The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 19 January 1906

Total Pages: 26
1 66 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 THE STRAITS ECHO MAIL EDITION. 415 Per Annum. Single Copy, 40 cents. Vol. 4. Penang, Friday, 19th January, 1906. No. 3.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 290 1 I I X X ///✓////✓/✓///✓/✓✓//✓////✓//✓/Y////z/////////z/////////z/z/ '5 CONTENTS. i I x Leaders; page. Miscellaneous: Page. 'l’he Rising Dollar 51 More Chinese Weddings 48 x Venezuela 51 Intercepted Letter 49 t Famine iu Japan 56 Shanghai Trouble «50 x The New Council 59 Royal isit. 50 s Rostjestvensky s Talk 59 Notice
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 V f i THE B I STRAITS ECHO i j MAIL EDITION. It J nt <■■»»— ir>JCKMlW*w— BJw T > f? i Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains the latest local and States r news originally published in the daily issues, as
      155 words

  • 1431 43 {Frida//, I‘d.tii Jan.) The General MediWhat doctors cal Council has decided must not do. > take ;111 unusual course in regard to advertising and canvassing by medical practitioners, litis, according to a paper received by hist mail, is to intimate that advertising or canvassing, either by agents or
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  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 150 43 'fhe Stx'J3»i®s dclio. F y 'U. s fO-< iw go# J-MM ti«fl M e«r,W «n<lj. Isdee»lon= 1 sdee»lon=- E .n,r SO l Established June Ist, 190 m Pnblished-daily (except Sundays.) at Tim CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No ‘226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAII .Y LOCAI ver annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL
      150 words

  • 1592 44 Entries For January Meeting. The entiies for the January Race meeting are as follows First Day. Tuetday, 30lh January. 19C6. 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $6OO. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Straits or F. M.
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  • 3796 45 -4 Cffort U* «<>»■ A K b K P i3tte Judge Counterfeiting. 11 th January. This morning three Chinese stood in tlie dock on the charges of attempting to deliver, and of b e u g n P ossessiou ot cuu nterleit coins. The jury consisted of Messrs.
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  • 221 46 .MORE ROWDYISM. SHEARERS SHOUTED DOWN. (Xupplii'd by Keuler.) London, 11 th Jan.—The Anti-Tea Duty League’s agitation will be continued until tiie Budget is prepared. f The electoral campaign continues to be of the most active am! heated description. Sir Henrv Campbell-Bannerman spoke at Liverpool, Chester, Wrexham and Shrewsbury.
    (Xupplii'd by Keuler.)  -  221 words
  • 112 46 The Reform Movement. (The Onfaeiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 12!.h Jan.—Russia issues an assurance to the effect that the advance asked from Paris can be obtained without any recourse to mortgaging ami will probably be covered by Treasury bonds. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, 12th Jan.—The Russian National Assembly will not
    (The Onfaeiatischer Lloyd's " Service.)  -  112 words
  • 79 46 Departure for Japa r. (Supplied by lleuter.) London, IDh Jan —King Edwanl has entertained Prince Arthur of Connaught and suite a.t a. farewell luncheon prior to their departure for Japan. London, 12 h Jan.—Prince Arthur of Connaught has starte»! lor Japan am! takes with him, in addition
    (Supplied by lleuter.)  -  79 words
  • 37 46 A Secret Agreement. (Suppli'd by lleuter.) London, 11 Lh Jan.—The 'l’okio, correspondent of the Daily Tele»graph says that, a secret agreement has been signed between China ami Japan which precludes foreign mteifereuce Mita the Alauubutian railwaxs.
    (Suppli'd by lleuter.)  -  37 words

  • 29 47 A Well-earned Holiday (Supp‘d Reuter.) i ihli Jan —Viscount Hayashi, L j“naX Ambassador to Great Britain, «ilsX Japan at the euJ of March ou leave of absence.
    » (Supp‘d Reuter.)  -  29 words
  • 48 47 The Coming Conference. (Supplied by Reuter.) .London, 11th Jan.-—A certain section of the Italian press is markedly antiGennau on the Morocco question. The Secolo declares that Germany, despite her paper alliances,” is isolated and can no longer dictate her despotic will to the other Chancelleries of Europe.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 41 47 A Fatal Fire. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th Jan. —Eleven persons were killed and many injured in a hotel tire in Minneapolis, U. S. A. Mr. Davidson, the Consul for Manchuria, was rescued, but his condition is critical.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  41 words
  • 21 47 New Settlement Opened. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12th Jan.—The Foreign Settlement at Cbinanfu, Kwangsi, has been opened with great ceremony.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 38 47 < Sgt.-Major Hilton’s Sentence. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 11th Jan.—Sergeant Major Hilton, who was tried by Court Martial for desertion while waiting examination in connection with the M ar Stores Scandal, has been reduced to the ranks.
    « (Supplied by Renter.)  -  38 words
  • 43 47 The Presidential Election (Ike Odas iat< seller Lloyd's Sei vi ’e.) I2th Jan.—The French Presidential Election has been fixe 1 for the 16th instant. (Supplied bi/ Reuter.) London, 12th JIUI M FalHe es has beeu re-elected as President of the French Senate.
    (Ike “ Odas iat< seller Lloyd's " Sei vi ’e.)  -  43 words
  • 35 47 Another Bid for the Cup (Sapplied btf Reuter) rorndon, 12th Jan.—Sir Thomas Lipton Cim r ion- 6 ti illl, ’"Ke for the America ism.? 1 '’’•■lie conditions being that he lures built freakish fea-
    (Sapplied btf Reuter)  -  35 words
  • 33 47 (mt ’he Canadian Tariff. k T. Lloyd’s” Service.) d i. uivtjas service.) is disnEv/^ 1 Ja, “:~The Premier of Canada German il r lrieu,^.v attitude towards tion regarding the customs tariff ques-
    ■kT. Lloyd’s” Service.)  -  33 words
  • 1095 47 (Satuday, Idlh Jan.) Interviewed on the eve Japanese of his departure from Eulinauce. rope last month, Mr. K. lakahashi, who has for some time been in England as Special Financial Commissioner of J ipan. said that one of the first Hnaiicial considerations of Japan will be the establishment
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  • 316 47 Obituary. Lady Barrow. Mu n °unced of i n I^ie au Lawrenop\ ■l JiU ’row, the subject of WcS, painting of “The Obituary. 4. Mr. H. I. Chore. We regret to report that a telegram was received from Singapore this morning (17th inst announcing the death of Mr. II. I.
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  • 137 48 The twelfth moon seems to l?e regarded by the Chinese as a month of happy augury, hence the number of weddings solemnised during the month. Among the dozens tint have taken place during the last fortnight or so (to-day being the 19th of the Chinese 12th
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  • 493 48 Last Night’s Moonlight Erie. 13th Jan. There were all sorts of predictions anent the moonlight fete which the Swimming Club had promised for on Friday evenin'.', many people being of opinion that unless one swam out to the Club, or cycled out in a diving dress there
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  • 1252 48 Ordinary M eetjng. An ordinary meeting of tin* «••lat.g Municipal Commission was held hut Triday, at which the following were present J. W. Hallifax (President), Messrs, Clayton Adams, Lim Eu Toh, Lo Beng 1 Dr. Locke (Commissioners Mr. Liggs (Secretary) and Messrs. Rose and Dunn (Acting Health Officer
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  • 1451 49 jr, DmMST Fanny-You know I told vo ?that doroid Tom bn. given me a smart Se victoria and a pair ot Deli pomes for Christmas and how funny he was about the d fficnlty of getting them into mv stocking. Veil would you believe u dear the carnage
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  • 540 49 A cricket match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between Bradbery’s XI and Mugliston’s team, which resulted in a win for the Captain’s eleven by 28 runs. The winners batted first and scored 112, the highest being Graham and Scully with 31 and 23 respectively; while for
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  • 131 50 A Wise Decision. It is reported that the Municipal Council, Shanghai, has consented to the appointment of several representative Chinese mm Jiant .«&gt; to form an Advisory Committee, whose duty will lie to tender counsel in all matters relating to the Chinese community. In case Municipal regulations
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  • 159 50 The Prince and Princess of Wales were gyveu a tremendous reception, at Calcutta, on 30th December. They came down the river from Howrah in a gaiiy» decorated ferry steamer, landing at Prinseps Ghaut, where, seated in an enclosure, were several thousand ticket-holders, including the elite of
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  • 262 50 Issued* with the sanction of the Governor under section*34 of The Police Force Ordinance 1872” authorizing the letting off of trackers in celebration of the Chinese New Year. On the following days and at the following hours only, that is to say: From midnight 24th January to 6 a.
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  • 125 50 ROWDYISM RAMPART. Trades Support John Burns. (Supplied by Reillei.) London, 12 Jan.—A soberer tone is manifested in the heated Press controversy which has arisen over the elections, winch will be held during the next few days, but rowdyism is still rampant everywhere, borne candidates have been pelted with
    (Supplied by Reillei.)  -  125 words
  • 131 50 The Paris Loan. Revolution Weakening. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12th Jan.—The Paris Temps states that the syndicate of French banks, which was negotiating a gold loan with M. KokovtselT a few days ago, has decided to advance to the Russian State Bank 266 million francs at 5! per cent.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  131 words
  • 36 50 Baron von Richthofen. {The “Osta sialischer Lloyd x Service.) Berlin, 13th Jan —Baron von Richthofen, the German Foreign Minister, who was seized with an apoplectic stroke owing to overwork on the Morocco White-book, is recovering.
    {The “Osta sialischer Lloyd x ’ Service.)  -  36 words
  • 37 50 Hamburg-Anierika Dividend (The Istasiatischer Lloyd's Service) Berlin, 13th .Jan.—The Hamburg Amerika Linie made a net profit last year of thirty-five million marks. Twenty-three millions have been written of! and a dividend of eleven per cent, declared.
    (The “ ( Istasiatischer Lloyd's Service)  -  37 words
  • 46 50 The Presidential Election {'lhe Ostasiatischer Lluya's Service.) Berlin, 13th Jan —There is a movement on foot in Paris for electing M. Rouvier President of the French Republic. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th Jai* —3 he •French Presidential election has been fixed for the 17th instant.
    {'lhe “ Ostasiatischer Lluya's ' Service.)  -  46 words
  • 34 50 Ths Demands of France ('I he Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Set vice.) Berlin. 13th Jan.—The Powers are showin r reluctance to agree to the desire of France for a general mandate on the Morocco question.
    ('I he Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Set vice.)  -  34 words
  • 458 50 Registration of Partnerships. Idcho Special.) Singapore, 13tli Jan. —At yesterdays Council meeting, the Hon. W. P. Waddell’s motion to defer the second reading of the Registration of Partnerships Bill for six months was lost by a majority of nine to four. The Hous. Tan Jiak Kim, Waddel, Huttenbach
    458 words

  • 406 51 To be Fixed as Low as Possible. Governor Warns Speculator.-»-(Monday, luth Jan The full text of His Excellency Sir John Anderson’s remarks in Council «neat tjie eccentricities of exchange, which jumped up to 2/4 r to the dollar on Fridav, suddenly fell to 2/3| on Saturday,’ but
    406 words
  • 526 51 pruno e uezuelan volcano is again in Rpnf 10U s c^ear f*” 0111 the brief renorV published in another column, U v diplomatic rdations bet 'veeJ and thp I V’“ uezue l a Pave been broken off zuela b e betweeu New York and VeneS we Pled For lj
    526 words
  • 802 51 It is reported that Chinese petition the Chinese merfor a chants of Java reconsul for Java. cently petitioned Viceroy T sen, of Canton, by telegraph alleging that, owing to the lack of consular protection in the Netherlands Indies, they are often subjected to oppressive treatment at the hands
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  • 6119 52 Friday, 12th January. (iS'/miD Tinies.) Present. His Excellence the Governor, Sir John Anderson, k c m g. Major-General Inigo Jones (Officer Commanding the Troops). Hon. E. L. Brockman (Acting Col. Secretary). Hon. W. R. Collyer, r-s.o. (Attorney-Gen-eral). Hon. J. O. Anthonisz (Colonial-Treasur-er). Hon. A. Murray, c.e., m.i.c.e. (Colonial
    (iS'/miD Tinies.)  -  6,119 words

  • 30 55 We are courteously informed by the D'rector of the Troimh Mmes flat the Doeembor &lt; 1905) output amounted to piculs 3 615 81 dressed ore and realized §189,916.31
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  • 203 55 The Slain Observer of the 3rd instant contains the to lowing account of the death o f a former Singapo ean. Manv people in Bangkok will regret to hear of the sudden d*-*ath through heart failure of Mr. John Blundell, which has occurred at the house
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  • 398 55 The Parisian Cinematograph, showing at the Kwala Kangsar Street Theatiical Hull, seems to have struck ile,’ for, on our drop ping in to sample the show last Saturday night, we found the hall quite full. This is not to be wondered at, as the show is one
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  • 175 55 LIBERAL victories. Balfour Haply Beaten. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 14th Jan.—The results of the general election to date show that fortylive Liberals and twelve Unionists have been returned, the Liberals gaining twentytwo seats. London, 15th Jan.—Air. Balfour, the late I lemier, has been defeated at Alanchestm (East), the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  175 words
  • 88 55 Conference Anticipations. ('Tke Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 14th Jan.—The private preliminary arrangements have been made between Germany, France, Italy and Spain for the management of the Morocco Conference and will ensure its following a quiet course. Prince von Bulow has given the Neto YoJc Herald an assurance of his
    ('Tke “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  88 words
  • 52 55 More Bloodshed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 1 th Jan. —A young Coreau attacked the Corea n AL nist er of War, who is on a viaitto Sr Petersburg, inflicting eleven wounds upon him. The Tartars and Armenians in Caucasia continue burning each other’s villages, massacring the inhabitants and attacking
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 21 55 French Yeilow-Book. (The Oslo sial i scher Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 14Hi Jan. —The French Yellowbook on Macedonia i&gt; merely retrospective.
    (The “ Oslo sial i scher Lloyd's" Service.)  -  21 words
  • 87 55 Elections and Finance. (The Os asiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 14&lt;*&gt; Jan. —AI. Jaures is AI. Rm vi-t’s stroii-o'St opponent in the French Ire idential election President F.oubet has declared that he would never accept re-elec-tion to the Preside uey. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 14th Jan.— The circulation of the
    (The Os asiatischer Lloyd's ' Service.)  -  87 words
  • 35 55 The Japanese Ambassador. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyds" Service.) Berlin, 14th January.—Count Inouye, the Japanese Ambassador, has paid his first official visit, as an Ambassador to Prince von Bulow, by whom he was most cordially received.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyds" Service.)  -  35 words
  • 31 55 Flouting France. (Suppli d by R&gt; uter.) London, 13rh Jan.—D plmnatic relations between France and V-iuzu-da. have been broken off ami the cable between New York and Venezuela is interrupted.
    (Suppli d by R> uter.)  -  31 words
  • 25 55 W des berts E .gland. (Supp'ied. by Reuter) London lain J,m—[■• ih&gt;» Rugbv Inter- football maich, Wales beat England oy sixteen points to three.
    (Supp'ied. by Reuter)  -  25 words
  • 406 55 Negri Sembilan. A mining kongsi, at L un, near Pantai, i i which four Chinese &lt;o»iies lived, was attacked by five robbers, Kehs on the 12th instant at 7 p.m. Unfortunately two of the coolies had left at 6 pm. on the same evening for Sikarnat to gamble,
    406 words

  • 411 56 The Japanese UiU's Opbiien. (Tuesday 16 th A correspondent having raio-t a question in our column.-- r sp» j &lt; tiii" the exemption of relief slunm m s I on m\ kind of duty or e7"i«* in J&lt; p b* ing of opinion that import &lt;.
    411 words
  • 733 56 Win Ing under date of German Berlin loth December, acorlinterprise* respondent of the London Globe reports th it the latest development of German entei prise in the markets of the Far East is in the announcement just made to th»* effect that the first German Industrial and Commercial
    733 words
  • 1393 56 ~Life, that dares send c A challenge to his end, 1 And when it conies say Welcome friend.” —Crashau'. 'is a' l o’d saying that greater love h m nr tl i’» 'bis. ’h .f b 1 y iJ d- wu in f-'i" an ike and u'v'**
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  • 113 57 Ir is notified that Thursday, the 25th iQnc arV ’-u nf F,ida v the 26th January, L&gt;?, will be observed throughout the as Bank Holidays for the Chi-'ese New Year. All Government Offices will be '•Hse 1 on th S 9 0,. I. &lt;. &gt; v ..I'o M i,
    113 words
  • 516 57 The Royal Visit. (fl'tom Our Own Corres*, ovdeni.} Rangoon 11th J in. 1 he chief item of interest here just now is the approaching visit of Their Roval Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, who are visiting I’urmaasa wind-up to their verv successful Indian tour. Oui Royal visitors
    516 words
  • 190 57 The Pusing Lama Report. The report of the Pusing Lama Tin Mines, Ltd., for the period from Jan. 16, 1904. to June 30, 1905. states that the cost of the company’s in. tii’ation lias amounted ;o .£2O 132 .ArOv- v &gt;•] •&gt;»» t|m n v nr»Hrtv .Vu,s nvl,
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  • 430 57 The Change of Ministry. A special meeting of the Japanese Cabinet was held on the morning of the 21st Pec., at the official residence of the Premier. Count KaGu' i ♦!»&lt;-•*» "ndea statement to his c ur's to (hr- -ff et th tendered his resign itrnn to the
    430 words

  • 241 58 The course was in excellent condition tins morning and the going excellent. Oberon was out; and covered his mile with ease in 1.48 1 5, while Diana did half that distance in 52 seconds, finishing strong. Sappho did a very fast sprint and will have to lie watched
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  • 373 58 Charge altered to Culpable Homicide. Arrest of Phillips at Perth. The Sunday Tinies (Sydney. 17 Dec.) states that a man answering to the name of W. G. Phillips, formerly a Hansard, reporter,” was remanded on the 16th December *it the Police court, Perth, W. A.,
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  • 204 58 Tu ihe Editor or the Str. its Echo. Dear Sir. I ■’■ball be much obliged it yon could give me a space iu po r valuable paper by inviting opinions of those cone,ei lied m this int ricate subject, i.e., L i andwrd ing deterioratinj 1' Tl e majoi
    204 words
  • 401 58 To hie Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, —At a time when so much is being said and written about the evils of licensed gambling it will not be out of place for one fairlv conversant with local affairs to express his opinion To my mind suppression
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  • 176 58 HUGE LABOUR GAINS/ Liberalism Practically Annihilated. Supplied by Reuter,) London, 15th Jam—An analysis of the voting in the general election to date shows a remarkable increase of Socialists and Labour votes, namely, 63,692, as compared with 20 731 for the same constituencies iu 1900 The net Liberal turnover
    Supplied by Reuter,)  -  176 words
  • 89 58 The Hand of Friendship. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Brnlm, 16th Jan. —At a meeting at the Berlin Lyceum Club for the promotion of a better Anglo-German understanding, Sir Frank Lascelles, the British Ambassador, accentuated the fact that the discord between t he two nations was be*ng artificially created. He
    (The " Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  89 words
  • 36 58 France Prepares to Strike. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15th Jan, —The American Minister to Venezuela has assumed charge of French interests in that country. London, 16th Jan. A French squadron has left Guadeloupe for Venezuela,
    » (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  36 words
  • 35 58 A German Denial. (The 0 iasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.) Berlin, 16th Jan.—The assertion of the Osaka Asahi Shimbun to the effect that Germany i- urging the evacuation of Wei-hai-wei by the British is absolutely unfounded.
    (The " 0 iasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.)  -  35 words
  • 64 58 Hopes an«‘ Bombs. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Servi’e.) Berlin, 16th Jan —The Tsar, on receiving the Ambassadors on New Year’s Day, said that he was fully confident regarding Rusnii’s futiii* development and that the revolutionary organisation in the Baltic provinces had been broken. t &gt; (Supplied by lie liter.) London,
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ' Servi’e.)  -  64 words

  • 442 59 (Wednesday, 17th Jan.) Mr* Meadows Frost, who, as recently announced in our colunins, has been apninted His Britannic Majesty s Consul Lrthe Western Siamese States, arrived in Penang a couple of days ago, coming hither from Kwala Lumpur by ra'l. We bear that he will visit Kedah
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  • 663 59 A Medley of Truth and Fiction. I je( ig ue Journal is of opinion AdmiJl °f great interest in the k" st ven sky’s interview on the Japan the steel l&lt;? an 7 Pr °f Are from paint on file effpf? V 0 sbl P s J an
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  • 297 59 Il is reported by Reuter that the Mulla of Powindah has been found to be implicated m the murder of Major Donaldson, of the Bannu Brigade, on 17 Nov. It has been ascertained that the crime was deliberately planned out of revenge for punishment inflicted on certain
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  • 1600 60 In Appellate Jurisdiction. Pejore the Hon. W. IF. Either, Puisne Judge Between Mai min Dahaman, Appellant, AND The Crown on tie complaint of Arkhat bin Abdullah, Respondent. On the 23rd November last, it will be remembered, Mat bin Dahaman. a Province Malay, was charged before Mr. L. h.
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  • 102 60 Penang vs. Perak. Penang has sent a challenge to Perak to play cricket during the Chinese New Year holidays and, if accepted, the following will probably represent Penang —C. Bradbery, (Captain), G. R. K. Mugliston (Vice-Cap-tain), S. H. R. Lucy, F. J. Pigott, W. S. Dunn, J. R.
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  • 182 60 The January monthly medal will be played for on Saturday and Sunday, 27th and 28th insts. The 1905 Gold Medal will be played for on the same dates, twp consecutive rounds under medal play. The following are qualified to play for the Gold Medal :—Messrs. Ferguson, Brown,
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  • 278 61 more liberal victories. Labour Parly to the Front (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16th January. —In the general elections to .late the Liberals have gained '9 seats, the Labourites 14 and the Unionists 29, thus showing a gain—the Ministerialists of 50 seats and 11 to the Labour party. Mr
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  278 words
  • 49 61 Potash and Honey. (lhe Ovtasiatischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 17th Jan.—The Prussian Government has bought out the potash mines in Hercynia. Berlin, 17th Jan.—Manifestations in tavour of abetter understanding with Great Britain have bcm made at the Town Hall at o ogne and at the Berlin Chamber of Commerce.
    (lhe Ovtasiatischer Lloyds Service.)  -  49 words
  • 43 61 Conference Opens. {Supplied bi/ Reuter.) en L° U^0U J aU ie Morocco ConferoX°? eUS to Jay The British Pies* is regardiug tbe result of p™"OelaiiatMer Lloyd's" Senice.) euee"™,' 17th J ““—The Morocco' ConferUt A SeCiraS yeBterda T '""St impressive. pe,llu ceremony was
    {Supplied bi/ Reuter.)  -  43 words
  • 41 61 Trade with Chile. (Supplied by Reuler.) x tji/ neuter.) ter at Santia 1 11 Jan “~P ie Ja P a uese Ministhe S C e VOtlng llis atteutiou change of 1. for the exliiui saltpetr a^auese luaiul t’actures for Chi-
    (Supplied by Reuler.)  -  41 words
  • 87 61 Disaster and Complaints. {Thj Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, ]l 7tb Jun.-Tlie Ilamburg-AmeriU steamer Serbia, homeward bound from Y okohama, has stranded on the Dutch coast J he crew have been saved. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th Jan.— Baron Suyematsu, the Japanese Envoy, writing to the newspapers tr&lt;m Port Said,
    {Thj “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  87 words
  • 40 61 lhe Smallest Contribution, etc.” (lhe Ostasiatischer Lloyd' P' Service.) Berlin, 17th Jan.—The Emperor Wilhelm has granted an audience to M. Kokovtseff, late Russian Minister of Finance, who is on a mission for the protection of the Russian gold standard.
    (lhe “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd'P' Service.)  -  40 words
  • 20 61 The New President. {The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 17th Jan.—M. Fallieres has been elected President of the French Republic.
    {The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  20 words
  • 40 61 A Customs War. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 17th Jan. —A customs war has arisen between Germany and the United States owing to the fact that the United States Government has made no final decision regarding the Commercial Treaty.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  40 words
  • 265 61 The New Liberal Daily. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16th Jan.--A new Liberal daily, called 27/e Tribune, has been published in Lon on and is the self-styled organ of Liberalism, Labour and Progress. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman has sent a message to the new paper expressing his good wishes for
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  265 words
  • 1115 61 (Thursday, 18 th Jan.) The resumption of the Japanese Japanese mail line to AusMail Lines, tralia, withdrawn because of the war, was to have taken place at the beginning of the new year, but, according to word received by the Sydney Times (24th Dec.) from Tokio, a short
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  • 647 62 18th Jan. The Ramsdales gave their first performance in Penang at the Masonic Hall last night and it was a very enjoyable entertainment indeed Unfortunately, the Masonic Hall is not the sort of place to «appeal to the theatre-going public; in tho first place it is a good
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  • 254 62 The Decorations. The Municipal Commissioners have adopted a very wise method of decorating for the coming visit of Prince Arthur of Connaught with his suite. After making various experiments, they have come to the conclusion that flags ami Venetian masts will not be satisfactory. Penang cannot produce sufficient
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  • 383 62 A Farewell Dinner. Last evening the members of the Town Club gave a farewell dinner to Mr. Otto Sielcken, the head of the local branch of Belin, Meyer Co. Over sixty sat down to dinner and the Penang Band played a selection of English and German airs
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  • 473 63 t In Force at Soo chow. Soochow correspondent «rites to a A ronteioporeiy that, as m other rtb er exeept it seems in the sale of keroP p the bovee't is in fu f, C6 S r Asiatic Britishers as an advert isebf some A a Js iustead
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  • 432 63 e are iequested to give publicity to the following charitable project and have much pleasure m doing so Penang, 19th December, 1905. It is proposed to establish a Free Dispensary for the poor and subscriptions are now invited for this purpose. h e m
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  • 195 63 LIBERAL VICTORIES. Unionist Defeat Admitted. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th January.—ln the general election to date the Liberals have secured 134 seats, the Labourites 24 and the Unionists 52. This means a Liberal gain of 65 seats, while the Labourites gain 21. The Conservative papers expect that yesterday’s
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  195 words
  • 63 63 The New President. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th Jan.—A meeting of French Deputies and Senators of the Left has selected M. Fallieres as the Republican candidate for the Presidency, 416 voting for M. Fallieres and 191 for M. Doumer. London, 18th Jan.—M. Fallieres ha» been elected President of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  63 words
  • 87 63 The Conference Opened. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th Jan.—The Standard states that Great Britain and Russia have agreed to act in concert at the Morocco Conference. The first sitting of the Conference at Algeciras was devoted to formalities. Berlin, 18th Jan.—The first meeting of the Morocco Conference has passed
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  87 words
  • 38 63 Workmen’s Delegates Arrested. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th Jan.—The Council of the Workmen’s Delegates, composed of twentytwo revolutionaries, has been arrested at St. Peteisburg. This is expected to nip in the bud the expansion of such organisations.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  38 words
  • Page 63 Advertisements
    • 46 63 When you have a Cold. 'Mbeurd'"' 1 'i llen vou a cold bill’s Couvli r&lt; use ot Cbamberjfomtho airH’l. &lt;l c ansps lts expulsion Spector uti produces a b'tnpletecure s’ ail&lt; r n PeUS e SPC Pli °ns (’p S&lt; "&gt; n 1)1 OWs George '1 own
      46 words
    • 81 63 Boy cured of Ct ip in fifteen minutes. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured our little four year old boy of croup in fifteen minutes. My wife and I have used this remedy in our family f &gt;r the past five years, having tried many other kinds previous to that time, and
      81 words
    • 45 63 Absolutely Harmless. Any mother can give Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to her little ones with a feeling of security. The absence of all narcotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can be piocured. George Town Dispensary, General for sile by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      45 words

  • 25 64 A Government Enquiry. (Supplied by Heater London, 17th Jan.-A German government Commission bus be-n appointed to enquire into the revolt m German Africa.
    (Supplied by Heater )  -  25 words
  • 90 64 Baron Suyematsu’s Complaint (Supplied by Heater.) London, 18th Jan.—The London newspapers discuss Baron Suyernatsu s letter regarding.the treatment of the Japanese passengers on the German mad steamer Zi'eten in the most sympathetic spirit. 1 lie Management of the Norddutschher Lloyd has telegraphed to Colombo asking for
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  90 words
  • 31 64 Foreign Minister’s Illness. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 18th Jan —Baron von Richthofen, the German Foreign Minister, is suffering from a weak heart and is in a most critical condition.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  31 words
  • 31 64 Chinese Labour Wanted Supplied by Healer.) London, 18th Jan.—The Chief Engineer of the Panama Cana! has officially reported «that Chinese labour alone can be used effectually in that region.
    ( Supplied by Healer.)  -  31 words
  • 131 64 Pe wA N G 191 11 JANU A R i Uy courtesy of the Chartered Bank London Demand Bank ...2/4,1 J} 4 months’sight Bank ...2.14 Credit 3 Documentary ..2/4f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1/2 3 days’ sight Private 175 Bmibay, Dema ml Bank 172 3 days’ sight Private 175
    131 words
  • 205 64 Bit Tin Mining'Co. Ld. '■■‘"■left Bp; tw :i Goid M ming Co.. I.' ••&gt;. seleis Brich Rubber Syndicate, Ld. &gt;'7o.—pri mium bu tiers Brusen Tlv'lrauhc I,in MihiUCo., Ld." ‘9 lJuff h-vpioum»-’. t Co. "8 Fraser A Near.., I„i i!05.-.e//w Geoitfo l own Dispensary 8 -_6 Howarth Erskine, Ld. 8-75.
    205 words
  • 296 64 Gold leaf 8 «5. B. Pepper (W. Coast 3ibs.soz.) oat of stock While Pepper 8 31.— nominal Trang Pepper 22.— seders Cloves (picked) 34.— sales Mace cb—sellers Mace Picking-» 60.— seders Nutmegs lids 31. nominal No. I 6.10 nom. Sugar 2 no stock. Basket 3.— buyers Tauioca. Flour 1.90
    296 words
  • 415 64 Experiences of a Singapore Chinese. Ng Siaw Tung, a gilder by trade, residing at 65 South Bridge Road, Singapore, recently made the following remarkable statement. “Often,” said he, so great was the agony I suffered that I was compelled to shriek out, but when I had used
    415 words
  • Page 64 Advertisements
    • 66 64 Better than a Plaster. A’piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s P£in Balm ami bound on the affected parts, is better than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular
      66 words
    • 102 64 The only Cough Medicine free from poison. 'J’he Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold ou the market. Out of the entire list they found onlv one that they declared was entirely free from ail poisons. This exception
      102 words

  • Page 65 Advertisements
    • 846 65 Advert i’s e m e n t»s. &gt; ~TJfStJ ;HA:IXr C?ES. INSURANCES. insura nc e s Zrfp”VoN”l»ON ASS UR ANCE Guardian Assurance Hongkong Yuen On Insurance Fx. CORPORATION. Company, Limited. change Loan Godown Co., Ltd. v Established 1821. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL Subscribed Capital 000,000 CHARTER A.D. 1720. Total Invested Funds
      846 words

  • Page 66 Advertisements
    • 207 66 k &gt; n. A J- Sgga2 ‘tscx 4 *ms7\ The CRi JibN PRESS, Ltd. 1 *&gt;'" *&lt;• 1 ESTABLISHED 1883. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS. I Proprietors of the SiiiA'iS .1: "SI j CEAVA PULAU PINANG. The most enterprising and up-to-date printers and lithographers in the Orient. I Our plant is of the
      207 words