it will be remembered conveyed the Siamese Knibassy back to Bungkok. she is now on her return to Suez. We
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  • 244 2 To the Editor of the Straitt Timer Dsaß Sib. If any of your reader* wish to take h le«»on on the great question of How the Money goei," am at the same time get a wriiikl- in the way to secure a profitable I'litl iy in house repair*, lei
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  • 7 2 To the Editor of the Straitt Time*
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  • 102 2 My Dear Sir, I wri'e to tell you of a misfortune. I should rather say a h <rrWhip, that I suffered on I hursdav about one o'clock in the morning. I do tint because 1 fear others may perhaps suffer in the same way, and, not gif'ed with a similar
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  • 407 2 I am not generally speaking lover or a fancier of dogs, but two day« ago, 1 waa posseme I of a little Kugli-h Terrier which during an itcipi iint;ince of •luce years had gained upon my affection*, th<>t had become almost a companion to me, and that sermed to love
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  • 57 2 I dont know whether Mr. Robertson has exceeded his powers in <hii. 1 intend to know soon, but you Mr. Editor and all your readers will, I am sure, agree wuh me that he viol 'ted humanity, and displayed a heartlessness that I am certain the lowest peon that followed
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  • 180 2 d of. I ma»t explain tha' my dou had a collar round his neck nud, oominK at the moment fr"» ""J «^e ne ooa^ ,»o8«ibly have been mis'aken for ono of i «>•• pariahs againnt wh' eh the police act is fiamed, and I kid sure if Mr. Hobertnon ha
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  • 584 2 Ib the Elitor of tke Strait* Timti. Sni,—\\ hilut landing a few morning* ago at John^tonN Fier my eye ran along tue formidable row of the nine large cannon which (here look out grimly from iheir eartben port hole*, nud 1 reflected with complacency on the warm reception they would
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  • 459 2 Thursday, the Ifith Jutmary. 1802. Before the Hon'hle Sir K. B. Me ('■iiislaiid, Knight Rei-order of Singapore. The Court was adjourned from Monday laHt, the 13th Instant, Io of a Rule made in the cause of Sjed Ally and S\ed Ahdul bin Omar AI Juni«il Executor, against Syed Ab<lulla
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  • 230 2 Mr. WooiU moved, that the original letter s'id ihe proper translation tli,>i,of made i«y the Coun Interpret r, hnwhl into Court, as he ha<l not rcorivv.l a y of it to this moment, al'lioii^li IrequentU applied for, aud which will he fjuml titv different io that xworn to by the
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  • 4006 2 BURKES L ST DESPATCH The following it the despatch written hjf Mr. Burke. It wn- found among tlie papers deposited on ('oopei'* Creek Depot No. 2, Cooper's Creek, Camp 65.— The return \r*ny from Caipentana, svntistiag of myself, Wills, and Kirn; ((.r»v dead.) rived hart laat night,
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  • 615 3 AKKl\ A I 8. Saturday llth Jan Briti-th barque M. Howes 416 oni Humphris cotnmait'lei' Malacca 9tli Jun compiler* Klin Sciii; Hritiili barque Tim <r !i60 tout Hum commander Lonilou 2l»t Auk Sundiy 12th Jan British barque Flor* .Vlacl'onald 319 ton* 3'>l'>mon coiniii nider Swatow 1st Jau i)rcn
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  • 44 3 Xew Old I New OU j M Palna Palna Bnartt Rrnartt Jan $740 746 745-47} 720-725 4.. 740-745 745 rai 730 1 715 715 725-730 7. 715 171 I 714-171 730 8. 710-12* j 715 H88 9. 710-I2J I 715 581
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  • 890 3 Ships' Nimu. Captaiw. Mts.of.Wm Lily For bin (iironde 'Frai quet Simon Jura 'lonce Stiavfrs Prince Tun Orange 'iranad'i i Noyee Kuiler Lamg. Merchant K>.-«rj.» Aunii* Ani'iih' a An^he Ban K kok Cohota < iiloris Coi>k<> Connecticut hoice £a«le Klitabeth Rail lirrv Flora Macdonald Faerie Queene Norrilla Oeelnng
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 At Tyemal Houae oh the 17th In«tmit, the Wife of William P»ter»on Esq., of* daughter. k aniiKiiiic 1 the arrival of the following passengers per Tome, from Malacca Mrs. and Mis* M%cplirr*OD. The fullowiiit; passengers have arrived per steamer Thunder from Hongkong Mf-nri. Ellii and Andenoo, Mr. and Mra. Murie
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    • 387 3 I V JANUABY 25, Y. S. ACHUNK *T w, SUIT CHAMtLERH. GBNRRAL COMMISSION AGKNTS, fVine, Spirit, and Beer Menchauts. IN Bangkok, Siam, althe Residence of Captain T. A. Chunk, situated a little below the British and French Consulate*, immediately on tlie opposite Bank of th* River. V. S. ft Co.
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    • 440 3 NOTICE. ■^KITHKH Captain I. int. nor the o» ier nor tl.e afants oi the American ship Otor</e Wett, will be resi oosili c foi any d.lls icouti acted by rue officers or new «.f ihe said ship dm ing er glty j,, this port. »iii»ipore. tJM November, 1861. FOR SAI.K.
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    • 419 3 WANTED ON BorrOMRY. MUTT KIVK TiuM.s \ND DOLLARS. for the repsui of th« Br tish barque C-ma'a, dptain .1. J. I.kci, now lying at Bangknk and bound M) tin CjMta Waters. For further partii'iilar apply to, KACTTKFIBBRO, schmidt ft co. *in<i|>ore, Uth January, ISG3. (2d.) I'IIOTOGRAPHY. HiiHrHAir.-* FROM HALF A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 674 4 SINBAPORE DAILY TIMES Suhacription' to the Daily Times. For one year- 5 40 six montha 23 three •1J Bach Copy Cents 2S The Weekly E tition of the STBAIT3 TIMES, will be publiahed every Saturday tfternoon. ription to the! Weekly Times: Annually Half yearly Quarterly One -uonth ccn Copy AdvertuenaenU
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    • 798 4 LIVERPOOL LONDON l'lla INSntANCE COMPANY. W I'HE undHr«i«i..-.l havip/ b<-en »p|Hnnt.d «^H I, r II 'np.u.y lire |iif;n:i 'H sraut MUas on the asual lerms. g^H aiskjaporr, l'<th Sept., 1 CALCUTTA MERCANTILE I MARINE INSURANCE bOCIE"B rplIK Undersigned, aavui(( Leon appoH 1 id A^cnUi for the aboie Com;)>nyH prepared to
      798 words
    • 1024 4 H I in L A I*, havinc difiCOver.-U that w-v.-ral of the reasajra Markft- hay, h m aaffMai with BssjsiesM Imitation* of the Worc^t.-mhiie -auif,' 1 ih>- la■ah of «h oil c!.i-ely raaasaala tho*e af ili«- bsbsjlbi S-iucr, and ai«a)eorßßorc iaatanesa wtthtae names ofL nn-l P Po-ri-iI 'li< 'vlnvf dr.-m.d
      1,024 words
    • 1104 4 CAUTION AGAIMS COl NTI.IU KITS Kone are genutn, units* the tifmmttm a/ Verra ami Vo ,fix,d t0,,,. i. bl.nci, on the bottle aiut ntfh b> ttlt v Ay <i }H,trnt CtaSSMS, b,a,u,,j tk* proprietors, tinme anil ntl,lre\s m full. Milan It LPKRRY and Co. nrc only to be en*ult<d at
      1,104 words
    • 917 4 Mess,.. WHAIYIPOA ANDCO.S ▲OYEKTItUtMBM 1. %leHtirs. WIIAMI'OA I'o. hnve nlwuvs mi Siiie .in esiensivo ami sjMaai xnrorlment of tbe foil. »viti^ |OOd*, IttfrtaH sprcinlly for their Slotasj. ■tIMIH. ni.Tui. rm: RrontifMat. ( .m 5 ilvoctrri. Always m anlr, lea* i»f iln- ahowewl fl«--tois <-iiiiprisin^, (iiitipi>« ilcr, Pekoe, HjaaM, Souclionc, Twsjtifciy,
      917 words
    • 852 4 T TARGET |||nt El i A 111 1 r ■iliuT 3 a cAimiDCfs. E LEY'S AMMUNITION Off mkki him i;irTli>s. ioa SPORTING <>!< MILITARY PURPOSA*. DOTJI Ll \v,t.Tpr.>..f Caal r of 0 una. Wire Oartridgi for I Ufa p i ..r 'i artnr tn th* W iinll.Uliitiuil. Jacob's Rifl- si.rli
      852 words