The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 1 September 1905

Total Pages: 28
747 774 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • 1966 747 (Thursday, 24 th Aug.') It will be interesting to note in connection with the boycott movement that a British Consular report just published shows that, whilst the number of Chinese in California has constantly decreased, being <5,000 in 1880 and only 45,090 in W, the number of Japanese
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  • Page 747 Advertisements
    • 119 747 'fhe Straits Echo. //'AT satisfies every body and j uslice alone.- -Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903, Published daily (except Sunday s.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., O 226—232, Beacli Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL «a per annum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo —Penang.” Telephone
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  • 680 748 The Cheap Governor Difficulty. Thus the Straits l imes of Tuesday last: Mr. Gueritz was again Acting Governor of British North Borneo when the mail 'o« hand yesterday left Labuan, Captain Harrington of the B. N. B. Policy having abandoned the job alter a few days in
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  • 91 748 Calypso loses a Mast During the sharp squall id.m down upon the harbour at about to, this morning, the steamer Calvin 1 Cocli her anchors and drifted down ‘‘’W Slavonia. Onlookers say that no T would have resulted had not the S neglected to get her derricks inboard W
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  • 485 748 Disturbance Extends to Hongkong An earthquake, remarks the HougkonDaily Press, is not a phenomenon often experienced by the foreign residents in China. Slight shocks, however, had at times been felt at Hongkong as well as in the Treaty ports, but these were so mild that they excited
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  • 59 749 Loss of a Transport. Horrible Loss of Life. (Echo Special.') Hougkongb 25th August. A telegram received here from Japan states Lt tbe steamer Baralong, while leaving Moji oh Tuesday night, ran into and sank the Japanese transport Kinju Maru, drowning a hundred soldiers. The iwws’of the Baralong were
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  • 574 749 An Alleged Settlement. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 23rd August. —The Morning Post’s Portsmouth correspondent wires that a treaty of peace will be signed shortly, providing for the payment to Japan by Russia of a sum, which will not be large, for the keep of the wounded prisoners and
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  574 words
  • 76 749 The Barren Concessions. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th August.—Extraordinary scenes took place in Moscow on the Mavoi proclaiming the Tsar’s Manifesto. Th< crowd greeted the proclamation with uproar ami the singing of the Marseillaise while fierce speeches were made, expressing contempt, for the Manifesto. The Moscow Municipality has passed
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  76 words
  • 44 749 The Army Questions. (The Ostasiastischer Lloyd’s Service.) Berlin, 23rd August.—The Austrian Em peror is holding a conference at Ischl of all his Ministers to consider the question of Hungary’s army and the question of mam taining the German language in the army.
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  • 122 749 The Native Revolts. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service) Berlin, 23rd August. —Prince von Bulow, the German Chancellor, who was ordered to enquire officially into the necessity for call ing a special session of the Reichstag immediately for dealing with the question oi the troubles in German South-West Africa, has
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  • 32 749 The New Viceroy. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th August.—The Earl of Minto, the newly appointed Viceroy of India, expects to sail to take up his appointment at the end of October.
    {Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 48 749 The New Guns. (Supplied by Reuter.) London 25tli August.-Tlie Army Couiicil denies the reports that the new gu us sen( to India are practically useless. It admits that there was a weakness in the limber Ut 8 at dlscovered and remedied letoie the guns were despatched.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  48 words
  • 156 749 Loan A Failure. (Supplied by Reuter.) Luudon, 25th August -The Russian i u teinal loan has so far proved a failure, onlv seven million roubles having l>een taken up out of the two hundred millions offered for subscription. Thanks for Nothing London, 25th August. The St. Petersburg Municipality
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  156 words
  • 57 749 The Engineer ng Combine Off. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 25th August.—lt is understood! that the proposed amalgamation between the engineering firms of Riley, Hargreaves and Howarth Erskine will not take’place. Riley, Hargreaves, shares dropped twenty points on Wednesday. A private meeting was held yesterday at which it was virtually decided
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  • 71 749 The German Note, (The Ostasiatischer Lloy's" Service.) Berlin, 21-th Aueust. —Prince von Bulow has signed the Note on the Moroccan question and it will Ui sent to Paris to-night. I’he Bourses throughout Europe are msot firm. Erance Prepared to Act. Ip mlon, 25th August. —-The French’Gov- rnmeut has definitely
    (The " Ostasiatischer Lloy's" Service.)  -  71 words

  • 380 750 Examinations for Chemists. An examination will be held, under the auspices of the Straits and Federated Malay States Medical School, for any colonial candidates who may wish to qualify for a Pharmaceutical Licence under the provisions of the Morphine and Poisons Ordinances. The examination will take place on
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  • 652 750 Singapore, 22nd August. Dear Old Man, —When you’re down to vour last dollar and decide to leave Penang lor Penang’s good, try the Great Art Union Lottery racket —that is to say if you have a real cream-laid, nineteen-carat sister who will act as your advance
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  • 530 750 Yesterday’s Meet. A Very Enjoyable Run. The original system of laying barw k the hares bemg allowed a w d adopted yesterday afternoon andaveiy nJ ant and exciting run was the result The Hares, A. Wallace-Jones and U Pearson, mounted on two trusty hunters name I he
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  • 226 750 Obituary. Mr. Oh Ooi Sin. We very much regret, to record the sad demise of Mr. Oh Ooi Sin, the third son-in-law of our well-known fellow-citizen, Mi. Koh SeangTat, which took place at Edinburgh House, at about 11 o clock last night, through sudden failure of the heart s action.
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  • 1260 751 Present Prospects favour Hopes of Lasting Peace (Saturday, 26th Aug.) 4s we write the fate of the Japanese toands-tlie full text of which we L e not vet received, scrappy items of from various sources, only having reached us up to the present moment— Min the balance,
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  • 414 751 The man who wins is lhe man who works; The man who toils while the next man shirks The man who stands in his deep distress. With his head held high iu the deadly press— Yes, he is the man who wins. A headline in the Free Press
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  • 338 752 Peace Prospects. Russian Press Less Bellicose. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 25th August.—The Russian Press favours the continuation of the Peace negotiations under M. Witte. Americans Will Blame Tsar. (Supplied by Reuter London, 25th August.—The New York correspondent of Ihe Tinies wires that the Americans regard Japan’s demands
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  338 words
  • 50 752 The Transport Disaster. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th August.—A British steamer collided with the Japanese transport Kinjo Main, bringing troops from the front, in the Inland Sea on ’Tuesday last. The t ranspoi t sank in t hree minutes. 'Twentyone persons were rescued and one hundred and twenty-seven drowned.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  50 words
  • 58 752 Minister of Interior Resigns. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th August.—'The Tsar has accepted the resignation of M. Bulyguin, the Minister of the Interior, who succeeded Prince Sviatopolk-Mirsky in February last. He will probably be succeeded by M. Ignatieff, the ex-Governor of Kieff. Warsaw. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  58 words
  • 32 752 Disunion to be Negotiated. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th August.—Sweden has appointed delegates to negotiate with the Norwegian delegates for the dissolution of the union between the two countries.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  32 words
  • 39 752 The Financial Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 261 h August.—Six Powers have nominated members of a Committee for the control of the financial administration of Macedonia and their Ambassadors will immediately submit their scheme to the I ’orte.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  39 words
  • 43 752 Aii Armenian Panic. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service Berlin, 25th August.—'The Armenians oi Smyrna are in a state of panic because they are partly implicated m the late attempted murder of the Sultan. Several of the foreign Consuls at Smyrna have iequisitioiicd warships.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service )  -  43 words
  • 30 752 France Prepared for War. (77,e O, im. i;.. or.i. a Beilin, 25th August.-Owiimtotu justified arrest of Algerian subjects at J"' by the Moorish officials, threatened to recall her Ambaisidor.
    (77,e “ O,£, im. i;.. or.i. a „ . '■)  -  30 words
  • 57 752 Smuggling in the Gulf. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 2 .th August.-A telegramreceir. ed from St J etersburg states t hat news is to hand from 'Teheran to the effect that Persia is negotiating for the purchase of two gunboats with a view to stopping smugwlini; in the Persian Gulf,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  57 words
  • 24 752 Yemen Revolt Suppressed. (77/c Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 25t.h August.—Shaki Pasha has suppressed the insurrection in the Vilayet of Yemen, in South-west Arabia.
    (77/c “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  24 words
  • 33 752 Rajah of Boni Uncaptured. (Echo Special.) Soerabay.i, 26th August.—The Rajah of Boni is still at large, but one of his most prominent followers is still being vigorously pursued by the Dutch.
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  • 28 752 A New Volcano. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 25th August.—A new volcano has been thrown up in Samoa, but the inhabitants of the island are still safe.
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  28 words
  • 203 752 A Channel Failure. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th August. —Four attempts were made to swim the English Channel yesterday, one of the swimmers being an Australian lady. All failed to complete the task, however. No fresh cases or suspected cases of plague were reported at Bangkok during the 24
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  203 words
  • Page 752 Miscellaneous

  • 1153 753 Special Meeting. special meeting of the Municipal emission of George Town was held in i Municipal Chambers yesterday aiterMn J- Hallifax -(President) “Sed and there were also present:— iT rs L. M. Clayton, A R. Adams ami t Teu Toh; with Dr. G. S. Rose (Acting Sth Officer),
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  • 15 753 I ...AT CONCERT PITCH. Our Only Comedian contemplating attitudes for the next concert.
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  • 381 753 The Song of the Rubber Planter.* You see it on your rickisha. And you have it on your bike, Upon your motorcar as well And the fussy little trike. You want it in your office And you use it in your store, Just try it when out
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  • 792 754 Noteworthy Sayings of Notable Men. We have been .shamefully unbusinesslike in Ihe wav we have treated questions of national defence. Lord Selborne, P eb. 25, 1903. That service (the Navy) “is the safeguard and bulwark of England, and ought to be cherished bevond all others. —Geueral Str George
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  • 1019 754 [lnteresting, instructive, and amusing- matter relating- to schools in general and to local educational establishments in particular will appear under the above heading in this journal about once a week, and it is hoped that this new- feature of the Echo may be welcomed by those in
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  • 1238 755 In Danger of Extinction. (Monday, ‘2B Aug.) t e do not think that there is any man, woman, or child in the whole Settlement who would care to contemplate a bandless Penang, yet we are assured that unless more support is forthcoming for the Town Band it must
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  • 100 755 The gentry in Canton have intimated that they are now unwilling to co-operate with the provinces of Hupeh and Honam in providing the money for the construction of the Canton-Hankow Railway. It appears that the gentry of Canton want to find all the money in their own district,
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  • 137 755 The first fruits of the Anglo-French accord in Siam are, remarks a contemporary, of a kind to give unmixed satisfaction to both countries, and to confer solid lienetits upon Siam itself. The friction, caused by French assertion of authority on one side and by Siam’s passive resistance
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  • 176 755 —Mining Jonrnal. The South African Fields. With regard to South African tin, Mr. Bain stated that he had recently visited South Africa and had seen samples taken from the South African Lands Company. There were several prominent Cornishmen with him, and, so far as they could see, there was
    —Mining Jonrnal.  -  176 words
  • 191 755 Cruelty to Animals. Before Mr. Ebden, at the First Police Court, on Monday, a Eurasian and a couple of Malays were charged with cruelty to animals by allowing cocks to fight in a plantation off Ayer Etam Road yesterday afternoon. Sergeant Breaden, who was the
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  • 263 756 The Peace Deadlock. Japan Stands Firm. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th August.—Reuter's Tokio correspondent wires that it is understood that the Japanese Government adheres inflexibly to the demand lor an indemnity from Russia, while the newspapers vehemently protest against any yielding. A German View. (The Ostasiaf i srher
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  263 words
  • 102 756 The Coming Famine. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 26th August.—The export of grain from the Russian Black Sea, ports is paralysed owing to the Government retaining all the rolling stock for transporting troops and also with a view to feeding the populations of twenty-eight provinces of Central Russia, where famine
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  102 words
  • 88 756 Germany’s Reply to France. (Supplied by Renter London, 28th August.—Prince von Radoliii, the German Ambassador to France, has handed to M. Rouvier, the French Foreign Minister, Germany’s reply Io the French proposals regarding the Moroccan question. Moorish Bluff. London, 28 August. —The Moorish Government has replied to the representations
    (Supplied by Renter )  -  88 words
  • 28 756 A RussO'German Treaty. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 26th August. —The Russian Government, notifies that a Russo-German Commercial Treaty will come into force on Ist March, 1906.
    (The " Ostasiatischer Lloyd's" Service.)  -  28 words
  • 42 756 Flour Trade Paralysed. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 28th August. —It is stated at Seat tie t hat t he Chinese boycott of American goods has completely paralysed the Pacific coast flour trade and orders for September shipments have been cancelled.
    (Supplied by Renter.)  -  42 words
  • 19 756 Epidemic Spreading. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 26th August.—The yellow fever epidemic is spreading at New Orleans.
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd's ' Service.)  -  19 words
  • 275 756 Lord Curzon’s Resignation. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 28th August.—Mr. Walter Hume Long, the President of the Local Government Board, speaking at Bristol, said that nobody regretted more than the Government the resignation of the Viceroyalty of India by Lord Curzon, but the country must suspend judgment until it was
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  275 words
  • 582 756 Scotland The Rest. Scotland.— Co?# .Illiev, Goal W. JJ. o i > Seoll, liackx. A. Wallace Jones, fl! f. A. Martin ami I). K. f v f e Forwards J. Erskine, The Rest.— Van Berkhout.GW; V. Gibbons and W. E. C.Grove,A d- 8 ;A H Half Baek M.Subl
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  • 2043 757 Positively Idiotic, and Otherwise. a t enormous cost and after much trial 4 tribulation, the tar-tamed Ofhce lambv to have succeeded in getting the hist the latest inventions of those highly P ick i ..psourceful, and thoroughly retiproviders” Messrs. Misfit, •!’*,.J Miscreant and Co. That our faithf I
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  • 1390 758 Penang, 25th August. My dearest Fanny,—Oh, the time I have been having with Tom ever since that wretched Show. You know, my dear, that Tom went and bought me a whole lot of dear little tin things; well, he used up all his spare cash and had to
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  • 230 758 A Mysterio us Robbery. A case of daring gang-robbery i. h ed to have taken place at midnigh dav last at huyow, a small village to Sungei Besi, savs the Malay M house attacked was occupied by fit J* Chinese, who earn their livelihood mg tin-ore, and as they were
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  • 334 758 Writing on 11th inst., the Canton correspondent of t he South China Morning Post says Eight charitable institutions and the Chamber of Commerce have combinedm sending a telegram to the Chinese Minister at Washington informing him that all the merchants are unanimous and swear that they will not
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  • 884 759 Shocking Distress in Manchuria. Red Cross Society- Appeals For Assistance. (Tuesday, 29 Aug.) Vrnoon to-day we received from Mr. L fl. Clayton copy of a letter addressed His Excellency Sir John Anderson IvMr. E. Anderson, Chairman of the International Red Cross Society of Shanghai, with a
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  • 781 759 A CORRESPONDENT of German Muni- the Municipal Journal decipal Rule, scribes some of the conditions of municipal rule in German towns recently visited by a number of members of English municipal boards. Aachen, for instance, is governed like all towns in the Rhine Provinces of Prussia by a
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  • 1965 760 On Friday last Mr. F. J. B. Dykes, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. F. Barnard and Mr. R. B. Murray paid a visit to Towkay Ng 800 Bee’s tin mine at Kamunting, the largest open-cast aaid best
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  • 1304 761 iH B GREAT MOTIVE FORCE OF BUSINESS. u the beautifully illustrated Directory iLhed by our Loudon agents, Messrs ?p Browne, Ltd., there is much to intef- i amuse for within its handsome covers found advertisement, which are eleW1 t works of art, facsimiles of the title Softie Straits Echo
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  • 39 761 The Chief Police Officer courteously supplier us with the following return of dogs shot outside Municipal limits Number of dogs previous!v killed 7036 Numlier of 'logs killed during the week ending August 26th 330 Total 7366
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  • 142 761 Damages about $12,000. A r about one o’clock on Tuesdy morning a tire broke out at premises No. 2lo,Chulia Street, occupied by a druggist. The building was soon enveloped in flames, which also spread to the next house, No. 208, a dentist’s and tailors shop. The
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  • 136 761 Monday Night’s Dance. On Monday evening the members of the Engineers’ Institute gave another of their popular dances, which have always proved to be such bright spots in the somewhat humdrum life of Penang. As usual, the floor was all that, could lie desired, the hosts proved to
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  • 236 761 The Penang Volunteers. Thus a recent issue of the Asian Mr. Justice Stephen, who combines with his judicial functions the command of the Calcutta Volunteer Rifles, recently issued the Annual Report of that corps in which he lamented the serious diminution in its numliers, and the
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  • 262 762 The Peace Deadlock. A Further Postponement. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th August.—The Peace Conference has been postponed until Tuesday at the request of Mr. 'lakahira, the Japanese Minister to Washington, who explained that he had received nothing from Tokio. Rumour of British Intervention. London, 28th August.-The Portsmouth correspondent
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  262 words
  • 27 762 Preparing for the Storm. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th August.—The extensive mobilization of reservists at Riga, Windad and other centres in Russia is considerne significant.
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  27 words
  • 123 762 The British Fleet’s Visit. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th August. The British Channel squadron has arrived at Swinemunde, on the Baltic coast of Prussia. The town is crowded with sightseers and the German active Meet is expected to arrive today. A Naval Reception. (T/tc (Jstaslatlecher Lloyd's Service.') Berlin,
    (Supplied by Reuter.)  -  123 words
  • 76 762 German Note Satisfactory. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloy's Service.) Berlin, 28th August.—The German Note on the Morocco question has been received in Paris and has created a. favourable impression, owing to the manner in which it meets the wishes of France. Further Discussion Required (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 29th August. —A
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloy's Service.)  -  76 words
  • 21 762 Resignation of a Governor. (The Ostasiastischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 23th August.—Herr Lely, the Governor of Dutch Guiana, has resigned.
    (The “ Ostasiastischer Lloyd's ' Service.)  -  21 words
  • 61 762 Further Risings. (The (Jstasiatischer Lloyd's' Sei vice.) Berlin, 28th August.— The surprises and riots in German East Africa continue and have spread to the Linda district. Tanjong Pagar. The Arbitrator Starts. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 29th August.—Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, on the 16th inst., left New York for Vancouver,
    (The “ (Jstasiatischer Lloyd's' Sei vice.)  -  61 words
  • 303 762 Anything that tends to the bodily and physical improvement of our Penang youngsters will be heartily welcomed by every section of the community, and hence we are pleased to hear that on Monday evening a meeting was held at the Drill Hall, Fort Cornwallis, under the presidency
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  • 135 762 Thus a Rangoon coutemporw, Correction Upon our represented,,; ing the hospital this morning i that the paragraph published vesteubv that the body of had been picked up m the river below T riam was incorrect, the facts being direS’ the other way It transpires that Gu^ r
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  • 471 762 In last Fridays Perak Government Gazette are published reports by Professor Dunstan, M. A., F. R. S., Director of the Imperial Institute, London, on samples of guano and patchouli and citronella oils from the Federated Malay States. One sample of guano was sent from the limestone caves at
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  • 663 763 Magnificent Magnanimity. Wednesday, 30 Aug.) foR the last few days the world has teen breathlessly awaiting the outcome o f the peace negftiations proceeding at Portsmouth, U. S. A., and it is not too much to say that the news received from day to day has been of the
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  • 1025 763 If at first you don’t succeed, a timeworn adage teaches you to try and try again, That is the principle upon which we have acted—and shall continue to act—in dealing with that obnoxious bugbear of the Federated Malay States—pitchforking, l ime and again have we inveighed against this description
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  • 792 764 The Latest Thing in Life. Startling Discovery. With chilly sweat streaming down our shapely neck, hands trembling like reeds rustling under pressure of some gentle zephyr, and with an iced towel bound round our aching brow we recently plucked up sufficient courage to impose upon the reading public
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  • 107 764 Yesterday evening, says the Bangkok Times of 17th inst., the full strength of the local Bar met at dinner in the United Club to do honour to Mr. Rudra, a well-known member of the Ceylon Bar, who is at present on a visit to Bangkok. Mr.
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  • 393 764 It may interest some of our readers to know that on the 18th Nov. next there is likely to be a fine display of meteors (shooting stars), which may possibly rival the historic shower of 13th. Nov., 1866. The radiant point will be in the constellation of Andromeda
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  • 600 764 (Fro». Our Own Rangoon, 25th August.--Thp teresting news this week r. niost >“• ami Burma are concerned, is ment of Lord Curzon’s reskmJ. nOUD( V,cer„ y altv of l udia a long tune that, in view of the wiouu? ference of opinion existing between k Lord Kitchener, a din.a?
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  • 349 765 Ujnfflcent Magnanimity. Japan’s Triumphant Concession. (Echo Special) London, 30th Aug.— It is officially announced here that peace has been arranged. The First Inkling. (The Ostasiat lecher Lloyds Service.) New York, 29th August —lt is officially glate dat Portsmouth that the conclusion of is assuied. Japan’s Generous Offer. (Supplied by
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  • 137 765 A Useless Ukase. Lloyd's" Service.) ordered August-—-The Ysar lias Wa» ex teusive mobilizations, to supplv fur the army in the Far Is it Civil War? London, 29th August.-A tight has taken p-ice at the village of I nchadeedshara. in Caucasus, between the Cossacks and a tnousaml peasants armed with
    Lloyd's" Service.)  -  137 words
  • 103 765 Suicide of a Sugar King. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyds Service.) Berlin, 29th August. —lnability to meet his engagements has led to the suicide of M. Cromer, the Director of many sugar manufactories in France. His liabilities are s id to amount to two hundred million francs. (Supplied by Reuter.) London,
    (The “ Ostasiatischer Lloyds Service.)  -  103 words
  • 152 765 International Courtesies. (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd s" Service.) Berlin, 29th August. —Speaking at Swinemunde, Admiral Sir Arthur Wilson, Com-mander-in-Chief of the British Channel fleet, toasted Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany and the German fleet, and hoped that the visit of the British fleet to Swinemunde would improve the relations existing between
    (The “Ostasiatischer Lloyd s" Service.)  -  152 words
  • 43 765 The Revolt Spreading. (Supplied by Rf'iiter.) London, 29th August.—’The native revolt in German Eas, Africa is spreading southwards. A sharp fight has taken place in the Kipo district, where a thousand rebels, partly armed with rifles, were driven across the river
    (Supplied by Rf'iiter.)  -  43 words
  • 47 765 Another Dutch Victory. (Echo Special.) Soerabaya, 30th August.—The Dutch troops from Parepare attacked the rebels in the mountain fortresses near Pabassang Pass, seven milesto the east of Pa repa rĕ. The enemy retired, losing heavily, whilst the Dutch lost two officers and eighteen men wounded.
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  • 518 765 Howarth Erskine-Riley Hargreaves. The Straits Times of Friday last thus refers to the split in the negotiations for the amalgamation of the above firms, as briefly reported by wire at the time We under stand that a serious difficulty has occurred in the negotiations concerning the proposed amalgamation of
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  • 675 766 How He Risks His Money, FOR THE CHINA MAIL-J Fant an is a game which is regarded as being the fairest among Chinese games, vet often times we bear of wealthy people losing their entire fortune in a single hour, thus landing themselves in poverty and degradation.
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  • 1112 766 B. R. C. vs. C. R. C. The cricket match played at Butterworth ou Saturday last between the above teams resulted in a close win for the visitors, after a very exciting game, by 4 runs. The Provincials undoubtedly had the better team as will be noticed from the
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  • 7181 767 gatu Feringhi Scheme. Municipal Engineer s Report. Tubouuh tbe courtesy of Mr. J. VV. Hal- I ««Municipal President we have received “Xvofthe Municipal Engineer s i renin- «Report on the proposed additional I ur supply from Batu Fenngln, a portion f *«hich we give below The President,
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  • 1259 771 Thu'stloy, olst Aug.) YtsTEKi’AV we took a brief survey of t ie situation as outlined in the scrappy paninis despatched from Europeas e 5 us the long-wished-for news of Kt n d) 1 t he cessation of the war reached the qiubof the Universe.' Let us now go
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  • 876 771 Serious Charges Against Mine-owners, 1h vr well-known London weekly Public Opinion is not prone to raise scares <>r indulge in mild sensations for the sake of the cheap notoriety which is Mi acceptable to yellow prints. On the contrary, it inclines to the sedate, and essays, and
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  • 225 772 Now that the stress of war is over and piping times of peace are to pervade the world once more, our readers will require something in the nature of a sedative; something to which to turn for an hour’s recreation to take their minds away from the
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  • 202 772 It is most gratifying to learn that our appeal on behalf of the Band Bund is already bearing fruit. We are to-day informed by the management of the Moving Pictures Exhibition Company, which is to-night giving the last of a very successful series of exhibitions in the Di
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  • 282 772 A Triumph for. St. Xavier’s. The examination for prizes offered by the Chamber of Commerce for schoolboys proving themselves proficient in commercial subjects have been held, and have resulted in the list of candidates being headed bv five boys from St. Xavier's Institution. Three of these
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  • 281 772 How it Came About. Crops of Vague Rumours. (Supplied by Iteuler.) l«>»-lo».30th Angu.t.-Smne res|.... I .l™tsa S s.., t that a secret mg has been arrived at between I’.. Japan the,,, latter s war expenses, but will from the Treaty of Peace will, a spurn,g I,e susceptibilities of
    (Supplied by Iteuler.)  -  281 words
  • 273 772 Japan’s Magnanimity. London, 30th August.—The London papeis are unanimous in declaring that Japans extraordinary magnanimity is an object lesson to the world, and eulogise the effoitso President Roosevelt, to which the conclusion of peace is largely due. A German Tribute. (The Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Service.) Berlin, 30th August.—The liveliest
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  • 32 773 The French Prisoners, (f//e Osfnsiofisclter Lloy's Service.) Berlin. 30th August. —News from Morocco states that Count Tattenbach, the German Envov, has again asked the Moorish authorities to release the French prisoners.
    (f//e “ Osfnsiofisclter Lloy's Service.)  -  32 words
  • 72 773 A New Liner Launched. (The u Ostasiafi seller Lloyd's" Service.) Berlin, 30th August.—The Kaiser Wilhelm, accompanied by (he Empress, has christened a new Hamburg-A merica lire steamer, launched from the Vulcan Works at Stettin. The ceremony was the occasion for brilliant festivities. New Passenger Steamers. Berlin, 30th August.—On
    (The u Ostasiafi seller Lloyd's" Service.)  -  72 words
  • 97 773 The Hankow Railway. (Supplied !>y lieider.) London, 30th August.—A meeting of the Chinese Development Companx, he'd at New York, has ratified the sale of the Hankow Railway to China for six and three quarters million dollars. Riots at Amoy. (Echo Special.) Hongkong, 31st August. —In consequence of the exactions
    (Supplied !>y lieider.)  -  97 words
  • 51 773 farther Dutch Successes. 1 Ho l Ostasindisdier Lloyd s Service Iwrliii, 30lh August.—News from the bdek« is to (i )P pf p. t t ie o f 1)111 is a liigit i ve, the population is quiet 11 'he Batch troops have occup ed the Iwsitious of |||p
    1 Hol Ostasindisdier Lloyd s Service )  -  51 words
  • 28 773 Ihe New Viceroy. (Echo Special ftAugust. It is aiiiiotim-ed p ia l6 Karl of Minto will relieve Lord hbni ll as Viceroy of India about the October.
    28 words
  • 528 773 Most ot our readers will remeinlier that, al the Assizes of September 1901 a Cantonese was, among ot hers, convicted of house breaking ami sentenced to years’ penal servitude. This same individual —probably on a ticket of leave—was charged liefore a Bench Court, consisting of Messrs. Ebden
    528 words
  • 138 773 Pe. A A par, from Hon/km g 2tl h Aug. Miss BoP, Messrs Sellar, (’bun Yit l ong. Mr. and Mrs. Chin Yi n Sang, Miss A Rosenpal Per I’m S' lrj, from Singapore 2Kth Aug. Messrs '1 l.cmsoii, Prior ami Kemp. PerZiida, limn Rangoon 301 h Aug. Mr.
    138 words
  • Page 773 Advertisements
    • 205 773 another “ECHO" COMPETITION. BULL PARTICS. WILL APPEAR IX THE STRAITS ECHO ON :a: Saturday, 2nd Sept. It will com as a greit surprise to manv although the idea, is not brand-new. Absolutely devoid ot anv element of vulga.i ify or cnance, so t here should l>p no guessing, which will
      205 words

  • Public Opinion.
    • 125 774 To IHE Editor of the Straits E< ho. Sir,— Some time back you published a par. in your valuable journal hi the effect that the “sphere of influence” of the interesting rivalry at. football between the local schools hade fair to be enlarged by another Richmond in the field,
      125 words
    • 775 774 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir. —The People’s Paper having won world-wide fame o account of its impartiality and its willingness to come forward to champion the cause of the oppressed, it has occurred to me that I might be serving a useful purpose
      775 words
  • 119 774 Births. On the 11th August, at Bangkok, the wife of H. Campbell Higliet, Principal Medical Officer. Local Government, of a son. On the Jtitli August, at Gula Estate. Perak, the wife of Thomas Boyd, of a daughter. On 19th August, at Renong. the wife of Mr. Ung Bok
    119 words
  • 128 774 Penang, 31st August. (Ry courtesy <>J the Chartered Hauk.) London Demand Bank 2/I,' 16 4 months sigiit Batik 2 1 3 3 Cro lit 2 1 7 3 1 kirnnumr.a i y 21a Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs 156 3 days’ sight Private .58 Bombay, Demand Bank’ 156 3 days'
    128 words
  • 167 774 Gold leaf t j 11. PupjyOV. a fiJ ihrt 1 ")>)>“' «8} K u„, ■•''r 1 l< ves ,u:e «O-Her, Mace Pickings •>» 3 04.— l>Uup r 34.-J,, N •> 1" no l.aslml Tnpiwa Flour 1..W6„, /w< Co P ra 7.30 6«, i' 1 1 1 Soonde 280 (4
    167 words
  • 215 774 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ld. 5. buyers Bersawah Gold Al iningCo.. Id. 8 Brieh Rubber Syndicate, Id.B s prem. buyers Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 4.25 buyers Duff Development Co. 88. sellers Fraser A, Ld 8101. sellers George'l’own Dispensary buyers Howarth Erskine, Ld. 8265. Ka.rangan Hvdraulic Tin
    215 words