The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 29 November 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 1167 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MAIL EDITION. SIS Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 5. Penang, Friday, 29th November, 1907. No. 4s.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 7 r CONTENTS. I X I X x X X x X X x x > Leaders page. Public Opinion C’o r r capo h</« hoc) page. > The t nwanted Asiatic 1,142 The Transvaal Government and the x The New British Army 1,147 Asiatics v 1,142 x The Military
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 163 2 TT4+-n- «A.^ 4t^r-.4> I i F THE j STRAITS ECHO I j MAIL EDITION. j VH i HA •H Published the day prior to the departure of each mail B i for Europe, and contains the latest local and States I 9 news originally published in the daily issues, as
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  • 880 1142 During the past few months much has been heard regarding the treatment of Japanese and Indian immigrants on the Pacific slope and on Tuesday we published the Chairman of the Transvaal Chinese Association’s letter complaining of the treatment of Chinese in the Transvaal. The whole question of
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  • 523 1142 THE TRANSVAAL GOVERNMENT AND THE ASIATICS. To ihe Eihtok < i iiir. straits Echo Sir, It w s with mingled feelings of pain ami regret that I read the petition of the Chairman of the Chinese Association in the Transvaal published in your impression of the 19tn inst.
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  • 300 1142 Obituary. Hr. Richard Brougham Howe. We regret to record the death of Mr. Richard Brougham Howe, Senior Boarding Officer, which took place at the General Hospital at 430 p in. yesterday. The deceased, who was 69 years of age, bad been in indifferent health for some time past. He was
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  • 225 1143 (Before Mr. Lornie Tan Chu Sang, a Chinaman, was yesterday charged with being in possession of a hypodermic syringe, and Tan Pong was arraigned on the charge of abetting lan Chu Sang in the offence. The -magist rate convicted the first accused and sentenced him to thtee
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  • 431 1143 Penang Cricket Club Va. The Crescent Football Team. There was a crowd on the hspl made yesterday afternoon to witness the match between the above teams la ken on the whole, the gome, which ended in the defeat of the Cresc-nt.s by four goals to nil, was ’disappointing. I’he
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  • 510 1143 Ar the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Penang Pranakan Club, held at the club house in Argyll Load on the ]7. h instant, the following gentlemen were eb'c'.e l office bearers for the ensuing year: President, Mr K. Pacliee; Hon. Secretary. M. 1. Merican;
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  • 3922 1143 THE IDOL A Weird Tale of a Cod’s Venge anw [By Southern Cross.] 1 was in my friend Danvers’ room one night chatting and, after we had discussed many things, he suddenly said, Do you believe in the supernatural, Jack?” Danvers spoke with such seriousness that for
    [By Southern Cross.]  -  3,922 words

  • Page 1144 Advertisements
    • 50 1144 A Follower of Influenza. Many persons find themselves affected with a persistent cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesjme. The George Town Dispuusuiy, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 565 1145 Directors’ Report. The Report of the Directors of tbePn ß Lama Tin Miues Ltd which was present to Hie annual general meeting of sharehold, ers held in London on the 7th inst beside, giving the results of the year’s’workin (up to the 30th June last)
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  • Page 1145 Advertisements
    • 69 1145 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a century in which it has been in use, people have learned that it is the one remedy that
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  • 1039 1146 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Friday, Nov. Ist. The Silly Season. Tbe motoring world has its sillv season, just about this time of the year, when nobody does much with motor-cars save to talk about them. Hence we get controversies around such questions as Do Cars
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  • 100 1146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Rise in the Currency Premium. London, 21st November.—lt is reported from New York that, owing to widespread demands, the premium on currency rose suddenly from I 2 to 3 percent., resulting in disorder of the Exchange Market and causing renewed uneasiness. Big Hamburg Firm Fails.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  100 words
  • 75 1146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Ready, Aye Ready London, 22nd Nov.--Lord Charles Beresford made a remarkable speech at the banquet given by the Salters’ Company. Be concluded by saying that if any country provokes war our practical preparedness will pulverise it. Lord Charles emphasised the fact that it was not
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 69 1146 {Supplied by Reuter.) The Elections for the First Parliament. London, 22ud Nov.—ln the elections for the first Parliament for Orangia the contest has practically been confined to Bloemfonteiu, where the Constitutional or British I arty won four seats out of five. The country districts are solidly Dutch, but tbe
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  69 words
  • 74 1146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Progressive Peers Join Republicans. London, 21st Nov.—lt is reported from Lisbon that three Progressivist Peers have joined the Republican Party. The Progressivist journal, the Correiodensite, has been suspended. o The Army Loyal. London, 22nd Nov —lt is noticeable that the Portuguese Minister of War is making
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  74 words
  • 32 1146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Workmen Buried Alive. London, 21st Nov.—Eighteen Italian navvies have been overwhelmed by a landslip near Cannes, in the South of France. Only two were extricated alive.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 61 1146 (Supplied by Reuter.) Modernists Threatened with Excommunication. London, 21st November.— A Paptal rnotu proprio 1 eiforates the declarations of tbe Syllabus of July 18th and the Encyclical of September 19th and threatens those disregarding them with excommunication and other penalties. It also urges the Episcopacy to
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  • Page 1146 Advertisements
    • 84 1146 A Question that Every Man Should Decide for Himself. l here is one subject in which many of us are interested and that is, wbat is the quick est way of getting nd of a troublesome cold? Is it best to take some new remedy put out with exaggerated claims,
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  • 1141 1147 By his speech to the Lords Lieutenant at Buckingham Palace on the 26th ult. His Majesty King Edward gave to Mr. Haldane’s Territorial Army Scheme the element of prestige which lifts it out of the sphere of party debate and expert criticism. We know that George
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  • 586 1147 (lit fore Mr. Wolferrtan.) It will be remembered that Omar, a Mak you'h, was on the Ist inst. charged with committing theft in respect, of $1,385 won of jewellery, the property of Tunku Ch J Alter three adjournments the case came™ for hearing yesteiday when Mr. Yeoh
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  • 733 1148 The funeral of the hie Mr. Lim ]< e i s Cbuan, whose sad death on Monday last has been reported in our columns, took place this morning, from deceased’s residence, No. 40. Muntri Street. As though Nature were weeping over the
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  • 75 1148 The Chinese residents in* the Transvaal have circularised the Chinese Government and every Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Ihe East, calling attention to the various grievances under which they are labouring in the Transvaal and stating that they have formed themselves into a company of Transvaal Passive Resistance
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  • 246 1148 Confesses Before Death. The last scene in the tragedy which startled Hongkong some few months ago was witnessed by a small body of men in Victoria jail on the morning of the 13th instant, when William Halt Adsetts was hanged for the crime of which he was found
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  • 1650 1148 A Successful First Night.” Last nigh: Liberty Hall,” R. C. .Carton’s iour-aet comedy-drama, was successfully staged by a number of local amateurs under the direction of Mis. G. E. Wright Motion, ami the P. C. C. Building Fund ought to benefit substantially as there was a large audience
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  • Page 1148 Advertisements
    • 25 1148 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, contains absolutely nothing injurious and for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cmgh it has no equal. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 665 1149 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tues ’ay, 19th November. Miss Boom guard t’s Salary. At the last meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, it w is unanimously decided that, in reply to the Colonial Sesietary’s letter, Penang, of the 24th October last, relating to the salary of Miss Boomgaardt, registrar
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  • 239 1149 (Echo Special.) Damages Against Mr. Ho Yang Peng. Singapore, 23rd Nov.—ln the case brought against Mr. Ho Yang Peng by the Vicomte de Bondy, French Consul at Singapore, for damages for assault, wrongful imprisonment and malicious prosecution of his two sons, Raphael and Harold de Bondy, damages have been
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  • 113 1150 (Supplied by Re-iter.) Overtures with France, London, 22ud Nov.—Accu.diiig to a semiofficial statement from Paris the United States approached the French Government a fortnight ago for an advance of a hundred million francs in gold from the Bank of France direct. As there was no national issue between
    (Supplied by Re-iter.)  -  113 words
  • 182 1150 (Supplied by Reuter The Mayor of Oldham Intervenes. London, 20th November.—As a result of the mediation of the Mayor of Oldham, there is a prospect that a strike will be averted. [On the 18th inst. Reuter wired —At a mass meetinr of the cotton spinners at Manchester
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  182 words
  • 56 1150 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Railway Strike. London, 22nd November.—lt is reported from Ca'cutta that the East Indian Railway strike is assuming a much worse aspect. The attitude of the European strikers is threatening, and Simla is isolated. A battalion of the Leinster» and armed police are going to Assanol,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 48 1150 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Annexation Treaty Ready. London, 23rd Nov. —It is stated at Brussels that the disagreement between King Leopold and the Government regarding the taking over of the Congo has been adjusted and the annexation treaty will be laid before the Chamber next week.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 32 1150 (Supplied by Reuter.) Hampered by Storms and Fogs. London, 23rd Nov. —The new Cunarder Mauretania arrived at New York yesterday morning having been delayed by storms and fogs.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 71 1150 Suppled by Reuter.) A Scheme to Join Russian and Indian Railways. London, 22nd November.-The C '7r P i"' l U S '’«'eixburg about a Rut,s ilu Gowrinnenl are XnJ f aP Omt "> s'-lv a Indian r f '"l J0 U,Ug P he R,,asia inaian railways. 10,000 Jieaths at
    Suppled by Reuter.)  -  71 words
  • 36 1150 (Supplied ly Reuter.) The Grand Cross of* the Victorian Order. London, 23rd Nov.—Count Benckendorff, Russian Amdassador to the Court of St. James, has been decorated with the Grand Cross of the Victorian Order
    (Supplied ly Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 49 1150 (Supplied by Renter. f International Conference Postponed. Loudon, 23rd November.—The second International Conference on steeping sickness has been postponed in deference to the wishes of Germany, which country desires its delegates should have time to submit the result of Professor Koch’s recent investigations to the Conference.
    . (Supplied by Renter.f  -  49 words
  • 42 1150 (Supplied by Reuter.) Shops Looted. London, 20th November.—The Daily Telegraph, correspondent at St. Petersburg reports that two Russo lerman firms have telegraphel to St. Petersburg that the shops in Hiraz (Shiraz) are being looted, and t' at speedy measures are indi-pensable.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  42 words
  • 49 1150 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Mile a Minute. Loudon, 20th Nov.—The Kaiser, who is in splendid spirits, has been covering large tracts of the New Forest ami the adjacent country in a motor. Yesterday he several times travelled a mile a minute in the open stretches.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  49 words
  • 29 1150 (Supplied by Reuter.) Not the P. A 0. Persia.” London, 23rd Nov —The Pernio mention ed in the wire of 21st Nov. belongs to the Anchor Line.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 376 1150 A vast amount has been written in denunciation of the huge contribution the Colony has to pay for the military protection afforded it by Imperial troops, but whatever reduction is agreed to it is unlikely that any arrangement will ever be arrived at which will satisfy both
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  • 577 1150 Men who feel gambling to be a vice are not always clear as to why they have this opinion. A paper in the Internalional Journal of however, puts the es ential reasons very lucidly. The writer, an American, points out primarily that it is bad because it is anti-social*
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  • Page 1150 Advertisements
    • 71 1150 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and > Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a centurv in which it has 1 e'*n in use, people have learned that it is the one
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  • 220 1151 Mr. Lim Soo Chee requests to be allowed, through the medium of the Straits Echo, to thank all those who were kii d enough to attend the funeral of his beloved father, the late Mr. Lim Kek Chuan, or to express iheir sympathy with
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  • 340 1151 The prospectus of the New Tambun Mines, Ltd, is now out. The company is to be formed lor the purpose of acquiring and working mining lands situated at Tambun, in the Kinta valley of Pe°ak. adj lining the once enormously rich Tambun Mine of Towkay
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  • 602 1151 (Before. Mr. Codrington Ong Sum Kimi, a Climaman j pleaded guilty to the charge of '|J Jpossession of U tahils of illicit l h worth about 84-50 cents. He was fiS twenty dollars. ea This morning, a Chinaman who was con victed of telling fortunes, was t|
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  • Page 1151 Advertisements
    • 50 1151 A Follower of Influenza. Many persons find themselves affected with a persistent cough after an attack of nfluenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
      50 words
    • 26 1151 Chamberlain’s though Remedy, contains absolutely nothing injurious and for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough it has no equal. The George I’own Dispensary, Wholesale Agent o
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  • 529 1152 The Government Gazette of November 22 contains the following items of inform*, tion: His Majesty the King has been pleased to confirm the appointment of the Hon’ble A. R. Adams as an Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, and to approve the appointment of
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  • 99 1152 ORDIXAKy MEETING, NOVEMBER ‘--ND, 1907. H PRESENT. Indemn G <~ (Sir John Hou E StT cy w M v i<,r Gen T Perr<>t Hon W I v H Vonng (Col. Secretary). Hon 1' T O apler (Attorney-General). Hon F p"’ o (Act CoL Treasurer). Hon <T A Go
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  • 1342 1152 Serious Budget Omission. Singapore legislators met in the Council Chamber yesterday afternoon, says Saturdays Strait# Time#, and were confronted with two new Ordinances, the second reading of two Bills, and the consideration iu Committee of four recent enactments, in addition to an important motion
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  • 236 1153 According to a contemporary, coal deposits have been discovered on the Brouw River, in North-east Borneo, and recently 1,535 tons were shipped to Hongkong. The Borneo product is said to be a first class smokeless coal. The locality of the mine is far removed from Um
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  • 58 1153 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Assured Success. London, 2 nh Nov. —Mr. Haldane, Secretary of State for War, speaking at a Volunteer prize giving in London, said that the Volunteers throughout the country were already showing such sprit ami keen patriotism that he vas no longer doubtful of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  58 words
  • 76 1153 (Supplied by Reuter.) Won’t be Tried by Man-Made Laws. London, 24'h November.—The campaign which the suffragettes have been pursuing has been most active at the meetings held by the Cabinet Ministers. Matters readied a climax yesterday at the inerting held by Mr. Herbert Gladstone at Leeds when the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 37 1153 (Supplied by Reuter.) Kaiser Invites Prince and Princess of Wales. London, 25th Nov.—The Berlin papers state that the Prince and Princess of Wales have accepted the Kaiser’s invitation to visit Germany in 1908.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  37 words
  • 59 1153 (Supplied, by Reuter.) Punishment for an Unruly Tribe. London, 24th Nov—A strong Fiench punitive expedition lefi lllamarnia at mid night to operate against the Beuinassen tribe which, have recently given trouble Artillery tiring was heaid f r many liouis to-day. London, 25'h N<»v.—The Beninassen tribe attacked the
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  59 words
  • 33 1153 (Supplied by Reuter No Further Time Allowed. London, 23 d Nov.—The Chartered Bank has declined to longer suspend the demolition of Crosby Hall pending further efforts to complete the sum requited.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  33 words
  • 57 1153 (Supplied by Reuter.) Attempts to Raise the Price. London, 25th Nov.—The New Orleans Farmers’ Union submits that the farmers’ plan is to reduce the,acreage of cotton in 1908 in order to secure the price of 15 cents a pound. They will also withhold four to six million bales of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 35 1153 (Supplied by Reuter.) Roosevelt Emphatic Not to Stand Loudon, 2511. Nov.-President R„ OM wit. has instructed his ministers to w»„ their subordinates not to pursue a campaim tor his re-nomination. r 8
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 26 1153 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Strike Partially Settled. London, 23rd Nov,—The Indian railway strike has been partially settled. The runuing of the mail trains is resumed.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 33 1153 (Supplied by Renter.) Paying Japan's Bill. London, 23rd Nov —Count Benckendoiff to-dav hands Baron Kmnura a draft for £4,860,441 for maintenance of the Russian prisoners captured during the late war.
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  33 words
  • 59 1153 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Manchester Handicap. London, 24th Nov.—The result of the race for the Manchester November Handicap (value, £1,325; distance, 1| miles), which was run on Saturday, was as follows Halting lass, be by Isinglas-Sibola 1 Wise Mason, b c by Freemasm Wise Ethel 2 Lischana,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  59 words
  • 163 1153 (Supplied by Reuter) The Expenditure for the Next Decade. London, 2 th Nov. —It is reported from Berlin that the memorandum attached to the Naval Estimates shows that the estimated expenditure for the next ten years —l9OB to 1917—is £208,600,000, being an increase of £49,300,000 as
    (Supplied by Reuter)  -  163 words
  • Page 1153 Advertisements
    • 81 1153 A Question that Every Man Should Decide for Himself. There is one subject in which many of us are interested and that is, what is the quickest way of getting rid of a troublesome cold? Is it best to take some new remedy put out with exaggeiated claims, or to
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  • 809 1154 The suffragettes have evidently taken Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman at his word. When the premier spoke at Duiuferline on October 22, one of the questions put in was from the Woman’s Social Political Union. It ran: “As the Prime Minister believes in women's suffrage, would he suggest
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  • 103 1154 We have much pleasure in acknowledging receipt of the sum of $l2, for the Penang Band Fund for 1908, from Mr. Lawrence Aroozoo, of No. 24, Leith Street. vVe have also received the following promises of subscriptions in aid of the Fund for next year
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  • 121 1154 Mr. Foo Choo Choon, the well-known tin magnate, has secured the services of two voting lady teachers from China to start a Chinese school for girls in Penang. The ladies in question, Miss Chee Chin Kuan and Miss U. Chong Hun, have just arrived in Penang,
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  • 86 1154 LN APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Nyah Hamat vs. The Crown. I he appellant was convicted by Mr. Wolferstan of attempting to commit mischief by throwing stones into the shops of Cbe Mat and Pernam Muthalei in Chulia Street, and sentenced to receive four cuts with a
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  • 99 1154 the application of the complainant, Hatisah Bi. a Kling woman, Mr. Dyson calle i upon the appellant to shew cause why he should not be ordered to maintain his illegitimate child. The magistrate not being satisfied with the cause shewn, the appellant was ordered to
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  • 295 1154 (Before Mr. Wolfertlan.) Mali binti Radin, a Malay woman, pleaded not guilty this morning to the charge of stealing jewellery and other articles, altogether valued at $205, from the house of one Mat Hassan. The case was postponed to the 3rd proximo, bail being allowed in the
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  • 201 1155 The Coroner held an inquest yesterday afternoon, into the death of a Chinaman named Pung Choo Pong. The deceased was employed in the opium shop at premises No. 369, Bridge Street. He used to sleep in the shop alone. On the night of the 14th in*t. he retired to
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  • 182 1155 A ST. ANDREW’S DAY SUGGESTION. To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Mr. Editor,—Throm-h th* me r im of the Echo I would like to make a suggestion to the Sports Committee of the P. C. C. The Committee are making an effort to get up a
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  • 182 1155 Another Success Scored. Last night the amateurs under the able direction of Mrs. G. Egerton Wright-Motion again made a success of R. C. Carlon s tour act comedy-drama. Indeed, the play went even better than the first night for the nervousness of the initial performance bad been lost
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  • 96 1155 The Baud maun Comedy Company opens in Penang on Monday, December 2nd, with Alfred Sutro’s brilliant play, "The Walls of Jericho,” which diew so well at the Garrick Theatre, London. On Tuesday the company st iges R .ffle«, the Amateur Cracksman,” and on Wednesday Hall Caine’s
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  • 405 1155 Mr. Herrman Jessen and Mr. Lee Chin Ho of Penang were in Kuala Lumpur last Thursday and Friday, in connection with the Eastern Smelting Co. Both gentlemen expressed very hopeful opinions as to the success cf the undertaking. Some anxiety is expressed in Chinese mining c rcles at
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  • 1329 1155 (111/ Our Special Correepondenl.') i■ i 23r< N <”ember 1 his town, which is the headquarter. the Stales ot the Negri Sembilau, i, on th' ma.u railway line between Kuala Lumpur and Ma ace and has come into prontipL. Since the federation of the Malay Stat» The nite Stales
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  • Page 1155 Advertisements
    • 80 1155 A Question that Every Man Should Decide for Himself. '1 here is one subject in which many of us are interested and that is, what is the quickest way of getting nd of a troublesome cold? Is it best to take some new remedy put out with exaggerated claims, or
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  • 225 1156 (Supplied I Accident to Mr. Lloyd-tieorge. Lon,lon, 25H, Nov.-Mr. I.loyd-George. the President of the Board of Trade, was motoring from Manchester to London last Sunday when a sudden jolt owing to the rough road near Lichfield threw him against the glass wind-screen. His left eve-lid was cut open,
    (Supplied I ,■  -  225 words
  • 36 1156 (Supplied by Reuikr.) Heavy Snow Storms in the North. Loudon, 26th November.—Heavy snow storms are reported from the North and the Midlands. A whirlwind in Fast Kent has severely damaged farin buildiugs and orchards.
    (Supplied by Reuikr.)  -  36 words
  • 35 1156 (Supplied by Reuter} New Quartermaster-General. London, 25th Nov. —Major-General Herbert Scott Gould Miles, Director of Recruiting and Organisation, succeeds Lieut-Gen-eral Sir William Nicholson, k c b., as QuarterMaster General of the Forces.
    (Supplied by Reuter}  -  35 words
  • 35 1156 (Supplied by Reuter.) Attends a Village Church. London, 26th Nov. —'lhe Kaiser is prolonging bis stay in England. He attended the village church at Higlicliffe on Sunday. The Church was crowded.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 52 1156 (Supplied by Reuter.) Councillor in League with Terrorists. London, 26th Nov.-'The Berlin police have seized the house of a social democrat Municipal Councillor which is the resort of Russian Terrorists. Two pantechnicons of Russian revolutionary leaflets, a quantity of pistols, dumdum cartridges and electrical appliances for exploding mines et?.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 25 1156 (Supplied *by Reuter.) New South Wales Defeated. London. 26th Nov.—'l he M.C C. team has defeated New South Wales by 10b runs.
    (Supplied *by Reuter.)  -  25 words
  • 51 1156 (Supptied by Reiter.) Detachment to Go to Java. London, 25th Nov.—At the request of the Java Government the Salvation Armv takes charge of the criminal, pauper and leper populations of the country. A Salvationist, now in Argentina, who contracted leprosy, proceeds to Java to work among the
    (Supptied by Reiter.)  -  51 words
  • 33 1156 (Supplied by Reuter.) The New Scheme under Examination. London, 25th Nov—The New Orleans cotton scheme has been submitted to the congress of growers at Memphis. It will be considered on January 7th.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 32 1156 (Supplied by Reuter Dirigible Balloons ami Wireless Telephones Wanted. Loudon, 26th Nov—The American Board has passed an Ordinance allotting a sum to buy one or more dirigible balloons and wireless telephones.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  32 words
  • 41 1156 («S' up plied by Reuter.) Fighting with the Benin Asseu Tribe. London, 26th Nov.—The French lost eight killed in the fight with the Benin Assen tri lie. The fighting was renewed yesterday, the troops pursuing the tribesmen into the mountains.
    («S'up plied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 585 1156 One of the greatest mistakes the Straits Settlements Government ever made was when they allowed Penang and Singapore to grow unchecked, unplanned and uncontrolled. The local authorities did not understand the problem before them; perhaps they did not know a problem existed. In those days the
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  • 164 1157 Following is the list, up to date, of subscriptions received by, or promised to, the Strait» Echo in aid of the Penang Band Fund for 1908: Mr. Kboo Soo Tat $2O Mr. Lawrence Aroozoo 12 (paid) Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok 12 Mr. Yeoh Boon Chit
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  • 64 1157 We are informed by Mr. Goh 'Talk Chee, the Vice-President of the Penang AntiOpium Association, that the First Annual General Meeting ot the Association will take place at. 72A, Love Lane, on Satuiday next, at 3 p m. Members are requested to attend. The following will
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  • 496 1157 The Eastern Shipping Co, Ltd., the prospectus of which appears in our advertising columns to-day, is a company formed to acquire forty steamships, six water-boats, and a woikshop aud plant, belonging to some of the best known Chinese shipping companies in Penang. The capital is to be
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  • 508 1157 (Before Mr. Wafer dan.) For Being >» possession of a l, ypoder ni synuge Ong Ob, a Chinaman, was th morning given the option of a fine of Ulna or three months’ R. I. A| i, a Malay syce, was thj 8 morni convicted ot driving his
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  • Page 1157 Advertisements
    • 49 1157 A Follower of Influenza. Many persons find themselves anec with a persistent cough after an attac 0 influenza. As this cough can be promp J cured by the use of Chamberlain s Remedy it should not be allowed to until it becomes troublesome. The 8 Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 809 1158 (Special for the Echo.) I looked the word up in the dictionary— Webster’s thick, heavy one, which i takes both bands to lift—to find the exact meaning of the word. Webster says Ambidexter (am-bi-deks-ter), a ll„ fr. l. ambo both (Wer right, dextra (Sc Manus) the right hand.] Using
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  • 352 1158 (From Our Own Correspondent.) t Taipiug, 25th Nov. lhe Resident's Movements. The Resident returned from Ipoh on Wednesday afternoon with Mr. Belfield, Resident of Selangor. Ou Thursday morning they left for Kriau in search of snipe and returned on Friday morning. Ihe Resident left for Ipoh on Saturday
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  • 2058 1158 A Pahang Governme»/ Gazette Extraordinary. was published on Mondav containing the following notifications regarding the new Tamil Immigration Fund Enactment TAMIL IMMIGRATION FUND ENACTMENT, 1907. An Enactment to Provide a Fund for the Immigration of Tamil Labour It is heieby enacted by His Highness the Sultan in Council
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  • Page 1158 Advertisements
    • 63 1158 A Good Liniment. When you need a good reliable liuirneut try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm It has no superior for sprains and swellings. A piece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain Bairn is superior to a plaster for lame back or pains in the side or chest. It also relieves rheumatic
      63 words

  • 182 1159 (Echo Special.) Serious Fire in Tanglin. Singapore, 27th Nov.—A serious tire occuned here at midnight last night. The outbreak occurred at Fern Cottage,” Dublin Road, the residence of Mr. H. Jensen, Manager of Messrs. Lambert Co., photographers, of Battery Road. Mrs. Jensen awoke and, finding the house in flames,
    182 words
  • 112 1159 (Echo Special.) Eight Shop-houses Gutted. Kajang, 27th November.-—A big fire occurred here at 4-30 a.m. to-day an eight shop-houses were entirely gut including two which were occupied J the Gambling Farm. The tire was put out at 7-30 with the help of some fire-men from
    112 words

  • 20 1160 (Supplied by Renter) His Health Trip. Loudon, 27th November.—Sir Henry Campbell-Bannermann will arrive at Biarritz on Sunday next.
    (Supplied by Renter)  -  20 words
  • 123 1160 (Supplied ly Reuter.) The Emperor’s Health. London, 27 th November.—An official statement issued from Berlin says that the Emperor’s cough has disappeared and his general recovery is making the best progress though it has been somewhat hindered by a strain he sustained to his left knee whilst shooting at
    (Supplied ly Reuter.)  -  123 words
  • 35 1160 (Sup]died by Reuter Rebuilding the Navy. London, 27th Nov. —The Russian Government pays Messrs. Vickers. Maxim Sons .£400,000 for plans for two 20,000 ton battleships of 20 knots speed to be constructed in Russia.
    (Sup]died by Reuter )  -  35 words
  • 30 1160 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Railway Disaster. Loudon, 26th November. —The BarcelonaValencia Express was derailed at a bridge and hurled into a river. Twenty persons were killed and sixty injured.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  30 words
  • 78 1160 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Railway Strike. London, 26th November. —The Indian Government have appointed a Board of Conciliation to meet immediately the men return to work. The Board consists of the Chairman of the Railway Board, the Chairman of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, three delegates of the East
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 745 1160 a D Uri US coi,lcid ence that the same day Reuter wires out that Russia lould 81 tW neW \\'il a us news that Mr. dham 1. Stead, Editor of the Review b r PeU awardpd the the I/ f r 1907 lt was tlm ’I
    745 words
  • 350 1160 Following is the list, up to date, of subset iptions received by or promised to the Straits Echo, iu aid of the Penang Band Fund for 1908: Mr. Gau Ngoh Bee ...$lOO (paid) Mr. Kboo Soo Tat 20 Mr. Lawrence Aroozoo 12 (paid) Mr. Yeoh
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  • Page 1160 Advertisements
    • 25 1160 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, contains absolutely nothing injurious and for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough it has no equal. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • 475 1161 Paperchase and Distribution of Prizes. The executive of thia Club killed two birds with one stone in a satisfactory manner by arranging for yesterday afternoon a paperobase and the presentation of the extra Gymkhana Prizes which were given, on ac count of the large fields, by the
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  • 133 1161 (Before Mr. JKo fer (an.) Chiu Su Tiot, a Chinese youth, was yesterday fined three dollars for riding his bicycle without a light. Virapen, boy to Dr. Park, was yesterday afternoon charged with (1) tiespassing into the piemises of Mr. J. G. Berkhuij-en, Manager of Messrs Mansfield
    133 words
  • 446 1161 Plucky Rescue. The Malay Mail reports a splendid case of pluck from Port Dickson. A few days ago, whilst, some coolies were repairing the pier under the supervision of their Foreman, Mr. Hogan, junior, rtiree of them fell accidentally into the water. There was a strong
    446 words
  • Public Opinion.
    • 360 1161 To the Editor of the Straits Echo Sir, Ihe last issue of the Government GntM contains an advertisement inviting a V cants for the post of Boarding OffiJrf Penang—presumably to fill the van f r caused by the death of Mr. Howe Boarding Officer. The
      360 words
    • 137 1161 To the Edkor of hie Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —The opinion ex pi eased in your leading articles concerning Asiatics I consider more clearly defines pubhc opinion here than the articles of your contemporary—the Pinang Gazette. The prosperity of the Straiis Settlements is admittedly due to
      137 words

  • 667 1162 Sjtecial for the Echo •‘Gambling!” exclaim the moialists, ••What a terrible vice!” and then they smugly wend their way to their offices to carry on some big speculation. And what is speculation if not gambling A vice, declares the journalist, as he starts a new paper relying on the
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  • 1316 1162 Annual General Meeting. 1 be fourth annual general meeting of the Fusing Lama 1 in Mines, Limited,was held on ah inst. at Salisbury House, Finsburyciicus, London, E C., Mr. William Antrobus Luning presiding. The Secretary (Mr. J. K. Gray) having read the notice convening the meeting
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  • Page 1162 Advertisements
    • 62 1162 A Good Liniment. When vou need a good reliable liniment try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm It has no superior for sprains and swellings. Apie-e of flannel slightly dampened with Pam Balm is superior to a plaster for lame back or pains in the side or chest. It also relieves rheumatic pains
      62 words
    • 71 1162 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is probably no medicine made tbjit is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and tyiarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a century in which it has ieen in use, people have learned that it is the one remedy that
      71 words

  • 344 1163 The following items of information regarding companies in the East are taken from the “Monetary and Commercial” column of the Loudon and China Express of the Bth inst: Trouoh Mines. A cablegram from the mine manager gives ,tbe output for October as approximately 140 tons of
    344 words
  • 137 1163 (Supplied by Reuter.) Trust Presidents Charged with Forgery. Loudon, 27th Nov.—lt is reported from New York that Mr. Jenkins, President o f Jenkins’ Trust, has been arrested for forgery. His two brothers and the President and Managing Director of the Williamsburg Trust have also been arrested. Mr. Maxwell,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  137 words
  • 76 1163 9 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mr. Edmund Robertson on the Navy. London, 27th] Nov.—The Rt. Hon. Edmund Roberfton, Secretary to the Admiralty, at Dundee and referring to the Leresiutd-Suoit Incident, said that the socalled feud in the Navy was due to popular misconception of Admiral Sir John Fisher’s
    9 (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 78 1163 (Supplied by Reuter.) India the Unhealthiest Station. London, 28th Nov. —The Annual Army Report has just been published. The medical report states that there is a general improvement in all directions, due mainly to improved sanitation and largely to the increase of temperance. The Hospital admissions in
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  78 words
  • 59 1163 (Supplied by Reuter.) Five Men Killed. London, 27th November. —Five men have been killed and eleven injured in an explosion in a colliery at Whitehaven. [Whitehaven is a seaport in Cumberland. From it is exported a great quantity of coal from the mines which extend under
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  59 words
  • 21 1163 (Supplied by Reuter.) Starts for Biarritz. London, 28th November.-*-The Premier, Sir Henry Campbell Banner man, has started for Biarritz.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 52 1163 (Supplied by Reuter.) Finding of Inquest. London, 28th Nov.-At the i nauftftf the death of Sir Henry Colville who 1 D killed in a motor accident at FrimleJ* 1 Surrey, the Coroner found that the deoLS was riding at an excessive speed. Sir Hen Rawlinson was entirely
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 122 1163 Pbnano, 28th November. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank *-2/344 i months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 3 Documentary ...2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rg. 173 j 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay, Dmm nd Bank 173} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 davs’ sight Private 175* M.c
    122 words
  • 167 1163 Gold tea* $65.50 B. Pepper(W.Coast 31b*. 16|. nosluck White Pepper buyers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves i picked in small supply Mate 65. nominal Mace Picking* 57. do. Nutmegs I his 25. sellers r No i 5.45 sales Suu." 2 no stock Bh.hUh» 3.50 buyersl Tainoca Kumi 1.80
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  • Page 1163 Advertisements
    • 80 1163 A Question that Every Man Should Decide for Himself. There is one subject in which many of us are interested and that is, what is the quickest way of getting rid of a troublesome cold? Is it best to take some new remedy put out with exaggerated claims, or to
      80 words

  • 281 1164 I am very pleased to be able to congratulate the masters of the Anglo-Chinese School on the knowledge of Arithmetic displayed by their boys. The two problems I set my young readers to solve in last week’s competition are not really as simple as they look,
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  • 695 1164 The Importance of the Teacher. Lord Rosebery, openiug the L.C C.’s new Day I raining College, in Loudon ou 2nd iust., delivered au interesting address on the importance of the teacher, the higher standard of his work, and the need of teaching the children manhood and womanhood. Scepticism,
    695 words
  • 188 1164 1 A fish weighs 5 catties, 10 tahils and half its own weight. What is the weight of the fish From the problem we know that the fish weighs sc. 10 tahils 4-J its weight. it must be that sc. 10 tahils is half the weight of
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  • Page 1164 Advertisements
    • 45 1164 HMM I ill I» ill it VMM|i ,|i 7ji p J The “Echo’s” Young Folks’ Competition. [j 1 hereby certify that the accompany-1 ing article is the unaided work of |r B j! Master or Miss Std School. <*■> I fi Principal, at J Date,.. g
      45 words
    • 57 1164 Kim Keng Leong Co., I 127, BEACH STRBBI+\ IMPOKTEHS|OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 7 or IRONMONGERY,i Which is on sale at specially advantageous terms. t ALSO AGENTS FOR Cock Brand Kerosene OIL 2»o a LIPTON'S u WERE AWARDED'.; I 'lit THE GOLD MEDAL JjlW AT THE Z PARIS EXHIBITIfIU. ti U AGENTS,
      57 words

  • 1106 1165 fl I i T" QNumbei of p j® 5 s Capital. Shares r— Last Dividend Name. >, -i 2 issued. 5 W T' 22 1 .T7T Mining. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 125 5b for year ending 31/3/07: Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. tM 1907 300,000 22,500 10:10 Bruang
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  • Page 1166 Advertisements
    • 982 1166 Ad vert isementa. <« BEHIND CLOSED SHUTTERS. smVi aI,!IH 1 tbo 1 lvto <=» z\ t ,"f? sound vigorous health. These ITUs, as 1 ri This Java Gentleman Suffered So Much e !1 ,nv P ,ovp f’ cure,} ..IX ?;z: JOHN MARTIN. MINER and Lie ik a Darkened Room. Ne
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  • Page 1167 Advertisements
    • 244 1167 iSftrfS sMSB< >WS >-■■ K- -ul.^ X' I The CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. |g E M ESTABLISHED 1883. S' I PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I SH |S Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,' “SIN POE,’ A “CHAYA PULAU PINANG.” I II The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and I lithographers in the Orient. R
      244 words