The Straits Times, 5 June 1849

Total Pages: 2
9 10 The Straits Times
  • 8 9 Straits Times Extra Singapore, Tuesday, June 5, 1849.
    8 words
  • 117 9 lOPit'tf— Via omDa y> we have received accounts from Calcutta lo the 9th of May. The drug mark was quiet, and the seventh sale to take place on the 11th. Prices of the drug had fluctuated, and Patna is quoted at Rs. 1,030 to 1.010 per chest. The Englishman slates
    117 words
  • 3895 9 lhe Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steam Ship Achilles, Captain Evans, arrived here ihis day, having left Galle on the 28th ultimo, an d Penang on the 3rd instant, we annex a list of passengers by this opportunity:— y or Singapore Mr C. Pearson, Capt. Sawell, Mr
    3,895 words
  • 803 9 April IMA 191*. COFFEB.-Th«mMkrt U depraved, and th« u\rt x ,,t B forward m 4^*4 tk.- traaucttoM noorted we aotc the SSS i!™ t»« J.r. wer. oft«d 1. jjjWe »4 .boat t WJ thlrU, IW b U y 'r •t f.lly prarlun. Nt« price* raa««d from ,«_*>,.
    803 words

  • 4430 10 H, e Peninsular and Oriental Company s Steam Ship Achilles, Captain Evans, arrived here Ins day, having left Galle on the 28th ultimo, and Penang on the 3rd instant, we annex a list of passengers by this opportunity:— p O r Singapore— Mr C. Pearson, Capt.
    4,430 words
  • 730 10 Apr U IM* lilt. COFFEE. -Thf narkrt U iepn—d. sad the Mlw (oia« torward »rf UmU-1 Abuwc tlfc- trm«MrtJoM neoried we wu tlw fulJ.,winr lf M tut J«TI were a*n«4 I" *«*>ttc Ml*, ud ibo«t Iwj third* found bu-. r i N fMr prtrtow n* **tow imH
    730 words