The Straits Times, 6 June 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 935 1 BITES OF SURBCRIPTIOH Annually.. Sp. Dts. 16 J HaJ-Yearly.. 9 f Quarterly 5 r One Month... M A Single Copy One Kupee. J LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE— SINGAPORE. -.iIMI Outfitting Department. Foots shoes, and slippers, Paris and London made.
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    • 541 1 Ny Lind. *c Muslin j Gloves French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk, thread Parasols silk, plain, and figured Ribbons silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a great assortment Thread cotton on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin Needles, Pins, crochet Thread, and needles Babies' Hoods and HaU silk and satin,
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    • 767 1 Me Mr 9. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S A D VERTISEM ENT. mJOfcrx" "Messrs. WHAMPOA. Co. have always on Sale an extensive and choice ansortment uf the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A TOR EXPORTATION. jtitlltnrrp vV Jl)ooim>. Article* for the Work Table: Balzarme dresses; Bonnets of the
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    • 830 1 f AOENTS. i>ondon— F. Algir Co Calcutta— ThacKer Co. [rtncf Hongkong Armsfong 4 LswBatavia Lange 4 Co, NOTICE CURSETJEE FROMMU^ZE HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trnde and business under the style of LITTLE, Cuhsetjkk Co., and he has this day established himself
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 657 2 coats and jackets; cipnrs, Manila No. 3 and cigar cases Manila and China; colors, oil and water, in tin boxes and cakes; camphor wood trunks; crowns, for naval caps; <linner and tea services; diessing case*; desks, traveller writing; fowling pieces, single and doublo barrel pistols, gunpowder and birding shot; gold
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    • 645 2 NOTICE ALL Accounts against the late Edward Rohdf. must be given in, at the office of the Undersigned, on or before the 12th June, 1854 c,. Al EL l/U. Singapore, 29th May, 1854. NOTICE. WE have authorized Mr. Gustavus Ceambb and Mr. Otto Puttfaucken, to sign our firm by procuration
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    • 1106 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. i SURPRISING CURE OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA AFTER FIVE YEAKS SUFFERING. The following testimonial has been sent to Professor llolloicay, by a Gentleman named Middlet-m, of Scotland Road, Licer/x>oi. Sir,— Your Pills have been the means, under providence, of restoring me to sound health after five yea. s
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    • 1043 2 HOLLOWAY'S «l VI U\ I A MOST ASTONISHING CORK Or SCROFULui'* ULCBRS A CASK CERTiriKU U\ TIIK MAYOR or BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq., Mayor of Boston Lincolnshire. To Professor Hollowat, Dear Sir.— Mrs. Sakah Dixon of Liquorpond Street, Boston, has this Jay deposed before me
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 584 3 FCNfNSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CQMPAMY > OFFICE. Battery lload—Sinyapore. OUTWARD MAILS. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ship CADIZ," with the liuropc.ui Mails of tho Bth May may be r\|iiileii, en routr lo Hongkong and Shanghai, on or aliout tho Kith, instant. Application for Freight and Passage, lo
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    • 647 3 TRIESTE ROUT EOVERLAND KOUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Naciyation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste after ihe arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the lth or slh of every month and an arrangement has now
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    • 805 3 IJrogpectu*. SINGAPORE RACES, 1864. First Day Wednesday, 20th September. FIRST RACE A Piece of Plate, value $150, presented by the Hon'hle Colonel Burterwuhtu, C.IL, Governor of tbe Straits Settlements. For all Horses. Weights English and Australian 10 stone Arabs, country bred, 9 stone. Heats, R. C. and a distance. Entrance
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    • 542 3 MARINK INSURANCE. HONGKONG DrSU&AIfCI OOMPAMY. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. Capital 50.000 100 Shares of 500 each. SBCABTARIIS. |t| ESSRS. LINDSAY CO., Hongkong, CMx ton, and Shanghai. AOKVTS. Messrs. CiLedstanes Co. London. Leckie Co. Bombay. Shand, Fairlik Jc Co. Calcutta. Wm. Macdonald ft Co. Sini/upote. With reference to the above, the UndemgMd
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  • 111 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, June 6th, 1854. We have to announce the anival of the following passengers May 31 per Prince of Wales from Bombay, Mr*. Puddicombe and family. June 1 per Minstrel from Boston Mr. and Mrs Chandler, Mr and Mrs. Telford. 4 pe r Singapore from Galle, &c.
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  • 56 4 Captain Baker, of the Singapore, reports having passed on the 3rd instant, off Parcelar Hill, the ship Earl of Clare, from Bombay bound to China. The steamer Pottinger, hence to Bombay, arrived at Galle on May 26th and sailed again on the 27th. The steamer Ganges, from Bombay to Calcutta,
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  • 85 4 To the Captain of the Dutch barque Jeannette 8f Cornelia we are indebted for the subjoined notice of the Rose Ellis The English ship Rote Ellis, Captain Robert Laurcy, from Canton bound to London, had, on the 22nd. May 1854, got agrouudin Banca Straits at the entrance of the Palembang
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  • 28 4 The Daily California Chronicle April 10th. reports that a Russian frigate (name not given) sailed from New Archangel, (Sitka) to join the Japan squadron early in March last.
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  • 64 4 On Friday last arrived at this port the American ship Minstrel, having on board the first cargo of ice for Singapore. This most acceptable cargo is now in course of delivery— thanks to the spirited enterprise of private projectors. The success of the experiment will depend upon the support which
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  • 57 4 On Thursday last, the anniversary of Lord Howe's glorious first of June," the Band of H. M. S. Sybelle landed and played several select pieces of music on the Esplanade. We trust that, so long as this noble frigate remains here, her gallant Captain and officers will oblige the community
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  • 47 4 We understand that H. M. ship Sybille, and the sloops Lily and Rapid proceed today on a cruize in what direction we are not informed. We suppose their absence will not extend over a lew days, as Singapore possesses no other protection than what their guns afford.
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  • 58 4 From a published memorandum of the receipts and disbursements of the Horsburgh Light-House from March 1852 to March 1854 inclusive, it would appear that more than 20,000 rupees had been collected, while the disbursements did not exceed Rs. 8,204 the balance being appropriated in liquidation of the amount advanced by
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  • 54 4 A Special Criminal Session will be opened at the Court House this day, at eleven o'clock, for the trial of the prisoners mi custody, charged with offences connected with the recent Chinese disturbances. There are, we hear, about 25 cases from the number of prisoners the session will probably be
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  • 205 4 Much uneasiness is felt in consequence of the non-arrival of the P. O. Company's steam-ship Douro, which left Hongkong at 2P.M. on May 22nd. The Paou Shun, which vessel left Hongkong two days after the Douro, had not seen any thing of the missing steamer, and had experienced fine weather
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  • 252 4 By the screw steamer Paou Shun, Hongkong journals hne been received to the 23rd May. The Admiral was about to despatch the steamer Barr icouta in quest of the Russian squadron, immediately on arrival of the mail of April Bth. It was reported that one of the Russian vessels,
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  • 187 4 Bombay papers received by the Singapore, appear to be much taken up with discussing the probability of a Russian attack. The fortress was being put into order, and large guns placed in lieu of the lighter ones heretofore mounted. It was stated that instructions had been received from the Governor
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  • 498 4 [From <k» ow* Cor respond «nt.] Ma ta, 29tA April, 1854. By Sultan at 1 1 P. M. yesicrday, we have date* from Constantinople up to 21st inst. Up to the hour of her departure no news had been received from the Expedition to OdeiM, of the fall of that
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  • 1363 4 [From our own Correspondent.] London, April 2ith, 54. My Budget of Parliamentary news must of necessity be Brief, for on the 11th in&t. three days after the despatch of my last letter, the Houses adjourned for the Easter recess, until the 27th. The only nights on which any business was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 587 4 FOR 1 -ON DON. .iT, rpllE A I Barque TRURO, 694 VjwK tons Register, will have quick 4g»£ despatch. For freight or passage ap- Me. EWEN CO. Singapore, 22nd May, 1864. PROCLAMATION. SINGAPORE "13 Y Virtue of a Precept to me di*to wit. rected, I hereby proclaim and «M Jioti-o,
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    • 363 4 The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam ship SINGAPORE, Captain Bakeb, arrived here on Sunday, at 10 a. St., having left Bombay May 18th, Galle the 28th, and Penang the 2ud instant. We annex a list of passengers For Singapore. Mr. snd Mrs. Alexander Fraser, Miss Rawson, Mr. Robertsou, Mr. J.
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  • 56 5 By Submarine Tklkoratu. London, April 26(A. wn has been received of the destruction of Odessa by the allied Fleets. Silistria has also fallen. The VNBCfc fleet 27 sail, has reachod the Baltic, and anchored in the gay of Kioje, not far from Copenhagen. Cholera is reported to have appeared in
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  • 983 5 (FSOM H. ChKDNEr's TELEGRAPHIC ExPRESk.) Trieste, 27th April, 1.554. Berlin, 20th April. lo-dny ihe Anstro-Prus-sian ofl'tnsive and defensive treaty has been signed by ilie AJinisiei PirctMtuI for the part of Prushih/hiiiI by General Best and Count Thuu fur lh.ii of Ausniii. liKRLiN, 22nd Apbil. The Prussian correspondence s.iy.i with regard
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  • 1040 5 LEVANT— LATEST NEWS. By the French steam packet Thabor, which arrived here yesterday from the Levant, we have received our usual correspondence and papers. The dates are, Constantinople 25th, and Smyrna 27th. No news had reached Constantinople concerning the movements of the combined fleets in the Black Sea, I since
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  • 205 5 —At we have Already acknowledged the principle of trade by neutrals in enemy's goods, ii it not ea.«y to perceire upon what ground of national interest we are to throw into the hand* < f neutrals nnly (he commercial intercourse in which we are ourselves
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  • 966 5 AoiICCLTCBAL STATISTICS A meeting of the members of the Society of Art* was held March 29th, 1854, the Earl of Harrowby in the chair. A paper by Mr. Leone Levi, On the Import* ance of a Correct System of Agricultural Statistics," was read. It commenced by dwelling
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  • 1063 5 Mincing Lane, l^idon, 21 tt April, 1854. The tone of the Colonial ma.keu still oontinuei quiet, which i* attributable to the uncertainty hanging over ui with regard to the war. The dulneas that existed in the »'.g.\r market continued fur tome time, and a reduction in price
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  • 25 5 Arrived April 16 James Armstrong, Shanghai SO Security, Canton 94 Pnrlai.d, Pinattg. Departed.— April 14 Num* ViJal, Singapore, SO Maggie, Canton.
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  • 2015 6 The Knout and the Russians, frr. By Germain dk Laony. Translated from tke French by John Bridoeman. Bogue. With all our facilities of communication with foreign countries, w» nevertheless depend for our knowledge of them to a great extent upon strangers, Oui commercial intercourse with the great number of
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  • 725 6 The following in the way of adniiuitII taring the knout. Conceive, reader, a robust mau, full of life and health. This man is condemned to receive fifty or a hundred blows of the knout. He is conducted I half naked, to the place chosen for this kind of
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  • 2218 6 Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, Sfc, and of a Cruise in the Bluck Sea uith the Capitan I'aclui. By Captain Auwi.rm hi Ai>t, K.N., F.K.A.S., Admiral in the Tuiki>h Fit el < Muchaver Pacha). Sauuderti and Ouey. A new edition of this work is well timed now that we
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  • 295 6 A bouquet to I by the Horticultural Society of Toulousr to tin pres» was exhibited on Sunday at the Capitol in I' Salle dv Trone, where a vast eiowd went hi *cc Not less than 10,000 Tioleta and 300 cUMfc* been employed in this gigantic bouquet, 2|
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  • 1013 7 Singapore, May 30lh, 1854. The disturbances amongst the Chinese community, referred to in our last Circular, have ceased and confidence is now restored. The business actually transacted during the past fortnight has been moderate, but at low rates, and purchasers limit tlu'ir dealings to supplying immediate wants.
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  • 1299 7 Alum. No imports a fair demand etisls, and first arrivals will readily bring 110I 10 to 1| per ini-u I. Arrack. B.itavia in good demand, market cleared worth 13 to 13^ per half leaguer. Bees' Wax. Imports from 10th ult. to the 25th inst. 75 piculs; good bright
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  • 421 7 -May 11th. To London by the British I ihip MyrtU —3,737 pis and 42 ctys black pepper, 1,680 pit antimony ore, 1,669 pU and" 71 ctys iiigar, 1,285 pis and 20 ctys gutte, 1,240 pis and 85 ctys gambler, 1,104 pis and 35 ctys white pepper, 420 pis and
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  • 808 7 c y ATUI3 oiHi oincr w&rlikc stores, in consequence cf numerous applications from traders to be permitted to follow their business when the artic'es are not intended for warlike purposes. Their lordships hate issued a minute, stating that wl.ile they are desirous of using every means
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  • 54 7 A. very remarkable »iga of the time* is diapUyed by the fact just made known, no lew than 98,000 persona hare subscribed in Franco to the new French loan No lew ili.m 60,000 of ih. <-. subscribers are stated to belong to ihu buiubkr cUskm —julwti
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  • 209 8 May 30— Amer. bark Eliza Corning, Groves, i Akyab May 5. Port, brig Belliza, Almeida, Pinang May 21. Brit. schr. Good Luck, Pereira, Pinang May 13. n Brit, brig Weraff, Uufretay, Sarawak May 21. Dutch bark Tanjong Pinang, Nakoda, Kongpoot May 9. 31— Brit, bark Polka, Welsh, do. May
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  • 218 8 May 30— P. &0. Co.'s S. V. Chusan, Curling, Hongkong. Dutch ship Brocdertrouw, Hordyk, Manila. n n Brit, bark Osprey, Koberts, Shanghai. Brit, brig Ripsima Anna Maria, Heckford, Calcutta. 31 Brit. brigSeaton, Warner, London. w Brit, bark Uncle Tom, Lancaster, Batavia. Bally schr. Pospah, Nakoda, Bally. Ur.t. schr. Buffalo,
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  • 364 8 (ON GOODS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS. Per cent To Great Britain pi to 3 Continental Ports iv Europe 2| to 3 Macao, Cumsingmoon and sailing between 30th Jane Ilougkong or and Ist March 14 Whaupoa Amoy, during the above period respectively 2 and
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  • 47 8 FREICHTSTO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin 2. 10 per 20 evu. Uambier iv baskets none m Ditto in bales 4. Sago Flour £4. oorl'ee ill bags none Black pepper 4. 10 per 16 cwt. Measurement Goods 4. 10 per 50 cubic ft (iutta Tuban 4. 10 per 20 cwt.
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  • 64 8 On England 6 Months credits at 4s. 10id. ty dr. On Calcutta 238 per 100 dollars. Bombay 30 days sight Ks- '238 per dollars 100 Sycee Silver 8 to 81 per cent premium for Urge Company's Rupees 235 per 100 dollars Jav;i Rupees (new) '280 per 100 dollars
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  • 124 8 Boadicea Jupp Glasgow Klua Thornton Maxwell London 1< Mar. FleJa Matheson Glasgow John Bibby Oate« Liverpool 2 Feb. Lanca hire Witch Parkc l><>- -1 Feb. Magdalcna Klein '><>• Nerbudda Crawford Liverpool Nassau Bockel London Mumt v ida Bonne* Swansea It April. Portia Campbell Liverpool Queens Hill
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  • 383 8 Rumours of Delicate Interna l Discussions. Union is strength." The nation is united in its conviction of the justice of the war in which we are engaged, and its determination that ministers shall have fair play in their efforts to give effect to the national will. The deep popular voice
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  • 443 8 Marching come I the captains at the head of (heir companies, the trim subalterns holding their swords daintily, but marching as cheerfully as they would to Almack's, or to their clubs. There are young lads here who not many months biuce bad fags at Eton, and
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  • 314 8 Lord Brougham has laid on the table in the House of Lords a bill which lias just been printed, for giving a remedy by way of declaratory nulls. The preamble states that it hath been found in the law and practice of
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  • 431 8 On Saturday an interesting parliamentary paper Wat printad far the first time (to be continue 1 annually) „f the autistic* of the United Kingdom from IS 1 J 1853. The statistics relate to tb.9 revenue and v\. penditure; imports, exports transhipments; afclp. ping; excise; prices
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  • 453 8 NATIVE CRAFT— BKITISH— FuIIy Mombarick, Judul Karim, Shaval AmiJ. Dolphin, Ptis* Bobany, Futta Bari*\ K. C. Bus, Kirn Soon Hin, Good Luck, Sideria, Hannah, Sultan, Mans, Ameen Rahman, Futty Rahman, T. R. Davidson, Elizabeth. DUTCH— Serrio, Pospah. Futty Hoksenij, Futtle Rayraan, Futtal Hair, Orion, Futtal Hair,
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