The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 10 April 1918

Total Pages: 48
551 598 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 890 551 Hi> 3oa. Mr, H. W. Firto.foae'. rsport idaeittai i, th. Colony io to hand—and I h 11. twil tor the year 1916 We maid Mb) it u looewbet belated end •mid-ilr. to be nodg'y oritiua), we ere i 'o <y that it tbit whole of the J
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  • 559 551 Mr. Boon E«, a well known Ipoh foot® bailer, and probably ene of the ha-t extreme l*rt forward that has played in Ipoh for some time ,left on Sunday afternoon for Pecsug on transfer.— T.O M, The relation, of the late Nooi» Quah Bar 4. n beg through the
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  • Page 551 Advertisements
    • 94 551 [IX strife €cbo. 1A Of published daily Sll4»r> Md P nbllc l,<lW IWP AT THE (gffERION PRESS, LIMITED, 5l teach Street, Penang. Price i odfrueal < BO par annum. Outstation Postage Extra. |iii Millon (Po»t Free) |lB per annum. Cibil Addmi: ECHO PENANG.’ Telephon» No». (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343.
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  • 1390 552 The Case of Mr. Cheng Teik. cbarges of ar.on ariaing oat of tbs fire at tbs Kbie Heng Bee Rica Mill are •till before tbe Court as we write, M< LmCneog Talk has been discharged and the case as it aff cti him ia legitimate m*iter for comment.
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  • 447 552 [Brim’s IntMh-k:,,. 1 There is Bitoum am K»rs. 8 A large aruj y o f has been formed and h orr 1 th, was provided by tbe treaty Jf Bw’l,' 1 Th, Georgian, h.v, K lsd Bu.sian warahips at Batcnm t ’bole population of German Mrchantmen
    [Brim’s  -  447 words

  • 4044 553 allied line intact vast german preparations fO r A second blow stories of heroism. [RICTIB’s TIIiIGBAJfS.] U view of Situation. hM Miras» Inore*»! London, April 2. 7-20 a.m. TK.o.pwitiwl.ll on the battle tronj .Lated» sowing the preparation o Mo” but th’Hot must not L.„ r to k4
    [RICTIB’s TIIiIGBAJfS.]  -  4,044 words

  • 463 555 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir, —The letter of the Bishop of Singapore in a recent ipsoe of your paper is a timely reminder that the n*t on is at war, a het that many of us have apparent'y forgotten, judging by the excels of
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  • 149 555 The result of the Electric Competition over 9 holes, which was played for during ths Easter Holidays, was as follows: CO May 34-1=33 E. A. D*vies 39—6=33 V. G. Ezecbiel 37—2=35 C* H. Samuel 39—4=35 O, C. Rogers 86tci=86 G. A Otrmichael 36 scr=36 J. E. Scott
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  • 1822 556 E„t.r \,tmikD2 m the remit of tne nre rv-m-k < c |ebrl(9 (jar ’n'r Kd.b Tne An.k Boktt Gad-o» were appropriately -elected for tho X“ of th» celebration. 9T r 10 ,h 8 n „0 of K,i.h have the Ga-d-ns -een 'uob festivi'ies «d
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  • 1914 556 Homs Govkbnmbst'» H Under d.te &Uch 2° Mr M McArthur, Uodor-S- creUry M d following two letter» to Mr. F. J. .tterney for Mr. C. Alt»- B.ker, org.»»<' of the M*l»y*n Air Squ-d'O"»< I ,u> direct dto »toj Xy deep-tcbb»ibc-»u rcceivi J g (0 tbo High Cjtami.9
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  • 176 558 THE BATTLE OF THE WAR, Xusmy’i Huge Losses Paris, March 31, 1 p.m. la the lobby of the French Chamber of Deputies, M. Abrami, Undersecretary of State for Pensions, and that not even the generals who witrsmd the battles of the Somme and Verdun taw so many cirp«)i.
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  • 327 558 Prwldent Wilton’s Felicitations. President Wilson has sent the following telegram to General Fooh i Allow me to convey my since’B greet» ings on the occasion of your new oom* mand. Buch unity of command is one of the most hopeful omens for our final sue* otss. We
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  • 484 558 The Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal for the second half of last month continues its crusade against the diseases that in Malaya afflict the rubber tree and states that the annual report of the Central Perak P anters’ Association for lad year strikes a new
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  • 118 558 Straits 134,000, P nang 78,000, Tali Ayer 24,450, Ribam 45 000, Bagan Serai 13 500, Bat»k R-b:t 23 000, Stiawan 13,815, Sungei Pat an i 11,000 lbs. According to an Indian papertbe daily rations in the German prisoner»’ camp at Ahmednagar (India) compiiae 1 b bread, i
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  • 551 558 Pfiies Opinion. ioma length 0 on'tb^^cb'L^J 1 Cbairmiu of tbe Chnx,b*r of Cr’21 by Ut the rec? nt ancuil meetirg 11 1917. It motions that Mr. Coch’, i’ of commi.aion wars qa W b otnisßioo, among wbich it note, to the Military Service 8.1 l „d matter, of
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  • 15 558 Latest Qeotatio»»Tin (unP fined) 1149 25, busiDPss done. p*» (reined) st IH? W 0
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  • 4625 559 rBl H^ Dise3A>o> D H> Ca r l5 fl t wu tgain crowded TH C wLn the hearing was pliaiwry SH- L*»«’ ,o v Jn MM r i Liu Cheng Le k, Ng Be° =*e wZ H- cd Poon y A fi-8 which cocurred at
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  • 76 561 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ending March 23,1918• f Male 35) Total Deaths < >56 I Female 21J Death rate 27 35 per mille per annum compared with 26-37 in tho preceding week and with 36.90 in the corresponding week
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  • 158 561 Half Year s Dividend. The Mtuaaer of the P nucg branch of tho Couriered Btnk advises us that he is in receipt of cabled ad vic) from (he head effiej that at the approaching Annual Gauera! Miotiag of shsroholders ia London the Directors will recommend that a
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  • 613 561 [To T«« Editob or 'tub Btraitt JdU.J Sir, In spi'e of my resolution to take bo notice of the unseemly personalities of anonymous correspondents, whose peevishness over the movement for tbe Registration of Chinese Marriages appears to have extinguished their courtesy and sense of humour, I feel
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  • 182 562 semi-official review. THE GREAT BATTLE IN FRANCE. The following semiofficial military review of operations for the week ended March 28 ii sent out by the Foreign Office and reaches os through the military authorities in Singaporei THE EASTERN CAMPAIGNS. Psltrtini and Mesopotamia. Events on fronts other than
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  • 1013 562 Th* Decisive Theatre. The withdrawal of Germans from the Italian and Salonika theatres indicitrs that the Western is of paramount importance and that every min is needed to fi’l the gaps torn in the enemy divisions. The Germans know well enough that a real decision In France wou'd
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  • 179 562 Oar correspondent writes Dina April last year Mrs. Burugb, alws Dntu A. Ka» ij 4| all-gcd to bea hdy ductor, chimed 12,000 from the F M.S Biilwaye for th loss of moaey, jewellery and clothing d this value while bßvwi Tsmpin and Johore Bahru, but n her claim
    179 words
  • 112 562 [To Thk Edito* er Thu Slraiit b’ r Tbing» are dai’y growio? worn 1 worifn, P a’ .P the normal price of v»* l fivHOGnt- iithn loc 1 mirkets ard 0« to o’, t*'D evpn at this absurd fk®re. B I olbe 1 n-ceas;. ia< »re similarly ai
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  • 54 562 111 Tbe particul.ri of dM«i* following oorop.okHo'»" 9 1918 were: K.muotie? Tin 330; H-'.n >»» »1 rf Value of output >28.863, u >l2 100. rd Drdf** Cherds’ia D <? Tib Piculs 300; Hours O 77,000 V-la* r -f cutpat I > mioing *****0. Trihutjn-Pif» 1 “S* h,, lW
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  • Page 562 Advertisements
    • 86 562 hamberlaln’i Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing lijurioue. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meet- all tb?se requirements. Ic acts on nature’s
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  • 1849 563 d T F ‘!t“'tbo^«’ on)ike beck ffalt m-:de*ty re«* Mj dii Ab.ernelitcb! dedra To rt <o |,wrltlD |isoHyoftbewonttome Woeo better me° ra fighting Yet what the deni c*oi l do, Apin.t ambition biting P *oiooethe'”|!h>’i WHOM edict “to begin it h rtfoDgar than tbe oommoneenie f fait
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  • 419 564 Oar KuaU Lumpur contemporary publiihM aomi not altogether serious corraipondaoce on the aubj ct of estate aaiistanti. Oae of the so correspondents haring asserted that tha average assistant bas far too good a tima, others of quite the reverse opinion have erieen to put tbe name in print-
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  • 198 564 [To The Editor i f The Slrailt Echo] D4*r Sir, I would suggest that the Second Liifu i should be drawn in a manner so in to giv» chanoo to one and al!. While going through the list of winners in the Firwt Lottery, I remark
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  • 197 564 Finan a Wombn Wobibbi. Amount prrviously acknowledged 16,940 02 Mrs, C, D. Hogan 5.00 No. 36 250 J. M-idrum 10.00 Mrs. Jsmeison 10(0 Mrs. Oxenham 5-00 Hospital garments ready cut out for weaken will bo given out at the Town Hall every Friday from 9.15 till
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  • 301 564 An Appeal, D)ar Sir, [To thi Editor or thb Straits Echo.] Lidy Evelyn Yjuog has me to request you to ba so good as to innurt in your next issue a copy cf tbe btclosed Neginni leceived by inr from L<dy Nortbciff l I shuli be gkd
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  • 234 564 Hir e Cars. A. Kuala Lumpui Caa. Mail report» tba Chiaria d JlVer of a hire cv convict on acd B btf u L«mportn»gi, i 1(8wl 1 ti, ot r..h ,r .i D gliBeot original t>i.l tbe e.ld, t 1‘ nprell.nt, «hoi, .notber were r.ciet L, road, with tbe
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  • 143 564 [To Thk Editor of thi Btnitild» 8 r, If I may b<* permittpd to psn a few lim ou the subject “CbinraH Marriige Law» H would call a truce to the controvpriy itp* sent h’twepn Mr. Obeah K-e Biand!’ Chin H u Tia bu‘bun b y to
    143 words
  • 69 564 The undermentioned prices wert for rubber sold by Mesara. A Co Rt their two Auction Sa week: '“bWtNo" 1 Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 w < 3 do P aia Sm' k'il Unemoked Sfipet M. 1 3, Unamoked Sheet No, 2 1» jo Crepe, Good pale th
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  • 45 564 ZTT n TioCOi^ 1 Tbe output o f ,be 1 l “;,„510f“ du ing the snout aof oojqu, (Mi 287 51, Tnb«te’S 22iW' w Mr. Kt— Jok ‘“"v* ou.put Hn B y.u the in ißtn a p.,|, (Hi 73.300, Hours r $58,700. g|
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  • 8 565 of Clonlee M" 4 *L FMB, adJßgbtw.
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  • 797 565 a ruarflia’i disclosures regarding o* l alleged "feelers” for M C TX.ti b&t certainly should grant ns it- pesce, but no characters in "Measure for u»ra” »<• 10 tboee wbo k 0 b ot th. Dual Monarchy it is not *SiM to find the same
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  • 999 565 Piecing together—as far as the process is possible at this distarce and under tbe limit*4iocs that need not be elaborated of insufficieot expei t koowhd e—the various n po>ts of tbe great events that hive followed each other so rapidly during the sad and grave Eastertide through
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  • 552 566 M'. G. H. N*«h i« gutted to act ai D. 0., Kuala LaDgat. Mr «nd Mr». E. f- M»»1don have left B ,n«p" hr Home. Mr. tlriDf/trom the .er vice of the Strait» ing Co. At a Tru.tee»’ meeting held ye.terday at the “Cheah” Kong.i, Mr. Cheah Cbeang
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  • 1186 566 Food For Powder. Germany in her great effensiva is not using tanks and other material in Older to economies human life, that is, in order to reduce the casualties among her soldiers, but is sacrificing her soldiers ruthlessly in order to economise material. Perhaps the inwaidoess of this
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  • 24 566 Lattat Qaotatio»’* Tin (unrrfined) >• q’°' ed bf 1149 50 fcu-iness doc J S) at »150.00. London at X 316 »P<>‘ s d months.’
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  • 1538 567 [Reuter's Telegrams.] unitary Situat' 0 M <lL Joe*» l SmatS *ua Cabinet, G®.-* 1 h tt lt\ l'»' hecn ot tbe C ll t a d f fi tta brtiob in order that other, yjitoodutbe enemy thinking onr "•WnllOTd »■><* the time h»d come ,etin 6 n
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  1,538 words

  • 341 568 [Raxnas’s Tiligiams ?r»noh and It»l!*n Utopia» London, April 3, 7 40 a m. £a Amsterdam report aUtes that Count Cumin addressing the Vienna City Council «aid he earnestly desired pence. Austria wished to avoid a further military cff-naive, and some time before the preeent offensive began, M.
    [Raxnas’s Tiligiams ]  -  341 words
  • 127 568 A correspondent wiites i I would like to make a suggestion which m*y interest Indignant Housewife.” A really excellent substitute for potatoes is tapiocs which may be oooked and served up in many ways. It may be boiled or baked like the potato with equally happy results
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  • 69 568 Bakap 13,200, Batu Matang 9 414, Jong Landor 39,500, K- dah 22,286, Parit Perak 8,230 K.M.B. 18,262, Gula Kalumpong 62 400, Consolidated 49,314, New C lumbia 28 706, Padaog 20 000, Krian 14 000, Samagaga 10.000, Padang Jawa 7 722 Karan 6,070, Nellmay 4.499, Rantau 3,300 lb,
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  • 333 568 [RiUTIR’S TILEGRAMB.] Intervention by Allies. London, April 3, 7 40 a m. A telegram from Tokio states that rumours of Bdshevik exces-es at Vladivostok may force Allied intervention, Germans st Irkutsk. London, April 3, 12.10 a,m. A message from Tokio says that a trainload of fifteen hundred
    [RiUTIR’S TILEGRAMB.]  -  333 words
  • 60 568 The Honorary Treasurer of the Red Cross Funds sends us a fulil list of all tbe winners in the Fhst Lottery, giving the number?, names, sellers and destination. It is quite c replete and entirely in order but we do not purpose printing it as sore of the
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  • 25 568 (from Our Own Ltndin, April 2, Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market tc»day were Pale Crepe 2/5 Diamond Smokad Sheet 2/4}
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  • 395 568 [Eotib-s Between Montdioler aid Unu, Locdo Anri! 3 A French con-no nJ. 1 Ul eomcnb.t l.vel, ,V dnt i Iw-cn M n’didi.r (d l„ J ’h. ‘®n«. engbt under thfir fi tr.iion. east of Crntiurv Bn1 O '’S Oi l riOg P,ltT ltd ta* pulsed by our troops
    [Eotib-s  -  395 words
  • 19 568 Obituary. A Famous Boxer Dead. London, April 3, The death has takin place of Charlie Mitchel), a famous ex-pugili«t.
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  • 1209 569 lrtW i 8 ,,0 T E*»»’ o( tbe ,bove ‘‘‘VldTtbe b held st r eet c t <.& ,belllb p,i 0D i M follows I—’Bbmit the gecond o’ o" S.K.»» I’- 1 fte B*l*nce carried brnr d from 8 7.00 w2 6iW7 >50.033.91 ft tauA 2«6W 50,634
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  • 52 569 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i Yesterday. To-day. Sĕ 5 e K -2 -S Mining, Dcbook 12/3 12/9 12/3 13/. Trong 14,» 15/6 15/. 15 General. Eastern Shipping... 5.00 6.00 5.75 6.50 United Engineers... 16,00 17,00 17
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  • 269 570 STORY INFOLDING ITSELF. SUPERB FRENCH GALLANTRY. Adequate Artillery Support. Paris, April 2,12.80 An Associated Press telegram lent on Monday from tbe French battlefront to the Hew York Herald says regarding the last operations» "Heavy German forcei ware thrown on Sanday against the village of Grivesnei, about half-way
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  • 245 570 Frse Press The news that in tbe Malay Archipelago new sources o* iron ore are in the process of discovery, with the necessary concomitant supplies of fuel, is of the utmost importance. Our one and only coal ibid in the F.M.B. is already develop ng will, but
    Frse Press  -  245 words
  • 47 570 Arthur Y.pp c.bled Mr. Pringle oa Monday i 6 Fl«a>. Cjntinua, Additional toopl" v6jjd f r nd Cumae M.±7? n b a Bo tub cr b d 4 'anted to .end their help to tbe Hon. Trea.urer, Mr. G. H W,,,9M d
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  • 542 570 The Director of Education, Singapore, in forwarding the following list cf donations to tbe above fund made during last year, mentions tbe jrad’ude of tbe soldiers at the front at rrc iviog pucels of cigarettes. He also mentiors that in 1916 he was able to remit
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  • 79 570 yp^«f" n^ <P MB 50 > 00 B-adw.ll (IMS. 81>043j Cbmone(e (FMB) D, < (Knau F M 8.) 25.238, <l7nn‘ n^“* Dd L l d *6465, K' «L W n 9 300 B <i»aO Kri.n 24 070, < Bs, b B<>') 32,562 n.% 61 00 Buk,t
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  • 531 570 There are ttany readis?.., not nnder.f., d ’Ul*1 o,e wb,J f‘il to apnrecV J ’"‘*l Burn., Bb,l rV| Ke.t, .J U ‘t!< minor poet,, bat the,, Cl h BtM <4iw wbonr tbe llln p ye t«•, tbe Vr 1.g," of W.’.rfi-ld rf* J Oll T)>( Gold.mitb tbeir author,
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  • 58 570 Lateat Quotations. Tin (.nrfSn-d) ia qwoted !>«• »149 25. buyer, no teller», ~4 (refined) at »149 50, tny-r« j io London *t £316 .pot months. as tb*i Metara. i. Co >< or Eart»' tbe following were the qu r t. *0 a( on spot in London oo
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  • 520 571 S 7 t rg*l Geoer.t Meeting of T 4 8iC htwt Plu>t»tioM (Btr»i>e x,,M B- I r j ei d »t the registered t, kJ I V) 1, Weld Qa.y > BeLcn presidedl end «nt were Meas™- J- 1 D i, pc t n) MwDo»g«l', t
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  • 270 571 (Iro/n Out Own Correspondent.') At the Bukit Mertajim Dntriot Court before Mr. G. A. Hereford, yettwday, a Kheh womin named Kee Ah Thai, who was found guilty of the cffeace of b?iog in possession of two j irs of dutiable liquor, was sentenced to pay a fine
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  • 294 571 Tae output of R»hm n HyJrau io Tin Co., Lt-i., du iug the month of March was 800 piknls. Mr. Kh-*w Joo Tvk i.dvists us that the output from the following two companies for tho month of March wer< t Def-book f) odgiig No Liability—Cubic yards 62 000
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  • 643 571 [To THi Editob or m Sirailt Echo Dear Sir, The reasons for the veiy high retail price cf nee are extremely compl but. the fact remains that it is high and on tbe principle of “the greatest good of tbe greatest number it is eminently d< sirable
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  • 653 572 Oae of the distinctive traits of the Australien —not the aborigine, but the descendant of the early British settler who inhabits the back blocka of the inland continent where he tend! «beep or grows gram or digs into Mother Eirth m quest of gold or other mineral spoil, is
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  • 1137 572 [To The Editoi cf The Straits Echo 8;r, The outlook for the cum of the women appears to be bright when those, such as Mr, Chin Fook Beong, call for a truce in the controversy ;as a truce is only called for by the vanquished. Mr. Fook
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  • 1163 573 artice on local education •>. tfficiail ii their hopeless «amination, as the beour educational syitem. Til Report on Education in the L to which we re- J'tbii iluM on wedneidv thii charge up to the comiiti almost entirely of mtiitid. We are far from SXeumiution results should
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  • 616 573 lhe Hon. Dr. F. B. Croucher, acting P in Penang on inspection duty. The fri?nls and sympathisers of Mr. Lim Cneng Teik ire enteitiining him *t dimer at the Chinese Merchants’ Club. Mr. G. B, Leicester, Aidstint Surgeon, Bukr, Mertijtm hoepita', left to*d*y for the Dindiogs on transfer. Mr.
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  • 1272 574 For Th* TapperOfl the subject of the restriction of rubber output!, a correspondent write! to a contemporary advising rating portions of Htates whore there is disease or where the trnea have suffered from bad tapping in the old dayi (is there none now in the peninaula F) Also
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  • 754 574 [Bwtm-, T.l Mui k j Military Situation. LULL ON THE Ccaflfcncfi h I London, April 4 The public Lera in Fr. nceilbr b -i‘h ooefidenoe awaiting tfc ot the German on.laught, hare returned to P.n, troß jj tnenc'M .tat. they found no 1,.. i* I vousness in
    [Bwtm-, T.lMui. k j  -  754 words

  • 463 575 [Bbvtib’s Tblbgbamb.] Aimed at America* London, April 4, 7 20 a.m. Experts regard O;unt Czarnin’s speech as the customary peace offensive after the failure of the first attempt to break through in tho West. The speech is primarily designed to detach the United States from the Allies
    [Bbvtib’s Tblbgbamb.]  -  463 words
  • 553 575 [RiUTBB’S TILIGBAMB.] Her Plana of Domination. London, April 3, 4.25 p rr. General Smuts in hie at the Cloth Makers’ luncheon said:— 'As far as Germany is concerned this war is not for a fair, honourable and lasting peace nor a world peace nor God’s peace,
    [RiUTBB’S TILIGBAMB.]  -  553 words

  • 535 576 Another Quist Diy. London, April 4, 12 30 p.m A Fnnch oommuniqse states There was no infantry notion to-day. The artillery dnel continued to be somewhat violent in the region north of Montdidier especially between Damuin and Hangard-en-Swterre.” At Montdidier end near Bheimi* London, April 4, 4-40 p.m.
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  • 456 576 [Bictib*. Tblbgbam. ADMIRALTY RETURNS. A CONSIDERALE DROP. Six Big Ships Lost. L ndoo, April 8. The Admiralty announces that tha arrivals for the week ending 80cb March were 2,416 and the sailings 2.379 Total 4,795 Six vessels over 1,600 tons and seven vessels under that tonnage were
    [Bictib*. Tblbgbam. ]  -  456 words
  • 195 576 ANOTHER H.tnox K Fni«i!*aJurb Tw4 An A.sooi.t/d Preu'tt'». 9 Y.rk H.raU «y.: »'M. rd Dnibion yeitenhy n j L 9 .ever, be.twg .t G.i TeWe the au.rd, Mhckad with tbe and after an bcur of ths cWi fl S l .uooerdedin gaining f oo(in ia 6 but two
    195 words
  • 43 576 Contradiction by M. ClmmboM' Lender, April 4 With refereroe to the declarattea. i Count Cssrnin regarding an alhged itttW of the Fiecoh Givemmsot to enter ki ntgotiatiom, the Fierci Pi*»'» Ckmenceau this morning in-mds itR deuial saying Cs ruin lisl."
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  • 127 576 RuttUn Sailor Convlcttd (.Froin Our Bing»P<> r A Russian sailor was with voluntarily oiu mg bo t to sailor aboard a steamer. Ooe of a general riot on bovd Japanese ware very m nac n< pu 1 <1 up by th. «c»ua ‘S revolver, Accused was
    127 words

  • 1420 577 CHINESE MARRIAGE LAW> P,rie EI M "eB 7 w to*** 1 PeoßDg» M*rok 1918. evblym young, “fl Vt» od c*»" l tnhf if tie Strait! SettlsmtnU *■< Singapore EXMIIOQ 7 < pltioasri reprewnt a Urge section Oonnw’ 1 domiciled in the l*°SXSer 7 the British Flsg. Ohineie, British ?Luid a
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  • 67 577 Perak River Valley (tapping stopped), Semanggol 7.076, Juru 6,000, Kong L«o (Porak) 680. Bungei Gettab 2,380, Alma 22.800, Bokit Toh Altai 10 838, Shanghai Klebaog 9 882, Kota Btbroe 33,801. Sungri Dari 16.828 Halted 15,126, Shanghai Malay 14.110, Ayer Tawah 22 000. Cluny 10 868, Kamuotin? (in
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  • 74 577 Tho ostput and profits from the Kramat Palai, Limited, for tho month of Marsh wero From tho Mice—Output Dressed Ore, 22* piculs; Estimated Profit 818,000. From Tributers—Output Dressed Ore, 127 piculs; Estimated Profit 89,800. The output of the Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Lt 1., for the month of March
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  • 548 578 DIBBOTOBB* Report. Pnlkwtnz is the r»p>rt of the Directors ot the Koala B.d m fibber o>. L-d.. to Demoted *<■ th* ulDth auLU< get J wealing which will be held »1 tee ot Comaerca, P.«ag. 13 11 30 a.m j Manaobmbnt —Mr. Ledeboer resigned the Managersb.p in
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  • 396 578 Woman on Mut-DEa Chabg*. The teiri n z w*s preceded with before Mr. Jo I c Eod n at the Sing pore Ass zs on Wednesday nft. moon cf the charge of murder eg'.io‘t Chan Bi**w Y ,r a Gbio-so nonia, for c«?u4nb? 'hr de.tho* h rs>ve ye*r-oid
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  • 235 578 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 223rd. Auction Sale the following prices were obtained Pf r p‘ f uh Diamond Smoked Fair From 9 tsBl Diamond Unsmoktd 54 to 56 Plain Unsmok* d 49 to 57 Sir? p Creje Fair 32 to 36 Pressed Untreated Scrap 15 to
    235 words
  • 583 578 [To thb Editor ov th MaU y 8 ..-la ttJ d;r>c;n g ibs ati-nn o cf v B the into qjuy of tb- av-.g> u u yu.t-ot on to a '7* a< p t< uciirg 0 '«j. ground, and to m*ke tu.b tUlu w uid meet w;tb g-neral
    583 words

  • 1885 579 7.22 T ba bard," wrote .3. bard. j D g C b-ii>iiai>der> pbiloaopb’. 5. •"'72 h! and certainly there are M«* S 'toacb of tb>« l»m f6tfl u 1 i nr the public pres» h r* ’iX to ,o bWW, S ai Sbakeapaare »w, tweet barmooy. «mob roan
    1,885 words

  • 1249 580 Hoarding Food. r>nA of ths molt remarkable instances of hoarding food is related by Jack London in one of hi. inimit.ble .bort •toriea. Thi. i. tile of the daring the gold rush and deicnbei with rreat vividness the awful adventure» and hardships of one of the «eeker» for
    1,249 words
  • 1326 580 tE,nT "’> Offensive Resumed. Position Bofort Anin. new battle" 0 .mowt?'", fit non really of h or a aerie. o f b.mmer bio.. T*’ tboee ihi German, delivered tfter the failure of tbe flr.» **> OtUok et Verdnn.% "V ‘"Ji* •otm y it Ehoim, P B 1
    tE,nT"’>  -  1,326 words

  • 513 581 [Bivria's TiLioiuMa.] From Gorman Banks. L >ndon, April 5, 7.20 a.m. Tbe Daily Mail t Petrograd corrcspondent says thit it is reported that an nssociation of German banks ifferedthe Government a loan of a thousand million roubles guaranteed by the revenues from tbe Northern and Siberian railways.
    [Bivria's TiLioiuMa.]  -  513 words

  • 520 582 [Bmu’e Tk,««ww London, April 5, 3 5 pm. G.n.r.l firet lengthy deepetoh «owing the operation io German But Africa for U« <ix month. ending on l,t December la.t .bow» that the campaign we. of nwy exacting nature owing »o bad effect, of the dimaie *****
    [Bmu’e Tk,««ww ]  -  520 words
  • 527 582 > Enemy Peace Offensive, COUNT CZERNIN’B LIE." Parti Free* Comment! Paris, April 4* Regarding the declarations of Ciunt and tbe denial by M. Clemenceau, Lt Ttmpt writes “Quite no one will be sur* p.iied by this denial and no one will take exception to its vigorous form. At
    527 words
  • 54 582 Delayed and LostIt is officially stated that parcels for tbe Straits S ttlemerti posted in tbe United Kingdom between December 26 and January 3 have been seriously delayed •n rot4e and have not yet reached Penang. Parcels for th® Straits Settlements posted between January 29 and February
    54 words
  • 468 582 M *****. LEAN 4^ 0 g Messrs. Lean A Co. sav i. Market Report, d.ud aJ.II 52-“' Owing to the interruption cm»-4 ne-. by the holid.y, ft tikes for the market to settle a». there,, nothing to report" under review. Rhi Rubber.ibarea maintain their rem.rkably well,
    468 words

  • 684 583  -  [Bt 0M th. «urop«« •m 'JXI Tb.r »re®° l P°P ,r > F h Mllei “"’“Jth creator P»r‘ the ol y WsrW»;*****' 8 gaoh other denoee *_S, 3 „7 e Mi Tie koowo to yo« hero rfii**“' r th di .offer the J need» leetns to haTQ
    684 words
  • 1082 583 Municipal ProMCutiona Mr, 8. H. Langston was occupied during the greater part of this morning in hearing cases brought by tbe Municipality through Mr. Rutherford, Building Inspector, against people failing to comply with nuttanoe notices requiring them to take down or properly secure thoir houses. The first case
    1,082 words

  • 1275 584 measures to increase f.m.s. OUTPUT. Rilaxation Of Rmt*iction«. A Bill to stimulate the output of tin in the F.M.S. is to be introduced in the Federal Council to-morrow, la view of the importaroe of the measure we publish the following exoerpte i A bill intituled an Enactment further
    1,275 words
  • 511 584 I Voder the ■V-.-S.reiy.inthe pening, wa nuke t’H 7 dotermine whether a •■bleu being done to •end, h Btrong Ti e w )werepßtbe( l> t k», ger tiemen ol ,«y «per.encP, Tbi. i, wh4t b all Rt.uiera «nd Terntorid, f,™ s and make 50 per cen
    511 words
  • Page 584 Advertisements
    • 48 584 ClußberhU'» C®«« J When you bwe remedy that will no J feet a prompt and perm that i. plcswt to t»k». tains nothing »i Cough Benedy H» I. ,ct. oo «to"’, pb», aids exptetoi.tion, ope# reetores the system Tbxa remedy and can always be .a jeaWrsby all dispenaanu
      48 words

  • 467 585 ICIILT-SWH q diDi B° !emQlEad y A P*V tbe AfaZaya Inbun. J Cathedral of toa “G -od Hfitn* Ku d9l Tbe b L, el were Mr. Gionom r, Artat lor It«ly. Peo«n'> B.H, Slot and 00. ot iiM u3t nf and MiBB Alice Stth, elder 3A 7m ‘nlMrr. E.L.
    467 words
  • 681 585 Local Support Fob The Government. L at night (says the Straitt Timtt of Satuiday) a largely attended combined meet** ing of tho membtra of the Association of Eagiasora and of the Straits Merchant Sai vice Guild was held in the Association of Engineers Rooms co consider the
    681 words
  • 553 585 INCREASES IN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Compabativb Statistics. The (fficial return of imports and exports of the Straits Settlements for the quarter ended December 31 has been issued and shows appreciable advances in the imports and exports of the three Settlements. Tbe figures for the quarter, as
    553 words

  • Havas Service.
    • 155 586 A CHASTENED TONE. Th» All!*’ Will to Win Pans, April 5, 11-15 p.w. A menage from Zurich states tbat tho German press betr.y a concern to dieillulion the publiar upon the subject of the great cffeniife. The Frankfurter Zeitung confetti this confession ,r Thainemy up totbe
      155 words
    • 147 586 Oartfully Complied Flgurai Tbs following figures are obtained from a report of German prisoners carefolly revised:—Certain elements of the 16. h Bavarian Division, 28th Infantry Division, 19th Infantry Division and the Reserve Division ef Guards suffered losses fqualling 26 per cent, of their forces. The 3rd Division
      147 words
    • 270 586 French Official Note* Pans, April 6, In reply to Count Oxhlid'i recent declaration regarding peace proposals, a Note issued by the French Premier exposes the Austrian schemes for a German peace. The note says that Count Reverters, an agent of the Austrian Government, had expressed a desire to
      270 words
    • 92 586 Central Foeh's Metaphor' Welcoming tie war correepondents on the French battle!runt, General Focb, pointing to the war map to-day said i "Ail is going well. It is clearly evident tbat the tidal wave of the German armies has been broken on the shore now they are up
      92 words
  • 370 586 Thu Chaboi or Mubdib Aoainbt A Nokia. The case was continued before Mr. Justice Ebden in Singapore in which a Nonia nam d Chan Biew Yin was charged with the murder of her seven-year-old step-eon, Teo Ah Ba, by throwing him down the air well from the second
    370 words
  • 121 586 Chur Own Correspondent Singapore, April 6. At the w ekiy auction the following prices were rFa'isrd: Fine ribbed smoked Bbtet 88 to 92 per picul Go.d 75 87 do Fine plain 73 74 do Good plain 61 do Utsmoked fine plain 60 70 do Good 54 58
    121 words
  • 441 586 [To THt EdiTOB os TUI Qi Sir, I retd tbe text of tbe t»>. •ppetred >» y oßr 8. t8 d1 over .nd come to th. th. prayer ot tbe 2 Lf"’*** Tbe end .i med of the tn.trij,, ."■>>* Chme.e, md thl.
    441 words
  • 72 586 Thi Cvhb»»^ 1 uuliii For tbe period t m h b U ty Ap i'. 1918.1»o'<i >»'> b du iyi. i"*' ed tubb-ron wbicu oU*. on »n ad valorem -,b!:ib«i Not;fio*tio n nX/nisW**' Federated Mahf Stater Ge 0 of tbe 15th Cu.tom. Dutie. E'-» c 0 f« «*5
    72 words

  • 271 587 fimnai [,»dw. April 5, 3.5 p.m- j.w«ter after tracing the T ‘.°kicb tka eM®y forcM er9 nd broke» ap i« at opinion eotered 10rU B-W”,r ,'e. m<j nec. BiUte caa>P*i«“ though on «-“■’“i »“ler il9 b ,or bB1 «J ®V to3 k. Ouiag to
    *■ . . fimnai  -  271 words
  • 129 587 Vimur gM4w WoEK »7 *1« 4 ld Tl wbioll wascompul. ’ko. ’V’ 1 01 th ”M|Li.tTb, h ’Tet'ran,, M! in t •if Part» n? 8 11 ldea wa| ‘hat a P«y uudar re,eDted the Vuterar-tj oa, ,nd 01 LifcU J. io ih" d R n tb p
    129 words
  • 560 587 [Rbutbk’s Tilegrams London, April 6, 7.40 p.m. The Lord Mayor gave a luncheon to a distinguished company at the Mansion House to co itn monta the United States entry into the war Telegrams were read from H. M the King and Mr,
    [Rbutbk’s Tilegrams ]  -  560 words
  • 507 587 [Rbvtib's Tbibobams Important Enactments. London, April 6, 7,30 t.m. Toe Timet says that all other GoverAtaant business wi'l ba sbt aside until the Manpower Rd! which the Premier will introduce in the Houon o f Oro mon? on Tuesday has pa«spd Hl its st&grs. These will betaken
    [Rbvtib's Tbibobams ]  -  507 words

  • 488 588 [Biutib’b Tbligrajss] A Futile ProUitLondon, April 6, 8 20 p m. Tar- Government has energetical j protest* ed againit th* cntr J cf 9rm aQ [J Ukrainian hoops into the province of Kursk wh ch ia essentially Bu-eisn. Th* Command at ZleffLondon, April 7, 3 p.mAn Amsterdam
    [Biutib’b Tbligrajss]  -  488 words
  • 466 588 [Biutkb’s Tiligrams Landing at VladivostokLmdor, April 6, 5.30 a m, A Wa*hing:oti m sage says that the State Dputa.e t has been informed that Japanese Nival forces landed at Vladivostok to protect life and property, Buniani Attack JapaneseLondon, April 6, 7 5 a.m. The landing at Vladivostock
    [Biutkb’s Tiligrams ]  -  466 words
  • 277 588 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Fred. I“ n. Mr, L'oyd George b„ the V.ceroy of Icdii: itn M the intention of Ge, B 0 J'*'* <„ bit t L‘ nD no CD|J i'“ b«t Aii. h« become t J'’ oietL I ask the people of India to re W
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  277 words
  • 183 588 (From Ovr Own C&rretptndtni) London, f pnl 1 The prices in the London Eunter M*-'* to*day were: Pale Crepe •/’I Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4| L oden. Apri- Pale Cippe J*l Diamond Smoked Sbeit Bou.tead A Co. inform the following were the quotaticn» or on spot in London
    183 words

  • 12 589 0 Apf .l k «t B. od U Mr »81 MrB
    12 words
  • 1173 589 —S PP, ‘‘”A%X G«eW* Mt Sier w*ding torougb the new Civil Proce,l, fi;e( d* J,ed oor nf be c*tarie».out<f-dHe codes A c 8 b modified by tbe “f 1 th ft however strained the ■SAT» ‘ft **\L -jrhiob has just issued a S*i it* wrr. U t. th»t
    —S PP,  -  1,173 words
  • 580 589 Assistant Surgeon Nicholas of Ta’ping is about to proceed to Kedah on duty, Capt, G. R. Molyneux has b?ea wourded and Las received the Military Cross. Mr. B F. B.idge has been appointed a magistrate for the Settlement of Penang. Tbe Rsv. Father M. Deredeo, late of SL Anthony’s
    580 words

  • 1305 590 Unofficial War Correspondence. Ye.u oey m®'"'* 0 ■P»'»‘ lw! X Jy beer an armed force of elderly men o „rri»i[ »hapoe d ,M 9a,bl,d 10 'm ot the Eacecoom, proceeded to town bra derive and circuitous route, marched down Beaob Street, wrecked the Strait» Echooßoe and “diipo.ed of
    1,305 words
  • 4037 590 [Emn,.-, Our American All» ANNIVERSARY OP ESlfiy Xilg ui rnriitM The Press Burese lei R King b« ,eut B ;\k. Wu.on tendering b>. grmtii,, “'‘i" anm»er,aryof the .ntry ol At thia critical hocr when their et( are unsparing in uaorifica and counting the cost to achieve vic'or»
    [Emn,.-,  -  4,037 words

  • 1419 593 Annual General Meeting, The *nno*l general noting of the subncrib rs of St. G rg ’s was b*ld at the P mrg Ciicket C ub yenleidiv evening, there being p M A W, Harriet G. B C i s p, G N. Bu-nbaiD, E- J, B ooett, C.
    1,419 words

  • 523 594 Bid Cbobs Show. We ere indebted to one of the p omoteri of the big Enter Fete at Alor Star he following detail, of the Agricultural Section and Gymkhana u etys that the Red Cross funds wil benefit substantially but that the exact amount is not
    523 words
  • 1053 594 (By Tom Wbight,) Man (a*y meo) has quantie. which separate him distinctly from the animal. Walt Whitman said it, too, but from another angle. when he vowed be could almost lire with animals—because none was respectable or unhappy, and none bemoaned its sins. I sometimes think Walt
    1,053 words
  • 112 594 Ibe output of tin 'g' pror. ty of 'be Limited for M»roh 9 Mee»’ I''* l re h Dndf* th.t the output of Ip nical* Limited during M b W S B tW* Mr. Kb.w D(ir ou'put of the Toogk* M tkt ir/for one week from 80tbM> 6tb
    112 words

  • 1045 595 F MB CM! Prowiar» sissfeiw“•" tto 9 parts. 47 SgjSSS■? 5Si£?*.iS?S„«S ffi £,ih“; us? ?Ssr 'Sva I*27 Httiw forth the cause> of 2ud where it arose and containing irf ths relief sought. The court JdMN I lamtnoni u P on v fctodut, t« W" nd ./j IW8 w
    1,045 words
  • 33 595 rp Latest Quotations. i' n anre fi Q td) is quoted here to-day at done in Singapore, (rein--1 V 5l, business done, (200 tons sold) 8(110 I*ndon at J 6318 three months.
    33 words
  • 927 595 The Waterfall Gardena. Ths recent light refreshing rains have helped this beauty spot to take on its prettiest appearance. Many of the flowering trees are in full bloom and make a brave show while tho varied tints cf green from new foliage are a pleasure to the eye.
    927 words

  • 304 596 [RIUTII’S TILIGIIMB.] SITUATION IN FRANCE. AUTHORITATIVE STATEMENT. An Unbroken Lins. Paris, April 7, A representative of the Daily Mail has interviewed a high authority whose criticism on the recent military operations may be summaris'd as follows i General Foch is p*rrying the Germans with far smaller forces than
    [RIUTII’S TILIGIIMB.]  -  304 words
  • 2007 596 U. S. A. War Review. Enemy Failure Analyied. London, April 5, 5 50 a m. A New Y-irk message states that the War Department's weekly review says •‘The general strategic and tactical position of the Adies is becoming more favourable. The enemy at the opening of the
    2,007 words

  • 164 597 [Rimin'. TitiaiAM..] London, April 8.1.10 a.m. A Timet message from Tangier states that the Germans in Morocco made proposals to Raiouli and other tribal leaders, in the event of a Garman victory over Franco, to rise in revolt, massacre Allied subjects, declare rhe independence of Morocco and
    [Rimin'. TitiaiAM..]  -  164 words
  • 108 597 DI?8b EdITO Straiti IWU.] ■£so. fh. Hoke of Oranangbt’a Aixili. T Vr Ho *P'‘»'. Dublin, and ■£so. TheOrerm. Club Tobacco Find. Loudon. The following is a ligt o f the subscribers i Mr,> MoHntohiion, M ftdi'n ®> A r«»‘reng, W. Adair, L. M. Bell, 0.
    108 words
  • 89 597 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company's share list 7 Yesterday, To-day. Rubber. J «5 A p l A l Ayer Panas B.vo 8.25 8.40 8.75, Kedah 3,40 370 300 ggs Mahkoff 3.80 4.10 4.00 420 Mining, 15/3 16/. 16/6 16/Un
    89 words

  • 640 598 COLLISION IN*!HE BTBAITB. Hiavt Lobs ob Lira. With the arrival of a steamer flying the Chinese Republican fl»g yeiterday evening came the news of a eollieion in the Straits of Maltooa between her and the Eastern Shipping Company's steamer Mary Anitin that resulted in the latter linking
    640 words
  • 1219 598 [To Thb Editob cr Thb ffifraite Echi Sir, Judging from the general tone of the petition, it would appear that those who are responsible for it have been in tbe main actuated by a desire to secure to the wife alone whose name appears upon the
    1,219 words