The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 29 June 1906

Total Pages: 30
1 561 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. $l5 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. 4. Penang, Friday, 29th June, 1906. No. 26
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 376 1 CONTENTS. I x Leaders A Leaderettes; page. Miscellaneous; page. x x A Nerve Test 534 Peking News 534 5 x Russia »>34 i Tioman Tales 535 x A Martvr to SJence 037 The Chinese Education Commissioner x x Looping the Loop 537 A 541 535 A 539 > x Rag-pickers
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 166 2 if' ax A->. 1"TMwiijWl■wiMimri n TnWlWrf~rrr ilrtMmTW-— f a 4« “5V 3 THE j STRAITS ECHO I MAIL EDITION. I Published the day prior to the departure of each mail W for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as
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  • 886 534 As will be seen by referA Nerve ence to inudheT column a Test. member of the Chinese Cycling Club has come forward with an offer to lot p the loop on a bicycle under cert lin conditions and the management of the Circus have willingly taken the offer
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  • 170 534 Seven Chinese nomas appeared before Mr. J. A. Smith Steinmetz yesterday to answer a charge of gambling, prefered against, them by Sergeant Oxlev, <>f the Pitt Stree*: Police Station. f lhe Sergeant stated that, on the 20th inst., he raided No 76, Button Line, the front door
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  • 172 534 A young Malay, Awang bin Sahat, appeared before Mr. Ebdeu yesterday.charged wit h the theft of two krosangs, five gold rings, and one hair pin, valued at $ll7, the property of Kamariali, a Malay woman living at No. 118, Penang Road 'The prosecution showed that Awang bad been a
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  • 223 534 Several despatches have been exch i.n»gp»l between the M mister of (he Board of Foieign Affairsand Ihe different foreign Ministers regarding the establi h-ng of commercial firms inside the city. Although the majority of the foreign Ministers are nut in accord with the Chinese Government regarding its decision
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  • Page 534 Advertisements
    • 104 534 J' K 'fl v< < w 1 B j w satisfies ever: bod} aul udi* o alone-. Km, r ,>. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday?.) at ti n Ck’ITF.Rm PRESS, Lid., T o. ‘2*26 2’2, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL i;i perann-im OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL
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  • 339 535 Mr. H. C. Robinsun, Curator of the Selangor Museum and Federal in. pre m <>f Fisheries, who went io Tinman tbemtiHr day, is expected to remain t here for some weeks. Tioinaa is th** largest of the numerous islands off the Pahang coast, and belong- to iha; ;ui<;
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  • 309 535 A Chinese yunchuri ayam was coiiaied early on Wednesday morning at College Lane, and brought up before Mr, Smith Steinmetz yesterday morning, to answer a charge of stealing eight, fowls belonging to Messrs. Joseph and De Souza. Sergeant Phillips, of the Pulau Tikus Police Station, prosecuted. Mr.
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  • 113 535 Mr. Liu Gee, the Chiue-e Commissioner on Education, will bu! adieu io Penang to-morrow morning at 7 ociock, >n iiis return to China. via Kuala Lumpur. During hi-, brief stay l-eie Mr. Liu has Lein busily inspecting the schools of Penang, and has been obliged to
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  • 141 535 An Annual luuuioi u Every v<-ar about the stvt' tune, iiiat is hi Foormir; <n Zd iieh. a sm.-.'l epidemic of an affection pu-sem mg (ort.un ciiarI'CtelT s!>rs ol lii-igU'- appa I > s la daliOl. Theie are usually about. -"0 cases out of Ihe Annamite population nt 100,060.
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  • 285 535 Ang Seng Lu was. brought up before Mr. Hereford this morning to answer a charge of begging in 'lek Soon Street. Smg Lai had nothing to say 111 his defence, so Inspector Williams asked his Worship to banish him from Penang, as there had been several
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  • 362 535 I.l'. is. Vs. p p There was a 1 uge crowd at tbf* F 1 adeyederday aflprnoon to sre tk p PUu Free School ami the I’eiimm P Chib play Oil their airue fixture TA® T. Ih.bbie acted as Referee, and thZ lim 1 up as follows; F.
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  • 295 535 A Candidate at Labi. Thu Hon. Secretary of the Chinese Cycling Club called upon us this morning with the announcement that a J,ember of the Club is prepared to loop the loop on a bicycle under the following conditions:—That if he successfully accomplishes the feat he; i
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  • Page 535 Advertisements
    • 60 535 Beware of a Cough. Now is the time to get rid of that cough, for if you lei it hang on no one can tell what the end may be. Others have been cured of their coughs very quickly, by using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Why not you George Town Dispensary,
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  • 483 536 1 re*' I'ler- received the fojjov/iiig (i r r;. :is 1J < njkohk' < oii e-q’ondeiil on the 19 h jthe hi mi Al nt ual 1.1.- >* Insu- 1C( Ci's me i-: i e-i t ih‘i- nt. Amoy, has }p-n (home! mi-r .v-mnded at Tungliom Air.
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  • 226 536 BIELOSTOK MASSACRE. The Duma’s Enquiries i I'cd bij IteuDr London, 21 si Jubp.—T he Duma delecaU s ate vigorously pu.-biug their enquiries at Lieloslok aii.i Lave arrived at the cotic'iiMon that is jip. ,juty oi the Duma to dehet and punish ILO author.', of the massacte. President Roosevelt’s Attitude
    i I'cd bij IteuDr )  -  226 words
  • 109 536 Natal. (Supplied bi]- Reuter.) London, 21st June —Sixty troopers from Mapumulo have foueht and dispersed five hundred rebels, killing sixty. Ug tnda. London, 22nd June. —The death is announced of Lieutenant Tulloch, who has succumbed. to sleeping sickness contracted in Uganda. Northern Nigeria London, 22nd June —A tribe
    (Supplied bi]- Reuter.)  -  109 words
  • 57 536 The Tantah Outrage. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22nd June.—The trial of the assailants of Captain Bull and the other Bi itish officers at Tantah, commenced yesterday at the village of Denshawi. Ihe newspapers report that the sentences will be immediately carried out and that those found guilty of’the murder
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 96 536 Justice Grantham’s Complaint. (Supplied by Reuter.') London, 2lst June—ln respoiu© to a memorial from thiee hundred Members of Pat h merit. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman has announced that the House will devote tiie 6th July ton discussion upon a resolutmu v. ito reference to the complaints made by Justice Grantham
    (Supplied by Reuter.')  -  96 words
  • 31 536 The New (Suppßed by Renier.) Loudon, 21st June.—The Standard, states bat il is understood that General Sir John French will succeed Genera! Lord Kitchener as Commander-iu-Chief in India in 1907.
    (Suppßed by Renier.)  -  31 words
  • 28 536 Degrees Conferred. (Suppit<-d by Reuter.) London, 21st June Oxford Uuiversiiv iias co’deried hoiunai v degrees Upon Lord Milner, Mr. Haldane and the Chinese Minister to Gieat Britain.
    (Suppit<-d by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 46 536 Mr. Seduon's Funeral. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22ud June.—The funeral of the late Air. Seddon, Premier of New Zealand, which took place at Wellington was enormously attended. All the Colonies were represented and a notable feature was the number of persons following on foot.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 38 536 The Coming Coronation. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21st June.—King Hakon and Queeu Maud made their state entry into Trondhjem, escorted by warships. They were met by the fishing fleet outside th® harbour and received a great ovation.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • 45 536 4 Coming Meetings. (77r*» Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 22nd June.—Meetings will take place during the summer between the Kaiser and King Edward on German soil and between the Kaiser and Tsar in German waters. The particulars of the meetings are as yet uncertain.
    (77r*» “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  45 words
  • 35 536 4. German Editors in London. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 21st June.—A party of German editors have arrive! in London in connection with the movement for the piomohon "I an \&lt; mm ih hi eut»*i»le»
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • Page 536 Advertisements
    • 57 536 D Bowel Complaint in Children. Hie summer months children are shoulrl ulsor Hers of the bowels, and Asso reCeiVe the ,nost caref ul attention, boweh as an v ’’’’natural looseness of the Cliolpm J’ f ’d, Chamberlain’s Colic, given. ni u ibo( a Remedy should be V'ctif H-wii Dispensary, General
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  • 448 537 &lt;*- The Ascot Gold Cup. (Fv llwdw-) London. 22ml June.—The remit of the Ascot G 'll C''r- to’lioWS P, (CU.d'H- r, B.H.iOU I Pretty Polly 2 Achilles o SEL V\-()i: MEETING. Second Day’s Results. (Echo Sped I.) Ku da Lumpur, 21st June. —The second day’s racing started in bright
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  • 183 537 The; announcement of the death ot Lieutenant Forbes 1 idlocb, which we received bv wire yesieidav. a.&lt;us another name to Ihe list of noble in.i i tyrs to science. Lt i.itena n t 'I. id locii was &lt; i’:’? ot Iw&lt; &gt; ofticersof llie Royal Army
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  • 943 537 MORE ASPIRANTS. Apparently then' are plenty of folk who want to u shake dice with death” and attempt to loop the loop on a bicycle. Air. Henry van Borsel called upon us this morning to say that lie was ready to loop the loop for five hundred
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  • 1027 538 THE DEWEY DOCK. Arrival at Singapore. Ai Bit r tN the Straus. Turn arrived io port to-day. s.iysThurs. 1 s j-'ree Pre.a, oue ot t tie most striking .moles of the sp rit of American enterwhich the world has probably ever seen. T„ conceive the idea of construct mg a
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  • 871 538 The Food Riots. The N. C. D. News of June 2 comments: —During the past few wteks the price of rice has gone up in Sbanghti from about $4.80 per picul to $7.20 per picul, and there lias been a corresponding rise in the price of the staple food
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  • Page 538 Advertisements
    • 91 538 Contracted Neuralgia During the War I had a bad case of neuralgia which contracted during the war. I tried several kinds of medicine but they did ine no good until a friend of mine recommended Chamberlain’s Pain Balm which gave me immediate relief. I have hid no trouble since and
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  • 99 539 Mr. Liu Sze Gee, the Chinese CommisMoner on Education, left f»r Ipoh this morning by the express on his return to China. There was a large throng of prominent including the V ice t onsul lor China, at the Station to say good-bye to
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  • 168 539 The Widows and Orphans’ Pension Ordinance is being amende I by the addition of the two following sections: If a contributor being a widower without children who in the event of his death would be entitled to pensions leaves the service with or without pension on retirement
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  • 346 539 Canton, June 10. A letter has been received by Viceroy Shuni Chun Hsen, of Canton, from Chan Cheong, Chinese Consul-General for Peru and Charge d’Affaires of the second grade, with respect to the employment of Chinese in Panama. Since Panama became an independent country, wrote the Consul-General,
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  • 167 539 Hashim bin Adamsba, a lascar attach* d to the Signal Department, was this morning brought up before Mr. Ilmifoid on the above charge. It appears that. several of the lascars usually wait at our jetties, and extort five cents from every coolie, at the same time telling them th
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  • 185 539 Good News for Travellers.' The following information, given by the Straits Times' Pahang correspondent, will be useful to travellers With the gradual opening up of the country by means of roads, halting bungalows and rest-houses in Pahang are increasing in number, and travellers will now find no difficulty in
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  • 235 539 A Way I'hey Have in the States. The Krum c: respoi dent ot the Pioneer writes “A gentleman applied to the Railway Department on the Ist inst. for a second class seasou ticket between Parit Bunrar and Penang and paid $63 60 plus a deposit of $2 for
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  • 562 539 1 he New Boy W e hear that the Kinta A D C k j for tbeir first p/rfor^ lhe Lew Loy. at Ipoh, on Wedwrf acting wa.i .he b s v he has seen out here h amateurs, Mesdames Dennys and Whiu K being paiticularly
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  • 147 540 Defending the Police (Supplied by Renter.) London, -2nd June.—ln the Russian Duma the Ministers of Justice and the Interior delivered speeches defending the Police, but were howled down amid execrations and shouts of murderers, massacremongers, resign A Sensation. Prince Urusolf, a Deputy and ex-Assist-ant Minister of the Interior, lias
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  147 words
  • 56 540 The Coronation. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 22 rd June. King Hakon and Queen Maud were crowned at theTrondh jem Cathedral to-day in accu dance with the ancient imposing ceremonial. (Th,* 'AtdasiutOcker Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 23rd June.—King Hakon of Norway has been crowned at Trondbjem in the presence of Prince
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  56 words
  • 75 540 Chinese Labour Question. (''l’.pphid by Reuter.) houuon, 23r&lt;l June.—Mr. Winston Churc&gt;ii*i, who was banqueted bv the New Keforin Club, dwelt, upon the necessity for ''"‘uing cuitiously with the South African and the difficulties of immediately abolishing Chinese labour. He appealed to be Liberals for a continuance of their con-
    (''l’.pphid by Reuter.)  -  75 words
  • 67 540 Exaggerated Reports. Osta&iatischer Lloyd s Service.) 1 Ju e Tl,e reports of the ern l'\ n South West Africa are beeunwi ibeonly disturbances have law. T| b ,lle Proclamation of martial Hot vpf l i nien condemned to death have racotnmpn I°7* exe &lt;mted as the judges Governor'
    Osta&iatischer Lloyd s ” Service.)  -  67 words
  • 89 540 the German Editors in London. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 23rd June—The Anglo-German riiendship Committee has banqueted the Get man Editors who are visiting London. Lord Avebury presided and Lord Loreburn, Lord High Chancellor, proposed the toast of Anglo-German Friendship.” The speakers included Mr. James Bryce. (Ike Ostasiatiscker Lloyds'
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  89 words
  • 44 540 New Field Guns. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd June.—The new heavy artillery equipment for Aidershot, comprises three batteries of five-inch, sixty-pounder, quick-firing field guns, with a range of eight and a half miles and a weight of five and a half tons.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 40 540 A Lock Canal Approved. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 23rd June.—The Washington Senate has approved of the Panama Canal being constructed mi the lock principle, in preference to being cut, at level. The Panama Canal question is thus settled,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 46 540 The Travelling Commissioners. (The Ost isiatiscker Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 23rd June.—The President of the Chinese Travelling Commission, His Excellency Tuan Fang, has thanked the States Secretary-General on leaving Naples for the Far East for the very friendly reception accorded to tlie Chinese Commissioners in Germany.
    (The “ Ost isiatiscker Lloyd's" Service.)  -  46 words
  • 42 540 A Vote of Confidence. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 23rd June. —The Members of the Left in the French Chamber have passed by a great majority a vote of confidence in the Government on account of the realisation of democratic reforms.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's " Service.)  -  42 words
  • 21 540 Sir West Ridgeway's Committee (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd June.—Sir West Ridgeway’s Trausvaal-Orangia Constitution Committee has concluded its labours.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 607 540 Algeciras Convention Signed. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 23rd Jnne.-The Sultan of Morocco has signed the Algeciras ConvenIn addition to its being a rubber-growing district, Mergui (South Burma) is likely to blossom out as a tobacco-growing counts A prospector from Java has alighted there and considers the soil so good
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  607 words

  • 578 541 it will be seen from the letter ami enclosure published below that there is to be no looping &lt;&gt;t the loop by local cyclists not because our cyclists funk the attempt, but because they cannot obtain the opportunity. Colonel Bob Love, when spoken io on the subject
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  • 127 541 On Saturday the Hunt Club gave a farewell meet in honour &lt;»t Mr. allace Jones, who haves on 'I iiesuay next for Ipoh. Theie was a. large turnout and a capital run, marred only by an accident to Mr. Starr, who was badly thrown m one of
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  • 135 541 Regarding the murders &lt;&gt;l the two Chetties and their servant in Kedah, we hear that the correct name el the Ttr ku is Tunku Ya,tun. He is not a descendant of any of the Malay Royal families in Kedah. He was an orphan brought up by one
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  • 139 541 At 430 p. m. on Saturday, a daring robbery took place at the junction of Pitt and Armenian Streets, the victim being Maiappen Chetty, aged 13. The lad went out to collect money at Prangin Road, and on his return home along Armenian Street, he was attacked by
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  • 711 541 1 he adjourned case against Noor Mabo med and Kader Royan, who weie charged with theft of seven tins of condensed milk and about two dozen tubes of Vinolia Tooth Paste, tb.e property of Messrs. Allan Dennys and Co., was resumed before Mr. L. P. Ebdeu at the First
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  • Page 541 Advertisements
    • 62 541 No Competition. The uniform success of Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv, the relief and cure of bowel complaints in children and adults has broug) 1 almost universal use, so that it ls P ra 1 Jg without a rival, and, as everyone w used it knows, is without an
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  • 1912 542 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, 22nd June. Present. Excellency the Governor Sir John An L- er Jhncv the General Officer CommandHr* Troops (Major-General R. Inigo 'Brockman (Act. Col. Secretary). 3 on jp Innes (Act. Attorney-General). oU t p Anthonisz (Act. Col. treasurer). u° U V T Brvant (Act. Auditor-General). Hon
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  • 3139 543 By Senator Staniforth Smith. Professor Seeley once said that Great Britain seemed io have conquered and peopled half the world in a tit, ot absence of mind. If that be so, she was extremely fortunate in not only securing all the vacant temporal* lands of t he world—so that
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  • 1620 544 My dearest Fanny.—Penang seems to have gone mad on looping the loop and, it what I hear proves to i»e correct, befoie you tetd this a member of the Chinese Cycling Club will either have accomplished the feat er met with a more or less serious accident. Diavolo
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  • 699 545 P. C. C. vs. Gan Teong Tat’s XI. The cricket match played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the above teams was not so interesting as might, have been expected. Several of Teong Tat’s best, men were unable to take part in the game at the last moment,
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  • 243 545 C. IE C. t&gt;*. Pritchard’s Team. An interesting game of nine-a-side football was placed on the (J. R. C. nround at Pangkor Road on Saturday afternoon. There was a large crowd of spectators to witness the game, which was a very onesided affair. Pritchard’s learn being completely out-piayed bv
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  • Page 545 Advertisements
    • 74 545 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for Bowel Complaints. It always cures, and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. Cures griping, all kinds of diarrhoea, ami at the
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  • 185 546 irh vol ,U I'J ON' S P REA DINO. Peasants Complain of the Duma. (Supplied by Reuter.) 23rd June. Agrarian outbreaks ire "reported from Kurak, Kazan and ClrerrlSoff. iu Russia, where the peasants are nwi of the dilatoriness of the Duma. Fiahting h s taken place between troops and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  185 words
  • 119 546 ihe Coronation. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd June—The Bishop of Troudhjetn and the Norwegian Premier jointly placed the Crown of Norway upon King Hakon’s Lead, while the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, the Interior and for War presented respectively the Sceptre, Orb and the unsheathed Sword of State. Queen Jlaud
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  119 words
  • 96 546 Colonial Office Trouble O-oasiatisvlier Lloyd's" Service,) 'J' 11 j! 11 June.—Ou account of aln each ‘diicial secrecy and the exposure of Luttkamer’s acts iu Gennan ***** v r&gt;t .\irica, i,e is taking proceedings gainst tire subordinate officials of the Colonial Office and if these do not h?] V 9
    O-oasiatisvlier Lloyd's" Service,)  -  96 words
  • 18 546 Strikes in France (Tlip te Uda&gt;natisr] ier Lloyd's" Service.) ‘in’ udners aie on ’I departments in France.
    (Tlip *• te Uda>natisr]ier Lloyd's" Service.)  -  18 words
  • 99 546 illicit Commissions {Supplied by Renter.} London, 23rd June.—lt is reported from Kansas that four meat,-packing companies aii.. the Bullington Railroad have been heavily fined for accepting and giving rebates. Jwo brokets conne led with the transactions have been imprisoned. Oil I rust to be Prosecuted. Loudon, 23rd June.—
    {Supplied by Renter.}  -  99 words
  • 44 546 A Rale War Declared. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 25th June. —In consequence of the heavy increase in the Spanish tariff, France will denounce the Commercial Treaty between the two nations and, from the Ist August, will apply the maximum tariff to Spanish imports.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  44 words
  • 43 546 Another Rising. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23id June.—The tribes of the Staugar district in Natal are arming and looting rhe goods of the Indian trailers, who have hitherto been unmolested. Four columns are concentrating to deal with this development of the situation.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 92 546 Relief of Talodi 'Supplied by Reader A London, 25:h -lime.—Major O’Connell, with three hundred and titty &lt;4 tire Camel Corps and two hundred Soudanese, aftei march mg through torrential rains, perfect seas of mud and crossing swollen torrents, succeeded, on the 14tb June, in relieving tire garrison oi
    'Supplied by Reader A  -  92 words
  • 22 546 Launch of a Battleship. The (Jstasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) London, 25th June.—The British battleship Aaameinuon has been launched on th» Clyde.
    ( The “ (Jstasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  22 words
  • 97 546 Masnnic Co versazionc (Echo Special} iaipiug. 25th June.—The conversazione given by the Masons here on Saturday night proved t &gt; be a huge success and much credit is due to Mi. Mobs and the Committee for the manner in which they decorated the Town Hail. The British Resident was
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  • 353 546 .SELANGOR, RACES. Third Diy’s Results. {Echo Special,) Kuala Lumpur, 25th June.—Saturday’s racing took place in line weather and the going was good. Following are the results L —Extra Galloway Handicap. Mr. C. M. Cumming’s Termite 1 Messrs. Duplex Clover’s Dreamland 2 Hem my Crockatts Satisfaction 3 Won by a
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  • 32 546 Obituary. The Duke of Almodovar. (Su led by Reuter.) London. 24th June. Ihe death is announcel of the Duke of Almodovar, Spanish Foreign Minister ami late President of the yL)V&lt;n-c&lt;i I’oidcien e
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  • 1103 547 One of our Magis-Rag-pickers. trates has held that ragpickers do not come under the general term of vagrants and therefore they cannot be proceeded against by the police. During the course of a case in which a number of these men were charged with vagrancy, it transpired that
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  • 1823 547 New Land Regulations. It is hereby enacted as J'oh OWs Part I. General. 1. I ms enactment shall U Kedah Land Enactment die come into force on the dUU Bhal l 2 All former rules and regulation re gardiug lauds in the State of k„i.,i e hereby repealed, but
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  • 736 548 ISutiie interesting details with regard to i he growth of the Japanese meicbtul sot vice have ju-,t i&gt;een puolKbed bv Mr. George E. Anderson, foimerly American Consul al Amoy, who lias been tiansfened to Rio de Janeiro. The situation may fairly lie icpresented, so far as the
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  • 251 549 A meeting in connection with the Penang Football League Association was held in the rooms of the Young Men s Christian Association yesterday afternoon, when Mr. C. Bradbery occupied the chair. All the clubs were fully represented. The Honorary Secretary, Mr. J. T. Dobbie, read a letter
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  • 282 549 The consecration of the new Church at Matang Tinggi look place m the preseme of a large coitcoii* so of Roman Catholics from ali on if of Province Wellesley oo Sunday I t.-t.. T"o Church and compound v.ere tasleriidv de-oratc'l with bunting ami (’him*-** -.•.r011...
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  • 811 549 In Appellate Jiirisdict’on. (jPj'vre the 11 ,n. 8 L. Thor id j», Puisne Judge.) In the Supreme &lt;’&lt;»urt yesterday three Magistrates’ appeals were disposed of by Mr. Justice Thornton. Mr. Martin, of Messrs Logan and Ross, appeared for all the appellants, and Mr. Sprou’e, Acting Solicitor General, for
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  • 212 549 An elderly Bengali was brought before Mr. Ebdeu this morning, charged with beiir* drunk and incapable in Penang Road. The constable who arrested bun told the Mienstrate that the man w*s so drunk that be could not stand up. in fact, he was found lying on the
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  • 284 549 The postponed case against Loh Sioui* Kim and Lu Ah Su, charged with being in possession of eighteen counterfeit Straits Settlements Goveruinent notes, amounting to a hundred and oigiity dollars, was resumed before Mr. E &gt;den yesterday. Koh Kooi Ny?n, A Chinese detective, &lt;kuosod that at p.m. on
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  • Public Opinion.
    • 421 550 To the Editor (a hie Straits Lena Peak Sir,—ln your leading article of t rd’v vou ive your readers the itnpres'oS that Diavolo i&gt; bluffing the candidate from the Chinese Cycling Club tor tear he ill be totally defeated by a novice and lose his*reputation for intrepid
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  • 203 550 Ihe Dragon besiivaJ, which falls on the olli’iayol. the tittii moon, is celebrated to daj throughout the Celestial Empire and i&lt; observed as i holiday among lhe Chines»-* in a;! p.irtrt the. world. The origin of this feist appears to have been that during 'ho Chow
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  • 129 550 The Light That Failed. Owing to their electric light motor -uddeulv going out of order yesterday evening the Japanese Cinematograph Compauv were unable to show last night. Hundreds of peoole had turned up with the intention of seeing the show, the fame of AH Baba and the
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  • 514 550 Fakewell Performance. There was a big audience last evening to bid farewell to the Circus, which is leaving to-morrow for Deli. A capital programme was run and the folk who went to get a last glimpse of the show came awav well satisfied, except for the thought that
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  • 164 550 A cowardly assault was made upon Nve Ah Chong, a beggar. last l?und.»v afternoon. It appears that the poor Chilian) hi was quietly eiting a plate of rice in A boo Sitteo Lane when Mahomed, a Mala took up a handful of sand and thiew it iut»»
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  • 156 550 The Attack on Englishmen at Tungngan. A Hongkong wire to the Free Pres* says:—Our correspondent proceeded to Tungngan himself in the Company of the British Consul at Amoy in order to obtain the exact particulars of the affray there. The party found Dr. Horne dangerously wounded, with
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  • 306 550 'the Government Gaelic »if Juun J,'nd c-mtaius the follow mg i’&lt;*ms &lt;»( mhirnw l ion Ou mii&lt;] after lhe kt Jniy, Jcilpis ami parcels addressed to plac&lt;*s in the Federated Malay States (with the exception of places on the east coast of the- Malay Peninsula) may be insured
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  • 487 551 Columbia Cup. a 9“ 5 •&lt;-&gt; h? "a* 22 m ft Goodrich 44 48 17 75 Matthew 47 49 16 80 Hereford 47 49 16 80 Key worth 47 45 11 81 Pigott 52 49 18 83 C. C. Roger» 47 48 12 83 F. J. Hallifax
    487 words
  • 228 551 THE REVOLUTION Bread Famine in St. Petersburg (Supplied by lieuter.) London, 25th June. —A strike of bakers in St. Petersburg has brought about a bread famine, despite the efforts of the army bakeries. The strikers have poured petroleum over the bread made by the bakers who are endeavouring to
    (Supplied by lieuter.)  -  228 words
  • 200 551 A Liberal Demonstration. {Supplied by Heater.) London, 25th June. —A demonstration by thirty thousand Liberals has been held at Manchester to celebrate the Liberal triumph in the elections. Mr. John Burns said that he wondered at the Government having done so well, especially as regarded the Colonies. Mr. Llovd
    {Supplied by Heater.)  -  200 words
  • 49 551 The Manieuvres. {Supplied by lieuter.) London, 25th June.—The phase of the naval manoeuvres dealing with the protection of commerce commenced on Saturday, but, as only two hundred and fifty merchant vessels are participating, instead of the six hundred anticipated, about sixtv torpedo craft aic acting as merchantmen.
    {Supplied by lieuter.)  -  49 words
  • 94 551 Tinned Meats. (Supp'ied by lieuter.} Lo lou •’'.'“«-Mr. Hafe e the Munster or War has aau OUII ed in the House ot C ol lons orders have been given to withhold al consignments of American preserved meats until the officer despatched for the purpose has reported upon them
    (Supp'ied by lieuter.}  -  94 words
  • 86 551 An Appeal to Australia {Supplied by Heater.) London, 25th June.—ln view of the fact that the coming Australian Commonwealth elections are to be fought on the issued fiscal preference, two hundred and fifty Liberal and Labour Members of the British House of Parliament have signed an appeal to the
    {Supplied by Heater.)  -  86 words
  • 82 551 The Spanish Commercial Treaty. {Supplied l&gt;y lieuter.) London,2sth June. It is announced that, although the French Cabinet has considered the question of the denunciation of the Commercial Treaty with Spain, no final decision has been reached. The Dreyfus Case. London, 26th June. —Speaking on the Dreyfus case the French
    {Supplied l>y lieuter.)  -  82 words
  • 49 551 German Views. (Supplied by lieuter.) [OUppilKlV U'J x.vtvvv.., London, 26th June. —The Internationa Union of Cotton Industrialists, sitting at Berlin, has urged upon Germany the importance of co-operation with Britain over the Baghdad Railway an e Mesopotamia irrigation projects, as Mesopotamia is a fine field for cotton growing.
    (Supplied by lieuter.)  -  49 words
  • 114 551 Half a Mile of Wreckage. {S applied by Heutei.) London, 26th J une.-An electric which got out of control of us driver,A ed down Archway Road, Highga e, w a hearse, a motor bus, a van, a c.i shops ami another tramear learmg mile of wreckage in its
    {Sapplied by Heutei.)  -  114 words

  • 1129 552 Speaking at a regatta celebration the other day the Kaiser dwelt upon the great strides made of late years bth by his navy and his mercantile Marine/ That German shipping has t one ahead of late no sane person can possibly deny, but Germany is no longer to be
    1,129 words
  • 332 552 IKE ’IhIEF’s PARAUISE. What a very de-irable place of iteuleme the junior Settlement must be can be galheied from the following extracts from Monday’s Fr&lt; e Press: Mis Olsen, living at Gilstead-rd., reports to the Police that she lost nearly 82 0 worth of trinkets from her jewel ease.
    332 words
  • 306 552 A planter, commenting on the many victims which dysentery has recently claimed in Colombo, points out in the Times of Ceylon that a certain well-known Singapore medicine used to be considered au unfailing remedy, and that there wore plenty of wellauthenficated cures in Ceylon. That journal now
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  • 194 553 Before Mr. EMen yesterday afternoon, a little Chinese lad was charged with causing grevious huit Io Hong Jooi, another little boy, by hitting him on the head with a wooden clog. In his statement, the latter deposed that on the 18th inst. he left bis house with
    194 words
  • 435 553 Dress at the Races. The Malay Mail having given that most tuxkiudest cut of all by ignoring masculine dress at the races, A Mere Man” comes to the rescue with the following. As our contemporary pertinently remarks, the omiesions are terribly numerous Mr. George Cumming wore a square
    435 words
  • 1188 553 A general meeting of tlieMalav Peninsula 1 Agricultural Association was held yesterday at 5 Wei I Quay, Penang. The Hou. J. Turner, President, occupied the chait, and there were also pieseut Messrs. T. Bowl (Vice-president;, T. Symons, A. (’rawford, G. Stothard, M. Miller, D. Ritchie, G.
    1,188 words

  • 82 554 Hooi Hong, who was up before Mr. Fb-len this morning charged with the theft f ten plates valued at four dollars, tried to j. e the Magistrate believe that he had fXd them near Weld Quay. It transpired that a dealer in second-hand goods, carrying o n badness at
    82 words
  • 123 554 '&gt;'hb telegraph and telephone wires of J’euang icquiie careful supervision, as was dearlv shewn on Monday last when one of the wires forming the group just outside the Government Telegraph Office in Weld Quay snapped and fed upon one of the Electric car overhead wires. A Hash was
    123 words
  • 159 554 Liu Fuk Him, a native of Canton province, proposes there to form an association among the Chinese people with a view to abstaining from extravagance in marriage expenses, as many poor Chinese cannot marry because they must spend at least several hundred dollars, and manv rich
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  • 233 554 Tricks of the Trade. On Friday morning, before Mr. Michell, at Singapore, Chief Sanitary Inspector Mayhew mentioned that be had ten cases of adulterating milk, pending. He understood that the defendants desired postponement. He objected to this unless they could give surety that they would appear when their cases
    233 words
  • 624 554 Y. M. C. A. rx. C. R. C. A very interesting game of soccer was witnessed on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon, when the Young Men’s Christian Association and the Chinese Recreation Club played oft their League fixture. Puuctu div to tune, the rivals teams ranged themselves on the
    624 words
  • 184 554 THE EDUCATION BILL. Strong Opposition Aroused. [Sap),lied by Reuter.) Louden, 26th June —The debite on Clause lot the Education Bill has devm q&gt;**d strong opposition from all sides oftiiw House, including some of the Ministerial party. The Liberal papers admit ‘ha’ the Liberals are perplexe I and shy that
    [Sap),lied by Reuter.)  -  184 words
  • 61 554 Disaffection in the Army. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27th June.—The Revolutionarv propaganda are progressing in the Russian army, and in the Guards’ regiments at St. Petersburg and Krasnoeselo many arrests have been effected. A Garrison Mutinies. The Batoum garrison has revolted and the mutineers are being surrounded by Cossacks.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  61 words
  • 52 554 A British Protest. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 27th June.—Sir Nicholas O’Connor, British Ambassador to Turkey, has made vigorous representations to the Porte regarding the disturbed condition of the Vilayets of Bagdad and Basra, where frequent murders of British subjects occur. A Turkish Commrsion has been ordered to Bagdad to
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 30 554 Another Rising. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26 th June.—Tim Grey town natives, in the vicinity of Insuzi and Noodsberg Police Stations, have rebelled and have occupied the former Statiou.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  30 words
  • 34 554 The Minister for the Navy. (The Oetasudischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 27th June—There is no foundation for tin* report of the ie-&gt;i gnat ion of Admiral von Tirpitz, the. German Minister for the Naw.
    (The Oetasudischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  34 words

  • 61 555 The Anti-Trust War. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 27th June. —President Roosevelt announces t’nf legal proceedings will be taken against the Standard Oil Company and certain coal and railway companies on the basis of the provisions of the Anti-Trust Bill. The Panama Canal. Berlin, 27th June —President Roosevelt
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  61 words
  • 35 555 Rate War Averted. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 27th June. —A rate war between Spain and Germany has been avertel by the provisory extension of the Commercial Treaty to 31st December next.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  35 words
  • 55 555 The German Asiatic Bank. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's'' Service.) Berlin, 27th June. —The German Asiatic Bank has been granted permission to issue notes in the German settlements in Asia, the issue commencing at the end of this year at Tsingtau (Kiaochow). ConsulGeneral Knappe, late of Shanghai, has been elected President
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's'' Service.)  -  55 words
  • 76 555 Millionaire Shoots Architect. (Supplied by lieuter.) London, 27th June. —An immense sensation has been caused in New York. The wellknown millionaire, Mr. Harry Thaw, tired at ami killed Mr. Stanford White, the eminent ami wealthy American architect, at the Madison Squire Garden Theatre. The murde' I- aM-'il e 1
    (Supplied by lieuter.)  -  76 words
  • 59 555 Surrey Bines West Indians (Sapp'led by Healer.) London, 27th June. —The Surrey Cricket Club his dined the West, Indian cricketers. The guests included Sir Cavendish Boyle, Governor of Mauritius, who proposed the lealth of Surrey. The Parsee cricketers, Messrs. Framjee and Patel, expressed the hope that, before long, an
    (Sapp'led by Healer.)  -  59 words
  • 45 555 The Manchurian Negotiations. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's’' Service.) Berlin, 27th June.— The Tokio correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph wires that Russia has deferred the negotiations regarding Manchuria &lt;o the autumn ami that Russo-Chinese relations are by no means of t he best
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's’' Service.)  -  45 words
  • 28 555 The Bremen Congress. (Supplied by lieuter.) London, 27th June.—A Cotton Congress has been opened at Bremen, on which England, America, India and nine European nations are represented.
    (Supplied by lieuter.)  -  28 words
  • 257 555 An Anglo-Franco-Italian Treaty. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd s Service.) Berlin, 27th June. —An Anglo-Franco-Italian Treaty regarding Abyssinia will shortly be prepared, dealing particularly with the Adisababa. Railway and to provide for the open door” policy being guaranteed. Mr J. Hunter, Manager of Jalan Acob Estate, had a narrow escape the
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd s " Service.)  -  257 words
  • 264 555 A London Rumour. When the young Sultan &lt;&gt;f Johore makes up his mind to return to his country and Hee the delights of England, he may go back to Hud himself without a throne or a kingdom. I understand, writes the London correspondent, of the Manchester D.spatch, that this
    264 words
  • 1260 555 In view of the fact that ton J soon bp called for f or the reith B*'ll 8 11 the Opium Farms of the Cl of a furtbPr period of for think that,be facts set out beC"’ worthy ot attention, both by the 7 erntnentand the public generally A
    1,260 words

  • 503 556 Accused Committed for Trial The adjourned case against Visuvasum, a clerk in the District Office, Balik Pul hi, who is charged with criminal breach of trust, was resumed before Mr. Ebden at the First Court yesterday. Mahomed Ismail, a Malay interpreter of the District Office, deposed that
    503 words
  • 272 556 Although on Monday night the Japanese Cinematograph management were in hopes of being at)le to get their electric light motor into working order again in a couple of hours, it was not until late yesterday afternoon that this was successfully accomplished and the genial Mr. Matsuo could
    272 words
  • 349 556 Babe loves Penang, at least, she made it quite evident yesterday that she did not wish to proceed to Deli. From the Dato Kramat Gardens to Swett,enhatn Pier, there never was a more docile elephant, but when once it became clear to Babe that Captain Lmdo
    349 words

  • 830 557 (From Our Own, Correspondent We hear from a reliable source that the Federal Secretary. Mr. A. R. Venning, is retiring on pe.ision in August and that Mr. Oliver Marks B I’LMy to succeed him, which will cause a good ded of heart-burning in more quarters than one. The
    830 words
  • 110 557 Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Hereford held an inquest on the death of Lee Chua, a Chinese coolie of Beach Street. On the 20th inst., while carrying heavy bundles of rope from a bullock cart into a shop in Beach Street, the deceased slipped and fell flat on his face, the
    110 words
  • 149 557 Or the Irreligious Automobili. (Founded on Fact, Fancy and a nip of Petrol.) It was a heathen motor car, ’Twas purchased in Malacca Which p’raps accounted for its taste For fumes of strong tobacca (The spelling of that word ain’t right, But that, of course, don’t matter.) When introduced
    149 words
  • Public Opinion.
    • 97 557 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir,—Will you permit m e to r press, through the columns of yo Ur excel!™ paper, my complete admiration f or the Ll hint Chinese gentleman who has succX in morally looping the loop? Couldv a’so, dear Mr. Editor,
      97 words
  • 517 557 Gold mining is often attended with grievous hardships to the coolies who run the risk of being trampled under foot io the rush for dividends At Pedjang Lebone, the richest mine in the Dutch Indies, health conditions were so much set aside of late that the death-rate
    517 words

  • 117 558 TRIAD SOCIETY plot. Eight Men Shot. (E'ho Special.) Singapore, 28th June.—The steamer inching, which has arrived from Sarawak brings news of discovery of a big Triad Society plot at Kuching, the ob- t of the Triads being to defy the Government. At present the Triads are blackmailing or murdering
    117 words
  • 52 558 Child Beaten to Death. (Echo Sped l ll.) Singapore, 28th June.—The body of a respectable Chinese female child has been found on the roadside here. The body bears the marks of rattan weals and apparently the unfortunate little girl was beaten to death. The whole affair is shrouded in
    52 words
  • 211 558 The Education Bill. (Supplied by Benter.) London, 27th June.—The minority in yesterday’s division on the Opposition amendment regarding Clause 4 of the Education Bill included seventy Nationalists, twentyseven Liberals and nineteen Labourites. The Liberals consider that the passage of the Bill is now assured, but the Conservatives urge the
    (Supplied by Benter.)  -  211 words
  • 100 558 *he Hankow=Shantung Railway Cstasiatischer Lloyd's Service,) Bant lu June.—The directors of the dividend ailwa y have declared a Kna ol T per cenL Consul-General Di has been elected to the Board of traffic. 01 accouu f °f the increase of weafwat i 1!, luten ded to extend the railway
    Cstasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service,)  -  100 words
  • 82 558 Ihe lantah Outrage. (Supplied by Benter.) r r\? Brh June —Four of th- pm-pH-neir l Ti° f t 1 a Sa,,lt u P ol i British officers nen lantah, in L over Egypt, which resulted in the death of C’apt. Bull, have been sentenced to death, four to penal
    (Supplied by Benter.)  -  82 words
  • 26 558 Rebels Reinforced. (Supplied by Reuter London, 27th June.—The rebels in Natal have been largely reinforced. The impis in t ie Alapumulo district now number 2,500.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  26 words
  • 54 558 A Severe Earthquake. (Supplied by Benter.) London, 2841 June.— A severe earthquake has occurred in South Wales. Houses rocked from the shock and the inhabitants were panic-stricken. At Swansea, Newport, Cardiff and m the neighbouring villages chimney stacks fell in all directions. Alany persons were injured and severe damage
    (Supplied by Benter.)  -  54 words
  • 28 558 I urkish Troops’ Grievances. ('1 he Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 28th June.—Turkey is sending a special Envoy to investigate the grievances of the Turkish troops in Arabia.
    ('1 he “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  28 words
  • 47 558 Famine Imminent. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th June.—Owing to the total failure of the crops in the Samara, Saratoff, Simbirek, Nijni Novgorod, Kazan and other districts in Kussia, the Russian Ministry will ask the Duma to vote eight millions sterling for the relief of the famine-stricken.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  47 words
  • 35 558 Guam-Japan Cable Opened. (Supplied, by Reuter.) London, 28th June.—Reuter’s Tokio correspondent wires that the Mikado and President Roosevelt have exchanged congratulatory telegrams on the completion of the American telegraph cable from Guam to Japan.
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 135 558 The International Congress (Supplied. by Beuter.) London, 28th June. —The International Cotton Congress, sitting at Bremen, has favourably considered the suggestion to form a huge cotton reserve. Three Chinamen were this morning fined 85 each for playing Poh at No. 88, Kimberly Street. This house has been raided several
    (Supplied. by Beuter.)  -  135 words
  • 69 558 Births. Skey.— On 23rd Tyersall Bungalow, langhn. Singapore, the wife of W. Noei Skey. of a daughter. At Singapore, on the 22nd June, the wife of TDLIAM Ruxton, of a daughter. King—At Kuala Lumpur, on the 23rd. June, the wife of F. F. King, of a daughter.
    69 words
  • 116 558 Penang, 28th June. (Zty courtesy oj the Chartered Rank.) London Demand Bank 2/4g 4 months’ sighi B..nk 2/42 (’red it 2/1 3 Documentary ...2/4i Carnot tn. Demand Bank R's. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bom hay. Demand Bank 175 Mouimein. Demand Bank 174 3 days’ sight Private 177
    116 words
  • 202 558 Gold leaf 65. B. PepporfW. Coast, Jibs.sozj out of stock White Pepper 28.50 Trang Pepper 21 50 Uyer* Cloves (picked) 42.— sale* Mace 79 Mace Picking* 68 Nutmegs 1 10« 33, No. I 5 30 Sugar j 2 no stock. Lasker 82.50 buyers Tapioca Flour ].6o— sales Copra... 88
    202 words

  • 805 559 Number of t. ue Capital. Shares yjue Last Dividend. Name. Quotations. 3 issued. I JL_ J_fl I lo.oooord Mining. 1900 8 175,000 (4,000 def. 10 10 ißersawab Gold Mining Co. Ltd. -m 1901 i 600,000 60.000 10 10 Bi useh Hvdraubc Tin Mining Co. Ltd .siSLjAXn 1903 X 400
    805 words
  • Page 559 Advertisements
    • 206 559 iFOLFL SALE. THE JUST ARRIVED. ThpTarfv LONDBN OIRECTON, B ||K r.4-|S jy J /CONTAINING over 2.000 pages of con a fiMxJ Idensed commercial matter, enables enterA LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF p™ sing- traders throughout the Empire to keep xx iin close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Ths following kinds
      206 words

  • 444 560 W HY THE SOLDIER TREMBLED. A Story of the War in Acheen. Titere is an old soldier employed as overseei’ in the Ombilin Coal Mum at Siwah Joeoto, Sumatra, who spent five years fighting «!•&lt;■ AehuieH-, ami oi.e of the stories lie has to tell regarding his experiences is well
    444 words
  • Page 560 Advertisements
    • 83 560 ces. the London ass hr ance coRP ORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL chahtlr a.d. 1720. IHE undersigned having l» eeil appointed gents for the above Corporation, are X/ ,e ale&lt;l to acct T f MARINE ami HtE risks at current rates. PATERSOW, SIMONS Co THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE Coy., Ltd. OllljkoiKj
      83 words
    • 698 560 Advertise m e n t s m SUN I IRE OITI Hongkong Goon Un Insurance (Pounded 17 io) t Company, ltd. nj v Income, I'.iof £1,3'37,625 unds on i Dec 1'304 2,563,045 undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company an IHE uiideisigned have been appointed prepared to accept
      698 words

  • Page 561 Advertisements
    • 263 561 A A. ]■KMJHS W W; M X 's& W W®' S j ‘«■«J The CRITEjWTPRESS, Ltd. J ESTABLISHED 1883. I PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I Proprietors of the “SlliAllS ECHO,’ "SIN POE,’ A “CHAYA PULAU PINANG” 1 The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. I Our plant is
      263 words