The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 18 September 1918

Total Pages: 36
1413 1448 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 967 1413 We shall win tha war, of course; but ebsli we win tbe war and how shall T* w i° tbs warp Attar four years the 'JitntQ be sat stands still on cocquered tantory, still controlling tbe acts of >.«» bly 150,000,000 people. Wd say and bshewe
    967 words
  • 572 1413 DO^ r /.“A'” ?-J’. d ,W ll ,,,rn t 0 8 a.;. Di“di^ U nrt.rdV t® P X e e t‘ ,Or b Ot tbe D.nding. that* J t d„ pre.idio,jo tbe ot Dirtriot jSgetod» '“fT' o*cP” 0 c P”” n *”l.ed bora Jone/ and
    572 words
  • Page 1413 Advertisements
    • 96 1413 straits echo. ft-1 K 2Fr*xrtr*s*« /r pff BLIB HED DAILY (Exce*t Snn4«ys and public bolldayt.) AT THE criterion press, limited, SI) Beach Street, Penang. Price: ]>fly Local $BO per annum. N Outstation Postage Extra. Mill Iditlon (Pont J Free) $lB per annum. Cub Address: *'ECHO PENANG Telephone Nos. (Eoho) see.
      96 words

  • 950 1414 A Veracious Hl, Nut »o ierj r Colonial Bar ,fnJ J 6 lgo hera w B a freshly proir eU 'T of this Colony who, tired of o>* bore from Ceylon, was rever forward *ing W^6Q official matters came ti&gF f° r his opnon Ceylon precedents, lo r
    950 words
  • 265 1414 Japambsb Fin id job Bbuacb The first case under the Registration of Alien Ordinance was heard by Mr. S H. Langston in the Police Court this morning when one Yoshinobu Kai, a Japanese, was summoned at the instance of Mr, V. G. Bivi f R gistrar of Aliens,
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  • 25 1414 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at |!49.12|, business don?, in Singapore (refined) at >149.871 bus n?es don?, sold SO tens.
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  • 1562 1414 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FORCING RETREAT ON THE Al»r PM i*'Xb," a •tuck.. German gX' X?’*' impioiMble owing to lack If *1 effecti,.,. Th. Ve2 Ck fo° 11 the capture of success™ b e «gwiwtiote, mile, d«p, habed during two yun, water lines on which Lndendort i, u bound
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  1,562 words

  • 545 1415 [B.ur..'. T.l.obaji».] PEOPLE AND POLITICS. Ministerial Chicgei L ncon, 8 pt. mb»r 10 A tekgram fr m Cop-nbag-n aUfea that owi gto inc’fkn ng lhivoukd.h am< Dg the p ople in Grm nr imp rant p I t r*l Chaogsa a-r ppioaCbii’g iLCludibk cwta n n iris’.fi».
    [B.ur..'. T.l.obaji».]  -  545 words

  • 467 1416 [Biutib’s Tiligbams.] TREASURE AND TERRITORY. Turkiy UnhappyLondon, September 9, A telegram to Amsterdam from Berlin itatee that the Germano-Russian supple* mentary treaties that have been signed provide for the immediate appointment of Delimitation Commissions with provision for neutral sones. Germany undertakes not to support the formation of
    [Biutib’s Tiligbams.]  -  467 words
  • 556 1416 [Ruutkb's Tiligbamb] Field-Marshal to Troops, SPECIAL ORDER OP THE DAY. Enemy's Effort Spent* London, September 10, 1.30 p.m. Sir Dotglas Haig has issued this special order of the day to the troops in Francei—“A month has now passed since the British Armies, after] successfully withstanding all the enemy’s
    [Ruutkb's Tiligbamb]  -  556 words
  • 282 1416 commit... Kt u •hs charge ‘gaiont. T 7 »8 genu;.,. fo„ td a Tbe het. a. uarrat.d k Nicol were that 0B Aumt -ent to the office of lh g *p. Bo tk oiel Store at 72 0 a r? Co.£,, B ‘r e'** «d M.chiel Loai.,
    282 words
  • 152 1416 Rksult or Elictioi. According to an official telegram received by the Chinese Comal in Penang from tta Foreign Office at Peking, Bsi ®bib cbwg has been eli cted President of tbe Bepb of China, The new President has b« eDoM of the best known ot Chim’i itatesmen
    152 words
  • 30 1416 government loan^ saSUIU Firth» It i. officUHy n firthrr ment ha. Kh* b tcoo«r immediate pd robber to 00 boisf m The deta'le further wt>o*«<* B
    30 words

  • 1337 1417 I S,T. ft iffcod to °> k b oad ocaa’iomlly and L whether, m the highways and bye--101 tun m»y not be 80,119 S loricBB I: e bt seder a bosbe’, which being uovdled ,‘u w*‘« u oar 81 6do f t m«i excursion into the correspondence of
    I S,T.  -  1,337 words
  • 1075 1417 It was officially announced in Koala Lumpur yesteid-y,) «ays tbe Ipoh paper of Tuesd»y), that on t of the Rubber ludusrry Protection Commi-sien, tbe F M 3. Government has decided as a temporary measure to suspend the collection of export duty on rubber, and also
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  • 166 1418 Siew Ban Kwa was this morning arraigned before Mr. 8. H. Langston on a charge of theft of 18.80, the properly of Mr. G. L. Logan, American Consul. The accused pleaded guilty. Chief Detective Inspector Crummey stated that the accused was employed about six weeks ago as
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  • 72 1418 New SUtmers to bo Launched. (from Our Own Singapore, September 12* In the course of a few weeks the Anglo* Chinese Steamship Company will be launch* Ing at Tanjong Bbu the first of two 2,400 tons wooden steamers for the requirements of the Btraits-Oblna trade, accommodating 300 third-class
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  • 1170 1418 CHINESE SERVANT’S STATEMENT IO CORONER. A fresh phase in the diabolical murders which were carried out with such cruelty in the Globe Hotel, North Bridge Road, on ths night of August 25 het. was introduced tois morning, says the Btrailt Timet of Tuesday, in the form
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  • 1151 1419 MOSQUITOES DISEASE. —TOM. i! oce little rt J of comfort from Dr. Malcolm Wawn’s t: t oiPflf 00 tbe P reT eDCB mobqmtoeß and tbe m at which he J .-/for ridding the Settlement of the •2® Thi« lie® 10 tbe laBt paraprapb of STdoetor’i report and is to the
    —TOM.  -  1,151 words
  • 74 1419 Governor Makes PresentationCFrom Our Own, Correspondent,') Kuala Lumpur Beptemb»r 12, A unique function tock place at the European Hospital yesterday morning when H E the Governor presented Mrs. J. G. Ouickshank of Kuala Selacgor with the O der of Red Cross First Class. This d'coration is rarely
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  • 28 1419 Latest Quorationa. Tin (un *fin d) is quito-d here to day at >149 i‘2|, buv*r« «o -ellere, in Singapore (refined) at >149.87} business dons, 40 tons sold.)
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  • 566 1419 Tbe Sultan of Johore will attain bis 45th year on le-sday next, 8 ptember 17. Mr. W. George Maxwell, c it q is leaving Kua.a^Lu inpur for Singapore io day. Mr. Percy Cunliff-», the manager of Brink mann and Co Singapore, baa returned to Singapore. The Rjv.
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  • 1315 1420 Wait and See. The War Fonda Ordinance was assented to by the Governor on September 6 and published in a Gazette Extraordinary issued on Monday. We await with interest the next step. It will be decidedly curious if the Secretary of State for the Colonies—a commoner, ba it
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  • 926 1420 [Reuter's Telegrams.] •Pproaob theHi.denb.r. L M| sconce of tbs battle 8 blllr *r. •rtillery duel i, .lreU*X“h“ ■nd more do.btf.l tbu thfoL 1 Hindenburg Lias A r.U>L* doD ’n tolDberl1 A cable from Pans states tbit the'L, his three lines of defence behind tifiS Line,
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  926 words

  • 559 1421 [Riutm's Txlugiams Inspired by Xmneror Eirl* Loud n, September 10, A cahl? from Amat’rd tro say* that writing in tbe Aewe Freis Prette, Count Cz-roia dp. c'i-,eg that the Bulan are convirced that P ft ae« is impossible so lonr as Germ«ny is wi ling so substitute
    [Riutm's Txlugiams ]  -  559 words
  • 790 1421 [Knorun's luLnaaavs.] London, September 10* H»u Biih Chang, tbe new President of Ch na, 1» cultured rppresent»t.v« of the old school and exempl fLa the hopes cf tee moderate p«rty. He represents a compromise between the Militsiuts, tbe Reactionaries. and tbe Progressives, [We read in a recent
    [Knorun's luLnaaavs.]  -  790 words

  • 353 1422 Borne time age, I pointed out in oonneo* tioq with tin, says a writer in the Ipoh paper, that the Chinese miners were uneasy as to future developments in regard to the price and that the Government should come into the light of day and boldly state
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  • 866 1422 The following appears in a supplem a n to the F. M. 8. Gazette dated Sjptembe The High Commissioner recently received a telegram, dated the 24th July, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, stating that there was a serious situation in Maritins in regard
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  • 37 1422 Prlcti Up. (From Out Own Singapore, September iThe Auction was not finished a good general demand and price very satisfactory d y DC oke a Prime pa’cals of ribbed jj fetched 554 cento; c“t’.:
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  • 34 1422 n«iTC*Co k* wB ME.SBC' Au.** ;> td cto Smoked Di*» ond 4» Smoted Di*® ond 81 Ucmoked Sheet No. 1 Crepe Fine p g; *> .cd *4 U BO i r i ßp d
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  • 54 1423 AND VIEW 3. Our Ow Correspondent.') Lotdoo, 8-piemte 11. rae prioii i« 111 LtaCOa S bb r Mariel p Bm.k»d Sheet Hi tf.un Bontead &Co inform us that Jfolow‘« r the qeotations .for Rebber “gpotia London on toe 11th mat, received k F?oht on lit latex crepe
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  • 1156 1423 (jfrsm Our Own Cnrretpondtnl.) Altha Singapore Bibber Auction the toliofiag prioea were obtained: per poind ota. eta. freribbed 48 55} w W Good pin 7 40 Ciieoked lee ribbed 40 Qiod 81} Gcod pliii 27 CnpN fioa pale thi n 52 „45 Good 88 „50 Good pale
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  • 611 1423 Excess Pbofits Imcidincu, Pre*id rg at Ibe .onuil m'ttirr of the own e Br*i Mi’’», tba cbtirman said that, in t n« qa oca f ru rnot taviog te»n able tu r-acn tun fu p.idaclng stage aa early as w»a an’Cip«tfd wrj»n toe company was fu
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  • 25 1423 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted hers to day at 1149.i2}, busioMi done, io Biugaporu (refined) at ||lo,B7j, business done, (40 tons sold v
    25 words

  • 658 1424 Before Mr. 8 H. in the Police Chart to-day a pork seher named Leong Keng was charged with selling pork to one Tan Ab T.o at a higher price than that filed under the Food Control Regulation!. The evidence showed that the accused yesterday charged 43 cents per
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  • 230 1424 A f«w explanations of technical terms may be of seivice to visitors to thio exhibition, the proceeds of wmeh are to be devoted to the St Danitan’s Fund. Art.—An attempt to improve on Nature (See Artificial Artist Oae who gets as near to Nature as possible. 7
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  • 347 1424 An event that deserves ths fullest support of the public is the all-day exhibition at tbe Chinese Merchants' Club to-day of the Penang Impressionists. Considered intrinsically, tbe exhibition reached a standard high enough to appease the most capricious but what was of equal importance regarding it was
    347 words
  • 473 1424 with reg.rd io to,’ .‘'O'»»-.:, identity ,t b blck J 'teat*< Log»». B*rr itM.ttLiw a r, lh»’.k Mr. Ja.tic, L.Jf Wo'4^.d’’ t ’‘i d W ,B oo».» lD d k d n =i oojtbtng to »y with dto J? Mr. replied tbit he hid say beyond whit
    473 words

  • 1178 1425 j( eir ZsAtand is a little smaller Biush Isi*odB. Il has a million c f Bmi.h «cock and fifty thousand pracediog dark-skinned race of M t-Vinbates. Toe Maoris before the came were not inferior to North itricin Indians; they are capable of od rao,al not
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  • 555 1425 M. A.P. Mr. V.acect Bt. b. Djwo, of Singapore is at preseut uo a bualßese visit to Kiuia, Toe Coief Justice (Sir John Buckoill. K. C) is expected to return to Singapore on tbe 16*.h InstMr. R. W. B. Darke, of Kuiim, and Mr. J. DdWar, of Aiur Star, both
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  • 840 1426 A War Baby. Times ohangu and the Birth”, and Deaths notices change with them. For instance from a New Zealand psper Nixa».—February 22, to Private J. Nixon and Mrs. Nixon—a sod. (Private Nixon retimed May 3 last). A Marshal of France. To day is the 71st anniversary of
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  • 308 1426 ▲ocuMd Committed for Trial. Our Own Singapore, September 13* The accused in thu Globe Hotel murders were all committed for trial for double murder. The vessels which conveyed Mail H from Penang on the 30th June ard Mail C on the Bth July last reached the United
    308 words
  • 877 1426 RDITICU •Icnl Cottwioii Out a «occe.ifni local rnLf"~ W morniß. northw.rd of 1!"’ and a P'ojreiwd on the .n.H. front in th. V r '»a B d. w r fCB U.d?. hb kood,< *L »ck on on. of o.r po Lfl Wo c.ptnred f.. J:.' There w»s
    RDITICU  -  877 words

  • 544 1427 [KiuTii’g TiLiaiAyg.] Snsgr anchor of defen e. va-cral Lint» not finil Loadoo, Septmb-r 11, 25 50 pm. A”«b'« fromAm.terd.m.tU., tut p.bli,he..,igi l ,fi3„, art)0 eb y‘P‘‘'"™»»»l«m»o D who.otio,p.te..bortlT h '‘7 o O *l“ ck C b i «a 'V' tb.t the Germ.n l in> before C robrli
    [KiuTii’g TiLiaiAyg.]  -  544 words
  • 387 1427 [RbUTOB's IILSaSAJIS.] Turin» ind D*n huri Kudmd. Lindon, September 12, Ihe Dailjf Eaprm understands that tba Bolsheviks murdered the Empress of Russia and her four daughters. Red Guards at Yalta tried to kill the Dowager-Empresa and her daughter and son-in-law the Duke of Oldenburg but sailors of
    [RbUTOB's IILSaSAJIS.]  -  387 words
  • 82 1427 Obituary. The L&te Sir Eaten Tate London, September 11, The funeral of Sir Rvtan Tata took place at Brookwood yesterday at noon. The service was in the cbap»l and the interment in a grave adjoining ths mausoleum of the late Sir Ratan Tata's father. Th»» snnurnors include Lady Ratan Tats,
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  • 1566 1428 [Rictus's TiLiaaaics] REVOLTING RECORD OF BaBBARHY. Kaltur in AfricaLondon, 8 pfember 11. Mr. E H L Gorges, C.M G., Administrator of South-West Africa, has presented one of the most sensational reports ever issued in connection with German Colonial methods. It constitutes a most damning indictment of German fitness
    [Rictus's TiLiaaaics]  -  1,566 words

  • 1502 1429 tbnt 00 apologj 18 necessary for k We toiue qa^ tloD of the future of c 1 ol for we have xeoeiv- Pw, f*! "n 1 tha keen -L’ U..0 i“ the eo Ue8 «“"L.ol obtain M »»ob .dric. .nd t* we have had how9red 00 u
    1,502 words
  • 584 1429 Tbe R*v. JAB Cook, of S.r»g4pore, to-morrow will pre&ob ia 8 Audisw's Cburcb. The Hon. Mr. Chow Kit Tsisn. Chinese Consul-General for Rangoon, paid a flying visit to Kula Lumpur on his way to Singapore, Mr. W. H. Hughes, managing director for the Far last of tbe Dunlop Plantations
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  • 538 1430 [Rhvtm's TILBOnAMS.] FRENCH AND AMERICAN TROOPS. Attack on St. Mihiel Salient, London, September 12, 4 40 p.m. Reuter's oorreepondent at American Headquarters, telegraphing from Maney, eayi the French and American! attacked between five and eight thia morning on either aide of the S Mihiel salient. The attack
    [Rhvtm's TILBOnAMS.]  -  538 words
  • 948 1430 (Kuutuu’s Tuluoulmb.] KAISER AS PACIFIST. London, September 12, 5*20 p,m. A cable from Amsterdam states that the Kaiser has now taken in hand the peace offensive, Addressing Krvpp’s employees at Essen, he declared that he had left no stone unturned to shorten the war, The enemy had
    (Kuutuu’s Tuluoulmb.]  -  948 words

  • 1152 1431 I»*-*’»*""-] 4 Unwinwu P:mLondon, September 11, 12.25p.m. < terrible indioim nt of the < treatment of natives in S.uth*West L commented on. CkrLicU »»yt: Wh.t.T.r i n r. of the other German colonies iißpouibl» that b. reaiored to Germany." •T»a W ara t hie A r ~oh„
    I»*-*’»*""-]  -  1,152 words
  • 551 1431 [isiPTSUU TeLUUBAMS Britlih tad French PrlxonsriLobdon, September 12. A cible from Stockholm says it is repotted that eleven British subjects and eh von Frenchmen were imprisoned in the Peter and Paul fortress at Petrograd including Consul Lockhart, British representative at Moscow, who was condemned to death but
    [isiPTSUU TeLUUBAMS ]  -  551 words

  • 1314 1432 AN APPRECIATION, These enthusiastic artists ere to be heartily congratulated in collecting together such a fino show of work for their exhibition in aid of St Dunecan’s Fund, The exhibition was well worth a visit and some very charming pictures could have been purchased. When it is
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  • 149 1432 JP 10 m *tobei arranged in aid si on Friday, September 20, at moonlight and not as previously uaciiai OUB DAY TANKS. Meiers. Okie Kooi A Ooupm hn kindly presented oas Michelin MoUr Cv Tyre as one of the prises for ths “Ost Dir* Tank. Messrs.
    149 words
  • 132 1432 Serendah 28.681, Kuniun IMA Kepong 11,100, U.ten tap» Dld.bary 11 JOO, Alor ?ongn 11,628, Merben 8,282, N.rtbtai Ayet Knning 6,180, T.twrl.b lb. A b.nd of women brigudi, J number, irmed with piitole reported to bare been ual dietriot in Btangtnng. report, they here ere»**“**!. Government troops, whoso
    132 words

  • 1264 1433 A protracted struggle,’ at Mr. John Irhia h‘« |4,d fiD,lT 18 B rett dll ’Lal of dream and, however much the try to disseise it» Germany, after rears of war, baa been forced to the future not in the light of what bat of wbat she can
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  • 477 1433 9FP iL'L Bj ai ”'P b "Ported hi. Mr. N. L. Lindon i. .ppn lot .d to the Commia.ionof Pew. f. r p eo n?< Mr. B. O. Gnffio, formerly of Dennis* town, was married at home recently. Mr. R. B. Merry, late manager of CherMr C
    9FP  -  477 words

  • 1158 1434 First English Balloon Ascent, In the calendar of flying-men September 15 should always be remembered, for on that date in 1784 the fleet balloon ascent ever made in Bogland, was attempted and accomplished by an Italian named Lunardi, The invention of the brothers Mongolfier the previous year in
    1,158 words
  • 27 1434 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at 1149.12|, business done, and in Singapore (refined) at 1149.87 j, business done, 30 lous changing hands.
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  • 3743 1434 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ambricanb AT H.Jdn 4 ThA a Lo doB Ihe American attack Mihiel salient m J fourteen miles Od 1 w Tbo .Hack on tb, wertS» 4 resi&tinoe more seriou J** twelve miles and was advaneJV The Americans have hitbe prisonersand 60 gm. a nd that
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  3,743 words

  • 1560 1437 fßinTia's TlLiaiAMS.] niffllTlOl Bit VICI-CHANCILLOB. A jbee HAND 1N edropk B»iW*tion of Colon!,!London, S'ptember 13, 1 üb-t from ,ei thlt Vie«-Ch.,o«llor tod 3X r ‘ostnued the Germ.n P Paoa l rDQ Ha IXtdtb.t Germany ocu;d nofc hand over p o d iriio to Bessie nor assist io
    fßinTia's TlLiaiAMS.]  -  1,560 words

  • 1282 1438 We have rfceived for publication the following letter from the Hdd. the Colonial Secretary Ab will be seen from the extrict of the Report of the Joint War Committee of the British Bed Croiß Society and the Order of St, John of Jerusalem in England, forwarded to
    1,282 words
  • 1661 1438 coMMim E^m 8 MlStn ■’Au 1 n rpt ~Oln lha tfJV' s’- 5 Commerce held at°tl «--«•I. AyiSto’j 8 “■•A. AdtmT*' -111 H 0B ble UmW O UI The Minutei of the Committee M»n» held on the 6th Auguit, aad of the 8m? Committee Meeting held
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  • 455 1439 a io B l Gaoatio ot the 13. h instant Ms H. A D jkerman, Surveyor Grade 1, h bfeu appointed Surveyor B 7 en,e Qa,TB J Department, with tff-ct f utn July 2 ig«t t Mr. G. E. Greig, Assistant Warden of Minis. I er«tr, was gc.on-d
    455 words

  • 644 1440 Ths kllcwing are the altara'rtoni in Meme. A. A. Anthony A Ou.’a snare list to-day i— Saturday. To-day, Mining. .1 1 «3 O co Tin Bentong 24/9 25/6 25/3 26/. Twgkah Harbour 26.50 27.00 27.00 27.50 The Malay Mail of Friday’s date states Beveral travellers arriving from
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  • 635 1440 The Septemb r Mon bly Mod.l Cotun=ti. tion viz i5O ytrds for “A £> Ola s-.B was, ieid at the Swimming Club cn Sunday morning with the following results: “A” Handicap Ao-uil E Band's 2«t 4 secs 36 3/5 secs T E Dibba 2ad 6 39
    635 words
  • 304 1440 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A F teuefa tb« there nsmerj,, njot. t.. j ’“‘“•«nt. WutotV.H., »ttaok€d the uv Br toh Ote l trt Bhoima Bcabariaat B+md fall, kh6TO lOWBr 01 wh kh IbniuJu Through German Eyei. London, September 11, aa A wireleis German cftcal tates .—Fresh English attach neighbourhood ot
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  304 words

  • 4174 1441 kMrtW of the CEBP, touching the ed fr a,d 0B tta Comf, nj 1 0 J gh ’.‘7 wm renamed >n <be o ..r< before Mr. G. A. HereP jtrK Saturday morning when two f L named Kboo Took Chye, a dealer in Oog Hook Tuan,
    4,174 words

  • 1241 1443 th? present outlook, the wee< p 0 nted out that «n ed q aickl P°” ibl n>t ..route of toe ’“«ont of be required durin? tbe sot»' ...tbe to»vd< whien week 1 nude to the Protection rt /to e»»bl« complete tihuUtion Co'» wo uld be uniul tbe
    1,241 words
  • 99 1443 W« ere idvind by Mri-re. 8 m», D»rby m Ci. cf in? o owi g ou pa i fur tnt fi'*t ha f if B‘pt»ft)h»r —K«orst.t rg T n Dredging Ld.-Tcss 145; Host ran BU9; C' nd? i*rs T.a Dirgrg L’d. D >d<e—P si 80; Hos« ran 296.
    99 words
  • 49 1443 The George Town Motor Garage have kindly presented 10 Motor cyol? oovore, sine 26 x 2f as prises for tbe Oor Day Tank. Tbe Postcard ”Kodak" latest modal kindly presented by Tbe George Town Diepansary Limited ie valued nt M 4.25 aid not ae previously stated.
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  • 457 1443 Latest Quotations. Tin (wnreftned) is quoted bore to-day at •149 12 j, business dons, and in Singapore (refined) at |149 87| buyers no sellers, A dinner was given, on tho lltb Instant, in tbe Ooylon Association Hall, to Aecio? tant Surgeon L. 8. Psrora of tbo Taiping Hospital, on
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  • 1450 1444 FURTHER PROCEEDINGS. The hearing of tbs cis o tousb n? the discovery of tn a’ fraud on the Eastern Smelting Company through a very ingenious trap, wn resumed in the Dmtrict Court bafore Mr. G. A Hereford yesterday afternoon when two Chinese named Khoo Tech Chye,
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  • 124 1444 [RiVTM'g Tnwun] Sinral SqutdroM lagipj London, Baptsmbar U A cable from Paris itatei that ntm ■qaadroni of enemy aerophaei bo2 Faris this Doming despite as barrage. There were some vmH>material damage. Berlin’s Starvation Ration Pmn Btfor» Flinty. I>o.doi, Bcomknll A cable from Amsterdam nyetbmhi been a
    [RiVTM'g Tnwun]  -  124 words
  • 126 1444 Holland Amcriw. M 5.095, S h" h" 26.383, Netherhod. L»ngk»t lk« Sxty-two of T.ipißg k»« P" b their n.mei for enrolment in ,b *^’J’* sl through tbe energy Sanitary Inspector Syed Abdsl Ab Wan Ali of Taiping. For repord School thhie interfiled I .nd it. nopil*. X
    126 words

  • 14 1445 At 17 h September at 2, tbe w,,e H 8 gtiieJ of OD
    14 words
  • 943 1445 v that tbe enemy has opened bin or rßther whole fieriei of < j a mirei on d‘ fferent front! co- f CLted with almost the same geographical f and mathematical preIX m the great military movements so «Lifally initiated by General Food el«ea new and a
    943 words
  • 849 1445 Sona Excaarrs, The Bia? B ok for last year, issued a few days ago, is a massive volume which gives a wealth of statistical detail concerning every pbasi of tbe Colony's existsnoe. 1 Tbe following extracts relating to tbe Colony's revenue and expindiiure, its trad%
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  • 27 1445 Latent Quotation* Tin (a are bn o) is quoted bare to-day at >149 12|, boa a«aa done, and m Singapore refined) at Bl4fi£7j buyers no seitata.
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  • 942 1446 Shakespeare** Birth-pUce. Yesterday was the seventy*first anniversary of the auction at which the house in Stratford-on-Avon known as Shakespeare’s birthplace was offered for sale under the will of its Ute owner, and knocked town for £3,000 to the National Trust. The ac> tivity of the committee which effected
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  • 294 1446 [Rbutub’s Tulegiams.] A cable from Washington says that the Associated Press has learned that the view of official quarters as regards Austria's Peace Note is that “Austria is cracking and instead of wasting time with utterly usehss peace talk, now is the time to strike her hardest,” Baltimore
    [Rbutub’s Tulegiams.]  -  294 words
  • 968 1446 [R-v t b Tll|eufc St Sr Lo D d M llttbetl I An American effioid A I th. Bt. I artillery and aviation aciivih I ooun ter-r tick at daybreak I was,easily repulsed and a nirriL 8 i Q 4 I ers taken. On ths left baik
    [R-vt..'b Tll|eufc.  -  968 words

  • 2651 1447 [RuUTIB'B TILI9IAMB.] OFFICIAL VIENNA STATEMENT. An Appeil and a Warning. L odor», deptember 15. The Vienna cffijial Note mentioned in the morning nays thc.t an obj.ctlva conscientious examination of the situation by all the belligerents no longer leaves doubt that all tbe bslligerents long for a speedy
    [RuUTIB'B TILI9IAMB.]  -  2,651 words