The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 8 August 1922

Total Pages: 28
1 999 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. ISO FBR AIiXVM Single Copy cis. 110L1®’ PENANG. IUESDAY, AUGUST STH, 1922 NO. 32
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 285 1 11~ I CON T NT S I LUHM: Mi«ciluhiob« (Continu'd): I The People's Rights 974 T I OMopUtiag ...980 982 I The Malayan Deputation to India... 984 p ongkong 982 I The Military Mulat ...990 n 983 II The Position of Rubber Restriction 994 n ai n Atheist becomes a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 ’J TME Sa I “STRAITS ECHO" I MAIL EDITION. jf CkC vs Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the L/r daily issues, as well as all important news from various parts or me
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  • 1736 974 —S.T. Are the so-called representatives, the unofficial members of the Legislative Lnoilof the Straits Settlements, standK the place of the people and retheir interests, or are they mere or symbols representing quantities or relations, or are they exhibiting the inage of the thoughts, conceptions and of the
    —S.T.  -  1,736 words

  • 585 975 The P. A 0- liner B° adan arrived ere from Shanghai yesterday afternoon bringing Mr. A. 0. Lofts as a passenger to this port. Among those passing through to Colombo and BQrabay are Mrs. G. Denham, Messrs. J. E. Dennam, B. h. L. Graham and G. J.
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  • 569 975 Boon to Motorists. A red-letter day in the history of Rapson’s was the more or less official opening of their new T factory at New Malden in mail week. Started in January and recently completed, it <-> uuvy capable of turning out six bundled bigh-claes tyres a week.
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  • 944 975 CHINESE COUNCIL. c mite presentation" tlw «14 fe. phases tlie J>n ‘"«■M e«. the taxp» yfl r 9 of asoompared with the LJ?. T* Bntteh pessepsiansa, w.ll J f questionable “distinction able to Uy claim to alone at present have. 48 ‘bey Legislative Cquudl-aad. M lh the whole Co’bny-'-as a
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  • 57 976 Doubles Competition. Our Own C<,rre tl m/ lent.) ’erak Mak r JP ob A.ugu B t 1. l «ean Teetnr J Double, competi-“"’“i-go/ the Z' W th fon FoenanA merican Tournament Clnb > “eatPrT 1 H lmbCT K li a ’V 3 6 -8 6, ;p° b cl
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  • 582 976 ANNUAL MEETING. Scottish Carnvial and Burns’ Nicht. The annual general meeting of members of Penang St. Andrew’s Society was held in the Reading Room of the Penang Cricket Club yesterday evening, Mr. J. D. Kemp, President of the Society, occupying the chair, Mr. A. Clark, the Honorary
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  • 541 976 Alleged False Evidence. The trial of ItoCh? Ni o Wee Heintze) on three charges of giving false evidence in a judicial proceeding wm r ID tHe DiBtrict before Mr. R. Bcott, yesterday afternoon. The cate was first heard on the 17th of June and continued on the 22nd
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  • 895 977 [To the Editor of the Straits Echo.] Sir, In yonr leading article of July 27th although ybu do not go beyond the expression that it does not appear that there was an errofc on the side of mercy in the sentence passed by Mr. Justice Watson upon
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  • 113 977 The results of the tennis ties played off yesterday were:— Championship Qualifying Round— E. J. Bennett beat W. W. Roger 6—3, 6—4. Singles Handicap Class B— J. D. Sanderson beat E. A. de Buriatte 6—2, 3—6, 6—2. Singles Handicap Class C— A. P. H Holmes beat J.
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  • 204 977 Probably I am old-fashioned, but I always thought (says the “bystander” l you were expected to kiss your partner at a dance, and that she was expected to say, “Oh, sir! How dare you?” After which, of course, you kissed her again, and all wua well. In
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  • 950 977 (Concluded fro m VMt bouth Africa affords Ihe country, f roui the T.S* the Irausvaaf to tin, CuSdaSb’*'* ol li»s between twenty-tj? them limit is, therefore S'; Ca P r ‘corn, the rema^ t S te m the sub-tropics touu l-ding iu TaiJe Bay 2 wab 10u2. Before
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  • 1232 978 OLD-ESTABLISHED FIRM. Alleged Rubber Estate Speculations. In the Ipoh Supreme Court on Saturday morning, before His Lordship the Hon. Mr. Justice E. C. Watson, was commenced the public examination in bankruptcy of the members of the now defunct Chinese firm of Jwi Foong Loon<* and Co. This is
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  • 652 979 HOM. MR. KINOERSLEY’3 QUESTIONS. We ere requested by the Hon. Mr R. C. M. Kindersley to publish ths foilowing: At the meeting of the Federal Council held in June last reference was made by me to the very grave interference in Singapore with the programme drawn up at
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  • 640 979 Procession from Port Swettenham. 1. Is it not a fact that in the Draft Programme submitted by the Reception Committee through the Chief Secretary to Government on Frbruary 13, the following occurs with reference to the Procession His Royal Highness will then proceed to Kuala Lumpur by motor-car followed
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  • 180 979 ,-S.T. The standing committee of the central legislature on emigration constituted under emigration bill passed in Delhi ir. March last met in Simla recently and seems to have done good work at several sittings which it held. The emigration bill lays it down that no emigration l shall
    ,-S.T.  -  180 words
  • 46 979 HAVE YOU A "ONF" NOTE. -English Paper. TRKASfaY PaiKWQ Mist'M. Have you a A Londoner has h~nm |woed to h» finding among y ve Treasury as payment of his ovf pound bearing «cross J ~r “oue a, large letters ;T 9«, 245,103,” and tW. W gennineocss
    -English Paper.  -  46 words

  • 1158 980 hrieflv mentioned in oar As b f the 31st ultimo, the ue ta for cacao in Malaya are anpouraging inasmuch as it k'* Wi cultivated successfully by an tnenced esc»® P lanter ho ws ”1*: L, his opinion and information Hs experience and who has X fsvoured us
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  • 526 980 Mrs. H. Welham has returned from fOT ein a Po™ Our Singapore correspondent wires news of the death of Mr. William Webster, consulting engineer, which took place this morning. Ha was one of the old residents in the Colony. A Reuter’s cable says that Sir Laurence Nunns
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  • 1184 981 ORDINARY MEETING. The ordinary fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held in the Municipal Chamber yesterday afternoon when there were present 8. Codrington (President), Mr. J. D. Kemp, Mr. J. H. Pedlow, Dr. Lim Guan Chong, Mr. Yeoh Guan Beok and P. K. Hamby ar. The Officers
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  • 209 981 .—(M.M.) ring was discussed. Tbi, ly exists and has existed finances the fishermen catch at a certain priee’-R 8 M was mentioned as having 1 ““J which fish was formerly Life* —but the present price is not r erui .eoand rinlin and allows no compaction. A
    .—(M.M.)  -  209 words
  • 271 981 Oue of the big pythons in the Reptile House in the London Zoo has not fed since July 1920, so he has nearly completed a two years’ fast. There M particular anxiety about him for the me* ment. Mr, E. G. Boulenger, the curator of reptiles,
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  • 506 982 A VISIT TO THE CAMP. Improved Condition». .f„ month?»go f 8 invi ed b t Secretary to accompany him on tb ±ri to y th. Leper Camp at iThmpor. We f°“° d 6r fry ITnoor wretches without mosquito k ±Xhont much in the way of uhta and
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  • 259 982 SIXTY GAMECOCKS BATTLE TO THE DEATH. The greatest cockfight in history, which I almost resulted in the mutual extermination achieved by the Kilkenny cats, was fought recently at Springfield, Massachusetts. With no cheering crowd to encourage them and inspired only by their own I passion for combat,
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  • 325 982 How to Make Money. Ringing the changes, which used to be a a lucrative trick performed by men only has now come within the province of criminal women. Two girls started the trick at an hotel in the north of England two or three weeks ago, and
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  • 155 982 Concerning the Jury Systsm. Says the Malay Mail in an editorial note under the head line “Duty’s BarThe Malaya Tribune devotee a leading article to a recent incident at the Supreme Court in Kuala Lumpur when the Chief Judicial Commissioner disagreed with the finding of the two assessors
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  • 86 982 (Front Our Own Kuala Lumpur, August 2. It is understood that pending the consideration of the F.M.B. Retrenchment Commission's report on temporary allowances immediate and partial out will be made from August 1. Those for European married men will be reduced from thirty to twenty percent, and those
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  • 62 982 Malaya’s Deputation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 1. A deputation, comprising Messrs. E. W. F. Gilman and T. J. Cumming, will proceed to India this month to confer with the Standing Emigration Committee appointed by the Government of India to draft rules under the new Indian
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  • 169 982 Considerable Damage. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 1. The loss, as the result of the fire in Hongkong, is estimated at about half a million dollars. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh’s printing works, the Blecirie Company’s stores and the Carlton Hotel annexe were gutted. o: “The Trinity
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  • 610 983 ’—Pall Mall. IT S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT. Parsons have suffered many things at the hands of printer* and reporters. A recent victim is the Archdeacon of Stow, who complains of having been seriously misrepresented in the Chronicle of Convocation.” He had used a phrase warning members
    ’—Pall Mall.  -  610 words
  • 256 983 .—Ex. About three months ago, Mr. Robert Blatchford, one of the world-famed materialists, announced his conversion to religion, the motive power in his case being the advances of scientific thought. Down in Sydney, but on a smaller mental scale, there has been another remarkable religious
    .—Ex.  -  256 words
  • 239 983 DoviLifl Competition. (From Out Own Corretpondenl.) Ipob, August 2. In the Perak Competition to select a Doubles Pair to play at Kuala Lumpur Dr. K. T. Khong and Chung Ah Ming (P- C. R. C.) beat Foenander and Holmberg (Catholic Club) 63, 6-1. The winners gave a brilliant
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  • 502 983 fatal joiv SOCIETY J ol A The refusal of a Ah Teng to jefa patently led to hi B muß ie r »P Road in broad daylight and th? ance at the Singapore < ,ppekr Acting Chief Juafe Sproule and a specialjurv offc^l“S murderer, Ho Cheong. ‘‘“'H eu“d.
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  • 1173 984 I h is Bfco P in the right I to send a deputation to I ffw confer with the «landing ComI on Kmigraii°n appointed by the I foment of India to draft rules under I new Indian Emigration Act and to I Xse the Government
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  • 493 984 E t ce *l en 7 W Commission, ei has been pleased to appoint Mr T„ j.' E-ummmg to be a member of the Indian Immigration Committee, ice P K C N W k ßra v burne> ree ‘g De «i, Mr. am yar has also been
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  • 306 985 OFFICIAL ENQUIRY. Eight Chimbss Committid fob Tbu*. About fortnight ago it was reported in oar columns that eight Chinese who were alleged to have broken into the house of a Chinese planter at Mount Erskine on June 30 and made away with cash. and jewellery valued at
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  • 238 985 Labgi Stocks. Twenty-five thousand bags of rice by the Seang liner Willesden plus about 8,000 bags ex the B. I. liner Edavana have tended to keep prices well within the reasonable limits at which they have stood for months. The Edavana’s consignments of white rice for Penang were
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  • 790 985 .-—Observer. [To Editor of the Straits Echo.'] Sir, Of all the articles which have ever been published in the Straits Echo your leader in this evening’s issue under above head, and extract from the Malaya Tribune on page 5 of same issue is most emphatically “the stuff
    .-—Observer.  -  790 words
  • 213 985 FALLING-OFF IN DEMAND. That the demand for plantation rabbet in the world’s principal markets cootinuei slack is evident from the tenoar of telegraphic reports indicating weakness, London still quoting 7|d, New York weak and a fractional decline to 14| cents (gold), while in Singapore the commodity is changing
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  • 1199 986 IMPORTED in PENANG. Butera Shipping Company’s steameS Whatt SjOd, which arrived here Datob and Telnk Anson l»“ B ,T brought the following cargo rfi »>” s ned as foiiow9 t :_Fro 2 for r 0M Q K c ra Paterson, Simons A Chop Ihong Kee, 203 Choon. 112
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  • 584 986 ANOTHER “HUSH HUSH AERIAL VESSEL. Will Revolutionise Ska Wuju>. Great possibilities are believed by the air experts to exist in a new type of flying which will be soon submitted to its initial practical tests. T Dew cra lt is entirely unlike anything that has
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  • 995 987 WHY PRICES' ARE HIGH. Referring to an article in oar issue of the 31rt ultimo relating to fish supplies Mr. Franois R. Wright, of Province Web lathy.;in a very interesting commaoioation that follows expresses the opinion that the correspondent of the Malay Mail quoted by us might advantageously
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  • 86 987 The health statistics for the Municipality of George down for the week ending July 29, 1922, give a total of 52 deaths —33 males and 19 females, the death rate being 21.52 per mille per, aipiam compared with 28 98 in the preceding week and with 30 94
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  • 177 987 .-M.M. Entries for First Day. (From Our Own Corretpondent.) Kuala < umpur, August 3. The A llowing are the entries for the first day of the Selangor Turf Club Race I—The Hobo, Avro, Captain Cuttie (late Ivan C), Nankin, Jill and Dodger. Race II and Vl—Heartspear, Rockport,
    .-M.M.  -  177 words
  • 162 987 bvccßswtn. Theathw,. BriHsh Med n ica h l° ST* f thc John Croley, med Si J*' V Si Bengal th. of recovery from a co bra the raUwa^’^ 10 8^ an «jjoy* of ing it to some friends, bit him twice ou the dorsal m Ins
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  • 309 987 The Siam Observer of July 22 states: Last night there occurred aa incident in this town (Bangkok) which is among the most dastardly of aoy which have ever come to our knowledge but fortunately the intention of the perpetrators was frustrated by what ww s stroke of
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  • 2108 988 HLBCEB-FAtSE EVIDENCE. luMtttiJ. or ths Acccbbd. Tte tftal of Lee Chu Nio MrB Ww uLeeM three char S e of B‘ vin ftJ See b J u4mfd .pr<™«i“>g k \Ljed in the District Court, before y B Scott, yesterday afternoon. Arthur Adams, K.8.E., with him u.‘fl D Hume,
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  • 57 989 The results of the tennis ties played off yesterday were: Singles Handicap Class B— C. P. Liston beat J. Pond 4—6. 6—4 6—2. Singles Handicap Class C— E. C. Hicks beat N E. Anyon S—2, 6—4 Dofbles Handicap Class A— F C. Gregson and E. J Bennett
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  • 1019 989 STAFF’S TRIBUTE. PIBSBNTATION OF AOvUZid. The at&ff of the Netherlands Trading Society, Penang, assembled at the residence of Mr. W. van der Woude, 8, Johore Road, yesterday evening to pay their tribute to their chief on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of his connection with the
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  • 1234 990 o. Monday the 2nd bn. of the 70th Rrrma Rifles arrived to relieve tiie r.ipm Otfiewl'y it is to be sup/aeJthit thi« movement of troops lies E» whatever to do with the Straits jetjiements. As a matter of fact is- of much concern to us. bo □aur
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  • 528 990 C.ptain C. H. Kempsoo, White Star marine superintendent at Plymouth who rebred recently, by s?il t made 71 trips round the world. Passengers leaving for London by the Me“s s “w r h M r r Klp Or da J’ iD(:lnde<l and R’ ■T’/' a °?T gar
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  • 48 990 DO .u£STicyc CURBNCE „l of ths late Mr. Cheab The f»” e tk p| ao e on Sunday, CbO y' t >t 1U am. sharp, when f the deoeased will be "TSL “Holland.” House, his ”d Northam Road, for interL»nebansr cemetery. tat and friends are requested (bit ehiuu.)
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  • 645 991 LEAN CO.'» WEEKLY REPORT. Penang, August 4After further improvement in the price of Tin to £162-15.0, ft £3 drop which brings the closing quotation for both spot and 3 m/s to £159. *5.0, came as a shock to the market. The fall is propably accounted for by the
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  • 566 991 Thb Coroner’s Verdict. A verdict of death by a rash act was passed by Mr. Bourne, the coroner recently, at the conclusion of the inquest on the death of Ismail bin Ahmed, motor boat driver, who died as the result of a gun shot wound said to
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  • 987 991 ,MPORTE £iNTO PENANG, The ludo-China licer Hnn, »r Fonk Sang, whioil >**■ kong, yesterday, brool, I‘‘«Nfr goods the <*" brand cement from the r, B ■“•Rd Gement Co., Hoagk one 71 cow hides for V ‘V 1 d 18 bags medicine foA'l™ y' I*"i IbU bags yellow beans
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  • 39 992 B 'nu.K Q k.eb’s Vjciory fP, o«f 0 Z~7" wn 'o”e>pondent.) T 1" the Sln l?apore Aligns i K «»kat r l' o’*®"*' 0 ast ni ’“’«ate 4* f Johnny Carv.H,/ 1 hj u g e
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  • 678 992 Cheeseman. ANNUAL INSPECTION. Interesting and Notable Display of Efficiency. The annual inspection of the Penang Free School troop of Cadets, Boy Scouts and Cubs was held on the School play ground yesterday afternoon, the Inspecting Officer being the General Officer Commanding Major General Sir Neill Malcolm. The
    Cheeseman.  -  678 words
  • 467 992 Chinese Residence Destroyed. (From Our Own Corretpondent.) Ipoh, August 4, A Chinese house in Chamberlain Lane caught fire at four this morning. The building and its contents, estimated at about $5,000, value were gutted. The Fire Brigade arrived but wae unable to approach the spot, the house
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  • 1467 993 UNVEILING CEREMONY; Presentation of Medals. Thefe was a large gathering of residents at the Penang Cricket Club yesterday afternoon to witness th© unveiling of the Memorial of members of the iub who were killed in the war, and also the presentation of Long Service Medals to .twq members
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  • 1172 994 utinnB witu the Dutch rubber Tb.M^“ c8 be hßU ,iu g li»., i/we weie told some time ago th»L &ltM t ..Anca in HulUnd there was a CJ to i-vour of u.nted 4jon L the Netherlands Indies and the rubber producers. So far as we
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  • 356 994 Mr. N. A Worley, uf the ("hineae Prote ioiate, Ipoh, has gone to Kuala Lumpur on transfer. > c P e BDhop of Singapore left Bangkok on .Inly 27, for K-kntan, whs-r'e Hh has engagem.nts before pro seeding to Singapore. Mr. R Crichton, Disti iot Officer, Kuala
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  • 58 994 (From Our Own Correspond ent.) Singapore, August 5. Chin Yet Sen, a merchant of 35, Hokien Street, Singapore, w->s charged yesterday with abetment of criminal breach of trust ia respect of the sale of three businesses, alleged to have been bought up by himself for 60,000. Bail
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  • 68 994 Extensive Damage. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 5. *A heavy typhoon «wept over Sw-tow nn the sth instant causing extensive damage, 0 Mr, A. Duraiappah. Chief Cl fk, 0 >mmissioner of Police’s Office. Kuala Lumpur, has left for India cn long leave. Great interest has been
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  • 320 995 U K*» IOHEMESI I At dawn to-day there was celebrated tn the Al Ahmedan temple, at VVaterloo the annual ceremony of “slaying the •acred dove, ®ayi a recent issue of an Australian contemporary. The Al Ahmedana are an extreme sect of Mahomedans and their “temple” at
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  • 176 995 Proposed Programme. T r J£- The Committee of the F’enang Cricket Club propose h »ldi g a gymkhana on the 26th instant. The programme which is a very inter, stv-g one consists of seventeen items, six nf which a e open. Two items are open to ladies and
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  • 166 995 “B” Company’s Entertainment. The first dance given by the reconstituted “B” Company of the Penang Volunteeis took place at the Drill Hall lust night and proved to be a decided •uccees. The proceedings commenced at 9.15 and was not concluded until the “wee sma’ oors of the morning.
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  • 470 995 It is an old tradition that apparent efforts at advertisement by barriste*s should be discouraged by the authorities of their profession, but the Bar Council has just passed for the first time a resolution to the effect that it is contrary to the etiquette of the Bar for
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  • 441 995 I directors- r Epojit Following ia "the presented at the twelfth Boport I general meeting of S VX? iat Malacca on July 31 bharoh °l<iere hj 31st March, 1922. 9 Ijwr ended Acreage. muBn ChinKß»ta MM .u w I Years. Months. A. R p Mi a U. OiviatM.
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  • 1395 996 —M.T. lIIO S AND QUARTER DOLLAR ILI investment. Col Pears os''s Bbpokt. -.HIowiM Mala va Tribunes XU to report of CoEnel Pearto the bmgapore on the suggested p ans for iin cild Bto T' Alth °“B h SUt deals with n J hin B m re ha
    —M.T.  -  1,395 words
  • 219 996 I rejoice to see that the knighting of Sir H. A. Barker has led to a public call from Mr. John Murray and other wellknown men that the cruel punishment imposed on his aneeshetist, Dr. Axham, should be rescinded. As many readers of Truth, I
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  • 81 997 CAPTURE QF AEROPLANES. Dr. Sun’s Denunciation. (From O»r Own Correspondent.) «Singapore, xkugim 5. A Shanghai wire Uw Lit Pau Pxes& ■talas toau General Cheng Kung-uii;/i troop* have captured some aeioplanea. I'ne Peking Parliament re assembled on August 1 in Peking, 138 senators and 354 repi eweatalives being
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  • 462 997 >-S. T. Messrs. Guthrie Co., Singapore, in their weekly rubber report dated August 3 sayj— > The withdrawal of Trade Buyers left a weak Market and prices receded to th« 25 cents level prior to the opening of I the Auctions yesterday. 762 tons were forward for
    >-S. T.  -  462 words
  • 1022 997 PARIS TRAGEDY QUEEN THRILLS COURT AUDIENCE. With tears streaming from his eyes the foreman of the Bordeaux Assize Court jury announced that he and hig colleagues were unanimous in their verdict acquitting the beautiful Pans actress, Mme., Perron, of the charge f having murdered her husband,
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  • 1218 998 HIBIUB 1C CHINESE Will Case. <» «■“S .I.”™ d qU f Fu ii Court of Appeal pre»S“* by few 1 i udges For f within a short space of *»“2, legal minds are concentrating “X’s capital the highest judie.d fhA FMS. and two eminent “JX fem the Colony have
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  • 426 998 —M(smhfg Pcbl. The farewell dance and supper given to the 1/70 Burman Rifles at the Perak Club by the members on Wednesday night, says the T.0.M., was a brilliant success and rhuch credit is due to Mr Gartside and the committee for the arrangements made for
    —M(smhfg Pcbl.  -  426 words

  • Page 999 Advertisements
    • 192 999 J CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 1 59, BEACH STREET, PENANG. ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. S Proprietors of the STRAITS ECHO and PENANG SIN POE.’* The most enterprising and up-to-date Printers and Lithographers in the Orient. jjS So Our plant is of the very latest Pattern and by constantly Pv supplementing our
      192 words