The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 7 January 1920

Total Pages: 40
1 38 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 22 1 The Straits Echo. MAIL EDITION. Si* PER AXX1 w. Single Copy 40 cU VOL. 18. PENANG WEDNESDAY. 7TH JANUARY, 1920. NO. 1.
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    • 253 1 CONTENTS. Lbadvk: Mtscillaxsoui (Contiu*i): Small Chang* 1 Motor Notes 11 Night Mail Service I Golf Handicaps 12 Small Change Famine in Penang 16 Owen Road Murder 13 A32 Educational Progress 21 America’s Fiscal Policy 18 England and France 33 Washermen’s Strike 13 Our New Governor 33 Bangkok News 14 t
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    • 166 2 the 1 “STRAITS ECHO” B MAIL EDITION. Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the AC? daily issues, as well as ail important news from various parts ctf rhe Far jAo East, including China,
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  • 445 1 Nickel v Silver Coin. The Burma Government, evidently realising the impossib lily, under present circumstances, of keeping silver c- ins of the lower denominations in circulation in the country, has wisely lost little ticn** in having recourto to the only practical rem dy for the troubles, and great
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  • 951 1 SUCCESSFUL INAUGURATION. Good Speed and Perfect Comfort. Instead of starting on New Year’» Day, as originally intended and duly advertised, the Night Mail Express Train Service was inaugurated New Year’s Eve in order, we -understand, to render useful service to passengers leaving by one of the P.
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  • 49 1 of the S 8. Medical Service, hav ng been seconded for with the Kedih overmnent, has assumed du<ies as Medic<1 Officer, 8.<uth K dah. Rumour h a it that he will act as Mute Surgeon when Dr Ho >ps leaves for England on furlough early next year.
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  • 64 1 that Mr Jo'n P»IJa«e, Miloicp 11 Secretary, 8 ngapor-, hrs nor y> t rec v-r< d from the a’hick of dy-en e.y from whicn he has been» suffering for some time. It is likely he will go on leave very shortly» aa
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    • 122 1 cue Straits €cbo. PUBLISHED DAILY. .Except Sundays and Public Holidays.) AT TDK CRITERION PRESS. LTD., 89. Beach Street, Penang. fates PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DAILY EDITION L'Cdl SS. ond portion. Delivery. /..V.S.f Monthly «2.50 «3.00 18.50 Quarterly 7-50 0.00 10.50 Half-vearlv 15.00 18.00 21.00 Yearly 80.00 86.00 42.00 WEEKLY EDITION By
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  • 409 2 PHENOMENAL rush of business, Rl-BB’M I* StBOSO DsMASD. Three More flotations Impending Men Chart 4 Co., of Koala Lumpor. innoed on New Year’. Eve (it rewhed uj to-d.y) an exceptionally interesting report on the .hare market and cognat, matter, reacina as follows.* Ths phenomenal rash
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  • 38 2 with thanks, of a copy of the handsomely got up and elaborately and exquisitely illustrated Official Guide for travellers and shippers by the Odaka Hhosen Kaisha, for which Messrs. Guthrie Co. are the agents here.
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  • 53 2 that a Home tenancy Bill will be introduce*! in the forthcoming session of the Japanese Diet by the Home Office. The aim of the Bill is to control avaricious houseowners, who raise their rents unreasonably, the scarcity of houses i Q big cities affording them the opportunity
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  • 63 2 Mention was recently made in the Japan p™° f a YlO.OOO.OOO spinning venture m ohnngbai contemplated by a par ty o f enterprising Japanese business men. It was reported on the 12th ultimo that they have already bought a tract of land for factories •nd activities are anticipated, Among
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  • 129 2 Now Liable to be Shot. Owners of are notified to-day that their pets are now liable to be shot on s'* > if seen out of doors w.choutacl to which is affixed a registration num k ’Two», pit» that the P' 1Wio n duly rrminded of tbi* at least
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  • 97 2 Two Indians Killed. Calcutta, 22nd Dec<mb r The District Magistrate of Alifiore yesterday delivered judgment in a case in which one 8 R Scott was charged with rashly and negligently driving his motor car on the 12th October last along Russa Road 8 uth and causing
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  • 71 2 Iq iia issue of 24ih ultimo the 'limes of Ceylon reports that a Mr M. 8. Shelling, of Messrs. Delmege Reid C was bummooed that day at the CoIomho Municipal Court for having on the 10th Dcember driven his car on the Galle Face at 30
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  • 46 2 We regret being unahle to give particulars regarding the high and low tides in thia issue because, on applying in the usual quarter f<»r the new edir ion, our messenger was told that the Tides Bonk fjr 1920 will not be on sale until to-morrow.
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  • 32 2 expresses the opinion .CT U that rice control will be continued in Burma next year to avoid hitjh prices cousfqient on an unrestricted demand from the F.M.S, and elsewhere.
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  • 186 2 leaving Singapore early next week, Father Pierre Ruaudel and Father Lambert go to 1 Marseilles. Father Lambert has not been 1« good health of late, and he is under medical orders to return to France. Father Ruaudel has been 22 years in
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  • 218 2 The Shooting of Lt. Boast. The Coroner s Finding. London December 29.-Pa>ticaf«T intere.t was excited <othe inquest tn Dablmon toe <1'8'h <’f Lieu euEut Boast in conae‘,’nceof the ghetto coofa.ed account, ot the '< h *> veni.ct ,e urue d w ih»t Lt. B>a.t w»« accdeiitally killed
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  • 34 2 Paris, December 29. It appears that the report ofihe burning down oi tbs railway staii n iu Marseilles refers to the small Vieuxport station and not to the main station.
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  • 60 2 MAflSl’DS ACCEPT BRITISH TERMS. Wana Wazlrls Still In Opposition. London, December 2^.—Reuter learns that the Mahmfs have formally accepted the British terms, which include an unopposed march through their country and the coniinuance there of British troops until the fines and rifles have been paid in. The
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  • 29 2 Denial of Report. London, December 29.—The Allied Naval Armkiice Commission <’eny the report of the blowing up at S’capa Flow of the scuttled German warships.
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  • 32 2 Denial of Anti Poland Offensive. Copenhagen, December 29.—The Russian Soviet Government has offered the Polish Government peace, simultaneously denying that the Soviet is preparing a new offensive against Poland.
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  • 54 2 Town Quiet ecerri^ r With reference to the Baaibek affair a message received from Beirut says that a French officer who was t e objected to hostile demonstration at Bsalbtk left the town and returned with a detachment which was fired on. One soldier was wounded. The
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  • 118 2 Obituary. 30 rhe dwto Willi,® O.I., st tW iff deaths. Sanbom.— On November 26, at 27, Hamlet Garden», Ravenecourt I ark, W 8U<|-len-y Thoma» Elliott (late of the Chartered fiink of I. A. and G), «on of Mrs Sansom, of The Hollies, Eastbourne, aged o«. Vade—-November 30. at Scarborough, Henn
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  • 413 3 French Proposal»- kar 97 Th* Minister of /‘I* tt". theCbvnberof nL" fjr’a vote on account amount"!* ’<> I^P Uk la of francs to provde funds f° r rtt ofl92<>. TheM-ui-ter 5 b0 5 tn a complete Buket immeSafely after the reassembling of Parliament feZSlry .»d propow» to
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  • 66 3 Government Control. Washington, December 30. A renteX’ f f r Brotherhood, and deel b .H 9 f 8 liated »«<’«• «“«opted a conl«„ 8 <. am 1 .P om P er ’ho attended the tion of °t f 7' w yiue P ri,,r 10 th adop. of
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  • 64 3 Wood Alcohol Ringleaders in Court New York, D c»-uib«r 20. Two of the wood alc 'hol ringleaders were brought up in the Brooklyn Court on a of violation ot t e Prohibition Liw and allowed on t»ail of $15,000. Fur others were brought up iu the New Y
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  • 50 3 New Service. London, December 29.—A new service between Rotterdam, Hamburg, acd the Far East is being established by the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, which will be opened by the Dew 10,000 ton steamer, Delagoa Maru, which wdl be followed by the Durban Maru and the Tatsuno Maru.
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  • 16 3 Departure for Home. Marseilles, December 30.—-The Chinese Peace Mission has sailed for China.
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  • 55 3 Departure For Sfogapo e, London, December 31. Sir Laurence Guillemard, accompanied by Lady Guide* ma rd and Lieutenant Arthur Mallet. Royal Navy, as aide-de-camp, leaves England on January 1 bound for Singapore to take up bis apointment as Governor of the Straits Settlements, and High Commissioner of
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  • 45 3 Hopes of Ratification. New York. December 31.—It is generally believed in Washington that the forces of the Mild Reservationists will defeat Senator Lodge's party and that the treaty will be ratified on the basis of compromise satisfactory to all parties.
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  • 88 3 Adopted by Chamber. Paris, December 30. The French Chamber of Deputes adopted by 491 votes to 61 the Loan Bill which will be issued in the form of five per cent bonds redeemable in sixty years by half-yearly drawings. The bonds drawn will be reimbursed at 150
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  • 153 3 New Year s Message. By Premiers of Commonwealth of Nations. London, December 29.— The following New Year’s message from the Premiers of the British Commonwealth of nations has been issued over the signatures of Mr. Lloyd George, Sir R L. Borden, Mr. W. M. Hughes, General Botha, Mr. W. F.
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  • 468 3 Decorations for Malayan Offic’a’s, Th* following hkjram, Hill, Jauuirv 1, 1920, be n e ivHj from the PJvate 8crta y H. niJ Ac i g Governor, tor puhi cu i<>n Hb Excellency the Officer Adnpn\ter;ng the Government has th*» m >rn t g rce-vsd a telegram from
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  • 67 3 arrived at Singapore from Cokuita on 29ih ultimo after a leng'hy tour through India which territory it is intended < his vear to include in the China, Near and Far Ease Business Guide »«nd Directory. Trvy left for Java on
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  • 256 4 Cm»»* Who Run» DMEN f Trxvelli»» i. bi«. 0«" ”U', eom'-aoW by hi» «>’«»“'! P 1 J <jbiathe Hon. Lin T 7.t: ne r living io cm merchant and 1 tbe lbe by his suite at Hotel, Mr. Tseng «a. busy going through to. hivy Olympia catalogue. Bland
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  • 172 4 Mason—Zimmirman. The wedding was solemnized at St. Andrews Church, Penarg, on Wednesday, the 31st December, 1919, the Rev. Donald J. Rosa officiating, of Mr. II. V. Mason of the Straits Settlements Police Force and of Tenby, England, and Miss Victoria Zimmerman, of Singapore. The bride who was
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  • 39 4 ths French Consular Agency in Kuala Lumpur will be temporarily closed All communications and passports for the French Consular v should he forwarded to the French Consul a? Sit gapore.
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  • 44 4 the May Mail is inform»d, h«s re-igned the position of itd C erk and Chief Cashier of Messrs Whileaway. Laidl&w and Co., Ltd, Kuala Duumur, and J* joining Meters L. Y. Swae Co, L f< L» as Secretary sed Aooouut&nt,
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  • 1021 4 Mr. A. F. Richard. i»p»t«l to Kuantan. Hut Gagv-Br L going to Eoglxn4 f- r a six mouths hoi-ay* Mr. and Mi.TTp. Joaquim have arrived in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. C. Boden Kloss will be Ieav,D J Kuala Lumpur a trip to Java. Mr.G. Seth, DPP, Singapore b,
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  • 264 5 Lon'on on the 27th Novjnh g XeS’e/ent of the Strait, Ti Tb1 j’Xy Cleh has been conJ b S report of i a o»n special com- erlug which has taken evidence on “»rious vital nt.tters atf c iog tutf a.imtotsW TbeT°oro < ughh < re 1 Jl
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  • 112 5 PITCH BATTLE IN FEDERAL CAPITAL Quilt Now. (From Our Own Corret pondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 2 —Th*» ricksha pullers plying in one secs ion of Kuala Lumpur consider they had a grievance Against those in another because the lat.'er convey passengers through the former’s territory. Yesterdiy evening 3)0
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  • 27 5 is announ- T vviu io liLJUvUll* H. Jarret, Asais ant A jutant-General, Army Headquarters. He «rtX u* t "‘a tary fU0vrat 8t Delhi
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  • 127 5 who is proceeding Home next weplr nn l: noms entertained at ’1 7 eRriled bolid-y, was .renin/ tes M *y Engineer. i. >”, 8: fi' •b® Unired very Xmnb > funC!i '"> IpohTiL. Mr“j v'''L al t >‘ h clerk of the firm i "‘mhert, tbe
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    • 774 5 Tn the Editor or the Strait* Echa.j Dear Sir. —The Seventh Standard examination has come and gone leaving a number of very anxious hearts and troubled faces amongst the teachers and the 1200 odd cand dates who sat for it, for the result means a :.ood
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    • 542 5 [To the Editor of the Strain Echo.] Dear Sir,—I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 22nd inat. and regret the delay in replying to same owing to the presure of work. In further reference to my letter dated the 20th ultimo, I have
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  • 883 6 AIR ARTHUR YOUNG’S PROPOSALS “2 THE "mPEBML AUTHORITIES. Secretin of States Telegraphic Reply Approving cf Increases of CeraCa Service Salaries. Following is the full ol a Deification boned by direction of the Chief Che Government of the federated Malay St»tp« and published in a supplement V) the
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  • 114 6 Additions to Rules. Following is the text of a notification published in the F. M. 8. Gazette of the 29th ultimo The Railways Enactment, 1912. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 27 of 1 he Railways Enactment, 1912.” and with the approval of the
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  • 27 6 w01 be very pleased to l-r 1W Mr KW r»ng, arrived here by the night mail train f r&’a&w.sfcir uiftaet t«e place on the
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  • 546 6 Rev. L. M. Duvelle’s Departure. A reception was held at the Parish Hall after gervi yesterday morning when the pari,pers of the Church of the Assumption not 7 -met the Rev. L- M. Duvelle to bid him a \ew Year but also to say au revoir to hl
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  • 837 7 r,. 180 MAXIMUM FOR PADDY. PART PROFIT TRADE FOB pARI government. The .Indian Consumer. n ihi Dec. 24.—The following official statehl’ 1 As announced in a Press me nt 3i 8 f October last, the GovXent of India have had under eouardera«on the question of retaining
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  • 678 7 In the India-Rubber Journal, Mr. Harold Hamel Smith writes at length on the above subject. The following extracts give the gist of the article —The rise in the price of silver forces cue to wonder how such prices will ultimately affect the rubber plantation industry, especially
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  • 274 7 Singapore, Dec. 30.—-In the second court yesterday Tan Tiong Soy, 65, Beach Road, Singapore, for acquiring four bags of rice in excess of the quantity required for his ordinary household consumption, was fined 1200, the rice being declared forfeit. In the same court a Chinese named Chang Wah
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  • 116 7 A telephone comedy is reported in the Loudon papers, A lady who lives at Lower House, Rowlhead Green, Godaiming, telephoned to her chauffeur to meet her at Guildford and biing a coat.” The chauffeur heard the word as goat,” and as his mistreat kept'goats, he obediently took one
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  • 635 8 The New York correspondent of the Sunday Times lately had an Interview with E. Vincent, President of tne !<■<-■> Foundation. who has just returned from Studious tom of China, and writes on the subject as follows:* I asked Dr. Vincent if he looked .orwani o that speedy awakening
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  • 232 8 Night Call Box Opened in Ipoh. No longer can Ipoh deplore the lack ot a public telephone at night, fcr thanks to a suggestion first published in the columns of the Times of Malaya, and subsequently put into effect with ccmmerdnme promptitude by the responsible authorities,
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  • 164 8 Ihe following new books have been received Saint s Progress, by John Galsworthy. and Kings, by 0. Henry. Jerry of the Islands, by Jack London. S \es and Sevens, by 0. Henry. Greatheart. by E. M. Dell. The Rough Road, by W. J. Locke. Russia from the
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  • 667 8 NARAGUTA (NIGERIA) TIN MINES. ANN IAL G ENERAI MEETING. “A Situation Full cf Promise.” Tli? rl'.tb ordinaiy general meeting of the Nn;-.i uta (Nigeria) '1 in*Mines, Limited,»was held at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, ILondon, Mr. Frank N. Best (chairman of the company), presiding. The Secretary (Mr. Albert
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 356 9 Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal omwissioners held on Tuesday, the 9th DecernMessrs. G. A. Hereford, p esl(Jent; Yeoh Guan Seok; C. R. Samuel; A. M. Goodman; and.J. R. Murray. Absent: Messrs. Quah Beng kee and Chee Wor Lok. 1. The minutes of the last meeting are
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  • 101 9 D C s 10 n el n a <’• M- Staff' i k' thC fficer Eommanding the South b y Wher officer SBeX tor a cruise on Tn. I Bo d lr s3 9et out wards av n Tuesday morning, but to- -B-n Rent inlnna. nMr n
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  • 761 9 NEW DISTRIBUTION SCHEME. Majority Already Rationed. Ipoh, Dec. 30. —The problem of rationing an Oriental population is one that bristles with difficulties, and even in Britain, where the illiterate are in a very small minority, it was some time before the rationing scheme worked smoothly. Therefore, it
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  • 155 9 Anniversary Celebration. The Kinta Indian Association’s ninth Anni. /rersary Day, celebrated last Sunday, was followed by a musical entertainment, with break, fast, tiffin, and dinner. Throughout the day a charity bazaar was also open, says the Ipoh Times. The Kinta Indian Association’s Billiard Championship Handicap Tournament, which
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  • 212 9 An Important Decision. --r Captain E. Maddocks, Magistrate, feluk Anson, was engaged on December 17th in inquiring into an interesting and im* portant prosecution instituted by Mr. Carmichael, oi Sungei Nibor.g Estate, Teluk Anson, charging one Asinar, the owner of a small rubber plantation of about four
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  • 715 10 questions in the commons. Mr. Gershom Stewart asked the UnderSecretary ol State for the Colontea, her 1 whether, seeing that the Colon u „«3 i» to a large extent manned by service abroad is to a iaq; ol #v na PX .< gentlemen who have to pass a
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  • 370 10 Interest, more particularly of flying men, but also cf the whole world, will now be focussed on the Trans-Pacific flight. The Atlantic, thanks to Hawker. Alcock, and Brown. has been conquered; Ross Smith will go down in hi»to’’y for his London-Aus-tralia success: last, but not least, comes the
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  • 43 10 was considerably damaged aamaged S d To 8 k”i d earMa M«»d Naw a.d, The brakes to bold the vessel W *7" a* «nd the Dread. I rmw channel and crash. -mo pier on the opposite side.
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  • 519 10 HONGKONG PAPER CHARGED. In Original Jurisdiction on 17th December the Chief- Justice. Sir William Rees Davies, K heard an application by the Crown to com mit ed jt I of the China Mail new», paper f O i c intempt ol (< urt. It waa an
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  • 88 10 Indian Chambers Drawing Together. renrPRAniV 60 Joint Conference of r^ Prfaf!Y of fhe vftr ou8 chambera .r,. m ..rr e mr( Cal< n(u Th IT n atte 3 f Cnmmer <’'»l interest. Karerhi r"'l S Esdras, Burma, eentres a n j OTe ot ll r commercial
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1038 11 the motor and the road. Problems of the New Era. The Roads and Transport Exhibition, which open at the Agricultural Hall, London, M month, was a show to appeal to many different sorts of people. But to none can i he more fascinating than to those who, understanding
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  • 382 11 TEA MONEY FRAUDS. Two Chinese Convicted. A case of more than ordinary interest came before Mr. Justice Whitley at the Assizes in the Supreme Court, Seremoan, recently. Two Chinese were charged at the instance of the D.P.P., that they on or about January lOtxi at Seremban, being entrusted
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  • 708 11 Leak Co.’s Weekly Report. Penang, Jan. 2.—Owing to the Xmaa holidays, no report was published by us last week. The year just past closed with prices for rubber and tin and the majority of shares in all sections st the highest points touched in 1919, the produce"
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  • 186 12 Kobe, Dec. 18. —Mention has already been made of the projected combine of the Fuji Paj>er Manufacturing, the Tokyo Pasteboard Manufacturing and tho Yokkaichi Paper Manufacturing Companion. It is now reported that two other firms, the Kiso Kogyo and the Chuwo Meishi Kaisha are going to join this
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  • 729 12 CHAOTIC STATE OF AFFAIRS. lit. II AWenty k t an individual character In mobl t '.ulvv <4 an m dmj an; m. y X—Mi mg umivrmity of m ♦h it ht* it* bcrUvCn A man vno taje that nt it handicap." or H-l-dicap." ever may be. intend, to
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  • 361 12 OPENING OF TIIE PREMISES. Official Support and Encouragement ot the Movement. The members of D Company of the Penang Volunteers entertained their friends to a ronggeng performance on New Year’s Eve on the occasion of the opening of their Volunteer Club at No. 4, Transfer Road. Among
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 37 12 TNDrcESTTOF’ And BILIOUSNESS. y nn "br,nH pfl n Bnv kinfl wheO b l.o. w bnt takp A full 0 CbamberWn’. Tsblefs anfl drink pknty of wster. Tbrt "11 tle»3«B ths rtomnch, mo j the bowel* 4h ’“‘•I’*
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  • 1400 13 pjusmmimMY ENQUIRY commenced. o’ M„h«n Sinfih. the first aecuaed'a brotherRam Moha k November 15 last, near in law. on the night ol ftoiemuu “JU house in Owen Rond, was commenced the Second Court. Singapore, on Wednesday before Mr. J. D. Hall. Mr F G Stevens appears on
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  • 284 13 President Wilsoo’s Warning. San Franciaoo, Dec. 5.—President Wilson, in hia metsage to Congress states that a fundamental change has taken place with reierenoo to tho position of the United States in world affair». No prejudice nor passion should be engendered by a national controversy between two schools
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  • 176 13 That the local washermen out for higher wage# will come m a disconcerting piece of news to the public, especially during the. present wet season, when many are already compelled to go in black on and oft to mourn for the dhoby,” says the Singapore Free Press. A'»
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  • 540 14 SOME RICE MILLS CLOSE D0 a BtogkoL owrwpouiW of Ibv Tribuo. wnu=g on V««nb« 17th M folio'* s: O»i« u lie pryhibiuou of the expo rice during the «hole of 1920. W ll h»™ cloeed d'<“ “‘th the reeult that mo.t o. the ooolie* “ere given month'» P*>
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  • 617 14 EUROPEAN ENGINEER'S DEATH. Killed by Mystery Mowr Car. <>a Mr J R. Woud in his Hongkong, Dec. 25. Mr. «spwity a. Coroner, of the J Kweichow, “bo hi, head crushed on Connaught Road near Whitty Street at 10.90 p.m. oh the 15th December. The following composed
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    • 249 14 [To th? Editor of the Strait» Echo.] Pin Ikr* w''h an abstract from Hine» of m a file 29-h instant, which I beg you o publish in your pape»: Distressing Motor Cycle Accident. A gloom was cast over the Sungei 8iput District" at the tragic news of
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  • 217 14 Too Serious For Admiral Salto to Travel. Licut.-General Kojima, the Commander of the Japanese garrison, arrived in Japan from Korea on the 12th ult. His visit to Japan quickly gave rise to rumours. According to the faisho Nichi Nichi, his \iuit is iu compliance with orders issuc-d
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  • 90 14 Kobe. Doc. 13.—Telegrams from Java rert a ontinnod rise of the local sugar market, u .Tn nflnppp pn nr remains weak somehow. 9tnna n thp V p n ’tv of Y81.50 per E,n D npprnW dplivpry of centrifugal® 34 /5 for March and April delivery of new sugar. Ti
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  • 692 15 of Small Change Casing 8S< Gb«*t HiBDSUlf TO IBS Masbls. o* TX”’ SX’X’odX. teXT»onrre.l by lh« people in cogence K .bortege of «mall change, ex.far 7 thin being mere Becon ar J r °tter rti treaaneut by the auih<rities “ould to indicate, U is. we
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  • 99 15 Arbival Herb To-Day. H. M. 8 Hawkins, flagship of the China Fleet, which passed through Penang a short while back on her way to Hongkong, arrived here at about noon to-day from Hongkong (via Singapore) which she left on the 15th of last month, flying the
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  • 59 15 Mr Holt Interviewed. (Frorw Our Own Carr upend ent.) Singapore, December 2. —Mr. Richard D. Holt, interviewed said that the Blue Funnel was increasing all its services but refused to say whether it was starting passenger ships. Rubber Price. Rubber sheets fetched 105 and Crepe?, 109. New Year
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  • 15 15 is up to 2 101 in London for crepe and sheet. See commercial news.
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  • 57 15 near Chitrlada villa, B.mgkok, the eldest son of His M jeety’s Principal Private Secretary lies in h serious condition at the Chulalongkorn Hospital. His companion, a son of Morn Ch- o Udorm, who was riding on the m ,tor cycle, had his
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  • 215 15 learns that Mr. W. E. Nash, Superintendent of Mains and Services (Waler Department), is retiing from the Singapore municipaliy at the end of the year after 23 years’ service, he having joined in January, Before j »iningthe municipality, Mr, Nash held various positions. in 1875 he erected
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  • 519 15 Mr. and Mrs, R, D. Jackson have retomcd to ibe F. M. 8. from Home. Senator Cochrane Alemcar hai been appointed Brazilian Ambassador to the United State*. Mr. Vivian Mackie hat been taken into partnership by Messrs. Freeman and Madge. Kuala Lumpur, as from Jan. 1st. f
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  • 1830 16 HEW AIDS10 M. WWI HAIL SOT£®VICES STARTED. Wire Express Trains. (Straits Echo Special j MAwime! Th. night m.U w»i<* U»p<n .nd hre ™”“’nceJthat simple statement of fact the casual obrerw m»y p>rceiv« nothing j «tint than the assurance trifling facility between the Federal Capital and the
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  • 128 17 A Hindu correspondent writes that the Tamils of Hutton Lane celebrated their principal festival named Vygunda Ekathesi Mahuthuam at 38, Hinton Line last night. There were entertainments laT night and a harmonium phyer was brought especially from the F. M. 8. for the purj ose. The company
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  • 122 17 80 Per Cent. Interim Dividend. The directors of the Jugra Estate, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 30 per cent, on the preference shares and 25 per cent, on the ordinary shares, together with a bonus o bd. per share, all payable, iesa tax on December 8,
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  • 55 17 ‘>>M there h, bXilZ'" fo hear Jhat the Municipal J,', h ?a n or **Hevinjf to P»nt a month’. h ori le ar rule retpectUg the «hoof- e n,,orcin g ‘he have not been d„1 tlD§ ght o1 4« 1929 lioer r “8»‘«red and have oe]] "t.e
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  • 157 17 London January 1.«— New Year Honours List includes: Earldom —Viscount Middleton. Barons Sir Bertrand Dawson, Sir George Riddell and Sir Albert Stanley. Privy Councillors —Mr. Charles Doherty and Mr. Arthur Sifton (Canadian representatives to the Peace Conference). Sir Arthur Bos 'awin, and Capt. Frederick Guest (Members of
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  • 164 17 Sir Kedmayne Interviewed London, January 1.—Sir Richard Augustine Studdert Redmayne interviewed with reference to the work of the Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau of which Sir Richard Red may ne io chairman, pointed out that an immense amount of valuable work ha I been done throughout the Empire
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  • 228 17 Italy s Claims. Premier's Statement. Rome, Docember 30—Signor Nitti in the Italian Senate made a vigorous reply to M. Clemenceau’s speech of December 23 in which he quoted M. Cl meuceau’e statement that Italy had undenaktn to give Fiume to Croatia, arguing that Croatia was not a contracting party and
    228 words
  • 14 17 London, D.cemb.r 3O.-Mr. Jam*. O Grady returns to Copenhagen on January
    14 words
  • 358 17 DARING DAYLIGHT OUTRAGE. Well Known Indian Merchant Robbed And Killed. Calcutta, Dec. 20.—A daring daylight taxicab dacoity w S8 committed yesterday new Andul, some 6 miles from Howrah Station, to which Jibanmal, a Marwari merchant of Belpur, wag murdered and Rs. 24,0» etoleu. 0* Wednesday Jibanmal, with
    358 words
  • 129 17 A slight fire broke out on Tuesday morning on the Rheinland lying in the King’s Dock, Singapore. Smoke was observed issuing from the hatch and the fire brigade was immediately summoned, responding to the call with great smartness. Before they arrived, however, Mr. Livermore, the chief
    129 words

  • 309 18 (1 EaBT StBKBlA. UBtral Koltcfcak RetfBtb London, December Admiral KoUch-k 1 retro, m fl Jopon'o. ?J Xie .i>u«-ic° Bol,hevi,m into Jap»” lh Gorerni. Wag reviewed .by and e ▲liiee If necewary Japan t* prepared to father force* in Biberiw. while amageroento hate been completed for the mJy%atriation of
    309 words
  • 35 18 Arms Literature for Slim leln Luixkuj. iWiubur -SO. Tim Liverpool Clice discovered jevolver*, oanridgas, nd grenade* in cases and a 40am ity of iodicattog a great activity on behalf of 3inu Fein.
    35 words
  • 36 18 lamedlato Action Requested Ixjndon, December 30.—The Boilermaker», BLipwriifht* and Blaobmith*’Societies have telegraphed to the Premier rrqiifBting immediate action to end tho moulders’ strike on December 23 which the Union, declare have paralysed the induitry.
    36 words
  • 28 18 Huge Profits. De em '5' M Th. fieur,, of 1*0 «..too oompBUie, in Lsneublr, .hi1918 of X’ »01 eno .V? 'of £t, «09,000 03 a,i9
    28 words
  • 195 18 Gbbmasy a»d tbs Allies. g ml Blip»-* IQ S't” P«'’ co1 man reply. Itie miievu. the in Berlin is disposed W -U" protocol ‘be fi«« r u e 9 of ’‘•"Tt. L in the .mount <4 m.terial req» ed a» compensation for the So-pa E Io" rt
    195 words
  • 411 18 NEW CONSOLIDATION LOAN. Conditions Tabled, Paris, December 28.—M. Klotz, the French Finance Minister, in the Chamber of D putie* tabled the condition* of the new consolidation loan of 5 per cent, redeemable in stock with half yearly redemption drawings covering a period of 60 years. The stock is
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  • 110 18 Temporary Arrangement* for Relief. Waiting for America. London, December 30.-The newspapers have recently again called attention to the appalling condition in Vienna, where the distress is moat acute. It is now announced tbat immediate step* are being taken by England, France and Italy to give relief. Italy
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  • 115 18 Japan s Finances. Budget for 1920 21. London, December 30.— The Japanese Budgrt for 1920-21 provides for the replenishing of national defence, extension of railways, ports, roads, new middle class educational institutions, encouragement of land cultivation and plan for state afforestation. ;he expenditure for national defence has increased by 99,000
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  • 58 18 Ruoannendstlons for Candian havy, Oitaw,, Dewmber 30,—Lord Jellico» e ve. Un«rf M ihi, week cn a ,bort viait to c L mted States before tailing for South It i* understood tbat Lord Jelliooe commend* f or the Canadian navy *ix ciuisere.HH destroyer*, ten Co twelve tubmarines,
    58 words
  • 71 18 arrived in m n Biuuenre arnvea in on iT I lh Freuch M8il Le«“ .1, ti\ u tlra lhl 7 have gone to Paris Fnn.Lh M ***** 00g the at Melun, ioniamehleau Montargia and Etampes. of M Bre Chang O>i “d f mer d,reeto °f high
    71 words

  • 698 19 Since the Hou. Mr. H. W. Firmstono SBoffice Director of Education, S.S. i r M s., the organisation of ±1 education has proceeded apace. In spite of difficulties connected with the wai there is little doubt that as regards organiselion the Education Department is bettor placed now than
    698 words
  • 89 19 1077 Daaths in Bangkok This Year. Ihc following is the return of cases of communicable diseases in Bangkok (the 25 Inner Circle Ainphur districts) for the week ended the 20th December as notified to the Medical Officer of Health Case*. Deaiht. Bubonic Plague 3 1 Cholera 53
    89 words
  • 45 19 with thanks, of the voluminous (6.1 pages) Report of the Director oi Gardens for the year 1918, and as we are now well over the threshold of 1920 we wonder whether the report for last year (1919) will reach us before 1921.
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  • 48 19 the Hon. Mr, F. 8. Jamts, Mrs. James and Mr. M. E. Sherwood, Aide-de-Camp, leave here to-day for Singapore by the yacht Seabelle. This afternoon His Ex. called on board H. M. S Hawkins and was given the customery salute of 21 guns.
    48 words
  • 116 19 is a conspicuous feature ot Mes.sChin Leong and Co.’s notice appearing on page 7 of this issue. That, with good reason. is wnat they claim lor the deserved l\ ipular I hase Cycles, of which they are the sole importers in the Straits, F.M.S., and Sumatra. There
    116 words
  • 116 19 is obtainable from Messrs. Han Tong Co. of 242. Beach Street, Penang, whose business notice will be found among the New Ads.” in this issue. The best Acetic Acid, shovels, paints, wire, nails, buckets, disinfecting
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  • 580 19 The Malay Mai) hears that Messrs. J. A. Russell and Co, Kuala Lumpur, have purchased Sungei Tua Estate. The eldest son of ?hya Chakrapani, (Cha Yuat) died in the Chulalongkorn Hospital on 27th ultimo as the result of a motor cycle accident three days previously. Captain Th.
    580 words

    • 84 20 We .re officially informed that tbee» rj BUck J i the entry haring been received in 0.’. .table, compriemg Boy, Hampton Court, Gay L«d, B» *****, Golden Itoftt, Woorewa, Empyrean, Dandy, Sir John, Smilw, Mg, AU Alone, Sir Alexander, Harold H, Arning and Field expected to arrive
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    • 27 20 In the final of the A Clan Single, of the Penang Club Billiard Tournament H. W. Oxenham 160) beat J. R. Bennett (Sen) by 260 213.
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    • 60 20 Fixtures. Thursday «ch January. Single Handicap A: —1 H Starr v winner of R Owen and A Lindley (3); 1 G B F Southam v f 1 Capt Kerr (2); —I J Duguid v winner of G Wright Motion and R N Goodwin (4). Single Handicap
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    • 31 20 Scotland Beats France. [Reuter’s Service.] London, January 1,—The rugby match between Scotland and France which was played at Paris resulted in a victory for Scotland by 5 pointe to nil.
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    • 45 20 Yet another institution, interested principally ia football, haa been started among the employees of the Eastern Smelting Company, Limited. All communications for fixtures should be addressed to Mr. Weihen who is Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. We wish the instilu‘ion every success.
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    • 37 20 At Oxford on 25th November the University beat Prince’s Club at tennis by three matches to one. A. R. Edwards (Magdalen), L H. Batter (Magdalen), and W. T. H. Freudenthal (Oriel; being the successful Oxford players.
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    • 104 20 Among the resolutions to be brought up for discussion at the annual general meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association on December 15. at the Cannon-street Hotel, was one am ctmg one-armed players. It is sought to add the following words at the end of Laws 9 A
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    • 8 20 The Advertisers' Golfing Society h.. aaxcsx- -arx
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    • 289 20 i° the «I u. w Pa .4r“ M g tb r4’x nionstreted on, the 25th n9) org&nCadet Novices Boxing P q were iaed by the 1st Bauaii Q ub London, held at the National Spon the c 0 is Lieut. Col. W-8. Ma wr 8gre b oied"up to the
      289 words
  • 156 20 The Madras Polica have just detected a sensational currency note forgery and the preliminary enquiry into the case is now proceeding before the Deputy Magistrate of Cocanada. The facts are that eight persons, all of them Telugus of Rajahmundry, entered into a conspiracy as far back as
    156 words
  • 93 20 D‘" me b nt was W 2 a 67 8 of 6 whic?i e 79° tal of 8« female (’n V? rni e Hl,b j Pc; 8 and 47 7 >onvu,8n,n8 claimed 45 nhthish 47, malaria fever 37 tvnh ;i c ’V», 8 8 heri 11. >ms)
    93 words
  • 135 20 Mahsuds Surrender After Decisive Battle. London, January l.-It appears that the surrender of the Mahsuds to the British followed a decisive battle on December 18. Describing the battle, Reuter’s correspondent with the Tcchi Field Force says that the Dpraiat Column moved out from Jandola at eight 3
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  • 54 20 Reported Death. London, January 1.— A cable from New York announces the death of Sir. Horace Plunkett. In Good Health. A later cable states that there is no truth in Sir. Horace Plunkett’s death. Reuter’s correspondent at Battle Creek, wiring on January 1, reports that he arrived
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  • 39 20 Work Completed. London, December 31. The operations allocated to the British for the clearance of all moored mines in Home waters, Mediterranean and Aegean seas have been completed. Certain Black Sea ports have also been cleared.
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  • 27 20 Coalition Majority. Lon ’on, December 31.—The Bromley byelection resulted as follows Lieut. Colonel Cuthbert James (Coalition Unionist) 11,148 Mr. Hodes (Labour) 10,077 Coalition Majority 1,071
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  • 206 20 Sir Henry Stephenson's Successor. London, December 31. It is understood that Lt.-General Sir William Pulteney will succeed the late Admiral Sir Henry Stephenson, as Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.” [Lt.-General Sir William Pulteney Pulteney, K.C.B., C.B., K.C.M.G, D.S.O., was born on May 18, 1861, and is
    206 words

  • 81 21 British Shipping Supremacy. SI A hundred Ger1'°®’.°“’ Sy interned in South America D an ship». m0 Z jo qOO tone, remain to the’Aniee. Beyond 250 S eh d lldy been surrendered andI proviAnally distributed among the “IbihW SS'Xping''.upremMsy, which i. at -niraments Statistics show only two
    81 words
  • 37 21 Welcomed in Belgium. Brussels, December Si.—-The Libre Belgique welcomes the fact that British enterprises have heen increasing in Belgium by great strides since the armistice, displacing prewar German activities, notably in Antwerp and Brussels.
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  • 76 21 Further Dominion Tours. London, December 31.—Reuter learns that while details of the Prince of Wales tours to the Dominions are not yet arranged, there is reason to believe that he will leave England by H.M.8. Renown in March next for Australia and New Zealand via the Panama
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  • 80 21 Milner Commission Proclamation. London, December 31 Telegrams from Cairo report that the Central Committee of the Egyptian delegation discussed at length the proclamation by Viscount Milnor inviting Egyptians, as a whole, and representative individuals, to approach the commission and speak candidly. Subsequently the committee issued astitement rejecting the invitation
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  • 68 21 Turbulent Arabs Dispersing. All Quiet. “’Wton. December 31.-An official mes“ge itatea that the Arabs who .eized AWir-ez-Zur are now dispersing Ih^rL W?nt i. Of f00d an1 Ofg-Xtiom ’‘m- midd 8 Euphrate. show determined bostd'ty to the invaders. Abu uTiet’*™ 000 n Pied 1 21. All atDsirĕ-, 7 0 r
    68 words
  • 69 21 Longshoremen’s Demand Double Pav •trike i n Jamaica 0 11 ba ordere<i a general the pay Shinni demanding over double dock? are P °5 18 v 8Ua P and the mUitary. 8 arded by the Police and The TramlV Tram v y Str,k CThe dispute will 1
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  • 59 21 Denikin’s Campaign. A Bolshevik Claim. Moscow, January 1.—A wireless message states that the Bolsheviks claim the capture of important centres at Ekaterinoslav and Novo Moskovsk against General Denikin. Thb Trans-Siberian Railway. Entrusted to Czecho slovaks. Irkutsk,December 31, —The Allied Commissioners and Admiral Koltchak’s Government have agreed to entrust
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  • 387 21 General Petlura s Exit. London, January 1.—An authoritative summary of the operations in Russia during the last fortnight shows that the Russian moral in North Russia is good and there is nothing to fear from the activities of the present Bolshevik force. The Esthonians continue
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  • 35 21 Btt to Cost 5s a lb. London, December 31.—The removal of the control of milk, British cheese and butter is foreshadowed. It is anticipated that the last named will cost 5s per lb.
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  • 76 21 Germany and the Allies. Surrender of Harbour Material. Paris, December 31.—The Supreme Council decided that all measures relating to the enforcement of the treaty must be arranged before January 6, when it is expected ratifications will be exchanged. After the enforcement of the treaty Germany must surrender
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  • 92 21 Joint Possession of the Straits Favoured. London, December 31.-No final decision has been reached with regard to the future of Turkey. The general principles have been agreed upon provisionally but the matter will be the principal subject for discussion at the forthcoming Allied Conference in Paris, which
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  • 103 21 Estimated at Over a Million. London, January 1.—It is authoritatively estimated that the present strength of the German armed forces is over a million, composed of an army of 490,000, a navy of 12,000, the Zeitfreiwilligen, who are temporary volunteers or army of reserves, of from 150,000,
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  • 81 21 Sale of Horses and Cattle to Neutral. London, January 1.—The Reparation Commission intervened in connection with the large sale of German horses and cattle to neutrals, the discovering of which illustrates Germany’s continued deception. As recently represented she was unable to comply with certain Allied reparation demands
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  • 43 21 Two Expeditions Despatched. New York, January 1—'’’wo cinema expeditions have been despatched to Algeria, Turkey, India and China to penetrate behind the walls” with a view of portraying native social and industrial conditions in the off beaten paths of the tourists.
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  • 56 21 Bankers Clearing House. Record Aggregate. London, January 1.-The Bankers* Clearing House operations for 1919 aggregated .£28,415,000,000 being an increase of £7,217,000,000 over the clearings of 1918 and surpassing all records. The high cost of raw material has increased the price of production and the consequent greater demand for banking accommodation
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  • 140 22 Further List, Lord 41, December 31 Th e (Midetor of Railway», George Parkin (Organising Secretary, R John lunes (ex-Judicial Commissioner, Federated Malay 8ta Malcolm Stevenson (Administrator, Cyprus), Mr. Henry Thompson (Conservator of Mr. Ralph Combe (Chief Justice of Nigeria) Mr. Gerald Aubery Goodman (Judicial Commissioner, Federated Malay
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  • 140 22 Premier s New Year’s Message. Appeal for United Action London, January 1. —Mr. Lloyd George’s New Year’s message in the Manchester Daily Dispatch says, “We bid farewell to the fateful year which witnessed the singing of peace which is alike a token of victory and a warrant for hope. Whether
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  • 213 22 Uncompromising Presidential Address London, December 30.—A cable from Amrita ir states that at the opening of the Indian National Congress Mr. Nehru, in an uncompromising Presidential address, dec’•’■ed that the unrest in the Punjab dated from Earl Curzon’s Vice Royalty, while Ibbetson's administration was followed by the
    213 words
  • 105 22 Attempt at Settlement ferences are being he! 1m, Committee, after depute, cerned in the W investigate immeappointed a Committee to investigate dl Th?' Ministry of Labour is also most and a much more hopeful view is taken of the outlook, notwithstanding assertion by one of the Umons that
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  • 37 22 Departure for England. Washington, December 31—Viscount Grey departed from New York whence te sails for England on January 3. At iscount Grey’s request no special steps were taken to arrange a visit to President Wilson.
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  • 60 22 Messrs. Montagu’s Report London, January 2.—Messrs. Montagu’s report state! that the market is fairly well supplied so, despite the weakness of the American exchange, the price has slightly given way. The stock in London is very small, markedly contrasting with the position of the United States where
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  • 99 22 Kaiser’s Plans Frustrated. London, Janurry 1. -The Morning Post is publishing the famous “Dearest Nicky” letters from the ex-Kaiser to the ex-Tsar from the time of the latter’s accession in 1894 until 1914. The letters are couched in affectionate terms and are all written in English and
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  • 48 22 p an., Decombef 31 -M. Klotz, the hrench Minister of Finance, speaking in the Chamber, stated that France had al readv been compelled, thanks to Germany, to pay fifteen milliards of francs for military pensions and ten milliards for the benefit ot the occupied districts.
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  • 30 22 (her X7,000,909 Increase. kradou, January 1. The revenue for the rf£7*nn ?7- W1S £23 2 «2.9»5 an increase 01 -/.109,77.-) compared with the corresponding quarter of 1919. orrespona
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  • 30 22 President Wilson Sanctions Another Year. S nn\T hl agf0 J auuv y 1—President WilX theX 1 blli r ,tiauia for “Other yeai the Government control of sugar.
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  • 21 22 London, January 2.—A cable from Havre states that the Briiish steamer Winifredian sailed for Halifax with 2,70) Chinese.
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  • 23 22 Stranded off Honolulu. London, January 2.—1 he steamer Cusco from New York bound for Hongkong i B stranded off Honolulu.
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  • 64 22 Departing Troops Entertained. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 5.—The Manchester, the R.G.A. and the Royal Engineers were entertained by the Municipality in honour of their pending departure. Mr. Farrer extended the welcome to the X ictoria Theatre where cinema pictures were exhibited. Owen Road Murder. Both accused
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    • 402 22 [To the Editor of the Strait» Echo.] Sir,—The leading article which you published in ycur journal on the 29th ultimo headed “Squetzing the People” for the benefit of the population in general, (the humbler and poorer classes of the community in particular) has certainly pleased the
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  • 1014 23 JOCKEY CLUB'S DECISIONS. Important Changes. a brief official account of the meeting of the Jockey Club, published in Loudon on the 97th ultimo, shows that notable changes are impending as the result of the report ot Lord Hamilton 01 Dalzell’s Committee of Inquiry. In the first place, the
    1,014 words
  • 76 23 As Others See It. Our Ipoh contemporary, in acknowledging receipt of the Echo’» 1920 calendar as issued by the Criterion Press Ltd, says: “We have received a copy of the Criterion Frees' calendar for 1920--one of the most useful for offices inasmuch as it gives both English
    76 words
  • 51 23 paid a hurried visit to Ipoh last week-end prior to leaving Penang to-day for Burma to visit the Christian Brothers’ schools there, We are very glad t? hear he has recover? 1 from the effects cf a sprained foot ~h:eh kept him indocn for nearly a
    51 words
  • 649 23 AMERICA THE EAST. I MR. CHESTER A DOYLE IN PENANG. I Favourably Impressed With Malays The I Magnificent.” I The Newspaper Enterprise Association of I New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Washing, ton, Loudon and Paris, which produces a daily I news sei vice, and all classes of newspaper mateI rial
    649 words

  • 198 24 ALLIOKD (ilvo RO Malay Al a mult Of» recent aff V f Mr A Street two Chine» »PP e re4 K jala Lumpur W. Juet, Magutrate, tar „«lthat on Polio Court on Dec. 31.t lhfy Not. 30ih with Evidence was committed gang r0 V t ten Chinese
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  • 225 24 The Scheme. London, December 31.-The unemployed Insurance Bill extends insurance against the unemployed on a contributory basis to substantially the whole of the employed population between the ages of 16 and 70. .The total number of workers, manual and nonmanual, affected is estimated at 11,750,000 as compared
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  • 32 24 K.C B., Commander-in Chitf of the China Station, visited the Government Hill on Saturday and was the guest of II. E. the Acting Governor. He returned thia morning.
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  • 43 24 Bri- tub Resident, Perak, and Mrs. Maxwell will he in residence nt “The Box,’’ Taiping Hill until January 12. It is expected that Mr. Maxwell wiil vi-il Ipoh in the latter part of January.— Ipoh Tim s.
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  • 35 24 is being given to night nt Ceylon Villa, 125 Kelawei Road, by Mr. H- M. Quasim Sahib Bahadur Ahiilong Sahib iu honour of the venerable Arab •aint Moheadeeo Atdul Kader Jajlam, of Baghdad.
    35 words
  • 181 24 GVTHBIB Co.’s Singapore, January WedM ,d.y auctions ware be. 1 New \ear and Friday on acc-.u"‘J o fthe «ales f>°« Holiday. th e u fi 0 to d si 09 while ribbed pale crepe .old at up to b tonit g to an smoked ebeet fetched SLUM don
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  • 76 24 THE TSAR S MURDER. Noteworthy Confession. A telegram loom Warsaw to the Wiener Morgenzcitung says: A Rustian Bolshevist who was arrested at Warsaw admitted in the course of his examination that as a Red Guard he took part in the murder of the Tsar. The Russian was found to be
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  • 53 24 has been officially informed that Mr. Lo Chong has been appointed Chinese Consul-General in London. He has acted as Chinese Commissioner for Foreign Affairs in C fnan Fu and Amoy. He has jTi.ved in London few*a’&hirg and'taken up his duties. Mr. T. H. Low has been appointed
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  • 66 24 —The engagement is announced of Miss Ng Yung Tai, younger sister of Mr. Ng Kim Kooi, chief clerk, Chinese Protectorate, Ipoh, and Quarter-master Sergeant, M.V.I. Perak, with Mr. Teh Chean Aug, son of Towkay Teh Leh Seng, of Messrs Keat Sin Leong and
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  • 167 24 has approved of the transfer of Mr, Henry Gloster Armstrong, at present His Majesty’s Consul-General at Boston, U. S. A. to be Consul-General, at New York. Mr. Henry Gloster Armstrong was appointed to be Unsul General at Boston in June last, and has
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  • 203 24 Indo-Chinese Hevba. Under the Caplion “New Issues" th. Financier of 28.h Number elates: I he Indo-Chinese Heve<, Rubber Estate». Limited was incorporated iu the year 1918 ..a private company, and was converted into a public company by special reiomtioi» n u 9«ed and confirmed on October 31,1919,
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  • 177 24 Big Canadian Scheme, Confirmation has been received. of the report that 8 ,000 disabled Imperial exService men, many suffering from chest and lung trouble, are to be established in the dry belt of British Columbia near Kamloops, under the auspices of the Dominion Soldiers’ Civil Restablishment.. For
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  • 83 24 The Hist assize of the year opened in the Supreme Court this morning before Mr. Justice L. M, Woodward, Senior Puisne Judge. There are seven cases on the calendar—two of returning from banishment, one of forgery, one of possession of forged currency notes, one gang robbery, one voluntarily
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  • 77 24 of Messrs Katz Bros., was entertained at a banquet by a large number of the leading Chinese merchants of Penang, who presented him with addresses on the eve of his departute for Emope as tokens of the esteem in which he i 8 held
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  • 630 25 already mentioned, the old ofiice preA f Messrs Mansfield and Co., at the BeS nf M Collyer Quay and Prineo Street, Xo «e now being demolished to give place to tie new block which is to occupy this site, while the company are now in
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    • 189 25 Calcutta Xmas Meeting. The Viceroy’s Cup. Calcutta, December 21st.—At the first day of the Calcutta Christmas meeting the King-Emperor’s Cup was won by Roubaix with Quarryman second, First Flier third, and Dark Legend fourth. Won by three quarters of a length, 1| lengths between 2nd and 3rd. Calcutta, December 26th.
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    • 377 25 An interesting game of soccer was played on the Bukit Mertajam Recreation Club ground on New Year’s eve between teams representing the P. W. D. and District Ofiice, and resulted in a victory for the latter by four goals to nil. The P. W. D. team played a very
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  • 1216 25 ECONOMIC RE-BIRTH. Active Foreign Competition for Trade. After more than a century of partition Poland is a country in the throes of re-birth, and has economic problems greater and more complicated than those merely of restoration. It has simultaneously to restore the ravages of war, to protect its eastern
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  • 564 26 HALF YEARLY MEETING. The half-yearly meeting of the Siamese Steamship Co., Ltd., was held on the 26th ultimo, in Bangkok when the balance sheet for the half year ended 30th September last was adopted. In moving its adoption the Chairman said The Directors’ report for the half
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  • 255 26 Difficult to Distinguish from Genuine Crystals. It what appeared in a recent issue of the London Morning Post be based on facts,’ those who have a penchant for high-class jewellery max before long be hard put to it to distinguish between the genuine article and very clever and
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  • 149 26 London and Liverpool journals state that British shipowners are restive because of the freight rates secured by foreign shipowners tor sugar cargoes to the Continent as compared with those paid to them under Government regulations to home ports. lhe British shipowner gets 90s. a ton for carrying sugar
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 37 26 early colds. Le careful of the colds you take at thia une of the year. They are particularly danger Ji? A npcl?«ted cold may mean a winet <ng i j Fake Chamberlain ’a Cough at Pa ab
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  • 1251 27 B1K E. SHACKLETON'S STORY OF THE S1B antarctic. ..South” SiTĔXt Shaekluton tells «torv of bis last Antarctic expedition I 914 W for the first time, dedicating the re- L To rnv comrades who fell in the white “arfare of the South and on the red fields o France and
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  • 1271 27 ANOTHER SCHEME SUBMITTED. At the Batang Padang Planters’ Association on December 29 (Mr. C. B. Graburn, Chair, man) the question of the reconstruction of the P.A.M. was discussed at some length. Mr. Darby offered a lengthy criticism of the two schemes, Kennedy Scheme,” and tha Harvey Scheme,” and
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  • 750 28 COMPARISON OF EASTERN AND WESTERN CONDITIONS. Lately the authorities in Hongkong have had a good deal of trouble with Police recruits sent out from Howe. The men were very dissatisfied with their lot when they realised the loss they would sutler through the high cost of living
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  • 205 28 fudging from a cable from Paris, it looks as though the French Government, before actuallv committing themselves to the huge national Lottery Loan o- £2,300.900.000. had decided to experiment in the matter by making a smaller and indirect issue. Some time since, it was announced that
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  • 225 28 Immense Water-Power For Paris. Wthin six months of the entry into force of the "Versailles Treaty a Central Commission will meet lor the revision of the Mannheim t onvention. Germany has already given her adhesion to the decisions of this Commission V'lirh will comprise 19 members—two representativ s
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  • 1650 29 HAIG S DESPATCHES. appreciation by field marshal FOCH. In a large and handsome volume illustratJUh 01 lam0U9 geue ‘T> e n-anv piar-’, 8B<1 accompunnd by a portiorm of maps, Lord Haig a -war nook" is pubhsned not a volume oI memoirs, or remmsconces, but Douglas Haig's Despatches (December 19io —April.
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  • 253 29 London, Dec. 19. —The attack on Lord French was made shortly after he left Ashtown station near the entrance to the Phoenix Park. Ihe attempt was evidently planned with the minutest derail. Lore! French's escape was due to the fact that his cur \\us leading and the assailants
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  • 467 30 French State-Aided Imoc* Pari*» Nov. 20.—With a view to providing the notary for reconstruction work in the French devastated districts the French Government is about to authorise the issue of a huge sum in Lottery Bonds, fhe State will not make the issue itself, but in accorc anoe
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  • 433 30 A full-grown male wallaby, extremelv tame been bought by the Zoological Societv from a lady in Guernaev. About 1904, Prince Blucher, who had taken le.« -of the island of about two miles from St. Peter Pori, the capital „f Guernaev. bought a number of wallabiea. The
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  • 285 30 EXCITEMENT AT E O. DARING CHINESE THIEF ROBS GUESTS. OVERPOWERED BY DR. CONNOLLY AFTER DESPERATE STRUGGLE. Now Safely Held By The Penang Police. An unusually daring and imperturbable thief was arrested this morning at the E. 0. Hotel. A well-dressed young Chinese, speaking Malay with the accent of Sumatra, made
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  • 578 30 remarkable steadiness. (The Financier 28 Nov. 1919.') Although the Rubber Share Market haa taken a somewhat irregular course this week g(„ d features have not been lacking. While several >i the popular market counters have shown weakness other of the less prominent shares have been appreciating in value.
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  • 1613 31 effect on planting industry. Possible Assistance to Coolies. at the Sungkai D.P.A. meeting on Monday, d cussed UB8 estion made that the “view of the enhanced ‘.“ue of the rupee and the increased eostofhv n to compensate the Indian labourer m some form' and, secondly, in connection with
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  • 318 31 BRITAIN S ARAB ALLIES. The Central Arabian Mission under the Sheikh Feisu son o. Ibn sa ,J, Emir of Riauh, cor d<u its visit to Eng and aoout a month ago. Before leaving England, the young prince, through h's imeipieter, expressed the great gratification of h.mself and his suite at
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 38 31 EARLY COLDS. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous A neglected. cold way wean a win-ter-long said. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. Fc.r b&Ib by al) da*laR,
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  • 927 32 ACCUSED COMMITTED TO ASSIZES. i rv into the ease m The «uq charged which Ba«ap b: an f i Mohan in section with the murde on 8?gl the first X.rb.3 0.0 the evening of Novcmuer house in Owen Koed re on J. D. Hall in the second
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  • 174 32 A New Enactment. The draft is published in the current F.M.S. Government Gazette of an Enactment to proxidu for the control of R.vuis uno Streams and to consolidate and amend the law relating to races for drainage and irrigation. lhe object of the Bill is to prevent
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  • 105 32 RETAIL trade regulations. Price This Month Same A»™’"-™ Cent. A Ganlang For AU Kinde. Thc maximum amount ot rice which retail, era ale at present allowed to eel! to indivi. dual» 1» I» <‘ en) 6 im, u s The retail price of rice is the same as last
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  • 58 32 In a few days a number of rice depots will be opened at Singapore where there will be no difficulty in procuring supplies. The depots will be‘conducted by wealthy Chinese under Government supervision. Emergency individual rationing, which was tried for a fortnight by issuing dollar coupons, has been
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  • 133 32 Rationing in Perak. The Householder’s Licence system of rice rationing was brought into force with extraordinary rapidity in Taiping town and its suburbs, says the Ipoh Times of 3rd instant. It had been estimated that it would take ten days to get the system in working order.
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  • 133 32 Market Rising Owing to Larger Purchases By The Straits and Java. The Compagnie de Commerce and de Navigation d’Extreme Orient, of Saigon, in their market report dated December 9 state There is no change to report in our market during the last fortnight. Our prices are very high
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 47 32 INDIGESTION And BILIOUSNESS. You should not eat food of any kind when bilious, but take a full dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and drink plenty of water. That cleanse the stomach, mo: a the bowela at>d sorn restore the ayatem to a healthy widlUett. Fv <a!< by al]
      47 words

  • 846 33 1 ,r France in the British Empire The fnen d °f Frame 1 aB d who duCS Ot ju fu llowed the oommg with a sympathetic, curious, yrencii electro cl ‘dict. recently regK' Reuter,’ is one they expected and £Xy welcome. They read it. no doubt as
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  • 184 33 NO OFFICIAL RECEPTION IN PENANG. Merely Passing Through On His Way To Singapore. Our new Governor, who will probably touch here on his wav to Singapore about a fortnight or three weeks hence, will, we understand, be simply passing through Penang eu route his seat oi Government,
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  • 95 33 in the House of Lords on the 19th ultimo on tbe passing of the much-debated India Bill, Lord bn lbourne mentioned that Lord Sinha was tnefirst Indian British subject to be a memlrer of the House < f Lords and that he should take his seat with
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  • 105 33 j mj i iiya vuoihju'HI de Richelieu), who was born in angkok an< left the country when a baby <’ tour or five, is revisiting Siam for the rti time. He is a Liputenani in the Danish iussars, and the Bangkok Tim s says
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  • 508 33 Inspector S E. Smith, of Kuala Lumpur, has been tranferred to Kepong. Mr H. 8. White-ide, of Port Dickson,has left fur Home vii Ausualia. Mr. D B. S. Te le, of Siliau, has taken up the managership of Ainndale Estate. 11. H. the Sultan of Langkat and
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  • 184 34 The P*Aca Trsitv. Procedure t« be Adopted. P.rU, Gi^^TwlUigo protocol of prober U h rotifc.tion of the Treaty of VomiE Afterward. M. Clemeooeau Oerroau deto the letter containing a resume of vernal •entrances that ths Allies are Z reduce the quantity of tonnage demanded, UGW can prove
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  • 183 34 India’s Note Circulation, London, January I.—Messrs. Mocatta and Goldsmids annual review of the Silver Market points out that China’s experts of silver from 1914 to 1918 exceeded her im* ports by about 81,000,000 taels. It says that some think China then parted with much more silver than
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  • 116 34 Tat Daib iz Zor Affair, Arab Requests Refused. Basrah, December 28.-An official represenUtive of the Arab Government, conferring with the British authorities, suggested that British troops should return to Dair ez Zor to restore order. A representative cf kan Bhalash made a similar appreciation and was asked to
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  • 93 34 Mr Churchill's Speech. t q .\fr Winston Chur* London, ]j, ell |ii'g wrh chill in a .peech at Sdo erl«i Bolshevism, .aid it »M > P i,e<i Hah dffi'royed fneduin aud auewpted Viam which des royta yir pr we to establieh government V ere we f.lra lesson, in
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  • 57 34 Encouragement to White Race. Ottawa, January 1. In view of encouraging the White fishing population of the Pacific Coast the Dominion Government has decided to discontinue the issue of Salmon cannery or salmon seizing licences except to resident citizens of the Whi e race. Hitherto filing has
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  • 63 34 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 5. —The engagement is announced of the Honourable Mr. Eric Macfadyen, M.F.C., youngest son of the late Reverend J. A. Macfadyen, of Manchester, to Miss V. S. Champney, of Batu Blab, Klang, second daughter of E. H. 8. Champney, Esquire,
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  • 35 34 No Further Developments. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 5,—There have been no further developments to the rick-ha trouble. There is still a shortage of rickshas on the streets.
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  • 76 34 Splendid Effort of Straits Chinese (From Out Own Corretpondent.) Singapore, January 5.— A committee of leading Chinese has raised 8500,000 from Chinese and Indians for the purpose of purchasing rice from the Government and retailing same to the poor at various depots at the rate of a
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  • 47 34 BURMA RICE. Control Measures in 1920 under Consideration, the R 22 y d g >"• H T e nf »n the 22od ultimo to Mr. B. C Spoor Mr ,,f,L malh,ail > G'>vernnifnt control Mot *4 Goverutnent o f for r h matte: was urgent, ai<J that the
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  • 205 34 Wet New Yeah in New York, Further Death» from Wood Alcohol. New York, January 1.—Despite the prohibition New York was decidedly wet in places aud on New Year's Eve the restaurants and hotels were crowded with wine parties, which paid exorbitant prices for private supplies. Few arrests were
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  • 133 34 Appeal from Red Cross. K )iip, January 1.—The International Committee of Red Cross Societies of Geneva are requesting intercession in favour of 200,000 prisoners of different nationalities in the han is of the Japanese, and kept in Siberia, undergoing agonising sufferings which must lead to madness and
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  • 172 34 Lord Robert Cecil’s Views, Lord<>n, January 3.-lu a speech at Leeds Lord Robert Cecil dealt with the attitude of America to the Peace Treaty. He emphasised that Britain wanted the assent not of one party in America but of the whole ot America. He would rather
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  • 455 35 Between Ex Kaiser and ExCzar. First Instalment. London, January 1-The first indent 'in Post to-day, £S'one dll 2nd of April, 1895 which i> of particular interest to the Far East. Theex-Kaiser therein writes I shall certuinly do all in my p.-wer to keep Europe uuiet and guard
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  • 146 35 L'>nd<m aV T l i Exh bl,lu Scheme. "d“v‘ d Sir II: T r Oreeu Trndl y P-*Part>neut of Overseas ij 'la an Interview, saidtbatthe Treasury under wT h 7‘ for a TbX taTcX'ih “a, id f 3 U i h This was d‘ s t 1
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  • 1155 35 Counterfeit Notes, The Arizes wan resumed yesterday afternoon before Mr. J e ice Woodward and a Common Juiy. Tne Ht-xc case was that against Loh Weng Lip, who was charged with porsersiou of forged or counterfeit 10 ceut currency notes. He claimed to be tried and was defended
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  • 133 35 Ad miral Albert Gleaves, Commander-in- Chief of the United States Asiatic Squad n-n, and etwfr Liu Shanghai for Peking on the 21st ultimo by the bhanghai-Nanking Railway. A special car convey® I the party to Nanking, where it was met by representatives of the Northern Government to escort the officers
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  • 615 36 Tb recent death Mr■ Deputy Medical Cuml ’7‘"lusble >«rk in the statistic»! brilliant and \aluao.c Prison* .ucct.gat.on. of ennonology. tou.nus.iou have therefore very g 3V U.hed a. tribute to h.s an »U edition of h.a work on Professor with an introduction by Froteaaor £“pe.raon, who says Goring cleared on
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  • 713 36 ScaGMTIOX. FOB HbtUEMBST Of IsDIXS Problems. (By 31. HljW» th> FaU V 3 Mali Gazelle of 26bov. 1919) Owing perhaps to the imperfections in tbe telegraphic connection with India, one has baen left ra her in the dark in respect ot certain details on the subject
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  • 160 36 Probable Closer Relation!. Representa ivei of British Universities recently visited Belgium and ata meeting with the Directors of the Universities of Brussela, L Louvain and Ghent, questions were discussed of the interchange of professors between British and Belgian Universities, particularly for limited courses of advanced lectures,
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  • 214 36 FIXATION IN 30 SECONDS. From Exposure to Projection on Screen in Half an Hour, Briti h Expert's Great Discovery. At a feceni nv-?i mg < f rhe Royal College of Science Chemical Society at South Kensington, Izmdon, Mr. K H'ckman gave a lecture “Fl ot'uraphic Pastime! from the
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  • 46 37 BIRTHS. \fr E. A. Deneb, W«J»n IWi'» 1 bumP r 0» December 30, of a d»“« e o[ D(icenl Home. London, to of Horry I>atl.erb.rrow, daughter. I.dmburgh. wile GEIKIE-Noveuibei ax* 11 (ipikiD, on the 26th December, 10W, th- >fe of Andrew Carson, a son.
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  • 359 37 The principle behind the device that put the dreaded Fokker out of business during the war has an important application to the arts of peace. Dormans, ot Stafford, used Wave Transmission in the famous “interrupter gear which put 2,000 bullets a minute through the propeller-orbit ot
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  • 768 37 BANQUETTED LAST SATURDAY. I Presentation of Chinese Addresses. The impending departure of Mr. S. WoodHill, of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros., for Home by the Kleist, which sails on the 9th inst., was made the occasion of a farewell dinner on Saturday, the 3rd idem, at the Bean Hong
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    • 263 37 Dear Sir, May I crave a little space in your valuable paper to draw attention to our rice supplies. About one week ago I, an ordinary wageearner, was in my spare time wandering about trying to get a dollar’s worth of rice from Penang Road to Magazine Road
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  • 188 37 rhe mail train from Singapore on Saturday evening, w hicli should have reached Kuala Lumpur at 6.45 on Sunday morning, did not arrive until 3.45 in the afternoon consequent upon two wash-outs on the Singapore section of the line. The train, a very full one with three
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  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 222 38 E2EES esssssSj E* 1 c I CRITERION PRESS, Ltd, I NO. 59. BEACH STREET. PENANG. ESTABLISHED 1883. I PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I Proprietors of the "STRAITS ECHO” ad "PE" fli r *L ii > i i > I iS and Litho- Ihe mo’t c~ h i. graphers in th’ Ch?.' Our
      222 words