The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 20 November 1918

Total Pages: 36
1 1807 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 1039 1 While it is quite possible that, owing to the revolutionary changes in Germany and Austria, the actual reversion to peace conditions in Europe may be considerably delayed, the war as a world conflict ceased to all intents and purposes with the signing of the armistice on
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  • 640 1 Dr. A.L. Hoops, Bute Surgeon of Kedah, •Dd his family are greatly enjoying their hoj’day in Australia; when the mail left they were at Mildura in Victoria. T? 8 0 0, John ■olioitor-General of the United States, has been appointed United States Ambassador in London in succession to the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 Che Straits echo. /dr St;» f>O W W w PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sondays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local <BO Per annum Outstation Postage Extra, Mall Edition (Post Free) •18 per annum. Cable Address: "ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos, (Kobo) 580. Printing
      100 words

  • 980 2 a cr **ic Arm*. "m°" write dmlapmeati 0 u ‘k 8 O, F*° 1 M draxmti, P i“t. J, "tighl sow UL. J 4 J* oom P> on together at »1 1B officers and men S7vm.r. P L P ,bl wtertain-ent. Mokfrittd,*’' 1 h ■akaowa Md Z. S
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  • 268 2 [Burma's Tilbubaju.] Insrcase of Capital London, November 10. In view of the expansion of its business, the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Ohina, proposes to increase its capital (from 1,200,000 paid up) to <£2AOO,OOu by the issue of 40,000 new £2O shares at £4O each. Shareholders
    [Burma's Tilbubaju.]  -  268 words
  • 3589 2 [Bsutib’. Tu, MlAMb i THE NEWS in BRITAIN EntliMlasni and Thankfulness. T IlOlldoD November 11,12 5 n m The ngniog of the Armi.tioa ally inno.noed at 10.20 although .....ft r.mow had g.ined o.rre.ov inmate. earlier. The new. 7 He wildfire. Extraordinary IM pt ,d «athame,» strongly mingled w“h
    [Bsutib’. Tu,MlAMbi  -  3,589 words

  • 24 4 Latest Quotation.. Tin (unrefined) < >’ o te h %fined) »142.50 and in Bing»po te V h nda >143.25, business done ob 8 100 tone.
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  • 26 4 Serendah 11,816. ffi Miss Emily C h rlo e fo’rfaw i"’’f' woman in Eogl*“ qqqqqO died 0“ She was 78 years of *F-
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  • 5758 5 the importance of education REFORM. CONSIDERATION OF SUPPLY BILL. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Monday. His Excellency the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, G. Q. M. G., K. B. E-), preaided, and the other members present were H. E. the General Officer Commanding (Majos-General D.
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  • 2321 1779 TEXT OF CONDITIONS. Official IntimationThe following telegram was received today by the Resident Oouncillor from HE. the Governor The following has been received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies November 11. The following are the terms of the German Armistice which are being read by the
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  • 1973 1780 LOCAL CELEBRATIONS. Without waiting fo r the official celebration yesterday the public continued on Tuesay afternoon and night in various ways oee expressions cf feelings to which they were moved by the news of the signing of the Armistice, One of the earliest and quite the most striking
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  • 913 1781 LlabiuuD vx J. M. Sime, Chairman. (From Out Own Correspondent Singapore, November 14. On the Fading yesterday evening H. E. the Governor proclaimed the news regarding the armistice before a very huge crowd. The text of the proclamation was read in Malay, Chinese, Hindustani, Punjabi, Tamil, Arabic and
    LlabiuuD vx J. M. Sime, Chairman.  -  913 words
  • 18 1781 Latest Quotltion.. Tin (unrefined) i’fined) at »142.50 end n> Bw»PV hand. >143.25, business done .on 100 tons,
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  • 990 1782 [Bbuter’s Tblbgrams.] ABDICATION AND FLIGHT. How London Bocslved the NewsLondon, November 11, 55 a mi London, surfeited with sensations And sware of the imminence of victory, received the nawi of the Kaiser’s abdication on Saturday with comparative indifference, bit the downfall of the Hohenaollerns and their ignominious
    [Bbuter’s Tblbgrams.]  -  990 words
  • 1621 1782 .K.orix'a Titian». 1 CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW. VOl£ OF CREDIT. T Londou, Nerember 12. in the House of Commons, Mr. Bonar «HW, in a vote of credit of seven lundred millions, said be expected the ex« jenditure would ba less, but if this was the end of the
    .K.orix'a Titian». 1  -  1,621 words

  • 454 1783 ft* Savage, in Britain. [Biot»»', Tiligi ABB q Th* official NoTemb, r 1», death, trom?.flX r e, ill oonBM with E»Rla*d aid Wale, last week w"e 7S' a, th., total 3.968 death, oco.rred Among Army in Franc». Mr T.w nr tendon, November 13. fnr w 1 a M
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  • 55 1783 (Itoi Our Own 15 Singapore, NovemDer 1». Before Mr. Justice Ebden O»P»« Maddox, of the eteamer of petitioned for a divorce on the gr, bi, wife’s infidelity, o.ttng Arthur E<P‘ C man, aged S 3, ae co-respondent. Respondent alleged adulter?. by P tionerand al.o failure to maintain
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  • 47 1783 Asiooifttion Foothill* Singapore, Boren In the Our Day g j"*, Club, the Chinese rerun f Bt lot and*»» former proved the much, alter by one (a penalty) goal to nil. y g H. E? the Governor. Lady f General Bidout, and Jane, were pr,nent.
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  • 781 1784 There Lava boaa tundiy complaints in recent timsa of increased leturniug charges for treating tin concentrates by the smelting companies operating in the Straits Bttlementt), Tuis increase was put forward some while ago by the Chamber of Mines as one of the reasons for the unsatisfactory
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  • 206 1784 The report of the Select Committee on the draft estimates for Singapore, Malacca and Labuan amongst other things recommends the provision of $250 000 for the ternporary housing accommodation of the poor during the demolition of insanitary dwellings and the carrying out of Improvement Schemes. They also
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  • 223 1784 Columbia Cup, This cup will ba played for on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the 16tb, 17th and 18th inst. i Conditions—4 consecutive rounds of 9 hole»; medal play under handicap. All four rotfuds to count. Entrance fee $1 each competitor. The following extract is from a letter
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  • 292 1784 —S-F.P. Amongst tbe papers laid on ths table of the Legislative Council on Monday was one dealing with correspondence between the Government and the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the subject of the revision oi Civil Service conditions. A despatch torn Mr. Walter Long approves
    —S-F.P.  -  292 words
  • 309 1784 Ninth List of Subscii ptions Riohvid. Account previously acknowledged $75,336. 72. H. A. Cader 50, Collecting Card No. 62 issued to Chinese Club 220, James Brown 100, Captain Frank Ball 150, H. G. Barwar 100, Staff of War Tax Office 10, Proceeds of
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  • 1159 1785 PINANG AND SINGAPORE VIEWS. We are in agreement with the main arguments advanced in the following article by the Singapore Free Preu: Penang Chamber of Commerce often a T ery different course from that pursued by the Singapore Chamber, probably largely due to the fact that Penang
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  • 164 1785 Verdict and EiderThe enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of a Chinese girl named Tan Hoi who was kncckwd down by motor-car in Bridge Street on September 29 and died shortly after was concluded yesterday before Mr. 8. H, Langston. A Chinese carpenter said that he
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  • 281 1785 S'[To THU Editob or Til Strait, Edh>.] Is it not lamentable that the le Prayer-Book let Bs lu f„ r.bly inappropriate resuscitation of ths ..«ph, wicked ..v.gery of the anoi. Hebrew on this Day of Thanksgivi ns whirl! b/men? 9 d f g at Whn
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  • 248 1785 [Io THU Iditob o> thu Strait* KcU] Dear Br, I note from the Municipal President s notice published in your issue of yesterasy that ah Schools will re-efoen on Baturaay the 16th met. Thia is very silly_on the part of the authorities, in view of the tact
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  • 1191 1786 The future of Turkey i 8 to be decided at the Peace Conference but it is perhaps well to point out at the present juncture that although Great Britain has been the Power most deeply concerned in the two Asiatic campaigns, it does not follow that the
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  • 24 1786 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) ie quoted to-day at *142 20. .nd in Singapore (refined) at ’I42X business done, h n4 125 tone.
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  • 535 1786 [Eutrrii’s Tiligiams] Bwlantbn by Troilitr*. A mN. Landon, November 18. A cable from Amsterdam says tha ?h° B speech .aid the watchword ot Dutch Sooiili.t. wm Ks.olutio. without aatreby." He con de t4 .‘fie Bol.h.uik .loess... Iha Booi.lut. ot Holland would sot calm, bat drastically. Tha
    [Eutrrii’s Tiligiams]  -  535 words

  • 966 1787 O. B. E. In tbe House of Commons recently Mr. P. A Harris asked what was the total num* bar of recipients of the Order of the B'itish Empire in each class since the inception of the Order, and who had the right to make nominations, Mr* Brace
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  • 216 1787 [Riutus'b Tulmgbaks.] Work m Usui. London, November 18. A wireless German official message states that the Provisional Government’s executive committee has decided that prisoners of war should remain in their plaoas of employment and be obliged to work as heretofore and to receive the same
    [Riutus'b Tulmgbaks.]  -  216 words
  • 2656 1787 [Ruutbb Tbliqi 1K8 i J PBEBIDENT ON OUTLOOK, -beech to Congress, A cable wj±? b r 11 ‘fVh Pt sid k Wilson, in readingthe tenm of the Armiitioe to a joint .«..jX, iP* 1 grew, „id ,_<• We know til! J the war i, attained, Armed ImpenXm «onwmd
    [Ruutbb Tbliqi1K8i J  -  2,656 words

  • 923 1789 [Rbutkb’s Tbleobams.] i POLITICAL BREACH HEALED, London, November 12, A telegram to Amsterdam from Berlin «ays that Ebert has announced that strife I between the Majority Socialists and the I Independent Socialists has ended. Grand-Duke ef Heise. From Darmstadt it is reported that the Grand-Duke of Hesse
    [Rbutkb’s Tbleobams.]  -  923 words

  • 501 1790 I [Reuter Telegrams] J ENFORCEMENT OF NAVAL •CONDITIONS’ The German Plenipotentiaries. The light cruiser Koanigiberg put t 0 sea 0« Wednesday with plenipotentiaries of the Workmens’ and Soldiers’ Council of the flset to meet the British Admiralty’s representatives. Von Hipper chief of the High Seas forces participates in
    I [Reuter Telegrams] J  -  501 words
  • 160 1790 m A* 9 tveD diBh, clerk to the Exemption Irlbunal, forwards us the following further list of results PENANG. The Nestlb and Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co, E.T.59. W.E. O. Turvill was granted I conditional exemption so long as he remained in his present employment, KEDAH. The
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  • 219 1790 Lean Co’s Weekly Report. The great an i glorious news of the definite overthrow of the last and greatest of our enemies, Germany, has overshadowed everything during the week under review which has been almost entirely devoted to celebration and rejoicing over the historic event. It is
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  • 559 1790 IN AID OF THE RED CROSS FUND Resident Councillor’s Appealn at CDaD R» November 9. On the 28th August last a PdW ar was held in the Town Han f b 10 eet,n question ot ‘be The Meeting w K d all leading oitiisna of
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  • 297 1791 -B.T. Before Mr. Justice Bbden, in the Supreme Court, the case was commenced on Tuesday and continued yesterday in which Captain Charles William Bowen Maddox applied for a petition of divorce against his wife Clara Augusta Maddox on the grounds of infidelity, Arthur B, Especkerman, looking quite
    -B.T.  -  297 words
  • 195 1791 A very distressing fatality occurred on Tuesday evening, reports the Malay Mad, which resulted in the death of Mrs. I M Monkland, wife of Mr. A. M. MOakland, of Segambut Estate. Rental, Mr. and Mrs. Monkland were superintending a special feed being given to the coolies
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  • 752 1791 ARMISTICE CELEBRATIONS. (From Our Oicn Correspondent Alar Star, November 18. Last Tuesday morning the Adviser called a public meeting at the Bate Beiar and read the telegram from the Private Secretary to H E. the Governor conveying the telegram from the Secretary of State announcing the signing of
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  • 246 1791 At St* Georgt’i. A vary large congregation assembl'd st St. George’s Church at 11 o’clock yesterday morning for the Thanksgiving Service, among those who attended it being the Hon. the Resident Councillor, The form of service followed was that prescribe* l for the Diocese for use at this
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  • 114 1791 Acceptable as the action of the authority. is in .ffoiding some relief to rubber position—and the "J® ful for the relief—it doe» not go to the root of the matter, eaye L. o»d September J 5. It rather encourage. net. and others who have not joined
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  • Page 1791 Advertisements

  • 564 1792 [Ewvrua’e Telkgximb] PREMIER'S WEIGHT? WORDS. London, November 16, The general election campaign opened with great meeting in London on behalf ef the Coalition at which Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Bonar Law and Mr. Baines spoke. Ml hloyd George eaid the war had glaringly revealed the faulty organisation
    [Ewvrua’e Telkgximb]  -  564 words
  • 508 1792 [Buutbrb TblbobamsJ BE CONST RUCTION PROBLEMS. Gtneral Smuts on Outlook. n. na o London, November 14. meot m h®?’ I te P r e.entiog th. Go,era“eot »s host it «dinner in London to «“ITwh'hV n' d tb A “"l=‘’« 1 b ba Br.ti.h Empire in reoon.
    [Buutbrb TblbobamsJ  -  508 words
  • 12 1792 JSsSSWT-"»»» Hoyr ISB 190. d y Ch:Xu«Tm D^mgLcd..Dr.d g e-
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  • 1413 1792 IRsUTBS's TlLiaiAMS.l SUBBENDIB of battleships.» Muting off Hrth of Forth Reuter feg sumgtlurg un( j er Admira Memer Commission oompriaing Urea-Naval Officer, anu four membar. of *h. a Soldier.- oo.Mil „ritj »t the readeivou off the Fi.iL of. Forth and. meet. B.r David 8a.,15 to-night. They
    IRsUTBS's TlLiaiAMS.l  -  1,413 words

  • 2735 1793 Eogl«d I viA'’ me J,^ horn hMe ‘"Mi. Dr. Rattray and Mrs Rat M*Ucca, have gone up Penang staying at the Crag. F U ar Th a Mail, of November 1 th*t Commander D O r» N.v.l Officer aod Port' Offio”• inmate of the G.ner.l Ho.pihl, ffi.'“ Tbe following
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  • 192 1795 C£’ra?« Our Own Singspoie, November 16, The death has taken place of Mr. Charles Limtrcier, Chief engineer of the e.s, Kaka as a result of a motor accident, Mr. H. Muir, Surveyor of ships has been granted eight months’ leave. The Country fair, Gossip Shop and Mug House's
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  • 469 1795 [Ekotir’b Tblegbamb] Tow in South Ufa,. Their Matourer h uXJtnd I KING 8 MESSAGE TO THE EMPIRg I Address to the Throne» In th, Hone I x? Bt j l9 18hed 10 Bena nmssage to tbs I Empire by addressing both Houses of I tr l
    [Ekotir’b Tblegbamb]  -  469 words

  • 5715 1796 ESTATE HOSPITALS QUESTION. LEADING PLANTER’S VIEWS. CAREFUL CONSIDERATION IMPERATIVE. Tbe general meeting for the quarter of tbs Mahy Peninsula Agricultural Association was held at the Krian Club, Parit Buntar on Sunday morning last Mr. J. W. Kennedy (Gula Kalumpong) presided and among the others present were Messrs. W. Duncan
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  • 1267 1799 -s.F.e, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. A general meeting of the members of the Kedah Planters’ Association was held at the Chamber of Commerce on Satarday morning' Mr. E. D. Lane (Rubber Estates of Krian) presided and the others present were Messrs. J, Wilson (Kuala Sidim) J. Jaffray (Victoria
    -s.F.e,  -  1,267 words
  • 572 1799 -T.O.M. yesterday’for S hl> of not T e b a fe w P d ishment for a first offence to *n B pun robber, a nd gang-X'® nine-tails laid on with Z’m. j thoroughneis haa, in other parhTft! world been found to act a. ‘J,? some deterrent.gain,
    -T.O.M.  -  572 words
  • Page 1799 Advertisements

  • 659 1800 In view of the agitation as to paid to Malayan Civil Servants, a fl the decision appoint a commission of e oqa i rY I aerial of advertisements appearing ia mal i feek in London dailies, and headed To Invalided Officers and Soldiers," Bre of peculiar interest.
    659 words
  • 142 1800 List 0» Swbscbiftiobs, 01. Cud Ho. M r k V* h M 858, 100.00. Cord No. W h “t* K oi‘rd M BpX 1600. Cud No. 8 9 P p r 8 Ohuohe, .t Q e th,>ll 12(U d r ?°N h°’ 0l T rke S
    142 words
  • 84 1800 A SUBSTAJTTIXL TviAL, The North Kedah Red Cross Fund accounts have been closed, the sum of $166,157,52 being realised. This sum has been forwarded by H. H. the Regent, as Chairman, to the Hongkong Bank, Singapore, to the credit of the Red Cross Fund, The
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  • 35 1800 There will a special Victory Band performance by moonlight on the Esplanade on Wednesday, November 20th, at 9 pm. The Tank will attend to sell tickets for the Bed Cross 11.
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  • 77 1800 0 [To tub Editob or thb Straiit Self Sir, Urgent appeals way be made for subscriptions., but to my thinking the undignified procedure of advertising subscribers’ names with certain brands of Whisky and Stout is not calculated to help, Personally I take the strongest exception to the use
    77 words
  • 53 1800 Columbia Cup. The result of the above competition is as follows 1— Vi»»* l Nett. ~Crw t»+w+«+«- 1M 8 16 g^’w+tf+W+M-lS»-» 8 178 U ng ,ton W+Mu M V. G. «+5l „49 51=199-21-177 Ten Others played b«f mtde n 0 JB& ,h 9 BwMp w h
    53 words
  • 500 1800 [To tub Editob op tub ShwUs 1 Dear Sir, J It will bo of interest to subscribers of ths b??? 10 10 h,ar 1 h boon advised Y Mo\ I reMwer o« fko fund M 17th*Het; 9 lartWl lndw lhe d**O of *7rh September last that the
    500 words

  • 149 1801 UBT Of 8UB8CBIPTION& floomau BbavoMr. W. Duncan *****, Messrs. K. MMcLeod SO, X A. fleeter |5. A. Foray th 15, J. F. Barbour 18, W. I. Macdonald IS. J. M. Kydd 101, W. M. Miller 100. W? ‘M. Dodds SO, A. F. Smith 25. J, C.
    149 words
  • 100 1801 Mr. Khaw Joo Tok advises ns that the output! from the tollowing fonr companies for the flrst half of November, were i Bangnon Valley No Liability—SOO piculs; Deebook Dredging No Liability—2os pionli; Bonpibon Extended No Liability—l3B pionls; Tin Bentong No Liability—Cubic .yards 28,890; Honrs 269 Pionls 153, shut
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  • 137 1801 Holland American 592,486, Si Pare Pare 27,805, Netherlands Langkat 9,728 lb. It is satisfactory to learn that the food situation has been relieved to a considerable extent by the arrival today of 5,000 bags of rice from Bangoon. Honesty is the beet policy i but .tho traveller
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  • 1222 1801 ABMIBTIOI OELEBBATIONS AT BUNGEI PATANI. (/rem Our Own Alor Star, November 18. News of the signing of the Armistice reached Snngei Patent at noon on Tuesday and there was a great outburst of enthusiasm. AU the houses in the town were bo flagged. Motor oars decked with flags
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  • 1785 1802 OKU OF PENANG’S best citizens* Xt is with deep regret thwt we barn that Messrs, Hottenbach Bros, have received a cable from England stat ng that their senior partner, Mr, August Hutteobach, died on the 12th inat. The place of his demise was not mentioned,
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  • 23 1802 Latent Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted bore to-day ta 1186.70, and in Singapore (refined) n 1137.41, business dona,lN tone chsngl u handst
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  • 972 1803 [To TBi Iditob or th» Straiii Eekr>] Sir, I noticed a letter in your paper of November lith signed 0 and headed Tne Obnsiten Welcome to Pease.” The writer laments "that the roit ne of the Prayer Book let in for anoh a horribly inappropriate
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  • 1021 1803 BERMOX AT bx. ANDREWS In St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Penang, on Sunday evening, en the occasion of the Tnanksgiviog Service for victory and peace, the Bev, D. J. Boss, M. A., took as hie text I. Samuel 2A, The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they
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  • 1887 1804 Throughout the Empire there will ba a feeling of relief at the newi that the leader! of the Coalition Cabinet bare io to adjeet their views on general political questions to the argent needs of the situation that, so far as they at any rate are concerned, national
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  • 11 1804 DEATH. Oa the 12th inet. at jpcdeo, August HiiUsnbaob, aged 68.
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  • 621 1805 Mr. Justioa Woodward his left for Singapore and will probably not ba back until the end of the monUi. Mr. W. Kelso, of the Penang Harbour Board, and Mrs. Kelso leava by the ss. KUng to-day for Singapore on a short holid‘y Mr. H. Oxenham, manager, Eastern Shipping Company,
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  • 950 1805 Alcohol on Trial. Mr. Kellaway stated some time ago that the Central Control Board would publ sh shortly a report on the action of alcohol on the human organism. It has not yet been publ shed but we are told teat the book is under way, and that
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  • 181 1805 [Euurii’s TiLiGWfi London, November 17. A message from Paris says that GrandDuke of Saxe-Meiningen and the Prince or Sohaumburg-Lippe hive abdicated, ix Meiningen has been proc aimed a Kspsonc. British Shipping for France. London, November It i, ,emi-offioi»Uy .enounced Brit,in hue agreed to cede to France NJ
    [Euurii’s TiLiGWfi ]  -  181 words

  • 2009 1806 [Riutus's Tilig ßAKB i LONDON EEJOICINGB. A Loyal Besolution. Th. Armistice reform' 17< to s climax with wooderf.l «mob^ 01 “J 010 Boekiogbam P.1.0e w.',* X’ otinotioo m the daytime when varion pro cessions ended there Tha p 0 .f American wm tha J “of b a d
    [Riutus's TiligßAKB i  -  2,009 words

  • 566 1807 [Bxutib’s Telegrams BRITISH PREMIER'S SPEECH. President In Accord. London, November 16, The Press Bureau announces that President Wilson has sent a message ta Mr. Lloyd George as follows May I express my sincere admiration of the admirable temper and purpose of your address of the 12th. It
    [Bxutib’s Telegrams ]  -  566 words
  • 483 1807 Th. following are the .Iteration, o f to dlj'— A A 4Oo lirt Alor Gsjah 8.50 buyers and 4.00 lellsri Ayer Hitam 12 50 buyers and 18.50sellers* Ayer Molek 270 buyers and 300 sellers, Pauas 10.50 b.y\r. and lu 0 X Bassett 1X)O buyers and 1.00 sellers; Bukii Jelotong
    483 words