The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 26 April 1907

Total Pages: 30
1 363 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 515 Per Annum. Single Copy 40 cents. Vol. 5. Penang, Friday, 26th April, 1907. No. 17.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 331 1 L CONTENTS. bEAhEKS. PAGE. PUBLIC OPINION: (Co/'/C.S/»O?rk’HCe) PAGE. s s Tuesday’s League Match 338 345 11 The Water Supply Ordinance 342 x I!'»'Shouting •**> Technical Edueatiou 345 t 5 British N.>rt’i l.rruno ->H Higher Education in luuia 349 Wafer 344 s Techuial Education 348 Miscellaneous: A Good Move 351 x
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 199 2 4V Z ‘W> f -K J 4L» -tAr 4 xjk '•W i <nAX ~Jwa'.i Wtnfjurrare^* tzsac—g *_c?< sxr- re *zz’-czck -.g:; Ker r tc»gcgj^3Qaagsagy fast»->-»J:._l_ a I I ij E I Jk k' s'H sijiWO i MAIL EDITION. /3 tr 40 fl Published the day prior to the departure of
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  • 526 336 The search for the North Pole still seems to have as much attraction as ever for daring spirits, despite the number of lives which have been sacrificed from time to time in the ice-fields of the north. Year by year fresh expeditions go forth only to return leaving
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  • 383 336 Novi that rifle shooting is growing more popular in Penang, it seems a pity that we should not enter a team for the Inter-Colonial Rifle Competition promoted by the Daily Mail. As Ipoh has entered, it seems a pity that Pei ang should be left out in the
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  • 552 336 Me. Lim Eu lob has been duly elected to ii.l the vacancy on the Municipal Board cau--e I by the n signation of Mr. R A. I*. Hogan. Shortly after 43) yesterday the ballot Ih.x was opened bv Mr. L. A. C Bugs, the Municipil Secret try,
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  • Page 336 Advertisements
    • 106 336 TBe Straits Echo. M > oft w. affil •gfi|pb Ja<tio« gaUsflM every body an I justice alone E<n«rson Established June Ist, 1903. I’nbliflhed daily (except Sundays.) at rni CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penan? PRICE: PAIU LOCAI $24 r*r annoro OUTBTA CIONS Postage Extra. MAIE WPTTtON (Poet Free
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    • 77 336 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Noone need now suffer the agonizin' pains ot sciatic ami acute rheumatism, as quick relief may le had by applying Cham beriatn’s Pain Balm. This fact has lieen clearly demonstrated in many thousands ot caves. 'J’his ir.imeut relieves the pain and makes sleep ami rest, possible, which
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  • 712 337 Penang Free School vs, Anglo-Chinese School. Of the large crowd which assembled on the Esplanade to witness the match between the above tean.s yesterday afternoon the lUij >nty were schodboys, who followed the game with interest, Dot to say excitement. The two teams had no lack of vocal
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  • 295 337 A curious case has been decided in Augsburg in connection with the German Employers’ Liability Laws. A workman named Glaser, employed in a colour and varnish works, was bitten on the arm by a mosquito. The bite festered, blood poisoning set in, and the arm
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  • 240 337 In connection with the Hindu New Year festival, says the Malay Mail, a novel contest by coconuts took place at the Hindu Temple at Scott Road on the 13th and 14th inst. between two parties, one side consisting of Govt, clerks and the other headed by Master
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  • 1270 337 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Wednesday, April 17th. in this week s letter J have nothing extra, ordinary to report, but there were several j u terestiug happenings. Saturday saw the cor elusion of the Singapoie Bislev,” a r ile meeting held under the auspices of t| le Singipore
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  • Public Opinion.
    • 412 338 Lu ihe Editor of the Str? its Echo. Dear Sir, —I would be inclined io pass over “A Football Player’s” letter in Wednesday s Echo regarding the refeieeiug in Tuesday’s League match, only that I think it is evidence of tbe cloven hoof” of pique and unsportsmanlike
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  • 176 338 Labuan, March 28. The British North Borneo Government are again in trouble with their native races, says the Labuan correspondent of the Straits Times. This time it is the Muruts at Sipitong and hinterland, just opposite Labuan. These hitherto pacific inhabitants of the fort st. resent the
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  • 2781 338 (From L. <£ 0. Express Correspondent). About three days suffices to put tbe traveller into Labuan from Singapore by either of the excellent and comfortable steamers that the Norddeutscher Lloyd has on tbe run to North Borneo. They are vessels of some 1,500 tons, and are admirably
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  • Page 338 Advertisements
    • 71 338 Beware of a Cough. for 18 t,lue g et r ’d that cough, 1 A hang on, no one can tell a ,na v h®* Others have been Cha i i e r cou £hs very quickly bv using Voip ol q- r aiU S though Remedy. Why not tha
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  • 103 340 Abdul Kadir Alsagoff (Etho Specia 8 Singapore, 19th April.—After all, the injury by Abdul Kulir AlsaJft, an attempt o i whose life was reported yesterday, has turnel out to bo less serious th in it was at first supp >sed, and not only is the victim still alive, but
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  • 54 340 A £5,0)0,001) Straits Loan Contemplated. (Supplied by Rente <’.) Loudon, 19th April.—The Timet states that prepir.itions are being tn ide for the issue of a £5,000,000 Straits loan, bearing 4 per wnt. interest, for the Singapore docks, with the option of its eventu il conversion into the three and
    (Supplied by Rente <’.)  -  54 words
  • 227 340 German Government Disavows Responsibility. (Supplied by Reuter.) Lnbu. 19:h Auril.—Th G-enn in (J &gt;v. eniimit his form illy dis i vowed all responsibility with regud to yesterday’s article in the Koelnitche Zeituuy, v Inch surply criticised King E Iward’s proceedings in the Mediterranean, notibly his
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  227 words
  • 88 340 Present Relative Positions A’ways to be Maintained. (Supplied by Rr&gt;ut‘r.) Loudon, 18 b April.—Mr. JM. Robertsou, mp. for the Tyneside Division of Northumberlaud, replying in the House of Commons to Mr. Carlyon Bellairs, member for King’s Lynn, vigorously defended the Admiralty. The Government, he said, was determined to
    (Supplied by Rr>ut‘r.)  -  88 words
  • 425 340 Full Details. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18r.h April.—According to the Budget the available surplus for 1907-08 will be =£3,233,000. It proposes no diminution in the taxation but allows a rebate of three pence upon earned incomes when the total income does not exceed «£2,00 It readjusts the death
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  425 words
  • 29 340 Result of Craven Stakes (Supplied bi/ Reuter.) Loudon, 19th April.— The result of the Craven Stakes is as fo lowa Slieve Gallmu I Ardourtie Colt 2 Liuacie 3
    (Supplied bi/ Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 366 340 Colonial Premiers Feted at Marlborough House. (Supplied bp Loud &gt;n, 18t’i April.—T.h Prims an I Princess of Wales gave a dinner to the Colonial premiers at Marlb trough Hous 3 yesterday eve Afterwards a brilliant re ceptiou wis held. Premiers Prefer PublicityLmdon, 19th April.—lt is tin hrsto
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  • Page 340 Advertisements
    • 67 340 Beware of a Cough. Now is the time to get rid of that cough, for if you let it hang on, no one can tell what the end may be. Others have been cured of their coughs very quickly by using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Why not you? Try it and
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    • 87 340 Incautious Fruit Eating. B &gt;wel cnndiiut is always nu e or less prevale tt during tin fruit seism and as an attack is liable to cum with »ut wirnim*. it is bait to ky‘p a hottie of Chimhirhiti’s Cdij, C mlera in I Diarrheai Rundv in th hom j. Tnis
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  • 1115 341 As our readers will have noted from an announcement appearing in yesterday’s issue, the British North Borneo Company is once more experiencing trouble with its head-hunting subjects and has had to despatch an armed force to the district of Sipitong, opposite the Colony of Libuan, where the
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  • 381 341 We are enabled to-day to pub.ish further details of the ninn’er of Syed Abdul Ka&lt;hr Alsagoff, whose death we hcorded vesterdav For this inform ition, we aie indebted to relative of the deceived gentleman, who w/g kind enough to sle w us a letter which be
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  • 227 341 This morning, a case of potty theft trie 1 before Mr. Hereford turned out seriously for the prosecutor. Mahomed G house. a Kfing, charged a Chinese jack-fruit seller with the theft of his sandals, which, according to him, were lemoved by the defendant from
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  • 1048 342 aE WATER SUPPLY ORDINANCE. To TH£ Eon or OF the Straits Echo eaß Sir,— Referring to your leulius- io u 0 ~f vour r&lt; ct! t issues Water I would have the pleasure to agree with you for the views criticised There does not bring me nor our
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  • 259 342 Employment of Chinese Must Cease. The very first meeting of the new Transvaal Parliament was held on the 21st ultimo, and was marked by a collision between the “Upper or English nominated House ami the popularly-elected Dutch Government. At the afternoon sitting of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Smuts,
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  • 975 342 'Jus Anhui Mining Concession Much 18 h—S.r E. Sissoon the Se ietarv of Salp for Foreign Affairs; WheHipr, in view of Hie tact that the London and China Syndicate have now ieceive&lt;l u te’e.ram from their «gents in Chiu.v stating that the Chinese have definitely
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  • Page 342 Advertisements
    • 54 342 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. 'This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold ami you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by all
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  • 252 343 Si far as wecin see. siys a home contemporary, there is no falling from the high standard of love-making which has prevailed for so many yens in England. It is a deep grief to us, however, to learn that things are not so satisfactory in America. A
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  • 840 343 The annual report of the China Associition for 1906-1907 covers a very interesting period, says the L. C. Express. It started with the visit of Prince Tsai Tz-j and H. E. Tuan Fang to the United States and the chief countries of Europe with the avowed
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  • 122 343 Syed Abdul Kadir Alsagoff’s Funeral. (Echo Specials.) Singapore, 20th April.—The funeral of the late Syed Abdul Kadir Aliagoff was very largely attended and among those present were many of the leading European ar.d Chinese residents of Singapore. The police have as yet no clue as to the murderer, and
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  • 110 343 The SwettenhamDavis Incident. Corresponderce Published. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 20 h April.—The Swettenham correspondence Iris boen published and the only novelty in it is tint Lord Elgin, on the 22ud J tnuary, cable 1 to Sir Alexander Swettenham that his letter to Admiral Divis was highly improper both iu tone
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  110 words
  • 55 343 Native Municipal Commissioners and Lord Cromer. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th April.—The native members of the Municipality of Alexandria abstained from attending the meeting summoned for the purpose of considering m?ans of honouring Lord Cromer. Mr. Ronald Graham. London, 20th April.—Mr. Rmald Graham, of the Foreign Office,'accompanist Sir Eldon
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  • 54 344 Favourably Received (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th April.—The House of Coings agreed to a resolution, continuing the present"duty on tea. The Budget as a whole is very favourably received and is described as a middle-class Budget, though the Unionists protest that the shilling income tax is being regarded
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 36 344 Will Stay at York House. (Supplied ly Reuter.) London, 19th April.—Prince Fushimi will arrive in London on the 6th of May. He will be received in great state and will stay at York House.
    (Supplied ly Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 34 344 Col. J Hayes Sadler Gazetted Governor. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th April. —Lieut.-Col. James Hayes Sadler, hitherto H. M. Commissioner, British East African Protectorate, has been gazetted as Governor of East Africa.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 28 344 110 110 Destroyed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th April.—The town of Ho Ho in the Philippines has been destroyed by fire and twenty thousand people are homeless.
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  • 19 344 Easily Covered. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th April.—The London County Council loan of .£5,000,000 was easily covered.
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  • 23 344 Their Majesties at Naples. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th April.—Their Majesties King Edward and Queen Alexandra have arrived at Naples.
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  • 29 344 Compromise Arrived At. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th April.—The strike of the Hamburg Dock labourers has finally ended 'D a compromise favourable to the masters.
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  • 156 344 Swept by a Typhoon. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th April.—A typhoon swept U Ilea, one of the Caroline Islands, on ood Friday and 230 out of 800 inhabitants "ere killed. A nonia, by the name of Chu Kim Ku, "as to-day arraigned before Mr. Hereford 0Q a
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  156 words
  • 606 344 The letter of Future published in our issue of Saturday last, if all his facts are correct, and we have no reason to doubt them, even if his letter is couched in somewhat flowery terms, comes as rather a shock, for it shows a state of affairs which may
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  • 137 344 The Colonial Secretary courteously informs us that the following particulars with regard to the new Straits loan have been received from the Crown Agents:— The prospectus of a loan of .£5,000,000 will be issued on Monday, the 22nd instant, (i.e. to-day) in 4% Debenture Bonds of
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  • 390 344 Matsuo’s Show was favoured with another crowded house on Saturday night when there was another change of programme. and the entertainment was again most enjoyable. The new programme contains two very humorous pieces in TAe Yawner and The Three Rendetvous, which are funny enough to make even a
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  • 652 345 C. R. C. vs. A.-C. S. Saturday List witnessed the first League fixture played off on the C. R. C. ground as Pangkor Road. The match was the one which was postponed on March 28th. '1 he opposing teams were the C. R. C. and the A.-C. S.
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  • 171 345 3he pick-up match which was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between teams captaned respectively by Peacock and Mugiiston. ended in a victory for the latter s team by 16 runs. The chief feature of the match was that Dr. Periera’s bowling was played with more confidence than
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  • 327 345 The Government Gazette of April 19 contains the following items of information His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. W. Lingham-Carter to be a Magistrate, Commissioner of the Court of Requests and Coroner for the Settlement of Penang, and to act as Senior District Officer,
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  • Public Opinion.
    • 315 345 To tub Editor of the Str/ its Echo. Dear Sir,—With reference to my iette last Wednesday’s issue of your pane/ 1 should like to state that I was wrong saying that the League Match between th° Butterflies and Government Service should be brought to the notice
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    • 360 345 To tue Editor of the Straus Echo. Sir, —Regarding the above topic, instead of having the ordinary school education as now, it would be a benefit to the country and the people, if the local schools introduced in their School Curriculum Technics aud other important branches of Education,
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  • 88 346 The Netherlands India Government is trying a policy of nationalising mines—particularly those which produce gold. Several districts, especially in Sumatra, have been closed to private prospectors. Government prospectors are busy close to where mining companies are at work, notably at Redjang Lebong. There, the Mining Company complains
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  • 422 346 According to the Nanking correspondent of the N. C. D. News one of Sun Yatien’s lieutenants, by name Youg Clio lin, was executed in that town a few days ago. It appears that, acting under orders from his chef, Youg Cho lin went to
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  • 813 346 Preventing Hardships in Licensing Laws. At the termination of last Friday’s meetmg of the Legislative Council, says the straits Times, His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., glanced at the clock, and remarked “Thirty-five minutes.” During this short time quite a small budget of publ 3 business
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  • 542 346 Another Loss to China. At a moment when China is in urgent need of the loyal services of her best sons, says the North China Daily News, come the sad news of the death of one of the few broad-minded and progressive statesmen she possessed in
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  • 20 347 The Alsagoff Murder Case. (Rcltu Special.) Singapore, 22nd April.—-1 here lin\e been no developments in the Alsagoff murder case.
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  • 288 347 Invitation to the Lord Mayor. (d'np/died by Reuter.) London, 22ml April.—The Burgomaster of Berlin has invited the Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs of London to Berlin at the end of May. Simultaneously the German Editors have invited British Editors to visit Berlin and other parts of Germany. I The
    (d'np/died by Reuter.)  -  288 words
  • 159 347 Banquet to the Premiers (Supplied bij Reuter.) London, 20th April—The Pilgiims banqutel the (Jolonitl Premiers at Cland e’s Hotel, Lord Roberts presiding. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Gmiral Botha and Mr Frederick Robert Moor were abs-eut, being indispose d. There were present, among other distinguished peopl Sir Edward Grey,
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  • 38 347 Siege of Delhi Excised. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April.—By instructions the War Office which manages the Military Tournament of 1907 has excised the spectacle of the siege of Delhi and the attack on Kashmir gate.
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  • 70 347 Many Drowned. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April.—A steamer, with sixty passengers on board, while crossing the Neva yesterday evening, collided with a large icefloe and capsized. She sank quickly and there was a rush for the few lifebelts. Two other steamers picked up fifteen passengers but
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  70 words
  • 33 347 Another Consignment of Ammunition Discovered. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22ud April. —The Police have discovered another large consignment of ammunition, supposed to be for Russian revolutionaries, in a blacksmith’s shop in Edinburgh.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 43 347 The Ariel.” A Total Wreck. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April —The destroyer Ariel, while mat (cuving in a night attack outside Malta, collided with the breakwater and sink. It is feared that she is a total wreck. 'The cox wain was drowned.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 56 347 Volcanic Eruptions (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April.—The volcanic lake Kasuelhu ipi, in Chili, is erupting liercely, tiie eruptions being accompanied by strong earthquakes. ’1 he people are fleeing from the neighbouring districts. Many cattle have been killed and volcanic ash is bung deposited at a distance of 150
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 58 347 Tank Steamers May Pass. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April.—The Suez Canal Committee have decided to abolish the regulation prohibiting the passage through the canal of tank steamers, carrying benzine or petrol in bulk. It is unceitain when the abolition takes effect, but it is expected that it
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  • 19 347 Resignation Withdrawn. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April.—The Persian Minister of the Interior has withdrawn bis lesig. nation.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  19 words
  • 64 347 Two Demonstrations. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April —Two Liberal Lan! Reform demonstrations took place last Saturday—at a luncheon at the Holboru Restaurant when Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman made certain promises with regard to the small holdings housing reform, and at Drury Lane the same evening when Mr.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  64 words
  • 20 347 Slowly Recovering. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April. —Lord Curzon is recovering slowly from his attack of influenza.
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  • 36 347 Business Section Safe. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April.—lt ia reported from Manila that the business section of 110 110 has not been destroyed by the fire which occurred there a few days ago.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 29 347 A Big Break. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April.—Dawson, playing Lovejoy a game of 25,000 up, made a bieax of 23,769 unfinished of which 11,798 were anchor cannons.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 191 347 Sheffield Wednesday Wins the Cup. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 22nd April. —Sheffield Wednesday won the Cup Final by defeating Everton by 2 goals to 1. Yesterday a farewell dinner was given by Mr. K. Patebee, President of the Penang Pranakan Club, at his residence in Burmali Road, in honour
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  191 words

  • 1167 348 The letter of Justiti i, which we nnblished yesterday, shows that there L persons in the Native States as fully q |iveto the want of technical education thinking folk in the Colony are. &lt; &gt;ur correspondent sees plainly that all that has been done in these regions in
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  • 166 348 In Appellate Jurisdiction. (IJefor-t Mr. Judice Thornton'. On the 9 h April, Lim A Chui was brought up before Mr. Lemon on the following charge:—That he on or about the 31st day of Much, 1907, at the Penang Harbour, did have in his possession more than 5 grains
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  • 115 348 Yesterday afternoon, the Coroner returned a verdict of “accidental death” in the case of a Chinaman, named Tan Teong, who met his end under the following circumstances: —On the night of the 12th inst., the deceased and two other Chinese, one of whom was named Tan Cheong, went out
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  • 210 348 Goh Ah Sang, a Chinaman, was yesterday afternoon charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of 128 pigs, valued at $2 450, the property of a coinpatriot by the mine of Ng Beng Ku, committed on the 29. h January last. The complainant stated that
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  • Page 348 Advertisements
    • 76 348 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. No one need now suffer the agonizing pains of sciatic and acute rheumatism, as quick relief may be bad by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. This fact has been clearly demonstrated in many thousands of cases. This linimeut telieves the pain and mak(s sleep and rest possible, which
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  • 539 349 HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA. To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Justitia’s” remarks in yesterday’s Echo in connection with Higher Education in India are highly edifying and illuminating. Kampar has indeed leason to be proud of owning him. For has he not stepped forward from his high pedestal
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  • 176 349 (From Our Own Corretpondent.) Taiping, 21st April. The Perak State Baud, which formed part and parcel of the Malay States Guides, will for the future be put under the control of the Sanitary Board, and it has lieen arranged that the men are to stay alternately three months
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  • 191 349 March Output. The output of tin was 28,402.59 pikuls against 34,002.20 pikuls in February. The value of the metal is returned at $2,636,920 17, on which duty amounting to $370,658.52 was collected. The averai/b price of tin was $94.05 per .pikul with duty at $39.15 per bhara. The
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  • 143 349 Mr. Allen Dennys had a narrow escape while driving down to office this morning When in Light Street, opposite the Fort his pony took fright at one of those large drums of electric cable, which the Munici. pality appear to be so fond of trundling about the streets,
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  • 475 349 Several of our contemporaries, gays the Malay Mail of last Friday, seem to have misunderstood a paragraph which appeared in a recent issue of this paper. In that paragraph, which appeared last Monday, we stated that we were informed that the oil lamps were to be re-introduced and
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  • Page 349 Advertisements
    • 53 349 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by all
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    • 72 349 Incautious Fruit Eating. Bowel complaint is always more or less prevalent during the fruit season and as an attack is liable to come without warning, it is best to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoei Remedy in the home. This medicine is well known for its prompt
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  • 1254 350 The total number of immigrants who rr ived in the Colony from Ports in China Lt year was 176,587, being an increase of 19 per cent, upon the number for the year 1905, and a reduction of 19 9 per cpnt. below the fi? ures for the record
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  • 1083 350 Demons and Piety Mr. R. J. Farrer, who carried out the annual inspection of the Ross kingdom in tfap Cocos, has written an entertaining report on his visit from which the following extracts are taken. Mr. Farrer went down by the H. M. S Kent. On
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  • 53 351 Beach Road Murder. LV'Z/O Specials Singapore, 23rd April.— Ibe murdtrvrofllie Bug is man who was stubbed while walking along Beach Roni, Ims beim ai resl&lt;‘d in Johore. rortmiatiis Afloat. Singapore, 23rd April.—The nalns, carrying the horses for the forthcoming Singapore races and which ran aground in the Flores Straits,
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  • 71 351 Issue Price 99. (Supplied by lleuter London, 22nd Aptil. —The Straits 1 per cent, loan mentioned on the 19th Ajril has been issued in the form of five year Bonds, convertible at the option of the holders at any time during their currency iuto the per cent.
    (Supplied by lleuter )  -  71 words
  • 181 351 Papers Pleased with the Week’s Work. (Supplied b;i Reuter.) London, 23rd April—The papers generally express themselves as pleased with the week’s work of the Colonial Conference, which they consider is calculated to considerably facilitate the common business of tbe Empire, and commend the spirit of caution and
    (Supplied b;i Reuter.)  -  181 words
  • 126 351 Rioting Reported (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 22nd April. —According to the Standard the tram strike at Cairo led to serious rioting. The cars that were running were attacked by the lower classes and much damage was done. British troops were ordered to be in readiness and will patrol the
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  126 words
  • 73 351 A Protccol to be Signed. (Supplied by lleutr.) London, 23. d April.—A Proticol wording the acceptance of the Powers of a three per cent, increase in the Turkish customs duties will be signed at Constantinople today and contains the British stipulation reserving the rights of the Powers to ieconsider
    (Supplied by lleutr.)  -  73 words
  • 29 351 French Demands Agreed to (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd April—The Standard states that the Sultan of Morocco has agreed t« all the French demands of the 27th March.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 28 351 Arrives at Suez. (Supplped by Reubr.) London, 23rd April —His Majesty the King of Siam has reache 1 Suez and is p ro ceeding to Naples.
    (Supplped by Reubr.)  -  28 words
  • 18 351 Feted at Gibraltar, London, 23rd April.—The Japanese Heet was feted at Gibraltar. Hospitalities were exchanged.
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  • 652 351 Reuter tells us to-day that an influential meeting, presided over by the Lord Mayor, Ims been held at the London Guildhall to inaugurate a fund to promote a better knowledge of the Empire in schools throughout the Empire. We in Penang know full well what a very
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  • 56 352 Just as we go to press we are in receipt of the following from the Hon. Resident Councillor “The following telegram has be*n received from the Colonial Secretary to-day ‘Crown Agents advise ail lists for loin close on 27th April local applicants should therefore apply at once
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  • 215 352 VVi are requested by Capt. H. W. I). Alam, Hon. Treasurer of the Penang Cadet Corps Fund, to publish the following list of subscriptions to the Fund received up to date. Further subscriptions are earnestly solicited. Hon. R. N. Bland 25-00 Mr. Lim Kek Chuan 100
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  • 573 352 Vesterchy being the name &lt;lav of St. George the patron of England, the Englishmen of Penang and Province Wellesley did homage to their Saint as all good 1 enangiies do, namely, by dancing and feedmg -,t his shrine, which was erected for the lim* being hi
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  • 863 352 England vs. The Rest. It was perhaps nothing but light that. England should win on St. George’s Day, it fell in with the general scheme of things as they omjht tube; nevertheless England must be acc.ounte I somewhat lucky in beating The Rest l»v one coal to nil
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  • 530 353 Thk Coming Tknnis Tournamknt. From the list of entries for the Golf Club Lawn Tenuis Tournament, which commences to-morrow, it is evident that the content will i»e as good a one as th it leceutly concluded at the Cricket Club. The entries are as under Ladies' Cltami
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  • 437 353 Yesterday afternoon, Mr. VVollerstau began the preliminary enquiry into charges of theft and dishonestly disposing of stolen property preferred against Pachee bin Hadji Mahomed, a Malay, by a compatriot The complainant, Tuuku Rayo Ismail, stated that he was a trader in pepper, living at No. 127, Hutton
    437 words
  • 3294 353 The Bertram Estate Cask. Mr. Justice Thornton delivered judg lnei for the defendants yesterday afternoon the case of T» Gawthorne, Lini Eow Bon*' and Lo Beng Quang vs. The Asst. Official Assignee in Bankruptcy, Hafiz Gulatn g ar war, and D. Logan, Junior. Mr. Adams appeared for the
    3,294 words

  • 31 355 The Carriage Accident Trial. (Echo Speciu Singapore, 24th April —i he Stamfoi &lt;1 Road carriage accident case has come to a.ti end, judgment being given for the defendant with costs.
    31 words
  • 75 355 New Appointments (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24 l h April.—Tha Timet corespondent at Peking reports that Liang Ting Yen, a Yale giaduate, succre Is Sir Cheng Liang Cheng at Washington. The lat'er is expected to replace lang Shao Yi in the Wai-wu-pu and the Maritime Customs. Both appointments are
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 74 355 Yesterday’s Proceedings. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 24th April.—Lord Elgin presided at yesterday’s Conference. All the Premiers and the Ministers attended, including Mr. Haldane and Lord Tweed mouth. The first question was that of Naval defence. The Conference adopted a resolution with regard to militaiy defence, approving of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  74 words
  • 46 355 /V Good Move (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th April.—Ata meeting at the Guildhall, the Lord Mayor presiding. Mr. Deakin, Lord Strathcona and Lord Milner emphatically supported the proposal to inaugurate a fund to promote a better knowledge of the Empire in schools throughout the Empire.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 57 355 A Fiscal Debate. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd April.—ln the Budget debate, Mr. Asquith refer ling to the fiscal question said that it was impossible to have preference in all the Colonies without taxing raw materials besides food. He denied i hat the income tax was intended to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 46 355 Fue at Toulon. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th April.—a fire at Toulon, the French naval station, has destroyed the woikshops of the Torpedo School and several storehouses. r l'he damage is estimated at several millions of francs and the cause of the outbreak is unknown.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 41 355 The British Delegates. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23&lt;d April--In the House of Commons yesterday Mr. Runciman an. nounced that the British delegates to the Hague are: —Sir Theodore Fry. Sir Ernest Satow and Sir Henry Howard, besides Naval Military expeits.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 27 355 Departure from Naples. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24 h A m il—Their Ma rsties King Edward and Queen Alexandra have loft Naples for Pdermo.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 102 355 Racing. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th April. —The lace for the Great Metropolitan Stakes resulted as follows: Father Blind I Turbine 2 Royal Dream 3 London, 24th April.—The latest batting on the City and Suburban is as follows: 4 to 1 agst D?an Swift. 7 to 1 agst. Dalkeith,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  102 words
  • 68 355 The Berlin Disaster. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th April. —The Board of Trade finding on the disaster to the Berlin, which was wrecked off the Hook of Hollan is I hat it was due to an error of judgineu 'I he captain failed to allow sufficiently for the wind
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  68 words
  • Page 355 Advertisements
    • 78 355 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. No one mel now suffer the agonizing puns of sciatic and acute ilnumatism, as quick relief may be had by applying Chaml.'etlam’s Pain Balm. This fact has been clearly demonstrated in many thousands of cases. This liniment relieves the pain and makes sleep and rest possible, which
      78 words
    • 52 355 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy* This is a medicine of great worth and merit. 'Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased wi the quick relief which it affords It pleasant to take and can always be depen upon. For sale by all Dispensaries
      52 words
  • 18 355 Obituary. Mr. Epps. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th April.—The death is announced of Mr. Epps, of cocoa fame.
    18 words

  • 713 356 Apparently the salaries question will be with us for some time to come, for the latest announcement of a ten per cent, increase to sterling salaried officials will by no means settle the matter but seems likely, on the other hand, rather to breed discontent between the
    713 words
  • 368 356 A letter from the Hon. Colonial Secretary, Singapore, dated 23rd inst., informs us that A telegram has been received from the Crown Agents stating that the prospectus of the loan for =£5,000,000. which was issued yesterday, the 22ud April, has been received on the whole favourably. Another
    368 words
  • 61 356 This morning, Sikh Lance-Corporal. No. 17, Haii Singh, was arraigned l»efoie Mr. Codriugton on the charge &lt;»f sterling four tins of condensed* milk a id four tins of sardines. It appears, that the man was found in possession of these articles at Prangin Lane by
    61 words
  • 544 356 To-day, the Bench Court commenced ti e trial of Mr. Archibald Campbell on the charges of causing hurt and causing grievous hurt, to Mr. John McDonald, Personal Assistant to the R&lt;jab Muda of Kedah. The complainant depose I that he cime down to Penang on the 27th
    544 words

  • 2679 357 Chinese Immigrants in Mines. (From the Timet Corresp indent.) Though extensive Chinese navigations are recorded from the days of Marco Polo, and may l»e traced in an earlier period, while abundant remains of their settlements can be identified in distant parts of Asia, the emigration of Chinese in which the
    2,679 words

  • 1015 358 (Tunes Shanghai Corkespon dknt.) Shanghai, Feb. 20.—The recent impeachment of Tang Shao-yi by reactionary officials, and the consequent i«sue of two impelled Edicts censuring him “for selfsufficiency and the employment of unsuitable persons,” are matters of much wider interest aud importance than usually attach to
    1,015 words
  • 266 358 IHE Jfd/U announces that all arrangements have been completed for the great motor race from Peking to Paris. Tweufreight competitors with different types of cars have entered, and will, if all goes well, leave Pek ng on the journey half across the world on June 10 nexr.
    266 words

  • 100 359 Sir Matthew Nathan Arrives. (Echo Specia s Singapore, 25th April.—Sir Matthew Nathan arrived by the Def/a yesterday, and paid a visit to the Governor. Sir John Anderson. Sir Matthew Nathan, k c.m who was the Governor of Hongkong since 1903, and to whom the European and Chinese residents of
    100 words
  • 214 359 Naval Defence Problem. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th April.—Lord Tweedmouth, ■peaking before the Colonial Conference yesterday, insisted especially on the necessity for unity of control of the Fleet. He said that the one aim r.f the Admiralty was to. maintain our naval forces on such a scale
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  214 words
  • 117 359 Popularity of Mr. Haldane’s Scheme (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 24’li April —Mr. Haldane’s Territorial Army Bill has pissed its recoud iea«ling in the House of Commons by a inaj nitv of 343 to 31, the minority consisting of the Labomites. Mr. Haldane inentioue«l that the Colonial Premiers were
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  117 words
  • 131 359 More Outrages. Supplied by Reidec London. 2.Vh April.—There has been a no’ab'e recrudescence of outrages against property, robberies and the assass nation of minor officials in various parts of Russia during the last few days. Horrible Atrocities. London, 25th April.—A sensation was caused in the Duma, yesterday by the
    ( Supplied by Reidec )  -  131 words
  • 67 359 Incendiarism Suspected. (Supplied, by Renter.) Loudon, 24t.h April —The fire which destroyed the Torpedo School at Toulon is suspected to have been the work of incendiaries* Grounds for Suspicion. London, 25th April.—The fire iu the Toulon Torpedo School broke out iu five places simultaneously and this fact
    (Supplied, by Renter.)  -  67 words
  • 28 359 The Canadian Pacific Railway. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 25th April. The Canadian Pacific Riilway is just managing to keep its passenger traffic moving with imputed American coal.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 24 359 Honoured by the King. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th April —Mr. Winston Cbu chi I has been appointed a Privy Councillor.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  24 words
  • 52 359 The City and Suburban. (Supplied, by Reuter.) London, 25th April.—The result &lt; f the race for the City aud Suburban Stakes is as follows Velocity 1 Lari no 2 Succour 3 The starting prices were as follows 6 to 1 agst. Velocity 3 to I agst. Lariuo. 100 to
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 167 359 March Output. The outpu’ of tin was 5 294 51 pik»,] against 5,”67 96 pikuis in Februai v The value of the metal is ie'timed $498,001 61 on which duty amounting T $69,713.10 was collected. The average price of tin W as $9406 pikul with duty at
    167 words
  • 122 359 Penang, 25th April (Ry courtesy oj the Chartered Rank.) London Demand Sank ...2/4 A 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4A 3 Credit 2/ 1A 3 Documentary ...2/41 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs K3| 3 days’ sight Prvate 175| Bombay. Patna ml Bank 173| Moulmein. Demand Rank lil| 3 days’ sight Private
    122 words
  • 156 359 Gohl leaf i 4 30 B Pepper( \V.Cohi»i 311.*.5 oz. &gt;l6, )&gt;v sb&gt;ck White Pepper 24* sellers Trang Pepper 19J sales Cloves (pickaxl) 51. buyers Mace 81.50 sales Mace Pickings 70* sel’cr* Nutmegs 110 s 2s—sebers No. 1 b.—sales Sugar &lt; 2 no stock hi 3.10 baytr* ou.
    156 words

  • Page 360 Advertisements
    • 336 360 Eminent Chinese Doctor Praises dr. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Dr. Kwan King Sing, Medical Officer of the Sanitary Department, Tientsin, China, says:— j have two Hospitals under my charge, one for men, the other for women. We treat all kinds of diseases in these Hospitals, and use a great range
      336 words
    • 418 360 Kwan King Sing, given above, proves the merits of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are’ now recognise 1 by the medical faculty of China. Il’.e’it is no mystery about the wav in which ID. Wil’iams’ Pink Pills f or Pale 1 eop!e cure. It is simply this, that they strei grhen
      418 words
    • 96 360 TEIK CHIN Co. (Jeneral Storekeeper*, and Commission Agents 25 A 27 HUGH LOW STREET, ipon. F. REDDAWAY CO’S Camel Hair Belting, (The strongest and most durable belt in the world.) Lion Brand I Cement in wooden casks. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Leather Bags, Square, Brief, Gladstone Kid. Crushed Food, Padi,
      96 words

  • 1065 361 a i d. x 'i 2 ‘oj Numlierof, t t 2 2 2 Capital. Shares I &gt; Last Dividend. Name. &gt;. issued. a c 5 co o j J 2 i C? p Mining. 1903 300,000 I 30.000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. o -i 19.25 $19.25
    1,065 words
  • Page 361 Advertisements
    • 34 361 Khoo Buan Phuan MACKAY’S I THE CELEBRATED LIQUOR WHISKY. i“S. B. &CO.” Tin Miners, Advancers and General MxA 111 r c. „A IN Red cases. Goods Store. 20c Gies/ers’ Champagne, Sandiiands, Buttery &lt;i Co,
      34 words

  • Page 362 Advertisements
    • 816 362 Ad v o lisom e n t s r&gt;MMNi' WT M- &gt;***TWWW7. K &gt; u IWSVB.AKT OJma. SUN F||{{? OFFICE. Commercial Union Assurance General Accident Fire and Life (Fowled 1710.) Company, Ltd. Assurance Corporation, Ltd. TTTE have been appoint,.! Agents for Income, 191 5 el, I hi,574. head Offices LONDON.
      816 words

  • Page 363 Advertisements
    • 271 363 *1« ’ai M gffl 4? .&lt; &gt; -k ,«4 ,V&lt;!&gt;S’. The CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. I ESTABLISHED ISB3. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. Proprietors of the “STRAITS ECHO,” “SIN POE,” A “CHAYA PULAO PINANG.” J The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. J 1 1 Our plant is of the
      271 words