The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 15 September 1905

Total Pages: 24
803 826 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 816 803 What is Liberty (Friday, 8 Bei>td) [luterwoyeu is tin* love of liberty wit it every ligament of the heart. IVdtdi ington. In a recent issue \ve ventured to criticise the action of the Hongkong authorities in preventing the loval hiiinese citizens of the northern colony •roui holding a public meeting
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  • 238 803 Uo.M.MIINTIXG Upon the Ihe Boycott. latest news from China respecting the boycott, the Sydney lunes says that the agitation is no flutier of fanatics—no Boxer demonstration. It is a young China movement. The students are intelligently pursuing a course dictated by internal prid-, and as there is a
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  • 115 803 Employees in a Dilemma. The Government, having taken over the affaiis of the Opium Farm, has no further use for some hundred or more Chinese opii m cooks and wrappers, who were brought up from Pounng l>v the Opium Farmer, s<ys the Bangkok 'l'mies Tliese num have
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  • 213 803 An Ugly Rumouk. iuh laJes’ tumour to hand is to the effect that theCrowH Agents are to be given all the Tanjottg Pagar com facts, etc. If such is the case the community ought to endeavor to emigrate, say the Straits Tinies. For Government to take over a,
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  • Page 803 Advertisements
    • 133 803 Yhe Stjpx&its lEloiio. .1 M. I I 351> Jusuce satisfiescverybody and. just ice alone. Ein-i-■'«ii. Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Lt.!., pfo. 226 —232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILiWL'AL 524 perjtiminu OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) 815 CABLE ADDRESS; 2 Echo
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  • 117 804 Ko Secret Agreement The Tokio Demonstrations. Praise from Germany. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th September. —It is authoritatively stated in St. Petersburg that no secret arrangement whatever has been made with Japan. London, 7th September.—Reuter’s Tokio correspondent wires that the rioting ceased at midnight on Tuesday. It is estimated
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  117 words
  • 151 804 Another Final Blow. Discretion Rewarded. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th September, —Reuter's Tokio correspondent wires that the Japanese defeated the Russians in north-eastern Corea on the Ist instant in a, series of sharp engagements while the remnant of the Russian force in Saghalien was crushed on the 30th
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  151 words
  • 49 804 The Sultan’s Submission. (Supplied, by Reu er,) London, Bth September. —Morocco has acceded to all the demands of Franc? and is making a public apology for the arrest of the French Algerian chief. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 7th September. -The relations between France ami Morocco have improved.
    (Supplied, by Reu er,)  -  49 words
  • 101 804 Wholesale Slaughter. British Subjects in Danger. (Supplied by Renter.) London, Bth September. —The situation in the Caucasus is growing continually more alarming. Hundreds of persons have been shot by the infantry and <ti tiib*ry, while at Balakhany, near Baku, a t housand have b-eu killed and wounded during
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  101 words
  • 548 804 Is it a Guilty Conscience? (Supplied, by Renter.) Berlin, 7th September.—A portion of the German press expresses apprehension of Japanese designs upon Kiaochau, but the German Government, repudiates such ideas as unworthy of German newspapers and manifests its confidence in Japan. A typhoon from the E. S. E. passed
    (Supplied, by Renter.)  -  548 words
  • 606 804 RaNG J 11 AVei B ran <l head of the OkEmpire Refonn Association, av cnee lo several newspaper nieu m the Waldorf, New York kt Chinese boycott of goods from die ‘r States ami Chinese exclusion, he Sai(l T from the Chinese point of view
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  • 656 805 Jj CKO FEA N I) Il<> W’ N EI u'e regret to have to record a very sad .Irowuing’wa l ll Inch happened ill the ip „reS"iini n| inr Club on Satuidtiv, by 4-. h Mr. A. Birnbaum, a young German, Liploved’with Messrs. Belin Meyer A
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  • 5891 805  -  BY VIOLA GRAEME, author of /M,„/ o/ c// o/ A0,•,•,//'„<’ S',,//' < ’/M “J //oz/zz/ IbM." e £j™ s 'W' '<■/,.„■„0 Path,” 77,,. 7 11-,,,,?’ Chapter 111. "Loves Young Dream." O ci her warm cheek and rising bosom move The bloom of young Desire, and purple Light
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  • 469 809 The Effect of denying it to the People of Hongkong. (Monday, 11 Sept.) The ill-advised action of the Governtin deliberately throttling freedom •f speech in Hongkong when, on the 12th August, the leading Chinese residents of ”the Colony desired to hold a üblic meeting for the purpose
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  • 611 809 The Government Gazette M News. notifies that, on and after pjA, the 14th day of October, h the rate of postage to be charged inp t P os ted in the Straits Settles an( l addressed to any place in the i f Federate»! Alalav States, or height
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  • 600 809 Sharp Fighting. Ai Menado in the North the troubles date from the beginning of June on the occasion of the murder at Tamborana. Ihe relations of the Government and the Tonapoe tribe were bad so that already it was thought necessary to bring the Mountain
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  • 310 810 Anarchy in Caucasia. British Subjects Slaughtered. General Bloodshed and Starvation. (Supplied by Reuter London, 9th September. —The latest telegrams received from the Caucasus are vague and confused and it is impossible to say whether the rising is spreading or subsiding. Against reassuring official telegrams are to be placed private
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  310 words
  • 144 810 The Earthquake. Enormous Death-Roll. (The Ostasiastischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 9th September.—Both Mount Vesuvius and Mount Stromboli are in eruption and the earthquake in Calabria has claimed many victims. Berlin, 10th September.—lt is estimated that two thousand persons have been killed and ten thousand injured as the result of the
    (The “ Ostasiastischer Lloyd's " Service.)  -  144 words
  • 59 810 Norway Sweden. Disunion Question Settled. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 9th September. —The question of the dissolution of the union between Norway and Sweden has been settled, with the exception of the question of the dismantling of the fortresses. It is rumoured that the Chief of the Military, General llulsen,
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.)  -  59 words
  • 66 810 Germany America. Proposed Commercial Treaty. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 9th September.—President Roosevelt has declared to Baron Speck von Sternberg, the German Ambassador, that the compromises asked by Germany for the conclusion of a German-American Commercial Treaty are impossible in view of the Dingley Bill. Besides, the Reichstag would hardly
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's " Service.)  -  66 words
  • 46 810 Seriously ill in New York. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th September.—Baron Komura, the Japanese Peace Plenipotentiary, has been taken suddenly ill with intestinal trouble at New York and all his engagements have been postponed. His physician reports that an operation will probably be necessary.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  46 words
  • 24 810 The Franco-German Difficulty. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 9th September.—The Paris press greets Baron von Rosen's mission on the Morocco difficulty most favourably.
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  • 193 810 The cricket match played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the Chinese Recreation Club and Mr. Jalleh’s eleven resulted in a. victory for the latter team by 6 wickets and 6 runs. Appended are the scores C. R. C. Kim Geok, b Perkins 5 Teong Tat, c Jalleh
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  • 518 810 A MEETING Of the Council was hfiU Inday last Bth instant. His Governor, Sir John Anderson K c presided, and there were present the nJ?’ E. L. brockman, Acting Colonial SeciS the Attorney-General, Colonial tXS’ Auditor-General, Colonial Engineer H<, 8 Murray, W.P.wSM atid J. Anderson. The absentees were
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  • 982 811 y oV Will Never Get More Unless You Are Worth It. (Saturday, 9 Sept.) Among the young men who are fond o f making sarcastic references to Fate because they have not been more successful this expression is very common “I’ni earning
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  • 820 811 A good deal of feeling The Public has, according to London Trustee Bill. Idablic 0] diiiou, been roused among lawyers by the Public Trustee Bill. It is avowedly a measure to enable private individuals, if thev wish, to command the sei vices of Government officials in lhe contiol
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  • 1294 812 11... Mr. Pykett Interviewed. Last Thursday it was mentioned that we bad obtained the views of the Head Masters of our leading educational establishments respecting the alleged intention of Government to abolish the Queen’s Scholarships, and on that occasion we published a report of an interview
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  • 596 812 Ihe Boycott ok AM EEICiN '1 he liens from Ainov is not f citiug character. The cue subjlfU?’ •the minds of the native present moment is the boreottiV “I tht American trade. EvervthiL trom the United States' is to S be X I°* rejected by all l,
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  • 162 813 The Tokio Disturbances. British and German Opinion. (Supplied by Reuter.) London- Bth September. —Reuter's Tokio correspondent wires that martial law has pXeu proclaimed in the town. The disorders wer e resumed on Thursday evening and troops are guarding the Foreign Legations. (The 11 Ostasiatischer Lloyd's” Service.) Berlin, Bth September.—The
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  162 words
  • 163 813 Famine Relief. Britishers Besieged. Reaping the Whirlwind. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Bth September.—The first sitting of a Ministerial Conference to consider relief measures for the famine-stricken districts of Russia has been held at St. Petersburg. The Conference recommended the Treasury to assign fourteen millions sterling for the purchase of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  163 words
  • 31 813 Prance Satisfied. (T4e Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, Bth September.—The Francoaloroccan difficulty is settled, the Sultan having acceded to the French demands on the advice of Count Tattenbach, the German Envoy.
    (T4e “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  31 words
  • 54 813 Irte “Yellow Peril’’ Bogey. (The 'Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Bth September.—The reports of a B P e ®ch made by the Kaiser on receiving some Americans, as published in the Af papers, are false. The Kaiser did ot to the Yellow Peril,” but inen--I(uied Japan’s successes and his speech was
    (The 'Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ’ Service.)  -  54 words
  • 68 813 Seeadler Ashore Again (Leho Special.) Sil W<>re, 9th September.—-’The German cruiser Seeadier, which was ately ashore off Labuan, left here at jes eiday afternoon and went ashore on the Kent Rocks, twelve miles iiom here, an hour later. Several feet of her keel forward is visible at low
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  • 55 813 A Violent Earthquake. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9th September.— A violent earthquake is reported from Italy, particularly in Calabria, the southern portion of the Italian Peninsula, where 347 people have been killed and more than a dozen towns and> villages partially wrecked. The towns of 1 izzo, Monteleone and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  55 words
  • 18 813 Fleet Reaches Copenhagen. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9th September.—The British Channel fleet has arrived at Copenhagen.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  18 words
  • 943 813 [lnteresting, instructive,and amusing matter relating to schools in general and to local educational establishments in particular will appear under the above heading in this journal about once a week, and it is hoped that this new feature of the Echo may be welcomed by those in whose
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  • 1764 814 Some Real Progress. A Decision Reached at Last. Last Friday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners marked an era in the history of Penang, for unless another expert happens along with a new water scheme, all cut and dried, we are likely within the next few weeks to
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  • 288 814 China appears to be entering upon a reform which was not so very long ago the subject of lively discussion in England. According to northern papers, the Tientsin Magistrate has announced that the use of the bamboo has been abandoned, and that fines will be substituted for
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  • 1166 815 (Tuesday, 12 >S’ j pf.) It affords us great The Gambling pleasure to announce tlml Scandal. ie s 7‘ us f from the States to the effect that a lengthy petition embodying the views of a number of the leading Chinese residents of the Straits Settlements and Federated
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  • 24 815 Fusing La >a Mine The output for August from the above mine was 820 piculs of tin ore, of an approximate'value of 39,750.
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  • 369 815 At the Calcutta High Court, on 18th ultimo, Mr. Justice Stephen delivered a lengthy judgment in the case Rosa Vblvovisi<y i-x. Moses Solomon. This was a suit brought by the plaintiff against the defendant for the recovery o f Rs. 20,000 as damages for breach of promise
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  • 344 815 Obituary. Mr. Ronald F. MacArthur. It is with much regret thatw* record the death of Mr. Ronald Forbes MacArthur, which took place at i he Ge era! Hospital yesterdav evening. Mr. MacArthur had not been ailing for long and was only admitted to Hospital on Sunday evening; but it was
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  • 145 816 Russian Soldiers Jubilant. Armistice to be Arranged. Japanese Generals Resign. (Supplied by Rent- r.) London, 11th September.—There was great jubilation amongst the Russians in Manchuria on the announcement that peace was concluded and President Roosevelt was toasted everywhere. The soldiers are apprehensive of the situation at home and prefer
    (Supplied by Rent- r.)  -  145 words
  • 73 816 Another Rising. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th September. —The population of the Zanzegursk district has risen and l>een joined by fourteen thousand armed Persian Kurds. The Viceroy has made urgent representations to the Persian authorities. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 11th September. —The catastrophe at Baku is unmeasurable. On
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  73 words
  • 66 816 Country One Vast Cemetery. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th September.—The Italian Minister of Public Works has proceeded to the district of Calabria with a relief train. The country is described as one vast cemetery, the villages being wiped out and putrefying corpses littering the ground. The demented population
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  66 words
  • 60 816 Intervention Asked. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 11th September.—Norway requests the intervention of the Powers in the matter of disarming the fortresses of Norway and Sweden and draws attention to the military preparations being made by Sweden both by land and sea. Berlin, 11th Septemlier.—A conference will be held
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  60 words
  • 26 816 The Proposed Commercial Treaty. The Oslasiatischer Lloyd's "Service.) Berlin, 11th September.—The conference upon the German-American Commercial Treaty will probably be opened in November.
    ( The “ Oslasiatischer Lloyd's "Service.)  -  26 words
  • 35 816 Fatal Railway Accident. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12th September. —A crowded train was derailed in New York. The elevated car fell into the street and there were ten people killed and thirty injured.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 21 816 The St. Leger. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12th September.—All M. Blanc’s horses entered in the St. Leger have been scratched.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  21 words
  • 436 816 Land Purchase. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th September.—The Rt. Hon. Walter Huine Long, Chief Secretary for Ireland, announces that the Treasury has agreed to provide an additional twelve millions sterling by the end of 1906 for Irish land purchase. In Russia people must marry before eighty or not at
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  436 words
  • 577 816 In the Dutch East I SblEs Experimental planting o f vari her species has been carried on for time by the forestry department Dutch East Indies, and particular] Java. “De Indische Mercuur” contain resume of the progress made, derived ly from the latest annual report of tk forestry
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  • 677 817 Her Second Stranding, The Straits Times of Saturday gives the f Howiug account of the stranding of the which was towed oil on Saturday seems to follow the German ••er Seeadler. Little more than a week CrU she went ashore on the Trident Shoal a ff°Labuan and came
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  • 1473 817 I NTERCEPTED LETTER. My dearest Fanny, ’th lorn and I are as cross as a couple of bears with sore heads. You know I told J »u of the nice little bungalow we took the other day and how Tom said we should be as snug as the proverbial domestic
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  • 678 818 The Straits Tinies of 7tli inst., says As was reported yesterday a serious carriage accident happened in Johore on I he previous evening, resulting in the death of Dr. \v D. Perrv, Assistant Medical Officer. Further particulars to hand show that Dr. Perry left the Hospital
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  • 1354 818 Simla, August 31. —On the Sth instant an incident, described as “a regrettable incident, occurred Imie at. St. Bernard’s to Captain H. W. Tmdiffe of the British Army. 1 he local paper at the time in describing the same said Captain Tordiffe while attempting to
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  • 3239 819 The Menace of the Monger. ft Facts v. Fiction. Wednesday, 13 Sept.) His Excellency Sir .John Anderson has delivered many eloquent and noteworthy addresses since he arrived in the Colony about sixteen months ago. lie has also done more for the lasting welfare of British Malaya (that is,
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  • 673 820 It will be with feelimis »1 very re» l sorrow and regret that every Briton will read to-day of the sad fate w 1 has befallen Admiral Togo s. flags i p the Mikasa, the flower of the Japane fleet, in which he led the waj-a shima to
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  • 1711 821 Chinese Appeal to Goveminent. I’” Bkosi ribe Licensed Gambling IN MaLAYA. Subjoined we give the text of the petition referred to in our leading columns yesterday. Perusal of it should suffice to convince even the most sceptical of the tact that the leading Chinese of the Colony
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  • 89 822 Horrible Naval Disaster. The Cabinet and the Mikado. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th September.—The Japanese battleship Mikasa (15,200 tons, 18 guns, 18. G knots, 935 crew) caught tire and blew up. The casualties are estimated at 599. London, 12th September. —Reuter’s Tok io correspondent wires that the Members of
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  89 words
  • 190 822 General Anarchy at Baku. Two Princes Assassinated. (Supplied by Renier.) London, 12th September.—Thedespatches received from Baku yesterday afternoon state that the situation is growing worse every minute. The town is full of troops, who have practically destroyed eight quarters. The artillery, the 'Tartars and the Kurds are still busy
    (Supplied by Renier.)  -  190 words
  • 52 822 Arranging an Armistice. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th September.—Generals Fukushima and Ovanovsky, the Japanese and Russian Armistice Commissioners, are to meet at to-morrow to arrange all the details of the armistice, with the exception of the neutral zone above the Tumen River, which is to be left to
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  52 words
  • 58 822 Honours for Prince von Bulow. New Heir to Throne Expected. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 12th September.—The Kaiser Wilhelm, who is at Coblenz, has showered special distinctions upon Prince von Bulow, the German Chancellor, creating him a Major-General of the Royal Hussars. Berlin, 12th September.—ll. is announced from Bonn
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  58 words
  • 41 822 The Proposed Conference (The "Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.") beilin, 12th September.-An i ln a •ng as to the place at which tl Conference is to be held is arrived at short I v and Cadiz will n be selected. Z WIU
    (The "Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.")  -  41 words
  • 35 822 Fleet Leaves Copenhagen. (S applied by Reuter.) London, 13th September.—The Rriiu Channel Meet has left Copenhagen having met with a most friendly recepH» which the presence of Queen Alexandru m» f i accentuated.
    (S applied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 17 822 The St. Leger. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th September.—Cicero has been scratched for the St. Leger.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  17 words
  • 39 822 The Trans-Continental Railway. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th September.—Professor Darwin, the President of the British Association, lias formally opened the Great Victoria Falls Bridge over the Zambesi River, in the presence of the members of the British Association.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 49 822 Army Reform. Simla. 12th September.—lt is reported here that the new Army Reform Scheme is not likely to come into force on the 1 st October, because Lord Curzon is holding it over to be dealt with by Lord Minto, who arrives at Bombay on the 3rd November.
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  • 203 822 RikLha Coolies on Strike. Taiping, 13th Sept.—The Taiping rikisha coolie-* went out on strike this morning. No rikishas are plying for hire and the public are greatly inconvenienced thereby. Mr. John, a member of the well-known firm of Colombo brokers, is now in Seyui^’ 1 He has been visiting
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  • 1672 823 (Thursday, 14 St-yt.) A CORRESPONDENT «of Cholera Cure the Madras Alai I claims to have tried a well-nigh infallible cure for cholera with entirely satisfactory results. In a communication to our Madras contemporary he says Since my stay in India for twenty-eight veM rs I was twice attacked
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  • 104 824 RUSSIAN ENVOYS RETURN. Baron Komura’s Illness. Papal Congratulations for Japan. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th September.—The Russian Peace Plenipotentiaries have sailed from New York on their return journey to Russia. Baron Komura starts on Thursday, despite bis illness. London, 14th September. —It is believed that Baron Komura is suffering
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  104 words
  • 198 824 The Mikasa Disaster. Universal Expressions of Sympathy. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 13th September.—The newspapers express the most profound sympathy with Japan over the Mikasa disaster and recall similar disasters which have occurred in the British navy. The Mikasa was anchored at Sasebo at the time and the fire started
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  198 words
  • 34 824 Incendiarism and Plunder. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th September.—Firing continues on the outskirts of Baku and incendiarism and plunder are rife at Balakhany. Many factories on the Volga are in want of fuel.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  34 words
  • 23 824 Cabinet Resigns. London, 13th September.—The Hungarian Cabinet has resigned, owing to the refusal of the Emperor Francis Joseph to grant universal suffrage.
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  • 24 824 The St. Leger. (S’upjph'ed by Reuter.) London, 14th September.—The result of the St. Leger is as follows :—Challacombe (1)» Folymelus (2),Cherry Lass (3).
    (S’upjph'ed by Reuter.)  -  24 words
  • 47 824 Imperial Advice. (The Ostadatischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 13th September. —Speaking at Coblenz, the Emperor Wilhelm, specially addressing the Rhinish population, accentuated the importance of the great culture problem, which he said the Germans must solve by peaceful work, with a united interior and a resolute exterior.
    (The “ Ostadatischer Lloyds ’ Service.)  -  47 words
  • 41 824 International Mediation. (The Ostasiastischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 13th September.—The Ambassadors of the Powers at Stockholm, including the German Ambassador, are to mediate in the warlike development of the quarrel between Norway and Sweden over the question of dismantling the fortresses.
    (The “ Ostasiastischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  41 words
  • 222 824 Two Sensible Babas. (Echo Special.) Tronoh, 13th September.—A grand celebration took place in the rest-house at Tronoh to-day on the occasion of the cutting off of the queues of two Penang babas, Messrs. Khong Choon Tak and Wong Yaik Cheong. Punctually at noon, in the presence of
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  • 193 824 According to a Calcutta wire of 31st ulto. it is feared that there may be no rice crop over large areas of the Sibsagar district owing to all the lower-lying tracts of rice land towards the Brahmapootra being inundated by floods in that river. Not only
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  • 1075 824 Just as we wore Uoiim m ceived the following:— 688 We reDear Mr. Editor.—l ain enter for a busband tioner S appointment at the HobXF step that way. My affections fog Inm- Can you Truly yours, We are sorry that we canu[t hetoL ady reader. She
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  • 393 825 With apologies to lluclyard Kipling.) The Municipality call them drains and we have to pay rates tor their upkeep, but the one that runs in front of our little bungalow seems to be a cross between a cesspool and a dyeworks. —Edith, in Straits Echo. Wot makes Penangites’
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  • 39 825 The Chief Police Officer courteously supplies the following return of dogs shot outside Municipal limits, Penang Island: Number of dogs previous!v killed 7563 Number of dogs killed during the week ending Septemlier, 9th. 158 Total 7721
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  • 546 825 hi another Richmond in the field The other day it was Singapore that shocked us: This time it is Hongkong which lias perpetrated the awful deed of boldly adding to t he insufferable nuisance created by ‘these horrid independent papers.' The new-born babe has been eh listened Hongkong
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  • Public Opinion.
    • 590 826 4 To the Editor of hie Sira ns Echo. S IR> —I beg that vou will insert the following as an answer to A. Papa's article on milk. I the undersigned can supply fresh milk without water A reasonable price will be charged. Yours obediently, (Sgd) Cuppamuthoo Pillai.
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  • 21 826 The following is the output for the months of July ami August Total ore raised Pkls. 8270.12 Value $369,848.17
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  • 120 826 Per Sealda, from Rangoon 9th Sept. Major J. Henegan and Mrs Meanatchy. Per Malacca, from Singapore: 11th Sept. Messrs. Hiek and Von Boulow. Per Lightning, from Singapore 11th Sept. Mr. P. R. Warren. From Hongkong Mr. Wong Tse Tin. Per Malaya, from Deli 14th Sept. Messrs. Yea Soon Sen
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  • 115 826 Births. On the 6th August, at Shanghai, to Air. and Mrs. Bernard Firth, a daughter. On the 25th August, at Shanghai, the wife of H. W. Buckland, of a daughter. On the 28th August at Kowloon, the wife of F. C. Butcher, of a son. On the sth
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  • 120 826 Penang,lsth September. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Landon Demand Bank ...2/lj 4 months’ sight Bank ...2 1 3 Credit ...2/l| 3 Documentary ...2 I}{i Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 157 3 days’ sight Private 159 Bombay, Demand Bank 157 3 days’ sight Private 159 Madras, Demand Bank 157 3
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  • 184 826 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ld. g g BersawaliGoid MiningUo., Ld $l3 »7* Syndicate, i;d.s5 Few lyusen Hydraulic Im Minim, J Duff Development Co. Fraser Neave, Ld »100— b, )eri George t own Dispensary $25 Howarth Erskine, Ld. tem Karan gan Hydraulic Tin Minin» Co., Ltd >t> KmtaTm Mmes, Ltd
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  • 140 826 Gold leaf $75. B.Pepper (W. Coast 31b5.50z.) out of stock While Pepper $3" sellers Trang Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out oj season Mace 70 -seders Mace Pickings 50 7osale< Nutmegs 110 s sales r No. 1 610 none Sugar < 2 no stock. Basket 5 skiers Tapioca Flour
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