The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 8 September 1905

Total Pages: 28
775 802 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 1388 775 Will the Dying Nations Wake Up? (Friday, 1 Sept.) The above is the caption under which some of the leading European monthlies, as well as a number of London and provincial journals, discuss the pros and cons of the rejuvenation of decrepit and semi-comatose States, which in some well-informed quarters
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  • Page 775 Advertisements
    • 123 775 rplie Straits Echo, W& ?4*S~,S ,y iMctircsatinHeseverybixly and justice alone. K/neraon. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TIIK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE daily loca l $24 per annitiu OUTSTATIONS Postage Exira. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLE A I) Dll ESS; Echo
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  • 93 776 FURTHER UNITED 1905. Unity is Strength.” London, Ist Sept. —Reuter learns that an Anglo-Japanese agreement was signed between Lord Lansdowne and Viscount Hayashi on the 12th ultimo, which affords mutual guarantees for the protection of Anglo-Japanese interests, even if they are only threatened by a single hostile Power,
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  • 83 776 BREAKING THE NEWS. Witte’s Prediction of Prestige. /IA A J 7 I. i I 1 (Supplied Li/ liter.) London, 31st August.—M. Wife in telegram to the Tsar announcing the coi? elusion of peace, says, I have the honour to report that .Japan has agreed to vour demands concerning the
    (Supplied Li/ liter.)  -  83 words
  • 345 776 British. (Supplied l>i/ Heuter.) London, 31st August.—The papers dwell upon Japan's solid gains by peace, while City circles are greatly impressed bv the sagacity of Japan in choosing the present moment to end the war in view of the impending commercial development of China, wherein Japan will be
    (Supplied l>i/ Heuter.)  -  345 words
  • 164 776 Magnificent Successes (77,.; Oslasialischer LW» Berlin, 31st August.—The German press is nearly unanimous in stating tha without an indemnity, the Jap inese slice es over the war are magnificent and a decisive future for her world policy. North Gsrman Gazette. 31st August. —The NorddeutsL °?'Xmeine Zeining (North German d‘
    (77,.; Oslasialischer LW» " «« ««•)  -  164 words

  • 87 777 Novoe Vremya. (Supplied by Heater.) London, 31st August. —The Novoe Vremya, St. Petersburg, considers that the conclusion of peace is disastrous to Russia. Listok. The Peterburgsky Listok, St. Petersburg, welcomes the conclusion of peace as enabling Russia to create internal reforms. Svet. The Svet, St. Petersburg, thinks that all
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  87 words
  • 50 777 Amazement Expressed. (Echo Special.) Tientsin, Ist Sept.—The Peace terms were received here with incredulity and afterwards with amazement at Peking. The Waiwupu has wired the terms to all the Viceroys, requesting at the same time their views on the coining Manchurian negotiations between China and Japan. Peking threatens trouble.
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  • 52 777 Not Demonstrative. (Supplied by Heater.) London, Ist September. Reuter’s Tokio oiriespondent wires that the details of the cans of peace are still unknown to the T<niese public, who regard the conclusion peace without jiving wav to anv e, uuistiations ot rejoicing. Undoubtedly ‘C concessions made by Japan to Russia
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  52 words
  • 195 777 To the Envoys. (Supplied by Heater.) August.—Piesident Roose‘as congratulated the Russian and a Peace Plenipotentiaries on securing both si<l s j Ust and honourable to T To the Kaiser. e Lloyd's'' Service.) velt h llU 31st Au gust. President Loose teleor replied iu ,he fol) owing words to a
    (Supplied by Heater.)  -  195 words
  • 48 777 Probably the Last Eight. (Supplied by Heater London, Ist September.—'• ield Marshal Oyama reports that extensive lighting took place on the 2/tli ultimo to the north east of Usingesing and other places, resulting in the repulse of the Russian attacks and the capture of their positions.
    (Supplied by Heater )  -  48 words
  • 139 777 Erance’s Reply. (77m Ostasiatischer Lloyd's'' Service.) Berlin, 31st August.—The replv from France to Germany on the Morocco question is promised to-day. Count Tattenbach is insisting upon the release of the French prisoners by the Sultan of Morocco. The Sultan’s Obstinacy. (Supplied by Healer.) London, 31st August.—ln consequence of the
    (77m “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's'' Service.)  -  139 words
  • 71 777 The British Eleet’s Visit. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 31st August. —The British Channel squadron is distributed between Neufahrwasser, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Bluejackets at Supper. London, Ist September,—'The Burgomaster of Swinemundeentei t ained a hundred and twenty British bluejackets at supper yesterday and a party of British officers
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.)  -  71 words
  • 42 777 A Cholera Scare. London, Ist September.—'The German authorities are taking vigorous steps to cope with a threatened outbreak of cholera, twelve cases and six deaths having occurred in the vallev of the Vistula. A case of cholera is reported from Hamburg.
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  • 57 777 The Total Eclipse. (Supplied by It ch ter.) London, 31st August.—A clear view of the eclipse of the sun was obtained at Sfax, in Tunis, at the moment of totality. The natives shouted for joy when the sun re-appeared. Successful observations were also made at Burgos, in Spain,
    (Supplied by It ch ter.)  -  57 words
  • 519 777 Preference for Echo as an Advertising Medium. On the 15th we received a very gratifying communication from one of the leading firms in Penang ami, being naturally desirous to let our light shine before men, promptly inserted an excerpt from it reading as follows I have
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  • 2072 778 Remarkable Disclosures From Within. A Heartrending Story. BY A CHINESE OFFICIAL I arrived at Johannesburg in December. 1903. A little while after 1 had arrived the great struggle for Chinese Labour began, which ended in a victory for the mineowners, to the great discontent of the
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  • 2998 779 use the soul is progres.'ive, it never quite repeals u hut in every art attempts the production of a new S fairer whole -Emerson. Advertising is not merely a device to obtain business; its foundation rests on much surer ground. It is a need of the coniinunity
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  • 351 780 A Chance for Sportsmen. What seems to be an exceptional chance for Hongkong sportsmen to obtain some good big game shooting at present offers near Canton, says the China Mail. Mr. Sung Kok Pang, of No. 29 Hollywood Road, informs us that lie has received a letter
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  • 231 780 A Hongkong H unt The China Mail thus desfrli meet of the Kowloon Foxhounds place on the road opposite t’u p Ground at 5 o’clock in the would be invidious to inentiot'/tU,"'” 1 1 the score or so of ladies and assembled together, but one mar I» < n’ U
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  • 393 780 Wild elephants are generally considered an unmitigated nuisance by the peaceful cultivator, but apparently in parts of Burma they are as much the friends of man in their feral as in the domesticated state. The Indian Forester contains the following interesting note from the pen of
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  • 57 781 Its Importance Realized, British Press Satisfied. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Ist September.—The Press comments show satisfaction at the renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and recognises its vast importance. Defence of India. London, 2nd September.—lt is reported in several quarters that the new AngloJapanese Agreement expressly covers the contingency
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 582 781 The Armistice Question. London, Ist September.—According to Reuter’s Portsmouth correspondent, Japan, through Baron Komura, has agreed to an immediate armistice. It is understood that Baron Komura sails from Seattle for Japan on the 20th inst. and will not visit the Dominion of Canada as invited by that Government. Exchanging
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  • 30 781 A Massacre in Progress. (Sup/died by Reuter,) London, Ist September.—The town of Shunsha, in the Caucasus, is being besieged by Tartars, who are massacring tbe Armenians in the vicinity.
    (Sup/died by Reuter,)  -  30 words
  • 31 781 The Nippon Yusen Kaisha. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Ist September. —The Nippon Yusen Kaisha is about to conclude contracts with Clyde shipbuilders for the building of eight new liners.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  31 words
  • 37 781 A Settlement Arrived at. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, Ist September.—The Morocco difficulty between France and Germany has been settled except that the place for the meeting of the International Conference has not been decided upon.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  37 words
  • 40 781 Testimonial to the President (The Oslasiashscher Lloyd s Service.) Berlin, Ist September. —A subscription is being raised in I’rance for the presentation of a gift of honom to President Loubet on the occasion of his resignation of the I’resiliency.
    (The “ Oslasiashscher Lloyd s Service.)  -  40 words
  • 43 781 Financial Matters. (The. Oslasialischer Lloyds Sei rice.) Berlin, Ist September.—Germany s finances show a debit balance of eight million.-, for 1904, which is chargeable to 1906, 1 cause ten millions has been expended upon invalid-,’ endowments. Otherwise there is a sui plus.
    (The. “ Oslasialischer Lloyds Sei rice.)  -  43 words
  • 23 781 Outbreak in Galicia. (Suppiicd by Reuter.) London, Ist September. Several cases of cholera are reported from the province of Galicia, in Austria-Hungary.
    (Suppiicd by Reuter.)  -  23 words
  • 20 781 The British Fleet’s Visit. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 2nd September.- lhe British channel squadron is now at Dantzig.
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  20 words
  • 33 781 The Sunken Seeadler. the, llsfasiat'schcr L'oyds' Service.) Berlin, Ist September.—The sunken German liner Seeadler has been refloated. (Echo Special,) Labuan, Ist September.— lhe sunken Germ. hi liner Seealder was refloated yesterday morning.
    ( the, " llsfasiat'schcr L'oyds' Service.)  -  33 words
  • 32 781 Ten Killed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2nd September.—The Great Eastern Railway Company’s express train from London to Cromer has been derailed with a loss of ten killed and twenty injured.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 48 781 Fire at Kampa. (Echo Special.) Kainpar, 2nd September.—A big lire broke out hero at two o’clock this morning ami six wooden shop buildings, with their contents, were burnt out in the space of a couple of hours. The police were in attendance with their lire appliances.
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  • 22 781 Surrender of a Rajah. (Echo Special.) Soerabaya, Ist September.—The Rajah of Wadjo surrendered on tbe approach of the Dutch troops.
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  • 135 781 (Echo Special.) Taiping, 2nd Sept.— Perak Rifle Association Meeting commenced this morning. Conditions favourable, weather fine, but hazy. A large attendance of outstation members. Mr. Belfield, the Resident of S‘d;ingor, i-> competing. The Vanishing 'l’arget Contest (confined to members of the I’. R. A.) fell to Captain
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  • 1339 782 J n the Third Magistrate’s Court, before Mr. Smith-Steinmetz, yesterday afternoon, Oh Kay Hock, formerly of Chop Sin Lee Chuan’ of Beach Street, was charged with assaulting a public servant in the execution of his duty and also with voluntarily causing hurt to a Chetty.
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  • 120 782 Ihe Matin publishes a lon<r u > fending General Sliiessel aeaiusf y lneli have been made uoon hi,„ j t,acV lion willi the surrender of Port 1 .1* The article, which emanates from tb. oral bin,self, and front Madam" S±’ tepeals ihe statements which the f,, made
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  • 484 782 SOME AMAZING FIGURES. A St. Petersburg correspondent recently sent the following remarkable summary of the money spent by Russia—apart from the present war—on the schemes of Far Eastern expansion which now appear to have been definitely checked by the Japanese victories in Manchuria and
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  • 1665 783 Ist Prize: £75 plus Echo Free for 1 Year. 2nd Prize: *25 plus Echo Free for 6 .Months. (Saturday, 2 Se/d.) After <he storm comes the calm. After the bitter you have the sweet. After war comes a dullness which occasionally requires no little ingenuity on the part
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  • 242 784 Office Tamby. Highest Authorities’ Opinions OvER-anxiety to be beautiful is to be half ugly. Scriver. I am of opinion that there is nothing so beautiful but that there is something more lyeautiful.— Cicero. Fair tresses man’s imperial race ensnare, And beauty draws us with a single hair. —Pope.
    Office Tamby.  -  242 words
  • 478 784 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear .1 am very glad to see that you’ve hit upon such a good idea as a Beauty Competition, for it will amuse a lot of us. It seems to me to be arranged very carefully. The Rules are quite
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  • 396 784 At the meeting of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, held at Sirinewasa,” the residence of Mr. Ph. Freudenberg, a short time ago, it will be remembered that H. E. the Governor made the announcement that in an ancient Sanskrit work, Susruta, mention had
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  • 1114 784 Interesting, instructive,and amusing m. tt relating to schools in general and to T cational establishments in particular appear under the above heading in this jour a J about once a week, and it i s honed that <?• new feature of the iW,, may be welcomed those
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  • Page 784 Advertisements
    • 37 784 COUPON. “ECHO” 1 Beauty Competition. I Write the name distinctly. at x 5 S! I consider the handsomest man in It British Malaya is O Please register this vote lor him. a Signature T Penang 190'). a
      37 words

  • 183 785 Ihe Viceroy of Kansu memorializes as to the working of a lead mine in Mongolia for lhe supply of the provincial forces with mllets. The bullets used for target practice all the soldiers in Kansu are imported 101,1 Shanghai and 'Tientsin, the cost per ■fl) catties, i.icluding
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  • 1372 785 My Dearest lanny, 1 expect you have been having a great time over the concluloii o peace. Here we aie not much i\cn to nialleking so we took the announcement fairly quietly, though I am sure that lorn had an extra stengah or two at the Aub, tor
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  • 786 786 Saturday’s Shooting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 2nd September. —The I’erak Riffe Association’s annual shoot commenced to-day under splendid conditions, the weather being fine and clear and the arrangements perfect. There was a large attendance of members of the Association, the outstations being fully represented. 'The Resident
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  • 401 786 Relations Reviewed. The Asahi has the following observations on the impending change in AngloJapanese relations:—A Reuter message states that the British Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs has announced that the Anglo-Japanese Alliance is to be continued, and that the leaders of the Opposition have eYpressed hearty approval
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  • 660 786 A Viceroy’s Memorial os the Sc SJEct Following is a f, w translation „f memorial fonvanled by Viceroy Chow R tim Emperor ..t Cl,ma „„<l p„l,|i s w l Shanghai Mercury, from which we 1? tbal the full text appeared in the Sb±2 vernacular journals on the 10th
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  • 753 787 Great Movement to Uplift the Ancient Empire. (Monday, 4 Sept.) We publish elsewhere in this issue a most interesting and important appeal to the Chinese, from Mr. Lee Teng Hui, calling upotn them to come forward at the present moment to support the World’s Chinese Students’ Federation, which
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  • 325 787 Canton, August 21. Training Military Surgeons. Taotai Weu aud the director of the Chinese Military College were to be entertained at lunch yesterday at the Victoria Hotel by a Japanese doctor who is about to commence training a number of Chinese students for the purpose of becoming surgeons
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  • 188 787 PC C v f C.R.C. (Sv ppi. London, 4th Chinese. from Portsmouth that the (8 o f Saturpoint in the peace negotiations arranged ami both parties agree fortify Saghalien or the Perouse Straits. The Treaty. London, 4th September.—lt is expected that the Treaty of Peace l>et ween Russia and
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  • 74 787 The Coming Loan. (The Oslatsiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 2nd September.—The Berliner Tageblatt’s Lomlon correspondent states that probably fifty millions sterling of the Russian loan will be placed in France and Germany. The Tsar’s Clemency. (Supplied by KenJer.) London, 4th September.—Several of the mutineers of the Potemkine are voluntarily leaving
    (The “ Oslatsiatischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  74 words
  • 55 787 France Reassured. London, 2ml September.—The French piess finds that the renewed Anglo-Japan-ese Alliance is, in view of the Anglo-French entente, mure reassuring than disturbing. A Guarantee of Peace.” (The Oslasiatisrher Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 2nd September,—The German prebS regards the conclusion of the renewed Anglo Japanese Alliance calmly as
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  • 90 787 France Demands Reparation. London, 2nd September.—M. Tai Handier, the French Envoy, has handed to the Sultan of Morocco an ultimatum demanding complete reparation and an apology worded in specified terms for the imprisonment of the French Algerian chief by the Moroccan a ut horit ies. Franco-German Dispute, Lomlon, 4th
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  • 120 788 British Squadron Feted. (Supplied by Reuter Loudon, 2nd Septemlier.—The British Channel squadron* has met with a most cordial reception at Dant zig. A great programme of sports has been arranged and two thousand men have been landed from the fleet to take part in them. The Kaiser’s Greeting.
    (Supplied by Reuter )  -  120 words
  • 143 788 The Cholera Scare. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 2nd Septemlier. —It is officially notified that cholera has broken out in West Prussia at Posen and there has been one case at Hamburg. Thorough precautions are being taken by the authorities and the outbreak 4 has not reached the dimensions
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  143 words
  • 31 788 Reinforcements. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 4th September. —The Austraiu Lloyd steamer Koerber has sailed from Port Said for Dar-es-Salam, in German West Africa, with 232 German troops on board.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  31 words
  • 42 788 The Porte Obstinate. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 4th September.—A Note from the Portp rejects the scheme put forward by the Ambassadors for the European Powers for the control of the finance of Macedonia, but the Powers will persist iu their demands.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  42 words
  • 45 788 An Alleged Outrage. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 3rd September. —A party of Chinese attacked an Indian hut at Kleinfoutein Estate, South Africa, and hacked the inmates with knives, disembowelling one and injuring three. Twenty Chinese have been arrested in connection with the affair.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  45 words
  • 1215 788 An Appeal to the Chinese. By A Chinese Scholar and Patriot. Dear Friend and Compatriot, The secret of the greatness of England as a nation is to be found, I believe, in the immediate and ready response of her sons to her call in every crisis.
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  • 683 789 -ruv reoort of the General Manager to the ..5.E aX»U»u «old Mining Co fol 1" weeks ending 12tl> August, reads 1 T betr to submit my monthly report on J r mining and milling operations. rrhe mine measurements and assay results f prospecting work show a total of
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  • 398 789 Voluntarily Wound Up. A general meeting of shareholders in this company was held at Hongkong on the 18th August, to consider the winding up of the company. Mr. J. A. Jupp who took the chair said:—At the last general meeting of the company the Chairman stated
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  • 1241 789 P.C.C. re. C.R.C. Victory for the Chinese As announce»! in our columns of Saturday s issue this most interesting contest came off on the Esplanade on that afternoon and was witnessed by a large crowd of enthusiastic onlookers. When the two teams met on the pavilion, cricket critics who
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  • 557 790 Report of Directors. The report submitted at the seventh annual meeting of this F. M. S. venture held lately, runs as follows: The Directors have the pleasure to submit their report on the working of the Company for the /ear ending 31st December, 1904, with accounts to
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  • 525 790 According to a communication to tU Gunimi Zeitung,” the report that it Aigentine Ministry of Agriculture lias di/ covered huge rubber forests in the Argentic province of entirely misleading. Ihe disti ict along the Pilcomavo Riveris inhabited by hostile Indians, and has been little explored, but enough has
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  • 2002 791 Should They be Disbanded No (Tuesday, 5 Sept.) A reformer of quite a new t ype lias turned up on the scene in these festive regions. Although hardly up to the Cromwellian standard it is conceivable that he mi'.ht be able to make things go forward at quite
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  • 330 792 Come to the Rescue of the Band It should interest all Penangites to know that the performance at the Town Hall to-night is in aid of the Band Fund. A specially attractive programme has been arranged by the manager of the Moving Pictures Exhibition Company and everything has been
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  • 703 792 No. 1 > My dear Friend, At a time when the whole world is ringing with the welcome news of peace, when one nation vies with the other in lavishing praises upon Japan for her unique efficiency in war and for her magnificent
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  • 577 792 On Monday night the Moving P; ptll Exhibit,»,, Comply transferred their,l?. from the New lheatr.cM Hall in (Jamnkn Street to the Town Hall on the Espial Unfortunately, the management had negln ed to bill the change of venue sufficiently aid there was, consequently, only a
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  • 161 793 Treaty Signed Yesterday. German View of Japan’s Aims. (Supplied by Rent r.) Loudon, sth September.—-The r lTe.ity of Peace between Russia ami Japan was Io be signed at five o’clock yesterday afternoon and is to be ratified within fifty days. London, sth September.--The Japanese Peace Plenipotentiaries expect to leave
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  • 59 793 British Officers Entertained. (Supplied by Reuter.) London,4th September.—Yesterday evening the Municipality and merchants of Dantzig entertained the Admirals and senior officers of the British Channel squadron at a banquet, at which the Military Commandant of Dantzig, the Civil Governor, the Burgomaster ami oilier notabilities of the town were
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  59 words
  • 80 793 The Loving Cup. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth September—The Tsar has entertained the Shah of Persia at a banquet at the Imperial Palace at Peterhof. In toasting his guest the Tsar expressed his desire to personally demonstrate his pleasure at renewing h s assurances of friendship and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  80 words
  • 120 793 Cholera Spreading. Colonial Troubles Increasing. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth September.—Cholera is increasing in Prussia. (d/te Ostasiastiseher Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 4th September.—Herr Stuebel, Colonial Director, remains at Beilin u lf i such time as the German Colonial Pertinent has been moulded into an ln petial Colonial Office under Secretary
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  120 words
  • 60 793 Part of the Liberal Policy. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4th September.-The Rt. Hon. Hem v H. Asquith, K. C., Member for Fife, speaking at Abercairnev, said that, speaking m the name of the Liberals, lie could say that the Anglo-Japanese Alliance wa» entirely approved by the people of
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  60 words
  • 24 793 Prance’s Ultimatum (Supplied by Renter.) London, 4th September. The I'll imal urn sent by Prance to Morocco expires on the sth instant (to-dav).
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  24 words
  • 48 793 (iraeco=Turkish Intrigue. (Supplied by Reader.) London, sth September. Prince and Princess Nicholas of Greece have been staying in Constantinople, where they have been shown marked attention by the Sultan of Turkey. This is regarded as indicating a rapprochement between Turke v and Gieece regarding the Macedonian question.
    (Supplied by Reader.)  -  48 words
  • 31 793 A Bomb Outrage (Supplied by Reuter's.) London, 4th September.—Two persons have been killed and twenty injured as the result of a bomb explosion in a crowded promenade in Barcelona, Spam.
    (Supplied by Reuter's.)  -  31 words
  • 35 793 A Huge Fire. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4th September—A tire at Adrianople, in Turkey, has destroyed tie Greek, Armenian, Bulgarian ami Jewish quarter of the 1 own. Several persons have been burnt to death
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  35 words
  • 21 793 Zanzibar Affected (The Oslasiatischer Lloyd's' S>rvne Beilin, (th September. —'The port ot Zanzibar is declared to be infected with plague.
    (The “ Oslasiatischer Lloyd's' S>rvne )  -  21 words
  • 28 793 No Duty in Dutch Ports. (The Ostvsbdischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 4t.h September. —It is announced that the Netherlands Colonial Minister Joes not intend mtrodiicinga duty upon petroleum.
    (The “ Ostvsbdischer Lloyd's ” Service.)  -  28 words
  • 37 793 Another Rajah Flees. (Echo Special.) Soerabaya. sth September.—The Rajah of Sideuring has Heil before the advance of the Dutch troops and the people are submitting everywhere. The Dutch have demolished the fortifications erected by the rebels.
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  • 480 793 Mr. Tafts Views. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, sth September.— Mr. Taft, Miss Roosevelt ami party spent yesterday at Canton, whore they met with a splendid reception. They were entertained at luncheon at the Provincial I reasurer s amen and, in the course of a speech, Air. T’aft said that
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  • 194 793 Obituary. Baron Kriegelstein Berlin, 4th Septetnljer. Baron Karl Krie iz elsteiD (correspondent of the Localansi"er and latelv owner of the* (''■'■ilia which was wrecked on Saghalien) has hen killed at Harbin, as the result of an accident while cleaning a rifle. Obituary. Colonel P. M. WarJrop. (iSuppI ted bi/ lleutef.)
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  • 3681 794  -  AUTHOR OF “Th" Child of Sorrow,’ The 'Treachery of Lorra in",’ /he Hand of God,” Love* Loyalty,” “/1 Royal Rebel.” Her Soldier Sweetheart,” Til" Reality of th" Season,” Th" T"U-shoi> Girl” Scotch Marriage,” The Milliner* Model.’ “A Ga odder Girl” Body or Soul,” A Royal Sweetheart,” Her
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  • 1775 796 Liberty of Speech Cenied the People. (Wednesday, 6 Sept.) It was with feelings akin to those which are usually occasioned by suddenly witnessing a ghastly accident, or a railway smash, or drowning men being devoured by sharks, or the sight of some shockingly mutilated corpse, that we
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  • 419 797 Apparently Penangites are suffering either from that very tired feeling which is only cured by so-and-so’s patent pills, or else they are absolutely penniless, foi they do not seem to have come forward last evening as they should have <lone in support of the Band. The Moving Pictures
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  • 435 797 Sunday and Monday's Shooting. The Perak Pioneer gives the following results ef the very successful rifle meeting held at the Perak Capital Sunday, 3rd September. 200 Yards (Open.) Seven shots with one sighter; position any Military. Third Class Target. Mr. Hay 33 1 W Jackson 33 2
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  • 173 798 THE TREATY SIGNED. A BRIEF SYNOPSIS. Russian Press Dissatisfied. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, sth September.—The Treaty of Peace between Japan and Russia has been signed. Loudon, 6th September A synopsis of the Treaty of Peace signed between Russia aud Japan has been published. The Treaty consists of fifteen Articles,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  173 words
  • 156 798 Battle Raging at Baku. Butchery at Libau and Kishineff. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth September.—A battle is raging at Baku, the centre of the Caucasian petroleum industry, between the Tartars and Armenians since Saturday. So far a hundred people have been killed and wounded and the troops are
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  156 words
  • 51 798 To Coax a Loan from Persia (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th September.—lt, is rumoured that the marked attentions which are being shown to the Shah of Persia, at St. Petersburg are prompted by hopes of obtaining tor Russia a loan of a quarter of a million from
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  51 words
  • 27 798 (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 6th September.— Prince Henry of Prussia has visited the British torpedo flotilla at Flensburg and has exchanged visits with Admital Wiuslvwe.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 88 798 Diplomatic Changes. 4 Chief of Staff Resigns. The Ostasialischer Lloyd's Service Berlin, sth September.— It is prematurely announced, but may, nevertheless, be true; 1 hat M. Iswolski is to be Russian Ambassador at Berlin ami Herr, von Schoen German Ambassador at St. Petersburg. The German press hopes to see
    ( The “ Ostasialischer Lloyd's ' Service )  -  88 words
  • 84 798 The Franco-German Difficulty. (The Ostasiutischer Lloyd's Service.) London, 6th September.—Herr Rosen, the new German Minister to Morocco, is about to proceed to Paris to discuss with the French Government certain questions upon which it is necessary that an understanding should be come to before the International Conference on the
    (The “ Ostasiutischer Lloyd's " Service.)  -  84 words
  • 42 798 Turkish Troops Called Out. (Supplied, by Reuter.) London, 6th September.—The Porte is calling out a number of Red if bat talions to strengthen the Turkish troops in Macedonia, owing to a recrudescence of activity amongst the armed bands in the country.
    (Supplied, by Reuter.)  -  42 words
  • 37 798 Precautions in Britain. (Supplied by Reuter) London, sth September.—The British Local Government Board has circularised the portauthorities of the United Kingdom advising the taking of quarantine precautions against cholera-infected ports in the Baltic a,nd North Sea,.
    (Supplied by Reuter)  -  37 words
  • 37 798 The Chief Police Officer wards us the following return’ f r outside Municipal limits, Peiiaim B,lot Number of dogs previously killled "I kille.l d, lliu ij" week ending Sept. 2ml 1 197 ToUI 7*l
    37 words
  • 127 798 East vs. West. On Tuesday a tennis match was nlu, i at Durbar Hall between J> r JamiJn a Mr. C. Bra.llK.ry and Messrs. K„l, 1 Chen., and Lim Chee Seng, resultin,. Win for the Westerners by 6-0, 6-4 a ft* a well contested game. Mr. Nailer actwl as
    127 words
  • 389 798 The Siamese Education Department report si hat, a new school for girls has been built at. Paknam, ata cost of Ticals 2,250. The money was raised by nine persons, mostly women, one Hia giving Ticals 1,200 and one Chit, Ticals 4OO.**l’he school has been opened, and there
    389 words

  • 1422 799 The Proposal to abolish Queen’s Scholarships. (Thursday, 7th Se[ t.) Having beard that the educational u thorities of the Colony have sounded the Head Masters of the principal local iC hools respecting th' 1 expediency of abolishing the Queen’s Scholarships, numbers of the Staff were detailed to interview the
    1,422 words
  • 980 799 Writing under date of Rubber London 18th August, Messrs. Piospccls. Lewis and Peat, Hie wellknown produce brokers, furnish ns with a very interesting report upon the rubber market and the prospects generally of this article. They say that at the ;i net ions on t he 18th ultimo
    980 words

  • 1248 800 In re the Students’ Federation. Last Momliy we published the earnest appeal of Mr. Lee Teng II wee, b.a. (Yale), to his fellow-countrymen. It should lie read and studied, toget her with our editorial on the subject, by all Ihe“ Sons of Han who have the
    1,248 words

  • 243 801 Conclusion Announced by Cannon. The Kaiser’s Congrats. Discontent in Tokio. 4 Chastened Russia. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th September.—A salute fired from the United States Navy Yard at Portsmouth announced the signature of the Treatv of Peace between Russia and Japan at 3. 4" pan. The bells of the
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  243 words
  • 90 801 Baku in Flames. Murder and Pillage. (The Ostasudischer Lloyd s Service) Berlin, 6th September.—The town of Baku is in a highly disturbed state ami the towers on the oilfields a v e in Hames (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 7th September.—Tartar bands •ne scouring the south-eastern district of the
    (The “ Ostasudischer Lloyd s Service)  -  90 words
  • 93 801 Meet leaves Dantzig. fr/< e (Ltasiatischer Lloyd's Semce.) -din, 6th September.—Prince Henry of paid a visit to the British Heel at **®tuburg. (Supplied hy Reuter Bomlon, 6th Septeml^r.—The British lanm squadron has sailed from Dantzig. rq l 1 bur ilson, the Commander- "iied ids thanks to the Kaiser
    fr/<e “ (Ltasiatischer Lloyd's ” Semce.)  -  93 words
  • 73 801 Armenian Plot Discovered. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 7th September.—The Athens police have discovered several large depots of bombs, rifles and cartridges, in the cellar of an Armenian Church. Investigation leads to I lie belief that a widespread Armenian plot is afoot to induce European intei vention in favour
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  73 words
  • 35 801 I ondon, 7th September.—The Players have beaten the Gentlemen of England bv an innings and 196 runs. The matches between Essex and the Australians, North and South and Surrey ami Leicester have been drawn.
    35 words
  • 291 801 New Steamer Service. 4 Suez Canal Blocked. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 6th September.— r JTie HamburgAmerika Line will open direct lines of steamers bet ween Hamburg and Vladivostok and Hongkong and Vladivostok. Berlin, 6th September.—The British steamer Chat ham, bound for Yokohama. is on lire in the
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's " Service.)  -  291 words
  • 153 801 WANTED: PURE MILK. To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I have lived m Penang about four vears and to this day have been unable to find a milkman who supplies really pure milk, and theiefore, in sheer desperation, I write to ask von to be
    153 words
  • 216 801 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir. I shall be obliged if you will kindly publish the following through the medium of your journal. In reply to Inquisitive’s letter of 24th inst. I have the pleasure to inform him that the above Football Club
    216 words
  • 381 801 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, —With reference to the new Courts Draft Enactment of the Federated Malay States on which there were many remarks and criticisms in the journals of the Native States, permit me, through the medium of vour journal, to bring home
    381 words

  • 412 802 Last night the Moving Pictures Company gave their concluding show at the Town Hall and although the audience was bigger than on the two previous nights, it was nothing to speak of. 'lhis was, indeed, a great pity, for the show was really good, in fact
    412 words
  • 196 802 Messrs. Osborne and Chapp'd courteously favour us wit li t he following returns for t hr* month of August Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. Output 25( 1 piculs Approximate value 312,250 Water rent 5,600 Working costs 5,000 Profit 12,850 New Gopeng, Limited. Output 288 piculs Approximate value 814,112 Working costs
    196 words
  • 88 802 Per Malaya, from Deli sth Sept. Mr. ami Mrs. Von Billow, Mr. and Mrs. Hulshoff, Mr. and Mrs. Imhoff, Mr. ami Mrs. Maschmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Mal Koch, Mr. ami Mrs. Buddy, Mis, Kellermann, Messrs Vijserlann, Majoie, Kriebel, K toese, Meylind, Kluijoe, Graf zu Bentheim, Silberstein. Weiel and Stalmann,
    88 words
  • 23 802 Birth. On the. 14th August, the wife of Mr. P. R. Desai, of a (laughter. The first Parsee birth in Japan.
    23 words
  • 124 802 Penang. 7th September. (Ry Cufi.rlesy oj the Chartered Bank.') London Demand Bank 2/I,T 4 months’ sight Ba.iitc 2l| 3 Credit .2 I's 3 I )ocimieii 1a rv .22 Calcutta. Demand Bank' Rs. 159 3 days’ sight Private 16] Bombay, Demand Bank 159 3 days’ sight Private 161 Madras. Demand
    124 words
  • 219 802 Belat Tm Mining Co., L&lt;l. S Ber*-a wn.ii Gold M mingCo j ~1. &gt; 3 Brich Rubber Syndicate. Ld V» 1 t 1 m Bruseii Hydraulic Tin Mining n C.- o,lj &lt; I. t kr* I 1 v. buyers I &gt;u!i I tevcioomont Co’ co ra ...ry 1,.,. noo.-Mfo,
    219 words
  • 150 802 Gold leaf $75. B. Pepper Coast. 31b5.50z.) out of stock White Pepper $3B sellers I rang Pepper season over Cloves (picked) out o] season Mace 00—buyers Mace Pickings 7)2. buyers Nutmegs 110 s 33. sales v N&lt;&gt;. 1 6 1'» moih. Sugar no Basket 5 skiers Tapioca Fh.ur 1-50
    150 words