The Straits Times, 16 May 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 930 1 «»T«S OF gUMCRIPTIOH N r/uuallv.. Bp. l>rs. 16 H»lf-Yearly.. 9 f uusrterly.-.. One Month 1« 1 A Single Copy— One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE A CO. COMMEBCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. Hlun ©utfitttitß department. Boots, shoes, anrt slippers, \>ui» and London made. «,.«s-Kl»stic, silk,
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    • 549 1 ay Lind, Ac., Muslin Gloves— French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk, thread Parasols silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a great assortment Thread cotton on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin Needles, Pins, crochet Thread, and needles Babies' Hoods and Hats silk aad satin, braided,
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    • 764 1 M«rs. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. "iiwm jVfessrs. WHAMPOA Co. have always un Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the flowing goods, selec. d specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL tt fOR EXPORTATION. ittilltncrp 9c fQootrrp. Articles for the Work Table: flalzariu*' dresses; Sonnets of the latest modes, from I'nrm;
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    • 841 1 AUfcNTA London— T. Alßir A *.o I Calcutta-Thatker A Co. [rsnee I Hongkoog— Arinst on)? Lawf Bhtavim— Lan^c 4 Co. NOT ICE CURSETJEE FROMMURZE HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business -under the style of Little, CyßsriJEK A Gtr., tnd he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 643 2 coats and jacktis; cigars, Manila No. 3 and 4 cigar cases, Manila and Cliina; colors, oil and water, in tin boxes and cakes; camphor wood trunks; crowns, for naval caps; dinner snd tea sirvicesj dressing cases; desks, travellers writing; fowling pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder and birding shot;
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    • 643 2 NOTICS IS hereby given, that E. APBL, of the firm <»' E. A pel Co. Singapore, and (i. Dawson of the firm of Dawson, Hogan Co. Huang, have this day established a Mercantile tirm n this place, which will be carried on under the siy.e of APEL, DAWSON CO. Maulmain,
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    • 1078 2 HOLLOWATS PILLS. SURPRISING CURE OK A CONFIRMED ASTHMA AFTBR HVE YEARS SUFFEKINO. The folio-dug testimonial has been sent to Professor Jlolk by a Gentleman mimed MUldleton, of Scotland Road, Liverpool. Sir,— Your Pills have been the means, under providence, of restoring me to sound health after five years of severe
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    • 1050 2 hollow u;s invnim A MOST ASTONISHING CURK Or SCROFt'Loit I ULCatRS:— A CASK (JKRTiriKI) BY TttK MAYOR OW BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Exq., Mayor,,- 1 Boston Lincolnshire. To Professor Holloway, Dear Sir. Mrs. Sarah Dixon of Liquorpond Str«t Boston, has this day deposed before me that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 589 3 FCNtNeULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVJCATiON COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery Road— Singapore. WAlx "«Kk l<n l!8 OUTWARD MAILS. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ship MALTA," with the European Mails of the Bth April may be eipected. ?n route to Hongkong and Shanghai, on or about the 1 Till instant. Application
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    • 644 3 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVERLAND ROTJTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam PacVet cave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 houis after the arriral of tbe Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the 11th of every month and an arrangement has now
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    • 1054 3 AAA CFRES WITHOUT MF.DICIXE. IX. t>U,UUU COXVEXIEXCK OR EXPENSE, BY T\U BARRY'S delicious REVALENTA ARABICA ¥0 }D, save* 50 times its cost in uiber mrai sof curt aud is the natural remedy which hits obtained 50,(00 testimonials of cures from the Right Hon. the Losl Stum de Decies, Archdeacon Stuart
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    • 631 3 irritation and crimp of the uretbra, cramp of tbe kit! neys and bladder, strictures and hemorrhoids. This really invaluable remedy is employed with the must Mlisfactory result, not only in bronchial and pulmonary complainU, where irritaiion and pain are to be removed, but ;iNo in pulmonary mid broncWl coiisuniption, in
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  • 134 4 Straits Times. SINGAPORE: TUESDAY, MAY 16TH, 1854. «!»»O-|«H We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers: .May 11 per Zapnath Panneali from Madras B. Meir Esq.; 12 per Gem from Akyab, Mr. Koek per Koningen der Nederlanden from Batavia, Mr. Townsend and family, Messrs. Pros.* r, Templetoti and
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  • 501 4 -The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam-ship J'o/ttnyer, 1 aptain JStead, arrived at 11.30 p. m. on Saturday last, having left Hongkong at 2 p m. on the 6th instant. We have received little or no news by this opportunity. From Pukin no later intelligence had been received, although a
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  • 3979 4 We subjoin a connected narrative of the proceedings in continuation of the account which appeared in our last issue, which will be read with interest. We reserve all comment for the present: Early on Monday information was received that wholesale murders and burning down of house* were going
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 718 4 13ro*pcctu*. SINCAPOaEIRACES, 1864. First Day-Weinesday.Wlh September. FIRST RACE— A Piece of Plate, value glso presented by the (lon'ble Colonel BUTTBRWom H, C.8., Governor of the Straits Settlement*. For all Horses. Weights-Enghsh and Australian 10 stone Arabs, country bred, 9 stone. Heals, R. C. and a distance. Entrance $5, h, I.
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    • 536 4 writing particularly recommeuded, and to be observed, that to telegraphic Despatches, here, must be adjoined, Trieste," and the name of the Consignee, so that remain only 22 words for a sintle, 47 words for a double, and «7 words for a tr^le despatch. Orders which are not accompanied by the
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  • 376 5 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. -A numerous and highly respectable meeting o I iiui r-.'.iiii took place on the 16th mat., at the London Tavern, for tne purpose of organising a committee to leI silt the measures adopted by the directors for continuing I the undertaking, It was
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  • 242 5 W( havehad no reliable news from the northern capital dace the despatch of our last Overland Suintiiiry. The only place in China where matters appear to be moving smoothly is Nanking Thae ping Wano, we are told, ia steadily j consblidaliig his power there, and has done much lately
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  • 1908 5 -The uka-e, prohibiting Jewish women in Russian Poland from wearing fal-e hair, has been agravated by a new order, prohibiting them from wearing any kind of headdress under their bonnets. (heir husbands or relative art made responsible for obedience to this order, and in case of infraction, are
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  • 4447 6 The Ru.«sian government have thought .fit to publish, in a supplement to the St. Pefcrstturg Journal of the 3d of March, a more elaborate attempt to explain and vindicate their conduct throughout the transactions which have now brought the Em]*ror Nicholas to the verge of hostilities with
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  • 626 7 Singapore, Met;, 1854. For a few days after the despatch of our last Circular there was an active business doing by junk traders, and every promise of marked improvement. On the oth instant serious disturbances commenced among the Jlokien and Tsin-chew people, and a grand tumult was
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  • 522 7 -Market supplied, and in no demand. Velvets.— Very dull at 19 cents for assorted, and Black at 20 cents par yard. Woollens. Ail descriptions are exceedingly dull there is no prospect s of anj improvement until affairs in China are* finally settled. For Spanish stripes the demand is moderate
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  • 308 7 Alum. No imports; a fair demand exists, and first arrivals will readily bring I*° to li per picul. Arrack. B.itavia in good demand, market cleared worth S 13 to 13J per half leaguer. Bees' Wax. Imports from 25th ult. to the 9lh inst. 2 I l\ piculs; good
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  • 805 7 -Mat* Cochin, imports and sales at w to 10} per picul. Dragon's Blood. Is in fair demand at frorj s 3S to 40 per picul. Zbony In no demand; stocks very large. hlambier. During the fortnight rates have ruled at 3} to 3.*°. which are the rates now curient.
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  • 210 7 -Imports retch $8 to I 8f per picul. Wheat.— Martct heavily supplied, and sales made with difficulty at 2 per bag. Tonnage and Freights. The rice-loading season at Arracan being now closed, there is less demand for vessels to load there for England and the continent of Europe.
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  • 244 7 -April 27th. To Boston by the American b»rk Anne Bmeknam 10,160 boxes tea, 4,501 pis ami 72 ctys gambier, 73 pis and 94 ctys mother o'pear shells, 44 pU and 79 ctys tea horse teeth, 261 pis and 1 1 cty* rattans, 45 pis and 69 ctys twine, lti,3O^
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  • 117 7 The following vessels passed I through the Straits of Sunda, on the dates mentioned: April 24 Suloo (Am.) Manil* for New York :J5 Winded Arrow (Am.) Manila for Boston Sophia Moffitt, Singapore for London 28 Waterlily, Singapore for Melbourne Wideawake (Am.) Singapore for New York Greenfield (Am.) Manila
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  • 225 7 Memorandum of Covers received for delivery at, and despatched from, .Singapore in April 1834 Received Per Steamer Batavia from B-iUvia 304 Singapore fium China 6 79 Cadiz from Europe 5,350 Do. from other places 1,000 Java from Batavia 138 m m Ganges from China 237 n m Pottinger from Europe
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    • 261 8 Ma; B— Bally schooner, Venus, Ketcbil, Bally April 10. n Chinese brig Christian, Moore, Hongkong Aprl 8. 9— Brit, bark Bleng, Wise, Swan River April 11. Do. do. Uncle Tom, Lancaster, Batavia April 28. Do. schooner Dido, Milnes, Sarawak April 29. Dutch ship H. Willibroeders.De Boers, Newcastle Dec. 3.
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    • 356 8 (ON GOODS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS. Per cent To Great Britain.... 24 to 3 Continental Ports in Europe 2» to 3 Cuurin'cmoon and sailing between 30th June Hongkong or and Ist March 11 Whaiupoa Amoy, during the above period respectively 2 and 2
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    • 156 8 Boadicea Jupp Glasgow Eliza Thornton Maxwell London 17 Mtr John Bibby Oatet Literpool 2 Fet Lanca-hire Witch Parke Do. 21 Feb. Nerbudda Crawford Liverpool Nassau Bockel London Patna Smith Liverpool 2 Feb. Portia Campbell Do. Sir Henry Pcttinger Rogers Liverpool Timandra Cartneas London 26 Cm. Vice
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    • 48 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. Tin 2. 10 per 'JO emu tiambier in baskets none Ditto in bales 4. Sago Flour 4. Coffee in bags none Black pepper £4. 10 per 16 cwt. Measurement Goods 4. 10 l*r 50 cubic ft Gutta Tuban 4. 10 per 20 cw l.
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    • 62 8 On England 6 Months credits at ss. id. iff it. Ou Calcutta 240 per 100 dollars. Bombay 30 day. sight Bs- '240 per dollars 100 Sycee Silver 8 to«* per cent premium tot larg* Company's Rupees 'US pel 100 dollars Java Rupees (new) '280 p«r 100 dollars Java
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    • 1926 8 THE MARE'S NEST OF THE RUSSIAN PRIVA TERRS. It wu announced on Saturday, among our telegraphic advice* from Washington, that the French and British Ministers had, on the preceding day, officially visited Mr. Marcy to enter their Erotests against American vessels being employed y Russia as privateers. If they did
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    • 480 8 NATIVE CRAKT— BRITISH— Putty Mombarick, Judul Karim, Shaval .Vnul, Uol^iim. 1?W J bany, Futta Baric, K. C. Bux, Kirn Soon Hin, Bally Packet, G od Luck. Dido, Sideris, Fattal Raman, July, Emma, Buffalo, O. Mallah, Am»en Rahman, Eliza Ann. DUTCH— Serrio.Pospah, FuttyHoks. ig. Futile Rayman, Futtal
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