The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 22 September 1905

Total Pages: 28
827 854 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 1713 827 Facts and Figures. (Friday loth September.) Were we to expatiate upon the tinmining industry of Malaya and the resources of the Government for a week nothing that could be embodied in our editorials would be likely to bring more forcibly to the front the importance of this
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  • 462 828 Searching for Light. Japanese journals publish a long statement of the views said to have been submitted to the Throne by the Chinese envoys who are soon to visit Japan on a mission of inquiry, namely, Mr. Tang Fang, Governor of Hunan, and Mr. Lu Yuan, Governor
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  • 186 828 An Old Public Servant An interesting little ceremony took r.l at tour o clock yesterdav First Magistrate’s Court, tlie X “,„‘1 the retirement of Mr. W L of the Court of Kequests. on pensioL aft* •-*2 years service. Mr. L. P Pki ler Commissioner of the Court
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  • 358 828 A wire to the Hongkong Telegraph, dated Shanghai 21 August, states-.-The Chinese Government intends borrowing the further sum of <£500,000 from the Belgians for the purpose of railway development. The Waiwupu is desirous of having the Tientsin-Cbinkiang line agreement cancelled, but H. E. Sir Ernest Satow says it
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  • 165 829 bA NDITS in command. IMO Liberty of Speech. A New Asiatic Steamer Service. (Supplied by Reuter London, 14th September—The Baku ml oducers have sent a memorandum to the Russian Minister of Finance pointing out the helplessness of the police guard supplied for the oil fields and declaring that they
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  165 words
  • 40 829 Further AntL Peace Riots. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15th September.—Serious antipeace rioting has taken place at Yokohama, where the mob destroyed and burned eleven police kiosks. Troops have been sent from Tokio and are guarding the Consulates and warehouses.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  40 words
  • 126 829 Strained Relations. War Narrowly Averted. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 14th September.—The feeling between Norway and Sweden is apparently again most strained. An authoritative announcement from Stockholm accuses Norway of wilfully deceiving the foreign Press on the subject of the demolition of the frontier fortifications, while the Norwegians declare that,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  126 words
  • 54 829 French Diplomatic Service. (Supp Led by Reuter.) uy neuter.) fcttSU U^ou September.—ln order to Siai V? e execu,lon °f the last Francoprof 'and to afford more adequate Biarn C, p° n t 0 ier en thousand proteges in Court S s^reo «thening her Consular renro. .Bangkok and her Consular
    (Supp Led by Reuter.)  -  54 words
  • 70 829 Proposed Conference. <+ Europeans in Danger Tlu> Llogd g Berlin. l td, September—Oerniauv will p obably propose Algeciras, iu Spain, as the r log place lor the .Morocco Conference, a.s being near to Tangier. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15th September— All the Powers have presented a Note Io the
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  • 31 829 Ihe Earthquake. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 15th September.— King Victor Emmanuel is still touring the earthquake legion in southern Italy and personally comforting the villagers. Fresh shocks were felt yesterdav.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  31 words
  • 431 829  -  By Mr J. H. Stewart Lockhart. Mr. Stewart Lockhart has the following homily in bis report on Wei hai-wei for 1904: —“The staff, though small, has proved itself capable of dealing satisfactorily with the affairs of this territory, with its 150,000 inhabitants, which demonstrates prett v clearly that
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  • 2220 829 Should they be Abolished? Last Friday we called at St. Xavier's Institution in the forenoon with the object of interviewing the Rev. Bro. James —who has spent so many years of his useful lite among us—on the vexed question of tho Queen s Scholarships. On reaching the main
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  • 308 830 A correspondent sends the Malay Mail some further particulars about the Jeher mining property at Tanjong Malim which has recently been floated into a company at home. Mr. D. Robertson is Chairman and Mr. L. Chow Thye, Managing Director. 3,000 shares were offered privately among the vendor’s friends at
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  • 690 831 Modern and Classical. (Saturday 16th September.) At the present time, when educational affairs are to the fore in British Malaya, it is interesting to note that educational reforms are just now occupying the nl iods of some of the best authorities in England. Writing in Macmillan's Magazine Mr. A.
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  • 983 831 In an article headed L. S. in “The Pope of Oyster Bay,” a Politics, weekly paper calls attention to the changed position of the United States in international politics, and to the part which Mr. Roosevelt has taken in bringing about this change. The journal says At the
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  • 37 832 The Mikasa Disaster. Thanks for British Sympathy. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, loth September. Vist-oiin l Hayashi has expressed to the Lord Mayor his heartfelt thanks for his warm sympathy over the lamentable catastrophe to the Mikasa.
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  37 words
  • 32 832 The Armistice. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, loth September. —General Oronovsky, who was to meet Geneial I ukushima to arrange the terms <>l' the armistice, is reported to have returned to headquarters.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 25 832 General Rising Proclaimed. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 15th September.— The revolutionary party at Tiflis has issued a proclamation in favour of a general rising.
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  • 77 832 Strained Relations. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, loth September.—Norwegian correspondents at Karlstad declare that mobilization orders may be expected at tiny moment. London, 16th September.—lt is stated in London that, the Swedish-Norwegian negotiations are proceeding steadily, England playing an important but unostentatious part, though nothing in the nature of arbitration.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  77 words
  • 209 832 Legislative Council. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 16th September.—Al yesterday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Hon. .1. Anthoniz introduced the Currency Note Amendment Bill briefly 7 by saying t hat it was to enable the payment into the depreciation Fund of the whole of the income from the investment of
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  • 842 832 interesting, instructive.ami amusing matter relating to schools in general and to local educational establishments m particular will appear under lhe above hea hug in this journal about once a week, and it is hoped that this new feature of the Echo may be welcomed by those in
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  • 354 832 square miles. The contract h of development in the region cov d- C. Mad. IAIALEN SE De VELOPM ENT. Developments on an immense scale are projected in Colombia, in which rubber cultivation will be a prominent feature. President. Reyes is pursuing a policy of agricultural, industrial, and
    square miles. The contract h * of development in the region cov d- C. Mad.  -  354 words

  • 770 833 A Most Successful Concert. The Penang Choral Society gave their ou d concert on Friday evening, undertime Sronage of the Hon. J. K. Birch, in the f rm of”an “at home” at the Penang Club, *hicli had been lent lor the occasion. In o f the verv
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  • 197 833 part I. F Part Song. Joy to the Victors Arthur Sullivan. Ihe Penang Choral Society. Pianoforte Solo. liish Rhapsody Rosenthal. Miss Merry lees. Ta-o Quartettes (a) 1 hear the Soft Note v from Patience I Strange Adv e nl ure A Sullivan. from" Yeomen of the Guard" 1
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  • 28 833 M rs. Ebden. Accompanist, Miss Alanook. I Miss Netta Jones. Conductor Al r. O. V. Thomas. The Collard and Collard Pianoforte kindly lent by
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  • 52 833 This, from the Sa!urda y llevteu', should be of intere,! to I he Chine-e Government and people Gm it armaim-nf s are not a menace, but everv nal n., tribute <a ie,pec! to others strength. Preparedness for war means selfrespect and self-respect mean, other people
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  • 333 833 The hunt, held on Friday last, was arranged by t he < ’ommittee, w ith a view of affording members an opportunity of welcoming back to Penang sport Mr. J. F. W refold who is justly looked upon as the Founder of the Penang Hunt Club. About
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  • 313 833 ((trerheard iwur the Central Station, sung to an Irish lune and a concertina.} That “a policeman's life is not a happy one,” A poet once did tell us in a. song, But as sure as I'm a Bobby, so my son Shall follow in my foolsteps— am
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  • 582 834 Don't tell everybody that Penang is <1 rainless. Don’t say we have no cold season in Penang when the thermometer drops to 76° in the shade. Don’t expert the police to unravel the traffic tangle; it will unravel itself —some day. Don’t say our Water Problem is solved until
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  • 607 834 Rubber or Rubbish. There is now being privately circulated, says the Financial Times, lhe prospectus of the Malay Rubber Planters, a concern with a capital of =£35,000, recently formed for the purpose of cultivating “rubber cocoanuts and other produce” in the Federated Malay States. The statements in this
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  • 615 834 An Amusing Inc IBESI The presence of a painted ,latrine at the corner of j' uu m J" “lb. Des Vieux Road, Hongkow LT' 6 reported Io Inspector Smith,'i l( J, I*' 1 place and there found the cartoon in Hon, which was of a sotneX n character.
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  • 1465 835 Deirest lann y, Here I am, almost as discontented as ver for they are now mending one of the o'mper ten” roads again that didn’t want it bit and our drains are still as bad as ever, s 0 are the geese and the servants and everything- Tom
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  • 652 835 W kiting under date of 3rd instant, the Sandakan correspondent of the Free Press s iy> 1 here is no fresh new sin regard to the Governorship. Our present Governor, E. P. Gueriiz, has gone down to Jesselton now. You have, of course, heard that Labuan is to
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  • 4333 836  -  BY VIOLA GRAEME, AUTHOR OF 77/<' 67/zA/ o/ Sorro/r,’ 77tc //wcA/t// o/ Lorraine," The Hand of God,” '“Love's Loyalty.” “/1 7?o//// Rebel." “Her Soldier Sweetheart,” 77/c Leant y <>t the Season,” The Tea-s/toy Girl” A Scotch Marriage'' “The Milliner* Model' “A Gamblers Girl” Body or Soul, A
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  • 199 838 The attractions of ramip h... the undoing of many who bav/t the manipulation of the fibre Up by its undoubted advantages A obstinacy under treatment i Q th/, lU ami the uncertainty of the supply material have accounted for manvVf Thelatest number of -The’ Ee tul, however, has a
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  • 358 838 Calcutt, 7th September.—The boycott movement in Calcutta has not gained in strength during the last two or three days. Northern Calcutta is now resuming its normal aspect. Street vendors of cigarettes have again made their appearance, and the natives do not show so much hesitation in entering
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  • 6061 839 A Survey: By Wu Lu. j T mav be of interest if at this juncture w 3 reproduce from the March, 1904, number of the Straits Chinese Magazine some extracts from a thoughtful survey of the situation as created by the proposal to abolish the Queen’s
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  • 419 842 Judge and Jury Disagree. Before Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton, on Thursday, the trial was concluded of Teh Ah Kiah, who was charged with passing forged cheques. Mr. Braddell prosecuted for the Crown and Mr. G. F. Raine defended. Much interest was taken in the proceedings, which were of
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  • 328 842 More Butchery at Baku. Prince Louis Napoleon at AVork. Tsar and Tsaritsa on Holiday. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16th September. —The insurgents at Baku have threatened to kill all workmen resuming work and to burn all works where any attempt to repair the damages is made. Firing continued throughout
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  328 words
  • 26 842 Baron Komura’s Illness. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 17th September.—lt is reported from New York that the illness of Baron Komura has taken a favourable turn.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  26 words
  • 113 842 An Understanding Expected. {The “Ostasiati scher Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 16th September.—The danger of war between Sweden and Norway is not yet regarded as averted. Fiance and Russia are bringing pressure to bear upon Sweden, England maintains a studied reserve, while in Germany, Stockholm and Christiania a peaceful issue is
    {The “Ostasiati scher Lloyd's" Service.)  -  113 words
  • 39 842 Kaiser and Ambassador. The Cholera Outbreak. {The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.} Berlin, 16th September.—The Emperor Wilhelm will receive in audience at Hom. burg the new Russian Ambassador, M. Lengerke. London, 18th September.—The cholera outbreak m Prussia is rapidly abating.
    {The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.}  -  39 words
  • 39 842 Destructive Floods. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18th September.—Severe floods, following upon a drought, have wrought great havoc in Cape Colony. The irrigation works on the Gamtoos River have been destroyed, ruining thousands of acres of cultivated land.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 101 842 Volcanoes Active. The Earthquake Devastation. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 16th September. —Mount Vesuvius is becoming increasingly active and frequent undulatory shocks of earthquake are felt around the volcano. The activity displayed by Mount Stromboli is also veiy remarkable. London, 18th September.— King Victor Emmanuel returned to Rome from theeaithquake
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  101 words
  • 147 842 More Risings Reported. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18th September.- Ibe bov of German East Africa reports risings two more districts. London, 18th September.—!he Hm tribe in German South West Africa continues to offer to the Germans a skilful a perate guerilla resistance. Ban sionally routed but progress pacification
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  147 words

  • 2235 843 '{he Recommendations of the Tailings Commission. (Monday, ISth We are indebted to the courtesy of the Federal Government for a copy of the Report of the proceedings of the Tailings Commission which held its sittings a t° Batu Gajah, Kwala Lumpur and Seremban, the first meeting taking
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  • 1115 844 T n<*da ij, 19th Septt edn’r.) Vice is a monster of so frightful mien. As to he hated, needs but. to be seen Yet. seen too oft. familiar with her face. We first endure, then pity, then embrace. —l'ope. Since publication, on the 12th and 13th hist.,
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  • 40 845 Mr A- C- Budra, Barrister, of Hie c i i| e Tempi o on Monday admitted to tiseat the local Bar. There was no futber objection raised by the Bar Coni-, inittee, all opposition apparently having fizzled out.
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  • 517 845 In pursuance of the order made by Mr. Justice Law on Monday Mr. A. C. Rudra was dulv sworn in as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements before the same Judge this morning. Mb- Wolferstan, S. D. 0., Butterworth, was out
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  • 1243 845 A Meeting of the Council was held on biutaylastjiml.Tlnn-i. There were present Hons. the A ting u i ,L >, cn the Attorney-General, Colonial Treasurer, 11 11 n-ticiieial. Colonial Engineer, and the Hons. G. S. Murray, W. p. Waddell, 11. kori, and J. Anderson. The absentees wen His
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  • 193 846 A Naphtha Congress. The Tsar’s Reform Scheme. M. Witte's Post-Pran dial Eloquence (The Oslasiatischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 18th September. —A Congress of the Representatives of the naphtha industries has been called at St. Petersburg. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September.—The Tsar has ordered a Commission to be called for
    (The “ Oslasiatischer Lloyds Service.)  -  193 words
  • 28 846 More Anti-Peace Demonstrations. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September. —Reuter’s Tok io correspondent wires that anti-peace demonstrations continue in various localities, but are not accompanied by violence.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 105 846 The War Scare. An Understanding Reached. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 18th September.—Travellers who have arrived from Stockholm report that Norway was last week energetically preparing for war and constructing temporary fortifications on the frontier, cutting down trees for barricading roads. Nearly all troops in the central and frontier districts
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  105 words
  • 91 846 Another War Scare. (The Oslasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 18th September.—The Russian newspaper Novue Vreinya suggests that an Anglo-Russian understanding might be arrived at over the Straits question. (Dardanelles (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September. Fort ifications are being rapidly constructed on the Bosphorus, at the entrance to the Black
    (The “ Oslasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  91 words
  • 66 846 The Kaiser Hunting. Cholera Abating in Prussia. (The. Ostasiastisrher Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 18th September. The Kaiser Wilhelm has gone on a hunting trip to Huberbustock. Berlin, 18th September.—Herr Millennia, formerly Minister of Commerce, has paid a visit to Baron von Richthofen, Minister of Foreign Affairs, for social and political
    (The. “ Ostasiastisrher Lloyd's " Service.)  -  66 words
  • 74 846 Great Review in Scottish Capital. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September.—King Edward has reviewed forty thousand Scottish Volunteers in the King’s Park at Edinburgh The weather proved favourable and there were hundreds of thousands of spectators. The surroundings were most picturesque. Sir Thomas Lipton, who was riding
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  74 words
  • 33 846 German Procrastination. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September.—The delay in the Franco-German negotiations over the Morocco question has evoked a stfong protest from the Paris Temps, which is complaining of German procrastination.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  33 words
  • 53 846 Relief Measures. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September.—The erection of huts and other measures for the relief of the population are proceeding actively in the earthquake districts in Italy, but the difficulties encountered are enormous owing to the great distances to be traversed in a hilly country ami the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  53 words
  • 56 846 Another Fire. (Echo Special.) Kam par, 19th September.—Another fire broke out here at one o’clock this morning, this time in Kwong Hang Chan’s general store, opposite the Perak Pharmacy. The Police rendered good service ami got the fire under control in a. couple of hours and also succeeded in
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  • 518 846 Annual General Meeting. The annual meeting of this sociofv held in the Chamber of Commerce on afternoon, the President, Dr T. Hill Jamie son, being in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed, the statement of J counts (showing a credit balance of
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  • 28 846 Obituary. Col. Sir R. Gunter, M. P. (Supplied by Reuter.). London, 19th September.—The death is announced of Colonel Sir R. Gunter, Conservative Member of Parliament for Barkston Ash.
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  • Education.
    • 117 847 (Veduesd< 11/, 20th September.) We have received a very letter fr° ni :l Ceylonese who has been educated in Penang and takes a deep interest in the burning question of the Jiour. He points to the good example o f Ceylon in matters educational, ami shows
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    • 1140 847 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir,—l shall be much obliged if you will allow me a corner in your valuable journal to express my views on the above subject, which, I believe, will not be out of place at the present time when
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  • 606 847 Writing in the Morning Good Post (London) on the vexed Advice, question of foreign competition in the trade and commerce of British colonies, Mr. W. H. Bennett says: If Englishmen are to keep their place in the markets of the world they must be up and doing—prepared to
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  • 490 848 Meeting at Kuala Kangsar. A few days ago a number of Jaffna and other Hindus assembled at the Kuala Kangsar Post Office, which had been kindly placed at their disposal by the Postmaster, to discuss ways and means of erecting and maintaining a Hindu temple, the need
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  • 150 848 Murder and Pillage. Tsar's Empty Promises Ignored. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September.—Murder, pillaging and incendiarism continue at Baku, Eleven derricks on lhe Viceroy’s oilfield, which was hitherto efficiently protected, were burned yesterday. The insurgents are obstructing and attacking the trains in the Tiflis district. London, 20th September.—The bulk
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  150 words
  • 67 848 The Russian Dove Again. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19 th September.—The Tsar proposes to invite the Powers to a second Hague Peace Conference, President Roosevelt deferring to the Tsar in the matter and agreeing that the initiative had better be from the originator of the first Conference. (The Ostasiatischer
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  • 20 848 Favourable Progress. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th September.—lt is announced from New York that Baron Koinura is convalescent.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  20 words
  • 111 848 Strained Relations. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 19th September.—The German press protests against the unfriendliness of the Paris press, as it is expected that an understanding on the Morocco question will be due to Germany's friendly settlement. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th September.—The Morocco negotiations are beginning to excite
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  111 words
  • 20 848 More Earthquakes. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th September.—Sharp shocks of earthquake were experienced throughout Calabria yesterday, doing further damage.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  20 words
  • 18 848 A National Bank. er/<e “(Manatiscker Lloyd'." Serw,, r J Berlin, 19lh Septemlwr.—Pen,;. to found a National bank
    er/<e “(Manatiscker Lloyd'." Serw,,  -  18 words
  • 27 848 An ()ver=Seas Bank. ei’he O'ta.iatMer Lloyd'." Serma.} wiviceA Berlin, I'.tth,er._Au B tria wi |i shortly open an over-seas bank, cln.H vi the Far East. 111
    ei’he “ O'ta.iatMer Lloyd'." Serma.}  -  27 words
  • 60 848 The New Viceroy. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th September.—Lord Minto the new Viceroy of India, has definitely informed Reuter’s Agency that he leaves Marseilies, accompanied by Countess Minto and his daughters, on 20th October, on board the P. &O. mail Macedonia. The staff accompanying Lord Minto consists of Major
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words
  • 21 848 The Dalai Lama. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th September.—The Dalai Lama left Urga on the 15th instant, ostensibly for Tibet.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 28 848 Indian Bishop Received. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 20th September. —The Roman Catholic Bishop of Trincomallee has been received in audience by His Holiness the Pope.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  28 words
  • 42 848 The Wages Question. (Supplied by Reuter.} London, 20th September, —Arrangements are proceeding satisfactorily for an early conference between the Lancashire cotton masters and operatives to formulate a mutual agreement for the regulation o wages in accordance with the recent sette ment.
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  • 137 848 A King’s Praise. (Supplied by Reuter.) (Supplied by multi.) London, 20th September.— King Ed''*!’ has telegraphed to the Provost of Edwbv that he hopes that the extraordinanly *&gt; appearance of the Scottish 7° un en the review at Edinburgh would e five to others to join a force
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  137 words

  • 1274 849 Being a Supplement tn the Article published in the Straits Chinese Maga v z ine of March and June 1903, and reprinted in the Straits Echo of Sept. 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 18, and 19, 1905. I&gt;Y Wu Lu. It was my original intention to publish
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  • 2407 849 Resolutions ano Recommendations. The nine heads into which the subject matter comprised in the agenda was divided were considered and fully discussed one by one and resolutions were passed thereon. 1. The opinion, of the Commission on the evidence adduced as to the silting of rivers and
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  • 729 851 ii Editors Deported without Trial! (Thursday, 21st September.) Attention was recently directed in this journal to the highhanded action of the Government of Hongkong in preventing a number of Chinese compradores, bankers, etc., etc., from exercising the right to hold a public meeting for the purpose of devising
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  • 318 851 Correspondence which the Who is to London representative of one blame? of the leading provincial dailies has been permitted to peruse indicates that a keen dispute is proceeding between General Stoessel and the Russian Ministry for War concerning certain preparations which the former is making for the publication
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  • 40 851 The Chief Police Officer courteously forwards us the following return of dogs shot outside Municipal limits, Penang Island:— Number of dogs previously killed 7,721 Number ot dogs killed during the week ending Septembei 16th 140 Total 7,861
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  • 112 851 “Rescue Us” the Cry of Perak Chinese. A Chinese writes us from Ipoh “We are strongly in favour of the suppression of licensed gambling. Do try to rescue the Chinese from the baneful effects of this vice which was introduced into the F. M. S. by British
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  • 398 851 Fights with the Deadly Kris.” That the American newspaper correspondent, is nothing if not imaginative and sensational will be readily admitted on perusal of the following special cable to the San Francisco Examiner Singapore (Straits Settlements), August 12. Automobiling has become the rage in this far
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  • 201 852 THE NEW LOVE. 4 Japan Still Commands the Sea. Russia to Buy A New Navy. “Codlin’s the Friend, Not Short.”! (The Ost asiati scher Lloyd s Service.) Berlin, 20th September. —The St. Petersburg Birshewija Wjedmosty is eagerly advocating a rapprochement between Russia and the United States. (Supplied by Renier.)
    (The “ Ost asiati scher Lloyd s ’ Service.)  -  201 words
  • 149 852 Further Hitches. (The (Jstasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin. 20th September.—The prospects of a settlement of the Morocco question are more favourable, owing to a statement, that M. Bouvier, the French Foreign Minister, returns to Paris to-day. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 21st September.— It is stated in Paris that the hitch
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  • 30 852 M. Witte to visit Kaiser. (The (Sfasiutisclier Llondls Service.) Berlin, 2t)lh September.—Al. Witte is to pass through Berlin and will probably be received in audience by the Kaiser Wilhelm.
    (The “ (Sfasiutisclier Llondls Service.)  -  30 words
  • 47 852 Further Trouble. London, 20th September.— It is reported in Rome that the Somaliland Mullah has complained to Italy of the raids of certain Mijertain tribes from the Italian sphere. The attempt of Italian warships Io arrange a settlement through the Sultan &lt;&gt;l the Mijertains has failed
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  • 63 852 More German Reverses. {Supplied, by Reuter. London, 21st, September.—The Hottentot Chief Witbooi, German East Africa,, is evading General Trot has sweeping movement and has captured a, German convoy near Kietmanshoep. '1 he escort of the convoy was surprised ami practically annihilated- A thousand cattle, 122 wagons (some laden
    {Supplied, by Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 103 852 Speech from the Throne. (The Ostnsiafischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 20th September. —The speech from the Netherlands Throne mentions the mprovement in the economical situation m Java and announces that the imposition of inew taxes in the Netherlands Indies is inevitable, but, they will only be imposed upon the
    (The “ Ostnsiafischer Lloyd's ' Service.)  -  103 words
  • 62 852 Reception of Miss Roosevelt. (Supplied by Renter.) London. 21st September.—Reuter’s Seoul correspondent wires that Aliss Alice Roosevelt had a state reception on her arrival at Seoul and was conveyed to the United States Legation in a royal palanquin, the roads being guarded by police and gendarmes. She was welcomed
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  62 words
  • 265 852 Lord Curzon on Education. (Echo Special.) Simla, 21st September. —Lord Curzon, the retiring Viceroy of India, has commenced to make farewell speeches. In addressing the officers of the Indian Education Department ho emphasised the fact that education was the most important factor for the gradual spread of self-government in
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  • 626 852 Alr. H C. Robinson appears m i a most interesting trip to fl lave boundry of Pahang and up to theT?* 11 of Gunong Tahan, says the Malav ami he has brought, back with him markably fine collection of specimen* of birds. Some species of these have
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  • Public Opinion.
    • 430 853 jo iue Editor of the Straits Echu. Dear Sik.— ln your issue of 11th inst.,’ j er the heading of “Smile Seed, you have an amusing letter, supposed to be from voung married lady to a friend. A perusal p f'tliis letter tells the most casual reader
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    • 272 853 to the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, —It was with feelings of unlounded interest that the news of the pass,ng of the Muslim Trusts Bill, as reproduced in the columns of the people’s ptper, the Echo, was read in the Muslim bciety at its
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  • 1067 853 Ist I rize *75 plus Echo Free for I Year, 2nd Prize 825 plus Echo Free for 6 Months. N otes are coming in fast and thick, and the first count will be made next Tuesday or Wednesday when the result, to that date, will be published.
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  • Page 853 Advertisements
    • 48 853 COUPON. s 1 "ECHO” I g Beauty Competition. Write the name distinctly. e I consider the handsomest man in 9 Ye. British Malaya is W iri i S G Name S rTt M Please register this vote for him. m Signature Address B i Penang /.905. S S
      48 words

  • 468 854 List of Subscriptions. Mr Leong Fee *2OO Eu Tong Sen 150 Yau Tek Seng 150 Gan Ngoh Bee 150 Cheah Cboou Seug... 100 '[’an Chin Chee 30 Lim Ah Cham 20 Beh Nam Tin 20 Ki Tek Thye 20 Leong Kbuan Chau 10 Fung Kui Fun 10
    468 words
  • 165 854 Per Sunda, from London 18th Sept., Miss Simpson. Miss L. A. Bagot, Mr. D. St L. Parsons. Dr. 'J'. S. Wood, Mr Buckmaster, Mr. E. M. Scott, Mr.\\ .E. Michell, and Mrs. Michell and infant. Per Van Outhoorn, from Padang 18th Sept. Mr. and Mi&gt; Goodsman and Mr. Carey.
    165 words
  • 44 854 Bjrths. On the 11th September, at Broadfields, Singapore, the wife of W. IL Shelford. of a son. On the 25th August* at Pali Hill. Bandora. Bombay, the wife of H. B. Pike, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, of a son.
    44 words
  • 124 854 Pknang, 21st Sehiember. (By courtesy of the Chartered Batch.) London Demand Bank ...2/1 3 6 4 months’ sight Bank ...2 3 Credit ...2/1 3 Documentary ...2 I}| Calcutta. Domand Bank lis. 157 3 days’ sight Private 159 Bombay, Demand Bank 157 3 days’ sight* Private 159 ‘Madras, Demand Bank
    124 words
  • 146 854 Goid leaf 1, /5. B-lepper(W. Coast 3lbs.5 0z) )llt t Whiu Pepper 7'rang Peprxsr 1 Cloves (picked) ’'“«««er Mace "’“.y Mace Pickings Sugar i ■&gt; ,J 10 ikskei 1 apioca r lour 1 n h'Ohuer, "■■''(T-a...- Gutta J ,;oude 280.-*' 20,Vnambong 2f&gt;o India Rubber k) 2s- Rottans Rottans Coarse
    146 words
  • 178 854 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ld. 6,—se/feri Bersa wah Gold M ming Co., Ld. S 12, Brieh Rubber Syndicate, Ld.s sprem. buyers Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld. 6.25 buuea Duff Development Co. $9. —se//eiv Fraser A Neave, Ld $lOl. hyeri George’Town Dispensarv Js. Howarth Erskine. L«k s’-30. sellers Karangan
    178 words